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In this experiment we have two part, the first one is to draw a circuit given and secondly construct circuit and
simulate the circuit. We using Or-cad for the electronic circuit design and using simulator P-spice to simulate the
circuit. For beginning, we use Or-Cad Capture to design schematic circuit given. Firstly, click File > New > Project to
create a new project file. After naming the project select “Analog or Mixed A/D” then “Create a blank project”. After
that, a blank area will be in the Circuit Design Interface and this is where we will add the different elements of the
first circuit using the add part menu. Once the circuit schematic is built input the values for voltage source and the
three resistors by clicking on the number value next to or under V-dc, R1, R2, R3 etc. We have constructed the first
circuit correctly and should be a same as circuit given. The second part, is same just like the first part but we have to
start simulation session. Repeat the step from the first part until finish built the circuit given. To create a simulation
session Choose P-Spice > New Simulation Profile. Give name for this profile. Each profile needs a name, which is used
to identify the plots. . Leave Inherit From as none – this is used if you want to base a new simulation profile on an
existing one. Click Create and we see the Simulation Settings dialogue box. Next, select DC sweep as Analysis type.
The Sweep variable should be a voltage source and we have to tell P-Spice the name of the source that we wish to
vary. Copy the name from your schematic drawing; its V1.We enter the start value: 0, End Value: 25 and Increment:
1 following the procedure. Click OK and RUN at layout of grid. Then, a black blank screen will display. Now adding
trace, Click trace  Add Trace and click on V (V1:+). Click OK and we will get the input voltage on the graph. For the
output graph repeat the previous step and click V2 (R1). Click OK and the output will display. Now adding the text
Click Plot  Label Text. Insert input and click OK. Repeat the step and insert output at the line. Finally, sweeping
multiple source Click P-spice  Edit simulation profile. Choose analysis type: DC sweep. For sweep variable click
voltage source and name it l1 Enter the start value 0, End value 25, Increment 1. Click OK and put the probe near to
R2. Click RUN and see the output current as source voltage and source current.

Basically, Or-CAD is a suite of products for PCB Design and analysis that includes a schematic editor (Capture), an
analog/mixed-signal circuit simulator (P-Spice) and a PCB board Layout solution (PCB Designer Professional).From
this experiment, we have learned how to design and generate simulation from the schematic given and result using
Or-cad. We also found Electronic circuit simulation uses mathematical models to replicate the behavior of an actual
electronic device or circuit. Simulation software allows for modeling of circuit operation and is an invaluable analysis
tool. In Or-cad there are two main application, Capture and P-spice. Capture is used to drawn a circuit on the screen,
known formally as schematic capture. It offers great flexibility compared with a traditional pencil and paper drawing,
as design changes can be incorporated and errors corrected quickly and easily. (On the other hand, it is much faster
to develop the outline of a circuit using pencil and paper). Or-cad can be used to integrate a schematic editor, a
simulation engine, and on-screen waveform display, allowing designers to rapidly modify a simulated circuit and see
what effect the changes have on the output. They also typically contain extensive model and device libraries. These
models typically include IC specific transistor models such as BSIM, generic components such
as resistors, capacitors, inductors and transformers, user defined models (such as controlled current and voltage
sources). P-Spice simulates the captured circuit. We can analyses its behavior in many ways and confirm that it
performs as specified. A circuit to be analyzed using P-Spice in Or-cad is described by a circuit description file, which
is processed by P-Spice and executed as a simulation. P-Spice creates an output file to store the simulation results,
and such results are also graphically displayed within the Or-CAD interface. The type of simulation performed by P-
Spice in Or-cad depends on the source specifications and control statements. ORCAD is one of user friendly software
used for PCB designing and simulation of electronic design. Its advantage are complete design environment,
comprehensive circuit and signal analysis and finally have library support and learning resources.

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