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Articles - Articles related to Lubricant Industry in Indonesia

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Lubricants Manufacturing in Indonesia

2. News about Industrial Lubricants in Indonesia in 2008 - 2009

Article 1. Castrol Lubricant Works on Premium Segment

Jakarta - Changes map lubricant market competition in early 1998 a milestone
in the birth of PT Castrol Indonesia as a jazz multinational oil industry in the
country. Castrol Indonesia's liberalization led to the company to be reckoned
with in the manufacture of synthetic lubricants and semi synthetics manifold.
Castrol Indonesia President Director Yusmawan revealed, after drastic
competition in 1998 directing lubricant industry in the real market competition.
"There has been a shift from the competitive market is closed to open.
Currently, the competition is very tight oil industry, but open, "he said, who met
SH, in his office, recently.
Castrol is the leading lubricant's brand from British Petroleum, headquartered in
Swindon, England. Castrol has been present in more than 150 countries around
the world and master terkombinasikan market share of 20 percent in the Asia
Pacific region, including the Australian market, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea,
Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Indonesia
entered the market, in fact, since 1970, and with increasing public demand for
the oil that is internationally recognized, on May 14, 1998 established PT Castrol
The success of PT Castrol Indonesia became the company highly competitive
lubricants in the country, cannot be removed from the earnestness and
seriousness Yusmawan in leading companies, especially in the middle of a
global crisis that was hit today. Undeniably, he said, the global crisis which led
to falling demand going up to 20 percent or more. However, he said, this global
crisis does not only affect Indonesia, but throughout the country.
He said this situation was also strengthened with decreasing fuel consumption,
because consumers tend to reduce the use of cars. Admittedly, the crisis led to
a weakening oil market. "This situation must be addressed with intelligent," he
As a lubricant manufacturer that has been present in the world markets more
than 100 years, Castrol has knowledge and experience in meeting the needs of
motorcycle lubricants or four. In fact, the presence of Castrol in 1998 and
coincided with the monetary crisis that hit Indonesia. "The experience of past
crises that make us better prepared in times of crisis now. However, we will not
boast. We will remain vigilant, "he said.
Target Distribution
Castrol company's progress, Yusmawan, also supported the distribution of the
oil that is very broad and strong. I committed to providing customer
satisfaction, 2500 to present Castrol Bike Point outlet that allows customers to
buy and get information about Castrol lubricants for motorcycles. While for four-
wheeled vehicles, available Castrol Auto Shop that provides extra services to
He argues, in the middle of the big impact of the global crisis, internal
distribution process should be strengthened. "The process should be more
effective in reducing costs and high," he said. He said again, the retail sector
will be more focused because in this condition even retail stores will stay small
and be able to win the competition will be even greater.
As the year 2008, more Yusmawan, Castrol lubricant sales growth is very good,
more than 30%. However, in the year 2009, he said, it will more realistically
address the weakening of the lubricant market. It not closed the possibility, he
said, would have lost market segment. "This is where we should be keen on
read the market, which is potentially the most affected," he explained.
Yusmawan said, the current corporate services company focusing on customer-
oriented. "We do not just create a lubricant technology, but also wanted to
provide the best service to customers and provide education regarding the
lubricant," he said.
Castrol is committed to serving customers' needs and still provide the option to
build the brand to create a better market and still provide the freedom
to againts consumers can choose a suitable lubricant which is used for the
Although it not yet reached the golden phase, Castrol still trying to become the
market leader. "About three to five years we were building market. Having a
clear goal, we hope will become a brand recognized and responded to by the
market, "he said.
Development and sales growth Castrol during the last 2-3 years the company
position as a professional player lubricant.
In Indonesia, the target market segment targeting middle Castrol upward with a
motor lubricant flagship product. Sale of Castrol lubricants in Indonesia as a
developing country, showing sales growth that is good enough and is projected
to last up to five years into the future when in comparison to other countries
such as India, China, Brazil and Russia, its main lubricants for motorcycles.
Still, as a major player Castrol is not enough just to innovate in the motor
lubricant, but also penetrated the car lubricant. Previously, the company
released a premium synthetic lubricant product Castrol Edge to strengthen its
penetration in the oil market for four-wheeled vehicles in the premium class.
Castrol Edge previously successfully penetrated the North American automotive
market which is the world's largest car market today.
Synthetic oil is designed using a low viscosity and have specifications that
exceed the standards of API SM / CF, ACEA, A3/B3, and A3/B4 and never tested
on a replica of a racing machine with the engine rotation speed of 14,000 rpm
and a maximum of 256 kilometers per hour. Castrol Edge marketed with two
variants, the OW-40 is designed with low viscosity and have specifications and
tested to accelerate the vehicle engine manufacturer revitalize Europe, America,
Japan, and Korea.
According to him, too, employers generally strong lubricating oil plays in the
field of automotive. However, Castrol expertise capable of surpassing its
competitors and established itself as a major player not only focused on the
automotive lubricant's industry, but also penetrated the lubricant ships and
In addition, a variant lubricant Castrol Magnatec which cars have the advantage
of smart molecules in it to protect the car from the engine ignited. This is very
important, he said again, to extend engine life.
In response to the high interest of the community against this type of vehicle
matic scooter, PT Castrol Indonesia launched Castrol Power 1 Scooter, ie
lubricant specially formulated "Scootek Technology", for bertransmisi machines
CVT (continosly variable transmission) or often called by the engine with
automatic transmission in the quarter the end of 2007.
Through the Scootek Technology diusungnya, Castrol Power 1 Scooter
positioned as 4T engine oil (four steps) mass prestige that can produce low
levels of friction while providing extra protection on the high-temperature
engine combustion and friction due to metal antarkomponen continuously.
Another advantage of the lubricant brand Castrol than other competitors, the
company is not a lubricant technology bandwagon in the birth lubricant
talkative. Innovation lubricant will be presented along with the presence of car
engines to date. "Our new creation Lubricants are always fresh, in line with the
latest engine of a four-wheeled vehicle, which was launched in the market," he

