Everkin Campaigns Final Book-Compressed-Compressed

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campaigns plan
04 Executive Summary

05 Situation Analysis

06 Company Analysis

07-08 Primary Research Analysis

09-10 Consumer Analysis

11-12 Market Analysis

13-14 Product Analysis

15-16 Competitive Analysis


18 Target Audience

19-20 Consumer Profiles

22 Objectives

23-24 Creative Strategy

25-26 Marketing Strategy

27-28 Media Strategy

30-32 Guerrilla Marketing

33-34 Ambassadors

35-36 Gear Up Your Team Contest

38 Influencers

39-40 Social Media

41-42 Budget & Media Expenditures

43 Suggestions

44 The Toxey Group

45-46 Works Cited

Client: Everkin Creative Strategy
Period: June 1, 2019 - Jan. 1, 2020 The campaign’s creative strategy will position
Everkin in the market as a stylish yet protective
Product: Phone Case and Tech Accessories phone case and tech accessories company. The
advertisements used throughout the campaign
Budget: $25,000 are designed to creatively showcase Everkin’s
new MLB line, as well as its existing products.
Marketing Objective Through the use of posters, door hangers and
digital advertisements, Everkin will attract the
From June 1, 2019 to Jan. 1, 2020, this cam-
attention of potential consumers. The Toxey
paign will focus on raising awareness of the cli-
Group’s creative strategy will resonate with the
ent’s brand and influence purchasing decisions
target audience by proving Everkin cases are
for Everkin products. Everkin’s overall awareness
“Designed to Survive” all of life’s moments.
is expected to increase by nine percent by the
end of the campaign implementation period.
Media Strategy
Communication Objective The campaign’s media strategy primarily focus-
es on increasing consumers’ awareness of Ever-
This campaign will assist Everkin in differenti-
kin through the use of earned, paid and owned
ating itself amongst competitors by showing
media. The social media posts used throughout
consumers do not have to choose between
the campaign promote the “Gear Up Your
fashion and protection. Consumer perception
Team” contest, the revamped ambassador pro-
of the sleek yet protective quality of Everkin
gram, MLB tech accessories and fashion phone
cases will increase by six percent before Jan. 1,
cases, with an emphasis on Everkin’s products
2020 through utilizing the campaign’s slogan,
being #DesignedtoSurvive. The media strategy
“Designed to Survive.”
devotes $2,500 toward the use of promoted
posts on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to
Target Audience increase Everkin’s reach on these platforms. The
The primary target audience for the campaign Toxey Group will utilize earned media in order
consists of 18-45-year-olds who are interested to promote the “Gear Up Your Team” contest.
in low-cost yet protective phone cases. The The purpose of this strategy is to increase the
secondary audience consists of Major League public’s awareness of the brand.
Baseball fans within a 30-mile radius of one of
the campaign’s seven designated markets: New
York, Los Angeles, Boston, Chicago, Houston,
St. Louis and San Francisco.


Everkin is a privately held phone case and tech accesso- Hennington and Milligan-Lecroy’s familial-like bond
ries company headquartered in Los Angeles, California. became the foundation for the company and the in-
The company’s mission is to provide products designed spiration behind the name, Everkin.1 Hennington and
to fit all consumers’ needs without compromising style Milligan-Lecroy sought a brand name that did not con-
or protection.1 fine them to a singular market. Selecting the neologistic
name Everkin allowed the pair to acknowledge the
Everkin was founded in April 2018 by friends and bond they had formed through their work partnership.
co-workers, Charlotte Hennington and Skyler It also ensured that the name would remain relevant if
Milligan-Lecroy.2 Hennington and Milligan-Lecroy are the company expanded and began offering different
the former creative director and chief operations officer types of products in the future.
at The Casery, a company that designs fashion-for-
ward iPhone cases and tech accessories.3 The Casery Everkin currently sells iPhone cases, wireless chargers,
was featured on an episode of CNBC’s “The Profit,” in and screen protectors, and has plans to expand its
which Marcus Lemonis, self-made millionaire and entre- line by offering Samsung cases later this year. In late
preneur, was ultimately unable to reach a deal with the 2018, Everkin became an official Major League Baseball
company.3 Subsequently, Hennington and licensee and is currently working to create a phone case
Milligan-Lecroy left The Casery to create a new phone and tech accessories line for seven popular MLB teams
case and tech accessories company.2 In partnership in the United States. As of February 2019, the company
with Lemonis, the pair founded Everkin less than two was in the process of finalizing a licensing agreement
weeks after departing from The Casery. The company with Marvel, which will potentially lead to it offering a
is currently comprised of four employees: Henning- line of Marvel products in the future. While Everkin’s
ton as CEO, Milligan-Lecroy as COO and two graphic products are primarily sold online, they are physically
designers. Lemonis currently holds a 49 percent stake sold in TJ Maxx in Canada, MARCUS retail stores and
in Everkin and has invested more than $2 million in the small coastal boutiques in California. The company
company thus far.2 earns the majority of its revenue from its retail website
and earned $19,379.58 in total online sales from 573
orders in its first six months of business.

Additionally, Everkin is one of six businesses that com-

“Our mission is to create prise Community, a collaborative environment designed
tech accessories for for small businesses and entrepreneurs who have been
everyone, everywhere” featured on “The Profit.” The group was created to help
the businesses share knowledge and resources and gain
- Everkin
access to Lemonis’ infrastructure.4 Community provides
in-house design and creation, e-commerce, and market-
ing and advertising services.4

