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Are We Human Beings? I say no...

we are Human Doings and here is why and this i

t is so important.
The only Human-BEINGS are the avatars of history... the buddhas, christs, thoths
, hermes, zarathustras, etc. People like the Dali Lama and Nelson Mandela are a
bout as close as one can get to a living HumanBeing. The rest of us, in fact are
HumanDoings... why? Because the rest of us live in a state of mental doing, Doi
ng, DOING. It is a state of relentless conceptual creation... we create story a
fter story about everything from events, situations, experiences, emotions, to i
dentity... in fact... it is all of these stories that we constantly write in our
head that make up our current identity in the first place. That being said...
the whole non-attachment movement that we westerners are quasi-new-agey-into but
have never really grasped is not just about material non-attachment, it is actu
ally about identity non-attachment, or more accurately put, Thought/Belief non-a
ttachment... and the ultimate result (and interestingly enough, the cause) of Th
ought/Belief non-attachment is NON-DOING - or simply, BEING.
So, people like the Dali Lama live in a state of equanimity all the time because
they are DOING the least. In other words, they are creating, and more importan
tly, believing or allowing themselves to become attached to concepts infinitely
less than the rest of us. Remember Sidhartha under the Bodhi tree? In his state
of perfect nirvana and divine bliss what was he doing? I'll tell you... NOTHING.
he was DOING nothing. The moment he achieved "Nirvana" he achieved 100% pure BE
ING (or 100% pure NON-DOING). This is the Divine Peace all religions point towa
rds - this has many names - Nirvana, Self-Love, Equanimity, Ascension... and Hum
an-Being. It is the original and true purpose of Christian prayer and reflectio
n, hindu scripture meditation and trance, buddhist meditation, hermetic sitting,
zen breathing... all of these methods are simply different attempts to the same
end... Non-Doing.
Here is the equation you can find in almost every holy book across the globe: L
ess Doing = More Being. (Non-Doing = Pure Being). So if you want to experienc
e the equanimity of Human-Being (verb), live in the paradox of doing more Non-Do
ing. Eliminate your attachments to things, yes, but more importantly, to the co
ncepts you cling to so religiously: Identity, Justifications, opinions, morality
statements; in short.. all Conditional Beliefs and Absolute Beliefs - these are
your altars and holy veils. I say, eliminate these altars and veils and one wi
ll finally experience direct connection with God - with the true Self.
So, "Human Being" isn't a name for what we are, but what we are to be come, if w
e would only try . . .

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