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6:15 P.M. ------------------------------------------------------------------Pre-Council Briefing (If Necessary) 1st Floor

City Council Conference Room Or City Council
Chamber Conference Room, Civic Center
7:00 P.M. ------------------------------------------------------------ Organizational Service Announcements


Reverend Albano Tayengo, Kirkwood United Church 

Pledge Of Allegiance

Proclamations, Announcements, and Special Recognitions

Public Hearing: Items 1 through 32




This facility is wheelchair accessible and handicap-parking spaces are available. Requests for interpretation services or
assistive hearing devices must be made 48 hours prior to the meeting. Contact the City Secretary’s Office at (972) 721-2493
or (TDD) 1-800-RELAY TX (1-800-735-2989) for assistance.

City Council Agenda 12/9/2010 1

1 City Operations Update

2 Approving Work Session Minutes for Wednesday, November 10, 2010

3 Approving Meeting Minutes for Thursday, November 11, 2010

4 Resolution -- Approving a Records Control Schedule for Fire Documents

Administrative Comments
1. This item supports Strategic Goal No. 8: Sound Governance.
2. Impact: Creation of a Fire control schedule, to be approved by the Council,
identifies the retention and disposition of records created and received by the Fire
3. This schedule follows the Texas State Library and Archives Commission
requirements for retention with some exceptions where information is maintained
longer than required by law.
The resolution be approved.

5 Resolution -- Authorizing the Destruction of Obsolete Records in

Accordance with the City of Irving’s Records Management Policy
Administrative Comments
1. This item supports Strategic Goal No. 8: Sound Governance.
2. Impact: Departments annually approve destruction of records whose legal
retention has been met. This assures that all record destruction is in compliance
with the Records Management Plan.
3. Destruction is requested for 18 cubic feet of records for the City Secretary’s Office.
The resolution be approved.

City Council Agenda 12/09/2010 2

6 Resolution -- Approving a Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant Agreement
Between the City of Irving and the State of Texas, Acting by and through
the Texas Department of Transportation, for a Selective Traffic
Enforcement Program (STEP) Grant for Holiday DWI Enforcement
Administrative Comments
1. This item supports Strategic Goal No. 4: Safe and Secure City.
2. Impact: This grant will provide overtime expenses to decrease impaired driving and
alcohol-related crashes during the major holidays and Spring Break week.
3. The grant is for the period of October 1, 2010, through September 30, 2011.
4. The STEP grant is reimbursable up to $29,810.00 with a cash match from the City
in the amount of $10,239.35.
The resolution be approved.

7 Resolution -- Authorizing the Mayor to Sign an Interlocal Agreement

Between the City of Irving and the North Central Texas Council of
Governments for Videoconference (VTC) Network Services
Administrative Comments
1. This item supports Strategic Goal No. 4: Safe and Secure City.
2. Impact: This interlocal agreement will provide VTC services to the City’s
Emergency Operations Center (EOC). This will be a key communications system
that will connect the regional EOC’s for major events such as the Super Bowl and
for disaster response.
3. This interlocal agreement is for the period of September 30, 2010, through
August 30, 2011.
4. The EOC has purchased and installed a VTC system with grant funds. VTC
services and expenses will be funded with Homeland Security grant funds.
5. An additional VTC to be installed at City Hall will be purchased with Homeland
Security grant funds.
6. Funding in the amount of $1,000 is available in the Emergency Management Grant
The resolution be approved.

