Fluid Mechanics

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In Fluid Mechanics, I have learned that fluids have some characteristics to consider of.

As for my definition
fluids is defined as a flow moving starting from a certain point towards and end point or another point.
Fluid may also be defined as a liquid where the molecular spacing or the compaction of the molecules is
different of that of the solid where its degree of compaction is of much close to each other, which also
holds true with the gas where its degree of compaction is much loose to each other. Liquid or rather fluids
can be deformed which is a characteristic of fluid, that is it can be put into any container and take its shape
or form. I have found out that during last semester, that fluid can also be defined as substance that forms
if there is a shearing stress happening on a certain layer or part of the container which continuously
deforms the liquid or fluid. For these liquid or fluid to have quantities or to be measured through any
means or complicated methods it must have a value or a dimension, units and homogeneity dimensions.
Where as I have defined dimensions it is the quantity which uses qualitative descriptions which may be
primary quantities or secondary quantities. These quantities can also be called a basic dimension when
there is a unit put on together or describe the dimension, where the dimension describe the quality of a
certain object or matter. Unit can be referred to as a quantitative description where it describes the nature
of the object and its value whether it can be a time, length, temperature, mass. On the other hand, for
dimension this may also mean the combined units where a velocity can be called on as length over time,
force can be called as the product of mass and the square of length over time, and also for acceleration,
pressures or other forms of extremely difficult dimensions where it composed a lot of units combined.
When these dimensions and units are formed into a different combination these can be formed as a
homogeneity dimensions where units or dimensions takes into a different form but can be defined as a
same quantity or quality. For homogeneity, there are two types of equations where one is the general
homogeneity equation and the other is the restricted homogeneity equation. In which general
homogeneity equation is defined as the validity of the equation through some known equations can be
used in many different ways however for restricted homogeneity equation it can be defined as for only
specific equations where it cannot be used for a lot of equations and generally used for complicated
solutions. As this goes through, units like BG or British Gravitational and SI or International unit are
introduced to fill in the gap of the measurements and this is introduced for easement is agreed upon by
the organization to be used worldwide to be used as a reference for measuring apparent things and
objects or other obscure things that requires measurement. As I have known through these facts, BG and
SI units have different units for measurement but its basis is the same where BG units are used mainly in
the western part of the world while SI unit are used mainly the eastern part. If all has gone well, units are
meaningless if there is no basis used for measurement. So, a lot of things can be measured and can be
readily identified because of units, dimensions and even homogeneity dimensions where these three
basic uses of measurements can lead us to measure a lot of things may it be simple or not. In Fluid
Mechanics, we only measure the properties of water and its behavior throughout its whole journey. One
of the properties we need to measure is the density. As I have defined density, it is the measurement for
mass per unit volume of the liquid matter, it is denoted by the Greek symbol rho. The value of density can
vary differently according to pressure and temperature but all liquids have different densities and these
are known through endless experimentation to get specific densities for specific liquid or fluid compound.
In terms of BG units it is denoted by slugs per cubic feet and in SI units it is denoted by kilograms per cubic
meter, as you can see there is not much difference between the dimensions of the density but its unit is
clearly different with each other because of the norms used by the other country to identify their
measurement easily. As this goes through, specific volume is introduced though it is not mainly used in
fluid mechanics rather it is much more useful in thermodynamics where in thermodynamics it talks about
the heat transfer and the heat required for a certain property. Specific gravity is denoted by volume per
unit mass, where in BG units it is denoted by cubic feet per slug and in SI units, cubic meter per kilogram.
Another property of liquid of fluid is the specific weight where it is defined as the weight over per unit
volume and is generally denoted by the Greek symbol gamma. In terms of units, BG units of the specific
gravity is pound per cubic feet and for SI unit, it is defined as newton per cubic meter. For simpler terms,
the universal gravitational acceleration is multiplied the density of a specific fluid it yields to specific
weight. Specific weight varies differently for different kinds of fluids not only so it holds true for the
different kinds and properties of the fluids. And lastly, the specific gravity where it is denoted as SG.
Specific gravity varies differently as the ratio between density and temperature changes. This is generally
defined as, the density of the fluid over the density of water which is used as a universal reference for
determining the specific gravity of water where it has known value of 1000 kilogram per cubic meter, in
