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• Cognizant 20-20 Insights

OFAC Name Matching and False-Positive

Reduction Techniques
To meet Office of Foreign Assets Control rules for combating money
laundering, financial institutions need to take stock of new software
tools that automate the process of identifying possible illegal activities
and reduce the probability of unwarranted red flags.

Executive Summary Financial institutions typically spend more

time, money and resources investigating false
Complying with Office of Foreign Assets Control
positives as transaction volume and money
(OFAC) regulations1 and transaction filtering are
transfer activity increases. This can be reduced by
key requirements for all financial and nonfinan-
improving their OFAC compliance processes and
cial institutions. Financial institutions are the
implementing new software with sophisticated
primary medium for money laundering and they
time-saving matching algorithms that recognizes
are typically more vulnerable compared with
different variants or misspellings of names and
other businesses.2
thus reduces the number of false positives to a
As such, financial organizations are working to minimum. Other approaches include intelligent
ensure that their payment networks and money automation workflows, robust management
transfer solutions are not used inappropriately by and audit controls, implementing industry best
the customers listed on the Specially Designated practices and gaining the technical ability to
Nationals (SDN)3 list. However, legitimate trans- analyze past sanctions screening results.
actions sometimes are flagged as problematic
This white paper offers advice on unique strategies
for “false” hits (also known as “false positives”)
to reduce the false-positive rate, including name-
during the transaction review process. Screening
matching techniques and critical mitigation steps.
transactions and clients for possible sanction
violations is an essential component of an
Anti-Money-Laundering Regulatory
effective compliance program.
Requirements and Their Expansions
It is a real challenge to identify and block The fight over money laundering started in 1970
suspicious transactions while processing higher through the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA).4 Since then,
volumes of legitimate straight-through trans- many additional regulations have been enacted
actions with greater accuracy and maintaining to provide law enforcement and government
operational efficiency and client service level agencies with the most effective tools to combat
agreements (SLAs). money laundering (see Figure 1). Post 9/11,

cognizant 20-20 insights | july 2014

A Chronology of AML Activities
Definition or
Year Law or Group Content or Important Releases
The primary U.S. anti-mon- Requires banks to track cash transactions,
ey-laundering regulatory file CTRs for transactions of $10,000 or
Bank Secrecy statute, enacted in 1970 greater and report suspicious activity — and
Act and most notably amended to keep records of various financial transac-
by the USA PATRIOT Act in tions.

Established by the central Customer Due Diligence for Banks paper

bank governors of the G10. (2001). Sharing of financial records between
Basel Promotes sound supervisory jurisdictions in connection with the fight
Committee on standards worldwide. against terrorist financing (2002).
Banking Super- General Guide to Account Opening and
vision Customer Identification (2003).
Consolidated KYC Risk Management paper

Money The first law in the world to This act criminalized the act of money
make money laundering a laundering, prohibited structuring to avoid
1986 Laundering
crime. CTR filings and introduced criminal and civil
Control Act forfeiture for BSA violations.

An intergovernmental body Comprises 40 recommendations on

with 34 member countries money laundering and terrorist financing
and two international (see Figure 2).
Financial Action
1989 organizations established by
Task Force the G7 to develop policies to
combat money laundering
and terrorism funding.

The EU directives on anti- 1st EU Directive on Prevention of the Use

money-laundering require of the Financial System for the Purpose of
EU member states to issue Money Laundering (1991).
1991 European Union legislation to prevent their 2nd Directive (2001).
domestic financial systems 3rd Directive (2005).
from being used for money

Enacted on October 26, This piece of legislation significantly upped

USA PATRIOT 2001, it brought more than the ante and the regulatory burden on U.S.
Act5 50 amendments to the Bank institutions, and has served as a driver of
Secrecy Act. AML regulation in other countries.

Association of 11 global Wolfsberg Anti-Money-Laundering Principles

banks. Aims to develop for Private Banking (2012).
standards on money The Suppression of the Financing of
2002 Wolfsberg Group laundering controls for Terrorism Guidelines (2002).
banks. Anti-Money-Laundering Principles for Cor-
respondent Banking (2014).

