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Teaching Quarter SECOND
Dates and


A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: East Asian literature as an art form inspired and influenced by nature; relationship of visual, sensory, and verbal signals in both literary and expository
Standard texts; strategies in listening to long descriptive and narrative texts; value of literal and figurative language; and appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to patterns of idea

B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a brief and creative entertainment speech featuring a variety of effective paragraphs, appropriate grammatical signals or expressions in
Standard topic development, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
C. Learning EN8RC-IIa-2.22: Evaluate the EN8RC-IIa-2.18: Relate EN8LC-IIa-7: Employ appropriate listening skills and EN8LC-IIh-7.2: Employ projective listening strategies EN8VC-IIa-1.3 Predict the gist
Competency/Obje personal significance of a literary content or theme to strategies suited to long descriptive and narrative texts
with longer stories of the material viewed based
ctives text previous experiences and
Write the LC code for background knowledge on the title, pictures, and
each. excerpts
II. CON Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
TENT Personal Significance Relating Theme Listening Skills and Strategies Predicting Outcome Predict the Gist

A. References
1. Teacher’s None English Expressways 8TM pp132-133
2. Learner’s None None none
3. Textbook English Arts II pp.85-86 English Expressways 8TM pp132-133 English Arts II TX pp.11-12
pages English Arts II T’s Manual 52-53 English Expressways 8TX pp280-281 English Arts II T’s Manual p.5

4. Additional None None
B. Other Learning none
Resource actives/literature/read/theme listening
http://www.readingrockets.or has-many-islands/wevam
V. PRO These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning
CED systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment
URE for each step.
A. Motivation
1. Presentati Today you will learn to Today you will learn to Today you will learn to employ appropriate listening skills Today you will learn to employ projective
on evaluate the personal relate content or theme to and strategies suited to long descriptive and narrative
significance of a literary text previous experiences and texts. listening strategies with longer stories. Today you will learn to
background knowledge predict the gist of the
material viewed based on
the title, pictures, and

2. Importanc It is important to evaluate the It is important to learn It is important to employ appropriate listening skills and It is important to employ projective listening It is important to learn to
e personal significance of a how to relate content or strategies suited to long descriptive and narrative texts.
literary text in order for you to theme to previous strategies particularly in making predictions in predict the gist of the
easily understand a reading experiences and order to make listening enjoyable and exciting. material viewed based on
background knowledge to
experience better.
understand a selection
the title, pictures, and
read better. excerpts to make viewing

3. Formative At the end of the lesson, you At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson, you will employ appropriate At the end of this lesson, you are expected to At the end of the lesson,
Assessme will evaluate the personal you will relate content or listening skills and strategies suited to long descriptive and
nt significance of a literary text theme to previous narrative texts employ projective listening strategies you will predict the gist of
experiences and particularly making predictions with longer the material viewed based
background knowledge
stories on the title, pictures, and

B. Probe and
1. Review What is Listening?
It is the process of receiving , constructing meaning from, and
responding to a spoken and/or non verbal message(International
Reading Association)

