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Unix Administration Guide

A Quick Reference Guide for Clustering, Security, Virtualization and

General Administration for Solaris and Linux Operating Systems;
Private Version.
Robert Bailey
Unix Administration Guide: A Quick Reference Guide for Clustering,
Security, Virtualization and General Administration for Solaris and
Linux Operating Systems; Private Version.
Robert Bailey
Version 1.4 - In Progress

Abstract: Obscure UNIX Procedures and Tasks

This document covers Solaris 10, RHEL 5.3, and some AIX when using advanced topics such as LDOM's, Live
Upgrades with SVM Mirror Splitting, FLAR Booting, Security Hardening, VCS Application Agent for Non-Global
Zones, and IO Fencing. Many procedures are my own, some from scattered internet sites, some from the Vendors

You are welcome to use this document, however be advised that several sections are copied from vendor documentation
and various web sites, and therefore there is a high possibility for plagiarism. In general, this document is a collection
of notes collected from a number of sources and experiences, in most cases it is accurate, however you should note
that typo's should be expected along with some issues with command line and file output that extends beyond the
format of this document.

Table of Contents
1. Security Overview .......................................................................................................... 1
Definitions and Concepts ............................................................................................. 1
2. Project Live Cycle .......................................................................................................... 7
General Project Overview ............................................................................................ 7
Pre Test Data Collection .............................................................................................. 8
Scripting Test Cases ................................................................................................... 9
3. RAID Overview ............................................................................................................ 12
Purpose and basics .................................................................................................... 12
Principles ................................................................................................................ 13
Nested levels ............................................................................................................ 13
Non-standard levels ................................................................................................... 14
4. Solaris Security ............................................................................................................. 15
BSM C2 Auditing ..................................................................................................... 15
BSM Secure Device Control ....................................................................................... 17
General Hardening .................................................................................................... 19
Destructive DTrace Examples ..................................................................................... 19
IPFilter Overview ..................................................................................................... 20
IPSec with Shared Keys ............................................................................................. 23
IPSec With 509 Certs ................................................................................................ 26
Apache2 SSL Configuration with Self-Signed Certs ........................................................ 29
RBAC and Root As a ROLE ...................................................................................... 31
Secure Non-Global Zone FTP Server ........................................................................... 32
Trusted Extensions .................................................................................................... 35
5. Solaris Virtualization ..................................................................................................... 39
Logical Domains ...................................................................................................... 39
Socket, Core and Thread Distribution ................................................................... 39
Install Domain Manager Software ........................................................................ 39
Configure Primary Domain ................................................................................. 40
Create DOM1 .................................................................................................. 40
Adding RAW Disks and ISO Images to DOM1 ...................................................... 40
Bind DOM1 and set up for booting ...................................................................... 40
Install OS Image and Clean up DOM1 ................................................................. 41
Create LDOM #2 .............................................................................................. 41
Backup or Template LDOM Configurations ........................................................... 41
Add one virtual disk to two LDOMs .................................................................... 41
Grouping VCC Console ..................................................................................... 43
LDOM Automation Script .................................................................................. 43
VCS and LDOM Failover, Features and Start and Stop ............................................ 45
VCS LDOM with ZPool Configuration ................................................................. 47
Manual LDOM and Zpool Migration .................................................................... 48
xVM (XEN) Usage on OpenSolaris 2009.06 .................................................................. 49
Quick Create for Solaris 10 HVM ....................................................................... 49
Solaris 10 Non-Global Zones ...................................................................................... 49
Comments on Zones and Live Upgrade ................................................................ 49
Comments on Zones and Veritas Control .............................................................. 51
Basic Non-Global Zone Creation SPARSE ............................................................ 52
Scripting Basic Non-Global Zone Creation SPARSE ............................................... 53
Using Dtrace to monitor non-global zones ............................................................. 54
Setup a Non-Global Zone for running Dtrace ......................................................... 55
Using Dtrace to trace an applincation in a non-global zones ...................................... 55
Using Dtrace to monitor non-global zones ............................................................. 55

Unix Administration Guide

Non-Global Zone Commands .............................................................................. 56

Non-Global Zones and Stock VCS Zone Agent ...................................................... 59
Non-Global Zones and Custom VCS Application Agent ........................................... 60
6. Solaris WANBoot ......................................................................................................... 64
General Overview for Dynamic Wanboot POC .............................................................. 64
POC Goals .............................................................................................................. 64
POC Out of Scope .................................................................................................... 64
Current challanges with wanboot marked for resolution ................................................... 65
POC Wanboot Configuration Highlights ....................................................................... 65
Next Steps .............................................................................................................. 65
Configuration Steps .................................................................................................. 65
7. Solaris 10 Live Upgrade ................................................................................................. 69
Solaris 8 to Solaris 10 U6 Work A Round ..................................................................... 69
Review current root disk and mirror ............................................................................. 70
Create Alternate Boot Device - ZFS ............................................................................. 71
Create Alternate Boot Device - SVM ........................................................................... 71
Patch, Adding Packages, setting boot environment and Installation examples ........................ 72
8. Solaris and Linux General Information .............................................................................. 75
Patch Database Information ........................................................................................ 75
SSH Keys ................................................................................................................ 76
RHEL 5.2 NIS Client ................................................................................................ 76
Redhat Proc FS Tricks ............................................................................................... 76
Force a panic on RHEL ..................................................................................... 76
Adjust swap of processes ................................................................................... 76
iSCSI Notes - RHEL 53 Target SOL 10U6 Initiator ........................................................ 77
Setup Linux NIC Bonding .......................................................................................... 78
Linux TCP sysctl settings .......................................................................................... 79
Linux Dynamic SAN HBA Scan ................................................................................ 80
Solaris 10 - Mapping a process to a port ....................................................................... 81
Network and Services Tasks for Linux ......................................................................... 82
Hardening Linux ....................................................................................................... 83
9. Solaris 10 Notes ........................................................................................................... 88
Link Aggregation ...................................................................................................... 88
Link Aggregation ...................................................................................................... 89
IPMP Overview ........................................................................................................ 90
IPMP Probe Based Target System Configuration ............................................................ 91
Using Service Management Facility (SMF) in the Solaris 10 OS ........................................ 92
MPXIO ................................................................................................................... 98
USB Wireless Setup WUSB54GC .............................................................................. 100
VCS MultiNICB without probe address - link only ........................................................ 101
Network IO in/out per interface ................................................................................. 101
Register Solaris CLI ................................................................................................ 102
NFS Performance .................................................................................................... 102
iSCSI Software Target Initiator .................................................................................. 103
iSCSI Target using TPGT Restrictions ........................................................................ 105
iSCSI Software Initiator ........................................................................................... 106
SVM Root Disk Mirror ............................................................................................ 106
Replace Failed SVM Mirror Drive ............................................................................. 110
ZFS Root adding a Mirror ........................................................................................ 113
Create Flar Images .................................................................................................. 114
FLAR Boot Installation ............................................................................................ 114
ZFS Notes ............................................................................................................. 121
ZFS ACL's ............................................................................................................. 123
ZFS and ARC Cache ............................................................................................... 125

Unix Administration Guide

10. VMWare ESX 3 ........................................................................................................ 128

Enable iSCSI Software Initiators ................................................................................ 128
General esxcfg commands ........................................................................................ 128
General vmware-cmd commands ................................................................................ 131
Common Tasks ....................................................................................................... 132
Shared Disks with out RAW Access ........................................................................... 133
Using clone script ................................................................................... 134
Clone VMWare Virtual Guests .................................................................................. 137
Clone VMWare Disks .............................................................................................. 138
LUN Path Information ............................................................................................. 139
11. AIX Notes ................................................................................................................ 141
Etherchannel ........................................................................................................... 141
12. Oracle 10g with RAC ................................................................................................. 143
Oracle General SQL Quick Reference ......................................................................... 143
Oracle 10g RAC Solaris Quick Reference ................................................................... 143
Oracle 10g R2 RAC ASM Reference .......................................................................... 145
Oracle 10g R2 RAC CRS Reference ........................................................................... 146
Oracle RAC SQL .................................................................................................... 147
13. EMC Storage ............................................................................................................ 152
PowerPath Commands ............................................................................................. 152
PowerPath Command Examples ................................................................................. 152
Disable PowerPath .................................................................................................. 153
INQ Syminq Notes .................................................................................................. 154
Brocade Switches .................................................................................................... 155
14. Dtrace ...................................................................................................................... 158
Track time on each I/O ............................................................................................ 158
Track directories where writes are occurring ................................................................ 159
15. Disaster Recovery ...................................................................................................... 160
VVR 5.0 ................................................................................................................ 160
VVR Configuration ......................................................................................... 160
General VVR Tasks using 5.0MP3 ..................................................................... 163
VVR and GCO v5.x Made Easy ...................................................................... 166
VVR 4.X ............................................................................................................... 175
Here's now to resynchronize the old Primary once you bring it back up 4.x: .............. 175
Failing Over from a Primary 4.x ....................................................................... 176
Setting Up VVR 4.x - the hard way ................................................................... 178
Growing/Shrinking a Volume or SRL 4.x ........................................................... 179
Removing a VVR volume 4.x .......................................................................... 180
16. VxVM and Storage Troubleshooting ............................................................................. 181
How to disable and re-enable VERITAS Volume Manager at boot time when the boot disk
is encapsulated ........................................................................................................ 181
Replacing a failed drive ........................................................................................... 183
Storage Volume Growth and Relayout ........................................................................ 183
UDID_MISMATCH ................................................................................................ 185
VxVM Disk Group Recovery .................................................................................... 186
Resize VxFS Volume and Filesystem ......................................................................... 187
Incorrect DMP or Disk Identification .......................................................................... 187
Data Migration out of rootdg .................................................................................... 188
Recover vx Plex ..................................................................................................... 188
Shell code to get solaris disk size in GB ..................................................................... 188
Split Root Mirror vxvm ............................................................................................ 189
If VxVM Split Mirror needs post split recovery ............................................................ 190
17. Advanced VCS for IO Fencing and Various Commands .................................................... 192
General Information ................................................................................................. 192

Unix Administration Guide

SCSI3 PGR Registration vs Reservation ...................................................................... 193

SCSI3 PGR FAQ .................................................................................................... 194
IO Fencing / CFS Information ................................................................................... 195
ISCSI Solaris software Target and Initiator Veritas Cluster Configuration with Zones ........... 203
Heart Beat Testing .................................................................................................. 206
Software Testing Heart Beats - unsupported ......................................................... 206
Heart Beat Validation ...................................................................................... 206
Using Mirroring for Storage Migration ........................................................................ 207
18. OpenSolaris 2009.06 COMSTAR ................................................................................. 213
Installation ............................................................................................................. 213
Simple Setup An iSCSI LUN .................................................................................... 213
Walkthrough of Simple iSCSI LUN Example ............................................................... 214
Setup iSCSI with ACL's ........................................................................................... 214
19. Sun Cluster 3.2 .......................................................................................................... 217
Preperation ............................................................................................................. 217
Installation ............................................................................................................. 218
Basic Configuration ................................................................................................. 220
General Commands ................................................................................................. 224
Create a Failover Apache Resource Group ................................................................... 225
Create a Failover NGZ Resource Group ...................................................................... 227
Create a Parallel NGZ Configuration ......................................................................... 227
Oracle 10g RAC for Containers ................................................................................ 229
Zone and QFS Creation and Configuration .......................................................... 229
Sun Cluster RAC Framework ............................................................................ 233
20. Hardware Notes ......................................................................................................... 234
SunFire X2200 eLOM Management ........................................................................... 234
SP General Commands ..................................................................................... 234
Connection via Serial Port ................................................................................ 234
System console ............................................................................................... 234
To Set Up Serial Over LAN With the Solaris OS .................................................. 235
Configure ELOM/SP ....................................................................................... 235
5120 iLOM Management .......................................................................................... 236

List of Tables
1.1. Identifying Threats ....................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Orange Book NIST Security Levels ................................................................................. 2
1.3. EAL Security Levels ..................................................................................................... 3
1.4. EAL Security Component Acronyms ............................................................................... 5
4.1. Common IPFilter Commands ........................................................................................ 22
5.1. Coolthreads Systems ................................................................................................... 39
5.2. Incomplete IO Domain Distribution ............................................................................... 39
5.3. VCS Command Line Access - Global vs. Non-Global Zones .............................................. 59
6.1. Wanboot Server Client Details ...................................................................................... 65
10.1. esxcfg-commands .................................................................................................... 128
12.1. ASM View Table .................................................................................................... 146
13.1. PowerPath CLI Commands ....................................................................................... 152
13.2. PowerPath powermt commands .................................................................................. 152
17.1. Summary of SCSI3-PGR Keys .................................................................................. 196
19.1. Sun Cluster Filesystem Requirements .......................................................................... 217

Chapter 1. Security Overview
Definitions and Concepts
1. Vulnerability

Is a software, hardware, or procedural weakness that may provide an attacker the open door he is looking
for to enter a computer or network and have unauthorized access to resources within the environment.
Vulnerability characterizes the absence or weakness of a safeguard that could be exploited.

2. Threat

Is any potential danger to information or systems. The threat is that someone or something will identify
a specific vulnerability and use it against the company or individual. The entity that takes advantage
of a vulnerability is referred to as a threat agent. A threat agent could be an intruder accessing the
network through a port on the firewall, a process accessing data in a way that violates the security
policy, a tornado wiping out a facility, or an employee making an unintentional mistake that could
expose confidential information or destroy a file's integrity.

3. Risk

Is the likelihood of a threat agent taking advantage of a vulnerability and the corresponding business
impact. If a firewall has several ports opened there is a higher likelihood that an intruder will use one
to access the network in an unauthorized method. Risk ties the vulnerability, threat, and likelihood of
an exploitation to the resulting business impact.

4. Exposure

Is an instance of being exposed to losses from a threat agent. A vulnerability exposes an organization
to possible damages. If a company does not have it's wiring inspected it exposes , and dose not put
proactive fire prevention steps into place, it's self to a potentially devastating fire.

5. Countermeasures or Safeguards

Is risk mitigation. A countermeasure may be a software configuration, hardware device, or a procedure

that eliminates a vulnerability or reduces the likelihood a threat agent will be able to exploit a
vulnerability. Examples include strong password management, BIOS password, and security awareness

6. Putting the concepts together

Table 1.1. Identifying Threats

Threat Agent Can Exploit This Resulting in This Threat

Virus Lack of antivirus software / not Virus infection
up to date definitions
Hacker Powerful services running on a Unauthorized access to
server confidential information
Users Misconfigured parameter in the System malfunction
operating system

Security Overview

Threat Agent Can Exploit This Resulting in This Threat

Fire Lack of fire extinguishers Facility and computer damage,
and possible loss of life
Employee Lack of training or standards Sharing mission-critical
enforcement; Lack of auditing information; Altering data
inputs and outputs from data
processing applications
Contractor Lax access control mechanisms Stealing trade secrets
Attacker Poorly written application; Lack Conducting buffer-overflow;
of stringent firewall settings Conducting a Denial-of-Service
Intruder Lack of security guard Breaking windows and stealing
computers and devices

7. Orange Book Security Levels

<security, standard> A standard from the US Government National Computer Security Council (an arm
of the U.S. National Security Agency), "Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria, DOD standard
5200.28-STD, December 1985" which defines criteria for trusted computer products. There are four
levels, A, B, C, and D. Each level adds more features and requirements.

Levels B and A provide mandatory control. Access is based on standard Department of Defense

Orange Book n. The U.S. Government's (now obsolete) standards document "Trusted Computer
System Evaluation Criteria, DOD standard 5200.28-STD, December, 1985" which characterize secure
computing architectures and defines levels A1 (most secure) through D (least). Modern Unixes are
roughly C2.

Table 1.2. Orange Book NIST Security Levels

NIST Level Description
D is a non-secure system.
C1 Requires user log-on, but allows group ID.
C2 Requires individual log-on with password and an
audit mechanism. (Most Unix implementations
are roughly C1, and can be upgraded to about C2
without excessive pain).
B1 Requires DOD clearance levels.
B2 Guarantees the path between the user and the
security system and provides assurances that the
system can be tested and clearances cannot be
B3 Requires that the system is characterised by a
mathematical model that must be viable.
A1 Requires a system characterized by a
mathematical model that can be proven.

8. Evaluation Assurance Levels

Security Overview

The Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL1 through EAL7) of an IT product or system is a numerical grade
assigned following the completion of a Common Criteria security evaluation, an international standard
in effect since 1999. The increasing assurance levels reflect added assurance requirements that must
be met to achieve Common Criteria certification. The intent of the higher levels is to provide higher
confidence that the system's principal security features are reliably implemented. The EAL level does
not measure the security of the system itself, it simply states at what level the system was tested to see if
it meets all the requirements of its Protection Profile. The National Information Assurance Partnership
(NIAP) is a U.S. Government initiative by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
and the National Security Agency (NSA).

To achieve a particular EAL, the computer system must meet specific assurance requirements. Most
of these requirements involve design documentation, design analysis, functional testing, or penetration
testing. The higher EALs involve more detailed documentation, analysis, and testing than the lower
ones. Achieving a higher EAL certification generally costs more money and takes more time than
achieving a lower one. The EAL number assigned to a certified system indicates that the system
completed all requirements for that level.

Although every product and system must fulfill the same assurance requirements to achieve a particular
level, they do not have to fulfill the same functional requirements. The functional features for each
certified product are established in the Security Target document tailored for that product's evaluation.
Therefore, a product with a higher EAL is not necessarily "more secure" in a particular application than
one with a lower EAL, since they may have very different lists of functional features in their Security
Targets. A product's fitness for a particular security application depends on how well the features listed
in the product's Security Target fulfill the application's security requirements. If the Security Targets
for two products both contain the necessary security features, then the higher EAL should indicate the
more trustworthy product for that application.

Table 1.3. EAL Security Levels

Assurance Levels Description

EAL1: Functionally Tested EAL1 is applicable where some confidence in
correct operation is required, but the threats to
security are not viewed as serious. It will be of
value where independent assurance is required
to support the contention that due care has
been exercised with respect to the protection of
personal or similar information. EAL1 provides
an evaluation of the TOE (Target of Evaluation)
as made available to the customer, including
independent testing against a specification, and
an examination of the guidance documentation
provided. It is intended that an EAL1 evaluation
could be successfully conducted without
assistance from the developer of the TOE, and
for minimal cost. An evaluation at this level
should provide evidence that the TOE functions
in a manner consistent with its documentation,
and that it provides useful protection against
identified threats.
EAL2: Structurally Tested EAL2 requires the cooperation of the developer
in terms of the delivery of design information and
test results, but should not demand more effort

Security Overview

Assurance Levels Description

on the part of the developer than is consistent
with good commercial practice. As such it should
not require a substantially increased investment
of cost or time. EAL2 is therefore applicable
in those circumstances where developers
or users require a low to moderate level of
independently assured security in the absence of
ready availability of the complete development
record. Such a situation may arise when securing
legacy systems.
EAL3: Methodically Tested and Checked EAL3 permits a conscientious developer
to gain maximum assurance from positive
security engineering at the design stage
without substantial alteration of existing sound
development practices. EAL3 is applicable in
those circumstances where developers or users
require a moderate level of independently assured
security, and require a thorough investigation of
the TOE and its development without substantial
EAL4: Methodically Designed, Tested, and EAL4 permits a developer to gain maximum
Reviewed assurance from positive security engineering
based on good commercial development
practices which, though rigorous, do not require
substantial specialist knowledge, skills, and
other resources. EAL4 is the highest level at
which it is likely to be economically feasible
to retrofit to an existing product line. EAL4
is therefore applicable in those circumstances
where developers or users require a moderate to
high level of independently assured security in
conventional commodity TOEs and are prepared
to incur additional security-specific engineering
costs. Commercial operating systems that provide
conventional, user-based security features are
typically evaluated at EAL4. Examples of such
operating systems are AIX[1], HP-UX[1],
FreeBSD, Novell NetWare, Solaris[1], SUSE
Linux Enterprise Server 9[1][2], SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server 10[3], Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 5[4], Windows 2000 Service Pack 3,
Windows 2003[1][5], Windows XP[1][5],
Windows 2008[1], and Windows Vista[1].
Operating systems that provide multilevel
security are evaluated at a minimum of EAL4.
Examples include Trusted Solaris, Solaris 10
Release 11/06 Trusted Extensions,[6] an early
version of the XTS-400, and VMware ESX
version 3.0.2[7].
EAL5: Semiformally Designed and Tested EAL5 permits a developer to gain maximum
assurance from security engineering based upon

Security Overview

Assurance Levels Description

rigorous commercial development practices
supported by moderate application of specialist
security engineering techniques. Such a TOE will
probably be designed and developed with the
intent of achieving EAL5 assurance. It is likely
that the additional costs attributable to the EAL5
requirements, relative to rigorous development
without the application of specialized techniques,
will not be large. EAL5 is therefore applicable in
those circumstances where developers or users
require a high level of independently assured
security in a planned development and require a
rigorous development approach without incurring
unreasonable costs attributable to specialist
security engineering techniques. Numerous
smart card devices have been evaluated at EAL5,
as have multilevel secure devices such as the
Tenix Interactive Link. XTS-400 (STOP 6) is a
general-purpose operating system which has been
evaluated at EAL5 augmented. LPAR on IBM
System z is EAL5 Certified.[8]
EAL6: Semiformally Verified Design and Tested EAL6 permits developers to gain high assurance
from application of security engineering
techniques to a rigorous development
environment in order to produce a premium
TOE for protecting high value assets against
significant risks. EAL6 is therefore applicable to
the development of security TOEs for application
in high risk situations where the value of the
protected assets justifies the additional costs.
An example of an EAL6 certified system is
the Green Hills Software INTEGRITY-178B
operating system, the only operating system to
achieve EAL6 thus far.[9]
EAL7: Formally Verified Design and Tested EAL7 is applicable to the development of
security TOEs for application in extremely high
risk situations and/or where the high value of
the assets justifies the higher costs. Practical
application of EAL7 is currently limited to TOEs
with tightly focused security functionality that is
amenable to extensive formal analysis. The Tenix
Interactive Link Data Diode Device has been
evaluated at EAL7 augmented, the only product
to do so.

Table 1.4. EAL Security Component Acronyms

Acronym Description
TCSEC Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria
LSPP Labelled Security Protection Profile

Security Overview

Acronym Description
CAPP Controlled Access Protection Profile
RBAC Role Based Access Control Protection Profile

9. Bell-Lapadula model

a. A security level is a (c, s) pair: - c = classification – E.g., unclassified, secret, top secret - s = category-
set – E.g., Nuclear, Crypto

b. (c1, s1) dominates (c2, s2) iff c1 ¸ c2 and s2 µ s1

c. Subjects and objects are assigned security levels - level(S), level(O) – security level of subject/object
- current-level(S) – subject may operate at lower level - f = (level, level, current-level)

10.DAC vs. MAC

• Most people familiar with discretionary access control (DAC); - Example: Unix user-group-other
permission bits - Might set a file private so only group friends can read it

• Discretionary means anyone with access can propagate information: - Mail <

• Mandatory access control - Security administrator can restrict propagation

Chapter 2. Project Live Cycle
General Project Overview
Projects typically are manifested through either a self initiated, top down or bottom up direction. In a Top
Down project, there is a pre-stated goal and problem identified - details on solution typically get resolved at
lower levels so long as the overal stated goal is met. Bottom Up is operations driven and generally as an end
result goal in mind. The solution may need additional approval, however the general project already has
management backing. Bottom Up can also come from general meetings with operational groups personnel
and therefore need review by their management.

Should the project be the result of a self initiated direction several additional steps are needed; including
getting management and operations buyin; identifying budget and time allocation; and budget approval -
including vendor negotiations where needed.

The most important parts of any project are getting management/group buyin, and defining components
such as scope, success, and timelines.

• Identify demand - documentation of the problem.

1. What problem needs to be resolved

2. Who does the problem impact?

3. What is the priority of the problem?

4. Are there existing solutions in place that need to be adapted, or is this a new problem?

• Collect statistics on current issue

1. Audit problem

2. Identify timelines for current actions

3. Identify groups involved

• Identify preliminary options to solve the problem

1. Brainstorming sessions

2. Are there known vendor solutions - if so, who are the major players?

3. If internal solution - possible test case examples (minimal time invested)

4. Pre-project POC - if internal solution

• Project initiation proposal

1. Outline Demand - what problem is to be solved

2. Identify key management players for buyin

3. Expected results from solution - will time be saved? will a major problem be avoided?

4. Overview of who will be involded - initial key technology players

Project Live Cycle

5. How long is the project expected to last?

6. What metrics will be needed and collected for the pre/post project analysis?

7. How is success defined?

• Kickoff meeting

1. Define scope - what options and solutions are needed, what are the priorities, what items are must
vs. nice to have. Also identify what is related but out of scope. If project is to be broken down into
phases, that should be identified and the second phase and greater needs to be "adapted for" but not
part of the success of the initial phase. It is good, when multiple groups are involded, to have each
report back with their weighted options list (RFE/RFC).

2. Define ownership - including contact information

3. Milestones and Goals; including dependencies and serialized processes

4. Setup timelines and re-occuring meetings

5. Make sure there are next steps and meeting notes posted.

• Handling RFE/RFC Metrics and Weighted Items

1. Should vendor solutions be needed create a weighted requirments list. Should a vendor not be needed
the same items should be identified for cross-team participation; or with the impacted group.

2. Define what vendors will be sent the weighted list

3. Develop the weighted list; usually 1-10 plus N/A. Information about a feature that is only included
in the next release may be presented seperatly however it should have no weight.

4. Define expected completion date of the RFC by the vendor

5. Corelate answers based on weight and identify the optimal product for evaluation. Should more than
one be close in score; there is a potential for a bake-off between products.

• Post Project Review and Presentation

1. Comparison of Pre/Post Project Metrics

2. Credits to all involved

3. Examples of Success - feedback from operations

Pre Test Data Collection

Define standard method of collecting data; this defines the audit trail of the pre-test server. Recommend
new build for testing whenever possible.

• Define and document baseline system

• BART Manifest to track changed files

• BSM Audit Enabled to track commands

• Manual Documentation of Tasks with timelines

Project Live Cycle

• Use logger to mark manual tasks and milestones

• If possible, run VXexplorer or SUNexplorer and save a copy remote

• Write a script to copy off key files - should be written based on test type

• Define rollback method - snapshot / LU Alternate Boot

Example BART Data Collection ; run copy against all necessary directories; in this example that would
include /etc and /zone; if milestones are involved then frequest collections of bart may be necessary to
track overall changes within different enviironment stages. Just name the manifest based on the stage.

# mkdir /bart-files
# bart create -R /etc > /bart-files/etc.control.manifest

Scripting Test Cases

Break down large tests into sub tests; such as Certifying VCS would amount to certifying each resource
creation, execution, and failover response then the results are grouped together by function then product;
if done well, then you only have to certify the new add-ons when expanding the test, example below:

• Define Agents used on all clusters and expected response

• Seperate tests unique to a specific cluster type - RAC, Oracle DB Failover, Apache, etc

• Break down tasks such as Storage Allocation and Control

• Adding VCS Disk Group

• Adding Filesystem Mounts

• Max projected number of Disk Groups and Filesystems

• Include any special details such as ownership changes; largefiles; qio; ufs

• Recommend scripting templates using XML into minor tasks - example shows using DITA to define
a task to create a vote volume for RAC

<task id = "vote_vol_reation"
xmlns:ditaarch = "">

<title>Create a CFS Vote Filesystem for CRS</title>

<shortdesc>Describes how to make a CFS volume for the vote
filesystem for SFRAC deployments</shortdesc>

<prereq><p>The cvm_CVMVolDg_scrsdg resource needs to be online.
And all volume creation commands for CVM run on the CVM master:
<step><cmd>Create Vote Volume on scrsdg disk group </cmd>
ssh &CVMMaster;
vxassist -g scrsdg make vote 1G group=dba user=oracle mode=664
mkfs -V vxfs -o largefiles /dev/vx/rdsk/scrsdg/vote

Project Live Cycle

<step><cmd>Create Directories on both $Node0; and $Node1;</cmd>
# On &Node0; and &Node1;
mkdir -p /oracle/dbdata/vote
chown -R oracle:dba /oracle/dbdata
chmod 774 /oracle/dbdata
chmod 774 /oracle/dbdata/vote

• This could be broken down even further with the right processing script

<task id= "T11001">

<title>Volume Creation</title>
<comments>Template Creates a Veritas Volume when
passed an ENTITY value for the following:
Disk Group: &DG
Volume Name: &VOL
Volume Size: &SIZE
User Owner: &USER
Volume Permission Mode: &MODE
<command>/usr/sbin/vxassist -g &DG; make &VOL; \
&SIZE; user=&USER; mode=&MODE;

• Tasks could be templated to execute as a sequence as a procedure- DITA Map is good for this, but
example is just off-the-cuff xml

<procedure id = "P001">
<title>Create Volume, Filesystem and add into VCS</title>
<task id = "T1001"/>
<task id = "T1002"/>
<task id = "T1003"/>

• Procedures could be grouped together as part of a certification

<certification id="C001">
<title>SFRAC 5.0 MP3 Certification</title>
<procedure id= "P001"/>
<procedure id= "P002"/>
<procedure id= "P003"/>

Project Live Cycle


• Execution Code for tasks/procedures should be able to pass back a return code for each task; probably
best to return time to execute also. These numeric return codes and times would be best placed into a
database with a table simular in concept to cert ( id, procedure, task , results) and cross link to a cert_info
(id, description, owner, participants, BU, justification)

• If all is done well, then the certification tasks are re-usable for many certifications and only need to be
written once, the process is defined and can be reproduced, and every command executed is logged and
could be used to generate operational procedures.

Chapter 3. RAID Overview
Purpose and basics
Information collected from wiki

Redundancy is a way that extra data is written across the array, which are organized so that the failure
of one (sometimes more) disks in the array will not result in loss of data. A failed disk may be replaced
by a new one, and the data on it reconstructed from the remaining data and the extra data. A redundant
array allows less data to be stored. For instance, a 2-disk RAID 1 array loses half of the total capacity that
would have otherwise been available using both disks independently, and a RAID 5 array with several
disks loses the capacity of one disk. Other RAID level arrays are arranged so that they are faster to write
to and read from than a single disk.

There are various combinations of these approaches giving different trade-offs of protection against
data loss, capacity, and speed. RAID levels 0, 1, and 5 are the most commonly found, and cover most

• RAID 0 (striped disks) distributes data across several disks in a way that gives improved speed and full
capacity, but all data on all disks will be lost if any one disk fails.

• RAID 1 (mirrored settings/disks) duplicates data across every disk in the array, providing full
redundancy. Two (or more) disks each store exactly the same data, at the same time, and at all times.
Data is not lost as long as one disk survives. Total capacity of the array is simply the capacity of one
disk. At any given instant, each disk in the array is simply identical to every other disk in the array.

• RAID 5 (striped disks with parity) combines three or more disks in a way that protects data against loss
of any one disk; the storage capacity of the array is reduced by one disk.

• RAID 6 (striped disks with dual parity) (less common) can recover from the loss of two disks.

• RAID 10 (or 1+0) uses both striping and mirroring. "01" or "0+1" is sometimes distinguished from
"10" or "1+0": a striped set of mirrored subsets and a mirrored set of striped subsets are both valid, but
distinct, configurations.

• RAID 53 Merges the features of RAID level 0 and RAID level 3.

(Raid level 3 and Raid level 4 differs in the size of each drive.) This uses byte striping with parity merged
with block striping.

RAID can involve significant computation when reading and writing information. With traditional "real"
RAID hardware, a separate controller does this computation. In other cases the operating system or simpler
and less expensive controllers require the host computer's processor to do the computing, which reduces
the computer's performance on processor-intensive tasks (see "Software RAID" and "Fake RAID" below).
Simpler RAID controllers may provide only levels 0 and 1, which require less processing.

RAID systems with redundancy continue working without interruption when one, or sometimes more,
disks of the array fail, although they are then vulnerable to further failures. When the bad disk is replaced
by a new one the array is rebuilt while the system continues to operate normally. Some systems have to be
shut down when removing or adding a drive; others support hot swapping, allowing drives to be replaced
without powering down. RAID with hot-swap drives is often used in high availability systems, where it is
important that the system keeps running as much of the time as possible.

RAID Overview

RAID is not a good alternative to backing up data. Data may become damaged or destroyed without harm
to the drive(s) on which they are stored. For example, part of the data may be overwritten by a system
malfunction; a file may be damaged or deleted by user error or malice and not noticed for days or weeks;
and of course the entire array is at risk of physical damage.

RAID combines two or more physical hard disks into a single logical unit by using either special hardware
or software. Hardware solutions often are designed to present themselves to the attached system as a single
hard drive, so that the operating system would be unaware of the technical workings. For example, you
might configure a 1TB RAID 5 array using three 500GB hard drives in hardware RAID, the operating
system would simply be presented with a "single" 1TB disk. Software solutions are typically implemented
in the operating system and would present the RAID drive as a single drive to applications running upon
the operating system.

There are three key concepts in RAID: mirroring, the copying of data to more than one disk; striping,
the splitting of data across more than one disk; and error correction, where redundant data is stored to
allow problems to be detected and possibly fixed (known as fault tolerance). Different RAID levels use
one or more of these techniques, depending on the system requirements. RAID's main aim can be either to
improve reliability and availability of data, ensuring that important data is available more often than not
(e.g. a database of customer orders), or merely to improve the access speed to files (e.g. for a system that
delivers video on demand TV programs to many viewers).

The configuration affects reliability and performance in different ways. The problem with using more
disks is that it is more likely that one will go wrong, but by using error checking the total system can
be made more reliable by being able to survive and repair the failure. Basic mirroring can speed up
reading data as a system can read different data from both the disks, but it may be slow for writing if the
configuration requires that both disks must confirm that the data is correctly written. Striping is often used
for performance, where it allows sequences of data to be read from multiple disks at the same time. Error
checking typically will slow the system down as data needs to be read from several places and compared.
The design of RAID systems is therefore a compromise and understanding the requirements of a system is
important. Modern disk arrays typically provide the facility to select the appropriate RAID configuration.

Nested levels
Many storage controllers allow RAID levels to be nested: the elements of a RAID may be either individual
disks or RAIDs themselves. Nesting more than two deep is unusual.

As there is no basic RAID level numbered larger than 10, nested RAIDs are usually unambiguously
described by concatenating the numbers indicating the RAID levels, sometimes with a "+" in between.
For example, RAID 10 (or RAID 1+0) consists of several level 1 arrays of physical drives, each of which
is one of the "drives" of a level 0 array striped over the level 1 arrays. It is not called RAID 01, to avoid
confusion with RAID 1, or indeed, RAID 01. When the top array is a RAID 0 (such as in RAID 10 and
RAID 50) most vendors omit the "+", though RAID 5+0 is clearer.

• RAID 0+1: striped sets in a mirrored set (minimum four disks; even number of disks) provides fault
tolerance and improved performance but increases complexity. The key difference from RAID 1+0 is
that RAID 0+1 creates a second striped set to mirror a primary striped set. The array continues to operate
with one or more drives failed in the same mirror set, but if drives fail on both sides of the mirror the
data on the RAID system is lost.

• RAID 1+0: mirrored sets in a striped set (minimum four disks; even number of disks) provides fault
tolerance and improved performance but increases complexity. The key difference from RAID 0+1 is

RAID Overview

that RAID 1+0 creates a striped set from a series of mirrored drives. In a failed disk situation, RAID
1+0 performs better because all the remaining disks continue to be used. The array can sustain multiple
drive losses so long as no mirror loses all its drives.

• RAID 5+0: stripe across distributed parity RAID systems.

• RAID 5+1: mirror striped set with distributed parity (some manufacturers label this as RAID 53).

Non-standard levels
Many configurations other than the basic numbered RAID levels are possible, and many companies,
organizations, and groups have created their own non-standard configurations, in many cases designed to
meet the specialised needs of a small niche group. Most of these non-standard RAID levels are proprietary.

Some of the more prominent modifications are:

• Storage Computer Corporation uses RAID 7, which adds caching to RAID 3 and RAID 4 to improve
I/O performance.

• EMC Corporation offered RAID S as an alternative to RAID 5 on their Symmetrix systems (which is
no longer supported on the latest releases of Enginuity, the Symmetrix's operating system).

• The ZFS filesystem, available in Solaris, OpenSolaris, FreeBSD and Mac OS X, offers RAID-Z, which
solves RAID 5's write hole problem.

• NetApp's Data ONTAP uses RAID-DP (also referred to as "double", "dual" or "diagonal" parity),
which is a form of RAID 6, but unlike many RAID 6 implementations, does not use distributed parity
as in RAID 5. Instead, two unique parity disks with separate parity calculations are used. This is a
modification of RAID 4 with an extra parity disk.

• Accusys Triple Parity (RAID TP) implements three independent parities by extending RAID 6
algorithms on its FC-SATA and SCSI-SATA RAID controllers to tolerate three-disk failure.

• Linux MD RAID10 (RAID10) implements a general RAID driver that defaults to a standard RAID 1+0
with 4 drives, but can have any number of drives. MD RAID10 can run striped and mirrored with only
2 drives with the f2 layout (mirroring with striped reads, normal Linux software RAID 1 does not stripe
reads, but can read in parallel).[4]

• Infrant (Now part of Netgear) X-RAID offers dynamic expansion of a RAID5 volume without having
to backup/restore the existing content. Just add larger drives one at a time, let it resync, then add the next
drive until all drives are installed. The resulting volume capacity is increased without user downtime.
(It should be noted that this is also possible in Linux, when utilizing Mdadm utility. It has also been
possible in the EMC Clariion for several years.)

• BeyondRAID created by Data Robotics and used in the Drobo series of products, implements both
mirroring and striping simultaneously or individually dependent on disk and data context. BeyondRAID
is more automated and easier to use than many standard RAID levels. It also offers instant expandability
without reconfiguration, the ability to mix and match drive sizes and the ability to reorder disks. It is
a block-level system and thus file system agnostic although today support is limited to NTFS, HFS+,
FAT32, and EXT3. It also utilizes Thin provisioning to allow for single volumes up to 16TB depending
on the host operating system support.

Chapter 4. Solaris Security
BSM C2 Auditing
1. Fundamentals

The fundamental reason for implementing C2 auditing is as a response to potential security violations
such as NIMDA, Satan, or other attempts to compromise the integrity of a system. Secondary to that
reason, it can be used to log changes to a system, and tracking down questionable actions.

BSM C2 will not prevent the server from being compromised, however it does provide a significant
resource in determining if a server has been breached. Standard utilities such as “acct” cannot, nor
are they intended, to identify modifications, or connections to a server. Through the limited examples
described within this document it should be clear that the C2 module is capable of allowing Fidelity
Investments to clearly and quickly identify any potential compromise.

2. Tradeoffs

One tradeoff with running C2 as a consistent and active process is disk space consumption. The audit
trail it’s self contains status, date and time, and server within the filename, and the auditreduce command
allows for specifying a server name, which can be based on filename, or directory structure. This
identification within the file it’s self allows for placing a rotating copy of all audit trails on a central
repository server and for historical queries to be run which would not require logging in to a system,
except for currently written data. Properly deployed this can aid in meeting certain S.E.C. security
requirements by historically keeping audit trails on read only media once moved off of a system. Unlike
“acct” which tracks a process with some arguments, CPU cycles used per user, and logged in accounts,
C2 is designed to log all arguments, processes, connections, but not CPU % cycles – although this
information can be gathered through auditing. In addition to login information c2 can be used to track
user commands.

3. Audit Classes

In order to reduce the amount of logging not all classes are automatically enabled. The current C2
build module logs all users for lo, ex, and ad. However, the audit trail can be changed. Settings are
configured in the audit configuration file: /etc/security/audit_control and include success
& failure, success only, and failure only setting options. Each class, however, does not include, by
default, arguments or environmental variables.

Environmental and argument settings are configured in /etc/system/audit_startup

through the following commands:

auditconfig –conf # change runtime kernel
# event-to-class mappings.
auditconfig -setpolicy argv # add command line arguments
auditconfig –setpolicy arge # add environmental variables
auditconfig -setpolicy +cnt # count how many audit records
# are dropped if > 20% free

Current Available Policies are as follows:

# auditconfig -lspolicy

policy string description:

Solaris Security

ahlt halt machine if it can not record an async event

all all policies
arge include exec environment args in audit recs
argv include exec command line args in audit recs
cnt when no more space, drop recs and keep a cnt
group include supplementary groups in audit recs
none no policies
path allow multiple paths per event
perzone use a separate queue and auditd per zone
public audit public files
seq include a sequence number in audit recs
trail include trailer token in audit recs
windata_down include downgraded window information in audit recs
windata_up include upgraded window information in audit recs
zonename generate zonename token

Class settings are located in /etc/security/audit_control and are in the following



dir:/fisc/bsm # location of audit trail

flags:lo,ex,ad # classes being audited for success and
# failure.
minfree:20 # Do not grow audit trails if less than
# 20% free
naflags:lo,ad # events that cannot be attributed to a
# particular user.

You can add the following as class attributes – be ware that more logging is more file system space
used. In many cases this should be custom setup depending on the server function, such as database,
application, or firewall.

Class Alias Description

no: nvalid class

fr: file read w file write
fa: file attribute access
fm: file attribute modify
fc: file create
fd: file delete
cl: file close
pc: process
nt: network
ip: pc na non-attribute ad administrative
lo: login or logout ap application
io: octl
ex: exec
ot: other
all: all classes

In addition each user can have their own audit trails custom fit. This is handled through the /etc/
security/audit_user file and has the following format:

# User Level Audit User File

Solaris Security

# username:always:never # root:lo:no

Individual users can have their audit trail adjusted to collect all possible data, but testing on each change
is vital. Any typo in /etc/security/audit_user can, and will, result in that users’ inability to
login. Each user can have their own audit trails custom fit.

This is handled through the /etc/security/audit_user file and has the following format:

# User Level Audit User File

# username:always:never
# root:lo:no myuser:lo:no

Individual users can have their audit trail adjusted to collect all possible data, but testing on each change
is vital. Any typo in /etc/security/audit_user can, and will, result in that users’ inability
to login.

BSM Secure Device Control

1. Fundamentals

Integrated within the BSM auditing module is the ability to allocate and restrict specific, user definable,
devices. The purpose of this level of restriction is to the following:

a. Prevent simultaneous access to a device.

b. Prevent a user from reading a tape just written to by another user, before the first user has removed
the tape from the tape drive.

c. Prevent a user from gleaning any information from the device’s or the driver’s internal storage after
another user is finished with the device

All descriptions below are with the default configuration. The devices configured by default can be
added to or removed from control via the device_allocate and device_maps file, however adding new
devices is a bit more complicated and will not be covered here.

2. Related files and commands

Files: /etc/security/device_allocate

Commands: list_devices, dminfo, allocate,

and deallocate

3. File descriptions and control features

/etc/security/device_allocate is used to associate specific devices, like st0 to RBAC roles

and cleanup scripts run at boot time.