Informal networking group Statement of Purpose (2004).

of financial intelligence Principles for Information Exchange
units. Between Financial Intelligence Units for
2004 Egmont Group Money Laundering Cases (2013).
Best Practices for the Exchange of Informa-
tion Between Financial Intelligence Units

Figure 1

cognizant 20-20 insights 2

FATF 40 Recommendations

A. Legal Systems
Recommendations 1, 2 - Scope of the criminal offense of money laundering.
Recommendation 3 - Provisional measures and confiscation.

B. Measures to Be Taken to Prevent Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

Recommendation 4 - Financial institution secrecy laws.
Recommendations 5-12 - Customer due diligence and record-keeping.
Recommendations 13-16 - Reporting of suspicious transactions and compliance.
Recommendations 17-20 - Other measures to deter money laundering and terrorist financing.
Recommendations 21-22 - Preventive measures to the countries that do not or insufficiently
comply with the FATF recommendations.
Recommendations 23-25 - Regulation and supervision.

C. Necessary Measures in Systems for Combating Money

Laundering and Terrorist Financing
Recommendations 26-32 - Competent authorities, their powers and resources.
Recommendations 33-34 - Transparency of legal persons and arrangements.

D. International Cooperation
Recommendation 35 - International instruments.
Recommendations 36-39 - Mutual legal assistance and extradition.
Recommendation 40 - Other forms of cooperation.

Figure 2

Congress passed the USA PATRIOT Act, which • Watch-list filtering.

dramatically expanded the security require-
ments to implement comprehensive customer
• Record-keeping.
due diligence (CDD)6 policies, procedures and • Customer behavior.
processes for all customers, and enhanced due
Watch-List Filtering
diligence7 (EDD) for high risk customers who pose
a higher risk for money laundering and terrorist Watch-list filtering solutions help financial insti-
financing. For example, politically exposed tutions keep ahead of regulatory changes and
persons (PEPs)8 are considered high risks and eliminate the risk of fines and reputational
require enhanced due diligence, predominantly exposure. They filter transactions and customers
while using private banking services. This act also against sanctions. The Treasury Department,
provided a platform for other AML-related regula- State Department and Commerce Department
tions and requirements to be enforced. each maintains lists of companies and people that
all U.S. citizens and companies are forbidden to
Key Elements of AML Solutions do business with. The watch lists are frequently
updated and contain thousands of names,
Financial institutions are required to put enhanced
hundreds of which are located in the United
AML capabilities in place. Banks require AML
States. Business relationships with entities on
environments that can be reasonably expected to
these watch lists can result in extremely large
detect, deter and report suspicious activity. Key
fines and other penalties, including loss of export
elements of AML solutions include:
privileges or imprisonment.
• Know your customer (KYC). Watch-list filtering was designed to detect
• Customer due diligence (CDD). matches against each part of the name. The
• Suspicious activity monitoring. screening criteria used by banks to identify name
variations and misspellings must be based on the
• Case management services. level of OFAC risk associated with the particular

