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Lesson #1

Social Quick Start 1-

The Elements of Being Cool

The Art of Approaching Women (MP3)


Bobby Rio
Social Training Lab


©2010 Bobby Rio- All Rights Reserved http://www.socialtraininglab.com/members

A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Social Mastery"

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© 2011 Copyright Bobby Rio

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The information presented herein represents the view of the author as of the date of publication.
Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the right to alter and update his
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attempt has been made to verify the information provided in this report, neither the author nor his
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©2010 Bobby Rio- All Right Reserved http://www.socialtraininglab.com/members

A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Social Mastery"


Welcome to your first Social Training Lab Mentorship lesson!

I’m excited to have you as a valued member of our 6-month training program and am
looking forward to seeing your social life “come to life” over the next few days and

Before we begin with the inaugural training, there are three important things that I need
to mention to you...

Member's site

There is a special site created for members.


This is where you can go to ask questions, browse through my answers to other students
questions, and find out information about your mentorship.

1) Time Released Bonuses Every 45 Days.

Once per quarter, you’ll automatically receive a FREE bonus as an active Social Training
Lab subscriber. This will appear in your inbox approximately every 45 days and will
include accessories and training materials to further streamline your success and help
build your conversation and social skills. Additionally, there are some built-in
“surprises” along the way at unspecified intervals. And, finally, there is a SUPER
“graduation” bonus at the completion of your 6-month training that is literally worth
more than the entire six month's subscription dues … so look for that on graduation day.

2) What’s In Store The First Two Months.

I want to give you just a quick look at what we’ll be covering during the first 8 lessons in
your training…

Weekly Written Lessons:

• Lesson #01: The Elements of Cool

• Lesson #02: The Slow Smile
• Lesson #03: Voice Tone (part 1)
• Lesson #04: Voice Tone (part 2)

©2010 Bobby Rio- All Right Reserved http://www.socialtraininglab.com/members

A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Social Mastery"

• Lesson #05: Becoming a Leader

• Lesson #06: How to get people to like you (part 1)
• Lesson #07: How to get people to like you (part 2)
• Lesson #08: Social Farming

Weekly Audio Classes

• Audio Class #01: The Art of Approaching (w/Bobby Rio)

• Audio Class #02: Aggressive Attraction (w/Rob Judge)
• Audio Class #03: Using Openers (w/Scott McKay)
• Audio Class #04: Day Game (w/David Wygant)
• Audio Class #05: Inner Game Workshop (7 day course)
• Audio Class #06: Building the Lifestyle (w/Brent Smith)
• Audio Class #07: Social Circle Game (w/Braddock)
• Audio Class #08: Social Farming (w/Bobby Rio)

The first month will be the basic steps involved in becoming an all around more
appealing person (don’t fret veterans, I’ve got some “gold nuggets” in these preliminary
lessons for you!) and the next month will be advanced strategies for expanding and
mastering various conversational strategies.

3) Why You Should Never Cancel.

There are many reasons why you should stick with your membership (it’s great training,
if you keep quitting one thing and going to another you’ll never get anywhere, even if
you don’t use it all now you can archive it to use later, etc.) but there is an all-important
reason that I have to warn you about from the beginning. Each of your lessons is
sequential and delivered by autoresponder. That means, if you decide to cancel and
rejoin at some point in the future, you’ll have to start all over again with the very first
lesson. There is no “picking up where you left off” with this training program. I
*strongly* encourage you to stick with this for the entire 6 month duration … trust me
when I say that you’ll thank me in the end.
URGENT: Your Email Address … Potential Delivery Problems

There are a couple of ISPs that are spam trigger happy and unfortunately yours may be one of them.
Oftentimes whitelisting bobby@tsbmagazine.com will remedy this. However, in some cases it is necessary
to use a different email address.

©2010 Bobby Rio- All Right Reserved http://www.socialtraininglab.com/members

A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Social Mastery"

Please check your email and if you do not receive the “welcome” email within 24 hours then I recommend
you get a free Gmail email address (not Yahoo or Hotmail as they are trigger happy too!) to use for these

You can get a free Gmail email address in just a few short minutes at http://mail.google.com/mail/signup
. Once you have done so, please email me back and I'll manually reconcile the new email address to your
account so you'll properly receive the lessons.

4) Fast Implementation Prizes

Each week I award one "Fast Implementation" prize to the student who puts the lesson
into action quickest.

All I ask is that you send a brief account of the story, with short commentary discussing
any lesson you learned.

The story does not have to highlight some huge success. It just has to show me that
you're out there using what you're learning.

"Speed of implementation is the key to the universe"

Prizes will consist of high value pua course material from leading instructors, movies,
video games, gift certificates, my favorite books, colognes, and more….

