HPC JustificationTable

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Case Number of cells Particle Number Tmax Dt Total Total cells

Per Cell of Species (1/\omeg (1/\ome Particles

x-dir y-dir z-dir
a_p) ga_p)
Beam Plasma 1000 1000 1000 64 2 150 0.012 1.28e+11 1e+9
LWFA 2100 360 360 64 2 1000 0.025 3.5e+10 2.7e+08

Case Number of Number of Total Minimum Minimum Total Total

CPU per Nodes Number of memory memory Simulation Simulation
Node CPU required per required per Time (Hours) Time (Days)
CPU (GB) Node (GB)
Beam 2 790 1580 8 16 280 12
LWFA 2 790 1580 2 4 245 10

Case Number of files Raw fraction Required Memory (TB) Total Memory
stored (%) (TB)
Raw files Charge density Field files
Beam Plasma 200 10 267 3 9 279
LWFA 200 10 73 1 3 77

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