Septage Interactive Toolkit Dumaguete (B)

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Interactive Septage Management Too

Developing Comprehensive Septage Management Programs

Septage Collection Septage transportation


This interactive septage toolkit is designed to help local governments better understand the costs and resources required to de
septage management programs. It is designed in an interactive format, where the user will fill in the blanks to certain question


There are 5 tabs in this toolkit. Their descriptions follow below:

Tab 1 Septage Design flow: Enter data about your community that is obtained from a survey designed to provide informa
as well as the septic tank's average volume and accessibility. Knowing the design flow is re
facilities and plan for the collection. Notice how adjusting the figures changes the design flo

Tab 2 How Many Trucks: This tab uses the design flow calculated from Tab 1 to determine how many and what volume o
The user will estimate the number of loads per day. Since no trucking operation is 100% eff
efficiency factor (newer trucks would be more efficient). Use this tab to vary the volume of th
(larger trucks equates to fewer trips and fewer trucks).

Tab 3 Collection Costs: This tab helps compute the cost of the collection program. The user inputs the cost of the tr
the average distance from the community to the treatment plant. The spreadsheet calculate
and maintaining the trucking fleet and provides a "cost per cubic meter of septage collected"

Tab 4 Wastewater O&M: This tab computes the annual costs of operating the wastewater facility and includes deprec
principal for loans that might be taken out to fund the project. The user inputs the cost of the
staff salaries, and number of staff. The user also inputs the amount of the loan, term of the
and the spreadsheet calculates the total annual expense.

Tab 5 Revenue: For this tab, the user will input the tariff, or septage fee, expressed in terms of "pesos per cu
average residential and commercial consumption to see the total revenue generated. The s
full cost recovery period.

Tab 6 Projections This tab calculates projections over a 10 year period. Use this tab to see how the daily flow
increases (or decreases) based on the growth rate of the community. Note that you can adj
collection program to keep the treatment capacity constant.

Adjust the different variables in the spreadsheet to customize the septage program to meet the requirements of your communi
point in understanding how small tariffs can generate enough capitol to fund your comprehensive septage program.

Thank you and good luck!!

Need more help or wish to comment? Email me at I am standing by to assist as needed to help


ement Toolkit
ement Programs

Septage Treatment

d resources required to develop their own comprehensive

blanks to certain questions and the spreadsheet will perform the

signed to provide information about prevalence of septic tanks

wing the design flow is required to adequately size treatment
es changes the design flow.

many and what volume of septage vacuum truck is best.

ing operation is 100% efficient, the user inputs an
ab to vary the volume of the truck to minimize the collection costs

er inputs the cost of the truck and the staff salaries, and
he spreadsheet calculates the costs of operating
eter of septage collected".

cility and includes depreciation and annual interest and

user inputs the cost of the treatment plant,
nt of the loan, term of the loan and interest of the loan

in terms of "pesos per cubic meter of water consumed". Then enter the
evenue generated. The spreadsheet calculates the

to see how the daily flow volume changes as well as how the revenue
ty. Note that you can adjust the operating days or hours for the

rements of your community. Use this toolkit as a starting

ptage program.

assist as needed to help move your septage program forward.


What is the Design Flow of your Septage Treatment Facility??
Instructions Type in the information in the yellow boxes below. Find the calculated values for your septage for your pro

1 How many households are there in the coverage area?

2 How many commercial/institutional establishments are in the coverage area

3 What is your compliance target? As a percentage of the homes in the target area, what percentage do you th

4 From the survey data, what per cent of homes have septic tanks?

5 From the survey, of the homes that have septic tanks, what is the percent of the tanks that are desludgable?

6 From the survey, what is the average volume of residential septic tanks in the target community?

7 From the survey, what is the average volume of commercial/institutional septic tanks in the target community?

8 Septic tanks should be desludged every 3 to 5 years. What is the target desluding frequency for your program

9 How many days a week will your program operate?

Answer: The design flow of your septage treatment facility is 50


* note: calculations on this and other tabs are

rounded up for convenience

Daily residential flow 24.98798077

Daily commercial flow 22.43589744
es for your septage for your program in the blue box at the bottom of the page

22,000 homes

3,500 businesses/institutional users

rea, what percentage do you think will participate? 70% per cent of the homes are likely to participate.