City Council Agenda 12/09/2010 3

8 Resolution -- Approving the Trust Fund Agreement with North Texas Super
Bowl XLV Host Committee, Inc.
Administrative Comments
1. This item supports Strategic Goal No. 3: Economic Development.
2. Impact: By contributing $150,043 to the Major Events Trust Fund, the City will be
eligible for reimbursement from the Fund up to the amount of $687,700 for its
additional operating and capital costs associated with hosting the Super Bowl
related events in Irving.
3. The Major Events Trust Fund is created by the State Comptroller with contributions
from endorsing municipalities. The State will contribute 6.25 times the amount the
cities contribute. This provides funding for the added municipal costs to host a
Super Bowl.
4. The Comptroller determined that the incremental increase in certain sales and use,
hotel occupancy and mixed beverage tax receipts to be collected by or on behalf of
the City directly attributable to the Superbowl is $329,658. The Host Committee will
prepare an analysis of the event related projected revenues after the event.
5. The City has already agreed on behalf of the Irving Convention and Visitors Bureau
to contribute $175,860 to the Host Committee. The Host Committee will remit
$105,946 of that payment to the City, which will then be contributed to the Trust
Fund, along with $44,097 in General funds for a total of $150,043 contribution to the
Trust Fund.
ICVB contribution to Host Committee $175,860
Host Committee payment to Trust Fund ($105,946) funds
Net payment to Host Committee $69,914

Contributions to the Event Trust Fund

City General Fund $44,097
Host Committee Contribution $105,946
Total: $150,043

City's maximum estimated event costs: $687,700 ICVB + General Fund costs $219,957
Maximum reimbursement from Trust Fund: ($687,700) Projected Revenue Increase $329,658
Total cost to city: $0 Revenue Impact to City: $179,615

6. The Chief Financial Officer will analyze Hotel Occupancy Tax receipts for the
quarter ending March 2011 to estimate added revenue attributable to the Super
Bowl. The ICVB contribution will be reimbursed from this added revenue prior to
allocation to the other HOT recipients.
7. Initially, the city was asked to contribute a total of $325,903 to the Event between
ICVB and General Fund. Staff negotiations with the host committee reduced the
city’s contribution by $105,946 with no decrease in the total potential
reimbursement amount.
8. Funding in the amount of $44,097 is available in the General Fund and funding in
the amount of $105,946 will be available upon receipt from the Host Committee.
The resolution be approved.

City Council Agenda 12/09/2010 4

9 Resolution -- Approving an Economic Incentive Agreement Between the
City of Irving and Consolidated Electrical Distributors, Inc.
Administrative Comments
1. This item supports Strategic Goal No. 3: Economic Development.
2. Impact: Approval of this agreement will allow the City of Irving to attract a
Consolidated Electrical Distributors, Inc. (CED) to Irving which will allow the City to
become the point of sale for at least $75 million in taxable sales annually.
3. CED will create at least 80 new full-time jobs with an average annual salary of at
least $75,000 before benefits.
4. CED has purchased the building located at 1920 Westridge Drive.
5. CED will generate at least $75 million in taxable sales that will generate at least
$750,000 in sales tax for the City of Irving annually.
6. The agreement provides a $300 job credit for a minimum of 50 full-time jobs up to a
maximum of 80 full-time jobs if residency in Irving is maintained for a continuous
three year period. Maximum amount of this incentive is $24,000.
7. The agreement also provides for a rebate of personal property taxes paid to the City
of 30% per year for five years if the value of the business personal property is at at
least $2,000,000 above the 2010 base year values. Estimated value of this
incentive is $17,283.
8. The final incentive is a 50% rebate of collected sales tax for 10 years. Estimated
value of this incentive is $3,750,000.
9. In order to receive these incentives, CED must employ at least 80 full-time
employees earning at least $75,000 before benefits during the term of this
agreement. CED must also use at least 200 City of Irving hotel room annually,
continuously occupy at least 20,000 square feet of their building during the term of
this agreement, maintain a business personal property value of at least $2,000,000
above the 2010 tax year base value and generate at least $75,000,000 in taxable
sales in the City of Irving.
The resolution be approved.