2. Pre- Teacher says: Teacher says: Teacher says: Teacher says: Making predictions is a
Skills Let us first define the Let’s us understand what a Listening is the process of receiving , constructing meaning Projective Listening or (Biased Listening) strategy in
following terms THEME is. from, and responding to a spoken and/or non verbal
message(International Reading Association) Biased listening happens when the person hears only what they which readers use
want to hear, typically misinterpreting what the other person
Literary text consist of poetry The theme of a fable is its information from a text
Narrative texts have to do with real-world events and says based on the stereotypes and other biases that they have.
& prose( fiction and nonfiction) moral. The theme of a
parable is its teaching. The
time. They may be fictional (fairy tales, novels) or Such biased listening is often very evaluative in nature. It is the (including titles, headings,
nonfictional (newspaper report). They are characterised process to understand what is said and to assimilate the view
Literary texts commonly deal theme of a piece of fiction pictures, and diagrams) and
with events, ideas, feelings and by a sequencing of events expressed by dynamic verbs and point of speaker.
is its view about life and
emotions that may conform to how people behave.
by adverbials such as “and then”, “first”, “second”, “third” their own personal
Projective listening strategy includes making predictions, noting
Example: First we packed our bags and then we called a
a real or imaginative part of the dramatic effect of sudden twists, etc. experiences to anticipate
the readers’ experience In fiction, the theme is not taxi. After that we… etc
Predicting is telling what an event or action is going to be like
(Personal relevance). This intended to teach or beforehand.
what they are about to read
Descriptive texts are concerned with the location of
makes it much easier for us to preach. In fact, it is not
persons and things in space. They will tell us what lies to
Some pointers to make predictions effective (or what comes next).
relate the reading experience presented directly at all. 1. Use your background knowledge about the topic.
the right or left, in the background or foreground, or they 2. Examine the available information and see the
with our previous background You extract it from the
knowledge that facilitates the characters, action, and
will provide background information which, perhaps, sets relationships. Gist is the main point or
the stage for narration. It is immaterial whether a 3. Make conclusions or guesses by using or hints in
learning process. setting that make up the
description is more technical-objective or more the listening text. part; essence; substance;
story. In other words, you
must figure out the theme
impressionistic subjective. general picture

Modelling The teacher says, “Class, try to You can understand a The types of listening The teacher says: Why do we have many The teacher presents a
recall the poem “Once Upon a selection better if you have
Time” by Gabriel Okara. developed the ability to 1. Attentive Listening-People listen to understand a islands in the Philippines? How were these title of a video clip.
message, to follow instructions, or to get an information;
English Arts II pp.85-86 use your store of
islands formed? “Pregnant Pause”.
knowledge. There are this is the type of listening required in many instructional
many ways that will help activities. Listen carefully to the story then tell if it’s The teacher says,” What
a.What has the speaker you recall what you
already know. Some are
2. Selective Listening-People listen only to items which believable or not. do you think is the story
learned to do? they prefer to listen to. For example, noting the rhythm Why the Philippines has Many Islands
through the use of
and the rhyme scheme of a poem. F. Landa Jocano
Expected answer: The speaker advanced organizers or
illustrations. A long time ago, there lived in the hills of Samtoy,
has learned to wear faces like
dresses. He has learned to do
3.Critical Listening-People listen first to comprehend and ancient name of the Ilocos Region, two huge beings, Angalo and Based on the given title,
then to evaluate a message, to detect propaganda devices Angarab.
conforming smiles
In this lesson,
and persuasive language. They also listen critically to Note to the teacher: Stop at this point and ask the students the
maybe it is about the
you will learn that reading
titles and comprehension
debates, political speeches, commercials, and other following: Who do you think are these people? What do they disadvantages of early
questions beforehand, and look like?