75% per cent of homes have septic tanks.

e tanks that are desludgable? 75% per cent of the septic tanks are desludgable.

target community? 4.5 cubic meters

tanks in the target community? 10 Cubic meters

ding frequency for your program? 5 years

6 days per week

cubic meters per day* Working days per month 25

Working days per year 297
cubic meters per month
cubic meters per year
How Many Trucks Will be Required for your Septage Program
Instructions The boxes in blue are copied automatically from the previous page or automatically calculated. Fill in the

Design flow (from Tab 1):

Average septic tank volume (from Tab 1):
Number of tank volumes accommodated in the truck

Capacity of the truck*

Number of Loads Per Day per Truck (Fill in the yellow boxes to estimate loads per day)

Estimated drive time to the home or business

Estimated time to pump the tank
Estimated drive time from collection site to treatment plant
Estimated unloading time at the treatment facility
Estimated drive time to the next home or business
Hours of operation per day
Number of loads per day per truck
Efficiency of trucking operation

Adjusted loads per day per truck

Answer: Number of trucks needed:


* This spreadsheet assumes all of the trucks for your program will have the same capacity or volume. If your program uses tru
use average volume (add up all the truck volumes and divide by the number of trucks)
** Number of trucks is calculated by dividing the design flow by the capacity of the truck (volume) and then dividing by the likel
*** Efficiency of the trucking operation. No trucking operation is 100% efficient. Use 80% efficiency for new trucks. Older truc
**** The user should experiment with the spreadsheet by varying the capacity of the truck and the number of hours per day of
atically calculated. Fill in the yellow boxes to the best of your ability to see the number of trucks required.

50 cubic meters per day

4.5 cubic meters

2.5 cubic meters

0.5 hours
0.5 hours
0.5 hours
0.5 hours
0.5 hours
10 hours
0.85 ***


6 trucks**

volume. If your program uses trucks with different volumes

me) and then dividing by the likely number of loads per day
iciency for new trucks. Older trucks are less efficient and this can be reflected by lowering the efficiency value.
d the number of hours per day of operation to minimize the number of trucks required.
Wastewater collection Costs
Note: all cost items are in Philippine Pesos

Number of Trucks (from Tab 2)

Number of trips per day (from Tab 2)
Number of days a week the program operates (from Tab 1)
Average distance (KM) per round trip
Total km per truck per year

Cost of the truck

Cost per year Driver/mechanic
Cost per year Laborer/helper

Truck Operating Costs

Drivers Mechanics - one per truck (SG-7)
Laborers/Helpers - Two (2) per truck (Admin Aide-SG-3
Annual Fuel Cost (12 km per liter and 22 Pesos per liter)
Annual Truck Maintenance
-Truck engine Oil (oil change every 3,000 km)
-Vacuum pump engine oil (oil change every 3,000 km)
-Tires (new set every 40,000 km, 80,000 pesos per set)
-Hoses (new set every 25,000 km, 22,000 pesos per set)
-Other parts and minor repair (P 15,000 per 40,000 km)
-Tune-ups (1 time per year)
-Battery three years
Sub-Total Vacuum Truck Operating Costs

Vacuum Truck Depreciation (7 yr straight line method)

Replacement Cost of Vacuum Truck

Vacuum Pump (@ STF-site) Depreciation (4 yr straight line method)

Replacement Cost of 1-unit Centrifugal Water/vacuum Pump

Operating Costs - Septage Collection

Cost of collection per cubic meter



Unit Number of units Cost per unit Total

Cost/year 1 132,000.00 773,660.13

Cost/year 2 109,000.00 1,277,711.43
Cost/yr 4,166.67 22.00 537,263.98

Cost/year 17 200.00 19,536.87

Cost/year 17 100.00 9,768.44
Cost/year 1.25 80,000.00 586,106.16
Cost/km 2.00 22,000.00 257,886.71
Cost/km 1.25 15,000.00 109,894.90
Cost/Tune-up 1 8,000.00 46,888.49
Cost 0.33 5,000.00 9,670.75
Cost/Yr 1 80,000.00 468,884.93
Cost/Yr 1 10,000.00 58,610.62

Cost/Yr 6 171,428.57 1,004,753.42

Cost/Truck 1,200,000.00
may also last even beyond 7yrs-practical
given lesser % of service

Cost/Yr 1 9,750.00 9,750.00

Cost/Water pump 39,000.00


349.44 Pesos
Wastewater Treatment Facility Operation and Maintenance
Cost of treatment system 42,000,000

land expense
Engineering, construction inspections
Civil works
Site preparation
Access improvements

Cost estimate

Senior operator - annual salary 167,000

Operator - annual salary 140,000
Administrative assistant - annual salary 125,000
Security - annual cost 125,000
Laborer - housekeeping and general labor 90,000

Cost Component Cost/yr

Staff Salaries and Wages

Senior operator 167,000.00

Operator 140,000.00
Administrative assistant 125,000.00
Security officer 125,000.00
laborer 90,000.00

Subtotal Salaries/Wages

Other Operating and Maintenance Costs

a. Electricity 14,600.00
b. Water Quality Testing (to be contracted out) 18,000.00
c. Other Miscellaneous O&M Costs 15,000.00
d. Supplies (office and maintenance supplies) 18,000.00
e. Protective gear for operation team 9,000.00
f. Road Maintenance 100,000.00
g. Dump truck rental to remove sludge to landfill 12,000.00
h. Contract to clean sludge from ponds 25,000.00