cognizant 20-20 insights 3

product or type of transaction. For example, in • Business-specific sanction list (e.g., trade-spe-
a high-risk area with a high volume of transac- cific caution list of exporters).
tions, the bank’s software should be able to flag
close name derivations for review. The specially
• Internal lists: Banks generate this list for
high-risk customers.
designated nationals (SDN) list provides name
derivations, but may not include all such deriva- Above all, lists may not necessarily be applicable
tions. Advanced software may be able to catch to all transactions. For example, the trade-specific
variations of a name not included on the SDN list. sanction list may not apply for FX transactions, and
the Japan sanction list may not be applicable for
SDN List UK transactions. It may be applicable sometimes
SDN contains a list of individuals, groups and — the compliance officer will decide which list is
entities subject to economic sanctions by the applicable for which transactions. These days,
U.S. Treasury and the Office of Foreign Assets financial institutions locate their screening units
Control. OFAC administers and enforces economic in one or two centralized locations. As such, the
sanction programs primarily against countries screening team screens transactions of different
and groups of individuals, such as terrorists countries in multiple currencies in one location.
and narcotics traffickers. The sanctions can be Filtering software, however, needs the ability to
either comprehensive or selective, using asset apply a specific sanction list based on country
blocking and trade restrictions to execute foreign or currency. Financial institutions are typically
policy and national security goals. The SDN list is challenged to maintain a different sanction list
frequently updated and covers: of different lines of businesses/countries in one
common piece of software.
• Individuals and entities located anywhere in the
world that are owned or controlled by, or acting Name-Matching Technology
on behalf of, the government of a sanctioned Algorithms are the key to matching; the effective-
country. ness of matching technology is defined by how
powerful the algorithms are. Useful algorithms
• Specially-designated global terrorists/narcotics have powerful routines that are specially designed
to compare names, addresses, strings and partial
• Foreign terrorist organizations. strings, business names, spelling errors, postal
• Individuals identified as involved in the prolif- codes, tax ID numbers, data that sounds similar
eration of weapons of mass destruction. (such as “John” and “Jon”) and more. Filtering
capabilities range from simple name-checking
• Companies, banks, vessels and individuals that, functions to complex algorithms that can search
at first glance, may not seem to be related to
and format/unformat text data from multiple
the sanction targets they represent.
payment and messaging systems with a high
Challenges in Updating Watch Lists degree of accuracy.
There are several types of watch lists published
The simplest filters offer “exact hit” matches
by governments or economic, political and
to the SDN list, and robust filters use a variety
law enforcement bodies. Lists published by
of techniques to ensure that true negatives are
commercial sources, such as politically exposed
not missed while the number of false positives
person (PEP) lists, and internal blacklists created
is reduced. High-end OFAC engines offer sophis-
by companies themselves may also be required
ticated filters that identify all possible matches,
for review.
confirm the reason and location of the hit within
The most common types of watch lists include: the transaction/message and provide tools to
compare the hit with the entry in the OFAC
• OFAC sanction lists (e.g., SDN; Palestine Legis- database. These products offer the flexibility to
lative Council list). bypass or stop certain transactions and include or
• Other official watch lists (e.g., Interpol most exclude sanction lists with the help of rules. Some
wanted). filters allow the bank to choose the fields within
a given payment source (e.g., SWIFT Fields 50, 52
• Country-specific sanction list (e.g., China and 59) to be filtered, which substantially reduces
sanction list/Japan sanction list).
processing time. There are two common types of
• Region-specific sanction list (e.g., Asian matching technology on the market today: deter-
sanction list/European Union sanction list). ministic and probabilistic.

cognizant 20-20 insights 4

Deterministic aka Exact or Rules-Based that match the selected sanction list, and this
Matching Technology sanction list can be a combination of any official,
Deterministic matching uses a combination of internal and large third-party lists.
algorithms and business rules to determine when
Direct Match or Exact Match (Deterministic)
two or more records match through unique iden-
tifiers such as SSN/passport/TIN numbers. It A matching relationship between the two records
exactly matches on specified common fields; it is direct when these two records are a match
generates links based on the number of individual by the underlying rule. When a customer name
identifiers that match among the available data exactly matches with the name in the sanction
sets. This is the easiest, quickest linking strategy; list, financial institutions must react appropri-
however, deterministic matching systems have ately to comply with the USA PATRIOT Act and
a relatively lower degree of accuracy compared OFAC requirements. Noncompliance has resulted
with probabilistic matching, and it suits applica- in significant fines/penalties as well as damage to
tions where the number of records is relatively the institution’s reputation.
small (less than two million).
Payment String Sanction Target
Probabilistic Matching Technology
David Carlos David Carlos Match
Probabilistic matching refers to comparing several
field values between two records, and assigning Osama Bin Laden Osama Bin Laden Match
each field a weight that indicates how closely the Fidel Castro Fidel Castro Match
two field values match. The sum of the individual
fields’ weights indicates the likelihood of a match Indirect Match
between two records. Probabilistic matching A matching relationship between two records
technology performs statistical analysis on the is indirect when they do not match each other;
data and determines the frequency of items. It however, each of these matches may match a
then applies that analysis to weigh the match, third record. For example, we may consider the
similar to the way that the user can weight the strings ABCDEF, XBCPQR, ABCPQR. For instance,
relevance of each row. matching rules may conclude no direct match
relationship between the first two strings, but
Name-Matching Mechanism each of these matches to the third string.
Matching is the process of comparing two data sets
in order to either identify the exact or potential Payment Sanction Matching
match. Matching is often used to link records String Target Decision
that have some sort of relationship. Since data David Carlos Not on the list Not a match
does not always reveal the relationship between John Peter Not on the list Not a match
two elements, matching technology helps define David Peter David Peter Match to
rules for possible related items. This can be done Sanction List
in many different ways, but the process is often
based on algorithms or programmed loops, Partial Match (Probabilistic)
where processors perform sequential analyses Matching software may report possible matches
of each individual piece of a data set, matching it when customer information is the same or similar
against each individual piece of another data set, to the watch list entity information. Two records
or comparing complex variables like strings for show this type of relationship (very common in
particular similarities. The matching process looks real life) when some (not all) elements of the
at every word in each name/address line and the first record match to some (not all) elements of
complete string of words in the transactions. the second record. A typical example will be the
records corresponding to father and son living
Matching algorithms manage foreign transla-
at the same address where many elements such
tions, misspellings and typing errors, alternate
as the last name, address and residence phone
spellings, abbreviations, truncated words,
number might be matching, but the first name
synonyms, acronyms, first name initials, search
(and probably the middle name), mobile numbers,
codes (e.g., SWIFT BIC Code, IBAN) and compound
e-mail addresses and other such fields will not
or concatenated words. They accept as input any
match. Extended families usually share a common
message/text file format, and will determine
last name. All of these same or similar names
in milliseconds if there are names, companies,
make it very challenging for the software to dif-
vessels, sanctioned countries or banking codes
ferentiate between them.

