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Special Feature : Tech Trans Info Services

Technology transfer services in Asia-Pacific

Annotated list of selected service providers

Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology

AUSTRALIA Sydney, NSW 1220, Australia

Tel: (+61-2) 9338 6663; Fax: (+61-2) 9338 6980
E-mail: ats@business.nsw.gov.au
Australian Science and Technology Online

This is a comprehensive source of information on Australian Venture Capital MarketPlace (VCMP)

innovations. Its records and links provide access to informa- http://www.v-capital.com.au
tion on: State and Federal Government policy areas, enter-
prise development and regulatory authorities; research agen- This is a pioneer in internet-based venture capital listing and
cies and centres; S&T parks and incubators; university com- matching services. VCMP assists companies at all (seed to
panies and commercial wings; venture capitalists and other listing) stages from around the globe to find investors, strate-
sources of startup support; S&T related associations and tech- gic alliance partners and service providers. VCMP helps com-
nical consultants; key sources of information; and a wide cross panies that plan to go global, identifying overseas investors,
section of technology-based companies that represent Aus- alliance partners and service providers. On-line services in-
tralian industrial innovation. It is a key resource for the media, clude: identifying mentors with skills in the relevant industry;
researchers, companies and individuals seeking contacts, locating potential directors and executives; selecting service
information and partnerships. providers from an extensive Venture Capital Directory; and
listing events, VC-related books, journals and articles, and
Australian Science and Technology Online technology transfer opportunities.
C/o Science Media
P.O. Box 4599, Kingston, ACT 2604, Australia Venture Capital MarketPlace
Tel: (+61-2) 6247 8177; Fax: (+61-2) 6247 0998 P. O. Box 417, Kingsford, NSW 2032, Australia
E-mail: scimedia@asto.com.au Tel: (+61-2) 8300 8215; Fax: (+61-2) 9662 3929
E-mail: vcmp@v-capital.com

Australian Technology Showcase (ATS) EnviroNET

http://www.techshowcase.nsw.gov.au http://www.environet.ea.gov.au

This is an ideal portal to search for innovative technologies EnviroNET showcases Australia’s environment business ca-
developed in Australia. The hundreds of technologies listed pacities. The portal provides information on:
on this site cover a very wide range of industry and business l Suppliers of Australian environmental products and serv-
applications and all have strong potential for global sales. ices as well as Australian Government programmes that
This site provides information with regard to: promote Australia’s environment business sector;
l Technologies for manufacturing or commercializing un- l Funding opportunities, both domestic and international,
der a licensing agreement with technology owners; currently available to Australia’s environment business
l Opportunities to invest in the company developing and sector;
marketing the technology;
l Cleaner production and eco-efficiency approaches, sys-
l Joint venture opportunities with technology owners; and
tems and services and Australian Government pro-
l Access to the expertise in ATS member companies.
grammes that promote best practice; and
Australian Technology Showcase l Australia’s research and development capacities, promot-
P.O. Box N818, Grosvenor Place ing these capacities to the world.

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Special Feature : Tech Trans Info Services

The major components of EnviroNET are: Green Industry & Technology Promotion Centre of Shanghai
l Environment Industry Expertise Database; (GITPC)
l Environmental Education Database; 20 Bao Qing Road, Shanghai, P.R. China
l Eco-efficiency and Cleaner Production; and Tel: (+86-21) 6467 8238, 6433 6215, 6433 6194
l Environment Technologies Directory. Fax: (+86-21) 6467 8070
E-mail: gitpc@hotmail.com and shanghai@gitpc.com
Sustainable Industry & Atmosphere Division
Tel: (+61-2) 6274 1477
Hong Kong Science and Technology
Fax: (+61-2) 6274 1640
E-mail: environet@ea.gov.au Parks Corporation (HKSTP)