Introduction Survey
During primary research, The Toxey Group con- The survey was distributed via various social
ducted focus groups, held personal interviews media platforms and received 827 responses from
and disseminated an online survey. Through this, respondents ranging in age from younger than 13
The Group gained key insights regarding lifestyle years old to older than 50. One hundred
and purchasing behaviors of target audience seventy-one male and 650 female respondents
members ages 18 to 45. participated in the survey, while six respondents
did not specify their gender. The survey showed
Focus Groups that 685 respondents owned an iPhone, 130
respondents owned an Android device and 10 re-
The Toxey Group conducted three focus groups spondents owned a different brand of phone. The
consisting of 10 male and 17 female students survey was used to gain a greater understanding
between the ages of 19 and 22. Of the 27 par- as to what consumers look for in phone cases and
ticipants, 21 currently owned an iPhone and evaluate their initial opinions of Everkin’s prod-
six owned another brand of device. One of the ucts. Everkin was the third least recognized brand
primary themes identified by the focus groups in the survey among 13 competitors. Over 25 per-
was Everkin’s lack of brand awareness among cent of respondents described Everkin products
consumers. Out of the three focus groups, none as feminine, an issue that the brand has recently
of the participants had heard of Everkin, proving been trying to overcome.
the company must focus on establishing its brand
presence in the market. When shown sample cas- When asked how much money respondents are
es, the majority of participants liked the durability willing to spend on a cell phone case, the average
of Everkin’s cases and thought that the protection answer was $30. This insight confirms Everkin’s
features such as the six-foot drop test should be current price point as optimal for consumers.
highlighted as a key selling point. Participants When asked where they normally purchase phone
suggested that Everkin redesign its packaging to cases and tech accessories, 40 percent of re-
better highlight the cases’ protective features and spondents indicated that they purchase products
grab customers’ attention. When asked about the online, while only 24 percent purchase them in
designs of the Everkin cases, the overwhelming retail stores. Alternatively, 35 percent of individu-
sentiment among all three groups was that none als said they purchase their phone cases specifi-
of the cases appealed to the male demographic. cally at their mobile carrier’s store. Survey respon-
dents proved to be very conscious of shipping
Focus group participants were also shown mock- costs when purchasing products, as 83 percent
ups of the MLB cases. While many liked the cases, of survey respondents claimed that free shipping
the majority expressed that they felt the cases plays a large role in whether or not they purchase
were designed for a younger demographic. One a product online.
participant stated, “I know middle schoolers
would love this.” However, most participants felt The majority of respondents indicated that they
the MLB line will be successful, but it is important do not care about the specific brand of their
to note that nearly 60 percent of the focus group phone case or tech accessories as long as their
participants were MLB fans. device receives proper protection. In addition,
the survey identified what drives consumers to
purchase new phone cases. Approximately 40
percent of respondents said they purchase phone
cases when they buy a new mobile device, and 33
percent purchase a new case when their current
case breaks.

Phone Interview Personal Interviews
The Group conducted a phone interview with the The Toxey Group conducted 28 personal inter-
senior vice president of sales and marketing for views with individuals between the ages of 15 and
the St. Louis Cardinals, Dan Farrell, to gain further 50. Of those interviewed, 15 were male and 13
insight on MLB licensed products, specifically were female. Interviewees shared many insights
phone cases and tech accessories. Farrell made and opinions that not only confirmed information
it clear that when store managers are looking for previously gathered in the focus groups and sur-
new products to carry, they are not looking for the vey but also helped The Group better understand
stereotypical branded line. Managers want unique consumer preferences and purchasing behaviors.
and different fabrications, and things that people Protection and cost were both commonly men-
may have never seen before. Wood, glitter and tioned during the interviews and appeared to be
new technology are a few examples that Far- the most important features consumers look for
rell provided. He also suggested focusing on a in a phone case. There were several quotes from
specific player, not just a team. Farrell felt that this interviewees that praised the different protective
would make the consumers feel more connected features of Everkin’s cases, most notably the six-
to the experience of purchasing an MLB phone foot drop test. One interviewee, a baseball coach,
case. Farrell stated that MLB fans are purchasing loved the six-foot drop test, saying it would “pro-
products online and at fanatic stores if they are tect [his] phone in almost 99 percent of all drops
not making purchases at brick and mortar stores. that happen.” He liked the MLB cases, specifically
those that look like gloves and baseballs. As for
the wallet cases, he said he wouldn’t use one but
“you’re carrying around an said, “I think that for [the other coaches I work
with] and stuff, that kind of thing is very popular.”
$800 to $1000 piece of Another interviewee claimed, “I’m more likely to
equipment, making sure you buy something if shipping is free. When shipping
dont break is very important” is free, it usually makes me buy more.”

-personal interview

according to
the survey

consumer analysis
General Overview MLB Fan Overview
Sixty-seven percent of the world’s population owns a According to data gathered by Sports Business Journal
mobile phone.5 With such a large number of mobile in 2016, the average Major League Baseball fan is 57
phone users, it is important to identify what consum- years old.10 This number appears to be rising, as the
ers value and look for when purchasing a cell phone average age of MLB fans in 2006 was just 53.10 It is
case. There are about two million more female smart- believed that MLB’s older fan base can be attributed
phone users than male6, and women are more likely to to the fact that millenials generally have shorter
purchase tech-related goods.7 Social media is import- attention spans and are therefore less inclined to sit
ant when reaching these consumers, as over half of through nine innings that often last for more than
18-44-year-olds have made a direct purchase from a three hours.11
social media platform.8
While the age of the average fan does fall outside of
Social media platforms drive shopping activity through Everkin’s target audience range, the company still has
content. This includes sponsored posts, influencer the potential to reach younger individuals who better
promotions and promo codes. According to Inland fit into its target demographic. Research from Statista
Institutional, 92 percent of millennials will consider indicates that 35 percent of millennials ages 18 to 36
product availability when shopping and prefer short follow MLB.12 In addition, the research also reports that
delivery times and items that are available in store.9 An 36 percent of individuals ages 37 to 48 follow MLB.12
item has to be unique and special for a millennial to be Currently, 61 percent of MLB fans are male, while the
willing to spend more money than they normally would remaining 39 percent are female.13 As for fans’ geo-
on the item.9 graphic locations, nearly 29 percent of fans are located
in the Midwestern region of the United States.13
According to the responses from the survey distributed
during primary research, consumers find protection
and style most important when purchasing a phone
case. Respondents also mentioned the importance of
special features, such as card wallets, when it comes to “THEY ARE DEFINITELY GOING
choosing a phone case. The Group’s primary research
indicates that consumers are willing to pay an average
of $30.21 for a new phone case, making Everkin’s LOOK DURABLE. I FEEL LIKE A GUY
current price point optimal. More than 50 percent of WOULD TOTALLY REACH OUT TO
survey respondents said they follow influencers and
have purchased or would be willing to purchase a
product promoted by them. Additionally, The Group’s -focus group
research also showed that free shipping was very in relation to mlb cases
important to consumers. When asked if free shipping
would increase the likelihood of them purchasing a
product, 83 percent of respondents said yes.


market analysis 7

5 2

According to Statista, approximately 2.71 billion peo- The phone case and tech accessories industry is
ple currently own a smartphone.14 By 2020, there will highly dependent on smartphone manufacturers.16
be an estimated 2.87 billion smartphone users.14 This Ultimately, these companies’ success is contingent on
increased adoption of smartphones has led to the the assumption that no new technology will be devel-
growth of the phone case industry and increased the oped that could render a phone case or tech accesso-
demand for tech accessories.15 The mobile phone ry useless. If this happens, the success of phone case
protective case market has an expected revenue of and tech accessories companies could be significantly
$19.2 million by 2023.16 impacted.