b.Do you also do the same? then reading these
“signposts” again after
arguments. Then ,continue reading the story and have the students find out
whose predictions are correct.
Expected answer: we also having read the selection 4.Appreciative listening- People listen for enjoyment
learn to wear faces like dresses can help you remember which includes listening to music, to jokes, and to stories The husband and wife were so big that when they The teacher plays the
depending on the persons, places, things, or and poems read aloud. walked, the entire island shook. In those days, the Philippines was video clip.(3 mins)
not divided into small islands. It was made up of a wide, solid
occasion/situation to conform ideas already known to
5. Marginal Listening- People don’t have any specific focus piece of land which extended as far as the tip of Borneo. After viewing the teacher
with environment i was in. you.
when they do this type of listening. One day Angalo and Angarab went to gather clams in will ask, did I give a correct
the southern end of the island, which is now in the Sulu Sea.
Read the following titles.
When they opened the clams to eat the meat, they found prediction?
Which among the title
takes you to recall a sparkling stones inside. The luster of these pebbles caught the Expected answer: The video
fancy of the couple.
person(famous or
They gathered more clams and removed the brilliant stones. is about the importance of
ordinary) ?
a place(a particular place)? When they had collected a considerable number of the glittering open communication in the
pebbles, they started home.
An idea(worthy or
Upon arriving in the middle of the island, the question of who family.
A thing(valuable or should have more of the pearls arose between the couple. This
simple)? question stirred a quarrel that ended in a fight.
1. The Origin of Who could have won the fight? What could have happened after
This World the fight?
(Maranao)— They stamped their big feet and shouted at each other. The
the world is pressure of their heavy steps added to the vibration of their angry
divided into shouts sent the mountain and hills falling apart. The land leveled
seven and cracked. And when the fight got serious, big pieces went
layers(place) flying in all directions. The scene of the fight was horribly
2. The Monkey smashed up. This became the Bisayan Islands. The enormous
and the Turtle- pieces that went flying in other directions became the islands of
greediness,clev Luzon and Mindanao.
banana 1. Let the students answer the given questions.
tree(thing) a. Describe Angalo and Angarab. How are the
3. The Rabbit and two related to each other?
the Turtle- (Were you able to predict this outcome? If
you were able to, how? At what point of
the story were you able to predict the
b. Why did they quarrel? How did they
(Were you able to predict this outcome? If
you were able to, how? At what point of
the story were you able to predict the
c. Why do you think the Philippines has
many islands based on the story?

Learning Episode 3:
A. Guided B. Guided Practice. Read the following Note to the teacher: She will play a pre Note to the teacher: Play another listening The teacher presents a
Practice(Dy (Dyadic Activity)
titles. Which
ad) Read again the poem the Song recorded tape for the listening activity. text title of another video clip.
of the Pines and answer the among the title The teacher says: Class, listen to the text “Chalk”
following question with a takes you to recall
partner a that follows. The teacher says,” What
In many homes today, many families use two-burner
do you think is the story
Song of the Pines electric/ stoves or gas burners which make use of liquefied
petroleum gas in their cooking needs. The Philippines creation says that the Universe was
I like sitting alone when the knowledge
formed only for the sky at the top, the sea at the
moon is shining, However with the rising cost of electricity and of liquefied Based on the given title,
And there are two pines 1.The Song of Nature; sensory bottom, and a beautiful bird who flew non stop. The
standing before the verandah; the Pines images
petroleum gas (LPG) for cooking, electric and gas bills
bird, bored and tired of fly around, thought it would
maybe it is about how
begin shooting up and so the urban housewife searches for
A breeze comes from the
2.African Praisean alternative cooking device that uses indigenous or
songs; be fun to start a fight between the sky and the sea. significant teaching is.
Creeping into the branches and Poetry(article) natural material for fuel.
leaves. Note to the teacher: Stop at this point and ask the students the The teacher plays the
Under the brilliant moon at 3.Once Upon A Laugh “with
I’d like
hisone that’s safe and lightweight,” a mother says. “
teeth; following: What does the bird planned to do? video clip.(3 mins)
midnight Time(Poem) It should be easy to operate because I don’t have all the
sincerity;innocence Then ,continue reading the story and have the students find out
It whistles a cool, distant whose predictions are correct. Expected answer: The video
time to stay in the kitchen,” a family cook specifies. “ No
music, heavy and messy tool for me” says a working mother. is about a child’s longing to
Like rustling rains in empty
mountains The bird told the sky that the sea was trying to have a mother to take care
To solve the problem, inventor Angel Anden came up with
And the serene harp-strings in drown her for no reason with his waves, then she of him.
his Kalanden, a lightweight portable stove that uses old
the fall. told the sea that the sky, with no reason, started to Have the students
On first hearing them, the heat newspapers for fuel. Another Filipino inventor has
designed a variety of stove models using native materials throw stones from above trying to hit her. check if they have
of summer is washed away:
And this suffocating boredom like clay which is abundant in the countryside. predicted it correctly.
comes to an end. Note to the teacher: Stop at this point and ask the students the
So I keep awake the whole The inventors have not stopped trying to perfect stove following: How do you think did the sky and the sea react to the
night, bird’s lies?
models which they think could answer the need of Filipino
Both the heart and body Then ,continue reading the story and have the students find out
families for energy-saving appliances and fuel services. whose predictions are correct.
becoming clear.
Along the south street coaches
and horses are stirring,
In the west city sounds of Both the sea and sky believed the bird's lies and
In our previous discussions we tackled on
playing and singing. tried to protect her from each other. The sea
Who knows that under the the text types. It includes informational attacked the sky with big waves, to defend himself
roof-trees of this place
The ears are full, but not with
and literary Text. the sky went even higher and started to throw soil
noise. The kind of listening text read is to the sea to try to control the waves.