City Council Agenda 12/09/2010 5

10 Resolution -- Approving an Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Irving
and the Dallas County Utility and Reclamation District (DCURD) for the
Desiltation of District Waterways and the Maintenance of the Levee,
Waterway Slopes, and Structures
Administrative Comments
1. This item supports Strategic Goal No. 9: Infrastructure Network and No. 10:
Environmentally Sustainable Community.
2. Impact: This Interlocal Agreement provides partnering opportunities between the
City of Irving and DCURD to provide funding assistance for the dredging of District
canals, lakes, and waterways to maintain proper depths and water quality as well as
to provide adequate cross sections for water conveyance and for the maintenance
of the levee, waterway slopes, and structures.
3. These maintenance provisions satisfy the Texas Commission on Environmental
Quality’s (TCEQ) requirements for the City of Irving’s Texas Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (TPDES) permit.
4. Funding in the amount of $384,000.00 is available in the Municipal Drainage Utility
Bond Fund.
The resolution be approved.

11 Resolution -- Approving an Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Irving

and the Irving Flood Control District Section I for Desiltation and
Maintenance Related to District Waterways
Administrative Comments
1. This item supports Strategic Goal No. 9: Infrastructure and No. 10: Environmentally
Sustainable Community.
2. Impact: The Interlocal Agreement provides partnering opportunities between the
City of Irving and Irving Flood Control District Section I for all design, construction,
permitting, repairs, operation and maintenance of the District’s levees, sumps,
channels, interior drainage facilities and pump stations using District engineers,
contractors and personnel.
3. This Interlocal Agreement meets a requirement of the Texas Commission on
Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for our Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System (TPDES) Storm Water Permit to preserve the water quality of our
4. Funding in the amount of $600,000.00 is available in the Municipal Drainage Utility
Bond Fund.
The resolution be approved.

City Council Agenda 12/09/2010 6

12 Resolution -- Approving a Discretionary Service Agreement Between the
City of Irving and Oncor Electric Delivery Company, LLC, for Phase 1 - Part
3 Undergrounding of Existing Aerial Utilities at Las Colinas Boulevard
Between Lake Carolyn Parkway and Fuller Drive
Administrative Comments
1. This item supports Strategic Goal No. 1: Land Use, No. 2: Vibrant Neighborhoods,
No. 3: Economic Development, and No. 9: Infrastructure.
2. Impact: This project will provide for the undergrounding of existing aerial utilities
adjacent to Las Colinas Boulevard between Lake Carolyn Parkway and Fuller Drive.
It will improve the visual impression of the area, promote economic development,
and reduce the possibility of power outages caused by inclement weather events.
3. The Las Colinas Association, in the cooperative completion of the Las Colinas area
utility undergrounding project, will fund 35% of this agreement.
4. Funding in the amount of $94,694.00 is available in the Non-Bond CIP Fund and
Street Improvement Bond Fund.
The resolution be approved.

13 Resolution -- Approving an Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Irving

and Dallas County Community College District for Proposed
Improvements to the North Lake College South Campus
Administrative Comments
1. This item supports Strategic Goal No. 7: Cultural, Recreational and Educational
2. Impact: This interlocal agreement will construct a 12’ wide lighted trail with benches
and emergency call stations on the North Lake College South Campus. It will
provide a recreation trail link from Shady Grove Trail to Tim Markwood Park.
3. This agreement provides the framework for the implementation of recreation
improvements on the South Campus. The planning will be accomplished with in-
house planning staff and funded by the city. All plans and construction will be
coordinated with the Dallas County Community College District (DCCCD) staff.
4. The city agreed in 2009 to construct $400,000.00 in improvements on the South
Campus in exchange for approximately seven acres of DCCCD property needed for
the DART Orange Line.
5. The improvements will include demolition of an old concrete parking lot and building
slab, brush clearing and tree pruning, 12’ wide concrete trail, trail lighting, benches,
emergency call boxes and grading as needed.
6. The agreement has a two-year term for the completion of the work from the time the
interlocal agreement is approved and signed by both parties.
The resolution be approved.