Solaris Security

/etc/security/device_maps is a listing of devices \
with alias names such as:

/dev/audio /dev/audioctl /dev/sound/0 /dev/sound/0ctl:\

/dev/diskette /dev/rdiskette /dev/fd0a /dev/rfd0a /dev/fd0b
/dev/rfd0b /dev/fd0c /dev/fd0 /dev/rfd0c /dev/rfd0:\

sr: /dev/sr0 /dev/rsr0 /dev/dsk/c0t2d0s0 \
/dev/dsk/c0t2d0s1 /dev/dsk/c0t2d0s2 \
/dev/dsk/c0t2d0s3 /dev/dsk/c0t2d0s4 \
/dev/dsk/c0t2d0s5 /dev/dsk/c0t2d0s6 \
/dev/dsk/c0t2d0s7 /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s0 \
/dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s1 /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s2 \
/dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s3 /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s4 \
/dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s5 /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s6 \

4. Converting root to a role and adding access to root role to a user

Fundamentals - login as a user and assume root; then modify the root account as type role and add the
root role to a user; test with fresh login before logging out

$ su -
# usermod -K type=role root
# usermod -R root useraccount

remote> ssh useraccount@host_with_root_role_config

$ su - root

5. Command review, and examples

Allocation is done by running specific commands, as well as deallocating the same device. Here are
a few examples.

# allocate –F device_special_filename
# allocate –F device_special_filename –U user_id
# deallocate –F device_special_filename
# deallocate –I
# list_devices –U username

6. Pulling it all together

Solaris Security

When combined a user with the RBAC role of solaris.device.allocate, can allocate fd0, sr0, and audit
devices – in essence hogging the device for themselves. The scripts referenced in the device_allocate
file are used to deallocate the device in the event of a reboot – this way no allocation would be persistent.

Since these files are customizable, it is possible to remove vold related devices such as the cdrom
mounting by just deleting that section.

Remember that device allocation is not needed for auditing to work, and can be set to allocate “nothing”
by stripping down the device_maps and device_allocate files – however more testing should be done
in this case.

General Hardening
1. IP Module Control IP module can be tuned to prevent forwarding , redirecting of packets and request
for information from the system . These parameters can be set using ndd with the given value to limit
these features .

# ndd -set /dev/ip ip_forward_directed_broadcasts 0

# ndd -set /dev/ip ip_forward_src_routed 0
# ndd -set /dev/ip ip_ignore_redirect 1
# ndd -set /dev/ip ip_ire_flush_interval 60000
# ndd -set /dev/ip ip_ire_arp_interval 60000
# ndd -set /dev/ip ip_respond_to_echo_broadcast 0
# ndd -set /dev/ip ip_respond_to_timestamp 0
# ndd -set /dev/ip ip_respond_to_timestamp_broadcast 0
# ndd -set /dev/ip ip_send_redirects 0

2. Prevent buffer overflows Add the following lines to /etc/system file to prevent the buffer
overflow in a possible attack to execute some malicious code on your machine.

set noexec_user_stack=1
set noexec_user_stack_log=1

Destructive DTrace Examples

Add /uid==300/ after syscall::uname:entry line to make this restricted to a response from UID 300.

#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -w -s
syscall::uname:entry{ self->a = arg0;}
copyoutstr("Windows", self->a,257);
copyoutstr("PowerPC", self->a+257,257);
copyoutstr("2010.b17", self->a(257*2),257);
copyoutstr("fud:2010-10-31", self->a+(257*3), 257);
copyoutstr("PPC, self->addr+(257*4),257);

Example changing uname output on a solaris system

#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s

#pragma D option destructive

Solaris Security

self->addr = arg0;

copyoutstr("SunOS", self->addr, 257);
copyoutstr("PowerPC", self->addr+257, 257);
copyoutstr("5.5.1", self->addr+(257*2), 257);
copyoutstr("gate:1996-12-01", self->addr+(257*3), 257);
copyoutstr("PPC", self->addr+(257*4), 257);

Before running the dtrace script:

# uname -a
SunOS homer 5.10 SunOS_Development sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10

While running the dtrace script

# uname -a
SunOS PowerPC 5.5.1 gate:1996-12-01 PPC sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10

Example killing a process when it trys to read a file

#cat read.d
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -ws

/ stringof(args[0]->v_path) == $$1 /
printf("File %s read by %d\n", $$1, curpsinfo->pr_uid);

# more /etc/passwd

# ./read.d /etc/passwd
dtrace: script './read.d' matched 1 probe
dtrace: allowing destructive actions
0 15625 ufs_read:entry File /etc/passwd read by 0

IPFilter Overview
1. Background With the release of Solaris 10, ipfilter is now supported. Before Solaris 10, EFS or
SunScreen Lite was the default firewall. IPfilter is a mature product traditionally found in BSDish
Operating Systems

2. Configure an ippool if list of firewalled hosts is large enough - use /etc/ipf/ippool.conf

# /etc/ipf/ippool.conf
# IP range for China

Solaris Security

table role = ipf type = tree number = 5

{;;; ;;

# IP Range for proplem hosts

table role = ipf type = tree number = 6


# IP Range for internal network

table role = ipf type = tree number = 7
{; } ;

# IP Range for known information stealers

table role = ipf type = tree number = 8

3. Configuring IPF First, you will need an ipf ruleset. The Solaris default location for this file is /etc/
ipf/ipf.conf. Below is the ruleset I used for a Solaris 10 x86 workstation. Note that the public NIC
is called elx10. Simply copy this ruleset to a file called /etc/ipf/ipf.conf, and edit to your needs.

# /etc/ipf/ipf.conf
# IP Filter rules to be loaded during startup
# See ipf(4) manpage for more information on

Solaris Security

# IP Filter rules syntax.

# Public Network. Block everything not explicity allowed.
block in log on bge0 all
block out log on bge0 all
# Allow all traffic on loopback.
pass in quick on lo0 all
pass out quick on lo0 all
# Allow pings out.
pass out quick on bge0 proto icmp all keep state
pass in log quick on bge0 proto tcp from any to \
port = 8080
pass in log quick on bge0 proto tcp from any to \
port = 443
pass in log quick on bge0 proto tcp from any to \
port = 22

# Internal Hosts
pass in quick from pool/7 to
# Blocked due to showup in IDS
block in log quick from pool/6 to any
# Block Asia APNIC Inbound
block in log quick on bge0 proto tcp/udp from pool/5 to any
# Block Asia APNIC Outbound
block out log quick on bge0 proto tcp/udp from any to pool/5
# Known information stealers
block in log quick from pool/8 to any
block out log quick from any to pool/8
# Allow outbound state related packets.
pass out quick on bge0 proto tcp/udp from any to any keep state

Table 4.1. Common IPFilter Commands

Command Line Description

ipf -E Enable ipfilter when running : for the first time. :
(Needed for ipf on Tru64)
ipf -f /etc/ipf/ipf.conf Load rules in /etc/ipf/ipf.conf file : into
the active firewall.
ipf -Fa -f /etc/ipf/ipf.conf Flush all rules, then load rules in : /etc/ipf/
ipf.conf into active firwall.
ipf -Fi Flush all input rules.
ipf -I -f /etc/ipf/ipf.conf Load rules in /etc/ipf/ipf.conf file : into
inactive firewall.
ipf -V Show version info and active list.
ipf -s Swap active and inactive firewalls.

Solaris Security

Command Line Description

ipfstat Show summary
ipfstat -i Show input list
ipfstat -o Show output list
ipfstat -hio Show hits against all rules
ipfstat -t -T 5 Monitor the state table and refresh every : 5
seconds. Output is similar to : 'top' monitoring the
process table.
ipmon -s S Watch state table.
ipmon -sn Write logged entries to syslog, and : convert back
to hostnames and servicenames.
ipmon -s [file] Write logged entries to some file.
ipmon -Ds Run ipmon as a daemon, and log to : default
location. : (/var/adm/messages for Solaris) : (/var/
log/syslog for Tru64)

IPSec with Shared Keys

Information collected from

Creating Keys

Using the ipsecalgs command we can see the available algorithms, including DES, 3DES, AES, Blowfish,
SHA and MD5. Different alogithms require different key lengths, for instance 3DES requires a 192 bit
key, whereas Blowfish can use a key anywhere from 32bits up to 448 bits.

For interoperability reasons (such as OSX or Linux), you may with to create keys that are both ASCII and
hex. This is done by choosing a string and converting it to hex. To know how long a string should be,
divide the number of bits required by 8, this is the number of ASCII chars you need. The hex value of
that ASCII string will be double the number of ASCII chars. Using the od utility we can convert ASCII-
to-hex. Here I'll create 2 keys, one for AH which is a SHA1 160bit key (20 ASCII chars) and another for
ESP which is a Blowfish 256bit key (32 ASCII chars):

benr@ultra ~$ echo "my short ah password" | od -t x1

0000000 6d 79 20 73 68 6f 72 74 20 61 68 20 70 61 73 73
0000020 77 6f 72 64 0a
benr@ultra ~$ echo "this is my long blowfish esp pas" | od -t x1
0000000 74 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 6d 79 20 6c 6f 6e 67 20
0000020 62 6c 6f 77 66 69 73 68 20 65 73 70 20 70 61 73
0000040 0a

my short ah password

this is my long blowfish esp pas

Solaris Security


Configuring IPsec Policies

IPsec policies are rules that the IP stack uses to determine what action should be taken. Actions include:

• bypass: Do nothing, skip the remaining rules if datagram matches. drop: Drop if datagram matches.

• permit: Allow if datagram matches, otherwise discard. (Only for inbound datagrams.)

• ipsec: Use IPsec if the datagram matches.

As you can see, this sounds similar to a firewall rule, and to some extent can be used that way, but you
ultimately find IPFilter much better suited to that task. When you plan your IPsec environment consider
which rules are appropriate in which place.

IPsec policies are defined in the /etc/inet/ipsecinit.conf file, which can be loaded/reloaded using the
ipsecconf command. Lets look at a sample configuration:

benr@ultra inet$ cat /etc/inet/ipsecinit.conf

## IPsec Policy File:

# Ignore SSH
{ lport 22 dir both } bypass { }

# IPsec Encrypt telnet Connections to

{ raddr rport 23 } ipsec \
{ encr_algs blowfish encr_auth_algs sha1 sa shared

Our first policy explicitly bypasses connections in and out ("dir both", as in direction) for the local port
22 (SSH). Do I need this here? No, but I include it as an example. You can see the format, the first curly
block defines the filter, the second curly block defines parameters, the keyword in between is the action.

The second policy is what we're interested in, its action is ipsec, so if the filter in the first curly block
matches we'll use IPsec. "raddr" defines a remote address and "rport" defines a remote port, therefore
this policy applies only to outbound connections where we're telnet'ing (port 23) to The second
curly block defines parameters for the action, in this case we define the encryption algorithm (Blowfish),
encryption authentication algorithm (SHA1), and state that the Security Association is "shared". This is
a full ESP connection, meaning we're encrypting and encapsulating the full packet, if we were doing AH
(authentication only) we would only define "auth_algs".

Now, on the remote side of the connection ( we create a similar policy, but rather than "raddr"
and "rport" we use "laddr" (local address) and "lport" (local port). We could even go so far as to specify
the remote address such that only the specified host would use IPsec to the node. Here's that configuration:

## IPsec Policy File:


# Ignore SSH
{ lport 22 dir both } bypass { }

# IPsec Encrypt telnet Connections to

{ laddr lport 23 } ipsec \
{ encr_algs blowfish encr_auth_algs sha1 sa shared }

Solaris Security

To load the new policy file you can refresh the ipsec/policy SMF service like so: svcadm refresh ipsec/
policy. I recommend avoiding the ipsecconf command except to (without arguments) display the active
policy configuration.

So we've defined policies that will encrypt traffic from one node to another, but we're not done yet! We
need to define a Security Association that will association keys with our policy.

Creating Security Associations

Security Associations (SAs) can be manually created by either using the ipseckeys command or directly
editing the /etc/inet/secret/ipseckeys file, I recommend the latter, I personally find the
ipseckeys shell very intimidating.

Lets look at a sample file and then discuss it:

add esp spi 1000 src dst auth_alg sha1 \
authkey 6d792073686f72742061682070617373776f7264 encr_alg \
blowfish encrkey 6d792073686f72742061682070617373

add esp spi 1001 src dst auth_alg sha1\
authkey 6d792073686f72742061682070617373776f7264 encr_alg \
blowfish encrkey 6d792073686f72742061682070617373

It looks more intimidating that it is. Each line is "add"ing a new static Security Association, both are for
ESP. The SPI is the "Security Parameters Index", is a simple numeric value that represents the SA, nothing
more, pick any value you like. The src and dst define the addresses to which this SA applies, note that you
have two SA's here, one for each direction. Finally, we define the encryption and authentication algorithms
and full keys.

I hope that looking at this makes it more clear how policies and SA's fit together. If the IP stack matches
a datagram against a policy who's action is "ipsec", it takes the packet and looks for an SA who's address
pair matches, and then uses those keys for the action encryption.

Note that if someone obtains your keys your hosed. If you pre-shared keys in this way, change the keys
from time-to-time or consider using IKE which can negotiate keys (and thus SAs) on your behalf.

To apply your new SA's, flush and then load using the ipseckeys command:

$ ipseckey flush
$ ipseckey -f /etc/inet/secret/ipseckeys

Is it working? How to Test

All this is for nothing if you don't verify that the packets are actually encrypted. Using snoop, you should
see packets like this:

$ snoop -d e1000g0
Using device e1000g0 (promiscuous mode)
ETHER: ----- Ether Header -----
ETHER: Packet 1 arrived at 9:52:4.58883
ETHER: Packet size = 90 bytes
ETHER: Destination = xxxxxxxxxxx,
ETHER: Source = xxxxxxxxxx,
ETHER: Ethertype = 0800 (IP)

Solaris Security

IP: ----- IP Header -----

IP: Version = 4
IP: Header length = 20 bytes
IP: Type of service = 0x00
IP: xxx. .... = 0 (precedence)
IP: ...0 .... = normal delay
IP: .... 0... = normal throughput
IP: .... .0.. = normal reliability
IP: .... ..0. = not ECN capable transport
IP: .... ...0 = no ECN congestion experienced
IP: Total length = 72 bytes
IP: Identification = 36989
IP: Flags = 0x4
IP: .1.. .... = do not fragment
IP: ..0. .... = last fragment
IP: Fragment offset = 0 bytes
IP: Time to live = 61 seconds/hops
IP: Protocol = 50 (ESP)
IP: Header checksum = ab9c
IP: Source address = XXXXXXXXX
IP: Destination address = XXXXXXXXXXXX
IP: No options
ESP: ----- Encapsulating Security Payload -----
ESP: SPI = 0x3e8
ESP: Replay = 55

And there you go. You can no encrypt communication transparently in the IP stack. Its a little effort to get
going, but once its running your done... just remember to rotate those keys every so often!

IPSec With 509 Certs

1. first you have to ensure, that the names of the systems can be resolved. It´s a good practice to put the
names of the systems into the /etc/hosts:

::1 localhost loghost localhost loghost gandalf theoden

2. Okay, we don´t want manual keying or some stinking preshares keys. Thus we need to create keys.
Login to gandalf and assume the root role:

$ ikecert certlocal -ks -m 1024 -t rsa-md5 -D \

"C=de, O=moellenkamp, OU=moellenkamp-vpn, CN=gandalf" \
-A IP=

Creating private key.

Certificate added to database.


Solaris Security

[ ... some lines omitted ... ]
-----END X509 CERTIFICATE-----

3. Do the same on the other host.

$ ikecert certlocal -ks -m 1024 -t rsa-md5 -D \

"C=de, O=moellenkamp, OU=moellenkamp-vpn, CN=theoden"\
-A IP=

Creating private key.

Certificate added to database.


[ ... some lines omitted ... ]
-----END X509 CERTIFICATE-----

4. Okay, now we have to tell both hosts to use IPsec when they talk to each other:

$ echo "{laddr gandalf raddr theoden} ipsec \

{auth_algs any encr_algs any sa shared}"\
>> /etc/inet/ipsecinit.conf

5. This translates to: When i´m speaking to theoden, i have to encrypt the data and can use any negotiated
and available encryptition algorithm and any negotiated and available authentication algorithm. Such
an rule is only valid on one direction. Thus we have to define the opposite direction on the other host
to enable bidirectional traffic:

$ echo "{laddr theoden raddr gandalf} ipsec \

{auth_algs any encr_algs any sa shared}" \
>> /etc/inet/ipsecinit.conf

6. Okay, the next configuration is file is a little bit more complex. Go into the directory /etc/inet/ike and
create a file config with the following content:

cert_trust ""
cert_trust ""

{ auth_method preshared oakley_group 5 auth_alg sha encr_alg des }
p2_pfs 5

label "DE-theoden to DE-gandalf"
local_id_type dn
local_id "C=de, O=moellenkamp, OU=moellenkamp-vpn, CN=theoden"
remote_id "C=de, O=moellenkamp, OU=moellenkamp-vpn, CN=gandalf"



Solaris Security

{auth_method rsa_sig oakley_group 2 auth_alg md5 encr_alg 3des}


7. Okay, we are almost done. But there is still a missing but very essential thing when you want to use
certificates. We have to distribute the certificates of the systems.

$ ikecert certdb -l
Certificate Slot Name: 0 Key Type: rsa
(Private key in certlocal slot 0)
Subject Name:
Key Size: 1024
Public key hash: 28B08FB404268D144BE70DDD652CB874

At the beginning there is only the local key in the system. We have to import the key of the remote
system. Do you remember the output beginning with -----BEGIN X509 CERTIFICATE----- and ending
with -----END X509 CERTIFICATE-----? You need this output now.

8. The next command won´t come back after you hit return. You have to paste in the key. On gandalf
you paste the output of the key generation on theoden. On Theoden you paste the output of the key
generation on gandalf. Let´s import the key on gandalf

$ ikecert certdb -a

-----END X509 CERTIFICATE-----

9. After pasting, you have to hit Enter once and after this you press Ctrl-D once. Now we check for the
successful import. You will see two certificates now.

$ ikecert certdb -l
Certificate Slot Name: 0 Key Type: rsa
(Private key in certlocal slot 0)
Subject Name:
Key Size: 1024
Public key hash: 28B08FB404268D144BE70DDD652CB874

Certificate Slot Name: 1 Key Type: rsa

Subject Name:
Key Size: 1024
Public key hash: 76BE0809A6CBA5E06219BC4230CBB8B8

10.Okay, switch to theoden and import the key from gandalf on this system.

$ ikecert certdb -l
Certificate Slot Name: 0 Key Type: rsa
(Private key in certlocal slot 0)
Subject Name:
Key Size: 1024
Public key hash: 76BE0809A6CBA5E06219BC4230CBB8B8

$ ikecert certdb -a

Solaris Security

-----END X509 CERTIFICATE-----

$ ikecert certdb -l
Certificate Slot Name: 0 Key Type: rsa
(Private key in certlocal slot 0)
Subject Name:
Key Size: 1024
Public key hash: 76BE0809A6CBA5E06219BC4230CBB8B8

Certificate Slot Name: 1 Key Type: rsa

Subject Name:
Key Size: 1024
Public key hash: 28B08FB404268D144BE70DDD652CB874

11.Okay, now we have to activate this configuration on both systems:

$ svcadm enable ike

$ ipsecconf -a /etc/inet/ipsecinit.conf

Apache2 SSL Configuration with Self-Signed

1. Login as root

su -

2. Copy the file, /etc/apache2/httpd.conf-example to /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

# cp /etc/apache2/httpd.conf-example /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

3. Edit /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

• Set ServerName if necessary (default is

• Set ServerAdmin to a valid email address

4. Enable Apache2

# svcadm enable apache2

5. Enable SSL Service Property if necessary. Log in as root and issue the following command:

# svcprop -p httpd/ssl svc:network/http:apache2

If the response is “false”, issue these three commands:

a. # svccfg -s http:apache2 setprop httpd/ssl=true

b. # svcadm refresh http:apache2

c. # svcprop -p httpd/ssl svc:network/http:apache2

If the response is “true”, continue to the next step.

Solaris Security

6. Create a Certificate Directory and a Key Directory.

# mkdir /etc/apache2/ssl.crt

# mkdir /etc/apache2/ssl.key

7. Generate a RSA Key.

# /usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl genrsa -des3 1024 > \


Generating RSA private key, 1024 bit long modulus

e is 65537 (0×10001)
Enter pass phrase: ********
Verifying - Enter pass phrase: ********

8. Generate a Certificate Request.

# /usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl req -new -key /etc/apache2/ssl.key/server.key \

> /etc/apache2/ssl.crt/server.csr

Enter pass phrase for /etc/apache2/ssl.key/server.key: ********

You are about to be asked to enter information that will be
incorporated into your certificate request.

What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished

Name or a DN.

There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter ‘.’, the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [US]::US
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:OR
Locality Name (eg, city) []:Blodgett
Organization Name (eg, company) [Unconfigd OpenSSL Installation]:DIS
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:IT
Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []:Big Cheese
Email Address []
Please enter the following ‘extra’ attributes
to be sent with your certificate request
A challenge password []: ********
An optional company name []: Live Free or Die

9. Install a Self-Signed Certificate. If you are going to install a certificate from an authoritative source,
follow their instructions and skip this step.

# /usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl req -x509 -days 3650 -key \

> /etc/apache2/ssl.key/server.key \

> -in /etc/apache2/ssl.crt/server.csr > \

Solaris Security

> /etc/apache2/ssl.crt/server.crt

Enter pass phrase for /etc/apache2/ssl.key/server.key: ********

10.Edit the ssl.conf and change the line that begins with “ServerAdmin” to reflect an email address or alias
for the Server’s Administrator.

11.Test the SSL Certificate with Apache2

If Apache2 is enabled, disable it during testing: # svcadm disable apache2

12.Enable Apache2 with SSL to be started automatically as a service.

# cd /etc/apache2/ssl.key
# cp server.key
# /usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl rsa -in -out server.key
Enter pass phrase for ********
writing RSA key
# chmod 400 server.key
# svcadm enable apache2
# svcs | grep -i apache2
online 4:29:01 svc:/network/http:apache2

RBAC and Root As a ROLE

1. Fundamentals

/etc/security/exec_attr maps commands to a profile for execution

Audit Control:suser:cmd:::/etc/security/bsmconv:uid=0
Audit Control:suser:cmd:::/etc/security/bsmunconv:uid=0

/etc/security/prof_attr defines the profile

Audit Control:::Configure Solaris Auditing:auths=\

solaris.audit.config,\ bs.admin,solaris.admin.logsvc.purge,\;help=RtAuditCtrl.h tml
Audit Review:::Review Solaris Auditing logs:auths=\;\
help=RtAudi tReview.html

/etc/security/user_attr maps profiles to users

- and defines account types

lock_after_retries= no;min_label=admin_low;\

2. Adding a Profile to a user

# usermod -P "Audit Control" user_account

3. Adding Authorizations to a User

Solaris Security

# usermod -A user_account

4. Converting root to a role and adding access to root role to a user

Fundamentals - login as a user and assume root; then modify the root account as type role and add the
root role to a user; test with fresh login before logging out

$ su - # usermod -K type=role root # usermod -R root useraccount

remote> ssh useraccount@host_with_root_role_config $ su - root

Secure Non-Global Zone FTP Server

Millage may vary on this one, since secure ftpd is not supported in a local zone as of Solaris 10 Update
3. Also note that this configuration uses BSM, and Roles for additional security. It is unknown to me if
BSM Audit trails are supported on ZFS filesystems. If you are evaluating this for production, I would
recommend not using ZFS for audit trails without confirmation from Sun Microsystems. The same basic
procedures can be adapted to VxVM and VxFS or UFS Filesystems.

1. Disable Unwanted Network Services

# svcadm disable sendmail

# svcadm disable rusers
# svcadm disable telnet
# svcadm disable rlogin
# svcadm disable rstat
# svcadm disable finger
# svcadm disable kshell
# svcadm disable network/shell:default
# svcadm disable snmpdx

# rm /etc/rc3.d/S76snmpdx
# rm /etc/rc3.d/S90samba
# Review /etc/rc2.d/S90* for deletion

2. Set Up Zone and Audit ZFS Pools

Unused Disk List

36GB Disk c0t2d1
36GB Disk c1t2d1

# zpool create zones c0t2d1

# zfs create zones/secftp
# zfs create zones/ftp-root

[Must run ftpconfig before setting mountpoint legacy]

# ftpconfig -d /zones/ftp-root
# mkdir /zones/ftp-root/incoming
# chown go-r /zones/ftp-root/incoming

# zfs set mountpoint=legacy zones/ftp-root

Solaris Security

# chmod 700 zones/secftp

# zpool create bsm c1t2d1

# zfs create bsm/audit

3. Configure Role for Primary Maintenance

# mkdir /export/home
# groupadd -g 2000 secadm
# useradd -d /export/home/secuser -m secuser
# passwd secuser
# roleadd -u 2000 -g 2000 -d /export/home/secadm -m secadm
# passwd secadm
# rolemod -P "Primary Administrator","Basic Solaris User" secadm
# usermod -R secadm secuser
# svcadm restart system/name-service-cache
#. logout of root, login as secuser
# su - secadm

4. Change Root User to Root Role

Fundamentals - login as a user and assume root; then modify the root account as type role and add the
root role to a user; test with fresh login before logging out

$ su -
# usermod -K type=role root
# useradd -d /home/padmin -m -g 2000 padmin
# passwd padmin
# usermod -R root padmin

5. Install BSM on Global Server

# cd /etc/security
## edit audit_control and change the dir:/var/audit to /bsm/audit
## Run the following command, you will need to reboot.
# ./bsmconv

6. Create Zone secftp

# zonecfg -z secftp
secftp: No such zone configured
Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone.
zonecft:secftp> create
zonecft:secftp> set zonepath=/zones/secftp
zonecft:secftp> set autoboot=false

zonecft:secftpt> add fs
zonecft:secftp:fs> set type=zfs
zonecft:secftp:fs> set special=zones/ftp-root
zonecft:secftp:fs> set dir=/ftp-root
zonecft:secftp:fs> end

zonecft:secftp> add net

zonecft:secftp:net> set address=
zonecft:secftp:net> set physical=pcn0

Solaris Security

zonecft:secftp:net> end

zonecft:secftp> add attr

zonecft:secftp:attr> set name=comment
zonecft:secftp:attr> set type=string
zonecft:secftp:attr> set value="Secure FTP Zone"
zonecft:secftp:attr> end

zonecft:secftp> verify
zonecft:secftp> commit
zonecft:secftp> exit

zoneadm -z secftp verify

zoneadm -z secftp install
zoneadm -z secftp boot

# zlogin -C secftp
[Connected to zone 'secftp' ]
Enter Requested Setup Information

[Notice Zone Rebooting]

secftp console login: root

# passwd root

7. Disable Unwanted Network Services in Local Zone

# svcadm disable sendmail

# svcadm disable rusers
# svcadm disable telnet
# svcadm disable rlogin
# svcadm disable rstat
# svcadm disable finger
# svcadm disable kshell
# svcadm disable network/shell:default
# svcadm disable snmpdx

# rm /etc/rc3.d/S76snmpdx
# rm /etc/rc3.d/S90samba
## Review /etc/rc2.d/S90* for deletion

8. Add a user for secure ftp access

[create same accounts and role changes as in global - you can set these to different names if you like]


# pwconv

# passwd secxfr
# set ot secxfr

# Add /bin/true to /etc/shells

# configure /etc/ftpd/ftpaccess

Solaris Security

Trusted Extensions
1. Fundamentals

TX places classification, and compartment wrappers around Non-Global Zones and defines what
systems can communicate with those zones

a. Classification vs Compartment

Classification is hierarchal level of security - TS , Confidential / Clearance / Sensitivity Label

Compartment is sub groups - Devel, Management,

b. Key Files for Trusted Extensions

• Site labels: defined in /etc/security/tsol/label_encodings

• Matching zones to labels: in /etc/security/tsol/tnzonecfg

• Network to label matching: in /etc/security/tsol/tnrhtp

• Defining network labels: in /etc/security/tsol/tnrhdb

2. Basic TX Configuration

Make sure no non-global zones are configured or installed; Non-Global zones need to be mapped to a
clearance and category before installation; these example content files will configure a host for three
non-global zones; one for public "web like" features, one for internal host-to-host from non-labeled
systems and one for secure tx to tx systems - labels are public, confidential and restricted.

a. Check /etc/user_attr to make sure your root and root role account has the following access levels


b. Example label_encodings file

Very primitive /etc/security/tsol/label_encodings file requiring only three non-global zones:

VERSION= Sun Microsystems, Inc. Example Version - 6.0. 2/15/05


name= PUBLIC; sname= PUB; value= 2; initial compartments= 4;

name= CONFIDENTIAL; sname= CNF; value= 4; initial compartments= 4;
name= RESTRICTED; sname= RES; value= 10; initial compartments= 4;






Solaris Security













classification= PUB; all compartment combinations valid;

classification= RES; all compartment combinations valid;
classification= CNF; all compartment combinations valid except:

minimum clearance= PUB;

minimum sensitivity label= PUB;
minimum protect as classification= PUB;

* Local site definitions and locally configurable options.


Default User Sensitivity Label= PUB;

Default User Clearance= PUB;
Default Label View is Internal;


label= Admin_Low; color= #bdbdbd;

label= PUB; color= blue violet;

label= RES; color= red;
label= CNF; color= yellow;

label= Admin_High; color= #636363;

Solaris Security

* End of local site definitions


c. Set netservices to limited

# netservices limited

d. Update /etc/security/tsol/tnrhdb to include local interfaces as type cipso

# CIPSO - who is a TX System
# ADMIN_LOW - what servers that are not TX, can talk to my global # DNS Server # Management Server
# SSH Allowed Remote
# All others can view my web site zone, but that is all.

e. Update /etc/security/tsol/tnrhtb to define CIPSO connections and force a label for non-labeled host

Note that this file uses "\" to shorten the lines for pdf output; remove them before using.

# Default for locally plumbed interfaces


f. Mapping the non-global zones to a LABEL is done in /etc/security/tsol/tnzonecfg


g. Enable TX Services

# svcadm enable labeld

# svcadm enable tnd
# svcadm enable tsol-zones
# svcadm enable tname

h. Create Non-Global Zones

Solaris Security

# txzonemgr

3. Permission and Access Control within TX and Non TX Zones

TX places classification, and compartment wrappers around Non-Global Zones and defines what
systems can communicate with those zones

a. Allowing user upgrade information - should the labeled zone allow it. Information stored in /etc/


b. Allowing user downgrade information - should the labeled zone allow it. Information stored in /


c. Preventing user from seeing processes beyond the users ownership. Information stored in /etc/


d. Combination of restrictions. Information stored in /etc/user_attr


e. Paring priv limitations and expansion of features with non-global zone configuration

zonecfg -z zone-name

set limitpriv=default,file_downgrade_sl,\


Chapter 5. Solaris Virtualization
Logical Domains
Socket, Core and Thread Distribution
Table 5.1. Coolthreads Systems
System Processor Max Memory RU
Sun SPARC Enterprise T5140 Server 2 UltraSPARC T2 Plus 128 128 1
Sun SPARC Enterprise T5240 Server 2 UltraSPARC T2 Plus 128 256 2
Sun SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server 4 UltraSPARC T2 Plus 256 512 4
Sun SPARC Enterprise T5120 Server 1 UltraSPARC T2 64 128 1
Sun SPARC Enterprise T5220 Server 1 UltraSPARC T2 64 128 2
Sun Blade™ T6340 Server Module 2 UltraSPARC T2 Plus 128 256 Blade
Sun Blade T6320 Server Module 1 UltraSPARC T2 64 128 Blade
Sun Blade T6300 Server Module 1 UltraSPARC T1 32 32 Blade
Sun SPARC Enterprise T1000 Server 1 UltraSPARC T1 32 32 1
Sun SPARC Enterprise T2000 Server 1 UltraSPARC T1 32 64 2
Sun Fire™ T1000 Server 1 UltraSPARC T1 32 32 1
Sun Fire T2000 Server 1 UltraSPARC T1 32 64 2

Table 5.2. Incomplete IO Domain Distribution

Processor Generation System Max Domains Max I/O Domains
UltraSPARC-T1 t1000 32 2
UltraSPARC-T1 t2000 32 2
UltraSPARC-T1 t6300 32 2
UltraSPARC-T2 t5120 64 1
UltraSPARC-T2 t5220 64 1
UltraSPARC-T2 T6320 64 1
UltraSPARC-T2 Plus t5140 128 2
UltraSPARC-T2 Plus t5240 128 2
UltraSPARC-T2 Plus t5440 128 4
UltraSPARC-T2 Plus t6340 128 2

Install Domain Manager Software

# ./Install/install-ldm -d none

Installing LDoms and Solaris Security Toolkit packages. pkgadd -n -

d "/export/home/rlb/LDoms_Manager-1_1/Product" -a pkg_admin SUNWldm.v

Solaris Virtualization

Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject
to license terms. Installation of <SUNWldm> was successful. pkgadd -n
-d "/export/home/rlb/LDoms_Manager-1_1/Product" -a pkg_admin SUNWjass
Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject
to license terms. Installation of <SUNWjass> was successful. Verifying
that all packages are fully installed. OK. Enabling services: svc:/
ldoms/ldmd:default Solaris Security Toolkit was not applied. Bypassing
the use of the Solaris Security Toolkit is _not_ recommended and should
only be performed when alternative hardening steps are to be taken. You
have new mail in /var/mail/root

Configure Primary Domain

# export PATH=/opt/SUNWldm/bin:$PATH
# ldm add-vds primary-vds0 primary
# ldm add-vcc port-range=5000-5100 primary-vcc0 primary
# ldm add-vsw net-dev=bge0 primary-vsw0 primary
# ldm set-mau 1 primary
# ldm set-vcpu 8 primary
# ldm set-memory 3968m primary
# ldm add-config baseline
# shutdown -y -g0 -i6

Create DOM1
# svcadm enable vntsd
# ldm add-domain dom1
# ldm add-vcpu 8 dom1
# ldm add-memory 2048m dom1
# ldm add-vnet pub0 primary-vsw0 dom1
# ldm add-vnet isan0 primary-vsw1 dom1

Adding RAW Disks and ISO Images to DOM1

# ldm add-vdiskserverdevice /dev/rdsk/c1t65d0s2 vol1@primary-vds0
# ldm add-vdiskserverdevice /export/home/rlb/sparc-dvd.iso\
# ldm add-vdisk vdisk0 vol1@primary-vds0 dom1
# ldm add-vdisk iso iso@primary-vds0 dom1

Bind DOM1 and set up for booting

# ldm bind-domain dom1
# ldm start-domain dom1
LDom dom1 started
# telnet localhost 5000

Trying Connected to localhost.

Escape character is '^]'.

Connecting to console "dom1" in group "dom1" ....

Solaris Virtualization

Press ~? for control options ..

{0} ok boot iso

Install OS Image and Clean up DOM1

After proceeding through the SysID Configuration halt the domain and set the auto-boot varable to true,
assuming that you want the domain to boot when starting it Otherwise the LDOM will wait at the ok>
prompt when recieving the start command from ldm start ldom

// Remove iso image for use with LDOM #2

# ldm stop dom1
# ldm rm-vdisk iso dom1

// Set the LDOM to autoboot else will boot

// into ok> prompt
# ldm set-variable auto-boot\?=true dom1

Create LDOM #2
# ldm add-domain dom2
# ldm add-vcpu 8 dom2
# ldm add-memory 2048m dom2
# ldm add-vnet pub0 primary-vsw0 dom2
# ldm add-vdiskserverdevice /dev/rdsk/c1t66d0s2 vol2@primary-vds0
# ldm add-vdisk vdisk0 vol2@primary-vds0 dom2
# ldm add-vdisk iso iso@primary-vds0 dom2
# ldm set-variable auto-boot\?=false dom2
# ldm bind dom2
# ldm start dom2
LDom dom2 started

# telnet localhost 5001

Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'.
Connecting to console "dom2" in group "dom2" ....

{0} ok boot iso // Continue as with LDOM#1

Backup or Template LDOM Configurations

primary# ldm list-constraints -x ldg0 > /var/tmp/ldg0.xml
primary# cp /var/tmp/ldg0.xml /var/tmp/ldg1.xml

primary# ldm add-domain -i /var/tmp/ldg1.xml primary

primary# ldm bind ldg1
primary# ldm start ldg1

Add one virtual disk to two LDOMs

A virtual disk backend can be exported multiple times either through the same or different virtual disk
servers. Each exported instance of the virtual disk backend can then be assigned to either the same or

Solaris Virtualization

different guest domains. When a virtual disk backend is exported multiple times, it should not be exported
with the exclusive (excl) option. Specifying the excl option will only allow exporting the backend once.

Caution - When a virtual disk backend is exported multiple times, applications running on guest domains
and using that virtual disk are responsible for coordinating and synchronizing concurrent write access to
ensure data coherency.

Export the virtual disk backend two times from a service domain by using the following commands. Note
the "-f" that forces the second device to be defined. Without the "-f" the second command will fail reporting
that the share must be "read only".

# ldm add-vdsdev [options={ro,slice}] backend volume1@service_name

# ldm add-vdsdev -f [options={ro,slice}] backend volume2@service_name

Assign the exported backend to each guest domain by using the following commands.

# ldm add-vdisk [timeout=seconds] disk_name volume1@service_name ldom1

# ldm add-vdisk [timeout=seconds] disk_name volume2@service_name ldom2

Example: note that SVM was tested, but LDOM's would not recognize the disks

# zfs create -V 1g shared/fence0

# zfs create -V 1g shared/fence1
# zfs create -V 1g shared/fence2

# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/zvol/rdsk/shared/fence0 \


# ldm add-vdsdev -f /dev/zvol/rdsk/shared/fence0 \


# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/zvol/rdsk/shared/fence1 \


# ldm add-vdsdev -f /dev/zvol/rdsk/shared/fence1 \


# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/zvol/rdsk/shared/fence2 \


# ldm add-vdsdev -f /dev/zvol/rdsk/shared/fence2 \


# ldm add-vdisk fence0 vsrv1_fence0@primary-vds0 vsrv1

# ldm add-vdisk fence1 vsrv1_fence1@primary-vds0 vsrv1
# ldm add-vdisk fence2 vsrv1_fence2@primary-vds0 vsrv1

# ldm add-vdisk fence0 vsrv2_fence0@primary-vds0 vsrv1

Solaris Virtualization

# ldm add-vdisk fence1 vsrv2_fence1@primary-vds0 vsrv1

# ldm add-vdisk fence2 vsrv2_fence2@primary-vds0 vsrv1

# ldm bind vsrv1

# ldm bind vsrv2

# ldm list
primary active -n-cv- SP 8 3968M 0.2% 47m
vsrv1 bound ------ 5000 4 2G
vsrv2 bound ------ 5001 4 2G

Grouping VCC Console

primary# ldm set-vcons group=group1 service=primary-vcc0 ldg1
primary# ldm set-vcons group=group1 service=primary-vcc0 ldg2
primary# ldm set-vcons group=group1 service=primary-vcc0 ldg3

# telnet localhost 5000

primary-vnts-group1: h, l, c{id}, n{name}, q:

primary-vnts-group1: h, l, c{id}, n{name}, q: l

0 ldg1 online
1 ldg2 online
2 ldg3 online

LDOM Automation Script

Here's a no-errorchecking blaziing fast LDOM creation script. Took 7 seconds to build a new OS image.
Thought you might want to check it out. I assume I don't need to say "needs error checking!" This assumes
list of possible hostnames are in the primary's /etc/hosts file.

Script Assumptions

Script assumes that the there is an initial LDOM created on a zfs resident disk image called LDOM/dom3/
vdisk0.img, and that all potential domains will be in DOM0's local hosts table. Note that this script was
written on Solaris 10 Update 4, with LDOM Manager 1.0. The basic process is to clone a known good
image, mount through lofi, update key boot files, then create the ldom constraints file through command
like execution; finally binding and booting the ldom. Entire process from known good image is about 7

Execution Example: Script takes about 7 seconds to create a new LDOM.

# ./ dom4
Mon May 14 20:51:47 EDT 2007
Starting AutoDom
Mon May 14 20:51:53 EDT 2007

Script Code for

Solaris Virtualization


echo "Starting AutoDom"

## LDOM/dom3@primary is clean OS snapshot used as baseline

## create clone of snapshot
zfs clone LDOM/dom3@primary LDOM/{$DOM}

## mount disk image for updating

lofiadm -a /LDOM/$DOM/vdisk0.img
mount /dev/lofi/1 /mnt

## update /etc/hosts, /etc/inet/ipnodes,

## /etc/hostname.vnet0 and /etc/nodename
echo "# AutoDom Generated hosts file" >/mnt/etc/hosts
echo '::1 localhost' >>/mnt/etc/hosts
echo ' localhost' >>/mnt/hosts
grep $DOM /etc/inet/ipnodes | awk '{print $1, $2, "loghost"}'\

# updating ipnodes should be redundent, but just incase

echo "# AutoDom Generated inet/ipnodes file" \
echo '::1 localhost' >>/mnt/etc/inet/ipnodes
echo ' localhost' >>/mnt/etc/inet/ipnodes
grep $DOM /etc/hosts | awk '{print $1, $2, "loghost"}' \

echo "$DOM" >/mnt/etc/nodename

echo "$DOM" >/mnt/etc/hostname.vnet0
umount /mnt
lofiadm -d /dev/lofi/1

# Create the LDOM

ldm add-domain $DOM
ldm add-vcpu 4 $DOM
ldm add-mau 0 $DOM
ldm add-memory 1G $DOM
ldm add-vdiskserverdevice /LDOM/$DOM/vdisk0.img \
ldm add-vdisk ${DOM}vdisk0 ${DOM}vdisk0@primary-vds0 $DOM
ldm add-vnet vnet0 primary-vsw0 $DOM
ldm set-variable auto-boot\?=false $DOM
ldm set-variable local-mac-address\?=true $DOM
ldm set-variable \
boot-device=/virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@0 \
ldm bind-domain $DOM

# All ready to boot as new image

Solaris Virtualization


# Done Script

VCS and LDOM Failover, Features and Start and Stop

VCS 5.0MP3 can be used to start and stop an LDOM on a single system, however it has a bug preventing
ths use of a CfgFile. In order to use the CfgFile option, and thereby allowing failover, you must install

Basic VCS LDOM Configuration

Create a Constraints file

Copy xml file to all systems that will support the failover of this LDOM. In this example they are stored
in a custom /etc/ldoms/ directory. It may, however make sense to put it on shared storage.

