TEST I Narrative Text

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Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, a Bear lived in the forest. He was huge and would eat a lot of food.
However, he was very lazy. So, he enjoyed eating the remains of the prey left by the bigger
One day, the lazy Bear felt very hungry. He could not find any food around his den. The
poor Bear waited and waited. Then, he started walking in search of food.
He thought to himself, ‘Oh! How I would love to eat some bamboo or fruits! But I would be the
happiest if I found a beehive with honey!’
Now, at the end of the forest, there was a rocky shore along the big blue sea. The Bear
soon reached the rocky shore. There, he found a firm rock and held on to it. He lowered his
furry legs into the cold water and waited. Some Crabs that lived in the sea caught the Bear’s
fur, thinking it was their prey. The Bear, at once, pulled his legs up and shook off the Crabs on
the rock. Then he enjoyed the food he had cleverly collected all over his legs.
 Huge; besar However; akan tetapi Remain; sisa Prey; mangsa Den; sarang Beehive;
sarang lebah Shore; pantai Furry; berambut shook off; menjatuhkan lower;
memasukan Crab; kepiting
1. What is the story about?
A. A lazy bear
B. A smart bear
C. A hungry bear
D. A kind bear
2. What food did the bear like best?
A. Bamboo
B. Honey
C. Crab
D. Fruit
3. How did the bear get his food at last?
A. Slowly
B. Calmly
C. Cleverly
D. Carefully
4. “The Bear, at once, pulled his legs up and shook off the Crabs on the rock”. The
underlined word is closest in meaning to….
A. put
B. take
C. clean
D. release
5. The bear dipped his legs …he wanted to get food
A. so
B. when
C. because
D. although

A poor woodcutter and his wife had two children named Hansel and Gretel. Their mother died when they
were young. Hansel and Gretel were very sad. Soon their father remarried but their stepmother was very cruel.
One day, she took the children deep into the forest and left them there. Clever Hansel had some breadcrumbs in
his pocket and had dropped them on the way so that they could find their way back home. Alas! The birds ate all
the crumbs and they couldn’t find the path that led back home.
Hansel and Gretel went deeper and deeper into the forest. They were hungry and tired. Finally, after walking
for a long time, they saw a cottage made of chocolate, candies, and cake. “Look, Hansel! A chocolate bricks!”
shouted Gretel in delight and both ate it hungrily.
Now, a wicked witch lived there. When she saw Hansel and Gretel, she wanted to eat them. She grabbed
the children and locked them in a cage. The witch decided to make a soup out of Hansel and eat him first. She
began boiling a huge pot of water for the soup. Just then, Gretel crept out of her cage. She gave the wicked witch a
mighty push from behind and the witch fell into the boiling water. She howled in pain and died instantly. Hansel
and Gretel found treasure lying around the cottage. They carried it home with them. Their stepmother had died
and their father welcomed them back with tears of joy. They never went hungry again!
6. The story is about ….
A. Hensel and Gretel sad story
B. the wicked witch catching Hensel and Gretel
C. the cottage built by the witch to catch children
D. the happy ending of the sad life of Hensel and Gretel
7. Why did Hensel and Gretel drop the breadcrumbs along the way?
A. To feed the birds
B. To help them to find the cottage
C. To guide them back o their house
D. To find the way back to the witch’s house
8. What did the function of the cottage?
A. To make the children happy
B. To catch the children to be eaten
C. To be a house for the lost children
D. To give food to the hungry children
9. Hensel and Gretel could save themselves because of ….
A. their quick action
B. their kindness
C. their patience
D. their luck
10. “. She howled in pain and died instantly”. The underlined word is similar to….
A. said
B. cried
C. yelled
D. spoke

