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This is the first of a series of books I plan to write.

I call
this novel a science fiction fantasy. Divine Turin is a shape
shifter from space stranded on Earth for so long that his
people have become a part of our beliefs in demons. This
is a collection of stories about the life of an incubus called
Divine Turin in the past and the modern world of today.
Forced to live a life of secrecy, he hides the truth about
his origin and sexuality. Be forewarned there are parts of
this story that are of a controversial subject and nature.

The father of two children, the au-

thor been writing short works for
over thirty years. My poetry has won
many awards worldwide. Living and
working in Toronto as well as trav-
eling all over North America, he has
enjoyed meeting people from all over
the world.

6.00 x 9.00 .115 6.00 x 9.00

No color breaks or
text within the dotted area
Tails of a Gay Incubus
The Memoirs of Divine Turin

Josehf Lloyd Murchison

© 2008 by Josehf Lloyd Murchison.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior
written permission of the publishers, except by a reviewer who may quote
brief passages in a review to be printed in a newspaper, magazine or journal.

First printing

All characters in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to real persons,
living or dead, is coincidental.

PublishAmerica has allowed this work to remain exactly as the author intended,
verbatim, without editorial input.

ISBN: 1-60610-156-0

Printed in the United States of America

Tails of a Gay Incubus
The Memoirs of Divine Turin
This is the first of a series of books I plan to write. I call this novel an erotic
science fiction fantasy, first my main character is a shape shifter from space
stranded on Earth for so long that his people have become a part of our beliefs
in demons and second it is erotic, making it both a science fiction and a
fantasy. My inspiration for writing this story is the word Succubus a sexy She
demon that sucks the life force out of their victims during erotic dreams. A
Succubi is the plural of Succubus and a Cambion is half human and half
Succubae. An Incubus is the male Succubae. In some cultures it is believed
the Succubae can change to the male form an Incubus the Succubus would
have sex with men in their sleep then she would change to the male form and
impregnate women in their sleep. In this manner they would reproduce or
create Cambion. In other cultures it is believed that there are two sexes and
same sex intercourse is the only way to kill a Succubae. Can you imagine
killing a demon by having sex with one of the same sex brings a whole new
meaning to, “Make love not war!” This is a collection of stories about the life
of an Incubus called Divine Turin in the past and the modern world of today.
I did not include all the definitions of Succubae as with every culture there are
different definitions for a Succubae and that would be a book in of its self.
Be forewarned there are parts of this story that are of a controversial subject
and nature.

I would like to thank the people that told me their life stories. They gave
me the insight to write these tails.
Chapter One
A Chance Meeting
It was five years since Brendan Rowe encountered Divine Turin in
Helmsley North Yorkshire he was on vacation in England and spent the
summer touring the English countryside. Divine was the kind of man you
couldn’t forget six feet tall, coal black hair, muscular with a very handsome
face. Women would turn to watch him cross the room and this made him a
great chick magnet. His castoffs were plentiful as well as beautiful and
Brendan didn’t spend one night alone after meeting up with Divine.

The surprise of seeing Divine at the Lancaster in Toronto was more than
Brendan could contain so he called out to Divine with a raised hand across
the crowded bar. Divine turned to see who was calling and a smile crossed
his face as he recognized the man he met in England five years earlier. Divine
waved and called Brendan towards the table he was sitting at with his
companion. Brendan worked his way through the crowd to Divine’s table as
the waitress was leaving with the orders of drinks for everyone. He shook
hands with Divine as he was introduced to Divine’s companion. John Harris
smiled as he shook Brent’s hand. Brent then turned to Divine and asked if
he moved to Canada or if he was just visiting. Divine told him he moved here
a year ago, the immigration polices between Britain and Canada made it quite
easy to do.

Brent sat down as the waitress returned with their drinks, he became
reacquainted with Divine and got to know his companion John. Before long
they were all quite drunk and the waitress refused to serve them, without


service Brent suggested they go to his loft on Front Street to continue the
evening. The loft was in an old-sectional warehouse on the south side of Front
Street, a sprawling red brick building with its back to Lake Ontario. The old
freight elevator with wooden slat gates took the three men to the top floor.
The hardwood floors creaked as they walked down the hallway to Brent’s
suite. His keys jingled as he clumsily unlocked the front door to the suite and
motioned his guests to enter.

Inside, the loft was a split-level suite with an open second floor, furnished
with a modest entertainment center, bar, throw rugs and a futon. Through the
window the moon could be seen glistening on the lake as if a white fire danced
on the rippling water. Both Divine and John were impressed with the quaint
loft, as Brent pointed to the first door on his right giving them a tour. “This is
the downstairs bathroom next to it is the kitchen these are the stairs to my
bedroom on the upper floor and on the other side of the stairs is the dinning

As Brent staggered to the bar in the corner of the living room taking three
glasses off the shelf he asked what they would like to have. Divine answered,
“A couple of Guinness would suit John and me quite well.”

“That’s one hell of a view from the window.” John said as he and Divine
accepted the drinks.

“Yes I wanted a ravine with a river running through it but the salesman said
they were backordered and the lake was on sale.” The men chuckled at
Brent’s joke as they sat on the futon.

“I rented this as an apartment when I returned from England and a year

later it went condo so I bought it for a song. I mean that literally I sold one
of my poems to a band and the royalties paid for my loft.” Brent spoke
between sips of his drink. “My writing could be doing better, I’ve hit a wall
in my new novel so I decided to go out tonight and relax. And I’m glad I did
it has been a long time my friend.”


The three men talked until the early morning hours when it became
obvious they were getting tired as well as very drunk. Brent suggested they
spend the night as long as they did not mind sharing the futon it opens into a
double bed and it is quite comfortable. Divine and John agreed to spend the
night and Brent brought them some pillows and blankets bid them a good
night as he went off to bed.

A Nights Dream
Later that night I found myself in need of going to the bathroom, not
wanting to wake my guests I quietly got up without turning on the lights and
went to relive myself in the upstairs bathroom. As I was returning to bed I
could hear some noises coming from the living room. Walking over to the
railing I looked down into the living room. The moonlight shining in the
window cast its light across the room to the futon where Divine and John were
sleeping but instead of seeing the two men sleeping they were naked and
making love.

I’ve never watched two men make love, and now I couldn’t look away.
Half covered by the blanket John was kissing Divine’s chest and slowly
working his way down Divine’s stomach to his waist. In the dim light of the
moon I could see John’s head slowly rise and fall as he pleasured Divine with
his mouth. They seemed to be very gentle as they kissed each other and
pleasured each other with their mouths. Divine rolled over and John climb on
top of him the blanket fell off as John moved back and forth. I found it very
erotic as I watched them from the dark of the upper loft floor and soon found
myself getting hard as I watched the two men in the moon lit room.

I closed my eyes and started to rub myself fantasizing about John’s lips
on me. My robe fell open as I stood at the railing stroking my now hard
member. I slid my hand around to my backside and probed with a finger
fantasizing it was Divine behind me making love to me as John was pleasuring
me with his lips. I opened my eyes and watched John and Divine as they made


love on the futon while I pleasured my self. Sometimes John would be on top
other times Divine would be on top. Then John and Divine turned and they
started to pleasure each other with their mouths at the same time, I felt the
orgasm rise in me and I couldn’t contain myself any longer, I let out a big sigh
as I released in my hand. Suddenly I realized they might hear, stifling myself
I looked down at Divine and John, they made no moves as if they heard me
as I watched them so I quietly went back to bed.

I couldn’t stop thinking about Divine and John as I tried to sleep. I

watched them and instead of being repulsed by what I saw, I was turned on
by it. Was I gay? I wanted them in my bed, their naked bodies next to mine
as they kiss me over my chest and down my abdomen towards my groin their
hot breath on my skin. The touch of their warm lips on my skin as they kissed
me, and their hands rubbing softly on my naked body across my chest and
down my back as we kiss each other. Divine’s muscles rippling as I worked
my way down his hard belly to his manhood. I was amazed at how soft the
head was as I licked and kissed my way down. With our mouths we
pleasured each other, John kissed his way down my back to my backside
and I arched my back as John slid his warm wet tongue in side me. Divine
was so big I could barely fit my mouth over him as I licked down the length
of him, he is hairy and feels like velvet as I rub and squeezed him gently. I try
to take all of him into my mouth but he is too big to fit all of him in me so I hold
his head in my mouth as I stroked the rest of him with my hand.

