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May 12, 2010

“The absolute lowest – likely the worst we’ve ever encountered in a

legislative session – was Lingenfelter’s remark: ‘I won’t take anything from
you, you little thief, the little thief from Swift Current.’”

“Lingenfelter looked like an out-of-control thug.”

- Excerpts from Murray Mandryk column, Regina Leader Post, May 12, 2010

Lingenfelter Loses It – Calls Premier “The Little Thief from Swift


NDP Leader Dwain Lingenfelter has sunk to a new low, calling Premier Brad
Wall “the little thief from Swift Current.” Lingenfelter made his disgusting
comment during debate on the Premier’s budget estimates in the Legislature
on Monday afternoon.

Saskatchewan Party MLA Dan D’Autremont said Lingenfelter has absolutely

nothing constructive to offer so all he can do is launch vicious personal
attacks against Premier Wall.

“First Lingenfelter called Brad Wall a ‘loser’ and now he’s calling him a
‘thief,’” D’Autremont said. “I think Saskatchewan people are disgusted by
these vicious personal attacks and that’s why Lingenfelter’s approval ratings
are dropping like a rock. He is desperate and knows that after waiting for
almost 20 years, this is his last chance of becoming Premier.”

D’Autremont said that Lingenfelter has been Leader of the NDP for almost a
year now and has failed to offer a single new idea or positive policy

“All Lingenfelter does is lash out,” D’Autremont said. “On Monday, he

completely lost it. His temper was out of control and his behaviour was an
embarrassment to everyone who heard him. No wonder so many people are
questioning why the NDP ever picked Dwain Lingenfelter to be their leader.”

For more information contact:

Steve Rennick or Lisa Mrazek
Government Caucus Office
(888) 708-7780
(306) 787-4300

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