City Council Agenda 12/09/2010 7

14 Resolution -- Approving a Revised Joint Use Agreement Between the City
of Irving and the Dallas County Community College District (DCCCD) to
Provide Joint Use of North Lake College Property for Public Mass Transit
Facilities, Including the DART Light Rail Orange Line
Administrative Comments
1. This item supports Strategic Goal No. 9: Infrastructure Network.
2. Impact: This agreement will allow for the DART Light Rail Transit (LRT) Orange
Line to be constructed through the North Lake College campus.
3. The construction plans for the DART LRT Orange Line across the North Lake
College campus property have been modified to reduce the bus area and to add a
Traction Power Sub-Station (TPSS) requiring the modification of the Joint Use
Agreement approved by Council Resolution No. 2009-84 on February 19, 2009.
4. This revised Joint Use Agreement is on the agenda for the Dallas County
Community College District’s (DCCCD) 2010 board meeting.
The resolution be approved.

15 Resolution -- Supporting the Home Mortgage Interest Deduction and Its

Impact to the Irving Housing Market
Administrative Comments
1. This item supports Strategic Goal No. 8: Sound Governance.
2. Impact: Continuation of the income tax deduction for home mortgage interest will
benefit the Irving housing market.
3. Home ownership is a valuable and critical factor for community sustainability.
4. Home owners have been provided an income tax deduction for their home
mortgage interest and taxes for almost 100 years. The federal panel reviewing debt
reduction considered elimination or decreasing of the home mortgage interest
5. Studies have shown the loss of this deduction could erode home values by as much
as 15%, increase foreclosures, and impede new home purchases.
6. The city supports policies that take into account the wide-range usage of this
deduction and its contribution to the economic and societal growth that a strong
housing industry brings to communities.
7. This resolution should be conveyed to our local federal and state representatives.
The resolution be approved.

City Council Agenda 12/09/2010 8

16 Resolution -- Approving a Fee Agreement with Smith, Jackson, Boyer &
Bovard P.L.L.C. to Conduct a Review of the Entertainment Center’s
Administrative Comments
1. This item supports Strategic Goal No. 8: Sound Governance.
2. Impact: This contract will provide the services necessary to conduct a
comprehensive review of the Entertainment Center’s expenditures.
3. Funding in the amount of $51,000.00 is available in the Brimer Fund.
The resolution be approved.

17 Resolution -- Authorizing the Submittal of a Substantial Amendment to the

2009-2014 Consolidated Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development for the Use of Federal Funding in Support of Public
Improvements (Postponed at The November 11, 2010 City Council
Administrative Comments
1. This item supports Strategic Goal No. 2: Vibrant Neighborhoods.
2. Impact: The amendment authorization will allow for public improvement projects
that support neighborhood redevelopment, revitalization and basic infrastructure
3. The City Council adopted the FY 2009-10 Housing and Human Services
Department Annual Action Plan and the FY 2009-2014 Consolidated Plan on July
23, 2009, which included the authorization to use $275,000 of Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding for public improvement projects.
4. The Housing and Human Services Board approved the allocation of Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for Public Improvements in the target area
of MacArthur Boulevard as part of the FY 2009‐10 Action Plan at the July 15, 2009
meeting. Initially the funds were allocated for street lighting but after determining
that ownership would be with the utility provider, the Capital Improvements
Department researched and recommended fencing enhancements. The
recommended corridor fencing is within the same target area along both sides of
MacArthur Blvd. between 6th Street and Markwood Park. The project, which
coincides with the City Council’s key focus area of Corridor Enhancements, calls for
the construction of approximately 2,400 linear feet of treated cedar fencing, with
stone column accents at an estimated cost of $274,000.
5. Housing and Human Services staff has evaluated the project and determined that it
is an eligible, reasonable, and prudent usage of these grant funds. This project is
beneficial in that it not only includes neighborhood buffering, and enhancements but
the removal of existing dilapidated/substandard fencing.

