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A terrible accident happened near a school yesterday morning. A motorist driving very
fast came out of a very sharp bend. He lost control over his vehicle, and knocked down a child
who was playing with a ball. A lorry which was coming from the opposite side stopped
sharply thus avoiding to run over the child who was lying on the ground , badly injured. the
car driver who, fortunately was safe, immediatley took the child to hospital. but,the child died.

The accident occurred near a sharp bend in the road to BBA. According to a witness,the
car driver who hit/ran over a boy was holding his mobile phone near his ear and driving very
fast. Another witness said that the child came into the road, running after a football. "I dont know how
it happened exactly," he declared. "I saw the child, but I didnt see the car .It happened very quickly,
"he added. I equired about the child's health, and the witness said he was not dangerously injured.
Whend I asked him who took the child to hospital , he said that it was the car driver himself.
Unfortunantely, the child died before reaching the hospital.

I) Comphernsion

1) Are the following statement true or false ?

a) The motorise was overdose and lost controle over his vehicule

b) the child was just injured

c) the child runed after a football. in the road

d) the accident occured near a garden

2) Answer the following question according to the text.

a) where did the accident happend ?

b) why did the motorist lost control ?

c) who took the child to the hospital ?

3) what or who do the lender find words in the text refer to ?

a boy (2§) , his (2§) , who (1§) .

II) exploration

1) find in the text words closet in meaning to the following :

happend = (2§)

wonded = (1§)

quick = (1§)

b) find the words that are opposite in meaning to the following :

Slowly ≠ (1§)

Before ≠

2) Ask question to the underline words :

- a terrible accident happend near a school yesterday morning

- a motorise who was ! driving very fast come out of a very sharp bend

3) classify these words according to final "ed " pronunciation

d t id

d {happened , T { asked added

{ enquired { knocked

4) suppley the correct form of the verbs in brackets

- the accident (to happen) in BBA yesterday

- the boy (to die) before seeing his parents

Part II : Write expression

Topic (1) :

write a repport about a dengerous event where you was a witness

Topic (2) :

Give a piece of advice for the persone who ride and for the one who's crossing the road, in ordre to
reduce accident.

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