Due to the plethora of online retail vendors and the Everkin drives sales mainly from its online retail site.
convenience of shopping from mobile phones, con- However, it needs to make in-person impressions in
sumers prefer online shopping to shopping in-store.15 large cities to raise overall brand awareness. With the
The presence of competition from other players in upcoming launch of Everkin’s MLB licensed phone
the tech accessory market inhibits the sales growth of cases and tech accessories, The Toxey Group identi-
mobile phone accessories.15 The online market offers fied key statistics for the top seven consumer markets
shoppers a multitude of options, making it difficult for for MLB fans.

Key Markets
brands to stand out from their competitors.15 Research
has shown that consumers lean toward lower-priced
options when shopping for tech accessories.15

1 New York
2 Los Angeles
3 Chicago
• 2018 Game Attendance - 3.8 • 2018 Game Attendance - 3.4 • 2018 Game Attendance - 3.1
million (Yankees)17 million (Dodgers)17 million (Cubs)17
• In 2016, sold 1.7 times more • In 2016, sold 1.7 times more • In 2016, sold 5.2 times more
online merchandise than the online merchandise than the online merchandise than the
league average18 league average18 league average18
• 2.1 million Instagram followers • 1.9 million Instagram followers • 1.4 million Instagram followers
as of April 2, 2019 as of April 2, 2019 as of April 2, 2019

4 Houston
5 San Francisco
6 Boston
• 2018 Game Attendance - 2.9 • 2018 Game Attendance - 3.1 • 2018 Game Attendance - 2.8
million (Astros)17 million (Giants)17 million (Red Sox)17
• 65.4 percent of Houston • In 2016, sold 1.6 times more • In 2016, sold 2.4 times more
residents are Astros fans19 online merchandise than the online merchandise than the
• 829,000 Instagram followers league average18 league average18
as of April 2, 2019 • 1.1 million Instagram followers • 1.6 million Instagram followers
as of April 2, 2019 as of April 2, 2019

7 St. Louis
• 2018 Game Attendance - 3.4
million (Cardinals)17 By targeting these seven markets, Everkin can reach heavily-
• In 2016, sold 1.4 times more populated, diverse cities full of consumers in its target demo-
online merchandise than the graphic. Targeting these cities will help further Everkin’s mission
league average18 of creating and selling tech accessories for everyone, everywhere.
• 724,000 Instagram followers
as of April 2, 2019

Product Types and Prices Design
Everkin currently sells iPhone cases, wireless chargers Everkin’s phone cases and wireless chargers come in
and screen protectors. The company sells phone an array of colors and chic designs. Primarily, the cas-
cases for most iPhone models beginning with the es are clear or solid-colored with a design displayed
6th generation and plans to expand its offerings to prominently on the back. The company offers trendy
include Samsung cases in the near future. The com- styles, such as marble and floral designs. It also offers
pany’s phone cases are priced at $29. Everkin plans MLB licensed cases and wireless chargers for seven
to launch a line of MLB licensed cases this summer popular teams in the League. Along with products
that will range in price from $30 to $45. The compa- for individual teams, Everkin has generic baseball
ny also sells wireless chargers for $49 and packs of designs intended for any fan. The cases are made
two glass screen protectors for $25. Everkin current- from various materials such as silicone and embossed
ly offers international shipping to more than 100 vegan leather. The glass screen protectors are de-
countries. Products ship within 48 hours of an order signed for the following models of iPhones: iPhone
being placed, and orders $35 and over receive free X/Xs, iPhone Xs Max, iPhone XR, iPhone 8/7/6 and
shipping. Consumers who are dissatisfied with their iPhone 8 Plus/7 Plus/6 Plus. The screen protectors
purchase are able to return unopened or defective are designed to give a completely transparent look
merchandise within 30 days for a full refund.20 while offering protection from everyday life. Ever-
kin’s wireless chargers allow for the use of hands-free
Product Features charging in several fashionable colors: rose gold,
black and light blue. The charger’s circular design
Although Everkin’s cases are intended to be fashion- and sleek finish allow for a customizable presence in
able, they are primarily designed with durability and
any location.
protection in mind. Each case is drop test certified at
six feet and designed to ensure protection from vari-
ous types of falls.21 For screen and camera safety, the Packaging
cases have a raised bezel for 360-degree protection.
Everkin’s packaging is simplistic with a minimalistic
Each case has easy-touch buttons and an anti-slip
design. It consists of an off-white box with embossed
gel grip that offers an extra layer of protection to
gold lettering. There is a plastic window in the mid-
prevent drops from happening. Additionally, Everkin
dle that allows consumers to preview the enclosed
provides a one year manufacturer’s warranty on all of
case. Overall, Everkin has not established a brand
its products.20
identity through its product packaging, as it ranges
from off-white packaging for phone cases to bright
The screen protectors offer edge-to-edge phone pro-
white packaging for screen protectors. According to
tection with HD transparency and responsive touch.
the client, there are plans to introduce new pack-
Everkin’s screen protectors come in a two-pack and
aging in the future that will list the cases’ protective
include an applicator, microfiber cloth, dust removal
features prominently on the front in order to ensure
sticker and alcohol wipe. The company also has a line
easy visibility for consumers. The company will also
of wireless phone chargers that are Qi-certified, fast
create new packaging designed specifically for its
charging, compatible with most cases and include a
MLB-themed cases.
micro-USB cable.

Everkin’s top competitors have already established themselves on the intersection of protection
and style. Sonix, Incipio, Case-Mate and The Casery are four direct competitors that offer durable
phone cases for fashion-conscious consumers.

