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Pol-501 Sohag Sir Page 1 of 2

Democracy and Authoritarianism: Bangladesh perspective

Bangladesh stated its political journey with a poliam system but it was failed to sustain;

 The era of populist authoritarianism (1972 – 1975); regime was led by Sheikh Mujibor Rahman.
 The era of military dominated rule; (1975-1990) the power was led by H. M. Ershad
 The era of representative democracy (1991 – till present); 1991-2006 led by BNP and then
2008 – present Awami League:
 3 year indirect military rule (2006-2008); by Fakhor Uddin

Democracy and Bangladesh: in search of Realist perspective

The term Democracy comes from the Greek word –

Demos The people

Power of the people / rule of the people
Kratos Power

From the origin term it means that the government of the people or government of the majority.

Democracy as a state form is to be distinguished from monarchy, aristocracy and dictatorship.

 According to the Greeks –

Democracy is a government in which people rule over themselves;

Peoples are the sovereign;

 according to Aristotle – Democracy is a perverted form of government;

It is totally interest oriented;

Polity is much more setter

 According to Austin Raney  Democracy is related with the principle of popular sovereignty,
political equality, popular consultation and majority rule;
 According to Abraham Lincoln, “Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for
the people.” Another way we can say that a government comes from the people, it is exercised by
the people and for the purpose of the people’s own interests.

Authoritarianism and Bangladesh politics:1

In search of realist scholars

a. Authoritarianism is characterized by strong central control and limited political freedom;

It favours a concentration of power in a leader or a political elite;

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Pol-501 Sohag Sir Page 2 of 2

 T.M. Vesta says  Authoritarianism is characterized by concentrated and centralized power

maintain by political repression and exetusion of political opponents;
 Adam Preworslei Says  Authoritarianism is mainly on lies, fear and economic prosperity;

 P. C. Sondrst says—informal and unregulated exercise of political power;

a leadership that is self appointed and not elected by the people;
the arbitrary deprivation of civil liberties

John Duelitt says – opposition to individualism ;

Individual mights and group

So we can say that authoritarianism is a system of disabling access to information and disabling
Sabotaging accountability;
Violating freedom of expression;
Infringing of autonomy and dignity;2

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