Once upon a time a King and Queen had a beautiful daughter, and held a big party to
celebrate. They invited all the fairies in the land to come to the party, but they forgot to invite
one old fairy.
On the day of the party all the fairies granted the princess wonderful wishes, except the
old fairy, who had come even though she didn’t have an invitation. She cast a spell on the
princess, saying that when the baby grew into a young lady, she would prick her finger and die
of the wound. Luckily, all the other fairies got together and changed the terrible spell, so that
instead of dying, the princess would fall asleep for a hundred years when she pricked her
finger, and then be awoken by the kiss of a prince.
The King and Queen tried to make sure that there was nothing sharp in the palace, but
one day when she had grown up she found a needle and pricked her finger. She immediately
fell into a deep sleep. The fairies then cast another spell, which made all of the people in the
palace except the King and Queen also sleep for a hundred years, until the princess awoke.
So a hundred years passed by and then one day a prince was riding his horse when he
came across the palace. Going in he discovered everyone asleep. When he saw the princess, he
knelt down and kissed her, and she immediately woke up, as did all of her servants. They were
married and lived happily ever after.

Vocabulary : celebrate; merayakan, fairies; peri, granted; memberikan, except; kecuali, even
though; meskipun, cast a spell; mengutuk, prick; melukai, wound; luka, changed; mengubah,
terrible; buruk, instead of; sebagai ganti, awoken; terbangun, needle; jarum, immediately;
sketik, discover; menemukan, knelt down; membungkuk, servant; pembantu