cognizant 20-20 insights 5

Additional information such as address, identifi-
Sanction Payment Direct Match
cation number, gender, height and age are needed
Target String
to help determine the true match through further
Sofia Sophia Fuzzy Logic
Reynolds Renaults Fuzzy Logic
Payment Sanction Matching Smith Smyth Fuzzy Logic
String Target Decision
John Paul John Peter Partial Match — The table below highlights various name
Castro Castro Paul ≠ Peter
David Jol Chung Daniel Jol Chung Partial Match —
David ≠ Daniel Misspelling in Mike Jackson, Michael
names Jakson, Michael Jaxon, Mike
John Longman Emily Longman Partial Match — Jaxson, Michael Jakson
John ≠ Emily
Phonetic spelling Michel, Michal, Miguel
Fuzzy Matching (Probabilistic) differences
Fuzzy matching is the implementation of algo- Nicknames Mike, Mick, Mikey
rithmic processes (fuzzy logic) to determine Initials M J Jackson, Michael
the similarity between elements of data such Joseph Jackson
as business name, personal name or address Titles Dr., Mr.
information. The fuzzy logic feature allows the
Missing name Michael Joseph Jackson,
algorithm to detect and evaluate near matches components Michael Jackson
rather than require exact matching. Depending
Out-of-order name Joseph Jackson, Michael,
on the algorithm, it may consider alternate Michael Joseph Jackson
nicknames, such as “Mike” or “Mickey.” Names
(person, place or entity) would be easy to match Omission of letters Jackson for Jacson
if they were consistent; however, launderers use Interchanging of Hussein for Hussien
different techniques to bypass filter detection. vowels
Doubling of Mohamed for Mohammed
Sanction Payment Matching consonants
Target String Decision Cultural variations William for Bill,
Peter Petr Match through Alexander for Alexi
fuzzy logic
Qadir Kadar Match through False Positives Are a Burden
fuzzy logic
A false positive is the case where a transaction
Rahim Raheem Match through
is associated with a genuine customer who is
fuzzy logic
blocked because of a name or another match.
Phonetic Matching (Probabilistic) False positives found by OFAC screening are a sig-
nificant burden to financial institutions. Significant
Phonetic matching is the process of matching
cost and effort are required to clear possible viola-
data using algorithms/functions that have been
tions that are found to be unwarranted. This time-
created and focus on how a word is pronounced
consuming process delays the payment release,
rather than how it is spelled. A phonetic algorithm
which results in monetary expense by forcing
matches two different words with similar pronun-
firms to engage more human investigators.
ciation to the same code, which allows phonetic
similarity-based word set comparison and False positives cannot be completely prevent-
indexing. There are words that have different ed; however, they can be minimized by using
spellings but similar pronunciation and should be advanced software. The false-positive rate
matched, such as Sofia and Sophia/Reynold and reflects the efficiency of the system. A 5% false-
Renauld, etc. Hence, a matching engine is required positive rate on one million transactions would
to build connections based on different phonetic result in the detection of fifty thousand false
transformation9 rules. Soundex, metaphone positives. Significant cost, time and effort are
and double metaphone are the commonly used required to investigate and clear false positives.
techniques while implementing phonetic-based This also impacts straight-through processing
matching. rates, placing the organization at a competitive
disadvantage. Sadly, a 5% false-positive rate is