Sonix is listed on Amazon, and many of its cases are Prime-eligible. Its
website offers free shipping in the United States, with free expedited
shipping on orders of $70 or more.23 There are a variety of designs
available, such as cases made to have a photo inserted by the
Sonix was founded in 2010 and is consumer. Sonix sells its cases in multiple retail locations internationally,
based in Los Angeles.22 According including Nordstrom, Urban Outfitters, Bloomingdales, Madewell
to its website, the company works to and Anthropologie.24
create high-quality, attention-
grabbing cases. Sonix sells phone Weaknesses:
cases, sunglasses, stationery, porta- Sonix’s cases sell for $35. The cases are drop test certified, but the
ble chargers, screen protectors and drop height is not specified. There are a limited number of options for
phone stickers on its website. non-Apple users.

Incipio was founded 20 years ago, making it more established
than most of its competitors.25 Incipio cases range in price from
$11 to $40. It sells phone cases for a variety of devices including
Apple, Samsung and Google. It also offers accessories for other
types of tech. It has phone cases with different functions such Incipio was founded in 1999 and is based in
as built-in wallets and charging capabilities. Incipio products are Irvine, California.25 The company’s aim is to
sold on Amazon and many of its cases are Prime-eligible. The protect tech with smartphone accessories
cases can also be found at retail locations such as Sprint, Verizon, while also emphasizing the social aspect of
AT&T, T-Mobile, Target, Walmart, Best Buy and Sam’s Club.26 Its technology in today’s world.25 Incipio sells
website offers free shipping to the United States. phone cases, tablet cases, laptop cases,
smart cases, wireless chargers, portable
Weaknesses: chargers, charging cables, wall chargers, car
Incipio cases are not all drop tested at the same height. The drop chargers, screen protectors, Apple Watch
test height listed on its website ranges from 1 foot to 15 feet, accessories and smart home accessories on
which may cause confusion for some consumers. its website.

Case-Mate products can be found on Amazon with some
Prime-eligible options. The cases range in price from $12 to $60.
Case-Mate offers cases for Apple, Samsung, Google, Motorola,
Asus and LG. The cases available come in a variety of styles, includ-
ing waterfall, translucent, plain-colored and patterned. Each case is
Case-Mate was founded in 2005 and drop tested from 10 feet.28 Case-Mate products can be purchased in
is based in Tucker, Georgia.27 The com- retail stores like Target, Best Buy and Walmart.29
pany sells phone cases, phone stands,
screen protectors, Apple Watch bands, Weaknesses:
wireless chargers and adhesive phone Free shipping is only available for purchases $20 and over on the
pockets on its website. The company’s Case-Mate website. A minimum purchase of $25 is required to earn
mission is to create protective, but stylish free shipping for Case-Mate products that are not Prime-eligible
phone cases.28 on Amazon.

The Casery offers free shipping in the United States for
every purchase made on its website. There are various
designs, including floral, marble and agate. Its products
are sold on Amazon and include Prime-eligible options.

Weaknesses: The Casery was founded in 2015 and is based in

The Casery’s cases are only drop tested from four feet, Los Angeles.30 The company’s tagline is “Protect
while other case companies are drop tested from six feet.30 The One You Love.”30 The Casery describes
The company does not offer cases for brands other than itself as the brand with the best, but affordable,
Apple. Its case designs do not vary in terms of material or fashion cases on the market.31 It offers phone
functionality. There are no physical retail locations listed on cases, adhesive phone pockets, phone rings and
its website. screen protectors on its website.

Everkin’s top competitors in the Major League Baseball phone case industry differ from
its fashion-forward technology competitors. Its main competitors in this category are
Keyscaper and Skinit.

Keyscaper’s phone cases range in price from $19.99 to $39.99. Its
products are listed on Amazon. Free shipping is offered on both
Amazon and its website. Keyscaper’s products are designed and
Keyscaper is based in Portland, Oregon.32 manufactured in the United States.33 It offers cases for both
According to its website, Keyscaper’s iPhone and Samsung Galaxy. The phone cases vary in material -
team works to create unique technology with wooden, bamboo and plastic options. Keyscaper offers other
accessories for sports fans and other ded- tech accessories such as a combination Bluetooth speaker and
icated groups of people.32 Keyscaper has wireless charging station as well as mobile chargers.
licenses for every major sports league in
the United States including Major League Weaknesses:
Baseball, the National Football League, There are not Prime-eligible options available for Keyscaper’s
NASCAR and the National Collegiate products on Amazon. There is no mention of a drop test
Athletic Association (NCAA).33 certification for Keyscaper’s products.

Skinit products are listed on Amazon with options that include free
shipping. The phone cases offered have different functions. There
are a variety of wallet cases and regular cases with varying levels of
protection. There are a wide variety of designs for each team. A free
MLB wallet sleeve is offered with the purchase of a case or skin. Skinit Skinit is based in San Diego, Califor-
allows customers to create custom phone cases and skins with their nia.34 It sells both phone cases and
own photos. phone skins on its website. The MLB
phone cases start at $24.99 while the
Weaknesses: skins start at $14.99. The company
There is not a drop test certification listed for Skinit’s cases. The offers MLB cases for both iPhone and
cases sold on Amazon are not Prime-eligible. Free shipping is only Samsung Galaxy. It also sells MLB skins
available for purchases $50 and over. Shipping and handling costs and skins for other types of technology,
$2 for customers that do not qualify. including laptops and gaming systems.

• Offers competitive pricing on cases • Lack of brand awareness among the
• A six-foot drop test certification on cases target audience
which is higher than the industry average • A four-person staff
• Gained exposure from being featured on • Only offers free shipping on purchases $35
CNBC’s “The Profit” and up
• Offers international shipping to more than • Lack of strong and differentiated
100 countries brand identity
• Obtained MLB license • Target audience age range is very broad
• Will launch new MLB licensed line in • Currently only selling products for iPhones
summer 2019 • Products designs lack variety
• Allows products to be returned within 30 • Products are not available on Amazon
days for a full refund • Limited presence in brick and mortar stores
• Offers a one year manufacturer warranty on • Difficulty expanding marketing efforts and
all products case designs toward male consumers
• Cases have low production costs • Low Search Engine Results Page
• Partnership with select T-Mobile stores in the (SERP) ranking
United States • Little revenue generated since the
company’s founding

