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Department of Electrical Engineering

Ref. No. PIEAS/Intrn-2019/___ Dated: / /2019

Ms. Fatima Nayyer
NESPAK, Islamabad, Pakistan
Fax. 051-9221914

Subject: Internship for Electrical Engineering Students

Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences (PIEAS) is a premier public
sector university, holds top rank in Pakistan Engineering Council ranking 2018. The
management of PIEAS strongly believes that 'Practical Training' of our students in an
industrial setup of a national/multinational company is very helpful in solidifying their
theoretical concepts, learned during course work. Therefore, we encourage our students to
expose themselves to an industrial environment.

I shall be obliged if you please cooperate with the educational policy of PIEAS,
Islamabad and facilitate us by accommodating the following student(s) of BS Electrical
Engineering as Internee at your office in Islamabad, Pakistan. The student will abide by the
factory rules and regulations while acquiring the exposure of your professional environment.
It will be appreciated if a certificate highlighting his performance/behavior will be issued
after the completion of the internship.

A kind and encouraging response will be appreciated.

Particulars of the student:


Year of Study: BSEE Session 2014-18
Registration No: 02-3-1-050-2014

(Dr. Muhammad Aqil)

Officer In-Charge, Placement Office

Associate Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering
Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel: 051-9248496

Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences, P. O. 45650, Islamabad, Pakistan

: +92-51-11-11-PIEAS(74327) (Ext. 3451); : +92-51-9248600; :

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