cognizant 20-20 insights 6

on the low side, which is really a nominal figure • Unintentional violations:
since most organizations see false-positive alerts
>> Potentially forfeit the value of the contract
between 50% and 70% of the time. For example, or payment plus pay a fine.
payment to a client who lives in Kerman, Califor-
nia could be blocked due to a match with city of >> Recent increase to $250,000 per IEEPA vio-
lation, retroactively applied.
Kerman, Iran.
>> Mitigating factors include:
False Negatives Are a Risk
»» Compliance plan (25% to 50% reduction).
A false negative is the case where a transac-
tion is associated with a sanctioned entity but is »» First offense (25% to 50% reduction).
not detected by the system. Failure to identify a »» Self-reported violations (50% or greater
sanctioned entity can be dire for a bank; it leads to reduction).
an enforcement action against the bank and a rep- • Intentional violations: Fine for double the
utational risk. For example, payment for SDN list amount of transaction, plus criminal fines and
entity Intermarket Holdings Limited (located at imprisonment.
Harare, Zimbabwe) is not detected by the system.
• Criminal penalties up to $10 million and 30
years in prison.
OFAC List Penalties
For U.S. firms, OFAC compliance is an important • Civil penalties:
aspect of doing business with foreign firms and >> Trading with the Enemy Act: $65,000.
individuals. U.S. firms must make sure they are >> International Emergency Economic Powers
not doing businesses with sanctioned individuals Act: $11,000.
or firms.
>> Iraqi Sanctions Act: $325,000.
All companies incorporated in the U.S., as well >> Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act:
as their foreign subsidiaries, must comply with $1,075,000.
OFAC requirements. Failing to comply with OFAC >> Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty
regulations — and therefore doing business with Act: $55,000.
specially designated nationals or other listed
entities — opens companies and individuals to
• Violations may result in blocked funds and
seized goods, negative publicity and loss of
legal action and leads to substantial fines and reputation (see Figure 3).
possible imprisonment for employees.

Civil Penalties and Enforcement Information

Penalties/ Highest
Year Settlements Penalty Description
of Cases
(in $U.S.) (in $U.S.)
Royal Bank of Scotland plc agreed to remit
33,122,307 $33,122,307 to settle potential civil liability for
apparent violations of OFAC regulations.
2013 27 137,075,560
Weatherford International Ltd. agreed to remit
91,026,450 $91,026,450 to settle potential civil liability for
apparent violations of OFAC regulations.
HSBC Holdings plc agreed to remit $375,000,000 to
375,000,000 settle potential civil liability for apparent violations
of OFAC regulations.
2012 16 1,139,158,727
ING Bank N.V. agreed to remit $619,000,000 to
619,000,000 settle potential civil liability for apparent violations
of OFAC regulations.
JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A agreed to remit
88,300,000 $88,300,000 to settle potential civil liability for
apparent violations of OFAC regulations.
2011 21 91,650,055
Sunrise Technologies and Trading Corporation
1,661,672 agreed to remit $1,661,672 to settle potential civil
liability for apparent violations of OFAC regulations.

