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Thursday 23rd May Period 1 & 2

Science Exam Notes

Physics & Chemistry

Structure of an atom
Elements: are made up of just one type of atom

Mixture: two or more atoms or molecules that are mixed

together but not chemically bonded to each other

Molecules: a molecule that is made of atoms of 2 or more

different kinds of elements

Atoms: are the smallest amount of substance that we can

have that will still retain all the features of that substance

Compounds: are 2 or more atoms joined together through attractive forces known as bonds the
atoms may be the same element or different element
Factors influencing the rate of reaction

Rate of Reaction:
- Temperature ^ increase the temperature
- Surface Area ^ increasing the reaction will increase the rate of reaction
- Catalyst ^ the presence of a chemical that increases the rate of reaction
- Concentration, if the concentration is ^ the rate of reaction will be ^
- Pressure ^ rate of reaction ^
- Agitation (mixing) ^ the chemical reaction will speed up, rate of reaction ^

Chemical reactions:
Acid + carbonate -

Acid + Metal Carbonate → salt + water + carbon dioxide

The reaction of carbonates with acids follows a very similar pattern to their reaction with metals.
The same salt is produced as with the reaction with a metal; however, instead of hydrogen gas
being evolved through water and carbon dioxide gas are formed.
General word equations:

- metal carbonate + hydrochloric acid → metal chloride + water + carbon

- metal carbonate + nitric acid → metal nitrate + water + carbon
- metal carbonate + sulphuric acid → metal sulphate + water + carbon

Acid + metal -

Metal + Acid → Salt + Hydrogen Gas

General word equations:

- metal + hydrochloric acid → metal chloride + hydrogen gas

- metal + nitric acid → metal nitrate + hydrogen gas
- metal + sulphuric acid → metal sulphate + hydrogen gas

Synthesis - A synthesis reaction or direct

combination reaction is one of the most
common types of chemical reactions. In a
synthesis reaction, two or more chemical
species combine to form a more complex
product. A + B → AB. In this form, a
synthesis reaction is easy to recognize
because you have more reactants than products.

Decomposition - A decomposition reaction is a

type of chemical reaction in which a single
compound breaks down into two or more
elements or new compounds. These reactions
often involve an energy source such as heat,
light, or electricity that breaks apart the bonds
of compounds.
Precipitation - A precipitate is a solid that forms out of
solution. A common example is that of the mixing of two clear
solutions: (1) silver nitrate (AgNO3) and (2) sodium chloride
(NaCl): The reaction is. The precipitate forms because the solid
(AgCl) is insoluble in water.

Neutralisation - In chemistry, neutralisation is a chemical

reaction in which an acid and a base react quantitatively with
each other. In a reaction in water, neutralization results in there
being no excess of hydrogen or hydroxide ions present in the

Reactants Products Types of Reaction

Hydrochloric Acid + Sodium chloride + water Neutralisation

Sodium Hydroxide →

Sulfuric Acid + Zinc → Zinc Sulphate + Hydrogen Gas Acid + Metal

Soluble Salt A + Soluble Insoluble salt x + Soluble salt Precipitation

Salt B → means precipitation

Calcium Carbonate → Calcium Oxide + Carbon Decomposition, why? Starting

Dioxide with one thing and creating
two smaller ones

Iron + Oxygen→ Iron oxide Synthesis

Nitric Acid + Sodium Sodium Nitrate + Carbon Acid + Carbonate

Carbonate → Dioxide

Exothermic and endothermic reactions

An exothermic process releases heat, causing the temperature of the immediate surroundings
to rise. An endothermic process absorbs heat and cools the surroundings.

- An exothermic process releases heat, causing the temperature of the immediate

surroundings to rise.

Exo - exit - releases heat

- An endothermic process absorbs heat and cools its surroundings.

Endo - in - absorbs heat

If the element is to the left of group 4 they are a + charged ion. If the ion is to the right of carbon
they have a - charge

Elements with the same ionic charge cancel eachother out →

example: Magnesium has a charge of 2 & Oxygen has a charge of 2 as well they cancel
eachother out and = MgO

Ionic and Covalent Bonds

Covalent Bonds: elements of the same valency sharing electrons. Two non metals, it's a sharing

Ionic Bond: when something on the opposite side of the periodic table, give one of their
electrons away, for example - Be would give oxygen 2 of their electrons, so that they can have
the valency of 0,

A metal and nonmetal combining together to make a compound, give and take electrons.


Valance: the number of electrons that the element needs to transact in order to have a full
valence shell

Valence electrons: number of electrons in the outer shell

Valence shell: outer shell

Indicators and pH

Conservation of mass
The law of conservation of mass states that mass in an isolated system is neither created nor
destroyed by chemical reactions or physical transformations. According to the law of
conservation of mass, the mass of the products in a chemical reaction must equal the mass of the
reactants. The products have to weigh the same as the reactants.
Newton’s three laws of motion
Law 1: An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. A object in
motion will continue to travel at the same speed and direction until acted upon by an unbalanced

Law 2: F = ma
Law 3: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

Calculating speed, distance and time

Seatbelts and Newton's Laws

● Seatbelts make sure that the passenger stops

moving when the car stops moving.
● If the passenger wasn't wearing their seatbelt
and the car stopped suddenly, the passenger
would keep moving forward and could get very
badly hurt.
● The passenger continues moving forward
when the car stops because of their inertia.
When the passenger hits the seatbelt as they
move forward, they exert a force on the
● If they were not wearing a seatbelt, they would
keep moving forward. This is because there is
no force acting on them to change their

1. Draw the electron configuration of Lithium

e NN

2. Identify the number of protons and neutrons in Lithium

3 Protons and 4 Neutrons - 4 Neutrons because there are 3 Protons and the Atomic
weight is 7 so 3+4=7

3. Does Lithium form a + or - ion and why

+ Because it still has 3 protons, one more than how many electrons it has (3)

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