$ ldm list-constraints -x dom2 /etc/ldoms/dom2.xml

Create an LDom Agent

# hares -add ldom_dom2 LDom dom2

# hares -modify ldom_dom2 LDomName dom2
# hares -modify ldom_dom2 CfgFile /etc/ldoms/dom2.xml
# hares -modify ldom_dom2 Enabled 1


group dom2 (
SystemList = { primary-dom1 = 0 }

LDom ldom_dom2 (
LDomName = dom2
CfgFile = /etc/ldoms/dom2.xml

View of ldm list when VCS LDOM Agent has been started

bash-3.00# ldm list

primary active -n-cv- SP 8 4092M 55% 15m
dom1 active -t---- 5001 8 2G 12% 22s
dom2 active -t---- 5000 8 1904M 12% 22s

View of ldm list when VCS LDOM Agent has been stopped

Solaris Virtualization


primary active -n-cv- SP 8 4092M 0.4% 18m
dom1 inactive ------ 8 2G
dom2 inactive ------ 8 1904M

Adjusting Number of CPU's in LDOM via LDom Agent

# ldm list
primary active -n-cv- SP 8 4092M 0.4% 18m
dom1 inactive ------ 8 2G
dom2 inactive ------ 8 1904M

# haconf -makerw
# hares -modify ldom_dom1 NumCPU 4
# haconf -dump -makero

# ldm list
primary active -n-cv- SP 8 4092M 0.4% 18m
dom1 inactive ------ 8 2G
dom2 inactive ------ 8 1904M

# hagrp -online dom1 -sys dom0

# ldm list
primary active -n-cv- SP 8 4092M 0.4% 18m
dom1 active -t---- 5000 4 2G 25% 1s
dom2 inactive ------ 8 1904M

Interaction between setting vCPU number in LDom Agent and CLI

# ldm set-vcpu 8 dom1

# ldm list
primary active -n-cv- SP 8 4092M 0.6% 26m
dom1 active -n---- 5000 8 2G 19% 4m
dom2 inactive ------ 8 1904M

# hares -display ldom_dom1 -attribute NumCPU

#Resource Attribute System Value
ldom_dom1 NumCPU global 4

# hagrp -offline dom1 -sys dom0

### Note lack of VCPU definition on dom1 ###

Solaris Virtualization

# ldm list
primary active -n-cv- SP 8 4092M 0.4% 31m
dom1 inactive ------ 2G
dom2 inactive ------ 8 1904M

# hagrp -online dom1 -sys dom0

### System reverts back to NumCPU set in VCS ###

# ldm list
primary active -n-cv- SP 8 4092M 0.4% 32m
dom1 active -t---- 5000 4 2G 25% 12s
dom2 inactive ------ 8 1904M

### Additional Comments - dom1.xml never gets updated, ###

### so is set to 8CPU ###

VCS LDOM with ZPool Configuration

ZFS Pool Agent Configuration

When a LDOM uses a ZFS RAW Volume instead of a mkfile image on a ZFS FS, the Zpool
Agent for VCS will attempt to mount and check the volume. Being a raw volume, this will cause
the Agent to fail. To avoid this use the ChkZFSMounts 0 option.

The LDOM XML File is generated by the # ldm ls-constraints -x dom1 >/etc/ldoms/dom1.xml
command; make the /etc/ldoms directory on both servers first; create the xml file, then copy to
both servers.

# hagrp -add LDOM

# hagrp -modify LDOM SystemList sys1 0 sys2 1

# hagrp -modify LDOM AutoStartList sys1

# hares -add ldom_zp Zpool LDOM

# hares -modify ldom_zp PoolName rapid_d

# hares -modify ldom_zp AltRootPath /
# hares -modify ldom_zp ChkZFSMounts 0
# hares -modify ldom_zp Enabled 1

LDOM Agent Configuration

Solaris Virtualization

# hares -add wanboot_ldm LDom LDOM

# hares -modify dom1_ldm CfgFile /etc/ldoms/dom1.xml

# hares -modify dom1_ldm NumCPU 4
# hares -modify dom1_ldm LDomName dom1
# hares -link dom1_ldm ldom_zp

Manual LDOM and Zpool Migration

1. Source Server Tasks

a. Identify Current Configuration

# ldm list
primary active -n-cv- SP 4 1G 0.3% 2h 49m
wanboot active -n---- 5000 4 1G 0.2% 3h 51m

# zfs list -t volume

rapid_d/wanboot/rootdisk 32G 135G 5.48G -

b. Shutdown LDOM

# ldm stop wanboot

c. Generate LDOM XML Constraints File and copy to remote server

# ldm ls-constraints -x wanboot >/root/wanboot.xml

# scp /root/wanboot.xml root@remote:/root/

d. Unbind Source LDOM Domain

# ldm unbind wanboot

e. Export ZPool where LDOM resides

# zpool export rapid_d

2. Source Server Tasks

a. Import LDOM Zpool

# zpool import rapid_d

b. Create LDOM using constraints file

# ldm create -i /root/wanboot.xml

Solaris Virtualization

c. Bind LDOM

# ldm bind wanboot

d. Start Domain

# ldm start wanboot

xVM (XEN) Usage on OpenSolaris 2009.06

Commands and methods using xVM on Opensolaris 2009.06

Quick Create for Solaris 10 HVM

Solaris 10 must be installed in a HVM, and use vnc; specifying nongraphics options will resulting the
install providing no console

Documentation on opensolaris web side uses different options to the virt-install command.
Options displayed on website will not work, and are not available, on 2009.06

1. Create a back end zvol for installation

# zfs create -V 18g vstorage/guests/svsrv2/rootdisk0

2. Set DISPLAY for X session

# export DISPLAY=123.456.789.10:0.0

3. Create the XVM HVM Image and Install

# virt-install --vnc -v --ram 2048 --file-size=18 \

--name svsrv2 -f /dev/zvol/dsk/vstorage/guests/svsrv2/rootdisk0 \
--bridge=nge0 --vcpus=4 -c /vstorage/iso/sol-10-u7-ga-x86-dvd.iso

root@x2200:~# virsh vncdisplay svsrv2

root@x2200:~# vncviewer localhost:0

Solaris 10 Non-Global Zones

Comments on Zones and Live Upgrade
Starting with the Solaris Solaris 10 8/07 release, you can upgrade or patch a system that contains non-
global zones with Solaris Live Upgrade. If you have a system that contains non-global zones, Solaris

Solaris Virtualization

Live Upgrade is the recommended program to upgrade and to add patches. Other upgrade programs might
require extensive upgrade time, because the time required to complete the upgrade increases linearly with
the number of installed non-global zones. If you are patching a system with Solaris Live Upgrade, you
do not have to take the system to single-user mode and you can maximize your system's uptime. The
following list summarizes changes to accommodate systems that have non-global zones installed.

• A new package, SUNWlucfg, is required to be installed with the other Solaris Live Upgrade packages,
SUNWlur and SUNWluu. This package is required for any system, not just a system with non-global
zones installed.

• Creating a new boot environment from the currently running boot environment remains the same as in
previous releases with one exception. You can specify a destination disk slice for a shared file system
within a non-global zone. For more information, see Creating and Upgrading a Boot Environment When
Non-Global Zones Are Installed (Tasks).

• The lumount command now provides non-global zones with access to their corresponding file systems
that exist on inactive boot environments. When the global zone administrator uses the lumount command
to mount an inactive boot environment, the boot environment is mounted for non-global zones as well.
See Using the lumount Command on a System That Contains Non-Global Zones.

• Comparing boot environments is enhanced. The lucompare command now generates a comparison
of boot environments that includes the contents of any non-global zone. See To Compare Boot
Environments for a System With Non-Global Zones Installed.

• Listing file systems with the lufslist command is enhanced to list file systems for both the global zone
and the non-global zones. See To View the Configuration of a Boot Environment's Non-Global Zone
File Systems.

Upgrading and Patching Containers with Live Upgrade

Solaris 10 8/07 adds the ability to use Live Upgrade tools on a system with Containers. This makes it
possible to apply an update to a zoned system, e.g. updating from Solaris 10 11/06 to Solaris 10 8/07. It
also drastically reduces the downtime necessary to apply some patches.

The latter ability requires more explanation. An existing challenge in the maintenance of zones is patching
- each zone must be patched when a patch is applied. If the patch must be applied while the system is
down, the downtime can be significant.

Fortunately, Live Upgrade can create an Alternate Boot Environment (ABE) and the ABE can be patched
while the Original Boot Environment (OBE) is still running its Containers and their applications. After
the patches have been applied, the system can be re-booted into the ABE. Downtime is limited to the time
it takes to re-boot the system.

An additional benefit can be seen if there is a problem with the patch and that particular application
environment. Instead of backing out the patch, the system can be re-booted into the OBE while the problem
is investigated.

Understanding Solaris Zones and Solaris Live Upgrade

The Solaris Zones partitioning technology is used to virtualize operating system services and provide an
isolated and secure environment for running applications. A non-global zone is a virtualized operating
system environment created within a single instance of the Solaris OS, the global zone. When you create a
non-global zone, you produce an application execution environment in which processes are isolated from
the rest of the system.

Solaris Virtualization

Solaris Live Upgrade is a mechanism to copy the currently running system onto new slices. When non-
global zones are installed, they can be copied to the inactive boot environment along with the global zone's
file systems.

• In this example of a system with a single disk, the root (/) file system is copied to c0t0d0s4. All non-
global zones that are associated with the file system are also copied to s4. The /export and /swap file
systems are shared between the current boot environment, bootenv1, and the inactive boot environment,
bootenv2. The lucreate command is the following:

# lucreate -c bootenv1 -m /:/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s4:ufs -n bootenv2

• In this example of a system with two disks, the root (/) file system is copied to c0t1d0s0. All non-global
zones that are associated with the file system are also copied to s0. The /export and /swap file systems are
shared between the current boot environment, bootenv1, and the inactive boot environment, bootenv2.
The lucreate command is the following:

# lucreate -c bootenv1 -m /:/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0:ufs -n bootenv2

• In this example of a system with a single disk, the root (/) file system is copied to c0t0d0s4. All non-
global zones that are associated with the file system are also copied to s4. The non-global zone, zone1,
has a separate file system that was created by the zonecfg add fs command. The zone path is /zone1/
root/export. To prevent this file system from being shared by the inactive boot environment, the file
system is placed on a separate slice, c0t0d0s6. The /export and /swap file systems are shared between
the current boot environment, bootenv1, and the inactive boot environment, bootenv2. The lucreate
command is the following:

# lucreate -c bootenv1 -m /:/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s4:ufs \

-m /export:/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s6:ufs:zone1 -n bootenv2

• In this example of a system with two disks, the root (/) file system is copied to c0t1d0s0. All non-global
zones that are associated with the file system are also copied to s0. The non-global zone, zone1, has
a separate file system that was created by the zonecfg add fs command. The zone path is /zone1/root/
export. To prevent this file system from being shared by the inactive boot environment, the file system is
placed on a separate slice, c0t1d0s4. The /export and /swap file systems are shared between the current
boot environment, bootenv1, and the inactive boot environment, bootenv2. The lucreate command is
the following:

# lucreate -c bootenv1 -m /:/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0:ufs \

-m /export:/dev/desk/c0t1d0s4:ufs:zone1 -n bootenv2

Comments on Zones and Veritas Control

You need to keep the following items in mind when you install or upgrade VCS in a zone environment.

• When you install or upgrade VCS using the installer program, all zones are upgraded (both global and
non-global) unless they are detached and unmounted.

• If you install VCS on Solaris 10 systems that run non-global zones, you need to make sure that non-
global zones do not inherit the /opt directory. Run the following command to make sure that the /opt
directory is not in the inherit-pkg-dir clause:

# zonecfg -z zone_name info

zonepath: /export/home/zone1
autoboot: false

Solaris Virtualization

pool: yourpool
dir: /lib
dir: /platform
dir: /sbin
dir: /usr

• Veritas Upgrading when the zone root is on Veritas File System shared storage

The following procedures are to make one active non-global zone upgradeable with the zone root on
shared storage. The corresponding non-global zones on the other nodes in the cluster are then detached
from shared storage. They are detached to prevent them from being upgraded one at a time.

1. Stopping the cluster and upgrading nodeA

# hastop -all

2. On nodeA, bring up the volumes and the file systems that are related to the zone root.

For a faster upgrade, you can boot the zones to bring them into the running state.

# hastop -all

3. Use the patchadd command to upgrade nodeA.

# patchadd nnnnnn-nn
# patchadd xxxxxx-xx

4. Detaching the zones on nodeB - nodeN

Use a mount point as a temporary zone root directory. You then detach the non-global zones in the
cluster that are in the installed state. Detach them to prevent the operating system from trying to
upgrade these zones and failing. - this is from Veritas Docs; not sure about process; recomment detach
on alternate global zones; but don't think the fake filesystem is needed as long as non-global zone
is patches on the original host - more work needed should zone failover be a requirment for rolling
upgrades; could be a possible "upgrade on attach" condition - not supported by VCS Zone Agent yet.

Basic Non-Global Zone Creation SPARSE

# zonecfg -z myzone
zonecfg:myzone> set zonepath=/zones/myzone
zonecfg:myzone> set autoboot=true
zonecfg:myzone> add net
zonecfg:myzone:net> set address=
zonecfg:myzone:net> set physical=hme0
zonecfg:myzone:net> end
zonecfg:myzone> add inherit-pkg-dir
zonecfg:myzone:inherit-pkg-dir> set dir=/lib

Solaris Virtualization

zonecfg:myzone:inherit-pkg-dir> end
zonecfg:myzone> add inherit-pkg-dir
zonecfg:myzone:inherit-pkg-dir> set dir=/platform
zonecfg:myzone:inherit-pkg-dir> end
zonecfg:myzone> add inherit-pkg-dir
zonecfg:myzone:inherit-pkg-dir> set dir=/sbin
zonecfg:myzone:inherit-pkg-dir> end
zonecfg:myzone> add inherit-pkg-dir
zonecfg:myzone:inherit-pkg-dir> set dir=/usr
zonecfg:myzone:inherit-pkg-dir> end
zonecfg:myzone> add inherit-pkg-dir
zonecfg:myzone:inherit-pkg-dir> set dir=/opt/swf
zonecfg:myzone:inherit-pkg-dir> end
zonecfg:myzone> verify
zonecfg:myzone> export

Scripting Basic Non-Global Zone Creation SPARSE

1. Create the myzone.cfg script with the following basic information in it:

create -b
set zonepath=/zones/myzone
set autoboot=true
add inherit-pkg-dir
set dir=/lib
add inherit-pkg-dir
set dir=/platform
add inherit-pkg-dir
set dir=/sbin
add inherit-pkg-dir
set dir=/usr
add inherit-pkg-dir
set dir=/opt/sfw
add net
set address=
set physical=hme0

2. Create the non-global zone configuration using the zone.cfg file

# zonecfg -z secondzone -f /tmp/myzone.cfg

3. Install the Non-Global Zone

# zoneadm -z myzone install

4. Boot then execute the sysidcfg through the non-global zone console

The zlogin -e option allows for changing the ~. break sequence; I commonly change this due to layers
of login sessions where ~. would drop connection on other terminals.

Solaris Virtualization

# zoneadm -z myzone boot

# zlogin -e @. -C myzone

Using Dtrace to monitor non-global zones

Current defined zone states from zone.h

/* zone_status */
typedef enum {
} zone_status_t;

Dtrace code - can be run via cron with output to a monitored file

/usr/sbin/dtrace -qs

state[0] = "Uninitialized";
state[1] = "Ready";
state[2] = "Booting";
state[3] = "Running";
state[4] = "Shutting down";
state[5] = "Empty";
state[6] = "Down";
state[7] = "Dying";
state[8] = "Dead";

printf("Zone %s status %s\n", stringof(args[0]->zone_name),

Example output of dtrace code above

# ./zonestatus.d
Zone aap status Ready
Zone aap status Booting
Zone aap status Running
Zone aap status Shutting down
Zone aap status Down
Zone aap status Empty
Zone aap status Dying

Solaris Virtualization

Zone aap status Ready

Zone aap status Dead
Zone aap status Booting
Zone aap status Running
Zone aap status Shutting down
Zone aap status Empty
Zone aap status Down
Zone aap status Dead

Setup a Non-Global Zone for running Dtrace

In future Solaris Express and Community Release builds (those based on Nevada b37 and higher),
you can use a subset of DTrace functionality as follows:

# zonecfg -z myzone
zonecfg:myzone> set limitpriv=default,dtrace_proc,dtrace_user
zonecfg:myzone> ^D

# zoneadm -z myzone boot

Using Dtrace to trace an applincation in a non-global

One liner to trace application in a specific NGZI wanted to put a note here for myself, and for others
who are looking for a way to get information about a particular executable running in a zone on their
machine. While it is (to the best of my knowledge) not possible to do this from within the local zone itself,
you can run dtrace from the global zone and specify the zone name and executable by using a logical AND
in the predicate, like this:

# dtrace -n ’syscall:::entry /zonename == “webserver” \

&& execname == “httpd”/{ printf(”%S”, curpsinfo->pr_psargs);\
trace(pid) }’

0 6485 write:entry /var/local/httpd/bin/httpd -DSSL\0 12248

0 6779 llseek:entry /var/local/httpd/bin/httpd -DSSL\0 12248
0 6489 close:entry /var/local/httpd/bin/httpd -DSSL\0 12248
0 6789 pollsys:entry /var/local/httpd/bin/httpd -DSSL\0 12248

Using Dtrace to monitor non-global zones

Current defined zone states from zone.h

/* zone_status */
typedef enum {

Solaris Virtualization

} zone_status_t;

Dtrace code - can be run via cron with output to a monitored file

/usr/sbin/dtrace -qs

state[0] = "Uninitialized";
state[1] = "Ready";
state[2] = "Booting";
state[3] = "Running";
state[4] = "Shutting down";
state[5] = "Empty";
state[6] = "Down";
state[7] = "Dying";
state[8] = "Dead";

printf("Zone %s status %s\n", stringof(args[0]->zone_name),

Example output of dtrace code above

# ./zonestatus.d
Zone aap status Ready
Zone aap status Booting
Zone aap status Running
Zone aap status Shutting down
Zone aap status Down
Zone aap status Empty
Zone aap status Dying
Zone aap status Ready
Zone aap status Dead
Zone aap status Booting
Zone aap status Running
Zone aap status Shutting down
Zone aap status Empty
Zone aap status Down
Zone aap status Dead

Non-Global Zone Commands

Poor mans version of container migration between two or more systems. This article is an overview of
how to migrate zones from one server to another. Examples will include how to simulate this within two
servers and SAN or iSCSI sharing storage.

1. CLI Interaction with Non-Global Zones

a. Force Attachment

Solaris Virtualization

Used when a zone will not attach due to manifest incompatabilities such as missing patches. Buyer
be ware.

# zoneadm -z inactive_local_zonename attach -F

b. Detach non-global zone

# zoneadm -z inactive_local_zonename detach

c. Dry Run for attach and detach

# zoneadm -z my-zone detach -n

# zoneadm -z my-zone attach -n

d. Dry Run to see if a non-global zone can be moved from one system to another

# zoneadm -z myzone detach -n | ssh remote zoneadm attach -n -

e. Update on Attach

Can be used durring round-robin upgrades or moving from one architecture to another.

# zoneadm -z my-zone attach -u

f. Verbose Non-Global Zone boot

# zoneadm boot -- -m verbose

g. Importing a Non-Global Zone on a host without the zone.xml/index definition

Host1# zoneadm -z myzone halt

Host1# zoneadm -z myzone detach
[move storage to host2]

Host2# zonecfg -z myzone "create -F -a /zone/myzone"

Host2# zoneadm -z myzone attach -u

2. Creating the ZFS Storage Pool for local zone installation

# zpool create zones c6t0d0

# zfs create zones/webzone
# chmod go-rwx /zones/webzone

3. Create Zone “webzone”

# zonecfg -z webzone
webzone: No such zone configured
Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone
zonecfg:webzone> create
zonecfg:webzone> set zonepath=/zones/webzone
zonecfg:webzone> exit

# zoneadm -z webzone install

# zoneadm -z webzone boot
# zlogin -e @. -C webzone
## Finish the sysid questions

Solaris Virtualization

4. Defining default Non-Global Zone Boot Mode

global# zonecfg -z myzone

zonecfg:myzone> set bootargs="-m verbose"
zonecfg:myzone> exit

5. Exclusive IP Mode

global# zonecfg -z myzone

zonecfg:myzone> set ip-type=exclusive
zonecfg:myzone> add net
zonecfg:myzone:net> set physical=bge1
zonecfg:myzone:net> end
zonecfg:myzone> exit

6. Cap Memory for a Non-Global Zone

global# zonecfg -z myzone

zonecfg:myzone> add capped-memory
zonecfg:myzone:capped-memory> set physical=500m
zonecfg:myzone:capped-memory> end
zonecfg:myzone> exit

7. Cap Swap for a Non-Global Zone

global# zonecfg -z myzone

zonecfg:myzone> add capped-memory
zonecfg:myzone:capped-memory> set swap=1g
zonecfg:myzone:capped-memory> end
zonecfg:myzone> exit

8. Swap Cap for running Non-Global Zone

global# prctl -n zone.max-swap -v 2g -t privileged \

-r -e deny -i zone myzone

9. Shared Memory Cap for Non-Global Zone

global# zonecfg -z myzone

zonecfg:myzone> set max-shm-memory=100m
zonecfg:myzone> set max-shm-ids=100
zonecfg:myzone> set max-msg-ids=100
zonecfg:myzone> set max-sem-ids=100
zonecfg:myzone> exit

10.Dedicated CPUs Non-Global Zone

After using that command, when that Container boots, Solaris: removes a CPU from the default pool
assigns that CPU to a newly created temporary pool associates that Container with that pool, i.e.
only schedules that Container's processes on that CPU Further, if the load on that CPU exceeds a
default threshold and another CPU can be moved from another pool, Solaris will do that, up to the
maximum configured amount of three CPUs. Finally, when the Container is stopped, the temporary
pool is destroyed and its CPU(s) are placed back in the default pool.

global# zonecfg -z myzone

zonecfg:myzone> add dedicated-cpu
zonecfg:myzone:dedicated-cpu> set ncpus=1-3

Solaris Virtualization

zonecfg:myzone:dedicated-cpu> end
zonecfg:myzone> exit

11.Migration is done in the following stages:

a. Primary system -

i. Halt the non-global zone

# zlogin webzone init 0

ii. Detach the non-global zone

# zoneadm -z webzone detach

iii. Export the zfs pool used for the non-global zone

# zpool export zones

b. Failover System -

i. Import the zfs pool for the non-global zone

# zpool import -d /dev/dsk zones

ii. Create the zone XML configuration file

# zonecfg -z webzone ‘create -a /zones/webzone’

iii. Attach the non-global zone

# zoneadm -z webzone attach

iv. Boot the non-global zone

# zoneadm -z webzone boot

Non-Global Zones and Stock VCS Zone Agent

Configuration of a Non-Global Zone into a VCS Service Group; note that if the service group does
not exist, this will create it.

# hazonesetup <SG> <resname> <zonename> <passwd> <systems>

VCS Non-Global Zone verification

This will check the following: Checks is the service group were the local zone resides is compliant; Checks
if the systems hosting the service group have the required operating system to run local zones; Checks if
the dependencies of the Zone resource are correct.

# hazoneverify <SG>

Table 5.3. VCS Command Line Access - Global vs. Non-Global Zones
Common Commands Global Zone Non-Global Zone
hastatus -sum yes yes
hares -state yes yes

Solaris Virtualization

Common Commands Global Zone Non-Global Zone

hagrp -state yes yes
halogin yes no
hagrp -online/-offline yes no
hares -online/-offline yes no
hares -clear yes no

Non-Global Zones and Custom VCS Application Agent

1. Custom Zone Agent Scripts

a. Zone Monitor Script

# StartProgram = "/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/myzone/start ZNAME ZHOME"

# MonitorProgram = "/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/myzone/monitor ZNAME"
# StopProgram = "/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/myzone/stop ZONENAME ZNAME"

# Monitor Code

. $VCSHOME/bin/


SYS=`cat /var/VRTSvcs/conf/sysname`



if [ ! -f $ZONE_XML ] ; then
VCSAG_LOG_MSG "N" "ZONE: $ZONE Configuration file: \
$ZONE_XML not found on $SYS. \
Must run failover test before being considered \
production ready" 1 "$ResName"

STATE=`grep ^$ARG1':' $INDEX | awk '{print $2}'`

if [ -z $STATE ] ; then
VCSAG_LOG_MSG "N" "ZONE: $ZONE is not in $INDEX, and \
was never imported on $SYS. \
Must run failover test before being considered production\
ready" 1 "$ResName"
# Exit offline
exit 100

case "$STATE" in

Solaris Virtualization

# Zone is running
exit 110
# Zone Imported but not running
exit 100
# Zone had been configured on this system, but is not
# imported or running
exit 100

b. Zone StartProgram Script

## StartProgram

. $VCSHOME/bin/


# This start program forces an attach on the zone, just

# incase the xml file is not updated
SYS=`cat /var/VRTSvcs/conf/sysname`

zonecfg -z $ZONE "create -F -a $ZONE_HOME"


if [ $S -eq 0 ] ; then
# Creation was a success, starting zone boot
"ZONE: $ZONE Success in attaching to system $SYS" 1 "$ResName"
"ZONE: $ZONE Starting Boot sequence on $SYS" 1 "$ResName"
zoneadm -z $ZONE boot
if [ $ZB -eq 0 ] ; then
"ZONE: $ZONE Boot command successful $SYS" 1 "$ResName"
"ZONE: $ZONE Boot command failed on $SYS" 1 "$ResName"
# Creation Failed
"ZONE: $ZONE Attach Command failed on $SYS" 1 "$ResName"

Solaris Virtualization

c. Zone StopProgram Script

## StopProgram

. $VCSHOME/bin/
SYS=`cat /var/VRTSvcs/conf/sysname`

VCSAG_LOG_MSG "N" "ZONE: $ZONE Shutting down $SYS" 1 "$ResName"


zlogin -z $ZONE init 0


if [ $ZSD -eq 0 ] ; then

# Shutdown command sent successful
"ZONE: $ZONE Success in zlogin shutdown $SYS" 1 "$ResName"
"ZONE: $ZONE Going through init 0 on $SYS, expect \
normal shutdown delay" 1 "$ResName"
# zlogin shutdown Failed
"ZONE: $ZONE Failed zlogin shutdown command on $SYS" 1 "$ResName"
STATE=`grep ^$ARG1':' $INDEX | awk '{print $2}'`

while [ "$STATE" == "running" ] ; do

sleep 4
STATE=`grep ^$ZONE':' $INDEX | awk '{print $2}'`

"ZONE: $ZONE Detach In Progress on $SYS" 1 "$ResName"

zoneadm -z $ZONE detach

sleep 2

while [ "$STATE" == "configured" ] ; do

sleep 4
STATE=`grep ^$ZONE':' $INDEX | awk '{print $2}'`

"ZONE: $ZONE Detach Is Complete $SYS" 1 "$ResName"


Solaris Virtualization

Chapter 6. Solaris WANBoot
General Overview for Dynamic Wanboot POC
This proof of concept is designed to show how, through the use of a jumpstart dynamic profiles and
Client-id wanboot parameters, client specific configurations can be pre-defined and used in a way that
allows the administrator to "fire and forget". Thus avoiding the need to input frequent, redundant, system
configuration information during the installation process. The intent of this lightweight proof of concept is
to use a methodology that can be integrated into new builds, capturing and leveraging information on the
current host during clean upgrades, and include the ability to pre-define administration and default selected
product install tasks such as a select a veritas product and create a veritas response file for configuration.

POC Goals
• Simple, extendable, flexable

• One time definition of system id information - sysidcfg

• Admins ability to pre-select OS Install Disk (secondary mirror) and or ability to set based on script

• Configuration and Deployment condusive with management initerface

• Adaptable to allow for additional install scripts and products; including configuration tasks for those

• Minimize any existing speciallized code modifications

• Minimize any rules.ok generation and updates

• Ability to define and pass variables set during the wanboot cliend definition process throughout different
stages of the install.

• Methodology that allows for 'collection' of configuration information from an existing server (can be
used to upgrade to new OS version while preserving existing scripts and configurations)

• Methodology that allows for additional products to be installed and configured - selection prior to install

• Can be integrated with existing wanboot methods and scripts

POC Out of Scope

• Creation of GUI and CLI for sysidcgf and boot environment generation

• Code Error checking

• Inclusion of additional product installation and configuration scripts

• Inclusion of existing pre and post jumpstart scripts

Solaris WANBoot

Current challanges with wanboot marked for

• Users have to enter configuration information several times during the install process

• The configuration information entered during different stages of the install process is the same as the
previous stage.

• The sysidcfg information is not passed from one stage to the next

• SI_ variables are defined as needed and only during latter stages of the install

• Because information must be re-entered at different stages the install can not currently be a "fire and

POC Wanboot Configuration Highlights

• Use /etc/netboot/$SUBNET/$HOSTID to store the host specifc wanboot.conf and system.conf -
allowing for specific host based sysidcfg

• Specify client-id at OBP where Client-ID = uppercase HOSTID

• Use dynamic profile that sources a boot.env file specific to each host - allows for definition of hard
drive to install to

• Use wget installed into miniroot to download boot.env into /tmp/install_config/

• Wanboot process should be dynamic and not needing frequent check rules generation.

• Integration with current scripts after modification

Next Steps
1. Develop a Client Management Interface for Product Selection and Configuration

2. Create script collections for various products selected through Client Management Interface

3. Implement a 'upgrade existing host' script process for integration

Configuration Steps
Table 6.1. Wanboot Server Client Details
Server Value
Wanboot Server
Target Client Hostname dom2
Target Client Host ID 84F8799D
Target Client Install Disk c0d0

Server Side Configuration Process

Solaris WANBoot

# cd /etc/apache2
# cp httpd.conf-example httpd.conf
# svcadm enable apache2

### Create the /etc/netboot directory structure ###

# mkdir /etc/netboot
# mkdir /etc/netboot/

# cd /var/apache2/htdocs
# mkdir config
# mkdir flar
# mkdir wanboot10

### Create directory for each node to

## be booted that contains the sysidcfg ###

# mkdir /var/apache2/htdocs/config/client-sysidcfg/dom2

### Install WANBOOT ###

# cd /mnt/Solaris_10/Tools

# ./setup_install_server -w /var/apache2/htdocs/wanboot10/wpath \

### Copy stock jumpstart rules ###

# cd /mnt/Solaris_10/Misc/jumpstart_sample/
# mkdir /var/apache2/htdocs/config/js-rules
# cp -r * /var/apache2/htdocs/config/js-rules

### Install wanboot cgi to apache2 cgi-bin directory ###

# cd /usr/lib/inet/wanboot/
# cp bootlog-cgi wanboot-cgi /var/apache2/cgi-bin/
# cd /var/apache2/cgi-bin
# cp wanboot-cgi wanboot.cgi

### Upload wanboot and miniroot ###

# cd /mnt/Solaris_10/Tools/Boot/platform/sun4v/
# cp wanboot /var/apache2/htdocs/wanboot/sun4v.wanboot
# cd /var/apache2/htdocs/wanboot10/wpath
# cp miniroot ..

### Add wget to /usr/sfw/bin in the miniroot

# lofiadm -a /var/apache2/htdocs/wanboot10/miniroot

# mount /dev/lofi/1 /mnt

# mkdir /mnt/usr/sfw/bin
# cp /usr/sfw/bin/wget /mnt/usr/sfw/bin/

Solaris WANBoot

# umount /mnt
# lofiadm -d /dev/lofi/1

File Contents






karch sun4v = -



/usr/sfw/bin/wget -P/tmp/install_config/ \${HOST_NAME}/boot.env
sleep 2
. /tmp/install_config/boot.env

echo "Installing into: ${DY_ROOTDISK}"

echo "dy install_type set to: ${dy_install_type}"
echo "dy archive_location set to: ${dy_archive_location}"
sleep 5

echo "install_type ${dy_install_type}" > ${SI_PROFILE}

echo "archive_location ${dy_archive_location}" >>${SI_PROFILE}
echo "partitioning explicit">> ${SI_PROFILE}
echo "filesys ${DY_ROOTDISK}.s1 1024 swap" >> ${SI_PROFILE}
echo "filesys ${DY_ROOTDISK}.s0 free / logging" >> ${SI_PROFILE}



export DY_ROOTDISK dy_install_type dy_archive_location


Solaris WANBoot

network_interface=vnet0 { primary hostname=dom2

ip_address= netmask=
protocol_ipv6=no default_route= }

Client OBP Boot String Example

ok> setenv network-boot-arguments host-ip=,\


ok> boot net - install

Chapter 7. Solaris 10 Live Upgrade
Solaris 8 to Solaris 10 U6 Work A Round
This article describes the process for using Solaris Live Upgrade to upgrade from Solaris 8 to Solaris 10
05/08 or later releases.

The Solaris 10 05/08 release media (and subsequent Solaris 10 Updates) were compressed using a different
compression utility than previous Solaris 10 Releases, which all used bzip2 compression. As a result of this,
in order to upgrade to Solaris 05/08 (or later Solaris Releases) using Solaris Live Upgrade, the live system
(on which luupgrade is actually running), must have p7zip installed. p7zip was backported to Solaris 9 in
patch format, but for Solaris 8 there is no similar patch available.

To upgrade from Solaris 8 to Solaris 10 05/08 (or later Solaris Releases) using Live Upgrade, a special
download (s8p7zip.tar.gz) has been made available. This file is attached to this solution (see below).

The download consists of 3 Sun FreeWare packages, a wrapper script and an installer script.

1. . Download the file s8p7zip.tar.gz and uncompress

# gunzip s8p7zip.tar.gz

2. Untar the file s8p7zip.tar

# tar xvpfs8p7zip.tar

3. When s8p7zip.tar.gz is unpacked, change in to the s8p7zip directory and run the script

# cd s8p7zip ; ./
installing SMCp7zip
installing SMClgcc
installing SMCmktemp
Testing p7zip utility ...
Test successful.
p7zip utility has been installed successfully.

Three packages are installed into /opt/SMCp7zip:

* SMClgcc
* SMCmktemp
* SMCp7zip

Should the following result in error, check to make sure the packages are installed correctly.

$ luupgrade -u -n sol10 -l /var/tmp/liveupgrade/LU.upgrade.error.log -o /var/tmp/liveupgrade/

LU.upgrade.out.log -s /net/ -a /net/

Solaris 10 Live Upgrade

Discovering physical storage devices

Discovering logical storage devices
Cross referencing storage devices with boot environment configurations
Determining types of file systems supported
Validating file system requests
Preparing logical storage devices
Preparing physical storage devices
Configuring physical storage devices
Configuring logical storage devices
INFORMATION: Removing invalid lock file.
Analyzing system configuration.
No name for current boot environment.
Current boot environment is named <sol8>.
Creating initial configuration for primary boot environment <sol8>.
WARNING: The device </dev/md/dsk/d0> for the root file system mount
point </> is not a physical device.
WARNING: The system boot prom identifies the physical device
</dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0> as the system boot device.
Is the physical device </dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0> the boot device for the
logical device </dev/md/dsk/d0>? (yes or no) yes
INFORMATION: Assuming the boot device </dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0> obtained
from the system boot prom is the physical boot device for logical
device </dev/md/dsk/d0>.
The device </dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0> is not a root device for any boot
environment; cannot get BE ID.
PBE configuration successful: PBE name <sol8> PBE Boot Device
Comparing source boot environment <sol8> file systems with the file
system(s) you specified for the new boot environment. Determining
which file systems should be in the new boot environment.
Updating boot environment description database on all BEs.
Searching /dev for possible boot environment filesystem devices

Template entry /:/dev/dsk/c1t1d0s0:ufs skipped.

Template entry /var:/dev/dsk/c1t1d0s5:ufs skipped.
Template entry /opt:/dev/dsk/c1t1d0s6:ufs skipped.
Template entry /opt/patrol:/dev/dsk/c1t1d0s4:ufs skipped.
Template entry -:/dev/dsk/c1t1d0s1:swap skipped.

luconfig: ERROR: Template filesystem definition failed for /, all

devices are not applicable..
ERROR: Configuration of boot environment failed.

Review current root disk and mirror

Assuming that the root disk is built with SVM (Solstice Disk Suite)

1. Show metavolumes and disks

# metastat -c

d101 m 2.0GB d11 d21

d11 s 2.0GB c0d0s1

Solaris 10 Live Upgrade

d21 s 2.0GB c0d1s1

d104 m 10GB d1 d24
d1 s 10GB c0d0s4
d24 s 10GB c0d1s4
d105 m 9.7GB d15 d25
d15 s 9.7GB c0d0s5
d25 s 9.7GB c0d1s5
d103 m 4.0GB d0 d23
d0 s 4.0GB c0d0s3
d23 s 4.0GB c0d1s3
d100 m 10GB d10 d20
d10 s 10GB c0d0s0
d20 s 10GB c0d1s0

2. Check mounted filesystems and swap

# df -h | grep md
/ (/dev/md/dsk/d100 ):13535396 blocks 1096760 files
/var (/dev/md/dsk/d103 ): 6407896 blocks 479598 files
/export (/dev/md/dsk/d104 ):20641888 blocks 1246332 files
/zones (/dev/md/dsk/d105 ):19962180 blocks 1205564 files

# grep swap /etc/vfstab

/dev/md/dsk/d101 - - swap - no -

Create Alternate Boot Device - ZFS

Note that when a filesystem is not specified in the lucreate command it is assumed shared Make sure that
the alternate boot disk has the same partition layout and has been labled

1. Create a ZFS ABE on current rpool

# lucreate -c svn110 -n os200906

# lustatus
Boot Environment Is Active Active Can Copy
Name Complete Now On Reboot Delete Status
-------------------------- -------- ------ --------- ------ ----------
svn110 yes yes yes no -
os200906 yes no no yes -

2. Install into new ABE

# luupgrade -u -n os200906 -s /path/to/mnted/os/dvd

Create Alternate Boot Device - SVM

Note that when a filesystem is not specified in the lucreate command it is assumed shared Make sure that
the alternate boot disk has the same partition layout and has been labled

1. Make sure that the partition layout is the same

Solaris 10 Live Upgrade

# prtconf /dev/rdsk/c0d0s2 | fmrhard -s - /dev/rdsk/c0d1s2

2. Create OS Image with same FS Layout ; Have lucreate split mirror for you.

# lucreate -n abe -m /:/dev/md/dsk/d200:ufs,mirror

-m /:/dev/dsk/c0d1s0:detach,attach,preserve
-m /var:/dev/md/dsk/d210:ufs,mirror
-m /var:/dev/dsk/c0d1s3:detach,attach,preserve
-m /zones:/dev/md/dsk/d220:ufs,mirror
-m /zones:/dev/dsk/c0d1s5:detach,attach,preserve
-m /export:/dev/md/dsk/d230:ufs,mirror
-m /export:/dev/dsk/c0d1s4:detach,attach,preserve

Patch, Adding Packages, setting boot

environment and Installation examples
Note that when a MD filesystem is not specified in the lucreate command it is assumed shared Make sure
that the alternate boot

disk has the same partition layout and has been labled

When adding patches to ABE bad patch script permissions could prevent the patch from being
added; look for errors around permissions such as: /var/sadm/spool/lu/120273-25/postpatch -
simple chmod will fix and allow for patch installation ; recommend scripting check before adding

1. PATCHING - For Solaris 10 '*' works out patch order - otherwise patch_order file can be passed to it.

# luupgrade -t -n abe -s /var/tmp/patches '*'

2. PATCHING - For pre-solaris 10 needing patch order file

# luupgrade -t -n abe -s /path/to/patches \

-O "-M /path/to/patch patch_order_list"

3. Adding Additional Packages to alternate boot environment

# luupgrade -p -n abe -s /export/packages MYpkg

4. Removing packages from ABE

# luupgrade -P -n abe MYpkg

5. Mounting Alternate Boot Environment for modifications

# lumount abe /mnt

6. Unmount Alternate Boot Environment

# luumount abe

7. Enable ABE

Solaris 10 Live Upgrade

# luactivate abe

8. Show Boot Environment Status

# lustatus

Boot Environment Is Active Active Can Copy

Name Complete Now On Reboot Delete Status
----------------- -------- ------ --------- ------ ---------
disk_a_S7 yes yes yes no -
disk_b_S7db yes no no no UPGRADING
disk_b_S8 no no no no -
S9testbed yes no no yes -

9. Filesystem merger example

Instead of using the preceding command to create the alternate boot environment so it matches the
current boot environment, the following command joins / and /usr, assuming that c0t3d0s0 is partitioned
with sufficient space:

# lucreate -c "Solaris_8" -m /:/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0:ufs \

-m /usr:merged:ufs -m /var:/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s4:ufs \
-n "Solaris_9"

10.example patch order

# luupgrade -t -n "Solaris_9" \
-s /install/data/patches/SunOS-5.9-sparc/recommended -O \
"-M /install/data/patches/SunOS-5.9-sparc/recommended patch_order"

11.Example with splitoff

This next example would instead split /opt off of /, assuming that c0t3d0s5 is partitioned with sufficient

# lucreate -c "Solaris_8" -m /:/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0:ufs \

-m /usr:/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s3:ufs -m /var:/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s4:ufs \
-m /opt:/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s5:ufs -n "Solaris_9"

12.Using luupgrade to Upgrade from a JumpStart Server

This next example shows how to upgrade from the existing Solaris 8 alternate boot environment to
Solaris 9 by means of an NFS-mounted JumpStart installation. First create a JumpStart installation
from CD-ROM, DVD, or an ISO image as covered in the Solaris 9 Installation Guide. The JumpStart
installation in this example resides in /install on the server js-server. The OS image itself resides in /
install/cdrom/SunOS-5.9-sparc. The profiles for this JumpStart installation dwell in /install/jumpstart/
profiles/ in a subdirectory called liveupgrade. Within this directory, the file js-upgrade contains the
JumpStart profile to upgrade the OS and additionally install the package SUNWxwice:

install_type upgrade

package SUNWxwice add

On the target machine, mount the /install partition from js-server and run luupgrade, specifying the
Solaris_9 alternate boot environment as the target, the OS image location, and the JumpStart profile:

Solaris 10 Live Upgrade

# mkdir /install

# mount -o ro js-server:/install /install

# luupgrade -u -n "Sol_9" -s /install/cdrom/SunOS-5.9-sparc \

- -j /install/jumpstart/profiles/liveupgrade/js-upgrade

Chapter 8. Solaris and Linux General
Patch Database Information
1. Linux RPM Commands

Files from what package?

# rpm -qf /usr/bin/mysql


Uninstall RPM Package

# rpm -e ems

Upgrade RPM
# rpm -Uvh ems-1.0-2.i386.rpm

Install RPM
# rpm -ivh ems-2.0-4.i386.rpm

Query all RPM packages

# rpm -qa

Query specific RPM package

# rpm -q ems

2. Solaris pkg notes

# pkgchk -l -p /path/to/file

# pkgchk -l SUNWaudd | grep Pathname

Pathname: /kernel
Pathname: /kernel/drv
Pathname: /kernel/drv/audio1575.conf
Pathname: /kernel/drv/audiocs.conf
Pathname: /kernel/drv/audioens.conf
Pathname: /kernel/drv/audiots.conf
Pathname: /kernel/drv/sparcv9
Pathname: /kernel/drv/sparcv9/audio1575
Pathname: /kernel/drv/sparcv9/audiocs
Pathname: /kernel/drv/sparcv9/audioens
Pathname: /kernel/drv/sparcv9/audiots
Pathname: /kernel/drv/sparcv9/dbri
Pathname: /kernel/misc
Pathname: /kernel/misc/sparcv9
Pathname: /kernel/misc/sparcv9/amsrc1
Pathname: /kernel/misc/sparcv9/amsrc2
Pathname: /kernel/misc/sparcv9/audiosup

Solaris and Linux General Information

Pathname: /kernel/misc/sparcv9/diaudio
Pathname: /kernel/misc/sparcv9/mixer

SSH Keys
Common issues:

1. Permissions on .ssh

2. Hostnames for multiple interfaces

ssh-keygen -t dsa
scp ~/.ssh/ burly:.ssh/authorized_keys2
ssh-agent sh -c 'ssh-add < /dev/null && bash'

RHEL 5.2 NIS Client

Common issues:

1. Edit /etc/yp.conf

domain server infsrv

2. Update authconfig

# authconfig --update --enablenis --nisserver=infsrv

Stopping portmap: [ OK ]
Starting portmap: [ OK ]
Binding to the NIS domain: [ OK ]

3. Update /etc/nsswitch.conf

# authconfig --update --enablenis --nisserver=infsrv

Stopping portmap: [ OK ]
Starting portmap: [ OK ]
Binding to the NIS domain: [ OK ]

Redhat Proc FS Tricks

Force a panic on RHEL
Used for testing H/A times. Note that there is a 10-20 second overhead.

# echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger

Adjust swap of processes

Default value is 60, 0 = try hard not to swap, 100 = swap everything possible

# echo 60 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness

Solaris and Linux General Information

iSCSI Notes - RHEL 53 Target SOL 10U6

This example should not imply supportability by Sun Microsystems.

OS: RHEL5.3 iSCSI Target; Solaris 10 U6 LDOM initiator Configuring iSCSI Target
Server on RHEL 5.3 - original doc located at

Side Note: RHEL 5.3 knowledge-base indicates the existence of the TGT framework and a tgtadm

This is part of the “RHEL Cluster-Storage” Channel, which I do not have access too. Therefore
I ended up using the iscsitarget-0.4.15.tar.gz

referenced in the doc link above.

1. RHEL 5.3 Target Configuration Commands:

# cd /usr/local/src
## wget \\
# tar zxvf iscsitarget-0.4.15.tar.gz #
# cd iscsitarget-0.4.15#
# make#
# make install
Lun 0 Path=/dev/sdb,Type=blockio# MaxConnections 2#

/etc/initiators.allow \

# /etc/init.d/iscsi-target start#
# chkconfig –levels 345 iscsi-target on

2. Solaris 10 U6 Initiator Configuration Commands:

# svcadm enable iscsi_initiator#

# iscsiadm add static-config \,\

# devfsadm -c iscsi

Solaris and Linux General Information

Setup Linux NIC Bonding

1. Add bond0 to the /etc/modprobe conf file

alias eth0 e1000 # Intel GigE (pci) port 1

alias eth1 e1000 # Intel GigE (pci) port 2

alias bond0 bonding # Kernel nic bonding driver

alias bond1 bonding # Another bonded interface
options bond0 max_bonds=2 miimon=100 mode=1
# 100ms fail-over timer. Mode 1 = Active/Backup
options bond1 miimon=100 mode=1 # Same for bond1

2. Manually load the bond module

mode= — Specifies one of four policies allowed for the bonding module. Acceptable values for this
parameter are:

# 1 — Sets an active-backup policy for fault tolerance. Transmissions are received and sent out via the
first available bonded slave interface. Another bonded slave interface is only used if the active bonded
slave interface fails.

# 2 — Sets an XOR (exclusive-or) policy for fault tolerance and load balancing. Using this method,
the interface matches up the incoming request's MAC address with the MAC address for one of the
slave NICs. Once this link is established, transmissions are sent out sequentially beginning with the
first available interface.

# 3 — Sets a broadcast policy for fault tolerance. All transmissions are sent on all slave interfaces.

# 4 — Sets an IEEE 802.3ad dynamic link aggregation policy. Creates aggregation groups that share the
same speed and duplex settings. Transmits and receives on all slaves in the active aggregator. Requires
a switch that is 802.3ad compliant.

# 5 — Sets a Transmit Load Balancing (TLB) policy for fault tolerance and load balancing. The outgoing
traffic is distributed according to the current load on each slave interface. Incoming traffic is received
by the current slave. If the receiving slave fails, another slave takes over the MAC address of the failed

# 6 — Sets an Active Load Balancing (ALB) policy for fault tolerance and load balancing. Includes
transmit and receive load balancing for IPV4 traffic. Receive load balancing is achieved through ARP

/sbin/insmod bond<N> <parameter=value>

3. Update /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/

You need the following files in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ :


ifcfg-eth0 and ifcfg-eth1 should look similar to the following:


Solaris and Linux General Information


The DEVICE= section should reflect the interface the file relates
to (ifcfg-eth1 should have DEVICE=eth1). The MASTER= section should
indicate the bonded interface to be used. Assign both e1000 devices
to bond0.The bond0 file contains the actual IP address information:


4. Restart network services

# service network restart

Linux TCP sysctl settings

Based on the settings below it would appear that the net.core.wmem_default and net.core.wmem_max
values overwrite the default and max values in net.ipv4.tcp_wmem, the same can be said for
net.core.rmem_default and net.core.rmem_max. So if you had defined the following (This is just

net.core.rmem_default = 262144
net.core.rmem_max = 262144
net.core.wmem_default = 262144
net.core.wmem_max = 262144
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 16384 131072
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 174760

The default and max settings in net.ipv4.tcp_rmem would be overwritten with 262144 and the default and
max settings in net.ipv4.tcp_rmem would be overwritten with 262144. So the net.ipv4 settings are not
needed unless you wanted to define higher TCP settings than what you defined in the net.core settings.
This may explain why Oracle does not recommend them under normal circumstances.

1. /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_wmen - net.ipv4.tcp_wmem

net.ipv4.tcp_wmem deals with per socket memory usage for autotuning. The first value is the minimum
number of bytes allocated for the socket's send buffer. The second value is the default (overridden by
wmem_default) to which the buffer can grow under non-heavy system loads. The third value is the
maximum send buffer space (overridden by wmem_max)

2. /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmen - net.ipv4.tcp_rmem

net.ipv4.tcp_rmem refers to receive buffers for autotuning and follows the same rules as tcp_wmem,
meaning the second value is the default (overridden by rmem_default) The third value is the maximum
(overridden by rmem_max)

Solaris and Linux General Information

3. /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range - net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range

Defines the local port range that is used by TCP and UDP to choose the local port. The first number
is the first, the second the last local port number. The default value depends on the amount of memory
available on the system: > 128MB 32768 - 61000, < 128MB 1024 - 4999 or even less.

This number defines number of active connections, which this system can issue simultaneously to
systems not supporting TCP extensions (timestamps). With tcp_tw_recycle enabled, range 1024 - 4999
is enough to issue up to 2000 connections per second to systems supporting timestamps.

Linux Dynamic SAN HBA Scan

The issue we find is that it scans the current channel just fine and brings in the new LUN’s but if you are
adding a new array it never seems to see the new LUN’s and a reboot or reload of the driver is required.
Here are the notes we use on this.

Scan BUS for new LUN's

echo 1 > /sys/class/fc_host/host0/issue_lip

echo '- - -' > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan
echo 1 > /sys/class/fc_host/host1/issue_lip
echo '- - -' > /sys/class/scsi_host/host1/scan
cat /proc/scsi/scsi

Check HBA Link state and Port state

cat /sys/class/scsi_host/host*/state
cat /sys/class/fc_host/host*/port_state

View WWN of Adapter

cat /sys/class/fc_host/host*/port_name

View WWN of FA to verify you are connected to redundant FA’s

cat /sys/class/fc_remote_ports/rport*/node_name
cat /sys/class/fc_remote_ports/rport*/port_id

Manually add and remove SCSI disks by echoing the /proc or /sys filesystem

You can use the following commands to manually add and remove SCSI disk.

In the following command examples, H, B, T, L, are the host, bus, target, and LUN IDs for the

You can unconfigure and remove an unused SCSI disk with the following command:

echo "scsi remove-single-device H B T L" > /proc/scsi/scsi

Solaris and Linux General Information

If the driver cannot be unloaded and loaded again, and you know the host, bus, target and LUN IDs for
the new devices, you can add them through the /proc/scsi/scsi file using the following command:

echo "scsi add-single-device H B T L" > /proc/scsi/scsi

For Linux 2.6 kernels, devices can also be added and removed through the /sys filesystem. Use the
following command to remove a disk from the kernel’s recognition:

echo “1” > /sys/class/scsi_host/hostH/device/H:B:T:L/delete

or, as a possible variant on other 2.6 kernels, you can use the command:

echo “1” > /sys/class/scsi_host/hostH/device/targetH:B:T/H:B:T:L/delete

To reregister the disk with the kernel use the command

echo “B T L” > /sys/class/scsi_host/hostH/scan

The Linux kernel does not assign permanent names for the fabric devices in the /dev directory.
Device file names are assigned in the order in which devices are discovered during the bus
scanning. For example, a LUN might be /dev/sda. After a driver reload, the same LUN might
become /dev/sdce. A fabric reconfiguration might also result in a shift in the host, bus, target and
LUN IDs, which makes it unreliable to add specific devices through the /proc/scsi/scsi file.

Solaris 10 - Mapping a process to a port


# find from a port the pid that started the port

pids=`/usr/bin/ps -ef | sed 1d | awk '{print $2}'`

# Prompt users or use 1st cmdline argument

if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
read ans?"Enter port you like to know pid for: "

# Check all pids for this port, then list that process
for f in $pids
/usr/proc/bin/pfiles $f 2>/dev/null \
| /usr/xpg4/bin/grep -q "port: $ans"
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "$line\nPort: $ans is being used by PID: \c"

Solaris and Linux General Information

/usr/bin/ps -o pid -o args -p $f | sed 1d

exit 0

Network and Services Tasks for Linux

1. List what run levels start what services

#chkconfig --list | grep on

amd 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off 4:on 5:on 6:off

apmd 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:off 4:on 5:off 6:off
arpwatch 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off
atd 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off
autofs 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off
named 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off
bootparamd 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off
keytable 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off
crond 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off
syslog 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off
netfs 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off
network 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off

2. Change RedHat hostname

# cd /etc/sysconfig/

# vi network


# hostname newhostname

# service network restart

3. Get NIC Information

# ethtool eth0

Settings for eth0:

Supported ports: [ TP MII ]
Supported link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
Advertised link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
Speed: 100Mb/s
Duplex: Full
Port: MII
Transceiver: internal
Auto-negotiation: on

Solaris and Linux General Information

Supports Wake-on: pumbg

Wake-on: d
Current message level: 0x00000007 (7)
Link detected: yes

4. Change Duplex with ethtool and or mii-tool

# mii-tool -F 100baseTx-HD
# mii-tool -F 10baseT-HD

# ethtool -s eth0 speed 100 duplex full

# ethtool -s eth0 speed 10 duplex half

Hardening Linux
1. Restrict SU access to accounts through PAM and Group Access

# groupadd rootmembers
# groupadd oraclemembers
# groupadd postgresmembers

# usermod -G rootmembers adminuser1

# usermod -G oraclemembers oracleuser1
# usermod -G postgresmembers postgresuser1

/etc/pam d/su

auth sufficient /lib/security/$ISA/\

auth sufficient /lib/security/$ISA/\
auth required /lib/security/$ISA/

The file /etc/pam.d/su-root-members referenced in

/etc/pam.d/su should read like:
auth required /lib/security/\
use_uid group=rootmembers
auth required /lib/security/\
item=user sense=allow onerr=fail\

The file /etc/security/su-rootmembers-access referenced

in /etc/pam.d/su-root-members should read like:


Next the file /etc/pam.d/su-other-members referenced in

Solaris and Linux General Information

/etc/pam.d/su should be created and read like:

auth sufficient /lib/security/\

auth sufficient /lib/security/\
auth required /lib/security/

If one of the two PAM services returns Success, it will return

Success to the "su" PAM service configured in /etc/pam.d/su.
Otherwise the last module will be invoked which will deny all
further requests and the authentication fails.

Next the PAM services "su-oracle-members" and

"su-postgres-members" have to be created.

The file /etc/pam.d/su-oracle-members referenced in

/etc/pam.d/su-other-members should read like:

auth required /lib/security/\

use_uid group=oraclemembers
auth required /lib/security/\
item=user sense=allow onerr=fail\

The file /etc/security/su-oraclemembers-access referenced

in /etc/pam.d/su-oracle-members should read like:


The file /etc/pam.d/su-postgres-members referenced in

/etc/pam.d/su-other-members should read like:

auth required /lib/security/\

use_uid group=postgresmembers
auth required /lib/security/\
item=user sense=allow onerr=fail\

The file /etc/security/su-postgresmembers-access referenced

in /etc/pam.d/su-postgres-members should read like:


2. Detecting Listening Network Ports

# netstat -tulp

Active Internet connections (only servers)

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Foreign State PID/Program name
tcp 0 0 *:auth *:* LISTEN 2328/xinetd
tcp 0 0 host.domain:smtp *:* LISTEN 2360/sendmail: acce
tcp 0 0 *:ssh *:* LISTEN 2317/sshd

Solaris and Linux General Information

From the output you can see that xinetd, sendmail,

and sshd are listening.

On all newer Red Hat Linux distributions sendmail

is configured to listen for local connections only.
Sendmail should not listen for incoming network
connections unless the server is a mail or relay server.
Running a port scan from another server will confirm
that (make sure that you have permissions to probe a

# nmap -sTU <remote_host>

Starting nmap 3.70 ( )

at 2004-12-10 22:51 CST
Interesting ports on jupitor (
(The 3131 ports scanned but not shown below are in
state: closed)
22/tcp open ssh
113/tcp open auth

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up)

scanned in 221.669 seconds

Another method to list all of the TCP and UDP sockets

to which programs are listening is lsof:

# lsof -i -n | egrep 'COMMAND|LISTEN|UDP'

sshd 2317 root 3u IPv6 6579 TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)
xinetd 2328 root 5u IPv4 6698 TCP *:auth (LISTEN)
sendmail 2360 root 3u IPv4 6729 TCP (LISTEN)

3. Inittab and Boot Scripts

The inittab file /etc/inittab also describes which processes are started at bootup and during normal
operation. For example, Oracle uses it to start cluster services at bootup. Therefore, it is recommended
to ensure that all entries in /etc/inittab are legitimate in your environment. I would at least remove the
CTRL-ALT-DELETE trap entry to prevent accidental reboots:

The default runlevel should be set to 3 since in my opinion X11 (X Windows System) should not be
running on a production server. In fact, it shouldn't even be installed.

# grep ':initdefault' /etc/inittab


4. TCP Wrappers

To deny everything by default, add the following line to /etc/hosts.deny:


Solaris and Linux General Information

To accept incoming SSH connections from e.g. nodes rac1cluster, rac2cluster and rac3cluster, add the
following line to /etc/hosts.allow:

sshd: rac1cluster rac2cluster rac3cluster

To accept incoming SSH connections from all servers from a specific network, add the name of the
subnet to /etc/hosts.allow. For example:

sshd: rac1cluster rac2cluster rac3cluster

To accept incoming portmap connections from IP address and subnet 192.168.5, add the
following line to /etc/hosts.allow:

portmap: 192.168.5.

To accept connections from all servers on subnet but not from server, you could add the following line to /etc/hosts.allow:


Here are other examples that show some features of TCP wrapper: If you just want to restrict ssh
connections without configuring or using /etc/hosts.deny, you can add the following entries to /etc/

sshd: rac1cluster rac2cluster rac3cluster

sshd: ALL: DENY

The version of TCP wrapper that comes with Red Hat also supports the extended options documented
in the hosts_options(5) man page. Here is an example how an additional program can be spawned in
e.g. the /etc/hosts.allow file:

sshd: ALL : spawn echo "Login from %c to %s" \

| mail -s "Login Info for %s" log@loghost

For information on the % expansions, see "man 5 hosts_access". The TCP wrapper is quite flexible. And
xinetd provides its own set of host-based and time-based access control functions. You can even tell
xinetd to limit the rate of incoming connections. I recommend reading various documentations about
the Xinetd super daemon on the Internet.

5. Enable TCP SYN Cookie Protection

A "SYN Attack" is a denial of service attack that consumes all the resources on a machine. Any
server that is connected to a network is potentially subject to this attack. To enable TCP SYN Cookie
Protection, edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file and add the following line:

net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1

6. Disable ICMP Redirect Acceptance

ICMP redirects are used by routers to tell the server that there is a better path to other networks than
the one chosen by the server. However, an intruder could potentially use ICMP redirect packets to alter
the hosts's routing table by causing traffic to use a path you didn't intend. To disable ICMP Redirect
Acceptance, edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file and add the following line:

net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0

Solaris and Linux General Information

7. Enable IP Spoofing Protection

IP spoofing is a technique where an intruder sends out packets which claim to be from another host by
manipulating the source address. IP spoofing is very often used for denial of service attacks. For more
information on IP Spoofing, I recommend the article IP Spoofing: Understanding the basics.

To enable IP Spoofing Protection, turn on Source Address Verification. Edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file
and add the following line:

net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1

8. Enable Ignoring to ICMP Requests

If you want or need Linux to ignore ping requests, edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file and add the following
line: This cannot be done in many environments.

net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all = 1

Chapter 9. Solaris 10 Notes
Link Aggregation
1. Show all the data-links

# dladm show-link
vsw0 type: non-vlan mtu: 1500 device: vsw0
e1000g0 type: non-vlan mtu: 1500 device: e1000g0
e1000g1 type: non-vlan mtu: 1500 device: e1000g1
e1000g2 type: non-vlan mtu: 1500 device: e1000g2

2. Show link properties

# dladm show-linkprop
vsw0 zone -- -- --
e1000g0 zone -- -- --
e1000g1 zone -- -- --
e1000g2 zone -- -- --

3. Create a Link Aggregation

Link aggregation, or IEEE 802.3ad, is a term which describes using multiple Ethernet network
cables/ports in parallel to increase the link speed beyond the limits of any one single cable or
port, and to increase the redundancy for higher availability. Here is the syntax to create aggr
using dladm. You can use any number of data-link interfaces to create an aggr.

Now this creates and aggregate called "aggr1". You can plumb this, using "ifconfig plumb"
and assign IP address to it. The Link aggregation must be configured on the network switch
also. The policy and and aggregated interfaces must configured identically on the other end
of the ethernet cables . The example creates Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) in
passive mode to control simultaneous transmission on multiple interfaces. Any single stream
is transmitted completely on an individual interface, but multiple simultaneous streams can
be active across all interfaces.

# ifconfig e1000g0 unplumb

# ifconfig e1000g1 unplumb
# dladm create-aggr -d e1000g0 -d e1000g1 -d e1000g2 1

4. Check properties of an aggregation

# dladm show-aggr
key: 1 (0x0001) policy: L4 address: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX (auto)
device address speed duplex link state
e1000g0 XX:XX:XX:XX:XX 0 Mbps half unknown standby
e1000g1 <unknown> 0 Mbps half unknown standby
e1000g2 <unknown> 0 Mbps half unknown standby

5. Check statistics of aggregati or data-link interface

Solaris 10 Notes

# dladm show-aggr -s
key: 1 ipackets rbytes opackets obytes %ipkts %opkts
Total 0 0 0 0
e1000g0 0 0 0 0 - -
e1000g1 0 0 0 0 - -
e1000g2 0 0 0 0 - -

# dladm show-link -s
ipackets rbytes ierrors opackets obytes oerrors
vsw0 225644 94949 0 44916 29996 0
e1000g0 0 0 0 0 0 0
e1000g1 0 0 0 0 0 0
e1000g2 0 0 0 0 0 0

Link Aggregation
1. Show all the data-links

# dladm show-link
vsw0 type: non-vlan mtu: 1500 device: vsw0
e1000g0 type: non-vlan mtu: 1500 device: e1000g0
e1000g1 type: non-vlan mtu: 1500 device: e1000g1
e1000g2 type: non-vlan mtu: 1500 device: e1000g2

2. Show link properties

# dladm show-linkprop
vsw0 zone -- -- --
e1000g0 zone -- -- --
e1000g1 zone -- -- --
e1000g2 zone -- -- --

3. Create a Link Aggregation

Link aggregation, or IEEE 802.3ad, is a term which describes using multiple Ethernet network
cables/ports in parallel to increase the link speed beyond the limits of any one single cable or
port, and to increase the redundancy for higher availability. Here is the syntax to create aggr
using dladm. You can use any number of data-link interfaces to create an aggr.

Now this creates and aggregate called "aggr1". You can plumb this, using "ifconfig plumb"
and assign IP address to it. The Link aggregation must be configured on the network switch
also. The policy and and aggregated interfaces must configured identically on the other end
of the ethernet cables . The example creates Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) in
passive mode to control simultaneous transmission on multiple interfaces. Any single stream
is transmitted completely on an individual interface, but multiple simultaneous streams can
be active across all interfaces.

# ifconfig e1000g0 unplumb

# ifconfig e1000g1 unplumb
# dladm create-aggr -d e1000g0 -d e1000g1 -d e1000g2 1

Solaris 10 Notes

4. Check properties of an aggregation

# dladm show-aggr
key: 1 (0x0001) policy: L4 address: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX (auto)
device address speed duplex link state
e1000g0 XX:XX:XX:XX:XX 0 Mbps half unknown standby
e1000g1 <unknown> 0 Mbps half unknown standby
e1000g2 <unknown> 0 Mbps half unknown standby

5. Check statistics of aggregati or data-link interface

# dladm show-aggr -s
key: 1 ipackets rbytes opackets obytes %ipkts %opkts
Total 0 0 0 0
e1000g0 0 0 0 0 - -
e1000g1 0 0 0 0 - -
e1000g2 0 0 0 0 - -

# dladm show-link -s
ipackets rbytes ierrors opackets obytes oerrors
vsw0 225644 94949 0 44916 29996 0
e1000g0 0 0 0 0 0 0
e1000g1 0 0 0 0 0 0
e1000g2 0 0 0 0 0 0

IPMP Overview
1. Preventing Applications From Using Test Addresses

After you have configured a test address, you need to ensure that this address is not used by applications.
Otherwise, if the interface fails, the application is no longer reachable because test addresses do not
fail over during the failover operation. To ensure that IP does not choose the test address for normal
applications, mark the test address as deprecated.

IPv4 does not use a deprecated address as a source address for any communication, unless an application
explicitly binds to the address. The in.mpathd daemon explicitly binds to such an address in order to
send and receive probe traffic.

Because IPv6 link-local addresses are usually not present in a name service, DNS and NIS applications
do not use link-local addresses for communication. Consequently, you must not mark IPv6 link-local
addresses as deprecated.

IPv4 test addresses should not be placed in the DNS and NIS name service tables. In IPv6, link-local
addresses are not normally placed in the name service tables.

2. Standby Interfaces in an IPMP Group

The standby interface in an IPMP group is not used for data traffic unless some other interface in the
group fails. When a failure occurs, the data addresses on the failed interface migrate to the standby
interface. Then, the standby interface is treated the same as other active interfaces until the failed
interface is repaired. Some failovers might not choose a standby interface. Instead, these failovers might
choose an active interface with fewer data addresses that are configured as UP than the standby interface.

You should configure only test addresses on a standby interface. IPMP does not permit you to add a
data address to an interface that is configured through the ifconfig command as standby. Any attempt

Solaris 10 Notes

to create this type of configuration will fail. Similarly, if you configure as standby an interface that
already has data addresses, these addresses automatically fail over to another interface in the IPMP
group. Due to these restrictions, you must use the ifconfig command to mark any test addresses as
deprecated and -failover prior to setting the interface as standby. To configure standby interfaces, refer
to How to Configure a Standby Interface for an IPMP Group.

3. Probe-Based Failure Detection

The in.mpathd daemon performs probe-based failure detection on each interface in the IPMP group
that has a test address. Probe-based failure detection involves the sending and receiving of ICMP probe
messages that use test addresses. These messages go out over the interface to one or more target systems
on the same IP link. For an introduction to test addresses, refer to Test Addresses. For information on
configuring test addresses, refer to How to Configure an IPMP Group With Multiple Interfaces.

The in.mpathd daemon determines which target systems to probe dynamically. Routers that are
connected to the IP link are automatically selected as targets for probing. If no routers exist on the link,
in.mpathd sends probes to neighbor hosts on the link. A multicast packet that is sent to the all hosts
multicast address, in IPv4 and ff02::1 in IPv6, determines which hosts to use as target systems.
The first few hosts that respond to the echo packets are chosen as targets for probing. If in.mpathd
cannot find routers or hosts that responded to the ICMP echo packets, in.mpathd cannot detect probe-
based failures.

You can use host routes to explicitly configure a list of target systems to be used by in.mpathd. For
instructions, refer to Configuring Target Systems.

To ensure that each interface in the IPMP group functions properly, in.mpathd probes all the targets
separately through all the interfaces in the IPMP group. If no replies are made in response to five
consecutive probes, in.mpathd considers the interface to have failed. The probing rate depends on the
failure detection time (FDT). The default value for failure detection time is 10 seconds. However,
you can tune the failure detection time in the /etc/default/mpathd file. For instructions, go to How to
Configure the /etc/default/mpathd File.

For a repair detection time of 10 seconds, the probing rate is approximately one probe every two
seconds. The minimum repair detection time is twice the failure detection time, 20 seconds by default,
because replies to 10 consecutive probes must be received. The failure and repair detection times apply
only to probe-based failure detection.

In an IPMP group that is composed of VLANs, link-based failure detection is implemented
per physical-link and thus affects all VLANs on that link. Probe-based failure detection is
performed per VLAN-link. For example, bge0/bge1 and bge1000/bge1001 are configured
together in a group. If the cable for bge0 is unplugged, then link-based failure detection will
report both bge0 and bge1000 as having instantly failed. However, if all of the probe targets
on bge0 become unreachable, only bge0 will be reported as failed because bge1000 has its
own probe targets on its own VLAN.

IPMP Probe Based Target System

Probe-based failure detection involves the use of target systems, as explained in Probe-Based Failure
Detection. For some IPMP groups, the default targets used by in.mpathd is sufficient. However, for
some IPMP groups, you might want to configure specific targets for probe-based failure detection. You

Solaris 10 Notes

accomplish probe-based failure detection by setting up host routes in the routing table as probe targets.
Any host routes that are configured in the routing table are listed before the default router. Therefore, IPMP
uses the explicitly defined host routes for target selection. You can use either of two methods for directly
specifying targets: manually setting host routes or creating a shell script that can become a startup script.

Consider the following criteria when evaluating which hosts on your network might make good targets.

• Make sure that the prospective targets are available and running. Make a list of their IP addresses.

• Ensure that the target interfaces are on the same network as the IPMP group that you are configuring.

• The netmask and broadcast address of the target systems must be the same as the addresses in the IPMP

• The target host must be able to answer ICMP requests from the interface that is using probe-based
failure detection.

How to Manually Specify Target Systems for Probe-Based Failure Detection

1. Log in with your user account to the system where you are configuring probe-based failure detection

2. Add a route to a particular host to be used as a target in probe-based failure detection.

Replace the values of destination-IP and gateway-IP with the IPv4 address of the host to be used as a
target. For example, you would type the following to specify the target system, which
is on the same subnet as the interfaces in IPMP group testgroup1.

$ route add -host destination-IP gateway-IP -static

$ route add -host -static

3. Add routes to additional hosts on the network to be used as target systems.

4. Example Shell Script


case "$1" in
/usr/bin/echo "Adding static routes for use as IPMP targets"
for target in $TARGETS; do
/usr/sbin/route add -host $target $target
/usr/bin/echo "Removing static routes for use as IPMP targets"
for target in $TARGETS; do
/usr/sbin/route delete -host $target $target

Using Service Management Facility (SMF) in

the Solaris 10 OS
1. Fundamentals

Solaris 10 Notes

After a typical software installation, there can be a half dozen or more processes that need to be started
and stopped during system startup and shutdown. In addition, these processes may depend on each other
and may need to be monitored and restarted if they fail. For each process, these are the logical steps
that need to be done to incorporate these as services in SMF:
a. Create a service manifest file.

b. Create a methods script file to define the start, stop, and restart methods for the service.

c. Validate and import the service manifest using svccfg(1M).

d. Enable or start the service using svcadm(1M).

e. Verify the service is running using svcs(1).

2. Create SMF Entry for an OMR Service

a. Create Manifest for OMR Service (example).

Create the manifest file according to the description in the smf_method(5) man page. For clarity, this
file should be placed in a directory dedicated to files related to the application. In fact, the service
will be organized into a logical folder inside SMF, so having a dedicated folder for the files related
to the application makes sense. However, there is no specific directory name or location requirement
enforced inside SMF.
In the example, the OMR service will be organized in SMF as part of the SAS application folder.
This is a logical grouping; there is no physical folder named sas associated with SMF. However,
when managing the service, the service will be referred to by application/sas/metadata. Other SAS-
related processes can later be added and identified under application/sas as well. For the example,
the file /var/svc/manifest/application/sas/metadata.xml should be created containing the following:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE service_bundle
SYSTEM "/usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1">

<service_bundle type='manifest' name='SAS:Metadata'>

<create_default_instance enabled='false' />
<single_instance />

<service_fmri value='svc:/milestone/multi-user-server'/>
exec='/lib/svc/method/sas/metadata %m'

Solaris 10 Notes

<method_credential user='sas' />

exec='/lib/svc/method/sas/metadata %m'
<method_credential user='sas' />

exec='/lib/svc/method/sas/metadata %m'
timeout_seconds='60' >
<method_credential user='sas' />

<property_group name='startd' type='framework'>

<propval name='duration' type='astring' value='contract'/>

<loctext xml:lang='C'>
SAS Metadata Service
<doc_link name='sas_metadata_overview' iri=
<doc_link name='sas_metadata_install' uri=

The manifest file basically consists of two tagged stanzas that have properties that define how the
process should be started, stopped, and restarted and also define any dependencies. The first tag,
<service_bundle> defines the name of the service bundle that will be used to group services and
as part of the parameters in svcs commands (svcs, svcmgr, and so on). The interior tag, <service>,
defines a specific process, its dependencies, and how to manipulate the process. Please see the man
page for service_bundle(4) for more information on the format of manifest files.

b. Create Methods scripts

Solaris 10 Notes

Create the methods scripts. This file is analogous to the traditional rc scripts used in previous versions
of the Solaris OS. This file should be a script that successfully starts, stops, and restarts the process.
This script must be executable for all the users who might manage the service, and it must be placed
in the directory and file name referenced in the exec properties of the manifest file. For the example
in this procedure, the correct file is /lib/svc/method/sas/metadata, based on the manifest file built in
Step 1. See the man page for smf_method(5) for more information on method scripts.

# Start/stop client SAS MetaData service
.. /lib/svc/share/

case "$1" in
$CFG start
sleep 2
$CFG restart
sleep 2
$CFG stop
echo "Usage: $0 { start | stop }"
exit 1

c. Import and Validate manifest file

Validate and import the manifest file into the Solaris service repository to create the service in SMF
and make the service available for manipulation. The following commands shows the correct file
name to use for the manifest in this example.

# svccfg
svc:> validate /var/svc/manifest/application/sas/metadata.xml
svc:> import /var/svc/manifest/application/sas/metadata.xml
svc:> quit

d. Enable Service

Enable the service using the svcadm command. The -t switch allows you to test the service definition
without making the definition persistent. You would exclude the -t switch if you wanted the
definition to be a permanent change that persists between reboots.

# svcadm enable -t svc:/application/sas/metadata

e. Verify Service

Solaris 10 Notes

Verify that the service is online and verify that the processes really are running by using the svcs

# svcs -a | grep sas

online 8:44:37 svc:/application/sas/metadata:default

# ps -ef | grep sas

sas 26791 1 0 08:44:36 ? 0:00 /bin/sh /d0/SASMain/

3. Configuring the Object Spawner Service

Now, in the example, both the OMR process (above) and the Object Spawner process were to be
configured. The Object Spawner is dependent on the OMR. The remainder of this document describes
configuring the dependent Object Spawner process.

a. Create the Manifest file

The manifest file for the Object Spawner service is similar to the manifest file used for the OMR
service. There are a few small changes and a different dependency. The differences are highlighted
in bold in the following:

<?xml version="1.0">
<!DOCTYPE service_bundle
SYSTEM "/usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1">

<service_bundle type='manifest' name='SAS:ObjectSpawner'>

<create_default_instance enabled='false' />
<single_instance />
<service_fmri value='svc:/application/sas/metadata'/>
exec='/lib/svc/method/sas/objectspawner %m'
<method_credential user='sas' />

exec='/lib/svc/method/sas/objectspawner %m'

Solaris 10 Notes

<method_credential user='sas' />

exec='/lib/svc/method/sas/ objectspawner %m'
timeout_seconds='60' >
<method_credential user='sas' />

<property_group name='startd' type='framework'>

<propval name='duration' type='astring' value='contract'/>

<loctext xml:lang='C'>
SAS Object Spawner Service
<doc_link name='sas_metadata_overview' iri=
<doc_link name='sas_metadata_install' uri=

b. Create the Methods script

After creating the manifest file, create the script /lib/svc/method/sas/objectspawner:

# Start/stop client SAS Object Spawner service
.. /lib/svc/share/

case "$1" in
$CFG start
sleep 2

Solaris 10 Notes

$CFG restart
sleep 2
$CFG stop
echo "Usage: $0 { start | stop }"
exit 1

c. Import and Validate the Manifest file

Validate and import the manifest file in the same manner as was used for the OMR service: Note
that application shortened to appl for documentation reasons.

# svccfg
svc:> validate /var/svc/manifest/appl/sas/objectspawner.xml
svc:> import /var/svc/manifest/appl/sas/objectspawner.xml
svc:> quit

d. Enable Service

Enable the new service in the same manner as was used for the OMR service:

# svcadm enable -t svc:/application/sas/objectspawner

e. Verify Service is running

Finally, verify that the service is up and running in the same manner as was used for the OMR service:

# svcs -a | grep sas

online 10:28:39 svc:/application/sas/metadata:default
online 10:38:20 svc:/application/sas/objectspawner:default

# ps -ef | grep sas

sas 26791 1 0 18:44:36 ? 0:00 /bin/sh /d0/SASMain/
sas 26914 1 0 18:18:49 ? 0:00 /bin/sh /d0/SASMain/

1. Solaris 10 Configuration - CLI

# stmsboot -e

2. Solaris 10 Configuration - File


3. Display Paths to LUN

Solaris 10 Notes

# stmsboot -L
non-STMS device name STMS device name
/dev/rdsk/c1t50060E801049CF50d0 \

/dev/rdsk/c1t50060E801049CF52d0 \

4. /var/adm/messages example output

Dec 18 11:42:24 vampire mpxio: [ID 669396]

(ssd11) multipath status: optimal, path
(fp1) to target address: 216000c0ff886ab2,0 is
Load balancing: round-robin

5. Disable MPXIO on a 880


name="qlc" parent="/pci@8,600000" unit-address="2"\


6. Raw Mount Disk Name Example

Filesystem bytes used avail capacity Mounted on

697942398 20825341 670137634 4% /test

7. Display Properties

# luxadm display \


Vendor: SUN
Product ID: StorEdge 3510
Revision: 413C
Serial Num: 086AB238B2AF
Unformatted capacity: 1397535.000 MBytes
Write Cache: Enabled
Read Cache: Enabled
Minimum prefetch: 0x0
Maximum prefetch: 0xffff
Device Type: Disk device

Controller /devices/pci@9,600000/SUNW,qlc@1/fp@0,0

Solaris 10 Notes

Device Address 216000c0ff886ab2,0

Host controller port WWN 210000e08b14cc40
Class primary
Controller /devices/pci@9,600000/SUNW,qlc@2/fp@0,0
Device Address 266000c0fff86ab2,0
Host controller port WWN 210000e08b144540
Class primary

USB Wireless Setup WUSB54GC

Model: Link Sys WUSB54GC ; Driver: rum Operating System: Solaris Express Community Edition, B95
Additional ; Packages: SUNWrum


1. New GUI based Network utility is buggy and probably should not be used with this device. Instead
use a wificonfig profile

2. If attached during boot and shutdown, I get a flood of debugging output and it will not properly start or
stop. I have to detach before halting and keep disconnected during the boot.

Problems during initial configuration beyond the bugs above: I had to track down the device alias and
assign it to the rum driver, this did not happen automatically.

1. Here’s how to get it recognized by the OS:

# prtconf -v >/tmp/prtconf.out
# vi /tmp/prtconf.out

name='usb-product-id' type=int items=1
name='usb-vendor-id' type=int items=1

2. Combine these two numbers with the device type in order for mapping in the /etc/driver_aliases file

rum “usb13b1,20”

3. Disconnect and reboot

# init 6

4. Use wificonfig to create a profile for your wireless network

# wificonfig createprofile myXXXX essid=rover encryption=WEP \


5. Connect to your profile

# wificonfig connect myXXXX

Solaris 10 Notes

6. Start an IP on your device, or replace dhcp with an appropriate IP address and configuration

# ifconfig rum0 dhcp

7. Note that you might want to disable svcs service physical:

# svcadm disable physical:default

# svcadm disable physical:nwam

VCS MultiNICB without probe address - link

Link Only Probes are specific to Solaris 10 and will not work on solaris 8-9.

1. Device configuration files

$ cat /etc/hostname.fjgi0
whpsedwdb2 netmask + broadcast + group ipmp0 up

$ cat /etc/hostname.fjgi1
group ipmp0 standby up

2. VCS MultiNICB Resource Definition

MultiNICB mnicb (
Critical = 0
UseMpathd = 1
MpathdCommand = "/usr/lib/inet/in.mpathd"
Device = { fjgi0, fjgi1 }
ConfigCheck = 0
GroupName = ipmp0
IgnoreLinkStatus = 0

3. Move IPMP Interface

# /usr/sbin/if_mpadm -d ce0#
Feb 13 14:47:31 oraman in.mpathd[185]: Successfully
failed over from NIC ce0 to NIC ce4

Network IO in/out per interface

Roch's Bytmeter: bytemeter ce0

NF == 0 {getline line;}
$1 == "obytes64" { obytes = $2; }
$1 == "rbytes64" { rbytes = $2; }
$1 == "snaptime" {
time = $2;
obytes_curr = obytes - prev_obytes;
rbytes_curr = rbytes - prev_rbytes;
elapse = (time - prev_time)*1e6;

Solaris 10 Notes

elapse = (elapse==0)?1:elapse;
printf "Outbound %f MB/s; Inbound %f MB/s\n", \
obytes_curr/elapse, rbytes_curr/elapse;
prev_obytes = obytes;
prev_rbytes = rbytes;
prev_time = time;

Register Solaris CLI

Update a registration file


# /usr/sbin/sconadm register -a -r /tmp/

NFS Performance
nfsstat -s reports server-side statistics. In particular, the following are important:

• calls: Total RPC calls received.

• badcalls: Total number of calls rejected by the RPC layer.

• nullrecv: Number of times an RPC call was not available even though it was believed to have been

• badlen: Number of RPC calls with a length shorter than that allowed for RPC calls.

• xdrcall: Number of RPC calls whose header could not be decoded by XDR (External Data

• readlink: Number of times a symbolic link was read.

• getattr: Number of attribute requests.

• null: Null calls are made by the automounter when looking for a server for a filesystem.

• writes: Data written to an exported filesystem.

Sun recommends the following tuning actions for some common conditions:

• writes > 10%: Write caching (either array-based or host-based, such as a Prestoserv card) would speed
up operation.

Solaris 10 Notes

• badcalls >> 0: The network may be overloaded and should be checked out. The rsize and wsize mount
options can be set on the client side to reduce the effect of a noisy network, but this should only be
considered a temporary workaround.

• readlink > 10%: Replace symbolic links with directories on the server.

• getattr > 40%: The client attribute cache can be increased by setting the actimeo mount option. Note that
this is not appropriate where the attributes change frequently, such as on a mail spool. In these cases,
mount the filesystems with the noac option.

nfsstat -c reports client-side statistics. The following statistics are of particular interest:

• calls: Total number of calls made.

• badcalls: Total number of calls rejected by RPC.

• retrans: Total number of retransmissions. If this number is larger than 5%, the requests are not reaching
the server consistently. This may indicate a network or routing problem.

• badxid: Number of times a duplicate acknowledgement was received for a single request. If this number
is roughly the same as badcalls, the network is congested. The rsize and wsize mount options can be set
on the client side to reduce the effect of a noisy network, but this should only be considered a temporary
workaround. If on the other hand, badxid=0, this can be an indication of a slow network connection.

• timeout: Number of calls that timed out. If this is roughly equal to badxid, the requests are reaching the
server, but the server is slow.

• wait: Number of times a call had to wait because a client handle was not available.

• newcred: Number of times the authentication was refreshed.

• null: A large number of null calls indicates that the automounter is retrying the mount frequently. The
timeo parameter should be changed in the automounter configuration.

nfsstat -m (from the client) provides server-based performance data.

• srtt: Smoothed round-trip time. If this number is larger than 50ms, the mount point is slow.

• dev: Estimated deviation.

• cur: Current backed-off timeout value.

• Lookups: If cur>80 ms, the requests are taking too long.

• Reads: If cur>150 ms, the requests are taking too long.

• Writes: If cur>250 ms, the requests are taking too long.

iSCSI Software Target Initiator

If running on a Solaris AMD64 check to see if the iscsitgtd is /usr/sbin/iscsitgtd or /usr/sbin/
amd64/iscsitgtd. Looks like by default solaris starts the 32bit version in /usr/sbin/iscsitgtd. To

Solaris 10 Notes

change on SXCE update the /lib/svc/method/svc-iscsitgt file and replace the /usr/
sbin/iscsitgtd execution with the following:

/usr/bin/optisa amd64 > /dev/null 2>&1

if [ $? -eq 0 ]
then /usr/sbin/amd64/iscsitgtd
else /usr/sbin/iscsitgtd

Then restart the iscsitgtd process via svcsadm restart iscsitgt. Note that opensolaris, Solaris 10
U6 and SXCE b110 all handle the start of this process differently.


• iSCSI performance can be quite good, especially if you follow a few basic rules

• Use Enterprise class NICs (they make a HUGE difference)

• Enable jumbo frames on storage ports

• Use layer-2 link aggregation and IPMP to boost throughput

• Ensure that you are using the performance guidance listed in bug #6457694 on

• Increase send and receive buffers, disable the nagle algorithm and make sure TCP window scaling
is working correctly

• Ttcp and netperf are awesome tools for benchmarking network throughput, and measuring the impact
of a given network tunable

• As with security, performance is a complete presentation in and of itself. Please see the references if
your interested in learning more about tuning iSCSI communications for maximum

Setting up an iscsi target on a solaris server with and without ZFS

1. Create iscsi ‘base’ directory (config store)

• The base directory is used to store the iSCSI target configuration data, and needs to be defined prior
to using the iSCSI target for the first time

• You can create a base directory with the iscistadm utility

# iscsitadm modify admin -d/etc/iscsitgt

2. Configure a backing store

• The backing store contains the physical storage that is exported as a target

• The Solaris target supports several types of backing stores:

• Flat files

• Physical devices

• ZFS volumes (zvols for short)

• To create a backing store from a ZFS volume, the zfs utility can be run with the create subcommand,
the create zvol option (“-V”), the size of the zvol to create, and the name to associate with the zvol:

Solaris 10 Notes

#zfs create -V 9g stripedpool/iscsivol000

3. Once a backing store has been created, it can be exported as an iSCSI target with the iscsitadm "create"
command, the "target" subcommand, and by specifying the backing store type to use:

# iscsitadm create target -b /fslocation -z 10g test-volume


# iscsitadm create target -b /dev/zvol/dsk/stripedpool/iscsivol000 test-volume

4. Add an ACL to a target

• Access control lists (ACLs) can be used to limit the node names that are allowed to access a target

• To ease administration of ACLs, the target allows you to associate an alias with a node name (you can
retrieve the node name of a Solaris initiator by running the iscsiadm utility with the “list” command,
and “initiator-node” subcommand):

# iscsitadm create initiator -n iqn.1986- \ host1

• After an alias is created, it can be added to a target’s ACL by passing the alias to the “target”
subcommands “-l” option:

# iscsitadm modify target -l host1 host1-tgt0

iSCSI Target using TPGT Restrictions

1. Create the Target Restriction Access List

# iscsitadm create tpgt 1

# iscsitadm modify tpgt -i IP 1

2. Create Target LUN

# zfs create -V 18g npool/iscsitgt/ISCSI_18G_LUN6

# iscsitadm create target -b /dev/zvol/dsk/npool/iscsitgt/ISCSI_18G_LUN6 \


3. Add Target LUN into TPGT Pool

# iscsitadm modify target -p 1 target-label

4. Gather Client Initiator Name

# iscsiadm list initiator-node

Initiator node name:

5. Add Client Initiator Name to the Target Host

# iscsitadm create initiator -n suit

Solaris 10 Notes

6. Add Client Initiator to the TPGT Access List

# iscsitadm modify target -l suitable-alias target-label

iSCSI Software Initiator

Steps for setting up a software initiator

1. Configure a discovery method

2. Verify the targets

3. Initialize and use the new targets

Configuring a discovery method

• The iscsiadm utility can be used to configure a discovery method and the discovery parameters

• Configuring static discovery

$ iscsiadm modify discovery --sendtargets enable

$ iscsiadm add discovery-address

• Configuring iSNS discovery

$ iscsiadm modify discovery --isns enable

$ iscsiadm add isns-server

Initialize and use targets

• Prior to using newly discovered targets, the devfsadm utility needs to be run to create device entries:

$ devfsadm -Cv -i iscsi

• Once the device nodes are created, the format utility can be used to label the new targets, and your
favorite file system management tool (e.g., mkfs, zpool, etc) can be used to convert the target(s) into
file systems:

$ zpool create iscsipool c4t0100080020A76DF400002A00458BFE9Ad0

SVM Root Disk Mirror

The assumptions are following: the first disk has Solaris already installed, root slice is slice 1, and the
disks are identical with the same size and geometry. There is a slice 7 with unused space for the database
replicas, and a total of 2 disks to be part of the mirror. If they have different cylinder, head, sector count
or different size you will have to fiddle with sizing slices more.