CHINA, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF HKSTP provides infrastructure and support services for prod-
uct R&D and innovation and technology development. It de-
Centre for Environmentally Sound velops and operates technology-based incubation pro-
grammes as a nurturing ground for application-driven and
Technology Transfer (CESTT)
market-oriented research and product development projects.
HKSTP also fosters partnership and collaboration between
industry, academia and research institutes through joint train-
CESTT promotes transfer and adoption of environmentally
ing and research programmes to enhance productivity and
sound technologies (ESTs) by forming bridges among policy
competitiveness in Hong Kong industry.
makers, technology suppliers and developers, financial insti-
tutions and Chinese industry, in particular small- and medi-
Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
um-sized enterprises (SMEs). CESTT’s activities include:
l Providing EST-related information to both Chinese and
Tech Centre Office, 1/F, Tech Centre
overseas clients;
72 Tat Chee Ave, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
l Introducing appropriate environmentally sound foreign
Tel: (+852) 2788 4433; Fax: (+852) 2788 4261
technologies into China;
E-mail: enquiry@hkstp.org
l Presenting the needs of Chinese SMEs to the international
business community; and
l Commercializing Chinese environmental technologies. Northern Technology Exchange Market
Centre for Environmentally Sound Technology Transfer http://www.ntem.com.cn
109 Wanquanhe Road, Haidian District NTEM is a standing technology transfer market. It is working
Beijing 100089, P.R. China to build up a Technology Providing Network (TPN), a Technol-
Tel: (+86-10) 8263 6021, 8263 6607; Fax: (+86-10) 8263 6017 ogy Seeking Network (TSN) and an Information Network (IN)
E-mail: cestt@acca21.org.cn across the country. Using information centres and organiza-
tions throughout China as a base, NTEM is disseminating
Green Industry & Technology current information on technologies, advanced know-how,
and applications.
Promotion Centre of Shanghai (GITPC)
NTEM has set up a technology transfer system focused on
three main services - information, business matching and in-
GITPC promotes green technologies and products. It markets
termediaries. NTEM annually organizes various tech-match-
and propagates green concepts and clean production; im-
ing and negotiation activities, thus creating contact opportu-
proves utilization efficiency of energy sources, water and oth-
nities for many scientific and research institutions and enter-
er resources; provides information and technologies for the
prises. NTEM provides services promoting technology com-
reduction of waste; helps enterprises to acquire knowledge
mercialization and technical diagnosing for enterprises. It also
on pollution prevention and control; enhances ability of sus-
helps to invite bids for solutions to technological problem ar-
tainable development; and pushes forward new modes of
eas faced by these enterprises.
economic development. GITPC is engaged in:
l Promotion of a China Environmental Label; Northern Technology Exchange Market (NTEM)
l Facilitation of ISO 14000 and ISO 9000; 248, Baidi Road, Nankai District
l Recommendation of green products; Tianjin 300192
P. R. China
l Encouragement of cleaner production;
Tel: (+86-22) 8789 0253
l Training and international cooperation; and Fax: (+86-22) 8789 1047
l Green net and information exchange. E-mail: dzy@public.ntem.tj.cn

TECH MONITOR l Jan-Feb 2003 25

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Special Feature : Tech Trans Info Services

Shanghai Technical Transfer Exchange (STTE) ble list of over 100,000 companies. The portal also provides
http://www.stte.sh.cn on-line information on technology sources and profiles. It con-
tains free registration facilities for business enquiries, com-
STTE is the first state-level permanent technomart in China. It pany profiles and a calendar of events both for members and
promotes technology transfer transactions and trade in hi- non-members.
tech products among different regions, business sectors and
organizations, both at home and abroad; and provides serv- Business Information Services Network
ices and facilities for accelerating industrialization and com- Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
mercialization of scientific achievements. STTE's current tech- Federation House, Tansen Marg, New Delhi - 110001, India
nology bank holds information on about 10,000 projects, and Tel: (+91-11) 2372 1503, 2373 8760
is an effective and easily accessible platform for enterprises Fax: (+91-11) 2372 1504, 2332 0714
and investors. More importantly, STTE provides a range of E-mail: bisnet@bisnetworld.net
integrated services, such as technical problem bidding, tech-
nical problem solving, project consulting, feasibility studies CII TDB T NET
and market surveys. http://www.ciionline.org/busserv/technology/tdbtnet/

