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1. What month come right after July?

after = next = later than = past  after July = August

2. What color is your coat?

color  red

3. Do you have trouble falling asleep at night?

trouble = problem = difficulty = worry  Do you have difficulty in getting to sleep?

4. Capt. Brown bought a portable typewriter. What kind did he get?

portable = moveable = transportable = transferable = handy  one that is light and easy to carry

5. Why is copper used in electrical wiring?

wiring = cabling = electrics = wire = electrical system  because it’s a good conductor

6. Harry said, “All except a few of them are here.” What did Harry mean?
except = not including = excluding = except for  Most of them are here.

7. Where is your brother now?

Where = anywhere = wherever = somewhere = someplace  He’s in New York.

8. What are scales used for?

scales = weighing machine = balance = scale  weighing objects

9. The insult made him very angry. How did he feel?

angry = mad = annoyed = irritated = fuming = livid = irate = heated  He was mad.

10. What are competitive sports?

competitive = spirited = gung ho = bloodthirsty = ready for action = aggressive = cutthroat =
viable  athletic games and races

11. What are tape measures used to measure?

tape measures = tape measure = tape = measuring tape  distances

12. It was several days before cadet Jones discovered that he had lost his key. When did he find out that
his key was missing?
several = some = more than a few = numerous = a number of  some days later

13. Bill said, “I couldn’t sleep too soundly last night.” How well did Bill sleep last night?
soundly = well = deeply = completely = firmly = roundly = thoroughly  not very well

14. The instructor put a notice on the bulletin board. What did he place on the bulletin boars?
notice = sign = announcement = poster = advertisement  an announcement

15. Thirty students went to the coast last Sunday. How many went to the coast?
 thirty

16. Bob said that he was going somewhere Saturday night. Where did he say he was going?
somewhere = where = someplace = everyplace  place
17. The manager was informed of the situation. What do we mean by informed?
informed = inform = notify = tell = report to = let somebody know  notified

18. During the landing they all sat in a rigid position. In what position did they sit?
rigid = stiff = unbending = inflexible = firm = unyielding  stiff

19. Little by little. I began to understand the story. What is the meaning of the phrase little by little?
little by little = gradually = bit by bit = inch by inch  gradually

20. Mr. Nelson said, “Either John or Mary can go.” Who did Mr. Nelson say could go?
either = each = both  Mary or John

21. The program is going to start at 12:00 sharp. When will the program begin?
sharp = exactly = precisely = on the dot = promptly = punctually  exactly 12:00

22. I addition to being square, what other shape describes the mirror?
shape = form = figure = outline = profile
mirror = reflect = echo = parallel  flat

23. Lt. Jackson said, “I haven’t seen Joe since the day before yesterday. When was the last time
Lt. Jackson saw Joe?
 two days ago

24. Jack said, “I will finish my recording in five minutes.” When will jack complete his recording?
 in a few minutes

25. The wounded solider said that he was thirsty. What did he ask for?
thirsty = hungry = feeling thirst = dehydrated = thirsting  water

26. I’d like coffee because it is stimulating.

I’d like = I would like  I would like.

27. Since yesterday was a national holiday, I had many visitors at home.
many = a lot of = lots of = numerous = loads of  I had a lot of visitors.

28. This is Tom’s desk and not Ed’s.

 The desk belongs to Tom.

29. We may receive the check today.

may = might = can = could = possibly will = may well = may perhaps  We might receive it.

30. The doctor looked on his patient, but didn’t find anything wrong with him.
look on = consider = regard = observe = examine = monitor  He examined his patient.

31. The blade of the knife is bent.

bent = twisted = curved = bowed = turned = bend  It is out of shape.

32. We ought to visit my friend.

ought to = should = be supposed to = must  We should visit my friend.

33. There was a loud crowd at the community center.

crowd = gather = multitude = mob = group  Many people were there.
34. The enemy finally gave up.
gave up = give up = renounce = quit = stop = sacrifice = resign  The enemy surrendered.

35. The students must be quiet in the lab during an exam.

must = have to = have got to = be obliged to = ought to = should  They have to be quiet.

36. Many people study in their spare time.

spare = extra = standby = auxiliary = additional  free time They study in their free time.

37. Mrs. Dixon asked me to re-read the passage.

re-read = have a second look at = for a second time = again  She asked me to read it again.

38. We ran into them in the cafeteria.

ran into = run into = meet by chance  We met them unexpectedly.

39. The girl Bill saw yesterday plays tennis very well.
 The girl plays well.

40. Lt. Smith has finally caught up with them in their studies.
caught up = held up = bogged down = hindered  He has reached the same level.

41. Bill wanted to get a jacket for $56.00. However he ran short of cash.
short = small = little = tiny  He didn’t have enough money.

42. It is illegal to park in front of the water hydrant.

illegal = unlawful = illegitimate = prohibited = dishonest  It is unlawful to mark there.

43. Helen went along with our suggestion.

went along with = go along with = agree = accept = acquiesce  She agree to suggestion.

44. The student said, “We were not able to go to the party last week.”
were not able to  The students didn’t attend the party.

45. We were very glad when we approached the airport.

approached = approach = come near = come close to Getting nearer to the airport made us happy.

46. John said, “Something is wrong with the lights in my room. They keep going out.”
wrong with the lights  John is having lighting troubles.

47. Generally, the examinations have 120 questions, but this one has 100.
 This examination has 100 questions.

48. In the U.S., most T.V. programs are paid for by big companies that make such products as cars,
soft drinks, and breakfast foods.
 The big companies pay for the T.V programs.

49. The table is made of aluminum.

aluminum  It is made of light metal.

50. Betty told her sister to think it over before making a decision.
think it over = consider it = think about it = mull it over  Betty told her to consider it.
51. Woman : How many books are on the table?
Man : There are only five, I think.
Woman : That’s right. How may books are on the table?
 five

52. Woman : Are you hungry?

Man : Yes, I’d like some dinner. What would the man like to do?
dinner = banquet = ceremonial dinner = feast  eat a big meal

53. Woman : Can John write English?

Man : He can write English pretty well. How well can John write English?
pretty well = practically = fairly = in practice  He can write fairly well.

54. Woman : What do you feel like doing?

Man : I’d like to go out to lunch now. What did the man mean?
 He wants to eat out now.

55. Man : Bill’s blue shirt is just like mine.

Woman : Yes, and it’s pretty isn’t it? What did they say about Bill’s shirt?
blue shirt  It is blue.

56. Woman : What is the teacher doing in class this days?

Man : He took up a new lesson last week. What did the teacher do last week?
took up = take up = begin = start = adopt = engage in  He began a new lesson.

57. Man : Good morning, Major Smith. What can I do for you?
Woman : Please fill up my gas tank. Which statement best sums up this dialogue?
fill up = fill = dam = obstruct  The major wants her tank full.

58. Woman : Did you notice Mary’s face when I told her the news?
Man : Yes, suddenly her beautiful smile faded. What did the man say?
faded = become paler = become lighter = weaken = disappear gradually
 Her smile disappeared all at once.

59. Woman : Are you a member of the officer’s club, Lt. Baker?
Man : Yes, Ma’am. What did Lt. Baker mean?
 Lt. Baker is a member.

60. Woman : Do your boys have hobbies?

Man : Yes, in fact their hobbies are similar.
What did the man say about his boys’ hobbies?
similar = alike = like = comparable  Their hobbies are much like.

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