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Bachelor of Science in BUSIINESS ADMINISTRATION Major in Management

Course Checklist 2008 - 2017

CODE First Year, First Semester Pre-requisite/s
Lec Lab Total
PHIVALF Philosophy and Values Education 3 3
FILIPI1 Filipino 1 (Sining ng Pakikipagtalastasan) 3 3
COMART1 College English 1 3 3
INTROIT Intro to Information Technology 1 2 3
PRINMAN Principles of Management 3 3
BIOLSCI Natural Science 1 (Biological Science) 1 2 3
COMKEY1 Computer Keyboarding 1 2 3
PHYSED1 Self-Testing Activities (Gymnastics) (2) (2)
NASTRA1 CWTS 1(NSTP 1) (3) (3)
Total Units 15 6 21
First Year, Second Semester
Lec Lab Total
PSYCHRE Psychology & Human Relations 3 3
FILIPI2 Filipino 2 (Pagbasa at Pagsulat Tungo sa Pananaliksik) 3 3 FILIPI1
COMART2 College English 2 (Communication Arts 2) 3 3 COMART1
ENVISCI Natural Science 2 (Environmental Science) 3 3 BIOLSCI
APROG1C Application Programming 1 2 3 INTROIT
BUSMATH Business Mathematics 3 3
PRINMAR Principles of Marketing 3 3 PRINMAN
PHYSED2 Rhytmic Activities (Dance) (2) (2) PHYSED1
Total Units 19 2 21
Second Year, First Semester
Lec Lab Total
SOCIOFP Sociology & Family Planning 3 3
SPEECON Speech & Conversational English 3 3 COMART2
COALGEB College Algebra 3 3 BUSMATH
HARTAPP Humanities & Arts Appreciation 3 3
ACCOUN1 Accounting 1 3 3
MICRECO Basic Microeconomics 3 3
BETHICS Business Ethics 3 3
PHYSED3 Individual/Dual Sports (Table (2) (2) PHYSED2
Total Units 21 - 21
Second Year, First Semester
Lec Lab Total
RETAMAN Retail Management 3 3
ACCOUN2 Accounting 2 3 3 ACCOUN1
MARKRES Marketing Research 3 3 PRINMAR
BASIFIN Basic Finance 3 3
PHILHIS Philippine History 3 3
ECONTLR Economics, Taxation and Land Reform 3 3 ECONOMI
BUSCOMM Business Communication 3 3
DAMASYC Business Application Software (MS ACCESS) 1 2 3 APROG1C
PHYSED4 Recreational Sports (Group/Relay Games) (2) (2) PHYSED3
Total Units 22 2 24
CODE Third Year, First Semester Pre-requisite/s
Lec Lab Total
HUREMAN Human Resource Management 3 3 PRINMAN
BUSSTAT Business Statistics BUSMATH/
3 3
OBLICON Obligations and Contracts 3 3
CONTLIT Contemporary Literature 3 3
MARKMAN Marketing Management 3 3 PRINMAR
SOREGOV Social Responsibilities & Good 3 3 PHILHIS
CONSUBE Consumer Behavior 3 3
DESKPUB Desktop Publishing 1 2 3 DAMASYC
Total Units 22 2 24
Third Year, Second Semester
Lec Lab Total
ADVERTI Advertising 3 3 CONSUBE
PRODMAN Product Management 3 3
RIZALLW Rizal Life & Works 3 3
ENVIMAR Environmental Marketing 3 3
INCOMET Income Taxation 3 3
BUSIRES Business Research 3 3
DISTMAN Distribution Management 3 3
ECOMARK E-Commerce & Internet Marketing 1 2 3 DESKPUB
Total Units 22 2 24
Fourth Year, First Semester
Lec Lab Total
PROSALE Professional Salesmanship 3 3 4th Year Standing
COOPMAN Cooperative Marketing 3 3 4th Year Standing
TOQUMAN Total Quality Management 3 3 4th Year Standing
SPETMAR Special Topics In Marketing Management 3 3 4th Year Standing
STRAMAK Strategic Marketing Management 3 3 4th Year Standing
HUBEORG Human Behavior in Organization 3 3 4th Year Standing
Total Units 18 - 18
Fourth Year, Second Semester
Lec Lab Total
PRACTI1 Practicum/Work Integrated Learning 6 6 4th Year Standing
OJTSEFI Seminar and Field Trip 3 3 4th Year Standing
MANISYS Management and Information System 1 2 3 4th Year Standing
Total Units 10 2 12

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