Shanghai Technical Transfer Exchange (STTE) This is a network of 18 technology transfer centres located at
No.1525 Zhongshan Rd(W), Shanghai, P.R. China various technical institutes and universities across the coun-
Tel: (+86-21) 6439 1569, (+86-21) 6464 5558 ext. 3510 try. These Technology Transfer Centres are managed and led
Fax: (+86-21) 6439 0768 by senior professors from the selected institutes and universi-
E-mail: xqli@stte.sh.cn and hpeng@stte.sh.cn ties to provide technology problem-solving services and tech-
nology development services to industries.
http://www.hktechmart.com CII TDB T NET, Confederation of Indian Industry
Gate No. 31, Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium
This is a one-stop solution provider and consultancy centre New Delhi - 110 003, India
for technology innovation and business partnership in Hong E-mail: v.anbu@ciionline.org
Kong and China. It is a powerful multi-tier business resource sathish.narayanan@ciionline.org
that links technology providers, industrialists, market buyers
and investors across the world. TechMart provides a simple Environmental Information Centre (EIC)
and cost effective way to create valuable partnerships maxi- http://www.cleantechindia.com
mizing technology commercialization and new business op-
portunities. TechMart acts as:
The Environmental Information Centre (EIC) provides infor-
l A window to China’s technology resources & IP portfolios,
mation and intermediation services for industries and urban
and a key channel to bring into China and HK the latest
entities; and offers business promotion services for equip-
technologies from around the world;
ment, technology and consulting service providers. EIC:
l An enabler in technology innovation and commercializa-
tion, providing reputed world-class business management l Generates awareness about environmental challenges;
and engineering consultancy services; l Stimulates proactive initiatives for improving environmen-
l A marketplace and stimulator for technology partnerships tal quality;
and innovative enterprises; and l Facilitates adoption of environment-friendly technologies;
l A marketer of innovative technology products.
l Helps create effective environmental management systems;
TechMart and
LG1, HKPC Building l Builds synergistic partnerships towards sustainable de-
78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong velopment.
Tel: (+852) 2788 5397; Fax: (+852) 2788 5413 EIC's activities include:
E-mail: hktechmart@hkpc.org
l Information compilation and dissemination through www.
l Studies on environmental issues, performance and technol-
INDIA ogy options;
l Conferences and interactions for generating awareness and
Business Information Services Network knowledge and stimulating new initiatives;
http://www.bisnetworld.net l Match-making services for technologies and funding;
This site offers a variety of business-to-business tools for in- l Cluster-based technology assistance programmes for small
teracting with Indian companies, be it for business enquiries industries; and
or for finding partners. The Indian database has a fully searcha- l Audit and training services.

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Special Feature : Tech Trans Info Services

Environmental Information Centre (EIC) Opportunia.com

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry http://www.opportunia.com
Federation House, Tansen Marg
New Delhi - 110001, India This is a one-step platform, where entrepreneurs, emerging
Tel: (+91-11) 2372 1503, 2373 8760 fast-growth companies, investors and corporates (doing busi-
Fax: (+91-11) 2372 1504, 2332 0714 ness in or with India), get end-to-end support and solutions
E-mail: eicindia@ficci.com
for their businesses - seeding, growth, diversification, doing
IPOs, mergers and acquisitions. It is a convergence of busi-
GlobalTechnoScan.com ness advisory, technology, legal and financial information and
http://www.globaltechnoscan.com services, provided by bringing together leading players in
these areas. The major focus is on emerging sectors, includ-
GlobalTechnoScan.com is an online technology transfer ing biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, information-communi-
market place. This site acts as a comprehensive business cations-entertainment (ICE) and financial services.
information resource for the high-tech industry in the areas
of research and development, venture capital and financ- Opportunia
ing, patents and intellectual property. It helps in finding stra- C-17, Friends Colony (East)
tegic alliances and partnering opportunities for companies New Delhi - 110 065, India
and organizations all over the world.
Patent Facilitating Centre (PFC)
GlobalTechnoScan.com http://www.indianpatents.org.in
C/o GTS Consultants Pvt. Limited
Floor3, B-22, Lajpat Nagar III, PFC provides a single window facility to service the large all-
New Delhi - 110 024, India India clientele of R&D institutes and universities. The services
E-mail: rsborar@mantraonline.com offered by PFC include:
l Introducing patent information as a vital input in the process
National Research Development Corporation of promotion of R&D programmes;
l Providing facilities on a sustained basis to scientists and tech-
nologists in the country for Indian and foreign patents;
NRDC plays a key role in accelerating commercial applica- l Keeping a watch on developments in the IPR area and mak-
tions of research and in effecting transfer of technologies ing important issues known to policy makers, scientists, in-
from laboratory to enterprise. It nurtures new ideas and in- dustry, etc.; and
ventions by providing finance and rewards; ensuring intel-
l Creating awareness and understanding about patents and
lectual property protection; efficiently effecting transfer of
about the challenges and opportunities in this area, including
know-how from laboratories to industry; providing access to arranging workshops, seminars, conferences, etc.
new technologies from India and abroad; exporting Indian
technological expertise; and offering an array of technology PFC has created the first Indian Patents Database, which con-
consultancy services. sists of:
l Ekaswa-A Database: Patent applications filed in India, as
NRDC works in close conjunction with over 200 national
published in the issues of the Gazette of India (Part III,
R&D laboratories and has licensed over 2,000 technolo-
Section 2) from January 1995 onwards; and
gies for commercial exploitation. Technologies licensed by
NRDC cover such areas as chemicals, drugs and pharma- l Ekaswa-B Database: Patent applications notified for op-
ceuticals, food, agro-processing, bio-technology, metallur- position in the Gazette of lndia (Part III, Section 2) pub-
gy, electronics, instrumentation, building materials, manu- lished from January 1995 onwards.
facturing techniques and utility processes, including pollu-
The database is accessible online through the Internet and is
tion control.
also available on CD-ROM.
National Research Development Corporation (NRDC) Patent Facilitating Centre (PFC)
20-22, Zamroodhpur Community Centre Technology Information, Forecasting & Assessment Council
Kailash Colony Extension Technology Bhawan
New Delhi - 110 048, India New Mehrauli Road
Tel: (+91-11) 2641 9904, 2641 7821, 2648 0767, 2643 2627 New Delhi - 110 016, India
Fax: (91-11) 2623 1877, 2646 0506, 2647 8010 Tel: (+91-11) 2685 9581, 2686 3877, 2696 7458
E-mail: info@nrdcindia.com Fax: (+91-11) 2686 3866
nrdc@nda.vsnl.net.in E-mail: tifac@nda.vsnl.net.in