I didn’t notice at first, his legs were hairy with fine fur all the way down
to his cloven feet, still this sight didn’t frighten me as we made love in my bed.
I was dreaming and decided to have fun in this strange dream of making love
to this half man half beast. We pleasured each other in ways I never thought
possible before this night, I even felt safe in the arms of these strange creatures
as we had our way with each other’s bodies. John’s soft fur felt erotic against
my skin as he rubbed up against my back and slid inside me, Divine and I
pleasured each other with our mouths. Each ripple of their hard muscles the
touch of their warm lips, each gentle thrust sent me pulsing with pleasure. I
couldn’t contain my self any more as John slid in and out of me it felt as if the
pleasure was entering me from behind and leaving me in the front. Divine


tasted sweet and thick as he pulsed with every release in me. I could feel John
stiffen as he couldn’t contain him self any longer he released him self in me
from behind. We lay there in our afterglow of pleasure I dreamed a dream
so erotic I could never tell anyone. A dream of sex with two half man half
beasts and then the feeling I enjoyed it completely, as we lay there in each
other’s arms warm and content.

I wasn’t ready for that feeling there inside of me it felt good and bad all
at the same time, I always thought I was strait, and yet there I was making
love to two men in my bed, in my dreams. Is this was what they call a closet
gay? Am I bisexual? I like women and having sex with women and yet this
dream is so wonderful.

In the morning I awoke alone in my bed; my head felt as if my brain was

to big for my skull and as if I didn’t sleep a wink that night. I looked at the
clock on my bedside table it was one in the afternoon the smell of fresh coffee
brewing was in the air so I put on my robe and went down stairs. The futon
was put away and Divine was in the kitchen cooking he looked fresh as if the
late night of drinking never happened, I on the other hand I felt the complete
opposite as I stepped into the kitchen. Divine asked me if I wanted a hot cup
of Java and I accepted it gratefully. Divine pored me a cup of coffee toping
it up with a shot of vodka, I took it and craned my neck to clear a kink from
between my shoulder blades. My neck cracked as the tight muscles let go
of the night’s stiffness and the vodka helped clear my thoughts.

I looked at Divine as I asked him where John was, smiling Divine said John
left to do errands he would see him at work on Monday. I looked deeply into
my coffee wondering if I should say anything about what I saw last night.
Divine woke me from my contemplative trance by sitting down across from
me with a plate of cinnamon toast. I picked up a slice and took a bite out of
the corner as Divine broke the silence asking me if I remembered last night.
I was dumfounded and didn’t know what to say, what could I say, he saw
me watching as John and him made love. He saw me masturbating as I
watched, stammering I tried to think of how to explain as I tripped over my
own tongue. Divine laughed as he said it’s ok with a smile.


Looking at him I asked; “You’re not upset at me.”

Still smiling Divine said, “No, but I thought you were straight considering
all the women I saw you sleep with while you were in England.”

“I thought I am straight, I’ve never seen or even thought about sex with
men before last night. And after watching you and John, the dream I had was
so erotic I couldn’t even put it into words.”

Divine looked at me with an empathizing expression as he asked dreams?

Yes a very erotic dream of John you and me in my bed making love. You had
hairy legs and cloven feet and so did John it was so different from any erotic
dream I’ve ever dreamed. Divine’s expression softened as he got up poured
us a new cup of coffee and toped them up with vodka. In a reluctant voice
he said that I wasn’t dreaming when we made love last night. I looked at him
and said that isn’t possible he was standing in front of me now and he didn’t
have cloven feet. Yes he said I don’t have cloven feet or extremely hairy legs
but none the less you did not dream about making love with John and me last
night. It was real and all the things we did and saw and touched were real.

Divine started to explain as he sat across from me at the kitchen table.

With almost expressionless look on his face he began to tell me the story of
his people. I’m from an ancient race of people called the Succubae; we are
shape shifters from a distant star capable of shifting between male, female,
Succubae and human. A Cambion is half human and half Succubae. An
Incubus is the male form and a Succubus is the female form. When the
Succubae first came to this planet we lived amid the ancient tribes of people
in peace without prejudice or animosity. In time some thought of us as gods
or wood nymph, but that was not to last. We are a long-lived race jealousy
and deception soon turned to intolerance replacing the kindness we first felt
with hate. We were no longer gods or sprites our name became synonymous
with demons. The people started to tell tales of Succubus seducing men in
their sleep to steel their life force or semen. Then as an Incubus impregnate
women to carry Succubae children. I think this was to cover for their
infidelities. Stories of half Succubae and half-human or Cambions as evil


beings are excuses, someone else to blame for their miscreant behavior.
Soon we knew we were no longer welcome on Earth, But when it came time
to depart from this planet not all of the Succubae were able to go and a small
number have been trapped here for centuries. For some reason lost to time
all Succubae born on this planet must remain here.

Succubae and humans do marry and have children: my father was a

Cambion named Caliban Turin born of Sycorax the witch of Sion and
Malleus Incubus of the shire of Murch. My mother was a Cambion named
Lilith Abgarus born of Edssa the Succubus of Templar. Her father was a
Semitic monk called Brother George. Somehow I was born an almost pure
Succubae, with the ability to be an Incubus, Succubus, a man or a woman
I believe they call it a regressive gene. However I prefer to take the form of
a male, I like to have sex with men as a man or an Incubus. I’m not sure if
that makes me gay, as I can be a male or a female its just what I like to do.

Today some people still see our kind as wood nymph or sprites and some
still see demons or evil spirits. I never let people know I am Succubae in the
past, if they suspected what I was they might drive me away or kill me as the
demon of myth. At first I didn’t think I was any different than other men, but
during eras of intolerance I hid my sexual desires because they would do the
same as they would to a Succubae. I’ve spent my life hiding what I am from
every one around me. Succubi have been hiding for so long John and I didn’t
know the other was an Incubus until we found out by accident and we still
hide our true selves.

What Divine told me didn’t shock me. I knew from the way friends and
family of mine thinks and talks about gay people, he was right. I wondered
if in this era of free love and tolerance if he wasn’t taking a risk telling me. I
knew I couldn’t tell anyone how I felt about John or Divine, I wanted to know
more about this man I was attracted to. I began to ask Divine about his life.

Chapter Two
How Did You Lose Your Virginity?
Divine fascinated Brent; in fact he wanted to know more about this man
he was attracted to. He began to ask Divine about his life and how he lived.
How did he loose his virginity?

We are a long-lived race we cannot be rich or famous in order to conceal

who we are and to not raise suspicion. When I was two hundred years old
I looked to be eleven, and my father started selling me into apprenticeships.
He told me to take the shape of a boy, as it was easier to find an
apprenticeship for a boy as well as it was safer. Then he would move away
and start a new life somewhere else. He would tell me where he was going
and what name he would be using just in case of an emergency. After two
or three years he would come back for me and raise me as a girl for two or
three years. No one would suspect a thing if they went to my father looking
for me. Every four to six years I would be sold into a new apprenticeship and
we would start all over again. I’ve been a wheelwright a tailor even a
blacksmith apprentice. I didn’t runaway every time I needed to change my
identity. A blacksmith I apprentice with was killed while doing the most
unnatural act to a stallion he was shoeing. I lost my virginity as an apprentice
cobbler or rather a valet in London England the year was 1745 and I looked
to be in my mid-teens at the time.

The master cobblers’ name was Arthur Cobble he was the one of the best
and most prestige’s cobblers in London at the time so he enjoyed all the local
business. In truth he was a fat, drunken sot that stank of ale and an ill temper.


With three apprentices under him counting me, we all lived in the back of the
shop. Our meals were a thin vegetable broth with barley and if we were lucky
there was a little bread or meat. As always I did the simplest tasks fetching
water or running errands at first and as time went on I would be given more
responsibilities. That winter I was given the chore of gathering the firewood
and keeping the fire going during the night. In the evenings Arthur Cobble
would go to the pub and drink until he could barely walk. I would stoke the
fire and keep out of sight when he came home as not to incur his drunken
wrath. He would go to where the young apprentices would be sleeping and
I could hear him curse through the walls as he beat them. I would have run
away then but for the cold of the winter, I was soon to regret not doing so.

I fell asleep in front of the hearth one evening while he was at the pub and
never heard or saw him enter until it was to late. I felt the sole of his boot in
my midriff as he stepped on me in a drunken stupor and fell across the floor
and me. I cried out in pain and felt the back of his hand across my face as he
cursed me calling me stupid. “What the hell are you doing in the middle of the

Before I could speak I felt the back of his hand across my face much
harder this time. Cursing he struck me with his fist and kicked me to a side,
he grabbed the stick used as a straight edge to cut the leather. He seized me
with his other hand by my hair lifting me off the ground and threw me across
the room. Dazed my eyes filled with tears I was unable to see what happen
next but I felt it as he ripped off my nightshirt and whipped my back. Slowly
the pain faded and the room turned black.