• Potential partnerships with Marcus Lemonis’ • Phone case and tech accessories market is
other brands through Community heavily saturated
• The ability to reach more customers through • Phone case market is dependent on the cell
the launch of Samsung cases phone market
• Implementing more promotional opportuni- • Phone case and tech accessories brands that
ties and giveaways to generate sales have already captured the protective position
• The chance to expand into markets outside of in the market
the West Coast – especially MLB markets • Difficulty competing with pre-existing MLB
• An unique brand name that will allow the licensed merchandise
company to expand product offerings in • Phone case and tech accessories brands that
the future have already captured the fashion-forward
• Using influencers to garner more brand position in the market
awareness among target audience members • E-commerce marketplaces that offer better
• Phone case and tech accessories consumers prices and expedited shipping options
tend to lack brand loyalty • The emergence of new products in the phone
case and tech accessories market
• Direct competitors present in
wholesale marketplaces

The primary audience for this campaign consists of 18-45-year-olds who are interested in low-cost
yet protective phone cases. On average, the target audience spends $30.21 on a phone case but is
willing to pay up to $45.73 for an enhanced option, such as a protective case with a particularly sleek
design. They live in or near a metropolitan area and consist of students, working professionals and
parents who embrace an on-the-go lifestyle. They primarily purchase their phone cases online and are
enticed by free shipping.

The secondary audience consists of Major League Baseball fans within a 30-mile radius of one of
the campaign’s seven designated markets: New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Chicago, Houston,
St. Louis and San Francisco. This audience regularly attends MLB games and occasionally purchases
MLB merchandise.



The following consumer profiles depict fictionalized personas of Everkin’s
target audience.

Trendy Tatum

Tatum is a 21-year-old junior at Boston University in Boston, Massachusetts. She is tech-savvy,
owns multiple tech products and is extremely brand loyal to Apple. Tatum is an avid reader of
fashion magazines and follows social trends very closely. She follows the top influencers on social
media and is likely to purchase products they recommend. In the future, Tatum hopes to become
an influencer herself and is currently building her social media following. She frequently shops at
smaller online boutiques that offer free shipping.

Stylish Samantha
Samantha is an 18-year-old high school senior living in Orange County, California. She is highly
influenced by her peers and active on all social media platforms, particularly Instagram and
Snapchat. Although she values style, her main concern is making sure her phone is protected.
On average, she spends around eight hours a day on her cell phone.
Hip Heather

3 Heather is a 34-year-old mother of two children living in the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia. Between bal-
ancing her busy home life and owning a local boutique, she is always on the go. Heather is looking for
a phone case that is stylish yet protective and can be conveniently purchased.

Artsy Aaron

Aaron is a 25-year-old freelance graphic designer living in Brooklyn, New York. He is an
aspiring creative director and currently has nearly 40,000 YouTube subscribers. He wants
a phone case that highlights his unique personality and style. Due to his creative nature
and digital following, Aaron purchases new phone cases quite frequently.

Dependable Dan

5 Dan is a newly-married 29-year-old living in St. Louis, Missouri. He works as a financial advisor for Wells
Fargo and is an avid Cardinals fan, attending over 10 games each season. He cares mostly about phone
protection when choosing a case but also wants to show loyalty to his team.

Coach Chris

Chris is a 38-year-old contractor living in Houston, Texas. He is a father of three children and
coaches little league baseball on the weekends. Chris is an Astros fan and mostly watches the
games at home or with friends. Occasionally, he will take his children to Minute Maid Park to
watch a game. He shops for tech accessories when his phone case is due for an upgrade.

“they are pretty, but if I
drop it down my staircase
is it going to protect it?”
-focus group participant

The Toxey Group aims to increase conversions on the Everkin website by four percent and
the point-of-purchase sales in retail stores by eight percent before Jan. 1, 2020. This will
need to be executed in combination with the communication objectives being pushed
through advertising, social media posts and other tactics.

The Group aims to increase consumer awareness of Everkin by nine percent. By utilizing
the tagline “Designed to Survive,” the desired campaign outcome is to increase consumer
perception of the fashion-forward and protective nature of Everkin products by six per-
cent. By using guerrilla marketing tactics in the home cities of the top seven Major League
Baseball fandoms, The Toxey Group plans to increase awareness of Everkin’s MLB phone
case options. Further, through the promotion of Everkin’s MLB line, The Group plans to
decrease the number of male consumers who perceive Everkin’s products as feminine by
25 percent. Each of these goals are on track to be reached before Jan. 1, 2020.

Strategic Focal Point
The “Designed to Survive” campaign aims to portray Everkin as an up-and-
coming brand in the phone case and tech accessories market by generating
awareness and strategically differentiating the company from its competitors.

The campaign will position Everkin’s products as stylish, protective and
created for a wide range of consumers. The goal of the campaign is to
ensure that consumers view Everkin’s products as being uniquely designed
for protection and able to match the many different lifestyles of tech users
around the world.

The Big Idea

The campaign will establish the idea that Everkin phone cases are “Designed
to Survive” everyday life. This tagline will emphasize the design-oriented and
fashion aspects of the cases while also highlighting their protective nature.
While Everkin’s cases are known to be fashionable, the campaign strives to
show consumers the cases have more than meets the eye. Whether a
consumer is working, enjoying a night out or cheering on their favorite team,
Everkin’s cases offer protection during all of life’s moments.

In order to successfully execute the creative strategy, the ads will emphasize
the protective features of Everkin phone cases and provide examples of how
they are “Designed to Survive” various situations. Although the campaign
will use a variety of mediums, the ads will work together cohesively to help
consumers better understand Everkin’s mission and product offerings. To
increase awareness, the campaign will employ print ads, door hangers, and
digital ads on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

marketing STRATEGY
The marketing strategy will be executed through the use of tactics that
promote both Everkin’s current products and its upcoming Major League
Baseball line. These tactics comprise a marketing mix that includes guerrilla
marketing and influencer marketing.

Guerrilla marketing efforts will be implemented in all seven of the target

MLB cities in order to reach Everkin’s target customers in a unique and
differentiated manner. In both New York and Los Angeles, 500 guerrilla
marketing posters will be posted to increase awareness of the “Designed
to Survive” campaign. In the remaining five target cities, door hangers will
be distributed among major residential areas. By targeting the seven MLB
cities, Everkin will not only be able to promote the “Designed to Survive”
campaign, but it will also be able to increase its brand presence and
awareness among consumers.

In addition, the marketing strategy includes the use of influencer marketing

to garner greater awareness of Everkin’s products. Influencer marketing will
allow the company to effectively reach a large portion of its target audi-
ence by using TV personalities, bloggers and other social media influencers
to generate interest in the Everkin brand. By using influencers, Everkin has
the opportunity to affirm its product credibility and increase overall sales.