Figure 3

cognizant 20-20 insights 7

False-Positives Mitigation >> Flip-flopping the names from one vessel to
another and frequently changing the vessel
False positives must be mitigated as much as
possible, without creating new false negatives.
The following series of steps will greatly reduce >> Using duplicate names.
the number of false positives:
• Determine screening fields. In a message, the
header block and text block or body contain
• Screen sentences separately. Filters should
most of the customer data. Identify and map
separate names, addresses and cities from
the message to specific fields that have unique
other data. They should not combine these
information subject to screening. The SDN list
with other data in the sentence. Some filters
includes names and countries; therefore, fields
will match words from anywhere and will
such as name, country, passport numbers and
screen data regardless of the order or the
TIN are more likely to be unique, so concen-
distance between them. Thus, Jose Gonzales
trate on screening fields.
who lives on Martinez Street might match with
the blocked name Jose Martinez Gonzales. • Exclude local place names. The address is not
The filter should screen only the respective unique information for identifying a person,
sentence such as name, address, etc., to and such screening maximizes the risk of false
minimize false matches. positives. For example, an address of Havana,
Illinois or Cuba, New York opens up opportuni-
• Screen accounts separately. Filters should
ties for false positives, and the zip code could
screen personal and corporate accounts
match the passport or TIN number. Exclude
separately. For example, Mayan King Limited,
places such as street address, states, provinces,
which is a company in the SDN list, could match
territories, zip codes and postal codes (numbers
with the customer name Maya.
could match passport numbers).
• Screen vessels separately and match names
with vessel names. Shipping vessels or cargo • Create rules for common names. Names such
as Jim/Jimmy, David, John and Mike are very
ships have been a specific focus of OFAC over
common, and rules need to be created to avoid
the past several years because of their ability
false positives.
to move large quantities of oil and petroleum
products as well as uranium and other chemi- • Design customer risk profiles. Customers
cal materials necessary to the production of should be classified based on their product
weapons of mass destruc- lines, services, nature of transactions and
The risk assessment tion by government and geographic locations. The risk assessment
process is a structured approach for assigning
process is a structured commercial entities spe-
cifically designated by customers to different risk categories
approach for OFAC. Vessels came into depending on specific attributes or behaviors.
assigning customers the sanction radar for car- The customer or account is then monitored and
managed according to the risk classification.
to different risk rying/smuggling weapons
of mass destruction and Naturally, the institution would examine the
categories depending narcotics. Detecting vessel behavior of high-risk customers more closely
on specific attributes names is a real challenge than low-risk ones. Parameters and scenarios
could be applied differently to customers
or behaviors. The because they ply differ-
ent tactics to misguide the based on the potential risk they represent. The
customer or account system. Hence, it is rec- screening software should match customer
is then monitored and ommended to screen the data with multiple criteria.

managed according to vessel category separately

and create the rules spe-
Take, for example, the following:
the risk classification. cific to vessels matching >> In a high-risk geographical location with a
with customer names. high volume of transactions, the software
should be able to flag close name deriva-
The following are tactics used to hide the iden- tions for review.
tification of vessels and making them hard to
trace for the eyes of investigators: >> In a high-risk geographical location with a
high volume of transactions, the filtering
>> Using a vessel name such as Celestina/ software should send the transactions to the
Carmela (owned by Islamic Republic of Iran separate queue that is to be handled by the
Shipping Lines (IRISL)), which could be the experts.
name of a genuine customer.

cognizant 20-20 insights 8

Quantity of Risk Matrix: OFAC Procedures

Low Moderate High

Stable, well-known customer base Customer base changing due to A large, fluctuating client base in
in a localized environment. branching, merger or acquisition in an international environment.
the domestic market.

Few higher-risk customers; these A moderate number of higher-risk A large number of higher-risk
may include nonresident aliens, customers. customers.
foreign individuals (including
accounts with U.S. powers of
attorney) and foreign commercial

No overseas branches and no cor- Overseas branches or correspon- Overseas branches or multiple
respondent accounts with foreign dent accounts with foreign banks. correspondent accounts with
banks. The bank offers limited e-banking foreign banks.
No electronic banking (e-banking) products and services. The bank offers a wide array of
services offered, or products e-banking products and services
available are purely informational (e.g., account transfers, e-bill
or non-transactional. payments or accounts opened via
the Internet).

Limited number of funds transfers A moderate number of funds A high number of customer and
for customers and noncustomers, transfers, mostly for customers. noncustomer funds transfers,
limited third-party transactions and Possibly, a few international funds including international funds
no international funds transfers. transfers from personal or business transfers.

No other types of international Limited other types of international A high number of other types of
transactions, such as trade finance, transactions. international transactions.
cross-border ACH and management
of sovereign debt.

No history of OFAC actions. No A small number of recent actions Multiple recent actions by OFAC,
evidence of apparent violation or (e.g., actions within the last five where the bank has not addressed
circumstances that might lead to a years) by OFAC, including notice the issues, thus leading to an
violation. letters, or civil money penalties, with increased risk of the bank under-
evidence that the bank addressed taking similar violations in the
the issues and is not at risk of similar future.
violations in the future.