Subtotal - Other Operating and Maintenance Costs

Depreciation on capital infrastructure (straight line method based on 25 year facility life)

Principal and Interest Calculator

Principal Amount
Interest Rate
Number of years for loan

Interest and principal expense per month

Annual loan payment

TOTAL annual operating expenses

Portion of operating expenses subject to inflation 2,741,100.0

If you have an estimate for the treatment plant, type it in this box, or fill in the yellow boxes below to estimate



Units % of Full time Cost/yr Totals

1.00 0.50 83500

1.00 1.00 140000
1.00 1.00 125000
2.00 1.00 250000
1.00 1.00 90000


1.00 14,600.00
1.00 18,000.00
1.00 15,000.00
1.00 18,000.00
1.00 9,000.00
1.00 100,000.00
4.00 48,000.00
6.00 150,000.00


ar facility life) 1,680,000



elow to estimate
Current septage tariff per cubic meter of water 3 pesos

Number of homes 22,000 homes

Number of businesses 3,500 commercial/institutional

Average residential water consumption per month 24 cubic meters per month
Average commercial water consumption per month 20 cubic meters per month

Total septage monthly revenue residential 1,584,000 pesos

Total septage monthly revenue commercial 210,000 pesos

Total monthly revenue 1,794,000

Total Annual revenue 21,528,000

Annual collection costs 5,170,387 pesos

Annual operations costs 10,658,147 pesos

Total program annual costs 15,828,533 pesos

Surplus (year 1) 5,699,467 pesos

Net cash inflow 8,393,970
Total Operation and collection program costs 49,033,274

ers per month

ers per month
Current septage tariff per cubic meter of water 3 Pesos

Community Growth Rate - residential 5%

Community Growth Rate - Commercial/Institutional 2%
Adjusted overall growth rate 3.8%
Annual Inflation rate 9%

Daily flow at year 0 50 cubic meters

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Number of homes 22,000 23,100 24,255

Number of commercial/institutional 3,500 3,570 3,641
Daily flow (cubic meters per day) 50 52 54

Monthly Income - Residential 1,584,000 1,663,200 1,746,360

Monthly Income - Commercial 210,000 214,200 218,484

Total monthly income 1,794,000 1,877,400 1,964,844

Total Annual income 21,528,000 22,528,800 23,578,128

Total residual (annual) 5,699,467 5,791,085 5,824,144

Collection expenses 5,170,387 5,832,870 6,580,237

Operation expense subject to inflation 2,741,100 2,987,799 3,256,701
Fixed Operations Expenses 7,917,047 7,917,047 7,917,047

total Expenses 15,828,533 16,737,715 17,753,984

Total Residual (cumulative) 5,699,467 11,490,551 17,314,695

NOTE: Adjust the tariff rate

What can you do with this information:

1. Note how the spreadsheet calculates the increase in daily flow based on the overall growth rate of the community.
2. As the daily flow increases, instead of adding more treatment capacity, consider expanding operations from 5 days a week
3. To see how this impacts upon the collection and operational costs, take the figures for number of homes and businesses at
You will notice that if you increase the operational days per week to keep the daily flow constant, the collection and operatio
greatly. This is due to the increased efficiency in the operation as the program expands.
Average monthly cost per residential user 72 Pesos
Average monthly cost per commercial user 60 Pesos

Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10

25,468 26,741 28,078 29,482 30,956 32,504 34,129

3,714 3,789 3,864 3,942 4,020 4,101 4,183
56 58 60 62 65 67 70

1,833,678 1,925,362 2,021,630 2,122,711 2,228,847 2,340,289 2,457,304

222,854 227,311 231,857 236,494 241,224 246,048 250,969

2,056,532 2,152,673 2,253,487 2,359,206 2,470,071 2,586,338 2,708,273

24,678,380 25,832,072 27,041,844 28,310,467 29,640,853 31,036,055 32,499,280

5,788,166 5,671,218 5,459,724 5,138,254 4,689,280 12,009,956 11,243,623

7,423,364 8,374,521 9,447,550 10,658,067 12,023,688 13,564,286 15,302,281

3,549,804 3,869,286 4,217,522 4,597,099 5,010,838 5,461,813 5,953,377
7,917,047 7,917,047 7,917,047 7,917,047 7,917,047 0 0

18,890,214 20,160,854 21,582,119 23,172,213 24,951,572 19,026,099 21,255,657

23,102,861 28,774,079 34,233,804 39,372,058 44,061,338 56,071,294 67,314,917

wth rate of the community.

ng operations from 5 days a week to 6 or 7 days a week.
umber of homes and businesses at year 10 and type them into the boxes in tab 1.
onstant, the collection and operational costs increase only slightly, but the income increases
Daily residential flow 41.12308 43.17923

Daily commercial flow 26.92308 27.46154

68.04615 70.64077
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