11. What does the text stresses on?

A. The wicked witch who cursed a beautiful princess
B. The princes who was kissed by a handsome prince
C. The prince who found a sleeping beauty in the palace
D. The princes who had been cursed becoming a sleeping beauty
12. The princess was cursed by the wicked witch because of …
A. Her beauty
B. Her mistake
C. Her parent’s mistake
D. Her father’s bad luck
13. Why did the prince sleep after touching a needle?
A. It had magical power
B. It was difficult to find
C. It was sharp thing and could prick her
D. It had been cursed by the wicked witch
14. How could the curse be broken?
A. By the prince’s kiss
B. By the coming of the prince
C. By sleeping hundreds of years
D. By meeting a handsome prince
15. “and she immediately woke up..”. The underlined word is similar to….
A. fast
B. slowly
C. luckily
D. instantly
Once upon a time, there lived a man who loved his beautiful daughter. One day the man
went to the market to sell his crops. He had to pass a thick forest to go there.
On the way home, he felt very tired. He wanted to take a rest in the forest. When he came
at the forest, he saw a big beautiful palace. The palace looked empty so he entered the palace
and took a rest there. Suddenly a beast appeared and got angry with him because he entered
his palace without permission. The beast wanted to kill the man. The man said that he couldn’t
leave his daughter alone. Finally, the beast asked the man to bring the daughter at his palace
to serve him.
The daughter was a kind hearted girl. She took good care of the beast although the beast
often treated her badly. Soon the beast liked the girl. They became good friends. One day, the
beast was sick. The girl was sad. She cried and her tears dropped on the beast’s face. Suddenly
the beast turned into a handsome prince. The prince and the girl fell in love. They got married
and lived happily ever after.
Vocabulary: crops; hasil panen, thick; lebat, empty; kosong, palace; istana, beast; monster,
appear; muncul, serve; melayani, kindhearted; baik hati,
16. What does the story tell about?
A. A lucky father
B. A broken spell of the cursed beast
C. A girl who lived with a beast
D. A bad and the good creatures
17. How did the girl change her beast’s feeling?
A. With her intelligence and strength
B. With her kindness and patience
C. With her bravery and kindness
D. With her generosity and love
18. The beast met the girl because of ....
A. the father’s carelessness
B. the beast’s mistake
C. the beast’s kindness
D. the girl’s hope
19. The beast could transform into a human again because of …
A. The girl’s love
B. The man’s help
C. The witch’s spell
D. The father’s mercy
20. “They became good friends”. The underlined word refers to….
A. the beast and the girl
B. the girl and the father
C. the father and the beast
D. the father and the daughter
Snow White was the daughter of a beautiful queen, who died when the girl was young. Her
father married again, but the girl’s stepmother was very jealous of her because she was so
The evil queen ordered a hunter to kill Snow White but he couldn’t do it because she was so
lovely. He chased her away instead, and she took refuge with seven dwarfs in their house in the
forest. She lived with the dwarfs and took care of them and they loved her dearly.
Then one day the evil queen was told by her talking mirror that Snow White was still
alive, and she changed herself into a witch and made a poisoned apple. She went to the dwarf’s
house disguised as an old woman and tempted Snow White to eat the poisoned apple, which
put her into an everlasting sleep.
Finally, a prince found her in the glass coffin where the dwarfs had put her and woke her
up with a kiss. Snow White and the prince were married and lived happily ever after.
Vocabulary: evil; jahat, order; menyuruh, chased away; membuang, refuge; rumah, dwarf;
orang kerdil, dearly; sangat, mirror; kaca, poison; beracaun, disguised; berpura-pura,
everlasting; selamanya, coffin; peti mati,
21. The story emphasizes on ….
A. the dwarf who saved Snow White
B. the fail of the step mother’s bad plan
C. the effort of the price to make Snow White alive
D. the beautiful prince who live d in the forest
22. How did the queen know that Snow White still alive?
A. By asking to the dwarf
B. By talking to the mirror
C. By asking the hunter
D. By ordering the prince to visit the forest
23. Why did Snow White accept and eat the apple?
A. She loved to eat apples
B. She wanted to have everlasting sleep
C. She was hungry because the dwarf didn’t give her food
D. She didn’t know that the old woman was the wicked queen
24. The wicked queen pretended to be an old woman …trap Snow White
A. so
B. to
C. so that
D. when
25. was - the hunter- he -didn’t- so that - Snow White - kill -kind hearted.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The best arrangement of the jumbled words above is ….
A. 2 1 8 5 3 4 7 6
B. 6 1 8 5 3 4 7 2
C. 2 4 7 6 5 3 1 8
D. 6 4 7 2 5 3 1 8
The town of Hamelin was suffering from a terrible plague of rats. The town council tried
everything to get rid of them, but couldn’t. At last, the Mayor promised a big reward to anybody
who could put an end to the plague.
A stranger dressed in bright clothes arrived and said he could rid Hamelin of the rats. At
night, the stranger began playing a tune on his flute, drawing all the rats out of the houses and
barns and into the river, where they drowned.
The Mayor would not pay the piper because he said that playing a flute was not worth the
reward. He ordered the piper to leave Hamelin.
But the piper came back one day, and started to play his flute. This time, all the children
followed him, and he left the village towards the mountains. Suddenly, a cave opened in the
mountain and the piper and all the children went in. The cave closed behind them and the
children were never seen again in Hamelin.

Vocabulary: suffer; menderita, terrible; menakutkan, plague; wabah, rat; tikus, town council ;
pejabat kota, get rid; menghindari, promise; berjanji, reward; hadiah, stranger; orang asing,
bright; cerah, tune; irama, flute; seruling, drawing; menarik, barns; lumbung, drown; hanyut,
piper; tukang seruling, mayor; walikota, worth; tidak berharga, village; desa,

26. What can we learn from the story?

A. Time is money
B. Don’t break the promise
C. Don’t cry over the spilt milk
D. Experience is the best teacher
27. What did the piper do to help the people living in the town of Hamelin?
A. He chased away the rats
B. He made people go to the cave
C. He took all the bad people out of the town
D. He took all the children to the mountain
28. Which is best described the mayor?
A. Wise
B. Kind
C. Stingy
D. Hard work
29. The last paragraph tells that ….
A. the mayor made the piper angry
B. the piper helped the people of Hamelin from the rats
C. the people of Hamelin must pay their mistake to the piper
D. the piper and the children lived happily in the mountain
30. The rats …. To the river when the piper played his flute
A. run
B. ran
C. had run
D. were running

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