Figure 4

False Positive Mitigation Through Data Data mining is used to solve business problems in
Mining and the Tuning Process patterns, causalities and correlations in financial
information that are not obviously apparent to
Data Mining in Banking
managers because of the volume of data. Data
Financial institutions manage huge amounts mining can first be used to analyze huge data sets
of banking data, and more data sets are being and build customer profiles of different groups of
recorded daily. The growth of financial data the existing data. It can generate rules and models
collected far exceeds human capabilities to that can be used for understanding business per-
manage and analyze them efficiently in a tra- formance and making new marketing initiatives,
ditional style. Global competitions, dynamic for market segmentation and risk analysis and for
markets and the rapid increase in technological revising company customer policies.
innovation have become important challenges
for these organizations. They need to apply Data Quality Is Key
new business intelligence solutions because the Data quality is a key to this process; data sets
traditional statistical methods do not have the have a different set of quality problems at the
capacity to analyze large data sets. instance level. Some of them can be listed as

cognizant 20-20 insights 9

missing values, dummy values or null. The inde- find out the false positive statistics. This statistic
pendence and heterogeneity of each data source provides the results of before tuning and after
can also become data quality issues when an tuning.
integrating task is required, as all conflicts must
be solved. Fundamentally, data preprocessing Exceptions aka Good Guys List Upload
steps are applied to deal Names that have been identified as false positives
with data quality issues. are “good guys,” which need to be added to the
Scanning solutions Techniques such as profiling, OFAC filters in order to bypass false hits, reducing
must be consistently auditing, transformation and the volume and hit rate of the transactions. A
accurate and return text analysis can be used to good guy is created and tested before uploading
validate data, remove white into production. This process helps identify good
low false positives. spaces and possibly erro- guys or rules that can be used to mitigate volume
Critically, all of these neous characters or split a in production.
demands must be single name field contain- Compliance Solutions
ing multiple attributes into
met while maintaining a number of fields. These As a result of increased regulation, regulatory
the lowest possible capabilities enable organiza- enforcement actions and new technology,
operational costs. tional data to be optimized financial institutions are under pressure to
to match rules. maintain regulatory compliance and high rates
of efficiency. Scanning solutions must be con-
Historical Data Collection sistently accurate and return low false positives.
The historical data collection phase starts with Critically, all of these demands must be met while
the initial collection of historical alerts followed maintaining the lowest possible operational costs.
by the gathering of supporting alert data: trans-
actions, profiles and events. Because this process The technology behind the watch-list software
may require pulling lots of data from disparate typically utilizes simple name-checking functions
systems, more time is spent on data gathering and complex algorithms that can accurately
than on analytics. The goal is to build a set of search formatted/unformatted text data from
data that can be used as input into the tuning multiple payments and messaging systems to
and evaluation phases. Generally, a minimum of filter the correct result using different algorithms.
two to three months of historical data is needed; Watch-list software can function with several
again, it differs depending on the scenario. The algorithms and has the ability to turn on or off the
more data we get, the better it is for analysis. algorithm depending on business requirements.

Data Tuning Process The global AML software market is expected to

Fine-tune your operations to minimize errors and see an average annual growth of 9% over the
maximize efficiency. This process is to mitigate next few years and reach over $690 million in
unnecessary hits. This tuning will help establish 2015, according to a recent report published by
the proper balance point of true matches that must the Aite Group.10
be stopped and reviewed with a lower quantity
Anti-money-laundering software comprises
of false positives. It is a three-step process.
several distinct functional areas: transaction
There is no specific tuning process; it depends
monitoring, watch-list screening, customer due
on the various factors such as line of business,
diligence (CDD), case management and reporting.
volume and geographic location. Traditional sta-
This can be used as a suite or each component
tistical techniques such as logistic regression
can also be used separately. To select an effective
and comparing the results with more advanced
watch-list solution, companies should begin their
data-mining techniques such as decision trees
process by understanding their current infrastruc-
and neural networks are the generally applied
ture. Every financial institution has its own unique
tuning processes. The keys to applying tuning
mixture of policies, lines of business, business
techniques are having quality historical data and
objectives and geographical locations. Each insti-
using rigorous back-testing to review the before-
tution also has its own technology strategy and
and-after results of the tuning techniques. Once
infrastructure. All these factors can help firms
the tuning method has been selected, historical
better understand their software requirements.
data will be tested in an existing OFAC test envi-
ronment against the respective sanction lists to

cognizant 20-20 insights 10

Global AML Software Market Size (U.S.$ millions), 2009 to e2015


2009 2010 e2011 e2012 e2013 e2014 e2015

Source: Alte Group

Figure 5

Looking Ahead different techniques of name matching and false-

positive reduction to help minimize the false-pos-
A false positive is not completely stoppable;
itive count.
however, the likelihood can be reduced to a
certain extent. Launderers are using every means Financial institutions will continue to be pressured
available at their disposal to launder the proceeds to screen transactions and customer lists for the
from their illegal activities. It is a real challenge likes of terrorists; they should upgrade their OFAC
for financial institutions to identify true hits and software on a regular basis because the first-
false positives. This white paper highlighted the generation OFAC software may not have much