Articles 2 Competitive Pertamina lubricants in Australia

PT Pertamina (Persero) through its Lubricants business unit launched a high-quality
lubricants for the Australian market. Pertamina flagship product launches conducted
by the Marketing and Commercial Director of Pertamina Faisal Ahmad and officials
at the Ministry of Transportation of New South Wales and Consulate General officials
in Sydney, last weekend. Segment lubricant marketed to Australian consumers
including automotive and industrial segments. Some lubricant brands include
Fastron, Prima XP, Mediterranean SX, and others.
According to Faisal, the Australian market is very attractive to Pertamina. In
addition to its relatively close distance, also has a fairly prestigious value, because
Australia also included a group of "Western". Noted, Australians lubricant needs of
about 550,000 kiloliters (kl) per year. Target market segments include automotive,
either for middle class and the needs of approximately 260,000 kl or 48 percent of
demand in Australia.
"Network marketing is targeted workshops, taxis, buses, trucks, and parts retail
stores," he said in a written press release received by Suara Karya, some time ago.
At the initial stage, Pertamina is targeting sales of about three to five containers per
month. With the estimated business growth of 15 to 20 percent per year, is
expected in 2015 Pertamina lubricants business in Australia has reached over 5000
kl per year.
In distributing the lubricant and serves customers in Australia, Pertamina appointed
a distributor, Offshore Lubricants Pty Ltd. Currently, Offshore Lubricants lubricants
have been marketed to the workshops, so that consumers can obtain a lubricant
and education regarding the promotion of activities with a competitive price.
Pertamina lubricant X'treme promoted by Power and Protection (XP2). Based on
quality, lubricant divided into three classes, namely premium, gold, and silver are
adapted to its use. Pertamina lubricant is made from a mixture of base oil (mineral
and fully synthetic) plus best additives produced by world-class companies, such as
Lubrizol, Infenium, Chevron Oronite, and others. This makes producing high quality
lubricants according to the standard European Association des Constructeurs
d'Automobiles (API) as well as automakers Volvo and the automotive sector
DaimlairChrysler. In addition, certificates of Komatsu, Niigata, Caterpillar, and
Wartsila, the segment lubricant for industrial sector.
Faisal added that Pertamina is an oil and gas producer that was 52 years old.
Pertamina integrated business from exploration and production, processing, to
marketing the product, both from domestic and abroad. Domestically, Pertamina
lubricant is a market leader for more than 54 percent. While outside Indonesia,
Pertamina's marketing lubricants to Belgium, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates,
Myanmar, Singapore, Taiwan and other countries. "This shows the quality of
Pertamina lubricants are recognized by consumers the world," he said.
Build Gas Station