City Council Agenda 12/09/2010 9

6. A briefing to update the HHS Board of the revised usage of these public
improvement funds was provided at the September 15, 2010 meeting. Additionally,
this item was presented as a staff recommendation for approval at the October 20,
2010, meeting, and the HHS Board voted not to endorse the staff recommendation.
The vote was 4-3 (Against – Jenkins, Faust, Smith, DiPietro; For – Dickens,
Beeman, Shlipak)
7.     At the November 11, 2010, Council meeting staff was given the direction to take
this item back to the Housing and Human Services Board for additional discussion
at its next meeting followed by a presentation to the Community Services
Committee. The HHS Board discussed this item at the November 17, 2010,
meeting. The first motion considered was to approve the project as presented by
staff, and such motion failed by a 3-6 vote (For – Shlipak, Richards, and Dickens;
Against – Jenkins, DiPietro, Faust, Smith, Beeman, and Moon). Later on during the
meeting, the Board took up the item again at the request of Board member
Richards. Mr. Richards’ motion was to approve the item with a cap of $150,000
contribution to the project from the Community Development Block Grant.
Discussion as a result of the meeting yielded the following viewpoints. Board Chair
Jenkins expressed that she and the Board were in favor of the project, just at a
reduced funding amount. Board member Ms. Faust indicated that she was opposed
to any funding for infrastructure unless it was directly related to a housing
development. The vote was in favor by a 5-4 vote (For – Jenkins, Smith, DiPietro,
Moon and Richards; Against – Dickens, Shlipak, Beeman and Faust).
8. The Community Services Committee will meet to discuss this item on December 9,
2010 at 4:00pm.
The resolution be approved.

City Council Agenda 12/09/2010 10

Bids & Purchasing Items
Items 18 - 26

18 Resolution -- Authorizing Staff to Negotiate an Engineering Services

Agreement with RJN Group, Inc., for a Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey
Administrative Comments
1. This item supports Strategic Goal No. 9: Infrastructure Network.
2. This item has been recommended by Water Utilities.
3. Impact: This SSES project is required by the TCEQ and will include field testing
and analysis of sanitary sewers to develop a prioritized list of rehabilitation, repair
and replacement projects for a portion of the Southwest Irving Interceptor Basin.
4. This project will require equipment and expertise that the City of Irving does not
have and would be too costly since it would not be continuously used.
5. City staff administered a Request for Qualifications to select an engineering firm for
these services. Five RFQ responses were received and evaluated by staff.
6. The RFQ Response submitted by RJN Group, Inc. best meets the criteria
established in the RFQ. The team put together by RJN Group, Inc., has a great
deal of experience executing projects similar to this one, including previous projects
here in Irving.
7. This is the first step of a two-step process to contract with RJN, Inc. Upon approval
of this resolution, staff will begin negotiations on an Engineering Services
Agreement with RJN Group, Inc. and will place the completed agreement on a
future City Council Agenda for consideration and approval.
The resolution be approved.

19 Resolution -- Canceling the Contract with DMD Consultants, Inc., for

Painting Fire Hydrants
Administrative Comments
1. This item supports Strategic Goal No. 9: Infrastructure Network.
2. This item has been recommended by Water Utilities.
3. Impact: The department believes it is in the best interest of the city to rebid this
contract in anticipation of better pricing in a more competitive market.
4. The City is exercising the contractual 30-day cancellation notice without cause
option. Specifications will be revised and released for competitive bids at a later
The resolution be approved.