It was two days later when I awoke in a warm bed; the covers were clean
and crisp. I tried to sit up but the pain in my back stopped me, I could not
move every attempt would cause searing pain in every part of my body. I
could hear the sound of someone breathing to my left, I turned my head
slowly to see who it was. In a chair beside the bed was a plump lady in a
maid’s outfit sleeping? Her hair was ashen and a strand had fallen across her
face. She was an older woman her skin was smooth and a rosy pink as she
sat sleeping in the chair. After a few minutes a young lady entered the room


from a direction I couldn’t see. She walked past the foot of the bed with a
tray in her hands and placed it on a bedside table. She had brown hair and
a friendly smile as she woke the lady in the chair sleeping. “Angela” she spoke
as she gently nudged the woman “the boy is awake.”

Angela snorted and brushed the strand of hair out of her face. Without
speaking as if she knew I needed it she picked up a cup of warm broth from
the tray and started to spoon-feed me as she spoke. “Please tell the young
master that his guest is awake.”

I choked on the first sip of the broth and the pain from my wounds hit me.
In between sips I asked where I was? When the younger woman left Angela
decided to tell me how I came to be in her care.

It was two days ago early in the morning when the young master decided
to go to the cobbler’s to retrieve his riding boots. When he arrived by carriage
he discovered the door open a crack and he walked in. The cobbler was
sitting in a chair dead, he saw you lying in a pool of blood in the corner near
to death. Upon seeing such a sight he called for the footmen and the
coachman for help. Master Tomas sent one of the footmen for the magistrate
and had the coachman and the other footman bring you here to the master’s
home. Rebecca and me have been caring for you ever since.

Feeling stronger from the broth I looked at this kind lady in-between sips
of broth and I whispered my name is Divine. She smiled as she dipped the
spoon into the cup for more broth. Just then a young man entered the room.
He was tall, slim with blond hair; the clothing he wore was tight fitting with
frills at the collar and cuffs. He couldn’t be more than twenty the kind of lad
I’ve herd called a dandy. His voice was soft as he spoke with a tone of
authority. “The magistrate will be wanting to speak to you as soon as you are

I knew he would want that to be as soon as possible. “I’ll do my best sir.”

I whispered through the pain.


He smiled and left the room. Angela put the cup down on the tray and ran
her hand over my hair. “Get some rest you will need your strength when the
magistrate arrives.” She pulled the covers up to my neck and left the room.
It wasn’t long before I fell asleep.

It was in the evening when I woke next. The magistrate was there and he
questioned me about my ordeal. I couldn’t tell him much about what
happened. Nor could I tell him the truth so I simply told him that I stoked the
fire and fell asleep by the hearth. I awoke in pain and was knocked
unconscious before I could see a thing, which was mostly true. I did not tell
him it was cobbler that beat me and I didn’t know how the cobbler died, I
was unconscious. After the magistrate left I asked Angela how the cobbler
died? She said he was found with an awl in his eye. I was shocked and elated
he was murdered while I lay on the floor oblivious to the world around me.
The magistrate believes I was beaten and left for dead so I could not warn
him. One of the other apprentices is dead and the other is missing.

I didn’t care about the cobbler’s death but the other apprentices didn’t
deserve to die. It was two weeks after the death of the cobbler that I was able
to care for my self. My wounds were healing enough to bath myself and tend
to the bandages I could reach. I didn’t mind Angela and Rebecca tending to
my every need but I didn’t want them to see my wounds heal without a scar.
I couldn’t let them find out I was an Incubus.

I see Master Tomas more often now that I am able to move around the
house. I went to him one evening and asked what was to happen to me since
I lost my apprenticeship with the death of the cobbler. Master Tomas asked
if I would like to be his valet?

The next morning I started my apprenticeship under the tutelage of an

older valet Renfrew. I was learning how to care for the needs of Master
Tomas. Dressing and attending to all his errands as well as his bath and
toiletries. After a couple of months I no longer needed the supervision of
Renfrew to tend to the needs of the young master. Early one spring morning
a messenger arrived with a message for the house, Master Tomas’s father


was on his way to London. Master Tomas knew it was time he went to the
country house estate. I asked Angela why we were headed to the country
house, all she would say is Tomas’s father did not approve of the young
master. By the morning the carriage was loaded and Angela, Tomas and I
were on our way to the countryside.

This was new to me I’ve never spent much time in the lap of comfort and
when I spent any time in the country it was as a labour. We arrived at the
country house and the caretaker was ready for us. It was much smaller than
the main house in London. There were plenty of rooms and the stable is closer
then the one in London. I didn’t have far to go too tell the coachman Tomas
wished to go out.

Master Tomas rarely went any place except to ride on the estate; he
would take the young footmen Shawn and a picnic basket with him. They
would be gone for the day and after my chores I was free to do what ever
I wanted. One day I wandered the vast expanse of the estate there were
woods and ponds in different locations. Occasionally I would come across
a hand mending fences or cutting wood for the manner house. A large wood
I happened on had a trail running through it I would have explored it but the
day was weaning so I returned to the manner house.

The next day after my chores I went to the kitchen made a lunch placing
it in my satchel, then off I headed for the woods I could not explore the day
before. It took less time to reach the woods, I was not meandering all over
the estate and soon found the trail. Shade from the canopy of leaves
darkened the path this was welcome on this warm spring day. I could hear
birds singing as I walked, the only other sound in the forest is the sounds of
my feet in the leaves and the occasional twig breaking when I stepped on it.
I could see a break in the trees ahead. As the trees opened to my joy it was
a small lake in the centre of the woods.

The sun was bright as I stepped into the open. The trees went all the way
around the small lake and tall grass grew between the trees and the shore.
The grass was as tall as my chest and moved little in the light breeze. I felt as


if I stepped into a different world, quiet and alone with not a sole in sight or
so I thought. I was walking through the grass toward the lake when I stumbled
on them lying naked on a blanket sleeping in each other’s arms. At first I
thought they were strangers and then I realised it was Tomas and the young
footman Shawn. In shock I decided to slip away before they woke when one
of the horses tied up out of sight brayed. They awoke and saw me standing
there. Shawn jumped up and tried to cover himself as Tomas laughed, Relax
he said it’s just my valet. Surprised at his calmness I said. “My apologies sir
I was unaware that you were here.”

“Relax Divine” said Tomas,” I’m not irritated at your presence. Please
retrieve the picnic basket on my steed in the trees over there” as he pointed.
I hurried to where he said and soon found the horses I removed the basket
from his saddle and returned. Shawn was half-dressed when I returned,
Tomas took the basket from me and told me to sit with them for lunch. I
removed a cup from my satchel and was about to fetch water from the lake
when Tomas told me to sit once more he had wine in the basket. I knew not
to be told twice so I sat on the blanket and handed him my cup. It was strange
to see him naked on the blanket poring wine for us we usually served him.
We sat and indulged in small talk as we ate lunch soon I was feeling a little
tipsy from the wine. I couldn’t stop giggling the wine was getting the better
of the three of us. Tomas suggested we take a swim in the lake to clear our

I undressed as Shawn removed his pants and jumped in the lake with
Tomas, once my clothing was off I followed the other two into the lake. The
water was cold as ice and the surprise of it stole my breath when I first jumped
in we splashed and laughed in the water until my teeth started to chatter and
I got out of the water. Tomas saw how cold I was and the three of us wrapped
the blanket around us to warm up.

As we shared our body heat I could feel the naked bodies of Shawn and
Tomas next to me. Shawn was growing hard and it was pushing against my
thigh he wriggled until it was in a more comfortable position. Tomas put his
hand on my thigh and rubbed it upwards. I looked at Tomas and he kissed


me on the lips and opened his mouth. I felt his tongue press against my lips
as he pushed his tongue into my mouth it was warm as he moved it around
and our saliva mixed together. His hand ran over my stiffening as he lay me
down and moved his lips to my neck. I slid my hand on to his lap and found
him hard and wrapped my fingers around it as he started to rub himself against
my hand he kissed his way down to my chest. His lips and tongue were warm
against my skin. Shawn kissed the back of my neck and then he moved to
my shoulder his hardness pressed against me as he kissed. I took Shawn in
my other hand and started to rub it the same way as Tomas was rubbing my
other hand. I could feel there breathing grow faster as I stroked them. Tomas
reached me first with his lips and when he did he swallowed all of me. Shawn
kissed and licked me from behind. There mouths were warm and I felt ten
times bigger as they pleasured me.

Tomas let me slid out of him as he moved his hips towards my head. I
turned to look at him beside my head and he moved closer. He held it close
to my lips and I opened my mouth the moment my lips parted he slipped in.
He was big and when the skin rolled back the soft skin underneath tasted
sweet as I rolled my tongue over it. Shawn was pleasuring me now he moved
his hips close to Tomas and Tomas started pleasuring Shawn. Our heads
moved back and forth as we pleasured each other. I felt Tomas throb and
heard his moan as he released in me. He was thick and sweet as I swallowed
him, relieved Tomas rolled on to his back to watch Shawn and me.