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Special Feature : Tech Trans Info Services

Technology4sme.com Technology Information, Forecasting

http://www.technology4sme.com & Assessment Council (TIFAC)
This portal promotes and facilitates technology transfer for
small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in the Asia-Pa- TIFAC is a premier public sector agency offering a range of
cific region. Promoted by the Asian and Pacific Centre for technology transfer services to the R&D institutions and in-
Transfer of Technology (APCTT), the portal provides the fol- dustries. TIFAC is a storehouse of advanced information on
lowing services: almost all areas of technology - global and Indian - for indus-
l Technology offers and requests; try, institutions and administrators. TIFAC services include:
l Technology assessment, forecasting studies and market
l Services offers and requests; surveys;
l Partnership, investment, trade and job opportunities; and l Technology-linked business opportunities;
l Dissemination of information with regard to entrepreneur- l Technology sourcing worldwide;
l Technology information;
ship development, innovation management, technology
l Patent facilitation; and
transfer and financing, intellectual property management,
l Publications.
green productivity, business planning, etc.
Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Coun-
Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT)
cil (TIFAC)
Adjoining Technology Bhawan
Department of Science and Technology (DST)
Qutab Institutional Area
Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road
P. O. Box 4575
New Delhi - 110 016, India
New Delhi - 110 016, India
Tel: (+91-11) 2651 5420, 2686 5475
Tel: (+91-11) 2696 6509
Fax: (+91-11) 2651 5420, 2686 3866
Fax: +91-11-2685 6274
E-mail: tifacinfo@tifac.org.in
E-mail: postmaster@apctt.org
Technology Showcase of India
Technology Export Development Organization http://www.techshowindia.com
http://www.techbizindia.com/tedo.asp Technology Showcase of India is a comprehensive portal for
small and medium enterprises (SME) sourcing process tech-
TEDO is designed to be a flexible, network-based organiza- nologies developed by reputed Indian and International R&D
tion providing information and promotion services to industry, Institutions. This site offers technologies, projects, investment
R&D institutes and others in the area of technology exports. opportunities, trade leads, information on international fairs,
TEDO promotes export of technologies, technology-intensive businesses, joint ventures, transfer of technology, buying and
products, services and processes, and technology-intensive selling of machinery, R&D and contract manufacturing.
projects. Current activities focus on:
Technology Showcase of India
l Agro/food processing and food processing equipment; C/o Technology Transfer Centre
National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC)
l Light engineering;
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
l Indian system of medicine; and Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi - 110 020, India
Tel: (+91-11) 2683 1288; Fax: (+91-11) 2684 8218
l Chemicals and pharmaceuticals.
E-mail: nsicttc@vsnl.com
TEDO provides a range of specialized services, including: tech-
nology export information services; technology export promo-
tion missions; trade fairs and conferences; initiatives on technol-
ogy-related JVs abroad; dissemination of information about spe-
cific technologies and technology-intensive products, services, APEC Virtual Centre for Environmental
processes and projects from interested companies and R&D Technology Exchange (APEC-VC)
and other organizations. http://www.apec-vc.or.jp

