Module Handbook Template

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Module Handbook Template (Distance Learning) – Detailed Course Text (Print/PDF)

Note: This is a plain template allowing easy writing/preparation of module handbooks. Final
fonts/styles/boxes etc. will be very different and can be decided/applied later according to the
University’s visual guidelines. Simply replace the text in the sections as indicated, and copy-and-
paste sections to duplicate them (eg. to create a new Unit). Word ‘styles’ are used to track what
you are typing, and will be used to add designs later in the process.

Module Title
Course Title (ie. overarching degree)

Department Name
University of Leicester
This module handbook © University of Leicester 2011
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the prior written consent of the University of Leicester.

Module author name(s) here

Contributor/acknowledgements here

Where to get help:

Details of FAQs/online resources
Tutor/Dept. Contact details
About this document
How this document is structured
Key to icons etc. in addition to the following:

Readings: references to articles, set texts or online resources which are essential for developing
your understanding around a topic. Read them where indicated in the text.

Notes: special points of interest, things to be aware of, or extra information which you may wish
to follow-up if you have time.

Test Yourself: short tests or activities which you can complete in your own time and at your
own pace, to check or extend your understanding of particular topics. We recommend that you
complete these when suggested, and if you find them difficult or still don’t understand particular
concepts afterwards, re-read the preceding section and try again.

Activity: activities which take place within Blackboard, either as an individual task or as a group
activity with fellow students on your course. For some of the activities, you will receive feedback
from your tutor; and these therefore become an important way for you to check and extend your
understanding of the topics covered.
Module welcome/overview

Module outcomes
By the end of this module you should be able to:
 Learning outcomes: see
 …

Timing and organising your study

Give an indication of how long this module should take to study (both in terms of
weeks/semesters, and rough hours per week).
Give tips on organising study time successfully/making a study planner etc.

Study skills
Broad academic skills which the students will need to successfully complete the course.
General information/links to support for developing these skills.

Brief details of all summative assessments for the module (inc. dates if PDF; or can go online).
Brief details of non-credit assessments (formative), and their value.

Getting help
General advice for students helping themselves.
For academic issues (contact point)
For administrative issues (contact point)

Using this document

Relationship of this text to other materials (eg. online texts, set books/private reading, other
Unit 1: Title (repeated)

Introduction to topic/section

Unit learning outcomes

By the end of this unit you should be able to:
Learning outcomes: see

How long (in study hours) this unit should take. Detail figures for private reading, preparation of
assessment etc.

Pre-check 9 (optional)
You may want the students to test their knowledge/understanding of the unit’s topics before
they start (this helps students to know where they should focus their efforts). Can be self-check
or direct the student to an online quiz/survey/exercise.

1.1 Topic heading (repeat, number)

Type the main content of the unit here. It can be many paragraphs, and include a variety of
elements within it, including:

Standard paragraph text.

Bulleted lists

i. Numbered lists
ii. …

Readings - directions to read articles/chapters or to search for information. Use shift-Return to

include further paragraphs within the box.

Notes - particular points to highlight, clarify or give further non-essential links to information.
Use shift-Return to include further paragraphs within the box.
A self-test - an activity the student should complete either within the booklet, on paper or online,
for practice (no feedback will be given)

An activity - for individuals or groups, which may be off- or on-line, and which will probably
receive some form of feedback (by tutor, computer-marking or through peer

1.1.1 Topic subheading (repeat, number)

Use subheadings to break up longer topics into manageable chunks. Use the same main
paragraph styles (above) for content within each subsection too.

Summary of topic/section
Summarise the main areas/key points of the topic as a short list or paragraph. This allows the
student to check they’ve gained the required understanding/knowledge from this unit.

Post-check (optional)
Pairs with the pre-check, or can be combined with the summary above if no pre-check is used.
Checks the students’ knowledge/understanding after working through the unit. Can be self-
check or direct the student to an online quiz/survey/exercise.

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