Shawn brought his hips closer to my head and I knew what he wanted
immediately I took him in my hand and pulled the skin back and rolled my
tongue over him. He moaned as I took as much of him in me as I could fit.
I no sooner had him in me he could not contain him self, he let go deep in me
I could not taste him. Like Tomas he relaxed and he started to get soft as he
pleasured me. I was tingling it was pain and pleasure all in one as I felt as if
it was going to explode. My toes curled and my body stiffened as the pleasure
spread all over me. I felt dizzy as my body filled with ecstasy. Each throb gave
new cascades of pleasure it felt as if all of me was draining into Shawn. I was
exhausted as I lay there with the most amazing sense of contentment the three
of us naked under that spring sun.


I looked over at Tomas he had his in his hand and he told me to lie on my
belly. As I did Tomas climbed on top of me and I could feel the soft skin
pressing against me. I felt agonising pain as he first entered me and I cried out.
Tomas pulled out of me and he told me to relax every muscle in my body as
if I was playing dead. This time I did relax and when Tomas entered me it did
not hurt. It felt as if I was being stuffed as he slid in me and it felt as if I was
going to the bathroom when he pulled out. I could feel the contours of him
as he moved back and forth rubbing the inside of me as Tomas pleasured
himself. It no longer hurt and was strangely nice as Tomas and Shawn took
turns in side me. After Tomas and Shawn were spent we lay in the sun and
slept the rest of the afternoon.

I stayed with Shawn and Tomas longer than I would have normally. We
spent the summers in the country and the winters in London. Although I sent
word to my father, it took him longer to find me since the cobbler was dead
and Tomas moved around constantly. I did not want to leave Shawn and
Tomas but I knew it was best they were all ready starting to suspect
something. My wounds healed without scars and I wasn’t growing as fast as
others my age.

Brent listened with fascination as Divine told him the tale of his first sexual
experience. He remembered his first time was when he was thirteen with a
friend of his sister. How she felt and smelled as they made love in the
basement den. She was sixteen and more experienced then he was. She told
him where to touch her to make her feel good and how she knew where to
touch him.

Chapter Three
Alone for the First Time
Brent was surprised by how hard Divine’s life was to be left to fend for
himself when he looked to be eleven years old or to be beaten by the cobbler.
The fact he was over two hundred was little consolation. Brent wanted to
know more about this man; he wanted to know about Divine’s life.

Being cambions my father Caliban Turin and my mother Lilith, aged faster
than I did and the last few years have been showing on my father since my
mother died. I never talked about sex with my parents so they never new
about my sexual desires or what happens when I’m working as an
apprentice. A few years after I lost my virginity as a valet my father sold me
as a millwright apprentice in Cornwall. That was the last time I saw him.

Looking older I could work in one place longer since appearances change
less with age. The millwright wasn’t a mean or an abusive master and the sex
was pleasant enough. During harvest time we often stayed in the mill to save
time and work late. During these late nights the millwright would often sleep
with me while his wife was at home. I had been working for the millwright for
five years and I was starting to worry what was taking my father. It was time
for me to change locations so no one would suspect I am Incubus. Since I
haven’t heard from my father, I asked the millwright if I could go to Melby
and see how my father was. If the millwright suspected I wasn’t coming back
he never said a word. I gathered up what little money and belongings I had
and headed for the Shetland Islands.


It took a month to get to the village of Melby on the West Coast of the
Shetland mainland. I asked about my father and no one in the village even the
local magistrate had ever heard of him. I checked with the local harbormaster
and asked about the ship that he was on. The harbormaster told me it was
lost at sea five years hence. For the first time I was truly on my own. My father
disappeared five years ago without my knowledge in all probability he was
dead. I could not go back to the mill it wouldn’t be long and I would be found
out. Traveling as a woman without an escort was dangerous and as a man
the millwright could follow me if he wanted to. It was not safe to be found out
to be an Incubus I had to hide and travel at the same time.

I had to decide which risk was the least dangerous. To travel as a woman
or risk traveling as a man. It was not uncommon for a person to fall overboard
and never be found. I was in the local inn eating when I overheard of a ship
that was headed for Cornwall. The ship was French and I booked passage.
I planed to slip over the side under the cover of night in order to disappear
along the way. Near the lighthouse of Godrevy Island I slipped a small dinghy
in the water and started to row to shore. I watched as the ships lights
disappear in the dark when I hear it run up on the rocks with all hands on
board. I couldn’t have planed a better way to change my identity, I changed
into a girl and hid amid the debris on the beach to be found by scavengers,
they would think I was a survivor of the wreck. I couldn’t do this as a boy
since I didn’t want to risk being recognized.

The scavengers had been foraging all night, in a cove they hadn’t gotten
to yet I pulled the dinghy ashore. I took off all my clothing hid them in the
rocks. I filled the dinghy half full of seawater from the surf and climbed in. My
nipples became erect from the cold water in the dinghy as I lay there
pretending to be unconscious and waiting to be found. It was taking a long
time for the scavengers to find the cove with the dinghy on the beach. I was
turning white from the wet and the cold, my body was growing numb and so
was my mind. When the scavengers finely discovered the dinghy I was
freezing. I got a glimpse of one of them as they pulled me from the
waterlogged dinghy and carried me to the beach. One of them wrapped me
in a wool blanket. Her hands were soft and warm as she touched my skin then
I was unconscious for real.

The next morning I awoke to a warm bed with a dressing gown on.
Someone had brought me to their home and dressed me. The mattress was
not much more than a sack with straw for stuffing but it was warm. The
dressing gown was fine-spun wool dyed a light blue. I could hear voices from
the next room a man and a woman talking. I got out of the bed and staggered
to the doorway I’m not strong as a girl and found myself weakened by lying
in the cold seawater the day before. Standing in the doorway I surveyed the
other room. For peasants the floor was wood with a table and chairs. They
even had dishware stacked on shelves by the fireplace. When the couple saw
me in the doorway the woman rushed up to me and helped me to the table
in a thick accent she said, “Ah lass yea should no be out of bed.”

Since the name of the boat was French I decided to speak only French
in their presents just to be safe. I wanted them to think I could not under stand
when they spoke. If they said anything to make me feel unsafe I could act to
protect myself. He was rugged looking with three-day-old beard she was
about the same size as me and pleasing enough. They both looked to be in
there mid twenties. I spoke to them in French telling them my name was
Amanda Blank and I was on a ship that run up on the rocks during the night
and asked where I was. He spoke a little French and told me he found me
on the beach the day before and brought me to his farm outside the Portreath
he told me his name was Carl and his wife was Anna. I knew there was
something wrong with what he said as the cove and the dinghy I hid in should
have been just outside of Gwithian. I couldn’t have been that far off where
I intended to jump ship.

They seemed safe so far Anna asked if I would like a tea pointing to the
pot on the hearth I accepted it heartily and savoured the warm taste. I knew
what she said but for now I wanted her to think I didn’t understand. Carl told
Anna he was going to gather his share of the salvage from the night before
and would not be back until late grabbing a coat by the front door he left.
Anna looked at me in the dressing gown I was wearing and said that it won’t
do I needed something more to wear. I did feel almost naked in just the gown
so when she gestured for me to follow her I did.


In the other room she opened a chest at the foot of the bed and started
to pull out articles of clothing. She pulled out a corset and bloomers from the
trunk and compared them to me in the dressing gown. I could not tell if they
would fit so I removed the gown and she compared the garments to my naked
body. Anna smiled as she looked at me. Holding the corset in one hand she
cupped my breast with the other. The touch of her hand made my body
tingled with excitement instantly my nipples were erect. She stepped closer
to me and kissed me I’ve never been with a woman as a boy or as a girl. She
dropped the corset to the floor and slid her hands down my body to my hips
pulling me closer.

I trembled under the touch of her soft warm hands. I felt excited as we
stood there kissing at the foot of the bed her lips were warm and sweet as
we kissed. She sat me on the end of the bed and started to undress. Pulling
her dress over her head she turned around and I untied her corset and let it
fall to the floor. When she turned to face me I cupped her breasts in my hands
they were big and soft. I kissed her nipples they were erect they weren’t as
soft as the skin on a man. Anna sighed with pleasure at the touch of my lips.
Wearing only her bloomers now she pulled them down and kicked them to
a side her mound was black and curly. She kissed me as she stood there
naked and pushed me back on the bed and straddled me. Bending over me
she put her breasts in my face and I licked and kissed her. Anna moved down
until our breasts met and she kissed me on my lips, then my neck, my
shoulders all the time working her way down my body. I could feel her nipples
rubbing on my belly as she kissed my breasts. Her breath was warm on my
skin and her lips were soft as every inch of me tingled. She reached my belly
button and I felt her put her tongue in it as if she was necking with my belly.
My mound started to tingle as if it was swelling and her hand found its way
to me. She petted me as she kissed and licked her way to the top of my hip.
Her tongue tickled as she licked the space between my mound and my thigh.
I never felt like this before and I lifted my legs as she started to lick the space
in the middle of my mound.