Now that we’ve gotten the housekeeping out of the way, let’s get to the reason why
you’re here … the lesson!

©2010 Bobby Rio- All Right Reserved http://www.socialtraininglab.com/members

A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Social Mastery"


In today's lesson I am going to introduce the concept of being "cool." I am also going to
give to give you some guidelines for achieving this, and then I'm going to ask you to do a
"self audit" where you take a realistic look at where you are… and where you need to

This lesson references ideas from the "Confidential Social Intelligence Manuscript"
which you have received a copy of with your purchase.

I also mention some other podclasses in this lesson… I have provided links to the mp3
files for those of you who have missed them.

The Elements of "Cool"

I was hanging out with my brother on Sunday. We had just come back from a weekend
of camping, and we were sitting at a table in Starbucks watching a group of young guys
interact with a couple girls.

My brother has the same curiosity to understand human nature as I do, so we both
became fixated on the group that was nearby.

There were four guys, and two attractive girls. They were all in their early twenties, and
they all shared a similar fashion sense.

During the weekend camping trip I had discussed the idea of "the 10 second
impression," as discussed in The Manuscript, with the group of guys and girls I was

Pretty much everyone agreed that the concept of an accurate 10 second impression was
realistic. But none of us could agree on what exactly makes up a "cool" guy.

As my brother and I watched the group of guys we both immediately recognized who
was the leader/cool guy of the group.

We could not hear the conversation that was going on, but there was an immediate
transparency as to which of the guys were comfortable in the presence of the two girls+
and which of them were not.

This transparency grew to a pinnacle during the point at which it was time to say
goodbye to the women.

The cool guys naturally bent in towards the girls, said something that made them laugh+
they teased him back by pushing his baseball hat over his eyes+ Another guy in the
©2010 Bobby Rio- All Right Reserved http://www.socialtraininglab.com/members
A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Social Mastery"

group comfortably hugged the girls… again teasing them by whispering something in
one of the girl's ears that made her jump back… giggling.

The other two guys were not so comfortable. These two guys sort of stood there
awkwardly waiting for the girls to say goodbye to them. When the girls made eye contact
with them, they both seemed unsure of whether they should go in for a hug+ make a
joke like their friends did… kiss on the cheek… Instead they both awkwardly waved…and
the girls left.

The minute the girls were gone, you could see the sense of relief from the two "uncool"
guys faces. They suddenly started talking more and almost shifted the way they looked.

The two "cool" guys remained exactly their same fun selves.

What Makes a Guy Cool?

I hope by now you've developed a game plan for "ruling" a social circle. If you want to
make a rock solid impression on this group+ you need to come off as "cool."

People like being around cool people. Why?

• Cool people make you feel comfortable

• Cool people make you feel cool for being around them
• Cool people are generally fun and keep the atmosphere lively
• You tend to feel safer around cool people because they always seem so in control
of the situation around them.


I've stated this before, but it is worth repeating. The principle of reciprocity is 100x more
effective if the people that you're giving value to recognize you as a cool valuable person.

If they don't see you as having any value… they may come to take your value giving for
granted. Or worse, they may come to pity you for it. Seeing it as your pale attempt to be

Now you don't necessarily have to have the high value of a star athlete, DJ, musician, or
ultra alpha male… you simply need to be "cool."

How do you become cool?

This got me thinking about what exactly defines a guy as being "cool." And more
importantly, can it be faked?

©2010 Bobby Rio- All Right Reserved http://www.socialtraininglab.com/members

A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Social Mastery"

If you listened to my "Stickiness report" I spoke about how being cool is merely the act
of discovering what the cool people are doing… and imitating this.

I claimed that you should find out what kind of clothes the cool people wear, what kind
of music they listen to, what kind of slang they use, and what kind hobbies they par take

I stand by this report one hundred percent for some of the external qualities of cool…
but even then, you need to you be aware of a few things…

1. You need to be congruent. If you decide to dress hip hop because that is what your
social circle likes… you need to embody more than just the fashion and music sense. You
need to "feel" it.

2. Your sense of style needs to be to the core. Every piece of clothing must align with
your fashion sense. You don't want to be that guy who has one really cool surfer shirt+
but wears GAP the rest of the week.

3. You need to believable. This goes back to the Believability Report. People must believe
that you really live the lifestyle you are presenting.

The Internal Traits of the Cool Guy

Everything in life ultimately comes down to what you possess on the inside. This will
ultimately shine through and expose your true identity.

I've been listening to David DeAngelo's On Being a Man program recently, and I've have
been observing "cool" guys through this idea of manhood.

Going back to that group of guys in Starbucks that my brother and I were dissecting and
analyzing… what made two of the guys project and outward appearance of cool.. while
the other two guys project an outward appearance of being uncomfortable or even
slightly dorky.