The “Designed to Survive” campaign begins on June Social Media
1, 2019, and ends on Jan. 1, 2020. This eight-month
campaign will focus on promoting Everkin’s new Major Many members of Everkin’s target audience are very ac-
League Baseball line, the “Gear Up Your Team” contest, tive on social media. The Toxey Group plans to increase
a revamped ambassador program and digital ads on Everkin’s social media presence through Instagram,
social media. This campaign primarily utilizes Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. By increasing its social
Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Everkin has a pres- media presence on these platforms, Everkin will increase
ence on each of these channels, and by increasing its its brand awareness. Overall, $2,500 will be allocated to-
presence on each channel, Everkin’s overall reach and ward sponsored social media posts on Instagram, Face-
impressions will likely increase. book and Twitter in order to reach its target audience.
Everkin will utilize Pinterest’s organic growth to reach its
The “Gear Up Your Team” contest will take place July target audience on the platform.
1 through Aug. 7. “Gear Up Your Team” will engage
Everkin’s existing customers as well as attract new cus- Instagram
tomers through promotion via social media and earned An allocation of $1,000 will be put toward sponsored
media. To be qualified to enter the contest, one must posts for Instagram. This amount will be spent on Insta-
purchase an MLB Everkin phone case or wireless char- gram because the platform allows businesses to reach
ger from Everkin’s website. After purchasing a product, consumers 10 times more than Facebook.35 Furthermore,
the customer will receive a confirmation email with an 60 percent of Instagram users discover new products
order number. They must enter their order number on through sponsored posts on the platform, which results
shopeverkin.com to be entered. At the end of the con- in 200 million visits to business profiles every day.35
test period, an order number will be selected at random
and the winner will be notified on Aug. 9 via social
media and email. This contest will organically raise brand Twitter
awareness, boost website traffic and increase sales. An allocation of $500 will be put toward promoted
tweets in order to more effectively reach Everkin’s de-
The revamped ambassador program aims to increase sired target audience. Twitter is the main social media
Everkin’s brand awareness on college campuses. The platform brands use to engage with customers.36 This
program will first be implemented at colleges located platform gives the client the opportunity to quickly com-
in Southern California and has the potential to later municate with customers and answer any questions or
expand to colleges in other regions and states. Everkin concerns they may have. The ability to quickly respond
will contact career centers on campuses to promote its to consumers and mitigate any product-related issues
recruitment of brand ambassadors. Through this part- will help enhance Everkin’s customer service experience.
nership, Everkin can increase its brand awareness with a
key target demographic, while also creating brand-loyal
customers like its ambassadors. This program differs
from the current ambassador program because Everkin is An allocation of $1,000 will be put toward sponsored
initiating a new application process for students who are posts for Facebook. According to Instapage, Facebook
active on social media and interested in growing their drives around 25 percent of social referral traffic which is
advertising and marketing skills. This also serves as an more than all other social media platforms combined.37
opportunity for students to foster relationships in their Additionally, Facebook users are more likely to interact
desired job market. with Facebook advertisements.37

It is recommended that Everkin post two to four times a
month on Pinterest since it is free and has organic reach.
According to Elegant Themes, 93 out of the world’s top
100 brands have accounts on Pinterest.36 Pinterest is the
leading social media site with organic reach; therefore,
it is recommended that Everkin take advantage of this

The Toxey Group has also created an organized social

media calendar for all of Everkin’s Instagram, Facebook,
Twitter and Pinterest posts for the remainder of 2019.
The calendar includes Everkin-branded content featuring
fashion, MLB, ambassadors, holidays, discounts. and
filler posts with designated posting dates and times.

Guerrilla marketing is an unconventional advertising strategy that focuses on low-cost
marketing tactics. For this campaign, 1,000 11-by-17-inch posters will be strategically
placed around Los Angeles and New York in heavily populated areas. The benefit of us-
ing this tactic is that the posters have no definite lifespan. Therefore, Everkin will maintain
a presence in these cities longer than they would with traditional outdoor advertising.

To spread more awareness of Everkin products, 12,500 door hangers will be distributed
throughout San Francisco, St. Louis, Houston, Chicago and Boston. Unlike direct mail,
door hangers are an attention-grabbing form of direct advertising that consumers are
forced to engage with.38 With the release of the new MLB cases, door hangers will
highlight a variety of Everkin phone cases.

The “Designed to Survive” tagline will be featured on the posters and door hangers to
reinforce the idea that Everkin’s cases are stylish and protective. The posters and door
hangers will be distributed at the beginning of July, coinciding with the “Gear Up Your
Team” contest. The combined cost of the posters and door hangers will be $13,093 for
production and distribution.

The Toxey Group chose GoGORILLA Media, a freelance guerrilla marketing agency, to
execute these tactics. With 25 years of experience and reach in 50 different markets,
GoGORILLA Media is able to place Everkin directly in front of the target audience.39

door hangers


poster Design


In today’s society, social media is a powerful market-

ing tool. People have cultivated profitable careers
just from being outstanding social media influenc-
ers. Creating a presence online is the most valuable
advertising tactic to date, as 90 percent of custom-
ers trust product recommendations from people
they are already connected with.40

With Everkin being a new company breaking into

the tech accessories industry, an ambassador
program will take this awareness campaign to the
next level.

The brand ambassador program will consist of:

• Two to three representatives per campus
• Distribution of promotional materials around
various campus locations
• Increased awareness of Everkin among col-
lege-aged students (a major target market)
• Additional advertising efforts during campaigns

By creating a brand ambassador program that

targets college campuses, Everkin will gain an
unstoppable network of social media savvy, young
professionals. They will act as vital assets to the
company by establishing brand awareness within
several communities.

“Brand ambassadors have quickly become one of the most valuable mar-
keting resources around. These are real people, some of them working
for you, some of them just fans of your product, who get out and make
people aware of who you are, and what your message is.” - Ann Smarty 41
content marketing consultant


“Gear Up Your Team” is a contest designed to organically raise brand aware-

ness, boost website traffic and increase sales for Everkin. The competition runs
July 1 through Aug. 7, 2019. The winner will be announced on Aug. 9, 2019.
The “Gear Up Your Team” event takes place Aug. 22-24 in Los Angeles. The
Los Angeles Dodgers v. New York Yankees game is on Aug. 23, at 9:10 p.m.
What is the PDT at Dodger Stadium.

