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Creepy Stories & Legends About Roswell

Out of all the weird, unexplained phenomena in US history, no incident is as well-known as

the Roswell, NM crash of 1947. Even though the government insists that it was just a
surveillance balloon that crashed in the New Mexico desert, it still hasn't deterred people
from believing that it was an alien spaceship that careened into the ground. What many
people don't know is that Roswell has a rich history of ghostly happenstances and
occurrences that don't get as much attention as the infamous 1947 incident.
Some of the legends about Roswell are wild. Did you know there's possibly a giant snake
big enough to swallow an entire person just waiting to be discovered? Or that the ghosts of
the aliens that were involved with the Roswell crash are said to haunt the New Mexico
Rehabilitation Centre? The list below contains some of the best Roswell urban legends, so
sit back and relax as you enjoy the scariest Roswell creepy stories around.
The Second Roswell UFO Crash
There is speculation that a second spaceship appeared just a few days after the Roswell
UFO incident in 1947. According to the story, after the first aircraft crashed (or was shot
down, depending on who you ask), a second UFO showed up, probably to scavenge the
crash site for parts and look for survivors. But like the first ship, the second one was also
shot down and destroyed.
New Mexico Rehabilitation Centre
Out of all the haunted places in Roswell, the New Mexico Rehabilitation Centre might be the
most densely populated. It is said that numerous ghosts haunt the vicinity, including one the
workers (somewhat) fondly call Old Scratch. There are also reports of doors slamming and
footsteps coming from a second-floor ward that's no longer in use.
The New Mexico Rehabilitation Facility sits on the old Walker Air Force Base, where the
aliens were supposedly taken after the 1947 crash. The ward where much of the strange
activity comes from was allegedly where they performed autopsies on the aliens - so it's no
wonder that some staff members have reported seeing ghosts that don't look human around
the facility.
The New Mexico Military Institute Haunted Clock Tower
At the New Mexico Military Institute, they do not use the letter "J" to label any of its troops
because they believe the letter is cursed. In the early 1800s, Juliet troop was tasked to go
out and defend the school from Native Americans. After a massive battle, the entire troop
was wiped out and a giant clock tower was built in their honour. It is said that on certain
days, you can look up at the tower and see the faces of the soldiers who lost their lives
looking back at you.
Local Psychic Warns of Disaster
Legend has it that in 1936, a local psychic woman loudly proclaimed that the town was in
grave danger. She said disaster was coming and the ground was soon going to open up
and swallow the town in one big gulp. The woman was so passionate she convinced a large
amount of people to leave town for a few days. Soon, a large flood hit Roswell and left many
wondering if this was the event that the psychic woman foresaw.
The Phantom of Pueblo Auditorium
Deep within the heart of Roswell lies the Pueblo Auditorium, a former high school that
eventually became part of the Independent School District. According to legend, there's a
room on the top floor that's used as storage for unused musical instruments. Nobody goes
near it at night, mostly because they're afraid they'll hear a creepy violin version of "Twinkle
Little Star."
According to one person, he was wandering around the halls very early in the morning when
he suddenly heard crazy piano music coming from the auditorium. He didn't know how
someone could have gotten in the building so early, or why they would have been playing
that music.
Bottomless Lakes Offer Bottomless Horrors
Bottomless Lakes State Park in Roswell is home to some super creepy legends. According
to Roswell USA, some of the strangest include the sighting of a half-man/half-octopus hybrid
that likes to peek its head out of the water from time to time, as well as a giant jellyfish-like
creature that forcefully dragged itself out of the lake and onto dry land. The lakes are prime
spots for young teenagers to go make out, so of course scary stories of hook-handed men
and weird, giant cyclops are plentiful.
Of course, one of the most enduring legends is the lake has unknown magical powers. Some
people believe the lakes truly are bottomless, as people believe that when you drop
something in the lake, it somehow gets transported to a faraway underground cavern. So, if
you're looking for a lake to visit, maybe chose another one.
Fuller Plumbing Supply Suicide
In Roswell, there's a small shop called Fuller Plumbing Supply, and its history is already
creepy enough. The building was constructed at the height of Cold War paranoia, so it came
with its very own bomb shelter. To get to the basement, you have to use an old freight
elevator that sounds like a chainsaw trying to mate with a blender, but the real creepiness
comes from the ghost that supposedly haunts the premises. An employee by the name of
Mack Oody worked at the shop but ended up committing suicide. It is said his ghost roams
about, pulling odd pranks that keep the employees on their toes.
Chaves County Courthouse
If you’re ever passing through Roswell, it might be best to avoid the Chaves County
Courthouse. Multiple reports have surfaced regarding a supernatural phenomenon around
the building. They say that if you listen, you can hear the ghostly cries of long-deceased
phantom children echoing through the halls. A supposed hot spot is the basement, where
the crying is the loudest.
There Are Enormous Snakes Lurking Around Town
In the 1990s, a shocking discovery was made in New Mexico when construction workers
stumbled upon the ruins of an old Jornada Mogollon (an indigenous culture that thrived from
200 - 1540 CE) village. Within the ruins, they found a 15-foot-long painting of a giant
feathered snake. The painting was of Avanyu, a serpent deity that the people worshiped.
According to John LeMay's Roswell USA, they also believed there was a monstrous
rattlesnake that lived in a cave in the mountains. The only thing that kept it from swallowing
people whole was an impenetrable fire constantly burning outside its den. In Roswell,
residents swear they've seen enormous snakes, some up to twelve feet long. It’s kind of
makes one wonder: were the Mogollon people right about monstrous snakes in the desert?
Avoid the Pecan Fields or Face the Wrath of Goat Man
West of Roswell lies the Pecan Orchards, a section of land that teenagers of Roswell have
started to use for their very own party grounds. And everyone knows that where teens party,
scary stuff starts to happen. As the legend goes, the Orchards are also home to a Goat Man,
a man born with goat horns who lives in the trees to protect the pecans from thieves. It is
said he can be heard late at night bleating like a goat high above the ground. So, if you're
ever in Roswell, it's probably best to bring a bagged lunch.
The Haunted Historical Society for Southeast New Mexico Has a Friendly Ghost
While most ghosts tend to be malicious and creepy, the spirit that is supposed to haunt the
Historical Society for Southeast New Mexico is known for being a notorious prankster. It
likes to rustle curtains and slightly alter the museum displays during the night. One secretary
who worked there in the 1980s swore the ghost was messing with her, as every morning
she would arrive at work with her papers always moved around and the ribbon out of her
International UFO Museum
What better place to haunt than a famous UFO museum? At the International UFO Museum
in Roswell, the museum staff, as well as ufologist Tom Carey, have claimed they have
experienced a ghostly phenomenon in the museum. While touring the premises, Carey was
suddenly struck by an extreme case of panic and knew he had to get out of there. After he
was safe, he was informed that many of the museum staff members had felt a similar
presence and the director of the museum even claimed he once saw a white floating spirit
late at night. Upon further digging, it was discovered that years prior, when the museum was
a theatre, a large speaker fell off the wall and killed a boy. Some believe that the boy who
was killed and the museum ghost are one in the same.
Mini-Dinos On the Loose
One day in Roswell, Mark Graham encountered a strange sight. To his surprise, his uncle's
dog was chasing something in a field that resembled a small dinosaur. Graham reported
that the creature was very small, dark tan, and was running on its hind legs and had a long
neck and small arms. It led him to believe that what he was witnessing was some type of
prehistoric dinosaur. Mini-dino sightings have been especially prevalent in Colorado, but
after this incident, many believe that the elusive creatures have started to migrate away from
their original home and into places like Roswell.

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