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CLC 12: Wellness

Laura McAvoy

Do you have dreams and goals that you are striving for, or do you just live day to day, allowing
whatever shows up to form your life?

For me I think this question outlines the school and work aspect of wellness.
Some people find goals work better for them when they set smaller goals for themselves to achieve
daily, and sometimes I set those too. But this year I have found more than ever I am setting goals for
the dreams I want to achieve in relation to university. When my grade 11 year began to end, I
started thinking about what I wanted to do, and where I wanted to go for post-secondary education.
I have a passionate interest in the study of psychology, I knew that was the route I wanted to take a
career in. When it came to school I ultimately decided on Simon Fraser University.
SFU has been my end all year, and I knew going into grade 12 I would have to work harder
than I ever had before to achieve that dream. I didn’t want to sit through my grade 12 year just
waiting for my life to figure itself out, and I have been working hard to set a plan for myself in the
next few years. I worked hard on writing an application letter for the SFU entrance scholarship, in
which I explained my involvement with the school’s drama department and sustainability club. In
addition to my commitment to extracurricular activities, I have also managed to maintain a 95%
grade point average in my classes. This year I have demonstrated strong balance between my
extracurriculars and school work, and I am proud of the wellness I have been able to have with the
achievement of my goals. I do struggle at times with prioritizing what I have to do; whether it’s
spending more time in the studio rehearsing or doing that math homework. Sometimes there is so
much happening at once I choose the easier things first, which sometimes works and sometimes
doesn’t. But I always end up pulling myself together and making sure everything is done to my best
I recently received my letter of acceptance to SFU in the Arts and Social Science department
where I hope to major in psychology. When receiving that letter I felt an immense amount of
achievement in knowing I was one step closer to achieving my goal. That feeling made me excited
for the future, and I like knowing I have some sort of path set out for myself. I’m the type of person
who doesn’t like waiting for things to happen for me, I work towards things I strive for because in
the end that makes it more rewarding.

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