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Top 5 Questions of Class 9

Rational Numbers:
1. The polynomials ax3-3x2+4 and 2x3-5x+a when divided by (x-
2) leave the reminders p and q respectively. If p-2q=4, find
the value of a.
Let f(x) = ax3-3x2+4
And g(x)= 2x3-5x+a
When f(x) and g(x) are divided by (x-2) the reminders are p and q.
F(2) = p and g(2) = q
F(2) = a x 23-3x22+4
P = 8a – 8
And g(2) = 2 x 23-5 x 2+a
(p-2q) = 8a – 8 – 2(6+a)
4 = 6a – 20
2. An open rectangular cistern measured from outside is 1.35m
long and 1.08m wide and 90cms deep, and is made of iron
which is 2,5cm thick. Find the capacity of the cistern and
volume of the iron used.
External length of the cistern = 135cm
External width of the cistern = 108cm
External depth of the cistern = 90cm
External volume of the cistern = 135 x 108 x 90
= 1312200cm3
Internal length of cistern = 135 – (2x2.5) = 130cm
Internal width of cistern = 108 – (2.5x2) = 103cm
Internal depth of cistern = 90 – (2.5x2) = 85cm
Internal volume of cistern = 130 x 103 x 85 = 1171625cm3
Capacity of cistern = its internal volume = 1171625cm3
Volume of iron used = external volume – internal volume
= 1312200 – 1171625 = 140575cm3
3. The volume of a reservoir is 108m3. Water is poured into it at
a rate of 60 litres per min. how many hours it will take to fill
the reservoir.
Volume of reservoir = 108 m3 = 108 x 1000 L
1m3 = 1000L
Rate of flow of water = 60 litres per min.
Time taken to fill reservoir = vol. of reservoir / rate of flow
= 108000/60 = 1800min = 30 Hrs.

4. If two opposite angles of a parallelogram are (63 – 3x) and

(4x – 7). Find all the angles of parallelogram.
In a parallelogram opposite angles are equal.
So, (63 – 3x) = (4x – 7)
63 + 7 = 4x + 3x
7x = 70
63- 3x = 63 – 3x10 = 33
Now sum of all 4 angles of parallelogram = 360
360 – (33+33) = 294 so each angle = 294/2 = 147
All four angles are 33, 33, 147 and 147.
5. Suman spins two spinners, one of which is labelled 1,2 and 3
and other are labelled A, B, C and D. find the probability of :-
I. Stopping at 2 and C
II. Stopping at 3 and either B or D
III. Stopping at any number and A
Sample space = {A1,A2,A3,B1,B2,B3,C1,C2,C3,D1,D2,D3}
Total possible outcomes = 12
Probability of stopping at 2 and C = 1/12
Probability of stopping at 3 and either B or D = 2/12 = 1/6
Probability of stopping at any number and A = 3/12 = 1/4

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