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SUBJECT: English LEVEL: Grade 6

UNIT TITLE: Of Life and Growth WEEK: 5

I. LEARNING End-States:
● THINK: Understands the basic communication concepts and skills as tools for expressing self through oral and written form.
● DO: Compose clear and coherent sentences using figurative language.
● FEEL: Values the importance of using grammar and effective communication skills.
● COMMUNICATE: Expresses insights and ideas derived from readings of various text types through oral and written forms.
● LEAD: Promotes creativity and originality in self-expression.
● INTUIT: Reflects possible outcomes of good and bad communication. Analyze sound devices and uses modals correctly.
● BE: Creative Communicator


1. Why do you need to be polite at all times?
2. What is not tactful to use irony or hyperbole?
3. What lesson can we get from the story read?


Book-Learning Material Guided & Independent Reading Oral Language ( words stress on the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd
Pictures Directed Reading Activity Picture Study
PowerPoint presentation Cooperative Learning Identifying the tone, mood and purpose of the author
in writing the story
Reading the story.

Think and Pair
Dramatization/acting out
Making sentences using irony and hyperbole
PHASES A. Oral Language Activity
(Creating Focus and Words with primary stress on the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd syllable.
Purpose) 1st 2nd 3rd
burgundy appraisal Armageddon
charitable charisma beneficiary
conquerable calligraphy choreographic
courteous cathedral debonair
generous circuitous equilibrium
rectify clairvoyant distribution
rhapsody composure egocentric
temperate fluorescent guarantee
tranquil proficient conversation
prolific anesthesia
Review: Read the following utterances and infer its mood. Choose your answers from the box.
pessimism discontentment jubilation anger disgust
1. “What a place! Cockroaches everywhere, cobwebs and dust thick enough to plant potatoes in.”
2. “Only one peso? What can I buy with that these days?”
3. “That was closed fight and I’m glad our team won!”
4. “You are always late for work and you don’t even finish half of what you are assigned to do. You must be
5. “The world is coming to an end. Wars are everywhere, famine stalks the land and earthquake kills
millions yearly.”

B. Picture Study
Describe the picture

C. Unlocking of Words
Get the meaning of the italized words through context clues/ acting out/pictures
1. The little girl wound the thread around the spool to the delight of her parents.
2. The shepherd sought out the sick sheep from among the healthy ones.
3. Call the police to stop the disturbance that man is causing in the village.
4. A shiny pearl is attached to the cuf of her sleeves.

D. Reading of the Motive Questions

1. Describe Aguio and Bulanawan.
2. Why did the two men quarrel?
3. Why did the brothers of the rivals come to the place where they are quarelling?
4. What did Langgona try to do? Why?
5. What did they find out in the end?
E. Reading of the Story
Bulanawan and Aguio
From a compilation of works by Mabel Cook Cole
( Essential English, pp 42-43)
F. Comprehension Check-up
Answer the motive question

Read the sentences from the story.
1. Aguio grew very angry at this, and they fought until their weapons were broken, and the earth trembled.
2. So great did the disturbance become that the earth was in danger of falling to pieces.
Is it possible for the earth to tremble when people are fighting?
What can you say about the sentences? There is exaggeration in the sentences.

Read the figures of speech below. Give the meaning of each.

Oh my! You could have That’s an interesting idea. You
knocked me down as a feather could have just kept it to yourself.
when you passed by.

I had to swim across a lake to You are too early for tomorrow’s
get to school. class.

Hyperbole- deliberate and obvious exaggeration used for effect.

Father came home so hungry that he could eat a horse. What is exaggerated in this sentence? Can he
really eat a horse? What do you eat when you are hungry? Do you eat nutritious foods? Why?

I could give you anything that you could ever dream of! Is it really possible that someone could give
you everything you dream of?

Irony- is also used to say “what seem to be against what really is.”/use of word or words to convey
something markedly different from the literal meaning.

My friend is very intelligent, but I had to remind him what his name is.

Notice the first part of the sentence and the latter part seems the opposite of what the first part says. We

call this an irony.

The government boasts progress but it gave us trillions of debt. Do you think this is an example of
irony? Why do you say so?

Remember that we should be tactful in using hyperbole and irony. These should not be used to hurt
people’s feelings.

Sometimes, images and signs can be ironic, too. Where is the irony in this signs and images?

Who can give example of hyperbole? Irony?

3.) APPLY, PRACTICE, Group Activity

FORMATIVE Group 1- Construct your own sentences using hyperbole based from the pictures.

Group 2- Complete the sentences with your own hyperbole.

1. Andre went home _____( quickly)
2. Archie is so hungry, she could _____( very hungry)
Group 3 – Draw 2 situations that show irony.
Group 4 – Explain why the statements are ironic.
1. I feel as warm as ice now.

2. Your night will be p;leasant if you will go home now.
4.) SUMMATIVE A. Identify the figurative language as to irony or hyperbole.
ASSESSMENT, 1. I am so hungry that I could eat a whole elephant.
CLOSURE AND 2. Larry was such a big baby that his parents had to use bed sheet for his diaper.
REFLECTION 3. A fire station burns down.
4. The police station gets robbed.
5. A marriage counselor files for divorce.
6. The roof rose up and down to the rhythm of the loud music.
7. A pilot has a fear of heights.
8. Her brightly colored dress hurt his eyes.
9. I can embrace the whole world.
10. Mariane is so smart that she can’t even answer the easiest question.

B. Reflection: Were you able to do these task? Check the space that shows your answer.
With Easily Very Well
1. Analyze hyperbole and irony as figure of speech
2. Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content
are words.
3. Be tactful at all times.


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