Technology Export Development Organization (TEDO) APEC-VC is an environmental technology exhibition on the
Gate No.31, North Block, Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium Internet that disseminates a wide range of information related
New Delhi - 110 003, India to protecting the earth. The information includes: global warm-
Tel: (+91-11) 2436 6225/6273/6276/6281/6282 ing, ozone depletion, air and water pollution, etc. This portal
Fax: (+91-11) 2436 6271/7844 helps APEC economies, municipalities, corporations and
E-mail: anuradha@ciionline.org and environment-related institutions share, via the Internet, infor-
sathish.narayanan@ciionline.org mation on environmental technologies.

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Special Feature : Tech Trans Info Services

APEC Virtual Centre for Environmental Technology Exchange Japan Science and Technology Corporation
Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bldg. http://www.jst.go.jp
2-8, Hommachibashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 540-0029, Japan
Tel: (+81-6) 6944 6456; Fax: (+81-6) 6944 3284 JST is engaged in the dissemination of scientific and techno-
E-mail: suc@apec-vc.or.jp logical information, promotion of basic research, technology
development and transfer, creation of technological seeds,
creation of new industries backed by new technologies, and
Asian Technology Information Programme (ATIP) promotion of research exchange and regional research ac-
http://www.atip.or.jp tivities. In addition, JST provides adequate foundation for en-
hancing Japan’s science and technology and promotes the
ATIP helps bridge the technology information gap by promot- development of cutting-edge and innovative research.
ing collaborations and other profitable interactions between
Western and Japanese/Asian organizations. ATIP uses a mod- Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST)
ern electronic approach, thus providing unique benefits to Kawaguchi Center Building
companies, research institutes and government agencies in 1-8, Honcho 4-chome, Kawaguchi City
Japan, Asia, and the West. Saitama Pref. 332-0012, Japan
Tel: (+61-3) 5214 8997; Fax: (+61-3) 5214 8399
Asian Technology Information Programme (ATIP) E-mail: www-admin@tokyo.jst.go.jp
Harks Roppongi Bldg. 1F, 6-15-21 Roppongi
Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0032, Japan NETT21
Tel: (+81-3) 5411 6670; Fax: (+81-3) 5411 6671
E-mail: info@atip.or.jp
(GEC Environmental Technology Database)

International Centre for Environmental NETT21 is an abbreviation for the database on “New Envi-
Technology Transfer (ICETT) ronmental Technology Transfer in the 21st Century”, the nick-
http://www.icett.or.jp name of the GEC Environmental Technology Database. The
database promotes transfer of environmental technologies in
Making use of Japan’s advanced technology and experience, various sectors, including: air pollution control, waste man-
ICETT implements a wide range of activities that promote and agement, water pollution control, On-site Green Technique
contribute to the conservation of the global environment. These (OGT), air pollution continuous monitoring, water pollution
activities include transfers of industrial pollution control tech- continuous monitoring, cleaner production, energy-saving
nologies. ICETT provides training and technical guidance, technology at business-related buildings, soil and ground-
research and development, and surveys and information. Its water contamination survey and countermeasures, and ad-
activities aim at promoting information exchange and raising vanced environmental equipment.
public awareness. Global Environment Centre Foundation (GEC)
2-110, Ryokuchi-koen, Tsurumi-ku
International Centre for Environmental Technology Transfer Osaka 538-0036, Japan
3690-1, Sakura-cho, Yokkaichi, Mie, Japan Tel: (+81-6) 6915 4121; Fax: (+81-6) 6915 0181
Tel: (+81-593) 29 8115; Fax: (+81-593) 29 8115 E-mail: gec@unep.or.jp
E-mail: info@icett.or.jp

