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1. What color is your coat?

color  black

2. There was a ring around the moon. What was around the moon?
ring = circle = loop = disc = sphere  a circle

3. What month comes right after October?

after = later than = past = gone  month come right after October  November

4. Allen goes to the park on Monday of every week. What does he go to the park?
 Monday

5. Miss Lewis has to be at the airport by 2:20. When does she have to be there?
2:20  14:20

6. What is the name of the last month of the year?

the name of the last month of the year  December

7. What body of water is located west of the United States?

body of water is located west of the United States  The Pacific Ocean

8. Everybody should get plenty of rest. Who should get rest?

Everybody = everyone = all and sundry = one and all = every person = each person  all people

9. The group of boys saw the steep descent from a distance. What did they say?
descent = downward slope = fall = drop = decline  slope

10. The pump supplies fuel under pressure. What does the pump do?
supplies = supply = deliver = provide = bring = bring in = make available  It delivers fuel.

11. What are brakes used for?

brakes = brake = put on the brakes = slow down = reduce speed = decelerate  stopping cars

12. The base of the lamp was clean. What was clean?
base = foot = stand = base = pedestal  The lowest part.

13. Where do you take your dirty clothes?

 to the laundry

14. The student left his books in a booth in the restaurant. Where are the books?
booth = cubicle = stall = stand = closet  in the seating area

15. Aren’t those two students alike?

alike = similar = the same = comparable = similarly = equally  Yes, they look the same.

16. Mary wants to serve in the hospital. What does she want to do in the hospital?
serve = serve up = give out = help = wait on  give some help

17. Ted wants to see the headline. What will he do?

headline = title = heading = banner = caption  read a newspaper
18. What is a blinking light?
blinking = blink = open and close the eye = flash = wink  a light that turns on and off

19. John wanted to know the shape of the box. What did he want to know?
shape = form = figure = outline = silhouette = profile = contour  the form of the box

20. Tom lives in a residential area. Where does he live?

residential = housing = inhabited = suburban = uptown = built-up  in an area of private homes

21. How do you check the performance of a new car?

performance = functioning = running = working = operation = execution  by driving it

22. Will this plane be delayed?

delayed = late = belated = overdue = postponed  No, it’s won’t be late.

23. How much change do you have?

change = transformation = exchange = coins = cash = loose change  I have several coins.

24. Would you like to revise this paper?

revise = correct = modify = amend = adjust = alter  Yes, I would like to correct it.

25. Didn’t he used to smoke?

used to = accustomed to = hardened to = inured to = in the habit of = familiar with
 Yes, but he doesn’t smoke now.

26. Edward, take charge of the class.

take charge = take control = take over = assume responsibility  Control the class.

27. It seems to be snowing.

seems to = appear = look = look like = look as if  It looks like it is snowing.

28. I will attempt to call you tonight.

attempt = try = endeavor = make an effort  I’ll try to call.

29. I assume, you are going to the dance tonight.

assume = believe = imagine = think = guess = presume  I believe you will go.

30. Some vending machines are automatic.

automatic = programmed = routine = mechanical = regular  They work by themselves.

31. John received additional money for his trip.

additional = extra = added = supplementary = other = bonus  He got extra money.

32. Jack is on vacation this week.

vacation = holiday = break = trip = rest = retreat  He is not working.

33. He lost his balance.

balance = equilibrium = poise = sense of balance = stability  He fell down.

34. Bob is unable to drive his car to work.

unable = not capable = powerless = incapable  He can’t drive to work.
35. Bill wakes up at 7:00 a.m.
wakes up = wake up = get up = awaken = stir = come around  He stops sleeping at seven.

36. Tom has a good academic record.

academic = educational = school = college = university = scholastic = studious
record = memo = data = document  He is a good student.

37. Helen was bored with the movie. It was too long.
bored = bore = not interest = turn off = tire = weary  She was not interested in it.

38. Give the Captain a ring after you land.

Give a ring = telephone  Call him on the telephone.

39. He’s running short of cash at present.

short = small = little = tiny = petite  He has little money now.

40. Paul didn’t have enough time to read every page in the book.
didn’t have enough time  He didn’t read every page.

41. The crew abandoned the planed the plane after the landing.
abandoned = abandon = dump = throw out = desert = leave  The crew left the plane.

42. I have trouble starting my car.

trouble = problem = difficulty = fault = dilemma
starting = start = beginning = begin = switch on = open  It won’t begin running.

43. George likes a variety of food.

variety = type = kind = brand = form = multiplicity  He likes difference kinds of foods.

44. Harry usually gets to class on time.

usually = mostly = generally = frequently = commonly  He gets to class on time most of the time.

45. Jones thinks English is a difficult language.

difficult = hard = not easy = thorny = complicated  He thinks it is hard to learn.

46. The motor sometimes gets overheated.

overheated = excited = worked up = hot under the collar = upset  The motor becomes too hot.

47. You must make your student study.

make = create = manage = achieve = get into  You must have the students study.

48. You’d better get a haircut this week.

’d better = should better  You should get a haircut.

49. John kept watching the people swim.

kept = keep = stay = continue = go on = keep on  He continued to look at the swimmers.

50. You can store food in a refrigerator.

store = stock = save = put in storage = keep = put in safekeeping You may be kept in a refrigerator.
51. Woman : Are you hungry?
Man : Yes, I’d like some dinner. What would the man like to do?
dinner = banquet = ceremonial dinner = feast  have full meal

52. Woman : How many apples are on the table?

Man : There are only five I think. How many apples did the man say were on the table?
 five

53. Woman : Can you bend that steel pipe?

Man : No, it’s too stiff. Why couldn’t the man bend the pipe?
stiff = rigid = firm = inflexible = unbending = unbendable = hard = solid  It was too rigid.

54. Woman : What are you doing with those pieces of rope?
Man : I’m securing them. What is the man doing?
securing = secure = fixed firmly = fastened = safe = protected = locked  fastening them.

55. Woman : Do you smell anything?

Man : Yes, I do, and those fumes are poisonous. What kind of fumes are they?
poisonous = toxic = venomous = noxious = fatal  dangerous

56. Woman : What are the soldiers doing now?

Man : They’re in battle, but they can not advance. What couldn’t the soldiers do?
advance = go forward = move forward = move ahead = press forward  move forward.

57. Woman : Is Mary working now?

Man : Yes, she’s working at the bank.
Woman : What kind of job does she have?
Man : I don’t know but she’s not a permanent employee. What kind of job does Mary have?
permanent = stable = enduring = lasting = undeviating  temporary  a temporary one

58. Woman : What is the airplane doing now?

Man : It is descending. What is the airplane doing?
descending = downward = down = downhill = sliding  going down

59. Woman : Do people adhere to the laws in your country?

Man : Oh, yes. They certainly do. What did the people do about the laws?
adhere to = stick to = obey = follow = keep to = abide by  obey them

60. Man : Did you speak with John about your suggestion?
Woman : Yes, he agrees with me. What did the woman mean?
agrees = have the same opinion = concur = be in agreement  John has the same opinion as she.

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