I’ve been a girl numerous times in my life but I’ve never had sex as a girl.
As a boy sex was totally different and the feel of a tongue in the centre of my


mound was completely a surprise to me. Her tongue was a nice rough like
the tongue of a cat on my hand. As she licked me I could feel a sensation
building in me it felt as if I needed to pee the more she licked me the stronger
it felt. I couldn’t hold it much longer I started to buck as she licked me and
the more I bucked the harder she licked. She held on to me as I could not
hold it back any longer and I gushed into her face it felt almost the same as
a boy only there was more of it. Anna’s face was soaked with my juices I
relaxed as she kissed her way back up to my face. I could smell the musty
scent of my own mound as she kissed my lips. I could taste me as we kissed
it was thin and sweet. I could taste me on her shoulder and her breasts as she
moved her body up until her mound was above my face and she straddled
my head. She was wet with a sweet thicker taste than me and she was
stronger musty smelling as I pleasured her. Her hips moved my tongue to the
places that pleasured her most it was a tangier taste than the other tastes I had
tasted ever before. She undulated on me as I licked every place she moved
to my mouth, all the time she moaned and massaged her breasts.

Suddenly I felt the stubble of a bearded face between my legs it must be

Carl he must have only pretended to go out and was watching all the time.
I could feel his tongue in my mound and it felt good as he licked me. Anna
and Carl said nothing as they pleasured themselves on me it was all right as
long as it felt good. I felt Carl lift my legs and place his near me. I knew to
relax so it would not hurt then he pushed I screamed from the sudden pain
I almost fainted, although I was a sexually active boy I was a virgin as a girl
and it was not the same.

It was horrible Carl wasn’t trying to be gentle every time he pushed himself
in me the pain would come. Anna was sitting on my face and my cries were
being muffled by her mound the more I struggled the more she seemed to like
it. I tried to push her off and she grabbed me by the wrists and held me down.
Tears were running down my face as they both took pleasure from my pain.
Carl felt as if it was shoved all the way to my chest and I was having trouble
breathing. Anna’s undulating on my face didn’t help my breathing. Once she
had her pleasure she sat on my chest and held me down. Carl thrust himself
in me harder as he became more excited by Anna urging him on. He thrust


in me a few more times then he stopped and pulled out of me it was a relief
when he was out it still hurt but not as bad as when he was in me.

I lay their crying feeling violated and dirty, this couple seemed nice at first
but they were vicious and cruel. I knew I could not stay with these people
and I did not think they would let me leave easily. I was weak and knew I
couldn’t free myself from this couple as a girl even as a boy I would be too
weak to defeat this couple. Anna and Carl dressed and went into the other
room. I could hear them talking Carl and his friends had set light to a fire on
Novax Point to hide the light from the lighthouse on Godrevy Island. Running
the ship aground and killing all abroad. To keep me quiet they were planning
to sell me to the local brothel as a slave. I couldn’t let that happen and I
couldn’t let these murders go free. My plan to change my identity and not be
followed had backfired and I could not let them sell me as a whore. I can’t
live as a whore having sex with whoever paid for it. I had to free myself from

I would have to become an Incubus in that form I am stronger than a

human is. In the bedroom and out of sight I changed. Anna screamed as I
entered the other room to exact my revenge on my assailants. Carl jumped
at Anna’s scream and pulled out a knife. Lunging at me with the blade I
grabbed his arm and broke it like a twig, he bellowed in pain as I reached for
his throat and broke his neck. I let go of him as he fell to the floor dead. Anna
fainted and fell to the floor at the sight of her dead husband I walked up to
her limp body and snapped her neck as she lay there. I placed their bodies
in their bed and searched the house for money and valuables to make it look
like they were robbed in their sleep.

When the deed was done I changed into a woman and left the hovel in a
dress. I found my way back to the beach. I changed back into a boy, gathered
my belongings hidden among the rocks and dressed in my old clothing. When
I found my way to Portreath I booked passage as a cabin boy under the name
Tailor Right on a sailing ship bound for the east. That night I overheard two
of the sailors as they were talking about the murders of the couple outside
Portreath. The sailors said that the couple was murdered in their sleep by a


strumpet the couple had taken in. That wasn’t true but I couldn’t say a word
to the contrary or they would know I knew something I shouldn’t.

During the voyage I kept to myself, the sailors smelled of sweat and rum.
There was no privacy on the ship and the sailors were ill tempered. We were
headed for the orient and I decided when we landed I would jump ship. The
first land we hit was Africa there we took on fresh supplies and did some
trading. Africa appeared to be to primitive so I stayed on to India, there the
people seemed to desperate and last China where it looked ideal for me I
jumped ship. In a foreign country I can change my name and occupation with
no one the wiser.

I did not return to England for many years and knew never to try that
method of changing my identity ever again. I never liked sex with men as a
woman and only did it when I had no other choice. As for sex with women
I just wasn’t interested, the thought of hurting them just by taking their virginity
let alone giving birth was all I needed to be turned off. Men seemed more
interested in getting themselves off and not a care for the women that
pleasured them.

Brent never thought about what women go through during sex. He

believed he was gentle and considerate but he didn’t know how they felt. It’s
no wonder many of them treat men as their adversary how else would they
feel when they are treated as a lessor person.

Chapter Four
Life in the Orient
Brent listened as Divine told him about how he lost his virginity as a boy
and a girl. As times changed Divine changed with them from the dark ages
through the Victorian area he lived a varying life.

In the Orient life was very different than in Europe I did not need to change
my name as often. I was easily accepted as a traveling young blacksmith or
tanner. Not being Asian very little was expected of me other than to ply my
trade. I quickly took up speaking Mandarin as I traveled the different
provinces of China. The villages in China consisted of rich and varying
cultures, and some were very liberal about the behavior of young men that
were unmarred. I stayed in a small village in the Funiu Mountains in Honan
province called Mowan for ten years. The village was tolerant of Gay
behavior by young men as long as they married in their station when it was
time for them to do so.

This village had a hot spring on the north side where the villagers built a
public bath using the hot spring as its water supply. I was a hit in the public
bath the people in the village were unaccustomed to men having hair on their
chest and I became the one they all wanted to sleep with.

It was in the bath that I met Won Ho a young man almost as tall as me with
just a sprinkle of pubic hair and a thirst for pleasure. I invited Won to my
house after the bath and he agreed to come. My house was in the center of
the village beside my shop. I lived like the other people in the village a stone


fireplace in the center of my one room house to prepare meals and to heat
the house in winter. There was an armoire for my simple possessions and
mats on the floor for sleeping and sitting on. I took a bottle of Sogum wine
from the armoire and poured us each a cup. Won took the cup, thanked me,
taking a sip of the wine he sat by the hearth for warmth. We drank our wine
and talked as we sat by the hearth. He told me that unlike the older boys he
has never been with another person before and does not know what to do.
I told him not to worry I would be gentle with him and he would enjoy my

Won looked into the burning coals in the fireplace as I brushed a strand
of hair from his face. I leaned forward and kissed him. He trembled as he
kissed me back I could taste the wine in his mouth. He lay down and opened
his robe. Naked the glow from the hot coals made his skin look red. He was
soft and sweet as I kissed my way down his chest to his stomach. I could feel
him grow hard against my chest as I worked my way to his waist. Won was
small compared to other men I have been with and I fit all of him in me.
Moaning he placed his hands on my shoulders as I pleasured him, Won
moved his hips up and down and moaned with every movement of my lips
on him. When I thought he was going to explode he sat up and lifted my head
kissing me. Won reached down and took me in his hand and started to gently
stroke me. His hand was soft as he pulled the skin back and with the palm
of his hand he gently rubbed me. Then he lay down beside me and took me
in him. I was large and he couldn’t fit all of me in so he wrapped his fingers
around me as he moved his head up and down to pleasure me. I went back
to him and we pleasured each other with our mouths by the warmth of the
hearth. My toes began to curl with ecstasy as Won pleasured me, I began
to tingle all over as he raised and lowered his head on me. Moaning with
pleasure as I swallowed him whole, the moans he made vibrated me. With
every moan he brought me greater pleasure as we made love. He started to
throb, as he couldn’t contain his pleasure any longer. The sweet taste of him
and the moans he made as he swallowed me whole for the first time was all
that I could contain. It felt as if every muscle in my body orgasm at the same
time right down to my toes. After making love we lay there on the mat, the
hot coals bathing our naked bodies in warmth and a red glow as we kissed
each other.