UNEP International Environmental Technology

Japan Industrial Technology Association (JITA)
Centre (UNEP IETC)
JITA promotes dissemination and transfer of R&D from the Agen-
UNEP IETC promotes the application of environmentally sound
cy of Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) and the Ministry
technologies (ESTs) to address urban environmental problems,
of International Trade and Industry (MITI) to private companies.
such as sewage, air pollution, solid waste and noise; and the
JITA’s major activities include: promoting utilization of national pat-
management of freshwater resources to developing countries
ents; disseminating and transferring AIST R&D technology; pro-
and countries with economies in transition. The Centre serves
moting international technology exchange; and providing informa-
as a proactive intermediator for cooperation among sources and
tion on research and technology.
users of ESTs.
Japan Industrial Technology Association (JITA) UNEP International Environmental Technology Centre
Tranomon Ichi-chome Mori Bldg. 5F (UNEP IETC)
1-19-5 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001, Japan 2-110 Ryokuchi Koen, Tsurumi-ku, Osaka 538-0036, Japan
Tel: (+81-3) 3591 6273; Fax: (+81-3) 3592 1368 Tel: (+81-6) 6915 4581; Fax: (+81-6) 6915 0304
E-mail: qg2r-hys@asahi-net.or.jp E-mail: ietc@unep.or.jp

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KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Tel: (+82-2) 714 9786/7; Fax: (+82-2) 714 9785
E-mail: info@tam3.net
Korea Technology Transfer Centre (KTTC)
KTTC provides a marketplace for traditional manufacturing in-
dustries and venture companies to come together, thereby in- Asia-Africa Investment & Technology
ducing existing industries to transform themselves into knowl-
edge-based ones. To make this transformation as smooth as
Promotion Centre (AAITPC)
possible and to promote business activities, KTTC dissemi-
nates appropriate technology-related information. KTTC adds
AAITPC promotes investment and technology transfer flows
value to a technology through selection, evaluation and provi-
sion of funding for its commercialization. It is building up a Tech- from Asia to Africa within the framework of South-South coop-
eration, by helping business people and institutional partners
nology Information Bank through collecting, analyzing and
processing technology information. from both Asia and Africa to identify business opportunities
through industrial investments in Africa.
Korea Technology Transfer Centre (KTTC)
14th Floor, KWTC Building Asia-Africa Investment & Technology Promotion Centre
159 Samsungdong, Kangnamgu 135-729, Seoul, Korea (AAITPC)
Tel: (+82-2) 551 4600; Fax: (+82-2) 551 4242 C-1-3, 1st Floor, Block C, Megan Phileo Avenue, 12
E-mail: webmaster@kttc.or.kr Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: (+60-3) 2163 3612, 2163 3654, Fax: (+60-3) 2163 3641

Patent Bank
Malaysian Science and Technology
Information Centre (MASTIC)
This consulting firm provides licensing and commercializa- http://www.mastic.gov.my
tion of patented technologies, trademarks and copyrights with
advanced technology valuation methods. Patent Bank’s serv- MASTIC acts as the national reference centre for scientific
ices include: and technological information. Its core business is the collec-
l Searching and developing intellectual properties that are tion and dissemination of information related to S&T activities
highly worth commercializing; in Malaysia. These functions include:
l Valuing and incubating intellectual properties; l Supporting and providing the basis for decision-making,
l Technology transfer; priority-setting, and planning and implementing the na-
l Building standards of incubation and commercialization tion’s S&T policies;
on intellectual properties and technology transfer; and l Directing users to relevant information sources, whether in
l Providing highly qualified global information in relation to its own extensive information holdings or elsewhere; and
consultative services on intellectual properties. l Acting as a linking mechanism between the three major
players in the Malaysian S&T system: the policy makers
Patent Bank Co., Ltd. and research fund providers; the researchers who make
11F, Kuk dong VIP, 14-8, 354-32, Yeouido-dong up the S&T infrastructure; and the users and developers
Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Korea, 121-883 of research results.
Tel: (+82-2) 3775 4817; Fax: (+82-2) 780-1526
Malaysian Science and Technology Information Centre
Techno Alliance Mart (TAM) Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment (MOSTE)
http://www.tam3.net Level 4 Block C5, Parcel C
Federal Government Administrative Centre
TAM promotes high technology business alliance opportuni- 62662 Putrajaya, Malaysia
ties worldwide. It specializes in the co-marketing, joint ven- Tel: (+60-3) 8885 8038 (direct); (+60-3) 8885 8000 (main)
ture and technology licensing areas. TAM promotes alliances Fax: (+60-3) 8889 2980
among technology marketing agencies, i.e., technology-trans- E-mail: mastic@mastic.gov.my
fer consulting firms, marketing agencies and individual con-
sultants worldwide. Malaysian Technology
Development Corporation (MTDC)
Techno Alliance Mart (TAM) http://www.mtdc.com.my
C/o DeltaTech-Korea LLC
Rm 401-402, Poonglim B/D, 404, Gongduk-Dong MTDC's major activities include the promotion and commer-
Mapo-Gu, Seoul, 121-020, Korea cialization of indigenous technologies developed by local