Po Chu-I 9th C Informational Text or more specifically a Note to the teacher: Stop at this point and ask the students the
descriptive text. following: What do you think happened after the fight between
the sea and the sky?
1. Do you think you The listening strategy we are going to use Then ,continue reading the story and have the students find out
would enjoy being in this text type is Critical Listening whose predictions are correct.
alone with nature? The soil calmed the waves and made the sky lighter.
because we first comprehend then When the waves were no more, the soil became
evaluate a particular product . 7,000 beautiful islands. And this is the story of how
answer: Yes
the Philippines Began.
2. Why? 1. What does the bird planned to do? (Were you able to
Expected answer: Because I predict this outcome? If you were able to, how? At
feel blessed surrounded with what point of the story were you able to predict the
these gift of nature. There is outcome?)
also a feeling of freshness and 2. How do you think did the sky and the sea react to the
serenity with nature. bird’s lies?( (Were you able to predict this outcome? If
you were able to, how? At what point of the story

were you able to predict the outcome?)
What do you think happened after the fight between the sea
and the sky? (Were you able to predict this outcome? If you were
able to, how? At what point of the story were you able to predict
the outcome?)
Read the poem The Little A. Independent
A. Independe
Practice Listen to the pre recorded text Listen and answer the questions that The teacher plays the
nt Practice Rain by Tufu ,English
Expressways p.176 then (Individual) of “A Countryman and a Snake.” follow. video clip.(3 mins.)
answer the following What is your previous The Creation Story Have the students check
A Countryman and a Snake
questions. experience and Tagalog if they have predicted it
background knowledge
of the following
A countryman's son stepped on a snake's tail accidentally. correctly.
by TU FU The tail suddenly turned and hit him so that he died. The
selections? Write your When the world first began there was no land, but only the sea
answers on the blank father was very angry so that he cut off part of the snake’s
Translated by L. Crammer-
space tail. Then, the snake in revenge stung several of the and the sky, and between them was a kite (a bird something like a Expected answer: The
Byung farmer's cattle. It caused him great loss. However, the hawk). One day the bird which had nowhere to light grew tired of video is about the most
farmer decided to stop the fight with the snake. He flying about, so she stirred up the sea until it threw its waters
Oh, she is good, the little
Title Previous brought food and honey to the mouth of its lair, and said against the sky. The sky, in order to restrain the sea, showered
best and most beautiful
rain! and well experience / to it, "Let's forget and forgive. Perhaps you were right to upon it many islands until it could no longer rise, but ran back and things
she knows our need Background punish my son, and take revenge on my cattle, but surely I
forth. Then the sky ordered the kite to light on one of the islands
knowledge was right in trying to revenge him. Now that we are both
Who cometh in the time of satisfied, why should not we be friends again?" "No, no," to build her nest, and to leave the sea and the sky in peace. in the world cannot be
spring to aid 1. said the snake. "Take away your gifts. You can never forget
Ram & Sita;Hero; seen, heard, or even
Ramayana the death of your son, nor I the loss of my tail. Injuries may
bravery; loyalty Now at this time the land breeze and the sea breeze were
the sun-drawn seed;
(epic) be forgiven, but not forgotten.” married, and they had a child which was a bamboo. One day
touched, they
She waders with a friendly must be felt with the
when this bamboo was floating about on the water, it struck the
wind through 2.Why the Angalo and a.What kind of listening text is it? feet of the kite which was on the beach. The bird, angry that heart.
silent nights unseen, Philippines Angarab; anything should strike it, pecked at the bamboo, and out of one
Has Many Expected Answer:Narrative Text
pearls;greed;Philippi section came a man and from the other a woman.
The furrows feel her happy
Islands nes b.What listening strategy are you going to use? Why?
tears, Then the earthquake called on all the birds and fish to see what
and lo! the land is green. 3. I Am an Black People;Africa
Expected Answer: Appreciative listening because it should be done with these two, and it was decided that they
African tells a story should marry. Many children were born to the couple, and from
Child them came all the different races of people.
Last night cloud-shadows
gloomed After a while the parents grew very tired of having so many idle
the path that winds to my and useless children around, and they wished to be rid of them,
but they knew of no place to send them to. Time went on and the
adobe, children became so numerous that the parents enjoyed no peace.
And the torches of the river One day, in desperation, the father seized a stick and began
beating them on all sides.
like angry meteors glowed.
This so frightened the children that they fled in different
Today fresh colors break directions, seeking hidden rooms in the house -- some concealed
the soil, and butterflies themselves in the walls, some ran outside, while others hid in the
fireplace, and several fled to the sea.
take wing
Down broidered lawns all Now it happened that those who went into the hidden rooms of
bright with the house later became the chiefs of the islands; and those who
concealed themselves in the walls became slaves. Those who ran
pearls in the garden of the
outside were free men; and those who hid in the fireplace
King. became negroes; while those who fled to the sea were gone
many years, and when their children came back they were the
a. How does the rain affect white people.
Expected answer: The rain 1. Why did the sea threw waters against the sky?
reminds me of a memorable 2. What happened after the kite peck the bamboo?
experience during my
childhood. I use to play with
3. Where do all the different races came from?
my friends and neighbours
under the rain.
4. Where did the children go after the father beat them?

