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Republic of the Philippine

Department of Education
Division of Roxas City
Milibili National Highschool
Milibili, Roxas City

1st Periodical Examination in English 7

Name: ____________________________ Grade and Section _______________ Date: __________Score: ____________

Test I. Vocabulary Development

A. Directions: Read carefully and fill in the blank with an appropriate word to complete the thought of each
sentence. Choose your answer from the box below. Write your answer on the space provided in each item.

1. Maria Makiling has the power of ____________________________, an ability that humans do not have.
2. Many believe that gods and goddesses _________________________ the heaven.
3. Legends mostly involves _______________________ heroes and their heroic acts.
4. Both myths and legends are __________________________which tells unreal events.
5. Maria’s parents _________________________with her love affair with Gat Dula because he is not a god.

Disagree inhabit narrative enchantment legendary

B. Directions: Underline the suffix or prefix in each word.

1. unhappy
2. childish
3. likeable
4. tasteless
5. improvement

Test II. Grammar Awareness

A. Directions: Read and analyze the given sentences and encircle the correct form of the verb inside the

1. Here (is, are) gods from the collection of stories.

2. (Do, Does) you believe in the story of Malakas and Maganda?
3. Maria and Gat Dula (love, loves) each other very much.
4. There (are, is) a rich collection of creation stories in Philippine Literature.
5. (Does, Do) a nymph enchants people?
6. One who (delay, delays) the work will panic when due time is near.
7. Happiness (are, is) a gift of giving.
8. Honesty (is, are) a virtue.
9. Trust in yourself (develop, develops) self-confidence.
10. Those who (give, gives) is happier than those who receive.

Test III. Writing and Composition

A. Identify the author’s purpose of each selection if it is to inform, to persuade or to entertain.

________________ 1. The story about legend of Maria Makiling.

________________ 2. A speech encouraging the listeners to stop bullying!
________________ 3. A news about the coming typhoon in Roxas City.
________________ 4. A student telling the class about the origin of the world according to Maranao myth.
________________ 5. Instructions on how to write an excuse letter.
B. Identify the forms of language use if it is oral or written form.

________________ 1. speech in graduation ceremony

________________ 2. lecture notes in English class
________________ 3. class record
________________ 4. daily conversations
________________ 5. excuse letter

Test V. Vocabulary Development.

A. Give the slang equivalent of the colloquial words in the first column.

Colloquial words/ expressions Slang words/expressions


Fire out cute kid yeah movie

B. Give the Familiar equivalent of the colloquial words in the first column.

Colloquial words/ expressions Familiar Expressions


Mate Dad buddy Mum

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