After successfully introducing the product in the Australian market lubricants, Faisal
said, Pertamina will also conduct feasibility studies related to development plans
petrol stations. If the results of the study indicate the category of economically
feasible, the construction of Pertamina gas stations in Australia, most likely done in
the near future. "We're going to do a survey. If economically, it will be opened," said
Admittedly, the business potential in Australia's gas stations open. Moreover, the
Australian Government is very open, especially related to permit the opening of gas
stations. At present the number of Indonesian citizens living in Australia reached
40,000 people and is considered as a highly potential market. Especially relevant
opening gas stations, then Pertamina also plans to build outlets elements for
Indonesian products.
In addition to market calculations, Pertamina also consider aspects of construction
of the product's image in Australia. Because it is very important to show that
Pertamina is not only champion. "For his fuel we bought here. As for lubricants, we
carry products from the country and we make special outlets for Indonesian
products," said Faisal.
To realize this plan, Pertamina must be extra careful. This recall previous
experiences when building a gas station in Myanmar, some time ago, is now finally
closed. In Australia alone, Pertamina will be competing with other gas station
owners, such as Castrol and Shell. (A Choir)
Articles 3 Pertamina expansion into Australia and New Zealand
Pertamina to open new markets for oil exports in 2009, namely New Zealand and
Australia. Largest oil exports are concentrated during the Korean, Dubai, and the
Middle East region.
According to Sales Manager UPMS Region V (East Java Bali Nusa Tenggara)
Lubricants Waljiyanto, this step in anticipation of the predicted export volume
continued to decline during the crisis.
"Prediction market demand will fall. We open this new market as a diversification
move, "said Waljiyanto, after the inauguration of the Graha Mesran Olimart
Pertamina (GMP) Silver, Wednesday (18 / 3).
Increasing the volume of oil exports during 2009, predicted in the range of 3-5
percent. Compared to last year, reaching 5-10 percent increase. Waljiyanto said,
Pertamina oil production so far is sufficient for the domestic market demand.
"We lubricant market share quite good. For lubricant industry categories between
60-70 percent, 48-52 percent of automotive lubricants. Nationally, the market share
Pertamina lubricant products retail segment and the segment 60 percent through
70 percent of the industry, "he said.
Pertamina refinery production capacity or Lube Oil Blending Plant (LOBP) which is
approximately 60000-65000 Gresik KL 120000-130000 per shift or two shifts per KL
per year.
Meanwhile, oil demand in East Java only 35,000 KL per year. "The market is pretty
good in the country, in addition to Java, marketing is also to East Kalimantan,
Central, South, Sulawesi, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and Papua," he added.
Until the first semester of 2009, is targeted to produce 10,000 KL per month for 2
LOBP (Silver and Gresik). Special LOBP Gresik will be maximized, so that could be
closed Silver LOBP for efficiency.
GMP Silver is the third lubricant distributors in Surabaya, after at Jl Jemursari and Jl
After Silver will be built in the area of Jl A Yani. In the area of East Java, Bali, Nusa
Tenggara, there are about 14 Olimart Pertamina (10 in East Java and in Bali 4). The
end of 2009, there are 2 more olimart built in Bali.
Owner GMP Silver Olimart Tjipto Soehono Harjo said, Pertamina lubricant sales
target at each outlet olimart least 5 tons per month. In GMP Silver, the volume of oil
that sells around 200-250 liters per day, with an estimated 40 cars per day service.
"That means, one month can 6-7,5 tons. Silver GMP Investment olimart not large,
only Rp 500 million, "said Soehono. ame
New Round 4 Pages Business Competition Lubricants
COMPETITION in the lubricant market grew just cried. Although, the potential
market for segemerlap not Like This type of business other liquid fuels, but the
competition antarprodusen motor engine lubricant material that becomes
increasingly more every day.
New brands are now spilling out pouring like a flood. From the beginning there were
only 10 brands, the market is now flooded with nearly over 300 brands. There are
locally made, but no less also imported. The number is expected to continue to rise
coincided with the presence of new players.
The presence of brands is, of course followed by promotion seabrek always glorify
the new lubricant brand, if consumers want to use it.
In fact, no one missed a producer who deliberately stirred the national spirit in
competing with foreign manufacturers that own lubricant products to be sold well.
Target, the company can continue to lead the market in these business segments.
Manufacturers were called out loudly, "We're lucky, lucky people."
Indeed, the overwhelming trend lubricant brand new, no doubt, make the business
competition in this sector more attractive. That, at least, make ketir number ketar-
old players. No exception PT Pertamina (Persero). As it is known, state-owned
enterprises was never monopolize the oil and gas sector, including oil. Therefore, its
market share could reach 90 percent.
However, after the government freed the tap oil imports through the Presidential
Decree. 21/2001, the franchise was automatically vanished. Since then also,
because of free entry of foreign brands, the oil product market share slipped to join
Pertamina 50 percent. However, this does not mean the company made an all-out
sink. Oli Pertamina still remains the largest market authorities in the country.
Pertamina data reveals, of the total lubricant market which reached 625000-650000
kilo liter in 2007, 54 percent of its market share is still controlled by the state. After
that, 11 percent followed Top1, Shell 6 percent, and 6 percent of Penzoil.
Obviously, many things are done a number of foreign brands was that they
managed to steal some share of Pertamina. The bottom line was run from about
quality and price. Quality, for example. Trend, the market prefers oil has good
lubricating function alias does not affect damage the engine and the relatively long-
lasting use. If you meet these standards, although slightly more expensive price,
that oil will undoubtedly remain struck by the market.
General Manager Lubricants PT Pertamina, Iqbal Hasan said his company this year
able to master the ambitious 58 percent of domestic oil market with a volume of
about 380,000 kiloliters (kl) of the total national oil market reached 650,000 kl.
According to him, the company has launched a new oil products, Prima XP 10 W-40
synthetic is expected able to increase Pertamina lubricant market. He claimed
Prima XP 10 W-40 as a synthetic lubricant suitable for new generation cars.
Other oil products are made in Pertamina Enduro 4T Racing, which is positioned as
a special synthetic lubricant for motor 4 does not (step) and have met the quality
standard Japanese Automobile Standards Organization, JASO MA certification.
Iqbal emphasized that the most rational way be taken to maintain the PT Pertamina
lubricants market share is to make a new innovation in the competition intensified
"Last year, Pertamina has a market around 350,000 to 360,000 kl kl and this year
targeted about 380,000 kl. We believe we can target it through, because our
distribution network of the most broadly than its competitors, "he told National
Journal in Indonesia Fuel and Lubes Conference and Exhibition 2007 (IFL) in Jakarta
He estimates the company will achieve a net profit of about Rp4 trillion to Rp 5
trillion in 2007 to division lubricants. "In the last year our sales have exceeded
lubricant target set of 358,000 kl to 379,000," he continued.
Do not want to miss with Pertamina, PT Entrepreneurs Gemilang Indonesia (WGI)
peg the increase to 15 per cent share in the national oil market this year with a
more focused attempt to segment four-wheeled vehicles.
Dwi Aryani H. Rashid, General Manager of Corporate Communication PT WGI said
his party into the early years trying to expand with lubricants sales growth for the
car Evalube brand.
So far, the company concentrated on the segment motorcycle lubricant for 2 no.
"We expect this year our market share rose from 10 percent to 15 percent," he said.