such cases specific gravity is also the ratio between the specific weight of a fluid over the specific weight
of water where the density of water is multiplied to the universal gravitational acceleration. In terms of
unit, may it be BG or SI, it is unitless. The density, the specific weight and the specific gravity are
interrelated with each other. It can be used as a solution, because the relationship between the three is
apparent. These are some physical properties of the fluid, there are a lot of them which will be defined as
I go through the lesson. The ideal gas law, pV=mRT, where p is defined as pressure that is acted upon, V
is defined as the volume of the container or storage, m is the mass of the, R is the gas constant or with
the relation between molecular weights of the gases and T is the temperature or the temperature
difference between the gases. Ideal gas or the perfect gas law, is generally a formula used in determining
the gas with these specific properties of measurement. However, as I have learned through this semester,
ideal gas law can also be used in fluid mechanics or specifically in fluids or liquids. Liquid is just much
compact than gases because as I have known about the three matters solid, liquid and gases. Liquid and
gases have these molecular spacing which is being defined as loose particles or free moving particles
within a space which is different from solid. So liquid and gas is much close to each other than solid as
they freely move or slight restricted with their movements. Liquid like gases are also gases but with much
atomics particles, so as a conclusion liquid is like a gas and can use the ideal gas law. For the properties of
measurement in the equation of the ideal gas law, pressure must be expressed in absolute pressure if
there is no external factors affecting the fluid like voids or space and is generally denoted a zero pressure
or vacuum pressure, however gage pressure is added if there is some local atmospheric pressure or gage
measurements applied. Viscosity, another property of a liquid or fluid. Viscosity is generally defined as
the heaviness of the fluid, but it cannot be just defined as being the heaviness, so an experiment is
conducted to determine the theory behind the heaviness of the fluid. The fluid if being put between two
parallel plates and this fluid is moved horizontally with an applied force to determine its viscosity, as it
found out, it moves with an angle with a shearing stress in contact with the area being made. In which
case, the fluid seems to like stick on the solid boundaries and it is generally referred to as a no-slip
condition which is a very important note for fluid mechanics as it satisfies both the condition for gases
and liquids. As the fluid is moving, an angle is being defined as the rate of shearing strain. As the shearing
stress and the rate of shearing strain are combined, this is called an absolute viscosity or dynamic viscosity
which is denoted by the Greek symbol mu. Fluids with relation between shearing stress and the rate of
shearing strain is called a Newtonian fluid where an example of these are water, oil, gasoline and even air.
On the other hand, fluids with shearing stress but with no relation with the rate of shearing strain it is
called a non-Newtonian fluid. As the viscosity is being talked about, I had found out that a shear thickening
fluid can also make the fluid become more viscous as it applied an increased shearing rate. The viscosity
is being defined with a unit of measurement in BG as the product of pound and second over square feet
or in SI, the product of newton and second over square meter. The ratio between absolute viscosity and
density is the kinematic viscosity with a unit of measurement in BG as cubic feet per second and in SI,
cubic meter per second. Bulk Modulus of Elasticity, I have learned that this is used to determine the
compressibility of the fluid. The Bulk Modulus of Elasticity has two type the compressible and
incompressible. In fluid mechanics, fluids can either be incompressible and compressible, however for
gases it is understandable that its bulk modulus of elasticity is highly compressible for its atomic particles
are very scattered and dispersed on the other hand, rarely in fluids can it be incompressible though there
might be some fluids whose properties are entirely or possibly incompressible because of its structures;
fluids is by no means is the same with gas where it is compressible. But unlike gas, fluids can only be
compressed into a differential amount or small amount for its atomic particles are loose. Bulk modulus of
elasticity has a unit of measurement in BG as pound per square inch and in SI, newton per meter square
which is a derived unit for pressure. Bulk modulus of elasticity not only talks about the compressibility and
incompressibility of the fluids but its functions also lies within the pressure and volume of the fluid. When
the when the fluid decreases in volume, its density will increase. When the gases are compressed the
relationship between the density and pressure will depend on the nature of the process involved. Like for
example if the fluid or gas is placed under the condition of compression and constant temperature then
it is an isothermal process where the ratio between the pressure over the density is constant. However,
if there heat of exchange and it is frictionless, then it is an isentropic process where the ratio between
pressure over the density raised to a number k, which is the ratio between specific heat at constant
pressure. As a thorough examination, I have learned that bulk modulus of elasticity varies differently and
different level of change in volume.

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