City Council Agenda 12/09/2010 11

20 Resolution -- Renewing the Annual Contract with Waste Partners of Texas,
Inc., dba Jackpot Sanitation Services (formerly Texas Toilets) for Portable
Toilet Rental and Cleaning Services
Administrative Comments
1. This item supports Strategic Goal No. 7: Cultural, Recreational, and Educational
2. This item has been recommended by Parks and Recreation Department.
3. Impact: Providing portable restroom facilities for use in City parks, athletic facilities
and during special events provides an important service to our citizens and helps
maintain a healthy outdoor environment.
4. This renewal establishes the continuation of an annual contract to provide portable
toilet rental and cleaning services. The original contract was awarded on the basis
of competitive bids.
5. Funding in the net estimated annual amount of $39,520.46, for a total of $79,040.92
for this two-year contract is available in the General Fund.
FY2011-12 Est. Exp.
Est. Exp. (Future FY-
FY2010-11 (Future FY- Budget Not Total Two-
Est. Exp. Budget Not Yet Yet Year
Vendor (Current FY) Approved) Approved) Est. Exp.
Waste Partners of Texas, Inc. dba Jackpot
Sanitation Services (formerly Texas Toilets) $29,449.00 $39,520.46 $10,071.46 $79,040.92

Two-year renewal contract Jan-Sep Oct-Sep Oct-Dec

9 mos. 12 mos. 3 mos.

The resolution be approved.

21 Resolution -- Approving and Accepting the Bids of Crouch Sand & Gravel,
Inc., and Lowery Sand & Gravel Co Inc., for Annual Contracts to Provide
Park Grounds Maintenance Materials
Administrative Comments
1. This item supports Strategic Goal No. 7: Cultural, Recreational, and Educational
2. This item has been recommended by Parks & Recreation.
3. Impact: The maintenance of park grounds, playgrounds, athletic fields and walking
tracks is required to provide a safe, functional, and attractive outdoor environment
for our customers.

City Council Agenda 12/09/2010 12

4. This award establishes annual contracts for the continuation of providing park
grounds maintenance materials.
5. Funding in the net estimated annual amount of $55,500.00 for this one-year
contract will be available in the General Fund.
Est. Exp.
FY2010-11 (Future FY- Total One-
Est. Exp. Budget Not Yet Year
Vendor Item(s) (Current FY) Approved) Est. Exp.
Crouch Sand & Gravel, Inc. 1, 2, & 4 $31,458.33 $6,291.67 $37,750.00
Lowery Sand & Gravel Co Inc. 3 $14,791.67 $2,958.33 $17,750.00
Total Estimated Amount $46,250.00 $9,250.00 $55,500.00
Dec-Sep Oct-Nov
(10 mos.) (2 mos.)

The resolution be approved.

22 Resolution -- Awarding the Contract to Kraftsman Playground & Park

Equipment for the Purchase and Installation of two Circulating
Sprayground Systems through the State of Texas Local Government
Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program Administered by the Texas
Association of School Boards (the BuyBoard Program)
Administrative Comments

1. This item supports Strategic Goal No. 7: Cultural, Recreational, and Educational
2. This item has been recommended by Capital Improvement Program Team.
3. Impact: These installations will provide new aquatic amenities for the City with a
longer operational season and more daily hours of use.
4. The spraygrounds will not require any new staff positions for daily operations. The
facilities will feature recirculation of water and have lower overall operational costs.
5. This contract will provide design, purchase, and installation of two sprayground
systems, one for Northwest Park and one for Southwest Park.
6. This aquatic amenity will be a neighborhood zero-depth interactive aquatic
sprayground system which features flush mounted bubblers, fountains, and pole –
mounted spray elements along with vertical interactive elements on a concrete
7. This project has a construction budget of $1,100,000. City staff will coordinate the
installation of the sprayground systems with the remaining elements of the design,
which includes shade canopies, site furnishings, building renovations, landscape,

City Council Agenda 12/09/2010 13

irrigation, lighting, and pavement installations. The remaining $411,884.08 will be
used for these remaining items.
8. Funding in the net amount of $688,115.92 is available in the Park Improvement
Bond Fund.
FY2010-11 Award Total Award
Vendor Item(s)
(Current FY) (Current FY)
Kraftsman Playground & Southwest Park $345,407.24 $345,407.24
Park Equipment Northwest Park $342,708.68 $342,708.68
(Total One-time only) $688,115.92 $688,115.92

The resolution be approved.

