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Pressure in gases

Motion of molecules
and pressure
• Moving air molecules collides with the surface of
the wall of container and exerts a force on it.
• Since pressure is the force exerted per unit area,
we say can that the air molecules exert pressure
on the surface of wall.
• If there are more
number of
molecules, then
the pressure will
also increase
Motion of molecules
and pressure
But how to explain pressure based on momentum?
• As molecules collide with
the walls, they experience
change in momentum -
• The rate of change of
momentum (change of
momentum over time) is
• Force per unit area is
Pressure, volume and temperature
• Volume vs Temperature (pressure constant)
• Pressure vs Temperature (volume constant)
• Pressure vs Volume (temperature constant)
Volume vs Temperature
(constant pressure)
• Consider the
experimental set up
in the diagram.
• Increase in
temperature causes
the mercury marker
to move up.
• This means that the
volume of gas is
Volume vs Temperature
(constant pressure)
• When air is heated, the temperature rises
causing the air to move at higher speeds.
• This results in more frequent and violent
collisions between the gas molecules and the
walls of a container.
• Hence, greater pressure is exerted.
• To keep the pressure constant, the gas will
expand if it can.
Volume vs Temperature
(constant pressure)
Volume vs Temperature
(constant pressure)
• Hence, the volume V of a fixed mass of gas is
directly proportional to its temperature T at
constant pressure.

V  T
Pressure vs Temperature
(constant volume)
• Consider the air molecules inside a fixed volume
container with its temperature gradually
• The air molecules have greater speeds at higher
• The air molecules will then bombard the walls of
their container more vigorously and frequently.
• This causes an increase in pressure inside the
Pressure vs Temperature
(constant volume)

Figure 9.13 Kinetic model of gases can be used to explain why the pressure of
a gas is directly proportional to its temperature. The diagrams above show that
the pressure of the gas doubles when the temperature of the gas doubles (with
volume kept constant).
Pressure vs Temperature
(constant volume)
• Hence, the pressure p of a fixed mass of gas is
directly proportional to its temperature T at
constant volume.

p  T
/ Pa
Pressure vs Volume
(constant temperature)
• Consider the apparatus set up in Figure 9.17
• The pressure of the gas inside the syringe is
increased by pushing the piston inwards to
compress the gas.
• The reading of the pressure gauge increases.
Pressure vs Volume
(constant temperature)
• Hence, the pressure of a fixed mass of gas is p
inversely proportional to its volume at constant
1 k where k is a
p  or p  constant
Therefore pV  k

𝑝1 𝑉1 = 𝑝2 𝑉2
• This is also known as Boyle’s Law
Pressure vs Volume
(constant temperature)

Figure 9.18 Graph of p vs V is Figure 9.19 Graph of p vs 1/V is a

a smooth curve straight line
Pressure vs Volume
(constant temperature)
• The kinetic model of gases can be used to
explain the inverse relationship between
pressure and volume.
Pressure vs Volume
(constant temperature)
• When the volume of the container is halved, the
number of molecules per unit volume will be
• Frequency of collisions between molecules and
walls is doubled.
• Hence, pressure is doubled.
• If volume is reduced to one-third of original
volume, pressure is increased three times.
Pressure vs Volume
A sample of gas occupies 300 cm3 at a
pressure of 70 Pa. What will the volume be
at 25 Pa?

𝑝1 𝑉1 = 𝑝2 𝑉2
70 (300) = 25𝑉2
𝑉2 = = 840 cm 3
[must use the same unit]
Pressure vs Volume
A fixed amount of a gas occupies a volume of 1L and exerts a
pressure of 400 kPa on the walls of its container. What would be
the pressure exerted by the gas if it is completely transferred
into a new container having a volume of 3 litres (assuming the
temperature and quantity of gas remains constant)?

𝑝1 𝑉1 = 𝑝2 𝑉2
400 (1) = 𝑝2 (3)
𝑝2 = = 133 kPa
[must use the same unit]
Pressure vs Volume
Pressure increases with decreasing altitude

Pressure in ascending order:

• Pressure on top of a mountain
• Pressure at sea level
• Pressure in deep sea

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