Selected AML Software Vendors: A Virtual Long List

Watch-List Specialist
AML Suites
Specialists Technologies
3i Infotech Ocean Systems Accuity AML RightSource
ACI Worldwide Oracle/Mantas Attus Technology Basis Technology
Aquilan SAS Fircosoft Intersoft KK
BAE/Detica Norkom SunGard Innovative Systems KYC360
Cellent Finance Solutions TCS Lexis Nexis/Bridger KYCNet
EastNets Temenos/ViveLogica NetBreeze
Experian Thomson Reuters/ Oracle / Datanomic Pegasystems
Northland Solutions
FIS Tonbeller Thomson Reuters/ Safe Banking
Complinet Systems
Fiserv Top Systems Truth Technologies
Infrasoft Verafin
Jack Henry Wolters Kluwer
Source: Celent
Figure 6

cognizant 20-20 insights 11

advanced detecting behavior. The latest software • Creation of “good guys” and “bad guys”
provides added features for searching, data (customer) lists to reduce false positives and
analyzing, recognizing patterns and profiling, enable easy reporting of positive matches.
• Generate alerts and reports with transaction
• Rapid verification of client name, address and
date of birth using refined matching and dis- There are numerous interdiction software
qualification techniques that result in fewer packages that are commercially available. They
false positives. vary considerably in cost and capabilities (see
Figure 6). If your institution feels it needs to
• Ablity to identify key information such as
invest in software in its attempt to comply with
account name and payment submitted/scanned
OFAC regulations, OFAC recommends that you
date and to maintain log files.
speak with an AML SME, or counterparts at other
• Identifying ACH and international ACH transac- banks, about the systems they have in place and
tions and the ability to compare all applicable work with an independent third party to assess
fields against OFAC and other watch lists. your organization’s needs.

The Office of Foreign Assets Control regulations are issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, which
administers and enforces economic and trade sanctions based on U.S. foreign policy and national security
goals against targeted foreign countries, terrorists, international narcotics traffickers and those engaged
in activities related to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Banks have been major targets in laundering operations because they provide a variety of services and
instruments, including cashier checks, travelers checks and wire transfers — which can be used to conceal
the source of illicit proceeds.
OFAC publishes a list of individuals and companies owned or controlled by, or acting for or on behalf of,
blacklisted countries. It also lists individuals, groups and entities, such as terrorists and narcotics traffick-
ers designated under programs that are not country-specific. Their assets are blocked and U.S. persons
are generally prohibited from dealing with them.
This law requires financial institutions to track cash transactions, file reports detailing any suspicious
activity and keep records of various financial transactions.
The Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and
Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001.
Such measures are taken to know and understand a customer and related beneficial owner(s), including
the identification and verification of their identity.
This applies for higher-risk customers who pose greater money-laundering or terrorist-financing risks
and present increased exposure to banks; due diligence policies, procedures and processes should be
enhanced as a result.
These are individuals who occupy, or have occupied, prominent public positions, including prominent
positions in international organizations, both within and outside Australia (or their close family or
This represents a line in the phonetic file, consisting of a sequence of symbols/letters which is rewritten in
another sequence with certain criteria.
The global AML software market is expected to see an average annual growth of 9% over the next few
years and reach over $690 million in 2015, according to a recent report published by the Aite Group.

cognizant 20-20 insights 12


About the Author

Rajesh Ramachandran is a Senior Consultant within Cognizant Business Consulting’s Banking and
Financial Services Practice. He has 15 years of consulting experience in SWIFT, payments, risk and
compliance. Rajesh has served several international clients in multiple geographies (Asia/U.S./EMEA).
He holds a master’s degree in business management with specialization in finance. Rajesh can be
reached at

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Cognizant (NASDAQ: CTSH) is a leading provider of information technology, consulting, and business process out-
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