According to him, the sale of lubricants WGI, about 60 percent of them are absorbed
in Java, while the rest of the other islands, especially Sumatra, Sulawesi and
Acknowledge Dewi distribution and sale of oil companies on the island of Sumatra
Evalube had disturbed in the past year as the impact of the earthquake and tsunami
in Aceh Darussalam Nanggoe.
"But fortunately the sales decline in Sumatra could be covered by increased sales in
other regions, particularly the island of Java who had been contributing about 60
percent of the total sales of WGI."
Meanwhile, PT ALP Petro Industry sales target also Agip, the Italian oil, this year
reached 5 percent of total sales of oil products in Indonesia, or up 1.7 percent
compared to last year.
In the last year of this oil market share is only 3.3 percent, and for this year is
expected to increase in line with the overall increase in the number of sales and
motor vehicle population.
Head of Marketing Division of PT Alp Petro Industry optimistic Sutiono Handoko able
to reach the oil market share by 5 percent of Indonesia in the country although
there are about 300 brands of oil in the market.
"We will compete well with other oil brand, because competition will make the
performance increase, let alone all the distributors in some regions also supports,"
he said yesterday.
He mentioned to meet market demand in the country, the company will supply
approximately 45,000 tons per per year, to support the penetration step into a
number of areas.
He mentioned that the market potential in the region, especially South Sumatra
quite prospective for economic growth in this region quite rapidly.
"We are optimistic that the target control of 5 per cent market share can be
achieved this year," he explained.
Sales Marketing PT ALP Petro, Kurniady said Indistri Albert, in the first half of 2007
and Agip oil market was quite good, not only in South Sumatra, but also a number
of areas, especially Jambi and Bangka-Belitung. He mentions Agip oil is marketed in
various types to meet market demand for motorcycles and four-wheeled vehicles.
"Sales of lubricant into the motorcycle segment vehicles and cars each have the
same share of 50:50 in almost all areas of marketing."
However, amid the euphoria of competition at the retail level, lubricant producers in
the country now faces a new competitive era. Besides trying to increase market
share amid tight competition, they are also required to adapt to global technological
Admittedly, automotive manufacturers are now the world has begun to clean up.
This trend was seen from the emergence of the type of car and motorcycle new
generation of more environmentally friendly, low emission, and of course fuel
This demand was driven by a commitment to care about the environment, air
quality and emissions reduction which has become the focus of attention of all
parties, both the producers and users of lubricants and fuel oil (BBM).
Moreover, rising world crude oil prices followed by rising fuel demand also
contributed to a number of countries racing to develop biofuels (biofuels). Including
Indonesia, which has started this biofuel project two years ago. Until, enable
domestic oil producers to answer this challenge in the midst of continued product