As I discussed earlier, "cool" guys make you feel comfortable around them. This is
because they are comfortable in pretty much every situation.

David describes real men as being cool, calm, and comfortable in the face of the
following situations:

Comfort in the presence of:

• Class, style, refinement

• Beautiful women
• Power and high status people
©2010 Bobby Rio- All Right Reserved http://www.socialtraininglab.com/members
A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Social Mastery"

• Paradox, uncertainty

Composure in the face of:

• Competition from other men

• Loss or setback
• Conflict or drama
• Tests from women

This is ultimately where the group of guys differed that I saw in Starbucks last weekend.
The two "dorky" guys dressed the same, and basically looked the same as the other two
guys. They pretty much acted the same+ until a couple attractive women entered the
group. These two "dorky" guys were not able to keep comfortable in the presence of
beautiful women. They also were not able to keep their composure in the face of
competition from their cooler friends.

They always say that your true identity is exposed in time of conflict or drama. And this
is usually where the frauds are revealed.

Many men, in the presence of their friends, will claim that they have the guts or ability
to seduce an older woman. But many of these same men, when presented with the
opportunity will shrink with their insecurities and doubts about their potential
performance… I've seen this many times.

Ask yourself:

1. What makes me uncomfortable and what's the underlying reason for it?

2. Where do I lose composure in life?

I promised with the title of this lesson that I will talk about the elements that make up a
cool guy.

The Elements of Cool

1. Sense of style: I am not just talking about fashion. I am talking about the total
package. Cool guys generally are congruent throughout. They not only know what kind
of clothes bring out their best qualities… they are hip to the latest trends in music, food,
and culture. This is something that can be "swiped, borrowed, or stolen"

2. Sense of humor: Cool guys tend to be able to make those around them laugh. This
comes from their social intuition that allows them to recognize the irony of situations+
But it is really their comfort in the face of all others that ultimately allows this. Most of

©2010 Bobby Rio- All Right Reserved http://www.socialtraininglab.com/members

A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Social Mastery"

us are funny when we are with our clothes friends… but our uncomfortableness stops us
from displaying our humor in social situations.

3. Laid back: Cool guys don't rush for anyone. They don't change their style for anyone.
Have you ever been present when someone tried to make fun of something a cool guy
was wearing?

The person doing the insult ALWAYS comes out looking worse than the cool guy. He is
just too laid back and unaffected to care what someone thinks.

4. Uses modern hip words: Cool guys pay attention to the latest slang. They don't speak
in perfect grammar. They speak in the language of their cool young counterparts. They
also recognize when a phrase or saying has gone out of style and they stop using it. More
importantly, they have the social intuition to use slang in moderation.

5. Confident: I think this is self explanatory, right?

6. Doesn't act above others: Have you noticed (outside of high school) that the coolest
guys tend to be the most approachable. These guys don't display an arrogance or
attitude that they are above anyone. Probably because of their deep core confidence,
they see no need to act superior to display their dominance. However, think of all the
"uncool" wannabe PUA's that sit around making fun of AFCs... yet get about the same
amount of pussy as these AFCs… talking a big game…DOES NOT make you cool.


This week I would like all of you to do an honest self audit of yourself. Ask yourself

• How cool do I dress?

• How aware am I of pop culture and modern trends?
• How much does my personality change around hot women or alpha males?
• Do I speak cool… or do I sound like a "dork"?
• Am I able to display the same sense of humor around people, no matter what
their status is?
• Do I usually stay graceful under pressure?
• Do I pass women's shit

©2010 Bobby Rio- All Right Reserved http://www.socialtraininglab.com/members

A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Social Mastery"

This Week's Audio Class Download


Additional Resources

The Howitzer Method Audio Class:


The Chameleon Report:


Weekly Schedule of Activities

1. Do an honest assessment of where you stand in all of the areas discussed in this
first lesson.
2. Make a list of each area that you need to improve.
3. Begin tackling one problem area ie) looking through fashion magazines, finding
"hip" websites, listening to your voice in a recorder and working on flaws…
4. Practice external features such as posture and facial expressions
5. Listen to Audio Class and take notes

See you in 7 days

Bobby Rio
Publisher, Social Training Lab

Coming Up Next…

Lesson #02: " The Slow Smile"

©2010 Bobby Rio- All Right Reserved http://www.socialtraininglab.com/members

A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Social Mastery"

In this lesson I reveal what many of my previous students have described as the ultimate
game changer… This one technique can truly change the way women react to you.

Audio Class #02: "Aggressive Attraction"

In this audio class Rob Judge and I discuss the idea of being "pro-active" about
attracting the women you're talking to.

©2010 Bobby Rio- All Right Reserved http://www.socialtraininglab.com/members

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