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Catálogo de Ropa

8th grade Spanish II Project. DUE DATE: Feb 21, 2020

Students will create a clothing catalog in Spanish using Vocab. Words from this unit
and previous lessons. Students can choose from 3 options:
1. Poster/magazine style using pictures from magazines to create your clothing
style per
season of the year.
2. Using Power Point, Prezi (Coach Supervision) or any other computerize
3. Drawing your creations into a Catalog book.

You are a fashion designer getting ready to put out a “Catalog” with your latest
line per season of the year. Your job is to create a catalog with a detailed description
each item to entice your audience to buy your new clothing line. This project it is due
by the
end of the Unit.
 You have to include at least 4 pages, 5 items per outfit. Label each item in
 10 Complete sentences in Spanish to describe your creations.
 Example: La Camisa Azul y Verde se usa en Verano.
 Exmaple: Les gustan los abrigos en invierno, etc.
 Your project must be Neat, Colorful, and grammatically correct in Spanish.

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