Have a partition 256Mb ish for the state replicas database

1. The first step is to recreate the same slice arrangement on the second disk:

# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2 | fmthard -s - /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s2

2. You can check both disks have the same VTOC using prtvtoc command

Solaris 10 Notes

# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2

3. Now we have to create state database replicas on slice 7. We will be adding two replicas to each slice:

# metadb -a -f -c3 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s7

# metadb -a -f -c3 /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s7

4. Since the database replicas are in place we can start creating metadevices. The following commands
will create metadevice d31 from slice c1t0d0s3, and metadevice d32 from slice c1t1d0s3. Then we
create mirror d30 with d31 attached as a submirror. Finally we will attach submirror d32 to mirror d30.
Once d32 is attached, the mirror d30 will automatically start syncing.

# metainit -f d31 1 1 c1t0d0s3

d31: Concat/Stripe is setup

# metainit -f d32 1 1 c1t1d0s3

d32: Concat/Stripe is setup

# metainit d30 -m d31

d30: Mirror is setup

# metattach d30 d32

d30: submirror d32 is attached

5. The procedure is the same for all other mirrors you might want to create. Root filesystem is slightly
different. First you will have to create your submirrors. Then you will have to attach submirror with
existing root filesystem, in this case d11, to the new mirror metadevice d10. Then you will have to
run metaroot command. It will alter / entry in /etc/vfstab. Finally, you flush the filesystem using lockfs
command and reboot.

# metainit -f d11 1 1 c1t0d0s1

d31: Concat/Stripe is setup

# metainit -f d12 1 1 c1t1d0s1

d32: Concat/Stripe is setup

# metainit d10 -m d11

d30: Mirror is setup

# metaroot d10
# lockfs -fa
# init 6

6. When the system reboots, you can attach the second submirror to d10 as follows:

# metattach d10 d12

7. You can check the sync progress using metastat command. Once all mirrors are synced up the next
step is to configure the new swap metadevice, in my case d0, to be crash dump device. This is done
using dumpadm command:

# dumpadm
Dump content: kernel pages
Dump device: /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0 (dedicated)
Savecore directory: /var/crash/ultra

Solaris 10 Notes

Savecore enabled: yes

# dumpadm -d /dev/md/dsk/d0

8. Next is to make sure you can boot from the mirror - SPARC ONLY

a. The final step is to modify PROM. First we need to find out which two physical devices c1t0d0
and c1t1d0 refer to

# ls -l /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Mar 4 14:38 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s1 ->
# ls -l /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Mar 4 14:38 /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s1 ->

b. The physical device path is everything starting from /pci…. Please make a note of sd towards the
end of the device string. When creating device aliases below, sd will have to be changed to disk.

Now we create two device aliases called root and backup_root. Then we set boot-device to be root
and backup_root. The :b refers to slice 1(root) on that particular disk.

# eeprom “use-nvramrc?=true”
# eeprom “nvramrc=devalias root /pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/disk@0,0 \
devalias backup_root /pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/disk@1,0#
# eeprom “boot-device=root:b backup_root:b net”

c. Enable the mirror disk to be bootable

# installboot /usr/platform/`uname -i`/lib/fs/ufs/bootblk \


9. Next is to make sure you can boot from the mirror - Intel/AMD ONLY

a. Enable the mirror disk to be bootable

# /sbin/installgrub /boot/grub/stage1 \
/boot/grub/stage2 /dev/rdsk/c0d0s0

10.If you are mirroring just the two internal drives, you will want to add the following line to /etc/
system to allow it to boot from a single drive. This will bypass the SVM Quorum rule

set md:mirrored_root_flag = 1

Example full run on amd system; disks are named after d[1,2-n Drive][partition number] And Metadevices
for the mirrors are named d[Boot Number]0[partition number] - example disk: d10 is drive 1 partition 0,
metadevice d100 is the 1st boot environment (live upgrade BE) partition 0. If applying the split mirror
alternate boot environment I would have the split off ABE as d200.

// Use format fdisk to label and

// partition the drive

# format c1t1d0

// Original Partition looks like

Current partition table (original):

Solaris 10 Notes

Total disk cylinders available: 2346 + 2 (reserved cylinders)

Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks

0 root wm 1 - 1275 9.77GB (1275/0/0) 20482875
1 swap wu 1276 - 1406 1.00GB (131/0/0) 2104515
2 backup wm 0 - 2345 17.97GB (2346/0/0) 37688490
3 unassigned wm 1407 - 2312 6.94GB (906/0/0) 14554890
4 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
5 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
6 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
7 unassigned wm 2313 - 2345 258.86MB (33/0/0) 530145
8 boot wu 0 - 0 7.84MB (1/0/0) 16065
9 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0

# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2 \
| fmthard -s - /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s2
# format
# metadb -a -f -c3 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s7
# metadb -a -f -c3 /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s7
# metainit -f d10 1 1 c1t0d0s0
# metainit -f d20 1 1 c1t1d0s0
# metainit -f d11 1 1 c1t0d0s1
# metainit -f d21 1 1 c1t1d0s1
# metainit -f d13 1 1 c1t0d0s3
# metainit -f d23 1 1 c1t1d0s3
# metainit d100 -m d10
# metainit d101 -m d11
# metainit d103 -m d13

# metaroot d100
# echo 'set md:mirrored_root_flag = 1' \
# installgrub /boot/grub/stage1 \
/boot/grub/stage2 /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s0
# lockfs -fa
# init 6

// login post reboot

# metattach d100 d20

d100: submirror d20 is attached

# metattach d101 d21

d101: submirror d21 is attached

# metattach d103 d23

d103: submirror d23 is attached

// Replace non-md entries in /etc/vfstab where applicable.

// Example as follows.

# grep dsk /etc/vfstab | awk '{print $1, $2, $3, $4}'

Solaris 10 Notes

/dev/dsk/c1t0d0s1 - - swap
/dev/md/dsk/d100 /dev/md/rdsk/d100 / ufs
/dev/dsk/c1t0d0s3 /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s3 /zone ufs

// Becomes the following

# grep dsk /etc/vfstab | awk '{print $1, $2, $3, $4}'

/dev/md/dsk/d101 - - swap
/dev/md/dsk/d100 /dev/md/rdsk/d100 / ufs
/dev/md/dsk/d103 /dev/md/rdsk/d103 /zone ufs

// Wait for sync complete before reboot

# lockfs -fa
# init 6

// Setup Dump Device

# dumpadm -d /dev/md/dsk/d101

Replace Failed SVM Mirror Drive

So you have used SVM to mirror your disk, and one of the two drives fails. Aren’t you glad you mirrored
them! You don’t have to do a restore from tape, but you are going have to replace the failed drive.

Many modern RAID arrays just require you to take out the bad drive and plug in the new one, while
everything else is taken care of automatically. It’s not quite that easy on a Sun server, but it’s really just a
few simple steps. I just had to do this, so I thought I would write down the procedure here.

Basically, the process boils down to the following steps:

• Delete the meta databases from the failed drive

• Unconfigure the failed drive

• Remove and replace the failed drive

• Configure the new drive

• Copy the remaining drive’s partition table to the new drive

• Re-create the meta databases on the new drive

• Install the bootblocks on the new drive

• Run metareplace to re-sync up the mirrored partitions

Let’s look at each step individually. In my case, c1t0d0 has failed, so first, I take a look at the status of my
meta databases. Below we can see the the replicas on that disk have write errors:

# metadb -i
flags first blk block count
Wm p l 16 8192 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s3
W p l 8208 8192 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s3
a p luo 16 8192 /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s3
a p luo 8208 8192 /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s3

Solaris 10 Notes

r - replica does not have device relocation information

o - replica active prior to last mddb configuration change
u - replica is up to date
l - locator for this replica was read successfully
c - replica's location was in /etc/lvm/
p - replica's location was patched in kernel
m - replica is master, this is replica selected as input
W - replica has device write errors
a - replica is active, commits are occurring to this replica
M - replica had problem with master blocks
D - replica had problem with data blocks
F - replica had format problems
S - replica is too small to hold current data base
R - replica had device read errors

The replicas on c1t0d0s3 are dead to us, so let’s wipe them out!

# metadb -d c1t0d0s3
# metadb -i

flags first blk block count

a p luo 16 8192 /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s3
a p luo 8208 8192 /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s3

The only replicas we have left are onc1t1d0s3, so I’m all clear to unconfigure the device. I run cfgadm
to get the c1 path:

# cfgadm -al

Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition

c1 scsi-bus connected configured unknown
c1::dsk/c1t0d0 disk connected configured unknown
c1::dsk/c1t1d0 disk connected configured unknown
c1::dsk/c1t2d0 disk connected configured unknown
c1::dsk/c1t3d0 disk connected configured unknown
c1::dsk/c1t4d0 disk connected configured unknown
c1::dsk/c1t5d0 disk connected configured unknown

I run the following command to unconfigure the failed drive:

# cfgadm -c unconfigure c1::dsk/c1t0d0

The drive light turns blue

Pull the failed drive out
Insert the new drive

Configure the new drive:

# cfgadm -c configure c1::dsk/c1t0d0

Now that the drive is configured and visible from within the format command, we can copy the partition
table from the remaining mirror member:

# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2 | fmthard -s - /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2

Next, I install the bootblocks onto the new drive:

Solaris 10 Notes

# installboot /usr/platform/`uname -i`/lib/fs/ufs/bootblk\


And finally, I’m ready to replace the metadevices, syncing up the mirror and making things as good as
new. repeat for each mirrored partition

# metareplace -e d10 c0t0d0s1

1. The first step is to recreate the same slice arrangement on the second disk:

# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2 | fmthard -s - /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s2

2. You can check both disks have the same VTOC using prtvtoc command

# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2

3. Now we have to create state database replicas on slice 7. We will be adding two replicas to each slice:

# metadb -a -f -c3 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s7

# metadb -a -f -c3 /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s7

4. Since the database replicas are in place we can start creating metadevices. The following commands
will create metadevice d31 from slice c1t0d0s3, and metadevice d32 from slice c1t1d0s3. Then we
create mirror d30 with d31 attached as a submirror. Finally we will attach submirror d32 to mirror d30.
Once d32 is attached, the mirror d30 will automatically start syncing.

# metainit -f d31 1 1 c1t0d0s3

d31: Concat/Stripe is setup

# metainit -f d32 1 1 c1t1d0s3

d32: Concat/Stripe is setup

# metainit d30 -m d31

d30: Mirror is setup

# metattach d30 d32

d30: submirror d32 is attached

5. The procedure is the same for all other mirrors you might want to create. Root filesystem is slightly
different. First you will have to create your submirrors. Then you will have to attach submirror with
existing root filesystem, in this case d11, to the new mirror metadevice d10. Then you will have to
run metaroot command. It will alter / entry in /etc/vfstab. Finally, you flush the filesystem using lockfs
command and reboot.

# metainit -f d11 1 1 c1t0d0s1

d31: Concat/Stripe is setup

# metainit -f d12 1 1 c1t1d0s1

d32: Concat/Stripe is setup

# metainit d10 -m d11

d30: Mirror is setup

# metaroot d10
# lockfs -fa
# init 6

Solaris 10 Notes

6. When the system reboots, you can attach the second submirror to d10 as follows:

# metattach d10 d12

7. You can check the sync progress using metastat command. Once all mirrors are synced up the next
step is to configure the new swap metadevice, in my case d0, to be crash dump device. This is done
using dumpadm command:

# dumpadm
Dump content: kernel pages
Dump device: /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0 (dedicated)
Savecore directory: /var/crash/ultra
Savecore enabled: yes

# dumpadm -d /dev/md/dsk/d0

8. Next is to make sure you can boot from the mirror - SPARC ONLY

a. The final step is to modify PROM. First we need to find out which two physical devices c1t0d0
and c1t1d0 refer to

# ls -l /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Mar 4 14:38 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s1 ->
# ls -l /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Mar 4 14:38 /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s1 ->

b. The physical device path is everything starting from /pci…. Please make a note of sd towards the
end of the device string. When creating device aliases below, sd will have to be changed to disk.

Now we create two device aliases called root and backup_root. Then we set boot-device to be root
and backup_root. The :b refers to slice 1(root) on that particular disk.

# eeprom “use-nvramrc?=true”
# eeprom “nvramrc=devalias root /pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/disk@0,0 \
devalias backup_root /pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/disk@1,0#
# eeprom “boot-device=root:b backup_root:b net”

9. If you are mirroring just the two internal drives, you will want to add the following line to /etc/
system to allow it to boot from a single drive. This will bypass the SVM Quorum rule

set md:mirrored_root_flag = 1

10.Enable the mirror disk to be bootable - used by both sparc and x64 systems; on x64 will update grub

# installboot /usr/platform/`uname -i`/lib/fs/ufs/bootblk \


ZFS Root adding a Mirror

This is a simple Tutorial how you can create a bootable ZFS Root Mirror with Opensolaris. I had some
help from both Opensolaris-Forums (com/org) and this Blog from Malachi.

1. Install Opensolaris to Disk A (c3d0s0).

Solaris 10 Notes

2. Format Disk B (c3d1s0) properly:

host:# format
(choose fdisk)
(create 100% Standard Solaris Partition over the full Disk)

3. Overwrite the Diskformat properly:

host:# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c3d0s2 | fmthard -s - /dev/rdsk/c3d1s2

(NOTE: s2! on BOTH Disks)

4. Attach Disk B to the ZFS Root Pool:

host:# zpool attach -f rpool c3d0s0 c3d1s0

5. Install the GRUB-Stuff to Disk B:

host:# installgrub -m /boot/grub/stage1 /boot/grub/stage2 \


Create Flar Images

Creation of FLAR Images

1. Example

$ flarcreate -n "Monthly B16 Snapshot" -a ""

> -S -R / -x /flash /flash/Snapshot-`date '+%m-%d-%y'`.flar

2. Option Description

• -n adds a description to the archive (this is displayed during installation later)

• -a adds a string containing conact information

• -S tells flarcreate to skip its size checks, normally it will estimate the size of the archive prior to
creating it, which can take a really really long time, this argument just lets us speed up the process

• -R specifies the root directory, by default its /, but I often supply it for completeness.

• -x specifies a directory to exclude from the archive, supply one -x per directory to exclude (ie: -x /
opt -x /export). NFS mounted filesystems are excluded by default, but again for completeness I tend
to put them in there anyway.

• (archivename).flar is the actual name of the output archive file. You can name it whatever you want,
but typically its wise to put the hostname, archive creation date, and a .flar extention in the filename
just to help identify it. The filename should be a absolute pathname, so since we've mounted our NFS
archive repository to /flash, we'll specify that path.

FLAR Boot Installation

Link Only Probes are specific to Solaris 10 and will not work on solaris 8-9.

1. Create FLAR Image -

# flarcreate -n "Solaris 10 with SFRAC5.0MP1" -S -H -c -U \

Solaris 10 Notes

-x /export/home/flar /export/home/flar/Snapshot.flar
2. Add FLAR Image to Jumpstart - /etc/bootparams -

./add_install_client -e 0:14:4f:23:ab:8f \
-s host:/flash/boot/sol10sparc \
-c host:/flash/boot/Profiles/Solaris10 \
-p host:/flash/boot/Sysidcfg/smro204 \ sun4u
3. Recover Script -

use Getopt::Long ;


"list" => \$list,
"archive=s" => \$archive,
"configured" => \$configured,
"add" => \$addboot,
"remove=s" => \$rmboot

# Call out the subs from options list

if ($list) { &_list ; }
if ($addboot) { &_build; }
if ($configured) {&_list_existing;}
if ($rmboot) { &_rm_existing;}

sub _list {
if ($archive) { &_details ; } else {
exit ;

sub _details {

sub _info_collection {

$addto = ();
@archinfo = ();
$ih = ();
chomp $archive;
next if $archive =~ /lost/;
next if $archive =~ /list/;
next if $archive =~ /boot/;

Solaris 10 Notes

@archinfo = `flar -i $arch_location/$archive` ;

chomp @archinfo;
foreach $x (@archinfo) {
($item, $value ) = split(/=/,$x);
chomp $value;
if ($item =~ /creation_node/) {
$inventory{$archive}{creation_node} = $value; }
if ($item =~ /creation_date/) {
$inventory{$archive}{creation_date} = $value; }
if ($item =~ /creation_release/) {
$inventory{$archive}{creation_release} = $value;}
if ($item =~ /content_name/) {
$inventory{$archive}{content_name} = $value;}

} # End of info collection

sub _build {
&_info_collection ;

# Get target host ip

$target_ip_string = \
`getent hosts $inventory{$archive}{creation_node}`;
($inventory{$archive}{creation_node_ip}, $target_host) \
= split(/\s+/,$target_ip_string);
chomp $inventory{$archive}{creation_node_ip} ;

# Set location of boot image

if ($inventory{$archive}{creation_release} =~ /5.8/)
$image_base = '/flasharchives/boot/sol8sparc';
$image_tools = "$image_base/Solaris_8/Tools";
$rules_string = \
"hostname $inventory{$archive}{creation_node}\ - autogen_script \\n";
if ($inventory{$archive}{creation_release} =~ /5.9/)
$image_base = '/flasharchives/boot/sol9sparc';
$image_tools = "$image_base/Solaris_9/Tools";
$rules_string = "hostname $inventory{$archive}{creation_node}\ - autogen_script \\n";
if ($inventory{$archive}{creation_release} =~ /5.10/)
$image_base = '/flasharchives/boot/sol10sparc_bootonly';
$image_tools = "$image_base/Solaris_10/Tools";
$rules_string = "hostname $inventory{$archive}{creation_node}\ \

Solaris 10 Notes

# Create the rules file

$rules_base = \
$rules_location = "$rules_base/rules";
open(RULESOUT, ">$rules_location");
print RULESOUT $rules_string;

# Define Profile configuration

$profile = "install_type flash_install\n";

$profile .= "archive_location http://host:80/flar/$archive\n";
$profile .= "partitioning explicit\n";
$profile .= "filesys c1t0d0s0 10000 /\n";
$profile .= "filesys c1t0d0s1 10000 swap\n";
$profile .= "filesys c1t0d0s4 72000 /export/home logging\n";
$profile .= "filesys c1t0d0s5 free /var\n";
$profile .= "filesys c1t0d0s6 34000 /fisc logging\n";
$profile .= "filesys c1t0d0s7 5\n";

# Define Profile location

$profile_base = \
$profile_location = "$profile_base/autogen_script";

# Create new profile

open(PDUMP, ">$profile_location");
print PDUMP $profile;
close PDUMP;

# Set the stock and new sysid cfg information

$sysid_base = "$boot_base/Sysidcfg";
$sysid_stock = \
$sysidcfg = \

$dump_sysidcfg .= "network_interface=ce4 \
{hostname=$inventory{$archive}{creation_node} \
default_route= \
protocol_ipv6=no netmask=}\n";
$dump_sysidcfg .= `cat $sysid_stock`;

open(SYSIDOUT, ">$sysidcfg");
print SYSIDOUT $dump_sysidcfg;
# Add flar statment into custom rules file

# run check script

Solaris 10 Notes

$ret=system("cd $rules_base ; ./check");

if ($ret == 0 ) {
print "Rules Check was successful\n";
} else {
print "Rules Check Failed - please check\n";
print "Exiting Failed\n";
exit 1;

# Run the add_install_client script

print "Test add_client statement \n";

$add_install_string = "./add_install_client \
-p host:$sysid_base/$inventory{$archive}{creation_node} \
-s host:$image_base \
-c host:$profile_base $inventory{$archive}{creation_node}\ sun4u";
print "$add_install_string\n";

print "\n\nBring $inventory{$archive}{creation_node}\

down to ok prompt \
and run the following command:\n";
print "ok> boot net:speed=100,duplex=full - install\n";

sub _print_details {

print "Details on $archive_location/$details\n";

print "=======================================================\n";
print "Server: $inventory{$archive}{creation_node} \n";
print "Creation Date: $inventory{$archive}{creation_date} \n";
print "Solaris Version: $inventory{$archive}{creation_release} \n";
print "Comments: $inventory{$archive}{content_name} \n";
} # End of sub

sub _list_existing {

open(BOOTP, "/etc/bootparams") || die "Bootparams does not exist,\

no systems set \
up for boot from flar\n";;
print "\nThe following list of hosts are setup to jumpstart from\
this server\n";
print "Systems without a flar image listed were setup without this\
print "Validation of systems not configured with this toolkit must\
be done\n";
print "independently\n\n";
print "Host\t\tFlar Archive\n";
print "======================================================\n";
while (<BOOTP>) {

Solaris 10 Notes

($node, @narg) = split(/\s+/,$_);

($n1,@rest) = split(/\W+/,$node);
foreach $i (@narg) {
if ($i =~ /install_config/)
($j1, $path) = split(/:/, $i);
if ( -e "$path/autogen_script" )
$loaded_flar = `grep archive_location $path/autogen_script` ;
chomp $loaded_flar ;
($lc,$lf) = split(/\/flar\//,$loaded_flar);
print "$n1\t\t$lf\n";
} else {
print "$n1\t\tNot setup to use flar\n";
print "\n\n";
close BOOTP;
sub _rm_existing {

open(BOOTP, "/etc/bootparams") \
|| die "Bootparams does not exist, no systems set up \
for boot from flar\n";;
while (<BOOTP>) {
($node, @narg) = split(/\s+/,$_);
($n1,@rest) = split(/\W+/,$node);

chomp $rmboot;
chomp $n1;
if ($rmboot =~ /$n1/) {

foreach $i (@narg) {
if ($i =~ /root=/)
($j1, $path) = split(/:/, $i);
# Filter out Boot
($ipath,$Boot) =split(/Boot/, $path);
chomp $ipath;
print "cd $ipath \; ./rm_install_client $n1\n";
print "\n\n";
close BOOTP;
print "\n\n";

4. List Archived FLAR Images

Solaris 10 Notes


@archive_list=`ls $arch_location`;
print "\n\n";
foreach $archive (@archive_list) {
$addto = ();
@archinfo = ();
$ih = ();
chomp $archive;
next if $archive =~ /lost/;
next if $archive =~ /list/;
next if $archive =~ /boot/;
@archinfo = `flar -i $arch_location/$archive` ;
chomp @archinfo;
foreach $x (@archinfo) {
($item, $value ) = split(/=/,$x);
chomp $value;
if ($item =~ /creation_node/) {
$inventory{$archive}{creation_node} = $value; }
if ($item =~ /creation_date/) {
$inventory{$archive}{creation_date} = $value; }
if ($item =~ /creation_release/) {
$inventory{$archive}{creation_release} = $value;}
if ($item =~ /content_name/) {
$inventory{$archive}{content_name} = $value;}

$h1="Archive File Name";

chomp $h1;
chomp $h2 ;
chomp $h3 ;
chomp $h4;
chomp $h5;

# Format modified for documentation

format BOO=
@<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<< @<<<< @<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
$h1, $h2, $h3, $h5, $h4;

write BOO;
format STDOUT=
@<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<< @<<<< @<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
$key, $creation_node, $creation_release, $fid, $content_name
while (($key, $content) = each(%inventory)) {

Solaris 10 Notes

$creation_node = $inventory{$key}{creation_node};
$creation_date = $inventory{$key}{creation_date};
$creation_release = $inventory{$key}{creation_release};
$content_name = $inventory{$key}{content_name};
$fid = $inventory{$key}{fid};
print "\n\n";

5. Code to swap Controller Numbers from Solaris 8-9 to Solaris 10

# mount -o remount,rw /
# cfgadm -c unconfigure c1
# cfgadm -c unconfigure c2
# devfsadm
# for dir in rdsk dsk
cd /dev/${dir}
disks=`ls c3t*`
for disk in $disks
newname="c1`echo $disk | awk '{print substr($1,3,6)}'`"
mv $disk $newname

ZFS Notes
Quick notes for ZFS commands

1. Take a snapshot

# zfs snapshot pool/filesystem@mybackup_comment

2. Scan and Import a ZFS Pool

# zpool import -f npool

3. Rollback a snapshot

# zfs rollback pool/filesystem@mybackup_comment

4. Use snapshot directory to view files

# cat ~user/.zfs/shapshot/mybackup_comment/ems.c

5. Create a clone

# zfs clone pool/filesystem@mybackup_comment pool/clonefs

6. Generate full backup

# zfs send pool/filesystem@mybackup_comment > /backup/A

7. Generate incremental backup

Solaris 10 Notes

# zfs send -i pool/filesystem@mybackup_comment1\

pool/filesystem@mybackup_comment2 \
> /backup/A1-2

8. Generate incremental backup and send to remote host

# zfs send -i tank/fs@11:31 tank/fs@11:32 |

ssh host zfs receive -d /tank/fs

9. Comments on Clones

A clone is a writable volume or file system whose initial contents are the same as the dataset from which
it was created. As with snapshots, creating a clone is nearly instantaneous, and initially consumes no
additional disk space

Clones can only be created from a snapshot. When a snapshot is cloned, an implicit dependency is
created between the clone and snapshot. Even though the clone is created somewhere else in the dataset
hierarchy, the original snapshot cannot be destroyed as long as the clone exists. The origin property
exposes this dependency, and the zfs destroy command lists any such dependencies, if they exist.

Clones do not inherit the properties of the dataset from which it was created. Rather, clones inherit
their properties based on where the clones are created in the pool hierarchy. Use the zfs get and zfs set
commands to view and change the properties of a cloned dataset. For more information about setting
ZFS dataset properties, see Setting ZFS Properties.

Because a clone initially shares all its disk space with the original snapshot, its used property is initially
zero. As changes are made to the clone, it uses more space. The used property of the original snapshot
does not consider the disk space consumed by the clone.

10.Creating a clone

To create a clone, use the zfs clone command, specifying the snapshot from which to create the clone,
and the name of the new file system or volume. The new file system or volume can be located anywhere
in the ZFS hierarchy. The type of the new dataset (for example, file system or volume) is the same type
as the snapshot from which the clone was created. You cannot create clone of a file system in a pool
that this different from where the original file system snapshot resides.

In the following example, a new clone named tank/home/ahrens/bug123 with the same initial contents
as the snapshot tank/ws/gate@yesterday is created.

# zfs snapshot tank/ws/gate@yesterday

# zfs clone tank/ws/gate@yesterday tank/home/ahrens/bug123

In the following example, a cloned workspace is created from the projects/newproject@today snapshot
for a temporary user as projects/teamA/tempuser. Then, properties are set on the cloned workspace.

# zfs snapshot projects/newproject@today

# zfs clone projects/newproject@today projects/teamA/tempuser
# zfs set sharenfs=on projects/teamA/tempuser
# zfs set quota=5G projects/teamA/tempuser

11.Destroying a clone

ZFS clones are destroyed by using the zfs destroy command. Clones must be destroyed before the parent
snapshot can be destroyed. For example:

Solaris 10 Notes

# zfs destroy tank/home/ahrens/bug123

12.Listing ZFS Filesystems

ZFS clones are destroyed by using the zfs destroy command. Clones must be destroyed before the parent
snapshot can be destroyed. For example:

# zfs snapshot zfzones/zone1@presysid

# zfs list
zfzones 33.4M 7.78G 33.3M /zfzones
zfzones/zone1 24.5K 7.78G 24.5K /zfzones/zone1
zfzones/zone1@presysid 0 - 24.5K -

# zfs clone zfzones/zone1@preid zfzones/zone2

# zfs list
zfzones 33.4M 7.78G 33.3M /zfzones
zfzones/zone1 24.5K 7.78G 24.5K /zfzones/zone1
zfzones/zone1@preid 0 - 24.5K -
zfzones/zone2 0 7.78G 24.5K /zfzones/zone2

# zpool list zfzones

zfzones 7.94G 33.4M 7.90G 0% ONLINE -

# zfs clone zfzones/zone1@preid zfzones/zone3

# zfs clone zfzones/zone1@preid zfzones/zone4
# zfs clone zfzones/zone1@preid zfzones/zone5
# zfs clone zfzones/zone1@preid zfzones/zone6
# zfs clone zfzones/zone1@preid zfzones/zone7
# zfs clone zfzones/zone1@preid zfzones/zone8

# zpool list zfzones

zfzones 7.94G 33.5M 7.90G 0% ONLINE -

# zfs list
zfzones 33.5M 7.78G 33.3M /zfzones
zfzones/zone1 24.5K 7.78G 24.5K /zfzones/zone1
zfzones/zone1@preid 0 - 24.5K -
zfzones/zone2 0 7.78G 24.5K /zfzones/zone2
zfzones/zone3 0 7.78G 24.5K /zfzones/zone3
zfzones/zone4 0 7.78G 24.5K /zfzones/zone4
zfzones/zone5 0 7.78G 24.5K /zfzones/zone5
zfzones/zone6 0 7.78G 24.5K /zfzones/zone6
zfzones/zone7 0 7.78G 24.5K /zfzones/zone7
zfzones/zone8 0 7.78G 24.5K /zfzones/zone8

Quick notes for ZFS ACL commands

Solaris 10 Notes

• List ACL's on a ZFS Filesystem

$ ls -v file.1
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 206663 May 4 11:52 file.1

• Setting non-trivial ACL on a file

# chmod A+user:gozer:read_data/execute:allow test.dir

# ls -dv test.dir
drwxr-xr-x+ 2 root root 2 Feb 16 11:12 test.dir

• Remove Permissions

# chmod A0- test.dir

# ls -dv test.dir

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 2 Feb 16 11:12 test.dir


Solaris 10 Notes


ZFS and ARC Cache

1. Memory and Swap Space

• One Gbyte or more of memory is recommended.

• Approximately 64 Kbytes of memory is consumed per mounted ZFS file system. On systems with
1,000s of ZFS file systems, we suggest that you provision 1 Gbyte of extra memory for every 10,000
mounted file systems including snapshots. Be prepared for longer boot times on these systems as well.

• Because ZFS caches data in kernel addressable memory, the kernel sizes will likely be larger than
with other file systems. You may wish to configure additional disk-based swap to account for this
difference for systems with limited RAM. You can use the size of physical memory as an upper
bound to the extra amount of swap space that might be required. In any case, you should monitor the
swap space usage to determine if swapping is occurring.

2. Memory and Dynamic Reconfiguration Recommendations

The ZFS adaptive replacement cache (ARC) tries to use most of a system's available memory to cache
file system data. The default is to use all of physical memory

except 1 Gbyte. As memory pressure increases, the ARC relinquishes memory. Consider limiting the
maximum ARC memory emstprint in the following situations:

• When a known amount of memory is always required by an application. Databases often fall into
this category.

• On platforms that support dynamic reconfiguration of memory boards, to prevent ZFS from growing
the kernel cage onto all boards.

• A system that requires large memory pages might also benefit from limiting the ZFS cache, which
tends to breakdown large pages into base pages.

• Finally, if the system is running another non-ZFS file system, in addition to ZFS, it is advisable to
leave some free memory to host that other file system's caches.

The trade off is to consider that limiting this memory emstprint means that the ARC is unable to cache
as much file system data, and this limit could impact performance. In general, limiting the ARC is
wasteful if the memory that now goes unused by ZFS is also unused by other system components.
Note that non-ZFS file systems typically manage to cache data in what is nevertheless reported as
free memory by the system. For information about tuning the ARC, see the following section: http://

3. Limiting the ARC Cache

The ARC is where ZFS caches data from all active storage pools. The ARC grows and consumes
memory on the principle that no need exists to return data to the system while there is still plenty of
free memory. When the ARC has grown and outside memory pressure exists, for example, when a
new application starts up, then the ARC releases its hold on memory. ZFS is not designed to steal
memory from applications. A few bumps appeared along the way, but the established mechanism works
reasonably well for many situations and does not commonly warrant tuning. However, a few situations
stand out.

Solaris 10 Notes

• If a future memory requirement is significantly large and well defined, then it can be advantageous
to prevent ZFS from growing the ARC into it. So, if we know that a future application requires 20%
of memory, it makes sense to cap the ARC such that it does not consume more than the remaining
80% of memory.

• If the application is a known consumer of large memory pages, then again limiting the ARC prevents
ZFS from breaking up the pages and fragmenting the memory. Limiting the ARC preserves the
availability of large pages.

• If dynamic reconfiguration of a memory board is needed (supported on certain platforms), then it is

a requirement to prevent the ARC (and thus the kernel cage) togrow onto all boards.

For theses cases, it can be desirable to limit the ARC. This will, of course, also limit the
amount of cached data and this can have adverse effects on performance. No easy way exists to
foretell if limiting the ARC degrades performance. If you tune this parameter, please reference
this URL in shell script or in an /etc/system comment.
index.php/ZFS_Evil_Tuning_Guide#ARCSIZE You can also use the arcstat script available at http:// to check the arc size as well as other arc statistics

4. Set the ARC maximum in /etc/system

This syntax is provided starting in the Solaris 10 8/07 release and Nevada (build 51) release. For
example, if an application needs 5 GBytes of memory on a system with 36-GBytes of memory,
you could set the arc maximum to 30 GBytes, (0x780000000 or 32212254720 bytes). Set the
zfs:zfs_arc_max parameter in the /etc/system file:


set zfs:zfs_arc_max = 0x780000000

* or
set zfs:zfs_arc_max = 32212254720

5. Perl code to configure ARC cache at boot time - init script


use strict;
my $arc_max = shift @ARGV;
if ( !defined($arc_max) ) {
print STDERR "usage: arc_tune <arc max>\n";
exit -1;
$| = 1;
use IPC::Open2;
my %syms;
my $mdb = "/usr/bin/mdb";
open2(*READ, *WRITE, "$mdb -kw") || die "cannot execute mdb";
print WRITE "arc::print -a\n";
while(<READ>) {
my $line = $_;

if ( $line =~ /^ +([a-f0-9]+) (.*) =/ ) {

$syms{$2} = $1;

Solaris 10 Notes

} elsif ( $line =~ /^\}/ ) {

# set c & c_max to our max; set p to max/2
printf WRITE "%s/Z 0x%x\n", $syms{p}, ( $arc_max / 2 );
print scalar <READ>;
printf WRITE "%s/Z 0x%x\n", $syms{c}, $arc_max;
print scalar <READ>;
printf WRITE "%s/Z 0x%x\n", $syms{c_max}, $arc_max;
print scalar <READ>;

Chapter 10. VMWare ESX 3
Enable iSCSI Software Initiators
1. Enables the software iSCSI initiator.

# esxcfg-swiscsi -e

2. Configures the ESX Service Console firewall (iptables) to allow the software iSCSI traffic.

# esxcfg-firewall -e swISCSIClient

3. Sets the target IP address for the vmhba40 adapter (the software iSCSI initiator).

# vmkiscsi-tool -D -a vmhba40

4. Rescans for storage devices on vmhba40.

# esxcfg-rescan vmhba40

General esxcfg commands

Table 10.1. esxcfg-commands
ESX 3 Command Description
esxcfg-advcfg The esxcfg-advcfg command is interesting as there
is not a huge amount of help about this command.
However, we can figure out that it is meant to do
advanced configuration and we can figure out some
settings that can be made. The -g switch is used to
"get" settings; the -s switch is used to "set" settings.
esxcfg-firewall The service console in ESX 3 now has a firewall
enabled by default. We use this command to view
and configure the firewall rules. The most popular
switch will be the -q switch to query the firewall for
its settings. The -s switch will allow you to enable
or disable network services that may traverse the
firewall successfully. The list of known services are
shown below - very case sensitive!.... The -l switch
loads the firewall and enables the IP tables. The -
u switch unloads the firewall and disables the IP
tables. We use the -e switch to enable a particular
known service. We use the -d switch to disable a
esxcfg-module This command produces an output similar to
vmkload_mod -list
esxcfg-rescan As vmkfstools -rescan
esxcfg-vswitch This command allows you to list, add, modify or
delete virtual Ethernet switches on an ESX host. The
simplest option with this command is the -l option
to list the virtual switches defined on the host. If you

VMWare ESX 3

ESX 3 Command Description

are having problems with your ESX server after an
in-place upgrade, this tool is invaluable in resolving
the problems with service console networking.
esxcfg-auth Configures the service console authentication
options including NIS, LDAP, Kerberos and Active
esxcfg-info Produces an enormous amount of information about
the ESX host. You really need to pipe this to a file
for closer examination!
esxcfg-mpath Manages multi-pathing just as the vmkmultipath
utility did in previous versions of ESX Server.
esxcfg-resgrp Used to manage the new ESX feature called
resource groups. This command can add, remove or
modify existing resource groups.
esxcfg-hbadevs esxcfg-hbadevs The esxcfg-vmhbadevs command
is used to list the equivalent Linux device names
for the visible disk devices that the VMkernel
references using vmhba notation. If we use this
command with the –m switch, then we only list the
LUNs which contain VMFS partitions. Alongside
the Linux device name, a long unique hexadecimal
value is listed. This is the VMFS volume signature
assigned by the new logical volume manager
esxcfg-boot Used to configure the GRUB options presented at
boot time. One thing to note is that the new esxcfg
commands will not run if you boot just into Linux.
If you just want to query the boot settings, you can
use the -q switch but this must be qualified with the
keyword boot or vmkmod.
esxcfg-nas Used to configure access to Network Attached
Storage (NAS).
esxcfg-route If we add an IP address to the VMkernel by adding
a VMkernel port, then we can fully configure that
IP stack by also assigning a default gateway. We
can view (no parameters) and set (1st parameter) the
VMkernel IP default gateway with the esxcfg-route
esxcfg-vmknic Used to view and set configure the VMkernel ports
on virtual Ethernet switches. A VMkernel port is
a special type of port group on a virtual Ethernet
switch which is used to assign an IP address to
the VMkernel. The VMkernel only needs an IP
address for VMotion, software-initiated iSCSI or
NFS access. If you need to create a VMkernel port
at the command line, then you need to create a
port group first and then enable it as a VMkernel
port. There doesn’t appear to be a way of enabling

VMWare ESX 3

ESX 3 Command Description

a VMkernel port for VMotion from the command
esxcfg-dumppart Used to configure the VMkernel crash dump
partition. The old ESX 2.x utility for this function
(vmkdump) is still present on an ESX 3 server, but
appears just to be for extracting dump files.
esxcfg-linuxnet esxcfg-linuxnet --setup
esxcfg-nics This tool can be used to view and configure the
speed and duplex settings of the physical network
cards in the ESX Server. So this tool can replace
the MUI Network Connections/Physical Adapters,
the mii-tool and modules.conf for network card
esxcfg-swiscsi ESX version 3.0 supports both hardware and
software iSCSI. For hardware iSCSI, we can use
host bus adapters which perform the TCP offload
and so the vmkernel can just pass SCSI commands
to them as normal. The iSCSI hba can then wrap
the SCSI command in TCP/IP and forward to the
iSCSI target. However, in software iSCSI (swiscsi),
the wrapping of SCSI commands in TCP/IP is
performed by the VMkernel and a regular physical
network card can be used to communicate with the
iSCSI target. This is exposed in the VI Client as a
host bus adapter called vmhba40. This will place a
significant load on the VMkernel and wouldn't be
that great an idea, but the feature is in ESX 3.0!
So we use this tool esxcfg-swiscsi to configure it.
The software iSCSI initiator in the VMkernel has
a dependency upon the service console, therefore
both the service console and VMkernel must have
an IP route to the iSCSI target. I have found that you
need this command to scan for a new iSCSI target,
as the VI Client rescan of the vmhba40 adapter
doesn't appear to successfully discover targets. My
suggestion for getting the software iSCSI to work is
as follows: 1. Add a VMkernel port to a vSwitch that
has an uplink and route to iSCSI target#2. Ensure
service console IP interface has a route to the same
iSCSI target#3. Using either the VI Client security
profile or the esxcfg-firewall, open a service console
port for iSCSI (TCP:3260)#4. In the VI Client,
enable the vmhab40 software iSCSI adapter and
wait for the reconfiguration task to change from "In
Progress" to "Completed"#5. Reboot the ESX host.
This step will result in the VMkernel module for
iSCSI being loaded at next boot.#6. In the VI Client,
configure the vmhba40 adapter with an iSCSI target
IP address#7. At the service console command line,
run esxcfg-swiscsi -e#8. At the service console
command line, run esxcfg-swiscsi -d#9. At the

VMWare ESX 3

ESX 3 Command Description

service console command line, run esxcfg-swiscsi
-e#10. At the service console command line, run
esxcfg-swiscsi -s#11. In the VI Client, perform a
rescan of the vmhba adapters and your iSCSI target
should become visible.

General vmware-cmd commands

Connection Options

# /usr/bin/vmware-cmd

Connection Options:
-H <host> specifies an alternative host
(if set, -U and -P must also be set)
-O <port> specifies an alternative port
-U <username> specifies a user
-P <password> specifies a password

General Options:
-h More detailed help.
-q Quiet. Minimal output
-v Verbose.