Articles 5 Pertamina Target 60 Percent Market Master Oli Matik

After the sale Enduro scored big Matic, Pertamina Lubricant-subsidiary company PT
Pertamina for oil this year lubrication-set target acquisition market share (market
share) of oil a national automatic registration from 55 to 60 percent.

"At present, although oil is relatively new we are marketed, which was introduced
last year and began dilaunching in June, but our market share is about 50 percent,"
said Munir Redesmon, Brand and Communication Dept Head of Pertamina
Lubricants, told Tempo in Jakarta, Wednesday (5 / 8).

While the sales particulars, call Redesmon average per month reached 25 thousand
boxes. "And the trend continues to increase, so until the end of the year we believe
can control the market share of 55-60 percent," he asserted.

Redesmon sure that the target could be achieved, since in addition to already have
a well-known brand, Pertamina oil quality have also proved the automatic
motorcycle users. "We have held below the line campaign, by inviting owners of
automatic motor oil to touring with us, to prove its quality," I am he.

Oil dibanderol USD 33 thousand to 0.8 liters of it, continued Redesmon, a lubricating
oil with viscosity, dual or multi-grade and additives Moly (MO). "So that reduces
friction in the engine at high speeds and temperatures. Low viscosity can facilitate
the circulation of lubricant so that the fuel consumption to be thrifty. Initial
operation of the motor was easy, "explained Redesmon.

Not forget this mustachioed men mention, the product has a technical specification
10W 30 so that krtieria meets JASO MB. Criteria is the Japanese standard for four-
stroke motorcycle automatic type. "With that quality, we believe consumers will
choose our products," he added.

Now the oil distribution network is also following the automatic network Pertamina
oil products. However, this particular automatic oil, until now the distribution is still
concentrated in Java, Sumatra, Bali and Sulawesi. The number of distribution points
that reach 700 outlets. "To be sure, the prospect is very good oil along with the
automatic motor of growth," said Redesmon.

Meanwhile, the data association Indonesian Motorcycle Industries (AISI) calls,

automatic motorcycle market during the first half of 2009 increased 28 percent over
the same period last year. During January - June 2009 sales reached 929,413 units,
while at the same period in 2008, sales of 728,171 units.

The sweetness of the oil market these automatic motorcycles also attract other
lubricant manufacturers, other than Pertamina, for the more incentive to work on it
though some other players have been present. One is the original manufacturer of
the United States, Top 1 Oil.

Through its main distributor, PT Topindo Atlas of Asia (PT TAA), line 1 target in this
year's sales increased from 8 to 9 percent from last year's 7 million kiloliters. "Last
year our market share reached 18 percent in the oil market this automatic," I
Akmeilani, Brand Activation Coordinator PT Topindo Atlas of Asia when contacted by
Tempo, in Jakarta, Wednesday (5 / 8).
In fact, said Akmeilani, in the next three years the market share target line 1 has
reached 20 percent. Several steps were taken to achieve that taget, in addition to
working intensively potential market of Java and Bali, this manufacturer also issued
a new variant.

"If previously we only offer a 20/40 lubricant used for Yamaha Mio. Now add a new
variant of the 10/30 can be used for Honda Vario, "Akmeilani call.

Diaantara manufacturers have launched for the automatic oil is, Yamalube, Castrol
and Idemitsu, and most recently, PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) which entered the
market in May. Honda motorcycle manufacturers, the launch of two variants of
automatic oil well, the AHM Oil MPX-1 and AHM-2 Oil MPX. .20090805 to
190,941, id.html

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