We sat up and drank more Sogum wine; Won and I talked as we drank
the wine. He was telling me of his future and of his father selling him to the royal
citadel as a eunuch to buy his older brother a wife. I tried to hide my shock
at this information the method of creating a eunuch in China during this period
is complete castration. I could not let this beautiful boy be mutilated in this
manner to have penis, scrotum and testicles removed with the chance of
dying from the procedure. I wanted to have him for myself in one piece. I
asked Won if he would like to learn my trade as a blacksmith. He said he
would prefer that to being a eunuch however he could not disobey his father.
The deal was not made yet so I told him I would talk to his father in the
morning. Won and I talked a while longer as we drank wine since it was late
and we were tipsy I asked him if he would like to spend the night. He agreed
and I went to the armoire for pillows and blankets for sleeping. I made our
bed by the hearth and kissed him as we lay in each other’s arms and we fell
to sleep.

During the night I awoke to Won between my legs, he had me in his mouth
and was making love to me in my sleep. This was the first time someone ever
started making love to me while I was sleeping. The feeling was nice as he
pleasured me while I rested and soon I grew with the ecstasy of his lips on
me. He must have noticed I awoke as he started to work his way up my
stomach to my chest until he finely reached my face and kissed me on the lips.
As we kissed he gently lifted my legs and slipped him self inside me so slowly
I could feel every contour of him. I promised him I would be gentle and here
he was so soft so caring every touch every thrust was a cascade of pleasure
to my body. When he was in me all the way he took me in his hand as he slowly
stroked and thrust in unison. I never felt this much pleasure while making love,
even while making love to two men at the same time. I could feel the pleasure
building in me with every movement he made. I felt as if I was going to explode
when I felt Won start to pulse with pleasure in side of me. His pulsing
movements were all I needed and I released in his hand. Spent he lay with
his head on my chest as I held him in my arms. I wanted to keep him as my
lover forever.


In the morning I went to see Kang Ho, Won’s father, he was a simple
farmer whose farm implements I have repaired a number of times. Kang was
reasonable and since the deal to sell Won, as a eunuch was not consummated
yet I was able to buy him as my apprentice blacksmith. This enabled his
brother to marry and I could keep Won for my self. I paid twice what I should
have for him but he is more than just my apprentice, he was my lover.

That day I started to train Won as a blacksmith. I wanted privacy for us

so we built a house and shop just outside of the village with the excuse the
shop would be closer to the farmers. This was true to a point and the smoke
from my forge did not disturb my neighbours. However the main reason was
for privacy from prying eyes, I think the villagers knew we were lovers but
no one said anything and we never caused them concern. We never indulged
in public displays of affection or offended the other villagers. We had a
garden a couple of pigs and chickens for eggs. It was a quiet life and we were
happy living there we made love under the moon light in the summer and no
one bothered us.

Pumping the billows and hammering iron on the anvil built muscles on
Won, he was developing into a very handsome man. I looked the same as
when I bought Won as my apprentice soon this was going to be a problem.
I tried not to think about the time that I would leave him, but it was always
in the back of my mind. Teasing my heart tearing me apart without mercy I
knew I would leave Won and move to another place and start all over, but
not today. Today we needed iron and I was going to travel to the mine in the
hills to get a supply from Qui Wou. I have been buying iron from Qui for five
years and my stockpile was growing low. I asked Won to stay behind in our
little house on the outskirts of the village to keep the farmers content with
repairs to there farm implements. New equipment could wait until I returned
with more iron for the forge. I kissed Won and told him I would be back in
a few days he hugged me and said he can’t wait for my return.

The sun was warm on my face as I walked the narrow road into the hills
toward the mine and the small village that serviced the men who worked the
mine. I’ll spend one night on the road in a small temple about half way to the


mine. The Buddhist Monks enjoy visits by the occasional traveller. I carried
a couple of gifts for the monks, as it was tradition to give a gift of thanks for
food and lodging. The rice and dried spices for their table would be welcome.
I should to reach the temple before dark it will be a relief to leave this burden
there. Walking up hill was tiring and with the goods I carried for trade made
the clime more arduous. I stopped at a small stream to drink the water it was
cool and refreshing after walking under the hot sun. I soaked a cloth and
wiped the sweat from my brow to help cool down. Rested I returned to the
road and the climb to the temple.

The sun was on the horizon when I reached the temple it was empty. A
fire had razed it to the ground now all that stood was an alcove with a statue
of Buddha. I would have spent the night in the alcove but I found the bones
of the monks in the ashes of the temple. Rest was not going to be my
companion that night as I buried what was left of the monks and spent the
remainder of the night at the side of the road. In the morning I said a small
prayer to Buddha and placed a small bowl of rice and a piece of dried fish
in the alcove for the monks and continued my journey to the mine. I debated
weather to leave the rice and spices at the temple or carry them to the mine
in the end I decided I could trade them at the mine. The delay at the temple
cost me time and I did not reach the village until late that evening. I got a meal
and a room for the night at the only inn the village had to offer.

In the morning I had a meagre meal and started to trade the rice and spices
to lighten my load for the return trip. One of the vendors I spoke with told
me a traveller passed the burned down temple a month earlier. He watched
from a distance as a band of marauding bandits burned the temple when they
found no gold or riches. It never occurred to me that the temple was
destroyed deliberately, no one buried the bones of the monks. The vendor
said that no one went near the temple, they were waiting for a monk to bless
the place and send away any bad sprits. This news made me nervous I
concluded my business with Qui Wou quickly, arranged to have my iron ore
delivered and headed home early. I spent the next night at the roadside in the
forest not far the temple. I didn’t sleep much that night a cold chill kept running
down my spine as I tried to sleep. I worried about Won and the village where


I lived. In the morning I wasted no time I hurried home without taking a break
at the river. I kept going until I could see smoke from the village fires preparing
for the evening meals through the trees the village was still standing.

All the news wasn’t good the marauding bandits did come to the village
while I was gone. Won and several of the young men of the village put up a
fight. They dissuaded the bandits from destroying the village but not without
a price. Two of the young men were dead and Won was badly injured the
healer did not know if he would live. Kang Ho was sitting beside Won he told
me he fought with honour but the bandits escaped with three of the younger
women to the north. I looked at my lover lying between his father and the
healer dying as far as I knew as anger grew inside me. I swore they would
pay for their misdeeds as I left Kang’s house. The bandits had a full half-day
lead on me that won’t save them, as an Incubus I was as swift as a horse. In
my shop I gathered up two sickles and pant for my face. North from the
village into the forest I ran. Once out of sight of the village I changed into an
Incubus and began to hunt these evil men.

It was dark when I caught up to the bandits; I could smell the blood on
them as I approached their camp. Four of them were standing guard while
the others were beginning to enjoy their spoils. They would not enjoy them
for long. I watched as two of the women were made to prepare food for them
as they took turns raping the third. I panted my face to hide my identity and
under the screams of the woman being raped I struck. Swiftly and quiet as
a breeze I hit the lookouts decapitating them with the sickles one at a time.
With no one to warn them I crept up to the edge of the camp for my second
attack. There are twelve men in the camp two of them were preoccupied with
raping the woman. I recognised her she was Melin a girl of about fifteen the
other two were the twins Win and Ling they were seventeen. The other men
were watching the two raping the girl and laughing as she screamed. I could
hear them making jokes about taking her virginity and how she would not be
able to walk the next morning.

This angered me even more I leapt into the camp and struck three of them
down before they knew they were under attack. The rest of them went for


their weapons I struck down two more before they had their weapons in
hand. The rest turned to fight I cut and slashed through them as swiftly as my
hand passing through the air. The one holding the girl down jumped up pulling
a dagger from his waistband and ran at me screaming I split him from throat
to groin with a sickle. Melin grabbed a knife and stabbed the one on top of
her in the chest she twisted the knife and he moved no more.

The twins were frozen with fear at my appearance, as an Incubus I must

have terrified them. Melin collapse on the ground beside the man she just
killed more exhausted than freighted. When I approached her she pointed the
knife at me and told me to stay back. I stopped and held out my hand to her,
I told her she was safe. She reached up her hand trembling as she took my
hand and I helped her up. She steadied her self on me as I walked her over
to the fire and wrapped her in a blanket. Before I fled into the forest I told
her someone would be along shortly and her and her friends would be safe.