Server Operations

# /usr/bin/vmware-cmd -l

# /usr/bin/vmware-cmd -s register <config_file_path>

# /usr/bin/vmware-cmd -s unregister <config_file_path>

# /usr/bin/vmware-cmd -s getresource <variable>

# /usr/bin/vmware-cmd -s setresource <variable> <value>

VM Operations

#/usr/bin/vmware-cmd<cfg> getconnectedusers

#/usr/bin/vmware-cmd<cfg> getstate

#/usr/bin/vmware-cmd<cfg> start <powerop_mode>

#/usr/bin/vmware-cmd<cfg> stop <powerop_mode>

#/usr/bin/vmware-cmd<cfg> reset <powerop_mode>

#/usr/bin/vmware-cmd<cfg> suspend <powerop_mode>

#/usr/bin/vmware-cmd<cfg> setconfig <variable> <value>

#/usr/bin/vmware-cmd<cfg> getconfig <variable>

VMWare ESX 3

#/usr/bin/vmware-cmd<cfg> setguestinfo <variable> <value>

#/usr/bin/vmware-cmd<cfg> getguestinfo <variable>

#/usr/bin/vmware-cmd<cfg> getproductinfo <prodinfo>

#/usr/bin/vmware-cmd<cfg> connectdevice <device_name>

#/usr/bin/vmware-cmd<cfg> disconnectdevice <device_name>

#/usr/bin/vmware-cmd<cfg> getconfigfile

#/usr/bin/vmware-cmd<cfg> getheartbeat

#/usr/bin/vmware-cmd<cfg> getuptime

#/usr/bin/vmware-cmd<cfg> gettoolslastactive

#/usr/bin/vmware-cmd<cfg> getresource <variable>

#/usr/bin/vmware-cmd<cfg> setresource <variable> <value>

#/usr/bin/vmware-cmd<cfg> hassnapshot

#/usr/bin/vmware-cmd<cfg> createsnapshot <name> <description> <quiesce>


#/usr/bin/vmware-cmd<cfg> revertsnapshot

#/usr/bin/vmware-cmd<cfg> answer

Common Tasks
Expand a VM Disk to 20GB

#vmkfstools -X 20GB /vmfs/volumes/<datastore>/virtualguest.vmdk

Register/Un-Register a VMW

# /usr/bin/vmware-cmd -s register /vmfs/volumes/<datastore>/


# /usr/bin/vmware-cmd -s unregister /vmfs/volumes/<datastore>/


Start/Stop/Restart/Suspend a VMW

# /usr/bin/vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/<datastore>/virtualguest.vmx start

# /usr/bin/vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/<datastore>/virtualguest.vmx stop

# /usr/bin/vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/<datastore>/virtualguest.vmx reset

# /usr/bin/vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/<datastore>/virtualguest.vmx suspend

VMWare ESX 3

Show Disk Paths

# esxcfg-mpath -l

Disk vmhba0:0:0 /dev/cciss/c0d0 (69459M has 1 paths

and policy of Fixed#Local 2:1.0 vmhba0:0:0 On active preferred
Disk vmhba1:0:0 (0M has 1 paths and policy of Most Recently Used#
FC 10:1.0 210000e08b846a72<->5006016930221397 vmhba1:0:0
On active preferred
Disk vmhba1:0:6 /dev/sda (9216M has 1 paths and policy of
Most Recently Used#FC 10:1.0 210000e08b846a72<->5006016930221397
vmhba1:0:6 On active preferred
Disk vmhba1:0:21 /dev/sdb (10240M has 1 paths and policy of
Most Recently Used#FC 10:1.0 210000e08b846a72<->5006016930221397
vmhba1:0:21 On active preferred

Map Disks to HBA's

# esxcfg-vmhbadevs

vmhba0:0:0 /dev/sda
#vmhba0:0:1 /dev/sdb#
vmhba0:0:2 /dev/sdc
#vmhba0:0:3 /dev/sdd#
vmhba2:0:0 /dev/sde
#vmhba2:1:0 /dev/sdf

Map Disk Partitions to HBA's

# esxcfg-vmhbadevs -m

vmhba0:0:0:1 /dev/sda1 45407607-fbc43ced-94cb-00145e231ce3#

vmhba0:0:2:1 /dev/sdc1 455b08a8-8af7fee3-daa9-00145e231e35#
vmhba2:0:0:3 /dev/sde3 4559c75f-831d8f3e-bc81-00145e231e35

Get and Set the Default Router

# esxcfg-route

VMkernel default gateway is

# esxcfg-route

VMkernel default gateway set to

Shared Disks with out RAW Access

1. Building Your VMWare Shared Disk

• create a empty folder on your harddisk where you will place your virtual disks.

VMWare ESX 3

• Create a new virtual disk.

• Disk size 20Gb or less or more. (do not allocate disk now)

• Define your destination path as created previously + name your disk DATA-SHARED

• elect the advanced options: select the virtual device node to "SCSI 1:0" and the mode to
"Independent" and "Persistent"

2. Adding Line in VMWare Configuration File

Go to the bottom of the vmx file. There you will see the following lines:

scsi1.present = "TRUE"
scsi1.sharedBus = "none"
scsi1.virtualDev = "lsilogic"
scsi1:0.present = "TRUE"
scsi1:0.fileName = "D:\Virtual Machines\Shared Disk\SHARED-DISK.vmdk"

Change them in the lines below:

disk.locking = "FALSE"
diskLib.dataCacheMaxSize = "0"

#scsi1 data storage

scsi1.present = "TRUE"
scsi1.virtualDev = "lsilogic"
scsi1.sharedbus = "none"
scsi1:0.present = "TRUE"
scsi1:0.fileName = "D:\Virtual Machines\Shared Disk\SHARED-DISK.vmdk"
scsi1:0.mode = "independent-persistent"
scsi1:0.shared = "TRUE"
scsi1:0.redo = ""

Using clone script

Will need to register and create a new ID after running this script; alonw with sys-unconfig after
booting if not DHCP


if ( $< + $> != 0 ) {
print "Error: $0 needs to be run as the root user.\n";
exit 1;

usage() if ($#ARGV < 1);

$source = shift @ARGV;
$dest = shift @ARGV;

VMWare ESX 3

unshift @ARGV, "s/$source/$dest/";

# default to replace in text files

if ( ! -d "$source" ) {
print "Error: Source directory '$source' does not exist.\n
Please specify a relative path to CWD or the full path\n";
exit 2;

if ( -d "$dest" ) {
print "Error: Destination directory '$dest' already exists.\n
You cannot overwrite an existing VM image with this tool.\n";
exit 3;

my $regexwarn = 0;
foreach (@ARGV) {
if ( ! /^s\/[^\/]+\/[^\/]+\/$/ ) {
$regexwarn = 1;
warn "Error: Invalid regex pattern in: $_\n";
exit 4 if $regexwarn == 1;

# If we get here then $source and $dest are good

if ( ! mkdir "$dest" ) {
print "Error: Failed to create destination dir '$dest': $!\n";
exit 4;

# Now get a list of all the files in each

# directory and copy them to dest
@files = listdir($source);
#print @files;

foreach $srcfile (@files) {

# we want to copy $srcfile from $src to $dest

# but first check if we need to rename the file

$destfile = $srcfile;
if ($destfile =~ /$source/ ) {
# source filename contains the source dir name, rename it
$destfile =~ s/$source/$dest/gi;
$istext = is_vmtextfile($srcfile);

printf("Copying %s: %s/%s -> %s/%s\n",

($istext ? "text" : "binary"),
$source, $srcfile,
$dest, $destfile);

VMWare ESX 3

if ($istext == 0) { # do binary copy - no need to check regx args

copy_file_bin("$source/$srcfile", "$dest/$destfile");
} else { # text copy - need to string replace on each line.
copy_file_regex("$source/$srcfile", "$dest/$destfile", @ARGV);
chmod 0755, "$dest/$destfile" if ($destfile =~ /\.vmx$/);
# file needs to be mode 0755

exit 0;

sub copy_file_regex {
my $src = shift;
my $dst = shift;
my @regexs = @_;
my $buf = '';
my $regex = '';

open(COPYIN, "<$src") || warn "Can't read $src: $!\n";

open(COPYOUT, ">$dst") || warn "Can't write $dst: $!\n";
binmode COPYIN;
binmode COPYOUT;

while ( read(COPYIN, $buf, 65536) ) {

#while ($buf = <COPYIN>) {
foreach $regex (@regexs) {
(undef, $search, $replace) = split("/", $regex);
$buf =~ s/$search/$replace/g;
print COPYOUT $buf;

close COPYOUT || warn "Can't close $dst: $!\n";

close COPYIN || warn "Can't close $src: $!\n";

sub copy_file_bin {
my ($src, $dst) = @_;
my $buf;

open(COPYIN, "<$src") || warn "Can't read $src: $!\n";

open(COPYOUT, ">$dst") || warn "Can't write $dst: $!\n";
binmode COPYIN;
binmode COPYOUT;

while ( read(COPYIN, $buf, 65536) and print COPYOUT $buf ) {};

warn "Could not complete copy: $!\n" if $!;

close COPYOUT || warn "Can't close $dst: $!\n";

close COPYIN || warn "Can't close $src: $!\n";

VMWare ESX 3

sub is_vmtextfile {
my $file = shift;
my $istxt = 0;
$istxt = 1 if ( $file =~ /\.(vmdk|vmx|vmxf|vmsd|vmsn)$/ );
$istxt = 0 if ( $file =~ /-flat\.vmdk$/ );
$istxt = 0 if ( $file =~ /-delta\.vmdk$/ );
return $istxt;

sub listdir {
my $dir = shift;
my @nfiles = ();
opendir(FH, $dir) || warn "Can't open $dir: $!\n";
@nfiles = grep { (-f "$dir/$_" && !-l "$dir/$_") } readdir(FH);
return @nfiles;

sub usage {
print <<EOUSAGE;
$0: Tool to "quickly" clone a VMware ESX guest OS

Usage: $0 sourcedir destdir

$0 "source dir" "dest dir"
$0 sourcedir destdir [regexreplace [...]]

# vmclone "winxp" "uscuv-clone" \
's/memsize = "512"/memsize = "256"/'

Clones a vmware image located in sourcedir to the destdir

directory. The source machine must be powered off for this
to correctly clone it.

By default, if any filenames have "sourcedir" as part of

their filename, then it is renamed to "destdir".

The optional regexreplace argument will cause that regular

expression to be performed on all the text files being
copied. A default regexreplace of s/sourcedir/destdir/
is done by default. You may use multiple regexs.

Author: Paul Gregg <pgregg\>

Jan 7, 2007
exit 1;

Clone VMWare Virtual Guests

1. Copy Directories for the master image to a second location

VMWare ESX 3

# cp -axvsol01 vsol02

2. In the new guest location rename the disk image

[/vsol02]# /vmware/bin/vmware-vdiskmanager-n vsol01.vmdk vsol02.vmdk

3. Update vmx file to reference new image name

[/vsol02]# mv vsol01.vmx vsol02.vmx

4. Rename virtual machine config and change disk image name in this config file

[/vsol02]#sed -i 's/vsol01.vmdk/vsol02.vmdk/' vsol02.vmx

5. Register VMWare Image

/usr/bin/vmware-cmd -s register /vmfs/volumes/<datastore>/


Clone VMWare Disks

1. Create directory for clone image

# mkdir /vmfs/volumes/myvmfs3/deki

2. Use vmkfstool to clone the image, options dependent on thin or zeroed-thick

a. Fully-allocated (“zeroed-thick”):

# vmkfstools –i /tmp/Deki_Wiki_Hayes_1.8_VM.vmdk /vmfs/volumes/myvmfs3/


Destination disk format: VMFS thick

Cloning disk '/tmp/Deki_Wiki_Hayes_1.8_VM.vmdk'...

Clone: 100% done.

b. Allocate-on-use (“thin”):

# vmkfstools –i /tmp/Deki_Wiki_Hayes_1.8_VM.vmdk -d thin /vmfs/volumes/


Destination disk format: VMFS thin-provisioned

Cloning disk '/tmp/Deki_Wiki_Hayes_1.8_VM.vmdk'...

Clone: 100% done.

3. Update vmx file to reference new image name

scsi0:0.fileName = "SourceVM.vmdk"

4. Register VMWare Image

/usr/bin/vmware-cmd -s register /vmfs/volumes/<datastore>/


VMWare ESX 3

LUN Path Information

1. Log in to the ESX Server host console.

2. Type esxcfg-mpath -l and press Enter.

The output appears similar to the following:

Disk vmhba2:1:4 /dev/sdh (30720MB) has 2 paths

and policy of Most Recently Used
FC 10:3.0 210000e08b89a99b<->5006016130221fdd
vmhba2:1:4 On active preferred
FC 10:3.0 210000e08b89a99b<->5006016930221fdd
vmhba2:3:4 Standby

Disk vmhba2:1:1 /dev/sde (61440MB) has 2 paths

and policy of Most Recently Used

FC 10:3.0 210000e08b89a99b<->5006016130221fdd
vmhba2:1:1 On active preferred
FC 10:3.0 210000e08b89a99b<->5006016930221fdd
vmhba2:3:1 Standby

The following is an analysis of the first LUN:

• Canonical name

Disk vmhba2:1:4 /dev/sdh (30720MB) has 2 paths

and policy of Most Recently Used
FC 10:3.0 210000e08b89a99b<->5006016130221fdd
vmhba2:1:4 On active preferred

FC 10:3.0 210000e08b89a99b<->5006016930221fdd
vmhba2:3:4 Standby

This is the canonical device name the ESX Server host used to refer to the LUN.

When there are multiple paths to a LUN, the canonical name is the first path that was
detected for this LUN.

• vmhba2:1:4 is one of the Host Bus Adapters (HBA).

• vmhba2:1:4 is one of the Host Bus Adapters (HBA).

• vmhba2:1:4 is the second storage target (numbering starts at 0) that was detected by this

• vmhba2:1:4 is the number of the LUN on this storage target. For multipathing to work
properly, each LUN must present the same LUN number to all ESX Server hosts.

VMWare ESX 3

If the vmhba number for the HBA is a single digit number, it is a physical adapter. If the
address is vmhba40 or vmhba32, it is a software iSCSI device for ESX Server 3.0 and ESX
Server 3.5 respectively.

• Linux device name, Storage Capasity, LUN Type, WWPN, WWNN in order of highlights

Disk vmhba2:1:4 /dev/sdh (30720MB) has 2 paths and policy of

Most Recently Used
FC 10:3.0 210000e08b89a99b<->5006016130221fdd
vmhba2:1:4 On active preferred
FC 10:3.0 210000e08b89a99b<->5006016930221fdd vmhba2:3:4 Standby

This is the associated Linux device handle for the LUN. You must use this reference when using
utilities like fdisk.

There are three possible valuse for LUN Disk type:

• FC: This LUN is presented through a fibre channel device.

• iScsi: This LUN is presented through an iSCSI device.

• Local: This LUN is a local disk.

Chapter 11. AIX Notes
• Create etherchannels in backup mode not aggregation mode.

• Identify two cards, ideally on separate PCI buses or in different PCI drawers if possible.

• Each card is connected into a different network switch.

• All of the Cisco CATALYST switches are paired up for resilience, so the VLAN spans both.

• Aggregation mode not preferred as this only works with both cards connected the same CAT, which
is a SPOF.

1. Load smitty etherchannel

EtherChannel creation example:

The etherchannel is made up of the ‘ent1’ and

‘ent2’ cards.

# smitty etherchannel

Add An Etherchannel
Select only the first adapter to be added
into the channel

Etherchannel Adapters ent1

Mode standard
Hash Mode default
Backup Adapter ent2
Internet Address to Ping <Default Gateway int>
Number of Retries 10
Retry Timeout (sec) 1

2. Backup Adapter

The default gateway should be supplied by data networks. The key entry here is the declaration of a
backup adapter. This will create the next available ethernet card definition i.e. ‘ent3’. This is a logical
device but is also the device on which the IP address will be bound

smitty chinet


Network Interface Name en3

INTERNET ADDRESS (dotted decimal) <IP address>

AIX Notes

Network MASK (hexadecimal or dotted decimal) <subnet mask>

Current STATE up
Use Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)? yes
BROADCAST ADDRESS (dotted decimal)

3. Edit /etc/hosts

Edit ‘/etc/hosts’ and set up an entry for the newly configured IP address. The format is ‘<hostname>en*’
in this case: nac001en3 Check that the IP label is being resolved locally via: netstat -i The interface
card ‘en3’ will now be available as shown via : ifconfig –a

The active card, by default is the first card listed in

the etherchannel configuration:

lsattr –El ent3

adapter_names ent1 EtherChannel Adapters

alt_addr 0x000000000000 Alternate EtherChannel
backup_adapter ent2 Adapter used when whole channel
hash_mode default Determines how outgoing adapter
mode standard EtherChannel mode of operation
netaddr <gateway address> Address to ping
num_retries 10 Times to retry ping before failing
retry_time 1 Wait time (seconds) between pings
use_alt_addr no Enable Alternate EtherChannel
use_jumbo_frame no Enable Gigabit Ethernet Jumbo

Use the etherchannel interface en3 as the Device for the NIC
resource. An IP resource will depend on this NIC resource.

Chapter 12. Oracle 10g with RAC
Oracle General SQL Quick Reference
Start DB Console

$ emctl start dbconsole

Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control Release
Copyright (c) 1996, 2007 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Starting Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control
................ started.
Logs are generated in directory

Alter table

cust_sex char(1) NOT NULL,
cust_credit_rating number

create table

drop table OS_VERSIONS;

create table OS_VERSIONS (
os_name varchar(200),
os_type varchar(10),
os_update varchar(10),
os_major number,
os_minor number,
os_vendor varchar(20));

insert into table

insert into OS_LOV (os_title, os_version) VALUES ('Solaris 8', 'SOL8');

Oracle 10g RAC Solaris Quick Reference

Root Memory settings for CRS


set semsys:seminfo_semvmx=32767
set semsys:seminfo_semmns=1024

Oracle RAC UDP Settings in /etc/system for RAC


Oracle 10g with RAC

set udp:xmit_hiwat=65536
set udp:udp_recv_hiwat=65536

Project Setup for Oracle User

# projadd -U oracle -K \
project.max-msg-ids=(privileged,5120,deny)" oracle

IPMP Public

All four public IP addresses need to reside on the same network subnet. The following is the list of IP
addresses that will be used in the following example.

- Physical IP :
- Test IP for ce0 :
- Test IP for ce1 :
- Oracle VIP :

IPMP NIC Configuration at boot time

/etc/hostname.ce0 netmask + broadcast

+ group orapub up addif
deprecated -failover netmask + broadcast + up

/etc/hostname.ce1 netmask + broadcast + deprecated

group orapub -failover standby up

The VIP should now be configured to use all NIC's assigned to the same public IPMP group. By doing
this Oracle will automatically choose the primary NIC within the group to configure the VIP, and IPMP
will be able to fail over the VIP within the IPMP group upon a single NIC failure.

When running VIPCA: At the second screen in VIPCA (VIP Configuration Assistant, 1 of 2), select all
NIC's within the same IPMP group where the VIP should run at. If already running execute the following:

# srvctl stop nodeapps -n node

# srvctl modify nodeapps -n node \
-o /u01/app/oracle/product/10gdb \
# srvctl start nodeapps -n node

IPMP Private Connections

Make sure IPMP is configured prior to install, with Private IP up on both nodes.

The recommended solution is not to configure any private interface in oracle. The following steps need
to done to use IPMP for the cluster interconnect:

Oracle 10g with RAC

1. If the private interface has already been configured delete the interface with 'oifcfg delif'

oifcfg getif
oifcfg delif -global <if_name>

2. Set the CLUSTER_INTERCONNECTS parameter in the spfile/init.ora to the physical IP which is



'' scope=spfile sid='nick01';
'' scope=spfile sid='nick02';

3. Set the CLUSTER_INTERCONNECTS also for your ASM instances

4. Verify Correct Settings in use

SQL> select * from gv$cluster_interconnects;

SQL> show parameter cluster_interconnects;
$CRS_HOME/bin/oifcfg getif
bge0 global public
e1000g0 global public

Permissions for ASM Raw Disks

# chown oracle:dba /dev/rdsk/cxtydzs6

# chmod 660 /dev/rdsk/cxtydzs6

Oratab set to use ASM

# more /var/opt/oracle/oratab

Check ASM Space

$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus "SYS/SYS_password as SYSDBA"


Oracle 10g R2 RAC ASM Reference

ASM can not point to /dev/rdsk or /dev/dsk because it can not handle seeing multiple paths to the same
disk. /dev/vx/rdmp and /dev/vx/dmp, or a directory with links to emc powerpath or MPXIO devices is an
option. Make sure that the disk links in the directory are only to the virtual device, and not to individual


When an ASM instance initializes, ASM is able to discover and look at the contents of all of the disks in
the disk groups that are pointed to by the ASM_DISKSTRING initialization parameter. This saves you
from having to specify a path for each of the disks in the disk group.

Disk group mounting requires that an ASM instance doing disk discovery be able to access all the disks
within the disk group that any other ASM instance having previously mounted the disk group believes are
members of that disk group. It is vital that any disk configuration errors be detected before a disk group
is mounted.

Oracle 10g with RAC

SQL> alter system set "_asm_allow_only_raw_disks"=false scope=spfile;

SQL> alter system set asm_diskstring='/asmdisks\_file*' scope=both;
SQL> shutdown
SQL> startup
$ mkdir /asmdisks
$ cd /asmdisks
$ ln -s /dev/rdsk/dev_needed _file_disk_description

set oracle_sid=+ASM
sqlplus "/ as sysdba"

SQL> SELECT disk_number, mount_status,

header_status, state, path
2 FROM v$asm_disk


- ------ ------- ------- ------- ----------------

Tables and Views

Table 12.1. ASM View Table

View Name Based on Description
V$ASM_DISKGROUP X$KFGRP performs disk discovery and lists
V$ASM_DISK X$KFDSK, X$KFKID perform disk discovery and lists
disks + usage metrics
V$ASM_DISK_STAT X$KFDSK_STAT, X$KFKID List disks + usage metrics
V$ASM_FILE X$KFFIL lists ASM files (1 row per file)
V$ASM_ALIAS X$KFALS lists ASM aliases (files,
V$ASM_CLIENT X$KFTMTA lists instances DB instances
connected to ASM
V$OPERATION X$KFGMG lists running rebalancing
N.A. X$KFFXP Extent mapping table for ASM

Oracle 10g R2 RAC CRS Reference

Check Nodeapps

$ srvctl status nodeapps -n vm01

VIP is running on node: vm01
GSD is running on node: vm01

Oracle 10g with RAC

Listener is running on node: vm01

ONS daemon is running on node: vm01

$ srvctl status nodeapps -n vm02

VIP is running on node: vm02
GSD is running on node: vm02
Listener is running on node: vm02
ONS daemon is running on node: vm02

Check status of ASM

$ srvctl status asm -n vm01

ASM instance +ASM1 is running on node vm01.

$ srvctl status asm -n vm02

ASM instance +ASM2 is running on node vm02.

Check status of DB

$ srvctl status database -d esxrac

Instance esxrac1 is running on node vm01
Instance esxrac2 is running on node vm02

Check status of CRS

Run on each node

$ crsctl check crs

CSS appears healthy
CRS appears healthy
EVM appears healthy

Oracle RAC SQL

Querying RAC gv$instance cluster view

SQL> select instance_name, host_name, archiver, thread#, status

2 from gv$instance
3 /
-------------- ------------- ------- -------- ------
esxrac1 STARTED 1 OPEN
esxrac2 STARTED 2 OPEN

Querying RAC SGA

SQL> show sga

Total System Global Area 608174080 bytes
Fixed Size 1220820 bytes
Variable Size 142610220 bytes
Database Buffers 457179136 bytes
Redo Buffers 7163904 bytes

Querying RAC for datafiles

Oracle 10g with RAC

SQL> select file_name, bytes/1024/1024

2 from dba_data_files
3 /
----------------------------------------------- ---------------
+ORADATA/esxrac/datafile/system.259.620732719 500
+ORADATA/esxrac/datafile/undotbs1.260.620732753 200
+ORADATA/esxrac/datafile/sysaux.261.620732767 670
+ORADATA/esxrac/datafile/example.263.620732791 150
+ORADATA/esxrac/datafile/undotbs2.264.620732801 200
+ORADATA/esxrac/datafile/users.265.620732817 5
6 rows selected.

Querying RAC the status of all the groups, type, membership

SQL> select group#, type, member, is_recovery_dest_file

2 from v$logfile
3 order by group#
4 /
------ ------- --------------------------------------------- ---
1 ONLINE +ORADATA/esxrac/onlinelog/group_1.257.620732695 NO
1 ONLINE +FLASH_RECO_AREA/esxrac/onlinelog/group_1.257.620732699 YES
2 ONLINE +ORADATA/esxrac/onlinelog/group_2.258.620732703 NO
2 ONLINE +FLASH_RECO_AREA/esxrac/onlinelog/group_2.258.620732707 YES
3 ONLINE +ORADATA/esxrac/onlinelog/group_3.266.620737527 NO
3 ONLINE +FLASH_RECO_AREA/esxrac/onlinelog/group_3.259.620737533 YES
4 ONLINE +ORADATA/esxrac/onlinelog/group_4.267.620737535 NO
4 ONLINE +FLASH_RECO_AREA/esxrac/onlinelog/group_4.260.620737539 YES

Querying RAC for datafiles

SQL> select file_name, bytes/1024/1024

2 from dba_data_files
3 /
----------------------------------------------- --------------
+ORADATA/esxrac/datafile/system.259.620732719 500
+ORADATA/esxrac/datafile/undotbs1.260.620732753 200
+ORADATA/esxrac/datafile/sysaux.261.620732767 670
+ORADATA/esxrac/datafile/example.263.620732791 150
+ORADATA/esxrac/datafile/undotbs2.264.620732801 200
+ORADATA/esxrac/datafile/users.265.620732817 5
6 rows selected.

Querying RAC v$asm_diskgroup view

select group_number, name,allocation_unit_size alloc_unit_size,

from v$asm_diskgroup;


------------ ------------- ---------- -------- ------ ----- ----------

Oracle 10g with RAC


2 ORADATA 1048576 CONNECTED NORMAL 20472 8132

Querying RAC v$asm_diskgroup for our volumes

select name, path, header_status, total_mb free_mb,

trunc(bytes_read/1024/1024) read_mb,
trunc(bytes_written/1024/1024) write_mb
from v$asm_disk;


----- ---------- ------- ---------- ------ --------
VOL1 ORCL:VOL1 MEMBER 10236 39617 15816
VOL2 ORCL:VOL2 MEMBER 10236 7424 15816
VOL3 ORCL:VOL3 MEMBER 10236 1123 13059

Querying RAC All datafiles in one go

SQL> select name from v$datafile

2 union
3 select name from v$controlfile
4 union
5 select name from v$tempfile
6 union
7 select member from v$logfile
8 /
17 rows selected.

Querying RAC Listing all the tablespaces

SQL> select tablespace_name, file_name

2 from dba_data_files
3 union
4 select tablespace_name, file_name

Oracle 10g with RAC

5 from dba_temp_files
6 /
---------------- ------------------------------------
EXAMPLE +ORADATA/esxrac/datafile/example.263.620732791
SYSAUX +ORADATA/esxrac/datafile/sysaux.261.620732767
SYSTEM +ORADATA/esxrac/datafile/system.259.620732719
TEMP +ORADATA/esxrac/tempfile/temp.262.620732779
UNDOTBS1 +ORADATA/esxrac/datafile/undotbs1.260.620732753
UNDOTBS2 +ORADATA/esxrac/datafile/undotbs2.264.620732801
USERS +ORADATA/esxrac/datafile/users.265.620732817
7 rows selected.

Querying ASM to list disks in use

SQL> select name, header_status, path from v$asm_disk;


------------ ------------- -------------------------
CANDIDATE /dev/rdsk/disk07
DISK06 MEMBER /dev/rdsk/disk06
DISK05 MEMBER /dev/rdsk/disk05
DISK04 MEMBER /dev/rdsk/disk04
DISK03 MEMBER /dev/rdsk/disk03
DISK02 MEMBER /dev/rdsk/disk02
DISK01 MEMBER /dev/rdsk/disk01

This script will give you information of the +ASM1 instance files:

SQL> select group_number, file_number, bytes/1024/1024/1024 GB,

type, striped, modification_date
2 from v$asm_file
3 where TYPE != 'ARCHIVELOG'
4 /
------- -------- -------- --------------- ------ ---------
1 256 .01 CONTROLFILE FINE 04-MAY-07
1 257 .05 ONLINELOG FINE 25-MAY-07
1 258 .05 ONLINELOG FINE 24-MAY-07
1 259 .05 ONLINELOG FINE 24-MAY-07
1 260 .05 ONLINELOG FINE 25-MAY-07
2 256 .01 CONTROLFILE FINE 04-MAY-07
2 257 .05 ONLINELOG FINE 25-MAY-07
2 258 .05 ONLINELOG FINE 24-MAY-07
2 259 .49 DATAFILE COARSE 04-MAY-07
2 260 .20 DATAFILE COARSE 04-MAY-07
2 261 .65 DATAFILE COARSE 23-MAY-07
2 262 .03 TEMPFILE COARSE 04-MAY-07
2 263 .15 DATAFILE COARSE 04-MAY-07
2 264 .20 DATAFILE COARSE 04-MAY-07
2 265 .00 DATAFILE COARSE 04-MAY-07
2 266 .05 ONLINELOG FINE 24-MAY-07
2 267 .05 ONLINELOG FINE 25-MAY-07

Oracle 10g with RAC

18 rows selected.

This script will give you information of the +ASM1 instance files: More detailed information

SQL> select group_number, file_number,

incarnation, block_size, bytes/1024/1024/1024 GB, type, striped,
2 creation_date
3 from v$asm_file
4 where TYPE != 'ARCHIVELOG'
5 /
------- -------- ----------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ---------
1 256 620732691 16384 .01 CONTROLFILE FINE 24-APR-07
1 257 620732699 512 .05 ONLINELOG FINE 24-APR-07
1 258 620732707 512 .05 ONLINELOG FINE 24-APR-07
1 259 620737533 512 .05 ONLINELOG FINE 24-APR-07
1 260 620737539 512 .05 ONLINELOG FINE 24-APR-07
1 261 620737547 512 .00 PARAMETERFILE COARSE 24-APR-07
2 256 620732689 16384 .01 CONTROLFILE FINE 24-APR-07
2 257 620732695 512 .05 ONLINELOG FINE 24-APR-07
2 258 620732703 512 .05 ONLINELOG FINE 24-APR-07
2 259 620732719 8192 .49 DATAFILE COARSE 24-APR-07
2 260 620732753 8192 .20 DATAFILE COARSE 24-APR-07
2 261 620732767 8192 .65 DATAFILE COARSE 24-APR-07
2 262 620732779 8192 .03 TEMPFILE COARSE 24-APR-07
2 263 620732791 8192 .15 DATAFILE COARSE 24-APR-07
2 264 620732801 8192 .20 DATAFILE COARSE 24-APR-07
2 265 620732817 8192 .00 DATAFILE COARSE 24-APR-07
2 266 620737527 512 .05 ONLINELOG FINE 24-APR-07
2 267 620737535 512 .05 ONLINELOG FINE 24-APR-07
18 rows selected.

Chapter 13. EMC Storage
PowerPath Commands
Table 13.1. PowerPath CLI Commands
Command Description
powermt Manages a PowerPath environment
powercf Configures PowerPath devices
emcpreg -install Manages PowerPath liciense registration
emcpminor Checks for free minor numbers
emcpupgrade Converts PowerPath configuration files

Table 13.2. PowerPath powermt commands

Command Description
powermt check Checks for and optionally removes dead paths
powermt check_registration Checks the state of the PowerPath license
powermt config Configures local devices as PowerPath devices
powermt display Displays the state of HBA configured for PowerPath
powermt display options Displays the periodic autorestore settings
powermt load Loads a PowerPath configuration
powermt remove Removes a path from the PowerPath configuration
powermt restore Tests and restores paths
powermt save Saves a custom PowerPath configuration
powermt set mode Sets paths to active or standby mode
powermt set Enables or disables periodic autorestore
powermt set policy Changes the load balancing and failover policy
powermt set priority Sets the I/O priority
powermt version Returns the number of PowerPath version for which
powermt was created
periodic_autorestore Same as powermt set
powermt watch Same as powermt display - deprecated

PowerPath Command Examples

# powermt check_registration
Key B3P3-HB43-CFMR-Q2A6-MX9V-O9P3
Product: PowerPath
Capabilities: Symmetrix CLARiiON

# powermt display dev=emcpower6a

EMC Storage

Pseudo name=emcpower6a
Symmetrix ID=000184503070
Logical device ID=0021
state=alive; policy=SymmOpt; priority=0; queued-IOs=0

----------- Host --------- - Stor - -- I/O Path - -- Stats ---

### HW Path I/O Paths Interf. Mode State Q-IOs Errors

0 sbus@2,0/fcaw@2,0 c4t25d225s0 FA 13bA active dead 0 1

1 sbus@6,0/fcaw@1,0 c5t26d225s0 FA 4bA active alive 0 0

# powermt display paths

Symmetrix logical device count=20

- Host Bus Adapters - - Storage System - - I/O Paths -

### HW Path ID Interface Total Dead

0 sbus@2,0/fcaw@2,0 000184503070 FA 13bA 20 20

1 sbus@6,0/fcaw@1,0 000184503070 FA 4bA 20 0

CLARiiON logical device count=0

- Host Bus Adapters --- ---- Storage System --- - I/O Paths -
### HW Path ID Interface Total Dead

# powermt display ports

Storage class = Symmetrix

------ Storage System ------- -- I/O Paths -- --- Stats ---

ID Interface Wt_Q Total Dead Q-IOs Errors

000184503070 FA 13bA 256 20 20 0 20

000184503070 FA 4bA 256 20 0 0 0

Storage class = CLARiiON

------ Storage System ----- -- I/O Paths -- --- Stats ---

ID Interface Wt_Q Total Dead Q-IOs Errors

Disable PowerPath
1. Please ensure that LUNS are available to the host from multiple paths

# powermt display

2. Stop the Application so that there is no i/o issued to Powerpath devices If the application is under VCS
control , please offline the service on that node

# hagrp –offline <servicename> offline

3. Unmount filesystems and Stop the volumes so that there is no volumes under i/o

EMC Storage

# umount /<mount_point
#vxvol –g <dgname> stop all

4. Stop CVM and VERITAS Fencing on the node ( if part of a VCS cluster) NOTE: All nodes in VCS
cluster need to be brought down if CVM / fencing are enabled.

#vxclustadm stopnode
# /etc/init.d/vxfen stop

5. Disable volume Manager startup

#touch /etc/vx/reconfig.d/state.d/install-db

6. Reboot host

#shutdown –y –i6

7. Unmanage/remove Powerpath devices

#powermt remove dev=all

8. Verify that Powerpath devices have been removed

#powermt display dev=all

9. Uninstall Powerpath Binaries (package)

#pkgrm EMCpower

10.Run EMC Powerpath cleanup script


11.Reboot the host only if Powerpath Uninstall requests a reboot.

12.Start VERITAS Volume Manager daemons

#vxconfigd –m enable

13.Enable Volume Manager Startup ( disabled in step 5 )

#rm /etc/vx/reconfig.d/state.d/install-db

14.Update Boot alias of host if required in OBP

INQ Syminq Notes

1. When running inq or syminq, you'll see a column titled Ser Num. This column has quite a bit of
information hiding in it.

An example syminq output is below. Your output will differ slightly as I'm creating a table from a book
to show this; I don't currently have access to a system where I can get the actual output just yet.

/dev/dsk/c1t0d0 EMC SYMMETRIX 5265 73009150 459840

/dev/dsk/c1t4d0 BCV EMC SYMMETRIX 5265 73010150 459840
/dev/dsk/c1t5d0 GK EMC SYMMETRIX 5265 73019150 2880

EMC Storage

/dev/dsk/c2t6d0 GK EMC SYMMETRIX 5265 7301A281 2880

Using the first and last serial numbers as examples, the serial number is broken out as follows:

73 Last two digits of the Symmetrix serial number

009 Symmetrix device number
15 Symmetrix director number. If <= 16, using the
A processor
0 Port number on the director


73 Last two digits of the Symmetrix serial number

01A Symmetrix device number
28 Symmetrix director number. If > 16, using the
B proccessor
on board: (${brd}-16).
0 Port number on the director

So, the first example, device 009 is mapped to director 15, processor A, port 0 while the second example
has device 01A mapped to director 12, processor B, port 0. Even if you don't buy any of the EMC
software, you can get the inq command from their web site. Understanding the serial numbers will
help you get a better understanding of which ports are going to which hosts. Understanding this and
documenting it will circumvent hours of rapturous cable tracings.

Brocade Switches
1. Brocade Configuration Information

Basic Brocade Notes

DS8B_ID3:admin> switchshow

switchName: DS8B_ID3
switchType: 3.4
switchState: Online
switchRole: Principal
switchDomain: 3
switchId: fffc03
switchWwn: 10:00:00:60:69:20:50:a9
switchBeacon: OFF
port 0: id Online F-Port 50:06:01:60:20:02:f5:a1 - SPA
port 1: id Online F-Port 50:06:01:68:20:02:f5:a1 - SPB
port 2: id Online F-Port 10:00:00:00:c9:28:3a:fc - cdb-lpfc0
port 3: id Online F-Port 10:00:00:00:c9:28:3d:21 - cdb-lpfc1
port 4: id Online F-Port 10:00:00:00:c9:28:3d:0a - cmn-lpfc0
port 5: id Online F-Port 10:00:00:00:c9:26:ac:16 - cmn-lpfc1
port 6: id No_Light
port 7: id No_Light

DS8B_ID3:admin> cfgshow
Defined configuration:

EMC Storage

zone: CSA_A_PATH
zone: CSA_B_PATH
alias: CSA_SPA
alias: CSA_SPB
alias: DB1_LPFC0
alias: DB1_LPFC1
alias: MN1_LPFC0
alias: MN1_LPFC1

Effective configuration:
cfg: CFG
zone: CSA_A_PATH
zone: CSA_B_PATH

2. Brocade Configuration Walkthrough

a. Basic SwitchShow

DS8B_ID3:admin> switchshow
switchName: DS8B_ID3
switchType: 3.4
switchState: Online
switchRole: Principal
switchDomain: 3
switchId: fffc03
switchWwn: 10:00:00:60:69:20:50:a9
switchBeacon: OFF
port 0: id Online F-Port 50:06:01:60:20:02:f5:a1
port 1: id Online F-Port 50:06:01:68:20:02:f5:a1
port 2: id Online F-Port 10:00:00:00:c9:28:3a:fc
port 3: id Online F-Port 10:00:00:00:c9:28:3d:21
port 4: id No_Light
port 5: id No_Light
port 6: id No_Light
port 7: id No_Light
b. Create Aliases

DS8B_ID3:admin> alicreate "CSA_SPA", "50:06:01:60:20:02:f5:a1"

EMC Storage

DS8B_ID3:admin> alicreate "CSA_SPB", "50:06:01:68:20:02:f5:a1"

DS8B_ID3:admin> alicreate "DB1_LPFC0", "10:00:00:00:c9:28:3a:fc"
DS8B_ID3:admin> alicreate "DB1_LPFC1", "10:00:00:00:c9:28:3d:21"

c. Create Zones

DS8B_ID3:admin> zoneCreate "CSA_A_PATH" , "CSA_SPA; DB1_LPFC0"

DS8B_ID3:admin> zoneCreate "CSA_B_PATH" , "CSA_SPB; DB1_LPFC1"
DS8B_ID3:admin> cfgCreate "CFG", "CSA_A_PATH; CSA_B_PATH"

d. Save and Enable New Configuration

DS8B_ID3:admin> cfgCreate "CFG", "CSA_A_PATH; CSA_B_PATH"

DS8B_ID3:admin> cfgSave
Updating flash ...
DS8B_ID3:admin> cfgEnable "CFG"
zone config "CFG" is in effect
Updating flash ...
0x10e6e440 (tThad): Jun 21 04:26:09
Error FW-CHANGED, 4, fabricZC000 (Fabric Zoning change)
value has changed. current value : 7 Zone Change(s). (info)

e. Show Zone Configuration

DS8B_ID3:admin> zoneshow
Defined configuration:
zone: CSA_A_PATH
zone: CSA_B_PATH
alias: CSA_SPA
alias: CSA_SPB
alias: DB1_LPFC0
alias: DB1_LPFC1

Effective configuration:
cfg: CFG
zone: CSA_A_PATH
zone: CSA_B_PATH

Chapter 14. Dtrace
Track time on each I/O

#pragma D option quiet

printf("%10s %58s %2s %7s\n", "DEVICE", "FILE", "RW", "MS");
start[args[0]->b_edev, args[0]->b_blkno] = timestamp;

/start[args[0]->b_edev, args[0]->b_blkno]/
this->elapsed = timestamp - start[args[0]->b_edev, args[0]->b_blkno];
printf("%10s %58s %2s %3d.%03d\n", args[1]->dev_statname,
args[2]->fi_pathname, args[0]->b_flags & B_READ ? "R" : "W",
this->elapsed / 10000000, (this->elapsed / 1000) % 1000);
start[args[0]->b_edev, args[0]->b_blkno] = 0;

Example run of iotime.d

# dtrace -s ./iotime.d
cmdk0 /kernel/drv/scsa2usb R 24.781
cmdk0 /kernel/drv/scsa2usb R 25.208
cmdk0 /var/adm/messages W 25.981
cmdk0 /kernel/drv/scsa2usb R 5.448
cmdk0 <none> W 4.172
cmdk0 /kernel/drv/scsa2usb R 2.620
cmdk0 /var/adm/messages W 0.252
cmdk0 <unknown> R 3.213
cmdk0 <none> W 3.011
cmdk0 <unknown> R 2.197
cmdk0 /var/adm/messages W 2.680
cmdk0 <none> W 0.436
cmdk0 /var/adm/messages W 0.542
cmdk0 <none> W 0.339
cmdk0 /var/adm/messages W 0.414
cmdk0 <none> W 0.344
cmdk0 /var/adm/messages W 0.361
cmdk0 <none> W 0.315
cmdk0 /var/adm/messages W 0.421
cmdk0 <none> W 0.349
cmdk0 <none> R 1.524
cmdk0 <unknown> R 3.648


cmdk0 /usr/lib/ R 2.553

cmdk0 /usr/lib/ R 1.332
cmdk0 /usr/lib/ R 0.222
cmdk0 /usr/lib/ R 0.228
cmdk0 /usr/lib/ R 0.927
cmdk0 <none> R 1.189

Track directories where writes are occurring


#pragma D option quiet

/args[0]->b_flags & B_WRITE/
@[execname, args[2]->fi_dirname] = count();
printf("%20s %51s %5s\n", "WHO", "WHERE", "COUNT");
printa("%20s %51s %5@d\n", @);

Example run of whowrite.d

# dtrace -s ./whowrite.d
su /var/adm 1
fsflush /etc 1
fsflush / 1
fsflush /var/log 1
fsflush /export/bmc/lisa 1
fsflush /export/bmc/.phoenix 1
vi /var/tmp 2
vi /etc 2
cat <none> 2
bash / 2
vi <none> 3

Chapter 15. Disaster Recovery
VVR 5.0
VVR Configuration
Setting up replication in a global cluster environment involves the following tasks:

• Creating the SRL in the disk group for the database.

• Creating the RVG on the primary site.

• Setting up replication objects on the secondary site.

Creating the SRL volume on the primary site

Create the Storage Replicator Log (SRL), a volume in the Replicated Volume Group (RVG). The RVG
also holds the data volumes for replication.

• The data volume on the secondary site has the same name and the same size as the data volume on
the primary site.

• The SRL on the secondary site has the same name and the same size as the SRL on the primary site.

• The data volume and the SRL should exist in the same disk group.

• If possible, create SRLs on disks without other volumes.

• Mirror SRLs and data volumes in the absence of hardware-based mirroring.

After determining the size of the SRL volume, create the volume in the shared disk group for the Oracle
database. If hardware-based mirroring does not exist in your setup, use the nmirror option to mirror the
volume. In this example, the Oracle database is in the oradatadg shared disk group on the primary site and
the size required for the SRL volume is 1.5 GB:

To create the SRL volume on the primary site

1. On the primary site, determine the size of the SRL volume based on the configuration and use.

2. Determine whether a node is the master or the slave: (if on CFS Cluster)

# vxdctl -c mode

3. From the master node, issue the following command: (after disk group created). Make sure that the data
disk has a minimum of 500M of free space after creating the SRL volume.