A media kit including a press release and an FAQ sheet will be sent out to
Gear Up Your Team news outlets to generate earned media. A pitch email has also been created
for dissemination to surrounding media outlets. The press release includes an
Sweepstakes? overview of the contest, including how to enter, the dates of the contest and
what is included in the prize. The press release will be sent to local sports blogs
and local news outlets in California located on the media list provided.

The FAQ sheet answers any questions individuals might have about the
contest. It will be sent with the press release and will be posted on the contest
page on Everkin’s website. The FAQ sheet, pitch email and press release are
located in the appendix.

The winner plus one guest will be provided with two tickets to the Los Angeles
Dodgers v. New York Yankees game. The two will be provided with a two-night
stay at the DoubleTree by Hilton in downtown Los Angeles. Check-in is on Aug.
What is included 22, 2019, and check-out is on Aug. 24, 2019. The winner and their guest will
be provided with two round-trip airfare tickets. (Disclaimer: Everkin will provide
in the grand prize? winner and guest with an allowance of $800 total to spend on airfare tickets.
Any amount over this allocation will need to be paid by the winner and guest.)
The winner will also be provided with a $200 Visa gift card and an ultimate fan
package comprised of MLB gear.





Amanda got the chance to win our Looking for a free weekend getaway? Check back here tomorrow to find out who
#GearUpYourTeam Contest when she Don’t forget to enter our won our #GearUpYourTeam Sweepstakes!
bought her @Dodgers phone case! #GearUpYourTeam Contest ending on #DesignedtoSurvive game day
#DesignedtoSurvive 9 innings Aug. 7! For more information, click the link
in our bio. #DesignedToSurvive
88.8k followers 154k followers 81k followers 42.4k followers

Bachelor Nation The Toxey Group kept Everkin’s target demographic
in mind when deciding to partner with contestants
According to Medium, traditional advertising and
from the TV shows “The Bachelor” and “The Bach-
marketing techniques are no longer effective,
elorette.” Everkin would highly benefit from the
especially with millennials.43 Due to the rise of social
impressions these public figures generate on their
media in the past few years, companies must develop
social platforms. The show often targets contestants
creative ways to effectively reach their target publics.
with a strong media presence and this following only
In order to compete in today’s industry, The Toxey
increases after their time on the show has ended. Past
Group proposes the implementation of an improved
contestants commonly form their post-show careers
influencer marketing strategy.
by promoting brands on their social media platforms,
making appearances at events and even cultivat-
According to research conducted by The Toxey
ing their own podcasts. According to Ad Week, the
Group, 70 percent of respondents say that they
show’s target demographic age range is 18-49 years
would purchase a product based off an influencer’s
old, which aligns similarly with Everkin’s target demo-
recommendation. With this insight in mind, The
graphic of 18-45 years old.45
Group set aside $3,736 to develop an influencer
marketing strategy that includes TV personalities,
The Toxey Group reached out to former Bachelor and
online bloggers and social media influencers. Everkin
Bachelorette contestants to gather pricing informa-
can better reach its target audience by using these
tion. The chosen influencers include Whitney Fran-
individuals. For more details on pricing information,
sway, Connor Obrochta, Maquel Cooper and Marikh
see page 42.
Mathias - with a combined average of 91.5 thousand
followers. For a list of optional influencers and an ex-
By utilizing online media personalities, Everkin has
ample email to send to influencers, see the appendix.
the opportunity to significantly enhance its product
credibility and overall sales.44 Influencer Marketing
Hub found that in 2018 Instagram had over 1 billion
monthly active users.44 The article also states, “users
post 95 million photos and videos per day, along
with uploading 400 million Instagram stories a day.”44 professionals find influencers
Since there is so much content being produced important to their success.”
on the platform, the users with a higher number of -DANICA KOMBOL
followers usually have a larger reach and make more CEO AT EVERYWHERE AGENCY
overall impressions.

September 6 December 1
When it comes to your phone, why choose between fashion and No Sunday scaries here because tomorrow is the best day of the year –
protection when you can have both? Our cases allow your phone to be Cyber Monday. Visit shopeverkin.com and use the code “CYBERMON” at
chic and protected. From floral to marble, we have the perfect case for checkout for 40% off your entire purchase. Trust us, you don’t wanna miss
you. Our products are #DesignedtoSurvive. Check them out now out on this deal.
at shopeverkin.com.


June 19
Sick of choosing between fashion and protection when it comes
to your phone case? We’ve got you covered. Check out our line
of awesome cases at shopeverkin.com. #DesignedtoSurvive


Where are all of our baseball fans at? We are so excited We love getting pictures from our Everkin fam, and we
to announce that we are releasing our new MLB line on Monday, June 3! would love to repost your photo. Don’t forget to tag us in your posts for
#GearUpYourTeam #DesignedToSurvive a chance to be featured on our page!

social media handles

@shopeverkin @shopeverkin

@shopeverkin @shopeverkin

MEDIA Promotional Products

Gear Up Your Team

Promoted Posts


Guerrilla Marketing

JUNE JULY AUGUST september october november december january
Guerrilla Marketing

Gear Up Your Team






Promotional Products

Guerrilla Marketing: $13,093 Ambassadors: $180
Posters: $5,972 Shipping: $88
• Los Angeles: $2,986 for 500 Phone Cases: $40
• New York: $2,986 for 500 • One Phone Case per Ambassador
Door Hangers: $7,121 Printing: $3054
• Chicago: $1,440 for 2,500 Buttons: $2253
• Houston: $1,440 for 2,500 • 10 Buttons
• Boston: $1,433 for 2,500
• St. Louis: $1,404 for 2,500
• San Francisco: $1,404 for 2,500 Promotions: $544
Stickers: $47551
Gear Up Your Team: $1,985x • 2,000 Stickers
Mailing Materials: $6952
Airfare Allowance: $800 • 50 Boxes
Hotel: $54446
• Two Nights, DoubleTree by Hilton
Tickets: $24447 Influencers: $3,736
• Two Tickets, Loge Box 146, Row H Whitney Fransway: $1,000
Spending Allowance: $200 • One Post, Two Stories,
Fan Package: $196 Two Professional Photos
• Two Wireless Chargers: $10050 Connor Obrochta: $1,000
• Two T-Shirts: $5048 • One Post
• Two Baseball Caps: $4649 Marikh Mathias: $1,000
• One Post
Promoted Posts: $2,500 Maquel Cooper: $700
• One Post, Three Stories
Instagram: $1,000
Shipping: $36
Facebook: $1,000
Twitter: $500
*Prices are accurate as of April 7, 2019.
*Some amounts are rounded up to the nearest dollar.