After changing back into a human I washed the paint and blood off.
Returning to the camp to retrieve the girls I found them huddled together by
the fire. The bodies of the bandits lay where they fell. The twins saw me enter
the camp first they recognised me from the village and ran to me. They told
me of the forest demon that saved them from the bandits that attacked the
village as I tried to calm them down. Melin never moved from the fireside,
holding the blanket tightly I could see she was shivering even though she could
not be cold. I remembered when I lost my virginity to the vicious couple in
the Shetland Islands. Suddenly I realised how she was feeling violated, dirty
and ashamed of what had happen to her. She didn’t look up from the fire I
could hear her sobbing as I approached. I placed my hand on her shoulder
and she pulled away from my touch. I told the girls to stay by the fire as I
gathered the stolen possessions around the camp. In the morning we would
head back to the village.

I left the bandits to rot on the forest floor. They had two horses one I
loaded with every thing of value the other I covered with blankets for Melin
to ride. The twins did not like walking and complained until I told them they
were lucky they weren’t Melin that quieted their tongues. We started back


at dawn and returned to the village by dusk. All the way the twins kept talking
about the demon that saved them. I paid little notice as my mind was on Won.
I was afraid he would be dead when I returned to the village. To my joy he
was awake and talking when I reached his fathers house. The healer told me
Won would live.

The twins were well received by their parents but the reception for Melin
was much colder. Violated her parents felt shamed and cast her out, I
couldn’t understand how a people so tolerant of gay behaviour by the young
men could be so intolerant of a girl that lost her virginity to rape. Won and
I took Melin in she was a great help around the house and when we
discovered she was pregnant from the rape Won married her. It was about
time for Won to marry and since blacksmiths were in demand little was said.
Melin knew we were lovers, she never interfered with Won and my
relationship. I found out Won and Melin were sexually involved when Melin
was pregnant for the second time.

As much as I didn’t want to admit it was time to move on. Won was
starting to look older than me and soon the village would start to suspect
something was different about me. As much as my heart was breaking I had
to tell Won I was leaving. The meagre savings from the years we were
together we divided between us letting him have the shop and the house. The
next morning I left the village never to return.

China lost its charm for me I missed Won wherever I went. It was time
for me to go elsewhere to forget my pain. I headed for the coast hoping I
could book passage on a ship bound for anywhere. It took me a month to
reach the coast and a city called Shanghai. There were ships headed to the
West to a country called America. Shipmasters were recruiting Chinese men
to work on the railroad in America. Since I spoke both English and Mandarin
I was hired as an interpreter. I bought western clothing and after we loaded
the convoy with men and goods we headed for America.


Brent could feel Divines pain as he told him of his first true love Won. “I’m
surprised that Melin’s family cast her out after she was raped.” Brent said.

“They were kind compared to other cultures, In India they honor kill
unmarried women that loose their virginity.” replied Divine.

Chapter Five
At first I didn’t care where I was going, China lost its charm and America
sounded far enough and big enough to lose myself. The voyage took two
months to cross the North Pacific ocean stopping at a couple of islands for
fresh water and food. I spent most of my time in my cabin drinking rum only
leaving when the captain needed me to speak to the Chinese men. Every once
and a while we would bury a Chinese man at sea. They were not well cared
for on the voyage and many died of malnutrition or scurvy. By the time we
reached America the burials were a daily ritual.

We landed in a city called San Francisco and I was put to work getting
the Chinese working. They were treated no better than slaves were and I was
in charge of handling them. Many of them died working on the railroad and
it wasn’t long before I couldn’t bear to work for the railroad. After six months
I quit and headed east looking for something different.

I stopped in a place called Carson City and got a job working a gold mine
on the Comstock Load. We worked all week and only went into Carson City
once a month. The other men would get drunk and sleep with whores or visit
family. I only went to town to gather supplies and returned to my cabin near
the mining camp. When the men returned the next day they had someone new
with them. A tall clean-shaven and relatively handsome Nubian called
Johnston. The mine foreman hired him after one of the men was killed in a fight
while in town. I haven’t seen a Nubian since the ship I took to the Orient
stopped in Africa twenty years earlier. Johnston wasn’t as hard looking or


dark as the ones I met in Africa. The other men didn’t want to have a nigger
in the bunkhouse, so the foreman asked if he could stay in my cabin. I haven’t
had a roommate or a lover for two years since Won, and I was wary of having
one now. I couldn’t very well let him sleep outside so I let him stay with me.

Johnston introduced himself as William Johnston I told him I would just

call him Bill and he could call me Divine. There wasn’t a lot of room in my
cabin and I only had one bed so we put his things in my cabin and retrieved
a bed from the bunkhouse. Surprised at the relative luxury I lived in Bill asked
how I came to have my own cabin. I told him beyond the fact the men in the
bunkhouse have fleas I built it and preferred to live alone. Bill laughed saying
and they didn’t want me in the bunkhouse. Once he was settled in we washed
up and sat down to stew I had simmering on the potbelly stove. As we ate
I asked Bill how a Nubian came to live so far from Africa. Will told me he
was never in Africa his parents were slaves in the south and he was born here.
This was the first time I have been to America and knew little about the
slavery that occurred here.

We chatted until it was time to go to bed I told him we work from dark
to dark so we had better get some sleep. All Bill owned for sleeping was a
bedroll I gave him a blanket and a pillow and we undressed for bed. We both
slept in the nude in summer, I didn’t look at first, but I couldn’t stop myself
so I looked. He was large as a horse and so black it made his skin look light
in comparison. I was surprised I never saw a Nubian naked before and I was
impressed by his size. We climbed into our separate beds and soon I was

Some time during the night I woke to a noise in the dark, it was a squeaking
from Bill’s bed I looked over to him in the dark and I could see in the dim
light his arm rising and falling. He was masturbating in bed not more than five
feet from me. I tried to ignore him but every time I tried all I could think of
was that large black member of his. I started to get excited watching him in
the dark and I started to rub myself thinking about him in my bed. My
excitement grew as I watched him pulling on his even larger manhood.
Outside the only window in my cabin the clouds broke and the moonlight lit


up the room as if a lantern was turned on. I could see him clearly in the dimly
lit room the blanket was off of him and I could see him with his head tilted back
as he started to pull faster as he got closer to an orgasm. He let out a sigh and
stroked himself a couple more times then he relaxed. I remained still as he
turned toward me as if to see if I was disturbed from my sleep. I could smell
the scent of his release as it drifted across the room and this made my
excitement grow. Bill covered himself with the blanket and rolled over to
sleep. I started to rub myself more I controlled myself and did not make a
noise as I released into my hand. It was the first time in two years I really
enjoyed pulling myself I missed the pleasure of a man even vicariously.
Released I pulled the covers tighter and closed my eyes to sleep.

In the morning Bill and I awoke before dawn and we went to the
bunkhouse to join the other men for coffee and breakfast. The other men
would not sit at the same table as Bill and me so we ate alone in the morning.
Lunch was eaten in the mine and supper we ate alone at bunkhouse. Before
long Bill and I just ate in the cabin or the mine we felt as if the other men did
not care for our company. Amazingly this did not seam to bother Bill, I asked
him why and he said he was use to treatment like this as most people do not
like blacks near them. I didn’t care weather he was black or not, in fact I
wanted to be near him. Here that was dangerous one of the men called me
a nigger lover and I knew not to object. These men would kill me if I ever let
them know about my sexual preference. I didn’t know how Bill felt, but I did
know that if he knew and I was wrong it could cost me my life.

As the months passed we worked for the mining company, ate and slept
apart from the other men. In late November the men made the last trip to
Carson City they would spend the winter in Carson City with their families.
Will and I returned to the mining camp with supplies for the winter. Since we
were treated as pariah we wouldn’t be welcome in town and we could earn
extra money guarding the mine from claim jumpers. The first big winter storm
struck as we finished unloading our supplies from the wagon. Bill put away
the wagon and horses as I prepared our evening meal. It was going to be a
long four months alone in the mountains with Bill, in spite of the fact that the
other men seldom spoke to us at least they were there.


After our meal, Bill opened a case of whiskey he bought in town and
pulled out a bottle. Pulling the cork out he poured us both a drink. I hadn’t
touched a drink since the voyage to America and was about to decline it when
Bill raised his glass and cursed the storm. I lifted my glass and drank. It was
the first time I drank whiskey, it was foul and burned my throat but I drank
anyway. The storm raged on during the night chilling the cabin, I stoked the
potbelly stove to chase away the cold to no good. Bill and I drank more
whiskey to help ward off the chill of the storm and soon we were thoroughly
drunk. We talked, laughed and sang as we told each other stories about our

After a time we grew tired, I stoked the stove one more time before going
to bed and turned down the lantern. No matter how hard we tried we could
not keep warm. The wind and the cold from the storm was too much for the
potbelly stove to heat the cabin, we could not sleep. I suggested we take all
the blankets, put them on one bed and share our body heat. Bill agreed and
soon after we were in bed together in the warmth of each other’s body heat
I fell to sleep.

