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1. Mr. Brown liked the cartoons in the evening newspaper. What were they?
cartoons = cartoon = drawing = caricature = picture = comic strip = sketch  drawing

2. The gardener used the electric grinder on the knife. Why?

grind = sharpen = polish = rub = abrade = whet = file  to sharpen it

3. Hail damaged crops and property. What did the damage?

Hail = frozen rain = hailstones  pieces of ice.

4. You should wash your car occasionally. When should the car be washed?
occasionally = rarely = seldom = sporadically = now and then  now and then

5. What should hammers be used for?

hammers = hammer = hit = strike = knock = drive = nail = drum  to drive nails

6. There are approximately50 students in the room. How many are there?
approximately = about = just about = around  about fifty

7. Some people dread public speaking. How do they will it?

dread = fear = กลลว = terror = trepidation = anxiety = dismay = alarm = fright  with great fear

8. The container in the closet is marked “flammable.” What’s in the container?

flammable = inflammable = combustible  flame = burn = fire = light up
 something that burn easily

9. In the month of march, we often have sudden changes in the weather. What kind of changes do we
sudden = rapid = fast = quick = speedy = hasty  quick

10. She made a surprise visit to his office. What kind of a visit was it?
surprise = disclosure = shock = revelation = shocker = unexpected = unforeseen  unexpected

11. Baseball, football and basketball are popular sports, but recently boating has become popular. What
has become popular lately?
recently = lately = of late = freshly = just = freshly = only just  boating

12. What is the opposite of tail wind?

tail = end = back  head (Antonym)  head wind

13. What can a person usually find in the classified ads section of the new paper?
classified = classify = categorize = catalog = order = organize = pigeonhole
ads = ad = advertisement = commercial = trailer = personal ad  advertisement

14. While Sgt. Jones was putting fuel in the plane, Sgt. Smith checked the rubber on the wheels.
What did Sgt. Smith check?
wheels = wheel = circle  rubber on the wheels  the tires

15. He has the ability to learn languages. What does he have?

ability = talent = aptitude = skill = capability = capacity = facility  a talent

16. John must leave at once. When must John leave?

at once = right away = immediately = right now = now  right away

17. James said to Mary, “Let’s eat in this booth.” Where did he want to eat?
booth = closet = cubicle = stall = private = workspace = partition  In a small enclosed place.

18. What is a hunting permit?

hunting = look for = search for = stalk = chase = pursue
permit = license = card = allow = certificate = let = okay  a license to kill wild animals.

19. Students will learn more English if they pay attention in class. How will they learn more English?
pay attention = listen = focus on = concentrate = take notice  by listening carefully

20. An official of the U.S. government can be removed. What can happen to him?
removed = take out = dismiss = uninvolved = distant  He can be dismissed.

21. Why did the professor use the telescope to look at the stars?
telescope = get smaller = reduce in size = contract = shrivel  He wanted a closer view of them.

22. After Joe took his aptitude test, he was scheduled for training in a technical field. What kind of field
is it?
technical = specialized = mechanical = specialist = expert = professional = precise
 a field that requires a special skill

23. The mechanic asked Jim what the capacity of the fuel tank was. What did the mechanic want to
capacity = size = volume = amount = space = room = hold  how much fuel tank could hold

24. She arranged the trip. What did she do?

arranged = set = prearranged = approved = plan = make plans for  She planned the trip.

25. Mrs. Teller has to get some more gasoline. Does she have to go to the gas station?
have to = must = ought to = be required to = should  Yes, she must.

26. Please don’t take these seats.

seat = chair = bench = sit = hold = place  Don’t take these chairs.

27. Before you cash your check you must endorse it.
endorse = give your backing to = sanction = support  You must write your name on the back.

28. Lt. Smith turned in at 10:00.

turned in = go to bed = hit the sack = go to sleep = call it a day  He went to bed at ten.

29. Joe likes coffee. On the other hand, John prefers tea.
prefers = prefer = like better = favor = choose = rather  John likes tea better.

30. The storm is approaching.

approaching = approach = come near = advance = come close to  The storm is coming.