# vxassist -g oradatadg make rac1_srl 1500M nmirror=2 disk4


4. Start the SRL volume by starting all volumes in the disk group:

# vxvol -g oradatadg startall

Setting up replication objects on the primary site

Before creating the RVG on the primary site, make sure the replication objects are active and online.

To create the RVG

Disaster Recovery

The command to create the primary RVG takes the form:

• disk_group is the name of the disk group containing the database

• rvg_name is the name for the RVG

• data_volume is the volume that VVR replicates

• srl_volume is the volume for the SRL

vradmin -g disk_group createpri rvg_name data_volume srl_volume

The command creates the RVG on the primary site and adds a Data Change Map (DCM) for each data
volume. In this case, a DCM exists for rac1_vol).

Configuring replication for the secondary site

To create objects for replication on the secondary site, use the vradmin command with the addsec option.
To set up replication on the secondary site:

• Creating a disk group on the storage with the same name as the equivalent disk group on the primary
site if you have not already done so.

• Creating volumes for the database and SRL on the secondary site.

• Editing the /etc/vx/vras/.rdg file on the secondary site.

• Resolvable virtual IP addresses that set network RLINK connections as host names of the primary and
secondary sites.

• Creating the replication objects on the secondary site.

Creating the data and SRL volumes on the secondary site

To create the data and SRL volumes on the secondary site

1. In the disk group created for the Oracle database, create a volume for data; in this case, the rac_vol1
volume on the primary site is 6.6 GB:

# vxassist -g oradatadg make rac_vol1 6600M nmirror=2 disk1


2. Create the volume for the SRL, using the same name and size of the equivalent volume on the primary
site. Create the volume on a different disk from the disks for the database volume:

# vxassist -g oradatadg make rac1_srl 1500M nmirror=2 disk4


Editing the /etc/vx/vras/.rdg files

Editing the /etc/vx/vras/.rdg file on the secondary site enables VVR to replicate the disk group from
the primary site to the secondary site. On each node, VVR uses the /etc/vx/vras/.rdg file to check the
authorization to replicate the RVG on the primary site to the secondary site. The file on each node in the
secondary site must contain the primary disk group ID, and likewise, the file on each primary system must
contain the secondary disk group ID.

1. On a node in the primary site, display the primary disk group ID:

# vxprint -l diskgroup

Disaster Recovery

2. On each node in the secondary site, edit the /etc/vx/vras/.rdg file and enter the primary disk group ID
on a single line.

3. On each cluster node of the primary cluster, edit the file and enter the primary disk group ID on a
single line.

Setting up IP addresses for RLINKs on each cluster

Creating objects with the vradmin command requires resolvable virtual IP addresses that set network
RLINK connections as host names of the primary and secondary sites.

To set up IP addresses for RLINKS on each cluster

1. on one of the nodes of the clusterFor each RVG running on each cluster, set up a virtual IP address
on one of the nodes of the cluster. These IP addresses are part of the RLINK. The example assumes
that the public network interface iseth0:1, the virtual IP address is, and the net mask is for the cluster on the primary site:

# ifconfig eth0:1 inet netmask up

2. Use the same commands with appropriate values for the interface, IP address, and net mask on the
secondary site. The example assumes the interface is eth0:1, virtual IP address is, and the
net mask is on the secondary site.

3. Define the virtual IP addresses to correspond to a virtual cluster host name on the primary site and a
virtual cluster host name on the secondary site. For example, update /etc/hosts file on all nodes in each
cluster. The examples assume rac_clus101_priv has IP address and rac_clus102_priv has
IP address

4. Use the ping command to verify the links are functional.

Setting up disk group on secondary site for replication

Create the replication objects on the secondary site from the master node on the primary site, using the
vradmin command.

To set up the disk group on the secondary site for replication

1. Issue the command in the following format from the cluster on the primary site:

• dg_pri is the disk group on the primary site that VVR will replicate. For example: oradatadg

• rvg_pri is the RVG on the primary site. For example: rac1_rvg

• pri_host is the virtual IP address or resolvable virtual host name of the cluster on the primary site.
For example: or rac_clus101_priv

• sec_host is the virtual IP address or resolvable virtual host name of the cluster on the secondary site.
For example: or rac_clus102_priv

vradmin -g dg_pri addsec rvg_pri pri_host sec_host

2. On the secondary site, the command:

• Creates an RVG within the specified disk group using the same name as the one for the primary site

• Associates the data and SRL volumes that have the same names as the ones on the primary site with
the specified RVG

Disaster Recovery

• Adds a data change map (DCM) for the data volume

• Creates cluster RLINKS for the primary and secondary sites with the default names; for example, the
“primary” RLINK created for this example is rlk_rac_clus102_priv_rac1_rvg and the “secondary”
RLINK created is rlk_rac_clus101_priv_rac1_rvg.

3. Verify the list of RVGs in the RDS by executing the following command.

# vradmin -g oradg -l printrvg

Reeplicated Data Set: rac1_rvg
HostName: <localhost>
RvgName: rac1_rvg
DgName: oradatadg
datavol_cnt: 1
vset_cnt: 0
srl: rac1_srl
name=rlk_10.11.9.102_ rac1_rvg, detached=on,
RvgName: rac1_rvg
DgName: oradatadg
datavol_cnt: 1
vset_cnt: 0
srl: rac1_srl
name=rlk_10.10.9.101_ rac1_rvg, detached=on,

Starting replication using automatic synchronization

From the primary site, automatically synchronize the RVG on the secondary site:

vradmin -g disk_group -a startrep pri_rvg sec_host

Starting replication using full synchronization with Checkpoint

vradmin -g disk_group -full -c ckpt_name syncrvg pri_rvg


General VVR Tasks using 5.0MP3

VVR using 5.0MP3 and RP1 or 2

Example of VVR Log Status requiring Failback Synchronization

# vradmin -g hubdg repstatus hubrvg

Replicated Data Set: hubrvg

Host name:
RVG name: hubrvg
DG name: hubdg

Disaster Recovery

RVG state: enabled for I/O

Data volumes: 3
VSets: 0
SRL name: hubsrl
SRL size: 67.40 G
Total secondaries: 1

Primary (acting secondary):

Host name:
RVG name: hubrvg
DG name: hubdg
Data status: consistent, behind
Replication status: logging to DCM (needs failback
Current mode: asynchronous
Logging to: DCM (contains 3708448 Kbytes)
(failback logging)
Timestamp Information: N/A

Config Errors: Primary-Primary configuration

Example of VVR Log Status Not requiring Failback Synchronization

# vradmin -g hubdg repstatus hubrvg

Replicated Data Set: hubrvg

Host name:
RVG name: hubrvg
DG name: hubdg
RVG state: enabled for I/O
Data volumes: 3
VSets: 0
SRL name: hubsrl
SRL size: 67.40 G
Total secondaries: 1

Host name:
RVG name: hubrvg
DG name: hubdg
Data status: consistent, up-to-date
Replication status: replicating (connected)
Current mode: asynchronous
Logging to: SRL
Timestamp Information: behind by 0h 0m 0s

Establishing Fail-back Synchronization

# vradmin -g hubdg fbsync hubrvg

Disaster Recovery

Enable Replication from Identified Production VVR Master

# vradmin –g hubdg addvol hubrvg tibcoems3

Growing an SRL for Replication

The SRL is a storage point for changes between the source and destination being replicated, there are some
cases where the SRL needs to be extended in order to allow for extended timeframes where replication
can not take place. To grow the SRL use the following procedure.

Make sure that there is enough disk space on both the Production and Disaster Recovery Clusters

# vxdg –g hubdg free

From the production cluster run the vradmin resizevol command against the rvg, diskgroup and volume
to be expanded. [+]Size is to grow the SRL [-]Size will shrink the SRL and no [-|+] will set the SRL to
that size.

# vradmin –g hubdg resizesrl hubrvg +100m

Pausing Replication between the Production and DR Clusters

Specifying the remote hostname is not necessary in this environment since there is only one secondary host.

# vradmin –g hubdg pauserep hubrvg

Restarting Replication between the Production and DR Clusters

Specifying the remote hostname is not necessary in this environment since there is only one secondary host.

# vradmin –g hubdg resumerep hubrvg

Example Failback from DR to Primary Failing due to need for fbsync

2009/08/07 15:35:04 VCS WARNING V-16-20012-82 (ncib1hubp003b1)
RVGSharedPri:hubrvg_pri:online:RVG hubrvg is acting_secondary.
Please resync from primary

2009/08/07 15:37:04 VCS ERROR V-16-2-13066 (ncib1hubp003a1) Agent

is calling clean for resource(hubrvg_pri) because the resource is not
up even after online completed.

Example disconnection due to WAN event - GCO Declaring a

Faulted Cluster
2009/08/14 12:24:18 VCS NOTICE V-16-3-18213 (ncib1hubr003a1)
Cluster ncib1hubr003 lost all heartbeats to cluster ncib1hubp003:
effecting inquiry

2009/08/14 12:24:18 VCS ERROR V-16-1-50908 Remote cluster ncib1hubp003

has faulted. Determining if global group Tibcoapps should be failed
over to local cluster

Disaster Recovery

Initiation of a Forced DR Takeover

Forcing a DR event from the DR cluster is possible, however it should only be executed should connectivity
between the Production Cluster and the DR Cluster be severed, and for reasons to be determined later, the
DR failover did not take place.

# haclus –declare outage –clus ncib1hubp003

# hagrp –online –force Tibcoapps –sys ncib1hubr003a1
# hagrp –online –force Tibcoapps –sys ncib1hubr003b1

Growing a Replicated Filesystems

This command grows both the volume and the filesystem, on the primary and disaster recovery clusters.
There is no need to offline or modify any VCS Resources. Note that this assumes that there is no need
to tweak the SRL logs.

Make sure that there is enough disk space on both the Production and Disaster Recovery Clusters

# vxdg –g hubdg free

From the production cluster run the vradmin resizevol command against the rvg, diskgroup and volume
to be expanded. [+]Size is to grow the volume [-]Size will shrink the volume and no [-|+] will set the
volume to that size.

# vradmin –g hubdg resizevol hubrvg tibcoems3 +100m

Here's now to resynchronize the old Primary once you bring it back
up 5.0:
1. use the migrate option with vradmin

# vradmin -g diskgroup migrate vgname hostRemoteIP

2. If the command reports back primary out of sync, use the fbsync option

# vradmin -g diskgroup fbsync vgnme

VVR and GCO v5.x Made Easy

GCO Configuration
1. Run Script to add VVR Types Definitions - repeat on all nodes in each cluster

# cd /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/sample_vvr
# ./
# haconf -dump -makero

2. On a node in the primary site, start the global clustering configuration wizard: or use #3 for manual

# /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/gcoconfig

a. After discovering the NIC devices on the local node, specify or confirm the device for the cluster
joining the global cluster environment.

Disaster Recovery

b. Indicate whether the NIC you entered is for all cluster nodes. If you enter n, enter the names of NICs
on each node.

c. Enter or confirm the virtual IP address for the local cluster.

d. When the wizard discovers the net mask associated with the virtual IP address, accept the discovered
value or enter another value. With NIC and IP address values configured, the wizard creates a
ClusterService group or updates an existing one. After modifying the VCS configuration file, the
wizard brings the group online.

e. Perform through step 1 through step 5 on the secondary cluster.

3. Modifying the global clustering configuration using the on the primary cluster

include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""

cluster rac_cluster101 (
UserNames = { admin = "cDRpdxPmHpzS." }
ClusterAddress = ""
Administrators = { admin }
CounterInterval = 5
UseFence = SCSI3

group ClusterService (
SystemList = { galaxy = 0, nebula = 0 }
AutoStartList = { galaxy, nebula }
OnlineRetryLimit = 3
OnlineRetryInterval = 120

Application wac (
StartProgram = "/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/wacstart"
StopProgram = "/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/wacstop"
MonitorProcesses = "/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/wac" }
RestartLimit = 3

IP gcoip (
Device =eth1
Address = ""
NetMask = ""

NIC csgnic (
Device =eth1

gcoip requires csgnic

wac requires gcoip

Disaster Recovery

4. Define the remotecluster and its virtual IP address. In this example, the remote cluster is rac_cluster102
and its IP address is

# haclus -add rac_cluster102

5. Complete step 3 and step 4 on the secondary site using the name and IP address of the primary cluster
(rac_cluster101 and

6. On the primary site, add the heartbeat object for the cluster. In this example, the heartbeat method is
ICMP ping.

# hahb -add Icmp

# hahb -modify Icmp ClusterList rac_cluster102
# hahb -modify Icmp Arguments -clus \

# haclus -list

7. Example additions to the file on the primary site:

remotecluster rac_cluster102 (
Cluster Address = ""

heartbeat Icmp (
ClusterList = { rac_cluster102 }
Arguments @rac_cluster102 = { "" }
system galaxy (

8. Example additions to the file on the secondary site:

remotecluster rac_cluster101 (
Cluster Address = ""

heartbeat Icmp (
ClusterList = { rac_cluster101 }
Arguments @rac_cluster102 = { "" }
system galaxy

Combining VVR and CGO

Note that when using VVR and GCO you do not need to vradmin migrate - do this task with online/offline
of remove failover service groups.

Setting up the rlink IP addresses for primary and secondard in their respective clusters results in a
simular to the following:

Disaster Recovery

2x IP for GCO - one per cluster ,2x IP for VVR RLINK one per cluster

Primary CFS Cluster with VVR - example

include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""

cluster primary003 (
UserNames = { haadmin = xxx }
ClusterAddress = ""
Administrators = { haadmin }
UseFence = SCSI3
HacliUserLevel = COMMANDROOT

remotecluster remote003 (
ClusterAddress = ""

heartbeat Icmp (
ClusterList = { remote003 }
Arguments @remote003 = { "" }

system primary003a1 (

system primary003b1 (

group ClusterService (
SystemList = { primary003a1 = 0, primary003b1 = 1 }
AutoStartList = { primary003a1, primary003b1 }
OnlineRetryLimit = 3
OnlineRetryInterval = 120

Application wac (
StartProgram = "/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/wacstart"
StopProgram = "/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/wacstop"
MonitorProcesses = { "/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/wac" }
RestartLimit = 3

IP gcoip (
Device @primary003a1 = bond0
Device @primary003b1 = bond0
Address = ""
NetMask = ""

NIC csgnic (

Disaster Recovery

Device = bond0

NotifierMngr ntfr (
SmtpServer = ""
SmtpRecipients = { "" = Warning }

gcoip requires csgnic

ntfr requires csgnic
wac requires gcoip

group HUBDG_RVG (
SystemList = { primary003a1 = 0, primary003b1 = 1 }
Parallel = 1
AutoStartList = { primary003a1, primary003b1 }

CVMDiskGroup = hubdg
CVMActivation = sw

RVG = hubrvg
DiskGroup = hubdg

requires group cvm online local firm


group Myappsg (
SystemList = { primary003a1 = 0, primary003b1 = 1 }
Parallel = 1
ClusterList = { remote003 = 1, primary003 = 0 }
Authority = 1
AutoStartList = { primary003a1, primary003b1 }
ClusterFailOverPolicy = Auto
Administrators = { tibcoems }

Application foo (
StartProgram = "/opt/tibco/vcs_scripts/foo start &"
StopProgram = "/opt/tibco/vcs_scripts/foo stop &"
MonitorProgram = "/opt/tibco/vcs_scripts/monitor_foo"

Disaster Recovery

CFSMount foomnt (
MountPoint = "/opt/foo"
BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/hubdg/foo"

RVGSharedPri hubrvg_pri (
RvgResourceName = HUBDG_CFS_RVG
OnlineRetryLimit = 0

requires group HUBDG_RVG online local firm

foo requires foomnt
foomnt requires hubrvg_pri

group cvm (
SystemList = { primary003a1 = 0, primary003b1 = 1 }
AutoFailOver = 0
Parallel = 1
AutoStartList = { primary003a1, primary003b1 }

CFSfsckd vxfsckd (
ActivationMode @primary003a1 = { hubdg = sw }
ActivationMode @primary003b1 = { hubdg = sw }

CVMCluster cvm_clus (
CVMClustName = primary003
CVMNodeId = { primary003a1 = 0, primary003b1 = 1 }
CVMTransport = gab
CVMTimeout = 200

CVMVxconfigd cvm_vxconfigd (
Critical = 0
CVMVxconfigdArgs = { syslog }

cvm_clus requires cvm_vxconfigd

vxfsckd requires cvm_clus

group rlogowner (
SystemList = { primary003a1 = 0, primary003b1 = 1 }
AutoStartList = { primary003a1, primary003b1 }
OnlineRetryLimit = 2

Disaster Recovery

IP vvr_ip (
Device @primary003a1 = bond1
Device @primary003b1 = bond1
Address = ""
NetMask = ""

NIC vvr_nic (
Device @primary003a1 = bond1
Device @primary003b1 = bond1

RVGLogowner logowner (
RVG = hubrvg
DiskGroup = hubdg

requires group HUBDG_RVG online local firm

logowner requires vvr_ip
vvr_ip requires vvr_nic

Secondary CFS Cluster with VVR - example

include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""

cluster remote003 (
UserNames = { haadmin = xxx }
ClusterAddress = ""
Administrators = { haadmin }
UseFence = SCSI3
HacliUserLevel = COMMANDROOT

remotecluster primary003 (
ClusterAddress = ""

heartbeat Icmp (
ClusterList = { primary003 }
Arguments @primary003 = { "" }

system remote003a1 (

system remote003b1 (

group ClusterService (
SystemList = { remote003a1 = 0, remote003b1 = 1 }
AutoStartList = { remote003a1, remote003b1 }

Disaster Recovery

OnlineRetryLimit = 3
OnlineRetryInterval = 120

Application wac (
StartProgram = "/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/wacstart"
StopProgram = "/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/wacstop"
MonitorProcesses = { "/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/wac" }
RestartLimit = 3

IP gcoip (
Device @remote003a1 = bond0
Device @remote003b1 = bond0
Address = ""
NetMask = ""

NIC csgnic (
Device = bond0

NotifierMngr ntfr (
SmtpServer = ""
SmtpRecipients = { "" = Warning }

gcoip requires csgnic

ntfr requires csgnic
wac requires gcoip

group HUBDG_RVG (
SystemList = { remote003a1 = 0, remote003b1 = 1 }
Parallel = 1
AutoStartList = { remote003a1, remote003b1 }

CVMDiskGroup = hubdg
CVMActivation = sw

RVG = hubrvg
DiskGroup = hubdg

requires group cvm online local firm


Disaster Recovery

group Tibcoapps (
SystemList = { remote003a1 = 0, remote003b1 = 1 }
Parallel = 1
ClusterList = { remote003 = 1, primary003 = 0 }
AutoStartList = { remote003a1, remote003b1 }
ClusterFailOverPolicy = Auto
Administrators = { tibcoems }

Application FOO (
StartProgram = "/opt/tibco/vcs_scripts/foo start &"
StopProgram = "/opt/tibco/vcs_scripts/foo stop &"
MonitorProgram = "/opt/tibco/vcs_scripts/monitor_foo"

CFSMount foomnt (
MountPoint = "/opt/foo"
BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/hubdg/foo"

RVGSharedPri hubrvg_pri (
RvgResourceName = HUBDG_CFS_RVG
OnlineRetryLimit = 0

requires group HUBDG_RVG online local firm

foo requires foomnt
foomnt requires hubrvg_pri

group cvm (
SystemList = { remote003a1 = 0, remote003b1 = 1 }
AutoFailOver = 0
Parallel = 1
AutoStartList = { remote003a1, remote003b1 }

CFSfsckd vxfsckd (
ActivationMode @remote003a1 = { hubdg = sw }
ActivationMode @remote003b1 = { hubdg = sw }

CVMCluster cvm_clus (
CVMClustName = remote003
CVMNodeId = { remote003a1 = 0, remote003b1 = 1 }
CVMTransport = gab
CVMTimeout = 200

Disaster Recovery

CVMVxconfigd cvm_vxconfigd (
CVMVxconfigdArgs = { syslog }

cvm_clus requires cvm_vxconfigd

vxfsckd requires cvm_clus

group rlogowner (
SystemList = { remote003a1 = 0, remote003b1 = 1 }
AutoStartList = { remote003a1, remote003b1 }
OnlineRetryLimit = 2

IP vvr_ip (
Device @remote003a1 = bond1
Device @remote003b1 = bond1
Address = ""
NetMask = ""

NIC vvr_nic (
Device @remote003a1 = bond1
Device @remote003b1 = bond1

RVGLogowner logowner (
RVG = hubrvg
DiskGroup = hubdg

requires group HUBDG_RVG online local firm

logowner requires vvr_ip
vvr_ip requires vvr_nic

Secondary CFS Cluster with VVR - example

Pre 5.0 VVR does not use vradmin as much, and is kept here to show the underlying commands. Note that
with 4.0 and earlier you need to detach the SRL before growth, and in 5.x that is no longer needed.

Here's now to resynchronize the old Primary once you

bring it back up 4.x:
1. The RVG and RLINK should be stopped and detached. If not, stop and detach

# vxrvg stop rvgA

# #vxrlink det rlinkA

Disaster Recovery

2. Disassociate the SRL and make the system a secondary:

# vxvol dis srlA

# #vxedit set primary=false rvgA

3. Reassociate the SRL, change the primary_datavol attribute:

# vxvol aslog rvgA srlA#

# vxedit set primary_datavol=sampleB sampleA

4. Attach the RLINK and then start the RVG:

# vxrlink -f att rlinkA#

# vxrvg start rvgA

This won't do much, as the RLINK on hostB (the Primary) should still#be detached, preventing the
Secondary from connecting.

5. Now go back to#the Primary to turn the RLINK on:

# vxedit set remote_host=hostA local_host=hostB \

remote_dg=diskgroupA# remote_rlink=rlinkA#
# vxrlink -a att rlinkB

Giving the -a flag to vxrlink tells it to run in autosync mode. This#will automatically resync the
secondary datavolumes from the Primary.#If the Primary is being updated faster than the Secondary
can be#synced, the Secondary will never become synced, so this method is only#appropriate for certain

Once synchronization is complete, follow the instructions above (the#beginning of section 6) to transfer
the Primary role back to the#original Primary system.

Failing Over from a Primary 4.x

There are two situations where you would have to fail from a primary.#The first is in preparation for an
outage of the Primary, in which#case you can happily turn off your app, switch the Primary to a#Secondary,
switch the Secondary to a Primary, and start this up again.

The second case is when your Primary goes down in flames and you need#to get your Secondary up as
a Primary.

1. If your primary is still functioning:

a. First, you'll need to turn off your applications, umount any#filesystems on from your datavolumes,
and stop the rvg:

# /etc/rc3.d/S99start-app stop
# #umount /filesysA#
# vxrvg stop rvgA

b. Once you've stopped the RVG, you need to detach the rlink,#disassociate the SRL volume (you can't
edit the PRIMARY RVG attribute#while an SRL is associated), change PRIMARY to false, and
bring#everything back up:

# vxrlink det rlinkA

# #vxvol dis srlA

Disaster Recovery

# #vxedit set primary=false rvgA

# #vxvol aslog rvgA srlA
# #vxrvg start rvgA
# #vxrlink -f att rlinkA

c. Now go to work on the Old Secondary to bring it up as the new Primary.

i. First you need to stop the RVG, detach the rlink, disassociate the#SRL, and turn the PRIMARY
attribute on:

# vxrvg stop rvgB

# #vxrlink det rlinkB
# #vxvol dis srlB
# #vxedit set primary=true rvgB

ii. Veritas recommends that you use vxedit to reinitialize some values on#the RLINK to make sure
you're still cool:

# vxedit set remote_host=hostA \

local_host=hostB remote_dg=diskgroupA \
#remote_rlink=rlinkA rlinkB

iii. Before you can attach the rlink, you need to change the#PRIMARY_DATAVOL attribute on
both hosts to point the the Veritas#volume name of the NEW Primary:

A. On the new primary (e.g. hostB):

# vxedit set primary_datavol=sampleB sampleB

B. On the new secondary (e.g. hostA):

# vxedit set primary_datavol=sampleB sampleA

iv. Now that you have that, go back to the new Primary, attach the RLINK,#and start the RVG:

# vxrlink -f att rlinkB

# #vxrvg start rvgB

2. If the Primary is down:

a. First you'll need to bring up the secondary as a primary. If your#secondary datavolume is inconsistent
(this is only likely if an SRL#overflow occurred and the secondary was not resynchronized before
the#Primary went down) you will need to disassociate the volumes from the#RVG, fsck them if
they contain filesystems, and reassociate them with#VVR. If your volumes are consistent, the task
is much easier:

On the secondary, first stop the RVG, detach the RLINK, and#disassociate the SRL:

# vxrvg stop rvgB

# #vxrlink det rlinkB
# #vxvol dis srlB

b. Make the Secondary the new Primary:

# vxedit -g diskgroupB set primary=true rvgB

c. Now reassociate the SRL and change the primary_datavol:

Disaster Recovery

# vxvol aslog rvgB srlB#

# vxedit set primary_datavol=sampleB sampleB

d. If the old Primary is still down, all you need to do is start the RVG#to be able to use the datavolumes:

# vxrvg start rvgB

This will allow you to keep the volumes in VVR so that once you manage#to resurrect the former
Primary, you can make the necessary VVR#commands to set it up as a secondary so it can
resynchronize from the#backup system. Once it has resynchronized, you can use the process#listed at
the beginning of section 6 (above) to fail from the Old#Secondary/New Primary back to the original

Setting Up VVR 4.x - the hard way

1. Create VVR Setup on Secondary Node - destination

a. Creating a replicated volume on two hosts, hostA and hostB

Before configuring, you need to make sure two scripts have been run#from /etc/rc2.d: S94vxnm-
host_infod and S94vxnm-vxnetd. VVR will not#work if these scripts don't get run AFTER VVR
licenses have been#instralled. So if you install VVR licenses and don't reboot#immediately after,
run these scripts to get VVR to work.

b. Before the Primary can be set up, the Secondary must be configured.

First, use vxassist to create your datavolumes. Make sure to specify#the logtype as DCM (Data
Change Map, which keeps track of data changes#if the Storage Replicator log fills up) if your
replicated volumes are#asynchronous.

vxassist -g diskgroupB make sampleB 4g layout=log logtype=dcm

c. Then create the SRL (Storage Replicator Log) for the volume. Carefully#decide how big you want
this to be, based on available bandwidth#between your hosts and how fast your writes happen.

See pages 18-25 of the SRVM Configuration Notes for detailed#(excruciatingly) notes on selecting
your SRL size.

vxassist -g diskgroupB make srlB 500m

d. Next make the rlink object:

# vxmake -g diskgroupB rlink rlinkB remote_host=hostA# \

remote_dg=diskgroupA remote_rlink=rlinkA local_host=hostB \
#synchronous=[off|override|fail] srlprot=dcm

Use synchronous=off only if you can stand to lose some data.#Otherwise, set synchronize=override
or synchronize=fail. override runs#as synchronous (writes aren't committed until they reach
the#secondary) until the link dies, then it switches to asynchronous,#storing pending writes to the
secondary in the SRL. When the link#comes back, it resyncs the secondary and switches back to
Synchronous#mode. synchronize=fail fails new updates to the primary in the case of#a downed link.

In any of the above cases, you'll lose data if the link fails and,#before the secondary can catch up
to the primary, there is a failure#of the primary data volume. This is why it's important to have
both#redundant disks and redundant network paths.

Disaster Recovery

e. Now make the RVG, where you put together the datavolume, the SRL, and the rlink:

# vxmake -g diskgroupB rvg rvgB rlink=rlinkB \

datavol=sampleB srl=srlB#primary=false

f. Attach the rlink to the rvg:

# vxrlink -g diskgroupB att rlinkB

g. Start the RVG on the Secondary:

# vxrvg -g diskgroupB start rvgB

2. Configure Primary VVR Node

a. As with the Secondary, make data#volumes, an SRL, and an rlink:

# vxassist -g diskgroupA make sampleA 4g layout=log logtype=dcm

# vxassist -g diskgroupA make srlA 500m
# vxmake -g diskgroupA rlink rlinkA remote_host=hostB# \
remote_dg=diskgroupB remote_rlink=rlinkB local_host=host \
A#synchronous=[off|override|fail] srlprot=dcm

b. Make the RVG for the primary. Only the last option is different:

# vxmake -g diskgroupA rvg rvgA rlink=rlinkA \

datavol=sampleA srl=srlA primary=true

3. Now go back to the secondary.

When we created the secondary,#brain-dead Veritas figured the volume on the Seconday and the
Primary#would have the same name, but when we set this up, we wanted to have#the Primary
datavolume named sampleA and the Secondary datavolume be#sampleB. So we need to tell the
Secondary that the Primary is sampleA:

vxedit -g diskgroupB set primary_datavol=sampleA sampleB

4. Now you can attach the rlink to the RVG and start the RVG. On the Primary:

vxrlink -g diskgroupA att rlinkA

You should see output like this:

vxvm:vxrlink: INFO: Secondary data volumes detected \

with rvg rvgB as parent:#vxvm:vxrlink:
INFO: sampleB: len=8388608 primary_datavol=sampleA

5. Finally, start I/O on the Primary:

# vxrvg -g diskgroupA start rvgA

Growing/Shrinking a Volume or SRL 4.x

This is exactly the same as in regular Veritas. However, VVR doesn't#sync the volume changes. To grow
a volume, you first need to grow the#secondary, then the primary. To shrink a volume, first the primary

Disaster Recovery

and#then the secondary. You always need to make sure the Secondary is#larger than or as large as the
Primary, or you will get a#configuration error from VVR.

You may need to grow an SRL if your pipe shrinks (more likely if your#pipe gets busier) or the
amount of data you are sending increases. See#pages 18-25 of the SRVM Configuration Notes for
detailed#(excruciatingly) notes on selecting your SRL size.

1. To grow an SRL, you must first stop the RVG and disassociate the SRL#from the RVG:

# vxrvg stop rvgA#

# vxrlink det rlinkA#
# vxvol dis srlA

2. From this point, you can grow your SRL (which is now just an ordinary volume):

# vxassist growto srlA 2gb

3. Once your SRL has been successfully grown, reassociate it with the#RVG, reattach the RLINK, and
start the RVG:

# vxvol aslog rvgA srlA#

# vxrlink -f att rlinkA
# #vxvg start rvgA

Removing a VVR volume 4.x

1. First, detach the rlinks on the Primary and then the Secondary:

primary# vxrlink -g diskgroupA det rlinkA

secondary# #vxrlink -g diskgroupB det rlinkB

2. Then stop the RVG on the primary and then the secondary:

primary# vxrvg -g diskgroupA stop rvgA

secondary# #vxrvg -g diskgroupB stop rvgB

3. On the primary, stop the datavolumes:

# vxvol -g disgroupA stop sampleA

4. If you want to keep the datavolumes, you need to disassociate them from the RVG:

primary# vxvol -g diskgroupA dis sampleA

secondary# #vxvol -g diskgroupB dis sampleB

5. Finally, on both the Primary and the Secondary, remove everything:

primary# vxedit -rf rm rvgA

secondary# #vxedit -rf rm rvgB

Chapter 16. VxVM and Storage
How to disable and re-enable VERITAS Volume
Manager at boot time when the boot disk is
At times it may be necessary for debugging and/or other reasons to boot a system without starting
VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM). This is sometimes referred to as "manually unencapsulating" if the
boot disk is involved. The following are the basic steps needed to disable VxVM with an encapsulated
boot disk:

IMPORTANT: If rootvol, usr, or var volumes are mirrored, all mirrors except for the one on the boot disk
will have to be disabled before enabling VxVM once again (see below for details). Failure to do so may
result in file system corruption.

1. Boot system from CD ROM or net and mount the root file system to /a

2. Modify the vfstab file.

• Make a backup copy:

# cp /a/etc/vfstab /a/etc/vfstab.disable

• Use the preserved copy of the vfstab file from before encapsulation as base for the new file:

# cp /a/etc/vfstab.prevm /a/etc/vfstab

• Verify that the Solaris file system partitions listed in /a/etc/vfstab are consistent with the current boot
drive and that the partitions exist.

Note: Usually the partition for the /opt file system will not be present. It is not needed to bring the
system up to single user mode.

• Comment out any entries referring to VxVM volumes from /a/etc/vfstab.

3. Modify the system file.

4. • Make a backup copy:

# cp /a/etc/system /a/etc/system.disable

• Delete the following lines from /a/etc/system:

set vxio:vol_rootdev_is_volume=1

• The force loads for VxVM drivers (vxio, vxspec, and vxdmp) may also be deleted, but that is not
usually necessary.

5. Create a file called /a/etc/vx/reconfig.d/state.d/install-db. This prevents VxVM from starting during the
boot process.

VxVM and Storage Troubleshooting

# touch /a/etc/vx/reconfig.d/state.d/install-db

6. Reboot from the disk that was just modified.

7. Once the system is booted in at least single-user mode, VxVM can be started manually with the
following steps.

a. Start the VxVM worker threads:

# vxiod set 10

b. Start vxconfigd in disabled mode:

# vxconfigd -d

c. Enable vxconfigd:

# vxdctl enable

d. IMPORTANT: If the boot disk contains mirrored volumes, one must take all the mirrors offline for
those volumes except for the one on the boot disk. Offlining a mirror prevents VxVM from ever
performing a recovery on that plex. This step is critical in preventing data corruption.

# vxprint -htg rootdg

v rootvol root DISABLED ACTIVE 1026000 PREFER
pl rootvol-01 rootvol DISABLED ACTIVE 1026000 CONCAT
sd rootdisk-B0 rootvol-01 rootdisk 8378639 1 0 c0t0d0
sd rootdisk-02 rootvol-01 rootdisk 0 1025999 1 c0t0d0
pl rootvol-02 rootvol DISABLED ACTIVE 1027026 CONCAT
sd rootmir-06 rootvol-02 rootmir 0 1027026 0 c0t1d0
In this case the rootvol-02 plex should be offlined as it
resides on c0t1d0:
# vxmend -g rootdg off rootvol-02

e. Start all volumes:

# vxrecover -ns

f. Start any recovery operations on volumes if needed:

# vxrecover -bs
Once any debugging actions and/or any other operations are completed, VxVM can be re-enabled again
with the following steps.

a. Undo the steps in the previous section that were taken to disable VxVM (steps 2-4):

# cp /etc/vfstab.disable /etc/vfstab
# cp /etc/system.disable /etc/system
# rm /etc/vx/reconfig.d/state.d/install-db

b. Reboot the system.

c. Once the system is back up and it is verified to be running correctly, online all mirrors that were
offlined in step 6 in the previous section. For example,

VxVM and Storage Troubleshooting

# vxmend -g rootdg on rootvol-02

d. Start recovery operations on the mirrors that were just onlined.

# vxrecover -bs

Replacing a failed drive

The following procedure replaces a failed drive that is part of a mirror.

1. Validate the disk name for the failed drive

# vxdisk list


c11t22d148s2 sliced c11t22d148 data20000 online

- - c2t21d220 data20000 failed was:c2t21d220s2
- - c2t21d41 data20000 failed was:c2t21d41s2

2. Run vxdctl with enable option on pre 4.0 versions and vxdisk scandisks on newer versions of VxVM

# vxdctl scandisks

3. Use the vxreattach command with "-c" option and accessname

# /etc/vx/bin/vxreattach -c c2t21d220
# /etc/vx/bin/vxreattach -c c2t21d41

Storage Volume Growth and Relayout

Veritas Relayout

When provisioning storage and creating volumes, there are times when you create a volume for a specific
workload, and things change after the fact. Veritas volume manager can easily deal with changing
requirements, and allows you to convert between volume types ( e.g., convert a RAID5 volume to a striped
mirrored volume) on the fly. Veritas performs this operation in most cases with layered volumes, and
requires a chunk of free space to complete the relayout operation. The VxVM users guide describes the
supported relayout operations, and also provides disk space requirements.

To illustrate just how useful the relayout operation is, let's say your manager just finished reading a Gartner
report that criticizes RAID5. He comes over to your desk and asks you to convert the Oracle data volume
from a 4-column RAID5 volume to a 2-column striped-mirror volume. Since you despise software RAID5,
you set down UNIX File systems and run vxassist(1m) with the "relayout" keyword, the "layout" to convert
to, and the number of columns to use (the ncols option is only used with striped volumes):

$ vxassist -g oof relayout oravol01 layout=stripe-mirror ncol=2

The relayout operation requires a temporary region to copy data to (marked with a state of TMP in vxprint)
prior to migrating data it to it's final destination. If sufficent space isn't available, vxassist will display an
error similar to the following and exit:

VxVM vxassist ERROR V-5-1-6345 Cannot allocate 15728640\

blocks of disk space \

VxVM and Storage Troubleshooting

required by the relayout operation for column addition

VxVM vxassist ERROR V-5-1-4037 Relayout operation aborted. (7)

Once the relayout begins, the vxrelayout(1m) and vxtask(1m) utilities can be used to monitor the progress
of the relayout operations:

$ vxrelayout -g oof status oravol01

RAID5, columns=4, stwidth=32 --> STRIPED-MIRROR, columns=2,\

Relayout running, 10.02% completed.

$ vxtask list
2125 RELAYOUT/R 14.45% 0/41943168/6061184 RELAYOUT oravol01 oof

Veritas Resize

When shrinking a volume/fs note that you can not use a -size, specify a -s, with the non-negative number
that you want to reduce by

# vxresize -s -g diskgroup volume 10g

vxvm:vxassist: ERROR: Cannot allocate space for 1675008 block volume

The most common example is in a two disk stripe as below. Here the volume is striped across disk 01 and
02. An attempt may be made to use another disk in the disk group (DG) to grow the volume and this will
fail since it is necessary to grow the stripe equally. Two disks are needed to grow the stripe.

dg stripedg default default 125000 1006935392.1115.sptsunvm5

dm striped01 c1t1d0s2 sliced 2159 8378640 -

dm striped02 c1t3d0s2 sliced 2159 8378640 -
dm striped03 c1t4d0s2 sliced 3590 17678493 -

v oil - ENABLED ACTIVE 16756736 SELECT oil-01 fsgen

pl oil-01 oil ENABLED ACTIVE 16757392 STRIPE 2/128 RW
sd striped01-01 oil-01 striped01 0 8378640 0/0 c1t1d0 ENA
sd striped02-01 oil-01 striped02 0 8378640 1/0 c1t3d0 ENA

# vxassist -g stripedg maxgrow oil

vxvm:vxassist: ERROR: Volume oil cannot be extended within\
the given constraints

Another disk is then added into the configuration so there are now two spare disks. Rerun the maxgrow
command, which will succeed. The resize will also succeed.

dg stripedg default default 125000 1006935392.1115.sptsunvm5

dm striped01 c1t1d0s2 sliced 2159 8378640 -

dm striped02 c1t3d0s2 sliced 2159 8378640 -
dm striped03 c1t4d0s2 sliced 3590 17678493 -
dm striped04 c1t5d0s2 sliced 2159 8378640 -

v oil - ENABLED ACTIVE 16756736 SELECT oil-01 fsgen

pl oil-01 oil ENABLED ACTIVE 16757392 STRIPE 2/128 RW

VxVM and Storage Troubleshooting

sd striped01-01 oil-01 striped01 0 8378640 0/0 c1t1d0 ENA

sd striped02-01 oil-01 striped02 0 8378640 1/0 c1t3d0 ENA

# vxassist -g stripedg maxgrow oil

Volume oil can be extended from 16756736 to 33513472 (16364Mb)

Under normal circumstances, it is possible to issue the resize command and add (grow) the volume across
disks 3 and 4. If only one spare disk exists, it is possible to use it. Grow the volume to use the extra space.
The only option is a relayout. In the example below, the volume is on disk01/02 and the intention is to
incorporate disk 03 and convert the volume into a 3 column stripe. However, the relayout is doomed to fail:

dm striped01 c1t1d0s2 sliced 2159 8378640 -

dm striped02 c1t3d0s2 sliced 2159 8378640 -
dm striped03 c1t4d0s2 sliced 3590 17678493 -

v oil - ENABLED ACTIVE 16756736 SELECT oil-01 fsgen

pl oil-01 oil ENABLED ACTIVE 16757392 STRIPE 2/128 RW
sd striped01-01 oil-01 striped01 0 8378640 0/0 c1t1d0 ENA
sd striped02-01 oil-01 striped02 0 8378640 1/0 c1t3d0 ENA

# vxassist -g stripedg relayout oil ncol=3 str01 str02 str03

vxvm:vxassist: WARNING: dm:striped01: No disk space matches spec
vxvm:vxassist: WARNING: dm:striped02: No disk space matches spec
vxvm:vxassist: ERROR: Cannot allocate space for 1675008 block volume
vxvm:vxassist: ERROR: Relayout operation aborted. (7)

This has failed because the size of the subdisks is exactly the same as that of the disks (8378640 blocks).
For this procedure to work, resize (shrink) the volume by about 10% (10% of 8 gigabytes = 800 megabytes)
to give VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM) some temporary space to do the relayout:

# vxresize -g stripedg oil 7382m

v oil - ENABLED ACTIVE 15118336 SELECT oil-01 fsgen

pl oil-01 oil ENABLED ACTIVE 15118464 STRIPE 3/128 RW
sd striped01-04 oil-01 striped01 0 7559168 0/0 c1t1d0 ENA
sd striped02-04 oil-01 striped02 0 7559168 1/0 c1t3d0 ENA

The only other way to avoid having to shrink the volume (in the case of a UNIX File System (UFS) file
system) is to add a fourth disk to the configuration just for the duration of the relayout, so VxVM would
use the fourth disk as temporary space. Once the relayout is complete, the disk will be empty again.

Volume Manager 5.0 introduced a unique identifiers for disks (UDID) which allow source and cloned
(copied) disks to be differentiated. If a disk and its clone are presented to Volume Manager, devices will
be flagged as udid_mismatch in vxdisk list. This typically indicates that the storage was originally cloned
on the storage array; possibly a reassigned lun, or is a bcv

• If you want to you remove the clone attribute from the device itself and use it as a regular diskgroup
with the newly imported diskgroup name:

# vxdisk set c5t2d0s2 clone=off

• If wanting to import a BCV disk group

1. Verify that the cloned disk, EMC0_27, is in the "error udid_mismatch" state:

VxVM and Storage Troubleshooting

# vxdisk -o alldgs list

EMC0_1 auto:cdsdisk EMC0_1 mydg online
EMC0_27 auto - - error udid_mismatch

In this example, the device EMC0_27 is a clone of EMC0_1.

2. Split the BCV device that corresponds to EMC0_27 from the disk group mydg:

# /usr/symcli/bin/symmir -g mydg split DEV001

3. Update the information that VxVM holds about the device:

# vxdisk scandisks

4. Check that the cloned disk is now in the "online udid_mismatch" state:

# vxdisk -o alldgs list

EMC0_1 auto:cdsdisk EMC0_1 mydg online
EMC0_27 auto:cdsdisk - - online udid_mismatch

5. Import the cloned disk into the new disk group newdg, and update the disk's UDID:

# vxdg -n newdg -o useclonedev=on -o updateid import mydg

6. Check that the state of the cloned disk is now shown as "online clone_disk":

# vxdisk -o alldgs list

EMC0_1 auto:cdsdisk EMC0_1 mydg online
EMC0_27 auto:cdsdisk EMC0_1 newdg online clone_disk

VxVM Disk Group Recovery

This procedure re-creates the VxVM disk group from header information stored in the private sector of
each disk in the disk group. You should not need this procedure. When encountering a disk group that you
cannot import, first review SCSI key locks on the drives. In most cases it was SCSI key reservations that
prevented the disk group from being imported. None the less, here is the procedure for re-creating the disk
group without destroying the storage in that disk group.