It was much later I awoke to Bill cuddled up to me, his head was on my
shoulder and his hand was below my waist. He was still and at first I thought
he was sleeping, I placed my hand on his and he cupped me in his hand.
Starting to get hard he rubbed me gently as I grew. I reached down and took
him in my hand, he was hard and big, larger than any man I have ever been
with. Then Bill lifted his head and kissed me, his lips were soft and warm
against my chest, as he worked his way down my body. I rubbed him as he
worked his way down my stomach to my waist. He opened his mouth and
took all of me into him. He was warm and soft as he lowered and raised his
head on me. I rubbed him as he pleasured me under the blankets and he
moved closer to my head. I leaned forward and took him, pulling his skin
back as he filled me with all I could fit in me. I wrapped my hand around the
rest of him and pleasured him. He moaned with each movement of me as we
pleasured each other. I kissed and licked him the full length of him as I took
as much of him in me as I could. I started to tingle with every touch of Bill lips
and tongue on me. He then pulled out of me, turned around and taking me


in his hand he pulled me closer as he rolled back my skin and placed the head
of his member to the head of mine. Once our heads were together he rolled
our skins over each other and stroked us as we are joined. I’ve never made
love like this before joined together as Bill rubbed the two of us it was
wonderful. I kissed him as he kissed me back I tasted his lips for the first time
as we rubbed inside our skins I felt my pleasure building in my loins tingling
all over as he rubbed. I couldn’t hold back my release any longer I exploded
inside our skins. I moaned as I filled our skins making our heads slippery as
Bill rubbed faster. He groaned with pleasure as our love mixed together. Bill
kept on rubbing as we softened in our after pleasure. We kissed a while
longer as we lay in each other’s arms and then closed our eyes to sleep.

In the morning I woke in Bill’s arms with one hell of a hangover. I got up
with out waking him and started a fire in the stove. The cabin was freezing
and the storm was over, I put a kettle on for coffee and woke Bill. The events
of the night before were vague as a dream and Bill didn’t say anything so I
didn’t break the silence. As the water was heating we went out to feed the
livestock in the stable. When we looked in the stalls we found all the livestock
dead from the nights cold. Since they were dead we returned to the cabin I
put whiskey in our coffee to take the edge of our hangovers and we ate our
breakfast. I wouldn’t find out until the spring that the killer storm had taken
many lives that night not just livestock. The horses and cows were too heavy
to drag out of the stable so we cut them up and dragged the pieces to the
garbage mound. I cut and smoked a hindquarter of beef for us to eat. I knew
it would not last the winter and we would need to hunt for fresh meet long
before spring.

Bill and I didn’t speak about the night before until after dinner. Looking
into a glass of whiskey he asked me if I ever did that before. I knew what he
meant and didn’t know how to answer at first. I thought about my answer and
told him I have slept with a man before. He told me he did it only once before
and when his father caught him he beat him so bad he couldn’t walk for a
week. When he was well he left home and has been on his own ever since.
Now he kept his feelings to himself afraid that if someone were to know how
he felt they would kill him. Most of the time being a nigger was reason enough


to be killed let alone sleeping with men. I knew this was true if Bill knew I was
an Incubus he might kill me thinking I was a demon. I couldn’t tell him the truth
about me and I understood how he felt about keeping his sexuality a secret
from the ones about him. I went to Bill and hugged him, he looked up at me
and we kissed. Since that night we slept together.

A month passed as we checked the mining camp and the bunkhouse for
intrusions. On our rounds we spotted coyote, bobcat and fox tracks going
to the garbage mound to feed on the remains of the dead livestock. We did
little more than eat, sleep and make love to pass the time. Our meat was
running low and we caught little in the snares near the mine. I told Bill I was
going hunting in the morning for fresh game and got my gear ready before we
went to bed.

I woke before sunrise, dressed and stoked the stove. Outside the cabin
I strapped on my snowshoes and trudged off into the forest. After I traveled
through the snow for an hour I came across the tracks of a deer. It wasn’t
too far ahead of me so I tactfully followed its trail. The woods opened into
a meadow covered with snow and in the center was a mule deer buck. I
raised my rifle, took careful aim and fired the buck fell where he stood. I could
not change into an Incubus to carry the buck my cloven feet would sink in the
snow. I field dressed the buck, hung what I could not carry back in a tree to
keep it from predators and carried a hindquarter back to the cabin.

About half way back to the cabin I heard gunshots in the distance from
the direction of the mining camp, the first thought that came to mind was claim
jumpers. I dropped the quarter of venison and started to run back to the
cabin. From a ridge overlooking the mining camp, I could see four men
looting through the camp. There wasn’t a sign of Bill that I could see, I hoped
he was hiding.

One of the claim jumpers headed towards my cabin, quietly I climbed

down the ridge to the rear of the cabin. I could herd the man rifling through
our things. I pulled my knife from my belt and moved around to the door.
Listening as I looked through a crack between the door and the frame, I


watched him take a long drink of whiskey. Seeing my opportunity I burst in

and stabbed him in the stomach before he could swallow. He fell to the floor
gagging on the whiskey as I twisted the knife in his guts. Silenced now I went
after the others as I searched for Bill.

Moving around the camp carefully I ducked into the stables and watched
as one of the men approached. I hid in one of the stalls and waited as he
entered looking for our livestock. When he found none he turned to leave and
that’s when I jumped him, I put my hand over his mouth and slit his throat with
my knife. He dropped to his knees as he clutched his throat, blood poured
over his hands. I watch him as he tried to stop the bleeding. He died as black
foam and bubbles came out of his mouth and from between his fingers now
there are two.

Bill wasn’t in the cabin or the stable; all the tracks I could find are the ones
of the four claim jumpers entering the camp and Bill doing his rounds. I kept
down as I approached the bunkhouse windows and looked inside. Bill was
on the floor lying still as the two claim jumpers laugh at him while they looted.
I moved to the door quietly and turned into an Incubus readied myself to
enter. I cocked my guns and remembering where they were standing I kicked
the door open and fired. My bullets struck them in the chest before they could
reach for their guns. The first shot struck one in the heart and he died instantly
the second struck the other man in the lungs. Red foam bubbled from his chest
and he coughed up blood. A look of terror filled his eyes as he begged for
mercy as I raised my pistol cocked it and fired, he moved no more.

The camp secured; I turned to Bill lying on the floor he didn’t move. I
rolled him over to see if he was alive, his face was battered from the claim
jumpers beating him. I held him in my arms as he opened his eyes. “I’m sorry
there were to many of them.” Was all he said then he went limp in my arms
he was dead. I picked him up and placed him on one of the bunks.

The camp wasn’t safe yet I didn’t know where the claim jumpers came
from or if there were more of them. I made sure I was well armed and started
to follow their tracks back from where they came. About a mile from camp


I found their mules tied up in the trees, searching their mules, I found out that
my camp wasn’t the first they raided. I followed their track further and found
a spent bonfire where they spent the night. It was growing late so I spent the
night there. In the morning I continued to follow their tracks to a mine two
days from ours. It was another Comstock Load mining camp. The winter
guards were dead and as far as I could tell the four claim jumpers I killed were
all of them. I buried the dead men and headed back to my cabin picking up
the mules in the forest along the way.

Back at camp I buried Bill and tossed the bodies of the claim jumpers on
the garbage mound for the scavengers to dispose of. With one of the mules
I retrieved what was left of the buck in the tree and cleaned up the damage
done by the claim jumpers. I spent the rest of the winter alone without even
unwelcome visitor waiting for spring.

When the mine boss returned in the spring sorely short of men I told him
of the winters events. He told me that they didn’t fare well that winter either
half the town’s folk passed away that winter as well as almost all of the
livestock. I stayed with the mine for two more years before moving on.


Brent felt himself growing hungry; he turned toward the window and saw
it was dark outside. Looking at the clock he realized it was well past
dinnertime. They had been talking all afternoon and well into the night. He
couldn’t believe he spent the day and into the night talking with Divine about
his life. Brent asked Divine if he would like to go out and eat at a Greek
restaurant on Queen Street that is open late. Divine agreed and Brent went
upstairs to change out of his robe and into his street cloths. As he changed
he wondered how John and Divine managed to conceal themselves in
modern times. He decided to ask him later.
This is the first of a series of books I plan to write. I call
this novel a science fiction fantasy. Divine Turin is a shape
shifter from space stranded on Earth for so long that his
people have become a part of our beliefs in demons. This
is a collection of stories about the life of an incubus called
Divine Turin in the past and the modern world of today.
Forced to live a life of secrecy, he hides the truth about
his origin and sexuality. Be forewarned there are parts of
this story that are of a controversial subject and nature.

The father of two children, the au-

thor been writing short works for
over thirty years. My poetry has won
many awards worldwide. Living and
working in Toronto as well as trav-
eling all over North America, he has
enjoyed meeting people from all over
the world.

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