23 Resolution -- Approving the Purchase from Libra-Tech Corporation for

Furnishings for the West Irving Library through the State of Texas Local
Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program Administered by
the Texas Association of School Boards (the BuyBoard Program)
Administrative Comments

1. This item supports Strategic Goal No. 7: Cultural, Recreational, and Educational
2. This item has been recommended by Capital Improvement Program Team and
approved by the Parks and Library Services Team.
3. Impact: This award provides a portion of the assorted furnishings for the newly
constructed 25,000 square foot West Irving Library.
4. Some items in this award are book shelves, upholstered chairs, and tables.
5. Minority- and/or Women-owned Business Enterprises (M/WBE) participation on
this award is 100%.
6. Funding in the net amount of $208,496.47 is available in the Library Bond Fund.
These items are funded through previously approved bonds.
FY2010-11 Award Total Award
Vendor (Current FY) (Current FY)
Libra-Tech Corporation
$208,496.47 $208,496.47
(One-time only)

The resolution be approved.

City Council Agenda 12/09/2010 14

24 Resolution -- Approving the Purchase from Intelligent Interiors, Inc., for
Furnishings for the West Irving Library through the Texas Multiple Award
Schedule (TXMAS) Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing
Administrative Comments

1. This item supports Strategic Goal No. 7: Cultural, Recreational, and Educational
2. This item has been recommended by Capital Improvement Program Team and
approved by the Parks and Library Services Team.
3. Impact: This award provides a portion of the assorted furnishings for the newly
constructed 25,000 square foot West Irving Library.
4. Some of the items in this award are tables and upholstered chairs for the adult and
children’s areas, and the teen lounge area.
5. Minority- and/or Women-owned Business (M/WBE) participation in this award is
5. Funding in the net amount of $61,850.00 is available in the Library Bond Fund.
These items are funded through previously approved bonds.
FY2010-11 Award Total Award
Vendor (Current FY) (Current FY)
Intelligent Interiors, Inc.
$61,850.00 $61,850.00
(One-time only)

The resolution be approved.

City Council Agenda 12/09/2010 15

25 Resolution -- Approving the Purchase from AGATI, Inc., for Furnishings for
the West Irving Library through the Texas Multiple Award Schedule
(TXMAS) Local Government Statewide Cooperative Purchasing Program
Administrative Comments

1. This item supports Strategic Goal No. 7: Cultural, Recreational, and Educational
2. This item has been recommended by Capital Improvement Program Team and
approved by the Parks and Library Services Team.
3. Impact: This award provides a portion of the assorted furnishings for the newly
constructed 25,000 square foot West Irving Library.
4. Some items in this award are study/reading tables, computer lab tables, and
computer stations.
5. Funding in the net amount of $105,654.00 is available in the Library Bond Fund.
These items are funded through previously approved bonds.
FY2010-11 Award Total Award
Vendor (Current FY) (Current FY)
$105,654.00 $105,654.00
(One-time only)

The resolution be approved.

26 Resolution -- Awarding the Single Source Agreement to Black Box

Network Services for the Purchase of a 3-Year PASS PLUS Program for the
Citywide Telecommunication System
Administrative Comments
1. This item supports Strategic Goals No. 6: Effective Communications and No. 9:
Infrastructure Network.
2. This item has been recommended by Information Technology.
3. Impact: The 3-Year Pass Plus program is necessary to maintain manufacturer’s
software support for the citywide telecommunication system. This provides for a
no-charge software release upgrade to the latest software release during the
coverage period. In the event this maintenance is not purchased, the city would
incur an upgrade charge of $180,000 (est.) every two years to maintain the phone
system software. If the software versions are not maintained, then the
telecommunication system will not be supported by the manufacturer and any
failures would result in a loss of all phone service including Police and Fire
Administration lines.