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Special Feature : Tech Trans Info Services

universities and R&D institutions, the acquisition of strategic Intellectual Property/Technology Transfer
foreign technologies and the creation of technology-based (IP/TT) Initiative
companies. MTDC is heavily involved in selected high-tech
areas, such as advanced manufacturing, advanced materi-
als, electronics, information technology and biotechnology.
Designed to address the IP management needs of national
agricultural research centres, the IP/TT Initiative of the Inter-
Malaysian Technology Development Corporation Sdn Bhd national Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applica-
Level 2-5, MIDF Building
tions (ISAAA) provides a framework for offering its technology
195A, Jalan Tun Razak transfer service cost-effectively to developing countries. The
50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
activities of IP/TT Initiative comprise a three-pronged approach:
Tel: (+60-3)2161 2000; Fax: (+60-3)2163 7542 l Facilitating biotechnology transfer in ISSAA’s portfolio of
E-mail: comms@mtdc.com.my projects through, among others, brokering royalty-free
licensing agreements;
SIRIM Berhad l Providing a programme of in-country capacity-building
http://www.sirim.my through hands-on workshops and international internships;
SIRIM Bhd is the prime mover in industrial research and de- l Servicing developing countries and organizations and as-
velopment in Malaysia, and acts as a catalyst in bringing about sisting them by providing expert consulting services and
national economic dynamism through excellence in technol- guidance about the transfer and management of IP.
ogy and international acceptance of Malaysian products and
services. SIRIM Bhd’s functions include: Intellectual Property/Technology Transfer (IP/TT) Initiative
l Promoting scientific and industrial research; International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Appli-
l Enhancing industrial efficiency and development; cations
l Providing technology transfer and consultancy services; C/o International Rice Research Institute
l Developing Malaysian standards and promoting stand- DAPO Box 7777, Metro Manila,
ardization and quality assurance for greater competitive- The Philippines
ness; and Tel: (+63-2) 845 0563/0569/0573
l Enhancing public and industrial welfare, health and safety. Fax: (+63-49) 536 7216; (+63-2) 845 0606

SIRIM Berhad Philippine Science and Technology Portal

1 Persiaran Dato’ Menteri, P.O. Box 7035
Section 2, 40911 Shah Alam, Malaysia
Tel: (+60-3) 5544 6000; Fax: (+60-3) 5510 8095
This portal serves as the gateway to search for any information
E-mail: web@sirim.my
about S&T. It is designed to desseminate and promote the appli-
cation of R&D, inventions, and technologies. The portal also pro-
THE PHILIPPINES motes information networks among R&D agencies, institutions
and personnel in the country. Databases available on-line include:
Technology Database, Biotechnology Database, R&D Database,
APEC Centre for Technology Exchange and
Experts Database, MASTICLink online S&T Database, S&T
Training for Small and Medium Enterprises Facilities and Equipment, TechBank, etc.
http://www.actetsme.org Philippine Science and Technology Portal
National Computer Centre,
ACTETSME promotes technology exchange and training C/o NCC C.P. Garcia Ave.
among SMEs in the APEC region. It does so by providing UP Diliman Quezon City, The Philippines
relevant, authoritative and accessible information to individual Tel: (+63-2) 920-0101; Fax: (+63-2) 920-7411
firms and SMEs, to organizations of SMEs and to agencies of E-mail: admin@ncc.gov.ph
governments mandated to promote and assist in the develop-
ment of SMEs. It provides immediate and user-friendly access
to authoritative and timely information to empower SMEs.
APEC Centre for Technology Exchange & Training for Small and
Medium Enterprises (ACTETSME) Russian Technology Transfer Centre (RTTC)
Science & Technology Park, UPLB1 http://www.rusttc.ru
Laguna, 4031, The Philippines
Tel: (+63-49) 536 4225, 536 1838-40 RTTC coordinates marketing activities for the Russian aero-
Fax: (+63-49) 536 4224 space and other hi-tech companies on world and domestic
E-mail: execdir@actetsme.org technology markets. Its activities include:

TECH MONITOR l Jan-Feb 2003 31

31 RB

Special Feature : Tech Trans Info Services

l Technology assessment and tech transfer policy analyses; users maximize mileage from IP information and to provide a
l Extending invitations to investors to the Russian aerospace platform for IP owners to commercialize their IPs.
l Information support: publications, conferences, exhibitions; SurfIP
and marketing; Enterprise Development Department
l Legal support; and Intellectual Property Office of Singapore
l Patenting and licensing. 51 Bras Basah Road
#06-01 Plaza By The Park
RTTC intends to establish a Russian technology transfer net- Singapore 189554
work. Tel: (+65) 6330 2771, 6330 2782
Fax: (+65) 6331 6562
Russian Technology Transfer Centre (RTTC) E-mail: IPOS_SurfIP@ipos.gov.sg
103062, Moscow Makarenko St., 4/1 Russian Federation
Tel: (+7-095) 925-7740; Fax: (+7-095) 925-5829
E-Mail: rusttc@dol.ru
Industrial Technology and Market Information
Network (ITMIN) Limited
This is a consulting company promoting the transfer of Rus- http://www.itmin.com
sian technologies to international markets. It undertakes match-
ing of partners, market research, R&D project management, ITMIN acts as an information clearing house on technology,
logistics management, and technology reviews. to assist companies to improve their product quality and oper-
ating costs. This it does by identifying a company’s technolog-
TECHNOCONSULT ical and other needs, and sourcing cost-effective solutions
P.O. Box 75, 8/10 Onezhskaya Str. from local and overseas technology owners and providers.
Moscow, 125438, Russian Federation ITMIN can locate collaborators and joint venture partners; pro-
Tel: (+7-095) 456 7585; Tel/Fax: (+7-095) 956 2313, 913 5016 vide assistance with negotiations; and help source financial
E-mail: tconsd@dol.ru assistance and grants to ensure success of a business pro-

SINGAPORE ITMIN Information Services

Industrial Technology and Market Information Network Limited
Exploit Technologies Pte Ltd (ETPL) 121, Independence Square
http://www.a-star.edu.sg Colombo 7, Sri Lanka
Tel: (+94-1) 682888, 683948
ETPL is the commercialization arm of the Agency for Science, Fax: (+94-1) 683945
Technology and Research (A*STAR) in Singapore. ETPL identi- E-mail: info@itmin.com
fies, protects and exploits promising IPs created by the research
institutes (RIs) under A*STAR. These include facilitating the IP THAILAND
management process (i.e. the protection of inventions through
patents, copyrights, etc), distributing royalties and fees as well
as keeping record for all aspects of the RIs’ IP and commercial- National Science & Technology Development
ization of such IPs. Agency (NSTDA)
Exploit Technologies Pte Ltd (ETPL)
Agency For Science, Technology And Research (A*STAR) For companies in need of technology transfer, NSTDA provides
10 Science Park Road, #01/01-03 The Alpha matching services between foreign companies and research-
Singapore Science Park 2, Singapore 117684 ers, inventors, and manufacturers in Thailand. NSTDA has set
Tel: (+65) 6779 7066, up an intellectual property unit to assist in drafting agreements
Fax: (+65) 6777 1711; 6779 8061, 6775 5163 for technology transfer, patent registration, and commerciali-
E-mail: a-star_contact@a-star.edu.sg zation of R&D.

National Science & Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)

SurfI P NSTDA Research Building
http://www.surfip.gov.sg 73/1 Rama VI Road, Rajdhevee
Bangkok 10400, Thailand
This portal offers users comprehensive and integrated IP Tel: (+66-2) 6448150-99
information. SurfIP delivers value-added services to help IP Fax: (+66-2) 6448027-9

32 TECH MONITOR l Jan-Feb 2003

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