5. What happened to the children who hid into certain


Learning Episode 4:

A. Evalu Note to the teacher: Note to the teacher: Note to the teacher: Note to the teacher: Note to the teacher:
ation *The Independent *The Independent *The Independent Practice serves as the *The Independent Practice serves as the Evaluation. *The Independent Practice serves
Practice serves as the Practice serves as the Evaluation. *Use the given checklist. as the Evaluation.
Evaluation. Evaluation. *Use the given checklist. CHECKLIST FOR EVALUATION *Use the given checklist.
*Use the given checklist. *Use the given CHECKLIST FOR EVALUATION Nam Can Need Corre CHECKLIST FOR EVALUATION
CHECKLIST FOR checklist. Nam Can Need Corre e of Talk s ctive Nam Can Need Corre
EVALUATION CHECKLIST FOR e of Talk s ctive Pupil Impr Feed e of Talk s ctive
Corre Pupil Impr Feed s ove back Pupil Impr Feed
e of Talk s ctive
Nam Can Need s ove back ment s ove back
Pupil Impr Feede of Talk s ment ment
s ove backPupil Impr
ment s ove

B. Assig
A Stupid Man and His Cows

One day, a stupid man went to market. He bought six

cows. After that, he rode one cow home and made the
others walk in front of him. On the way he counted them,
but he could only see five cows. He counted them again
and again. He was certain that he had lost one. He was
afraid that he would be scolded by his wife.
His wife was waiting for him in front of their house. As
soon as he saw her, he said sadly that he had lost one of
their cows. He did not know how it could happen. He was
very careful.

Then, his wife asked him how many cows he bought. The
stupid man answered that he bought six cows. However,
he could only see five of them. His wife looked at him and
laughed. She said that he was very stupid. There was not
one cow less. There was one more.

VI.REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide
for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%.

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up with
the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did

I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other


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