City Council Agenda 12/09/2010 16

4. Funding in the net annual amount of $32,971.84 for a total of $98,915.51 for this
three-year contract is available in the General Fund.
FY2011-12 FY2012-13 Total
FY2010-11 Award Award Three-Year
Vendor Award (Future FY- (Future FY-
(Current FY) Budget Not Yet Budget Not Yet
Approved) Approved)
Black Box Network
(3-year agreement with
$32,971.84 $32,971.84 $32,971.84 $98,915.52
fixed yearly pricing payable
at the beginning of each
12-month period)

The resolution be approved.
End of Bids

27 Ordinance -- Amending Chapter 7 “Billboards and Signs” of the Land

Development Code of the City of Irving, Texas; Providing Penalty, Savings,
Severability, and an Effective Date.
Administrative Comments
1. This item supports Strategic Goals No. 6: Communication and No. 8: Sound
2. Impact: Amending the sign ordinance as proposed will allow businesses to install
digital [electronic] signs by right with some limitations. This will reduce the number
of special sign permit [variance] cases that must be heard and approved by the City
3. The proposed amendments will:
A. Without requiring a variance, allow the installation of electronic sign panels with
a maximum area of 40 square feet on:
• Monument signs that do not exceed 70 square feet in area, are a maximum 7
feet in height, and are oriented perpendicular to the primary road
• Wall or canopy signs that comply with the dimensional limitations of this
ordinance, and are limited to no more than one image change per day
B. Require compliance with performance standards such as minimum eight second
displays and automatic brightness adjustment.
C. Require a minimum separation of 100 feet from residentially zoned property.
4. The amendments will be effective upon the passage of this ordinance.
5. These amendments were presented to the Planning and Development committee
on October 21, 2010.
The ordinance be adopted.

City Council Agenda 12/09/2010 17

28 Ordinance -- Designating a Certain Contiguous Geographic Area in the
City of Irving as "Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Two, City of
Irving, Texas - Irving Boulevard"; Providing the Effective and Termination
Dates for the Zone; Establishing a Tax Increment Fund for the Zone; and
Containing Other Matters Related to the Zone
Administrative Comments
1. This item supports Strategic Goal No. 3: Economic Development.
2. Impact: Creation of the Tax Increment Finance Zone Number Two - Irving
Boulevard (TIF #2) will provide a dedicated revenue source and plan to stimulate,
guide and sustain the long-term redevelopment initiative for the Irving Boulevard
3. A TIF is not a tax. A TIF merely sets aside a portion of the tax revenue generated
by the overall increase in value of the property within the TIF and applies that tax
revenue to projects and initiatives within the TIF.
4. Public involvement included presentations to the Heritage Crossing
Communications Committee, the City Council Audit and Finance Committee, and a
public informational and input meeting that was held at the Heritage Senior Center
on November 18.
5. The TIF #2 shall take effect upon the adoption of this ordinance and terminate on
December 31, 2040. Approximately $86 million in TIF revenue is expected to be
generated over the 30-year term from the City of Irving and Dallas County. Dallas
County’s participation is limited to 20 years.
6. The TIF #2 will be governed by a 13-member advisory board of directors appointed
by the council and one representative appointed by Dallas County.
The ordinance be adopted.

City Council Agenda 12/09/2010 18

29 Resolution -- Confirming the Appointment of the Friends of the Library
Liaison to the Library Board
Administrative Comments
1. This item supports Strategic Goal No. 8: Sound Governance.
2. Impact: Ordinance 2010-9221, adopted November 11, 2010 added a member
designated as the Friends of the Library Liaison. This resolution allows Council to
confirm that appointment.
The resolution be approved.

30 Resolution -- Appointments to the Irving Flood Control District Section III

to Fill Two-Year Terms Expiring January 2013
Administrative Comments
1. This item supports Strategic Goal No. 8: Sound Governance.
2. Impact: The board is responsible for maintaining flood control programs in Section
III (Valley Ranch area).
3. The board members must own taxable land within the district.
The resolution be approved.

31 Mayor’s Report

32 Adjournment

Citizens’ Forum
Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City
government and on items not listed on the regular agenda.

City Council Agenda 12/09/2010 19

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