31. I’m going to attach the check to the bill.

attach = fasten = join = connect = fix  I will fasten them together.

32. If Frank had had the money, he would have loaned it to Tom.
loaned = loan = lend = credit = give somebody a loan of = loan  Frank didn’t have the money.

33. Mr. Kelley picked out the best tools for the job.
picked out = pick out = choose = select = make a choice = pick  He choose the best tool.

34. We had a cloud burst this morning.

cloud burst = shower = rainstorm = downpour  We had a lot of rain suddenly.

35. The hotel manager said that Jim would operate the elevator today.
operate = run = work = drive = control = function  John will run the elevator.

36. John is older than James, but Henry is the oldest.

 John is 20, James15, Henry25.

37. Tom can go with John, but Charles can’t.

 Charles can’t go with John.

38. Anne is going to read the book at home.

 She will read it at home.

39. Jerry’s car is almost as expensive as Sam’s

almost = roughly = more or less = approximately  Sam’s car costs more than Jerry’s.

40. He checked out this morning.

checked out = check out = leave = depart  He left this morning.

41. Help me get the food out of the basket and we can eat right away.
get out of = get around = spread = take out  Help me take the food out.

42. Ted is not in class because he has been sick for two week.
sick = ill = unwell = pale = bad  Ted is ill.

43. There was a malfunction in the system.

malfunction = fail = break down = go wrong = fault  The system was not working properly.

44. He would like to finish his work today, but he won’t be able to.
won’t = would not = will not  He will not finish his work today.

45. Frank told me that his friend is always in a hurry.

in a hurry = rushed = in a rush = quickly = rapidly  Frank’s friend is always rushing.

46. When the group finished its work, the men got time off for a job well done.
time off = vacation = break = rest = retreat
get off = descend = dismount = get down  The group was permitted to leave early.

47. The instructor thought that it would be a good idea to go over the lesson during the period.
go over = review = discuss = examine = go into = look at  He wanted to review the lesson.

48. They abandoned the boat when the storm struck.

abandoned = discarded = throw out = neglected  They left the boat when the storm struck.

49. William takes part in all kinds of activities.

takes part in = take part in = join in = participate  He participates in many types of activities.

50. The books were taken to the post office by John.

taken to = get on with = take a liking to  John carried the book to the post office.

51. Man : How many people were at the meeting last night?
Woman : At least 20. How many people were at the meeting?
least = smallest amount = minimum  a minimum of twenty persons.

52.Man : Isn’t is cold today?

Woman : Yes, and the streets are covered with ice. How are the streets?
covered with ice = so it slippery  slippery

53. Man : Doesn’t the weather change quickly?

Woman : Yes, we’re having a shower now. What did the woman say about the weather?
shower = spell of rain = light rainfall = spray  It is raining.

54. Woman : I have to put these two pieces of wood together.

Man : Well, to hold two pieces of wood together, you should use strong glue.
What should the woman use?
strong = physically powerful = solid = hard-wearing  a sticky material.

55. Man : Did you enjoy the meal?

Woman : Yes, and I ate something sweet at the end of a meal.
What do we call a sweet food eaten at the end of a meal?
sweet food = dessert  dessert

56. Woman : What are you going to fix for breakfast today?
Man : I am going to prepare steak and eggs for a change.
What will the man do?
prepare = make = cook = get ready  He will make breakfast.

57. Woman : This tire is in bad shape. What shall I do with it?
Man : Change it. What did the man tell the man to do with the tire?
change = replace = exchange = substitute  replace it.

58. Woman : I can hardly see.

Man :Neither can I. The visibility is bad.
What made the visibility bad?
visibility = vision = ability to see  heavy fog make visibility to bad  heavy fog

59. Woman : What kind of weather have you been having?

Man : It’s has been drizzling a lot. What kind of weather what he man referring to?
drizzling = drizzly = raining = showery = drizzling = rainy  light rain.

60. Woman : Do you think I’ll need my eye glasses?

Man : Not if you’re going to read the headlines. What kind of printing is used for headlines?
headlines = headline = title = have top billing  large type

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