The results of this campaign can be measured by tracking the awareness, acceptance and action of consumers. To
gauge awareness, the client can monitor website traffic during June 1, 2019 through Jan. 1, 2020. The use of the
“Designed to Survive” hashtag will enable Everkin to determine the awareness of the brand in addition to the accep-
tance of the campaign. Acceptance can also be measured by recording the number of followers gained on each social
media platform post-campaign. Everkin can track social engagement by evaluating the number of likes, story views and
comments. To determine action generated by the campaign, Everkin can count the number of users that sign up for
its newsletter. Further, determining the number of participants who enter the “Gear Up Your Team” contest will allow
Everkin to gauge its online impressions in relation to its MLB line. Everkin can measure the success of its ambassador
program by observing the number of website visitors from the IP addresses of the participating college campuses. Us-
ing the methods listed above, the company can accurately assess the overall success of The Toxey Group’s “Designed
to Survive” campaign.
Comic-Con: San Diego
The Toxey Group believes that Everkin can benefit from hosting a
booth at Comic-Con 2019 in San Diego from July 18-21. This event
is a way to promote the launch of its new line of Marvel cases and
accessories and make in-person impressions with consumers. Fans
from all over the country attend this event and are likely to buy
merchandise representing their favorite character or comic. Ac-
cording to The San Diego Union-Tribune, Comic-Con has sold out
consecutively, which suggests that there would be a large amount
of fans that Everkin can reach at the event.55 Comic-Con’s website
states that the convention has around 130,000 visitors annually.56
Additional pricing information can be found at www.comic-con.org.

Everkin should also consider renting a booth at AmericasMart,
a wholesale marketplace located in Atlanta.57 This market allows
boutiques and stores the opportunity to display fashion and tech
accessories and will give Everkin the opportunity to reach a large
audience of buyers who might not have knowledge of its products.
Everkin will gain leverage, as the buyers attending AmericasMart
are looking to buy wholesale products for their stores. This gives
Everkin the opportunity to build brand awareness in the business
community and also build relationships that could lead to future
business partnerships.

Expected cost: $1,900-$3,300 for a 100 square feet of booth space

anna claire toxey
account executive

anna jones
media director

emma adcock
editorial director

lexi warren
creative director

shannon wheeler
research director

research team media team creative team editorial team

Laura Jackson Amanda Le Briana Hatten Meredith Hill
Emily Meek Hunter Stamba
Kourtni Halsey
Kalyn Kunze
Jordan Wynn

01 https://shopeverkin.com/pages/our-story
02 https://www.theprofitupdates.com/2018/06/the-profit-casery-everkin-update.html
03 https://www.cnbc.com/2018/06/19/marcus-lemonis-the-profit-why-a-selfish-attitude-is-bad-at-work.html
04 https://www.marcuslemoniscommunity.com/
05 https://www.statista.com/statistics/274774/forecast-of-mobile-phone-users-worldwide/
06 http://bit.ly/2U07zXy
07 http://bit.ly/2VuqScZ
08 http://academic.mintel.com.libdata.lib.ua.edu/display/793973/
09 http://www.inlandinstitutional.com/sites/default/files/1b%20-%20Shopping%20Habits%20of%20Millennials.pdf
10 https://wapo.st/2OTQ9ej
11 https://ind.pn/2UJy7k4
12 https://www.statista.com/statistics/197882/us-adults-following-major-league-baseball-by-age/
13 http://sportsmarketanalytics.com.libdata.lib.ua.edu/research.aspx?subrid=521
14 https://www.statista.com/statistics/330695/number-of-smartphone-users-worldwide/
15 https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/global-mobile-phone-accessories-market-2017-2023-300483437.html
16 https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/mobile-phone-protective-cases-market


17 http://www.espn.com/mlb/attendance/_/year/2018
18 http://www.rakutenintelligence.com/blog/2016/baseball-merchandise-sales-2016
19 http://bit.ly/2OWe9NU
20 https://shopeverkin.com/pages/faq
21 https://shopeverkin.com
22 https://shopsonix.com/pages/about
23 https://shopsonix.com/
24 https://shopsonix.com/pages/faqs
25 https://incipio.com/about
26 https://incipio.com/storelocator
27 https://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=59694228
28 https://case-mate.com/our-story
29 http://bit.ly/2D0qEDe
30 https://thecasery.com/
31 https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-casery/about/
32 https://keyscaper.com/pages/about-us

https://keyscaper.com 33
https://www.skinit.com/about-us 34
https://adespresso.com/blog/instagram-sponsored-posts/ 35
https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/resources/which-social-media-platforms-offer-the-greatest-organic-reach 36
https://instapage.com/blog/facebook-sponsored-ads 37
https://smallbusiness.chron.com/door-hanger-advertising-10664.html 38
https://gogorillamedia.com 39
http://bit.ly/2I6IjNS 40
https://www.salesforce.com/blog/2016/12/start-ambassador-program.html 41
https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2018/06/05/podcast-advertising 42
https://medium.com/@reedjd/the-rise-of-influencers-and-why-you-should-care-c464e5405536 43
https://influencermarketinghub.com/influencer-marketing-2019-benchmark-report/ 44
http://bit.ly/2OWPAjT 45
https://www.hilton.com/en/book/reservation/payment 46
https://seatgeek.com/yankees-at-dodgers-tickets/8-23-2019-los-angeles-california-dodger-stadium/mlb/4609955 47
http://bit.ly/2G8gy5i 48

cited http://bit.ly/2U9mgaY 49
https://shopeverkin.com/products/wireless-charger 50
https://www.stickermule.com/products/circle-stickers 51
https://amzn.to/2Icnz7x 52
http://bit.ly/2GbVI5b 53
https://www.fedex.com/en-us/printing/marketing-materials/flyers.html#details 54
https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/entertainment/comic-con/sd-me-con-numbers-20170715-story.html 55
https://www.comic-con.org/about 56
https://www.americasmart.com 57


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