1. Dump the private region of one drive that was in the disk group

# /etc/vx/diag.d/vxprivutil dumpconfig \
/dev/rdsk/cXtYdZs2 > /var/tmp/config.out

2. Process the config.out file through vxprint to get list of disk names included in that disk group

# cat /var/tmp/config.out | vxprint -D - -d -F \

"%name=%last_da_name" > /var/tmp/list

3. Generate the necessary information to re-create the disk group layout

# cat /var/tmp/config.out | vxprint -hvpsm > /var/tmp/maker

VxVM and Storage Troubleshooting

4. Using one disk listed in /var/tmp/list re-initialize the disk group.

# vxdg init DiskGroupName DISKNAME=cXtYdZs2

This will not delete existing data on the disks. All commands in this procedure interact with
the private region header information and do not re-write data.

5. Continue through the list of disks by adding them into the disk group

# vxdg -g DiskGroupName adddisk DISKNAME=cAtBdZs2

6. After all disks are added into the disk group generate the original layout by running vxmake against
the /var/tmp/maker file

# vxmake -g DiskGroupName -d /var/tmp/maker

7. At this point all volumes will be in a DISABLED ACTIVE state. Once enabling all volumes you will
have full access to the original disk group.

# vxvol -g DiskGroupName startall

Resize VxFS Volume and Filesystem

$ vxdg free | egrep ‘(D01|D02|D03|D04|D05)’


datadg D01 c2t0d0s2 c2t0d0 35547981 35547981 -

datadg D02 c2t1d0s2 c2t1d0 35547981 35547981 -
datadg D03 c2t2d0s2 c2t2d0 35547981 35547981 -
datadg D04 c2t3d0s2 c2t3d0 35547981 35547981 -
datadg D05 c2t4d0s2 c2t4d0 35547981 35547981 -
datadg D06 c2t5d0s2 c2t5d0 35547981 35547981 -

$ /etc/vx/bin/vxresize -g datadg -F vxfs datavol01 +35547981

Incorrect DMP or Disk Identification

Situation: Veritas sees different paths to a LUN as unique disks, even with C-Bit turned on

# vxdisk -o alldgs list

sdal auto:cdsdisk - (vxfencoorddg) online
sds auto:cdsdisk emc04 knomandg online shared
# vxdisk list sds |grep "state=enabled"
sdan state=enabled

VxVM and Storage Troubleshooting

sdb state=enabled
# vxdisk list sdal |grep "state=enabled"
sdax state=enabled
sds state=enabled
# vxdmpadm getsubpaths dmpnodename=sdal


sdax ENABLED(A) - c1 EMC EMC2 -
sds ENABLED(A) - c0 EMC EMC2 -
# vxdmpadm getsubpaths dmpnodename=sds


sdan ENABLED(A) - c1 EMC EMC2 -
sdb ENABLED(A) - c0 EMC EMC2 -


# rm /etc/vx/ ; rm /etc/vx/

# vxconfigd -k

Data Migration out of rootdg

Situation: disks with data are all in rootdg, need to be moved into another disk group with same data prior
to OS upgrade, or to just clean up bad deployment.

In newer versions of vxvm there is a vxsplit command that can be used for this process.

## (for each vol) get the names/disks from vxdisk list

# vxprint -hmQq -g <current disk group> <volname> > /<volname>

## Next
# vxedit -g <dg> -rf rm <volname> (for each vol)
# vxdg -g <dg> rmdisk <name>
# vxdg init <newdg> <diskname>=<disk>
# vxdg -g newdg adddisk <diskname>=<disk> for each disk
# vxmake -g newdg -d /tmp/<volname> for each volume.
# vxvol -g newdg start <volname>

Recover vx Plex
# vxprint|grep DETA
pl vol01-02 vol01 DETACHED 204800 - IOFAIL - -

# vxplex -g ptpd att vol01 vol01-02 &

Shell code to get solaris disk size in GB

# ---- first, get list of disks ----

VxVM and Storage Troubleshooting

disks=( `ls /dev/rdsk/c*s2` )


# ---- how many disks? ----


# ---- get disk size for each ----

echo "Disks:"

while [ $n -lt $sz ]

geom=( `prtvtoc ${disks[$n]} 2>/dev/null | \
egrep "sector|track|cylinder" | tr -d "*" | awk '{print $1}'` )

# ---- get disk parms and calculate size ----


if [ "$BperS" != "" ]; then

size=`expr $BperS \* $SperC \* $Cyls`
GB=`expr $size \/ 1024 \/ 1024 \/ 1024`
echo -n " ${disks[$n]}: "
echo $GB "Gbytes"
total=`expr $total + $GB`
n=`expr $n + 1`

Split Root Mirror vxvm

Disks: rootdisk is c1t0d0s2 root mirror disk is c1t1d0s2

1. Install the Solaris boot block on the mirror disk:

# /usr/lib/vxvm/bin/vxbootsetup -g rootdg rootmirror

2. If you have separate volumes for opt, export, home on the root disk, it is required to define the partitions
for those volumes using vxmksdpar

# /usr/lib/vxvm/bin/vxmksdpart
Usage: vxmksdpart [-f] [-g diskgroup] subdisk sliceno [tag flags]

e.g. In following example, the opt volume subdisk is on

rootmirror-05, and slice 7 is free on the mirror disk:

# vxmksdpart -g rootdg rootmirror-05 7 0x00 0x00

>>> list of partition types
# prtvtoc -s /dev/rdsk/c2t2d0s2

VxVM and Storage Troubleshooting


3. Disassociate the mirror plex

# vxplex -g rootdg dis rootvol-02

# vxplex -g rootdg dis swapvol-02
# vxplex -g rootdg dis usr-02
# vxplex -g rootdg dis var-02
# vxplex -g rootdg dis opt-02 -------------------- if any
# vxplex -g rootdg dis home-02 -------------------- if any

4. Edit the following files to make the root mirror disk bootable without VERITAS Volume Manager

# mount /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s0 /mnt

# cd /mnt/etc
# cp -p system system.orig
# cp -p vfstab vfstab.orig
# cp -p vfstab.prevm vfstab

5. Change the c#t#d# number in above file to ensure the correct partitions will be referenced in the vfstab

# touch /mnt/etc/vx/reconfig.d/state.d/install-db

Edit /mnt/etc/system and comment out following

lines using the "*" character:

Before changes:
rootdev ..
set vxio ..

After changes:
* rootdev ..
* set vxio ..

6. Unmount the root mirror's / partition

# umount /mnt

7. If the upgrade or patching was successful, attach back mirror plex to root disk:

# vxplex -g rootdg att rootvol rootvol-02

# vxplex -g rootdg att swapvol swapvol-02
# vxplex -g rootdg att var var-02
# vxplex -g rootdg att usr usr-02

If VxVM Split Mirror needs post split recovery

Failed install, rolling back to alternate disk

1. Boot from mirror disk

- Bring down the system to the OK prompt

- Change the default boot device to c1t1d0 rootmirror disk

VxVM and Storage Troubleshooting

- Boot system

2. Remove the partition having tag 14 and 15 from mirror disk using format completely. Do not just change
tag type, zero out these partitions and labels before exiting from format.

3. Manually start up vxconfigd to allow for the encapsulation of the root mirror:

# vxiod set 10
# vxdconfigd -m disable
# vxdctl init
# vxdisk -f init c1t0d0
# vxdctl enable
# rm /etc/vx/reconfig.d/state.d/install-db
# vxdiskadm => option 2 Encapsulate one or more disks
=> choose c1t1d0 (old rootmirror) => put under rootdg
# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

4. Mirror root mirror disk with original root disk:

# /etc/vx/bin/vxrootmir -g rootdg rootdisk

# /etc/vx/bin/vxmirror -g rootdg rootmirror rootdisk

Chapter 17. Advanced VCS for IO
Fencing and Various Commands
General Information
1. Port Definitions

Port A - This is node-to-node communication. As soon as GAB starts on a node, it will look for other
nodes in the cluster and establish port "a" communication

Port B - This is used for IO fencing. If you use RAC or VCS 4.x, you can use IO fencing to protect data
disks. In RAC, as soon as the gab port membership changes, we will have a race for the coordinator
disks, and some nodes will panic when they lose the race

Port D - In RAC, the different Oracle instances need to talk to each other. GAB provides port "d" for
this. So, port "d" membership will statr when Oracle RAC starts

Port F - This is the main communications port for cluster file system. More than 1 machine can mount
the same filesystem, but they need to communicate to not update the metadata (like inodes, super-block,
free inode list, free data block list, etc.....) at the same time. If they do it at the same time, you will get
corruption. There is always a primary for any filesystem that controls the access to the metadata. This
control (locking) is done via port "f"

Port H - GAB. The different nodes in the cluster needs to know what is happening on other nodes (and
on itself) It needs to know which service groups, resources are online or offline or faulted. The program
that knows all this info, is the "main" vcs program called "had". So on each machine, had needs to talk
to GAB. This is done via port "h"

Port O - This is a port used specifically in RAC, and specifically or ODM. Let's start by saying what
ODM is, and then why it is needed. Oracle (like most other database managers) will try to cache IO
before writing it out to disk (raw volumes or data files on a filesystem). The biggest problem comes
in when Oracle tries to write to a filesystem. Each filesystem has it's own cache. As you can think, the
general purpose filesystem cache is not the same as the very specific Oracle cache. The startegy used
is very different between Oracle and the filesystem. A while ago, Veritas had a close look at how the
Oracle cache works and how it sends IO to the filesystem. Veritas then wrote an extension for their
filesystem (called Quick IO - QIO). With QIO, they got performance very close to the performance
Oracle got on raw volumes. The rest of the filesystem comunity (read SUN UFS, IBM JFS, .....) thought
that Oracle gave the information to Veritas and complained about it. Oracle then sat down and actually
wrote a specification. This specification allows everyone to write their own library, and the Oracle will
call this library to do IO. Oracle called this specification ODM (Oracle Disk Manager). The best is, that
only Veritas ever wrote their own libraries for ODM. So, getting back to port "o". Port "o" is used for
ODM to ODM communication in a RAC cluster. (wow, QIO, ODM and port "o" in one go !)

Port Q - This is another port used in Cluster Filesystem. VxFS is a journaled filesystem. This means
that it keeps a log which it will write to, before making changes to the metadata on the filesystem. (like
Oracle keeps redo logs). Normally this log is kept on the same filesystem. This means that for each
access, the log has to be updated, then the metadata and then the data itself. Thus 3 different times VxFS
has to access the same disk. Normally the metadata is kept close to the file, but the log is always kept in
a static place (normally close to the beginning of the filesystem). This could means that there will be a
lot of seeking (for the begining of the filesystem, then again to the metadata and data). As we all know,
disk access time is about 100 times slower than memory, so we have a slowdown here. Veritas made a

Advanced VCS for IO Fencing
and Various Commands

plan and developed quicklog. This allows you to have the filesystem log on a different disk. This helps
in speeding things up, because most disk operations can happen in parallel. OK, so now you know what
quicklog is. You can have quicklog on cluster filesystems as well. Port "q" is used to coordinate access
to quicklog (wow, that was a loooong one)

Port U - Not a port you would normally see, but just to be complete, let's mention it here. When a
Cluster Volume Manager is started, it will need to do a couple of things. The access to changing the
configuration of volumes, plexes, subdisks and diskgroups, needs to be coordinated. This means that
a "master" will always need to be selected in the cluster (can be checked with the "vxdctl -c mode"
command). Normally the master is the first one to open port "u". Port "u" is an exclusive port for
registering with the cluster volume manager "master". If no master has been established yet, the first
node to open port "u" will assume the role of master. The master controls all access to changes of the
cluster volume manager configuration. Each node that tries to join the cluster (CVM), will need to open
(exclusively) port "u", search for the master, and make sure that the node and the master sees all the
same disks for the shared diskgroups.

Port V - OK, now that we've estabblished that there is a master, we need to mention that fact that each
instance of volume manager running (thus on each node) keeps the configuration in memory (regardless
if it is part of a cluster or not). This "memory" is is managed by the configuration daemon (vxconfigd).
We will get to the vxconfigd in a minute, but first port "v". So, port "v" is actually used to register
membership for the cluster volume manager. (once the node got port "u" membership, the "permanent"
membership is done via port "v". Only members of the same cluster (cluster volume manager cluster
that is) are allowed to import and access the (shared) disks

Port W - The last port in cluster volume manager. This is the port used for the vxconfigd on each node
to communicate with the vxconfigd on all the other nodes. The biggest issue is that a configuration
change needs to be the same across the whole cluster (does not help that 1 node thinks we still have a
mirrored volume and the others don't know a thing about the mirror)

SCSI3 PGR Registration vs Reservation

SCSI-3 PGR uses a concept of registration and reservation. Hosts accessing a SCSI-3 device register a key
with it. Each host registers its own key. Multiple hosts registering keys form a membership. Registered
hosts can then establish a reservation with the SCSI-3 device. The reservation type is set to "Exclusive
Access - Registrants Only". This means that only some commands to communicate with the device are
allowed, and there is only one persistent reservation holder. With SCSI-3 PGR technology, blocking write
access can be done by removing a registration from a SCSI-3 device. In the SFW DMP implementation,
a host registers the same key for all of its paths to the SCSI-3 device, allowing multiple paths to use it
without having to make and release reservations.

Note below that all paths to a LUN should have keys on them.

## Display Registration of keys

vxfenadm –g /dev/rdsk/c3t24d17s2

## Display Reservation of keys

vxfenadm –r /dev/rdsk/c3t24d17s2

## Attempt to register with disk

echo “/dev/rdsk/c3t24d17s2” > /tmp/disk_list
vxfenadm –m –k tmp –f /tmp/disk_list

## Attempt to set reservations on a disk

vxfenadm -n -kA1 -f /tmp/disk_list

Advanced VCS for IO Fencing
and Various Commands

## or alternative to set reservations

vxfenadm -n -f /tmp/disk_list


1. Does vxfenmode scsi3_disk_policy have any impact on data drives, or is it just on the fencing drives?

The vxfenmode file controls how the vxfen module will manage the coordinator disks only. The data
disks are managed by dmp exclusively, and dmp works in concert with the vxfen module for PGR
iofencing arbitration. Once the coordinator disk race is decided by vxfen module (expected to be
extremely fast), a message is sent over to DMP to complete the PGR preemption of data disks (could
take several minutes if customer has thousands of disks).

2. Does the dmp policy have any impact to registrations or just reservations? If so, what’s impact?

If the policy is set to DMP, vxfen will operate upon /dev/vx/rdmp/* dmpnodes instead of /dev/rdsk/
c_t_d devices. The number of registered keys may be slightly different for some active/passive arrays
when using DMP versus using native (depends on the implementation of the relevant array policy
module that is servicing those dmpnodes). Coordinator disks are not reserved, only registrations are
used for PGR fencing arbitration -- no data lives on them. The removal of registrations on coordinator
disks during vxfen race is merely the arbitration mechanism used to determine who won the fence race.

Contrasting, data disks are both registered and reserved -- whereby the reservation is the protection
mechanism that mandates all initiators who wish to write to those disks must first be registered. As
stated above, once the coordinator disk race is decided -- dmp will receive notification from vxfen of
the outcome and accordingly preempt the registrations from the node(s) that lost the race. The removal
of the registration on data disks protects the disk from rogue writes, but this is done only after the
underlying coordinator disk vxfen race has been decided.

3. Since the reservation keys are written on the sym and not the LUN,

Registrations are managed in memory of the array controller, as is also the reservation mode.
Irrespective of the use of dmp or raw for coordinator disks, or data disks which are always managed by
dmp -- registrations (and the reservation mode) are not written to the LUN. Those requests are serviced
by the array, and the array controller tracks those in its memory. "Persistent" means persistent across
SCSI bus resets and host reboots, but these keys do NOT persist across array reboots (which in practice
almost never happen).

4. Is it possible that a downed path during reservation writing could fail on a specific path?

Reservations only happen to data disks. Data disks are exclusively managed by dmp, and if the installed
array policy module (APM) is working correctly (bug free), registrations will be made to all active
paths. If a new path is added, or a dead path is restored, dmp must register a key there before sending
any IO to that newly added/restored path. We have seen a few Active/Passive array APM's to have bugs
in this area, but in your case of a Symmetrix (mentioned above) I am not aware of any problems with
path restoration with that APM (dmpaa).

Registrations on coordinator disks (remember coordinator disks are never reserved) happen at host boot
time. If you're using the "raw" policy, there is no mechanism to add keys to new/restored paths after
the reboot. Due to this deficiency, it was decided to leverage the capabilities of dmp by telling vxfen
module to use dmpnodes instead of raw paths. This avoided reinventing the wheel of adding APM-like
code to the vxfen module.

Advanced VCS for IO Fencing
and Various Commands

If a registration fails down a particular path, dmp *should* prevent that path from going to an online
state -- but I know that we've seen a few problems with this in the past (path goes online but the
registration failed, leaving the particular subpath keyless).

5. If so, does scsi3_disk_policy=dmp result in the key being written on the bad path when it comes back
online? If the dmp policy does not interact with the vxfen module and allow for placement of the keys
on the previously bad path – then what is the benefit of the dmp node?

Using dmp policy instructs vxfen to use dmpnode instead of raw path. When the registration is made
on the dmpnode, dmp keeps track of that registration request, and will gratuitously make the same
registration for any subsequent added/restored path that arrives after the original registration to the
dmpnode was made -- at least that's what is supposed to happen (see above about corner case bugs that
have been identified and addressed over times past).

6. Can this setting be adjusted on the fly with the cluster up?

The /etc/vxfentab file is (re)created each time the vxfen start script runs. Once the file is built,
"vxfenconfig -c" reads the file upon initialization only. With 50mp3 and later, there is a way to go
through a "replace" procedure to replace one device with another. With a bit of careful testing, that
method could be used to replace the /dev/rdsk/c_t_d with the corresponding dmpnode if desired.

7. Last, why does the registration key on a data drive only have one key when there are multiple paths?
Reservations have a key per path. Is the registration written to the LUN instead of the Symm?

It’s the other way actually, there are multiple registrations (one per path), and only one reservation. The
reservation is not really a key itself (its a mode setting) but is made through a registration key. If you
unregister the hosting key, the reservation mode is lost. But if you preempt that key using some other
registration, the spec says that the preempting key will inherit the reservation. Our dmp code is paranoid
here, and we try the reservation again anyway. As a result, it is expected to see failed reservations
coming from CVM slave nodes given it is the CVM master that makes the initial reservation through one
of its paths to the LUN and the slave's attempt to re-reserve is expected to fail if one of the paths from the
CVM master still holds the reservation. If for some reason the master lost its reservation (should never
happen) our extra try for reservation from all joining slaves is something like an extra insurance policy.

IO Fencing / CFS Information

1. Comments on IO Fencing

• coordinator disks don't set any reservation mode

• coordinator registration keys use a letter to represent nodeID followed by dashes

• data disks set the reservation: "SCSI3_RESV_WRITEEXCLUSIVEREGISTRANTSONLY"

• data disks use a letter to represent nodeID followed by PGR0001

• Data disk keys are set upon import

Also note that the *PGR0001 Key Value increments each time you deport and re-import the same
shared DG several times:

2. IO Fencing driver (port b) Startup Notes

The port_b IOFencing driver is configured at boot time via the /etc/rc2.d/S97vxfen start script. This
script performs several steps:

Advanced VCS for IO Fencing
and Various Commands

• reads /etc/vxfendg to determine name of the diskgroup (DG) that contains the coordinator disks

• parses "vxdisk -o alldgs list" output for list of disks in that DG

• performs a "vxdisk list diskname" for each to determine all available paths to each coordinator disk

• uses all paths to each disk in the DG to build a current /etc/vxfentab

3. Summary of keys including uncommon ones

In summary, the /opt/VRTSvcs/rac/bin/vxfentsthdw is a readable shell script which performs all of

these steps (it uses dd instead of format's analyze function). Note that you must REGISTER a key before
you can PREEMPT other keys.

The easiest way of clearing keys is the /opt/VRTSvcs/rac/bin/vxfenclearpre script but this requires all
IO to stop to ALL diskgroups, and a reboot to immediatly follow running the script (to safely re-apply
needed keys). Failure to reboot results in VXVM performing shared IO without keys. If an event arises
that mandates fencing, winning nodes will attempt to eject the keys from losing nodes, but won't find
any. VXVM will silently continue. Worse yet, because the RESERVATION isn't present, the losing
nodes still have the ability to write to the data disks thereby bypassing IOfencing altogether.

If a node wants to perform IO on a device which has a RESERVATION, the node must first
REGISTER a key. If the RESERVATION is inadvertently cleared, there is no requirement to maintain
a REGISTRATION. For this reason, keys should never be manipulated of disks actively imported in
shared mode.

Manually stepping through this document 3-4 times using a spare disk on your cluster is the only way to
become familiar with fencing and quickly resume normal production operation after a fence operation
occurs. Otherwise, you must use vxfenclearpre or call VERITAS Support at 800 342 0652, being
prepared to provide your VSN contract ID. Reading over the logic of vxfentsthdw and vxfenclearpre
shell scripts also are valuable training aides.

In the Table below ** the SCSI3_RESV_WRITEEXCLUSIVEREGISTRANTSONLY reservation

mode is also required

Table 17.1. Summary of SCSI3-PGR Keys

Registration Usage
A------- VXFEN for coordinator disks
APGR0003 VXVM for data disks **
VERITASP vxfenclearpre temp keys to preempt other keys
A7777777 VXVM temp keys during shared import
ZZZZZZZZ VXVM temp keys during shared import
A1------ used by VERTIAS support to preempt other keys

4. Example common errors

a. If activation set to off these are common errors when trying to mount the filesystem

# mount -o cluster,largefiles,qio \
/dev/vx/dsk/orvol_dg/orbvol /shared
mount: /dev/vx/dsk/orabinvol_dg/orabinvol is not this fstype.

Advanced VCS for IO Fencing
and Various Commands

vxfsckd is not running:

# mount -F vxfs -o cluster,largefiles,qio

/dev/vx/dsk/orvol_dg/orbvol /shared
UX:vxfs mount: ERROR: Cluster mount is not supported on
a non-CVM volume
on a file system layout version less than 4,
or GAB/GLM modules are not loaded,
or vxfsckd daemon is not running.

# which vxfsckd

# /opt/VRTSvxfs/sbin/vxfsckd

# ps -ef|grep vxfsckd
root 5547 1 0 23:04:43 ? 0:00 /opt/VRTSvxfs/sbin/vxfsckd

largefiles has not yet been set:

# mount -F vxfs -o cluster,largefiles,qio \

/dev/vx/dsk/orvol_dg/orbvol /shared
UX:vxfs mount: ERROR: mount option(s) incompatible
with file system /dev/vx/dsk/orvol_dg/orbvol
b. Reboot command issued instead of init 6

This results in the keys from the rebooted node remaining on the disks and prevents vxfen from
starting. Easy way to fix is a reboot with init 6.

5. Adjust CFS Primary node - not master node

node 0# fsclustadm showprimary /orashared


node 1# fsclustadm setprimary /orashared

# fsclustadm showprimary /orashared

6. Coordinator Disk example with keys - note lack of reservations ; coordinator disks do not set them.

# head -1 /etc/vxfentab > /tmp/coordinator_disk

# vxfenadm -g all -f /tmp/coordinator_disk

Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c2t0d7s2

Total Number Of Keys: 2
Key Value [Numeric Format]: 66,45,45,45,45,45,45,45
Key Value [Character Format]: B-------
Key Value [Numeric Format]: 65,45,45,45,45,45,45,45
Key Value [Character Format]: A-------

# head -1 /etc/vxfentab > /tmp/coordinator_disk

Advanced VCS for IO Fencing
and Various Commands

# vxfenadm -r all -f /tmp/coordinator_disk ## list reservations

Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c2t0d7s2

Total Number Of Keys: 0
No keys...

7. Data Disk example with keys - should have both Reservation and Registration set.

# vxdisk -o alldgs list | awk '/shared$/ {print "/dev/rdsk/" $1 }'\

| head -1 > /tmp/data_disk
# vxfenadm -g all -f /tmp/data_disk

Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c2t0d1s2

Total Number Of Keys: 2
Key Value [Numeric Format]: 65,80,71,82,48,48,48,49
Key Value [Character Format]: APGR0001
Key Value [Numeric Format]: 66,80,71,82,48,48,48,49
Key Value [Character Format]: BPGR0001

# vxfenadm -r all -f /tmp/data_disk

Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c2t0d1s2

Total Number Of Keys: 1
Key Value [Numeric Format]: 65,80,71,82,48,48,48,49
Key Value [Character Format]: APGR0001

8. Determine the appropriate letter representing the local nodeID:

node0=A, node1=B, node2=C, ...

#!/bin/ksh "/usr/bin/echo '\0$(expr $(lltstat -N) + 101)'"


9. Veritas SAN Serial Number

# vxfenadm -i /dev/rdsk/c2t13d0s2
Vendor id : EMC
Product id : SYMMETRIX
Revision : 5567
Serial Number : 42031000a

10.SCSI3-PGR Register Test Keys for new storage

One system; repeat with key B1 on second system

# vxfenadm -m -kA1 -f /tmp/disklist

Registration completed for disk path: /dev/rdsk/c2t0d1s2

11.SCSI3-PGR Remove Test Keys for new storage

One system; repeat with key B1 on second system

# vxfenadm -x -kA1 -f /tmp/disklist

Advanced VCS for IO Fencing
and Various Commands

Deleted the key : [A1------] from device /dev/rdsk/c2t0d1s2

12.Check SCSI3-PGR Keys on a list of disks

Use disk list to show keys - example only showing one disk

# vxfenadm -g all -f /tmp/disklist

Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c2t0d1s2
Total Number Of Keys: 1
Key Value [Numeric Format]: 65,49,45,45,45,45,45,45
Key Value [Character Format]: A1------

13.Check if IO Fencing License is enabled

vxlicrep -e | grep PGR

PGR#VERITAS Volume Manager = Enabled
PGR_TRAINING#VERITAS Volume Manager = Enabled
PGR = Enabled

14.Disk Detach Policy

In VERITAS Volume Manager 3.2 and later versions, there are two detach policies for a shared disk
group, global and local. The default policy, and the way VERITAS Cluster Volume Manager (CVM) has
always worked, is global. The policy can be selected for each disk group with the vxedit set command.

The global policy will cause the disk to be detached throughout the cluster if a single node experiences
an I/O failure to that disk.

The local policy may be preferred for unmirrored volumes or in cases where availability is preferred
over redundancy of the data. It allows a disk that experiences an I/O failure to remain available if other
nodes in the cluster are still able to access it. After an I/O failure occurs, a message will be passed around
the cluster to determine if the failure is disk related or path related. If the other nodes can still write
to the disk, the mirrors are kept in sync by other nodes. The original node will fail writes. Something
similar is done for reads, but the read will succeed.

The state is not persistent. If a node has a local I/O failure, it does not remember. Any following read
or write that fails will go through the same process of passing messages around the cluster to check for
path or disk failure and repair the mirrored volume.

Disk Detach Policy has no effect on the Master node, as any IO failure will result in the plex detaching
regardless of policy. In any case, slaves that can't see the disk will still be unable to join the cluster.

vxedit man page:

Attribute Values for Disk Group Records


Sets a disk group <detach policy>. These policies determine

the way VxVM detaches unusable disks in a shared disk group.
The diskdetpolicy attribute is ignored for private disk groups.

- global

Advanced VCS for IO Fencing
and Various Commands

For a shared disk group, if any node in the cluster reports a

disk failure, the detach occurs in the entire cluster. This is
the default policy.

- local

If a disk fails, the failure is confined to the node that

detected the failure. An attempt is made to communicate with
all nodes in the cluster to ascertain the failed disk's
usability. If all nodes report a problem with the failed disk,
the disk is detached throughout the cluster.

Note: The name of the shared disk group must be specified

twice; once as the argument to the -g option, and again as
the name argument that specifies the record to be edited as
shown in this example:

vxedit -g shareddg set diskdetpolicy=local shareddg

NOTE !! For cluster filesystems, if the CFS primary resides

on a slave node, an IO error on that node will result in the
filesystem being disabled cluster-wide. This option is
primarily intended for raw volumes.

See following technote where local detach policy is strongly

discouraged for DBE/AC:
15.Example walk through of adding SCSI3-PGR Keys Manually

a. First deport the diskgroup and confirm no keys

# vxdg deport orabinvol_dg

# vxfenadm -g all -f /tmp/data_disk

Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c2t0d1s2

Total Number Of Keys: 0
No keys...

# vxfenadm -r all -f /tmp/data_disk

Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c2t0d1s2

Total Number Of Keys: 0
No keys...
b. Now, register with the device

# vxfenadm -m -kA1 -f /tmp/data_disk

Registration completed for disk path: /dev/rdsk/c2t0d1s2

# vxfenadm -g all -f /tmp/data_disk

Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c2t0d1s2

Advanced VCS for IO Fencing
and Various Commands

Total Number Of Keys: 1

Key Value [Numeric Format]: 65,49,45,45,45,45,45,45
Key Value [Character Format]: A1------

# vxfenadm -r all -f /tmp/data_disk

Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c2t0d1s2

Total Number Of Keys: 0
No keys...

c. Set the reservation mode

Even though the reservation is not a key, you must use the registration key to RESERVE
(see note above).

# vxfenadm -n -f /tmp/data_disk
VXFEN:libvxfen:1118: Reservation FAILED for: /dev/rdsk/c2t0d1s2
VXFEN:libvxfen:1133: Error returned: Error 0

# vxfenadm -n -kA1 -f /tmp/data_disk

Reservation completed for disk path: /dev/rdsk/c2t0d1s2

# vxfenadm -g all -f /tmp/data_disk

Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c2t0d1s2

Total Number Of Keys: 1
Key Value [Numeric Format]: 65,49,45,45,45,45,45,45
Key Value [Character Format]: A1------

# vxfenadm -r all -f /tmp/data_disk

Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c2t0d1s2

Total Number Of Keys: 1
Key Value [Numeric Format]: 65,49,45,45,45,45,45,45
Key Value [Character Format]: A1------

d. Remove the REGISTRATION

# vxfenadm -x -kA1 -f /tmp/data_disk

Deleted the key : [A1------] from device /dev/rdsk/c2t0d1s2

# vxfenadm -g all -f /tmp/data_disk

Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c2t0d1s2

Total Number Of Keys: 0
No keys...

# vxfenadm -r all -f /tmp/data_disk

Advanced VCS for IO Fencing
and Various Commands

Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c2t0d1s2

Total Number Of Keys: 0
No keys...

e. Unregistering removed the RESERVATION too

# vxfenadm -m -kA1 -f /tmp/data_disk

Registration completed for disk path: /dev/rdsk/c2t0d1s2

# vxfenadm -n -kA1 -f /tmp/data_disk

Reservation completed for disk path: /dev/rdsk/c2t0d1s2

# vxfenadm -m -kB1 -f /tmp/data_disk

Registration completed for disk path: /dev/rdsk/c3t0d1s2

# vxfenadm -g all -f /tmp/data_disk

Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c3t0d1s2

Total Number Of Keys: 2
Key Value [Numeric Format]: 65,49,45,45,45,45,45,45
Key Value [Character Format]: A1------
Key Value [Numeric Format]: 66,49,45,45,45,45,45,45
Key Value [Character Format]: B1------

# vxfenadm -r all -f /tmp/data_disk

Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c3t0d1s2

Total Number Of Keys: 1
Key Value [Numeric Format]: 65,49,45,45,45,45,45,45
Key Value [Character Format]: A1------

f. A1 Key Removal

# vxfenadm -x -kA1 -f /tmp/data_disk

Deleted the key : [A1------] from device /dev/rdsk/c2t0d1s2

# vxfenadm -g all -f /tmp/data_disk

Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c3t0d1s2

Total Number Of Keys: 1
Key Value [Numeric Format]: 66,49,45,45,45,45,45,45
Key Value [Character Format]: B1------

# vxfenadm -r all -f /tmp/data_disk

Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c3t0d1s2

Total Number Of Keys: 0

Advanced VCS for IO Fencing
and Various Commands

No keys...

ISCSI Solaris software Target and Initiator

Veritas Cluster Configuration with Zones
Walkthrough configuring a iSCSI Target and Initiator for Non-Global Zone migration, using VCS 5.0MP3
for failover between two test LDOM’s. Example commands for the Target System are on a U40, Initiator
Configuration between two LDOM’s.

My use of LDOM’s here is for testing, Veritas Cluster Server can be used to failover LDOM’s, however
it is not recommended to run VCS within an LDOM as though it is a non-virtualized system.


Simple configuration, no CHAP, no real security. Buyer be ware.

$ zfs create –V 16g jbod/iscsi/zlun1

$ zfs set shareiscsi=on jbod/iscsi/zlun1
$ iscsitadm list target

Target: jbod/iscsi/lun0
iSCSI Name: \
Connections: 0
Target: jbod/iscsi/zlun1
iSCSI Name: \
Connections: 0


Manual Configuration – Static Entry (no auto-discover): Execute the following on LDOM#0 and LDOM#1

$ iscsiadm add static-config\


$ iscsiadm modify discovery --static enable

Feb 2 18:29:50 dom1 iscsi: NOTICE: iscsi session(4)\\

Feb 2 18:29:52 dom1 scsi: WARNING: \

/scsi_vhci/ssd@g010000144f3b8d6000002a004987cb2c (ssd0):
Feb 2 18:29:52 dom1 Corrupt label; wrong magic number
bash-3.00# Feb 2 18:29:53 dom1 scsi: WARNING: \
/scsi_vhci/ssd@g010000144f3b8d6000002a004987cb2c (ssd0):
Feb 2 18:29:53 dom1 Corrupt label; wrong magic number

$ devfsadm -c iscsi
$ format

Searching for disks...

Advanced VCS for IO Fencing
and Various Commands

Feb 2 18:30:54 dom1 scsi: WARNING: \

/scsi_vhci/ssd@g010000144f3b8d6000002a004987cb2c (ssd0):
Feb 2 18:30:54 dom1 Corrupt label; wrong magic number
Feb 2 18:30:55 dom1 scsi: WARNING: \
/scsi_vhci/ssd@g010000144f3b8d6000002a004987cb2c (ssd0):
Feb 2 18:30:55 dom1 Corrupt label; wrong magic number

c1t010000144F3B8D6000002A004987CB2Cd0: \
configured with capacity of 16.00GB


0. c0d0 <SUN-DiskImage-16GB cyl 55922 alt 2 hd 1 sec 600>
1. c1t010000144F3B8D6000002A004987CB2Cd0\
<SUN-SOLARIS-1 cyl 32766 alt 2 hd 4 sec 256>
Specify disk (enter its number): 1

LABEL Drive #1

Creation of ZPool for NGZ, and NGZ on iSCSI Storage.

Creation of zpool, and non-global zone followed by deport/import and detach/attach for testing migration
prior to failover configuration.

LDOM#0 Only

$ zpool create zones \

$ zfs create zones/p1
$ chmod 700 zones/p1

$ zonecfg –z p1

zonecfg:p1> create
zonecfg:p1> set zonepath=/zones/p1
zonecfg:p1> add net
zonecfg:p1:net> set physical=vnet0
zonecfg:p1:net> set address=
zonecfg:p1:net> end
zonecfg:p1> exit

$ zoneadm -z p1 install
$ zoneadm –z p1 boot

$ zlogin –C p1
// Config system’s sysidcfg

$ zoneadm –z p1 halt
$ zoneadm –z p1 detach
$ zpool export zones

LDOM#1 Only

Advanced VCS for IO Fencing
and Various Commands

$ zpool import zones

$ zonecfg –z p1 create –a /zones/p1
$ zoneadm –z p1 attach [-u]
$ zooneadm –z p1 boot

REVERSE Migration of Non-Global Zone

Migration back to original host: LDOM#1 commands

$ zoneadm –z p1 halt
$ zoneadm –z p1 detach
$ zpool export zones

Migration back to original host: LDOM#0 commands

Note lack of running zonecfg –z p1 create –a /zones. This is not necessary once the zone.xml and index.xml
are updated with p1 zone information. Should this script be automated, you may want to consider adding
the force configuration into the script – just in case.

$ zpool import zones

$ zoneadm –z p1 attach [-u]
$ zoneadm –z p1 boot

Moving Configuration of Zone and ZFS Pool on iSCSI Storage into Veritas Cluster Server .50MP3.

The Zpool Agent only included with VCS starting in 5.0MP3 for Solaris. There are a number of
configuration variations that could be used here, including legacy mounts with the Mount Agent.
Below is a simple layout that uses ZFS Automounting when the zpool is imported through VCS.

Example VCS 5.0MP3 configuration for Zpool and Zone Failover

$ haconf -makerw
$ hagrp –add ztest
$ hagrp –modify ztest SystemList dom2 0 dom1 1
$ hagrp –modify ztest AutoStartList dom2 dom1

$ hares -add zpool_zones Zpool ztest

$ hares -modify zpool_zones PoolName zones
$ hares -modify zpool_zones AltRootPath "/"
$ hares -modify zpool_zones ChkZFSMounts 1
$ hares -modify zpool_zones Enabled 1

$ /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hazonesetup ztest zone_p1 p1 \

ems dom1 dom2

$ haconf –makerw
$ hares –link zone_p1 zpool_zones
$ haconf –dump -makero

Example /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/

include ""

Advanced VCS for IO Fencing
and Various Commands

cluster LDOM_LAB (
UserNames = { admin = eLMeLGlIMhMMkUMgLJ,
z_zone_p1_dom2 = bkiFksJnkHkjHpiMji,
z_zone_p1_dom1 = dqrRrkQopKnsOooMqx }
Administrators = { admin }

system dom1 (

system dom2 (

group ztest (
SystemList = { dom1 = 0, dom2 = 1 }
AutoStartList = { dom2, dom1 }
Administrators = { z_zone_p1_dom2, z_zone_p1_dom1 }

Zone zone_p1 (
ZoneName = p1

Zpool zpool_zones (
PoolName = zones
AltRootPath = "/"

zone_p1 requires zpool_zones

Heart Beat Testing

Software Testing Heart Beats - unsupported
1. Forcing a Heart Beat Link Down through software

## You disable the LLT link as follows:

# lltconfig -t <tag> -L 0 (0 to disable the link)

## You enable the LLT link as follows:

# lltconfig -t <tag> -L 3 (3 to enable the link)

Heart Beat Validation

Using dlpiping to validate point to point heart beats and resolve cross connections between devices

1. On Node A

Advanced VCS for IO Fencing
and Various Commands

/opt/VRTSllt/getmac /dev/hme:0
/opt/VRTSllt/dlpiping –vs /dev/hme:0

2. On Node B

/opt/VRTSllt/dlpiping –vc /dev/hme:0 <mac address of node 1>

Using Mirroring for Storage Migration

Objective: Copy of large storage amounts from one server to another by LUN masking storage to both
hosts, mirroring, breaking mirror, putting storage online on the target system as a different disk group,
then isolation of data via LUN Masking/Zoning.

This process has only been used on CONCAT volumes. You will need to convert layout to
CONCAT for each volume if striped.

Migration Workflow

1. Have new SAN storage allocated to target host, and the same new storage LUN Masked/Zoned to
source host

2. Mirror storage on source host to the new LUNS

3. Collelct dump of vxvm database

4. Break Mirror and remove new LUNs from Source host vxvm configuration

5. Re-create new disk group on target host using modified vxvm database dump

6. Online new storage group on target system

Migration Walkthrough

1. Identify source and target LUNs; and difference in device names on source and target. Also record
mount points and disk sizes

target_lun0 = c2t600144F04A2E74170000144F3B8D6000d0
source_lun0 = c2t600144F04A2E74150000144F3B8D6000d0

# df -h
Filesystem size used avail capacity Mounted on
/dev/vx/dsk/demo_orig/v01 4.0G 18M 3.7G 1% /v01
/dev/vx/dsk/demo_orig/v02 4.0G 18M 3.7G 1% /v02
/dev/vx/dsk/demo_orig/v03 2.0G 18M 1.9G 1% /v03

/dev/vx/dsk/demo_org/v01 /dev/vx/rdsk/demo_org/v01 /v01 vxfs 2 yes -

Advanced VCS for IO Fencing
and Various Commands

/dev/vx/dsk/demo_org/v02 /dev/vx/rdsk/demo_org/v02 /v02 vxfs 2 yes -

/dev/vx/dsk/demo_org/v03 /dev/vx/rdsk/demo_org/v03 /v03 vxfs 2 yes -

# vxprint
Disk group: demo_orig


dg demo_orig demo_orig - - - - - -

dm target_lun0 target_lun0 - 25098496 - - - -

dm orig_disk source_lun0 - 25098496 - - - -

v v01 fsgen ENABLED 8388608 - ACTIVE - -

pl v01-01 v01 ENABLED 8388608 - ACTIVE - -
sd orig_disk-01 v01-01 ENABLED 8388608 0 - - -

v v02 fsgen ENABLED 8388608 - ACTIVE - -

pl v02-01 v02 ENABLED 8388608 - ACTIVE - -
sd orig_disk-02 v02-01 ENABLED 8388608 0 - - -

v v03 fsgen ENABLED 4194304 - ACTIVE - -

pl v03-01 v03 ENABLED 4194304 - ACTIVE - -
sd orig_disk-03 v03-01 ENABLED 4194304 0 - - -

2. Add disks from destination to source server and mirror to new disks

# vxdg -g demo_orig adddisk target_lun0=target_lun0

# vxassist -b -g demo_orig mirror v01 target_lun0

# vxassist -b -g demo_orig mirror v02 target_lun0
# vxassist -b -g demo_orig mirror v03 target_lun0

3. Collect Data needed for vxmake

# /etc/vx/diag.d/vxprivutil dumpconfig /dev/vx/dmp/source_lun0s2 \

# cat /priv_dump.out|vxprint -D - -hvpsm >/maker.out
# cat /priv_dump.out|vxprint -D - -d -F "%name=%last_da_name" > list

4. Copy priv_dump.out, maker.out , list and vxdisk-o-alldgs.out to target system:

# scp priv_dump.out maker.out list vxdisk-o-alldgs.out \


5. Remove target mirror for each volume on source server

# vxplex -o rm dis target_lun-plex

6. Remove target disks from vx disk group on source server

# vxdg -g demo_orig rmdisk target_lun0

7. Validate storage on source host

Advanced VCS for IO Fencing
and Various Commands

Storage Group Creation on Target Host

1. Update the maker.out, removing reference to source drives.

Backup files before editing. Specifically removing sub disk and plex information pointing toward the
source disk.

Since plex v01-01 and sub disk orig_disk-01 were the original mirrors, delete references for those items
in the maker.out file. Here they are highlighted. Onlyt v01 volume is shown, continue for all volumes.

vol v01

Advanced VCS for IO Fencing
and Various Commands

plex v01-01
sd orig_disk-01

Advanced VCS for IO Fencing
and Various Commands

plex v01-02
sd new_disk-01

Advanced VCS for IO Fencing
and Various Commands


2. Create Disk Group on Target from Disks that were a mirror on source: Get the value of X from the
first drive listed in "list"

# vxdg init newdg $X=target_lun0

3. Rebuild volumes from maker.out .out scripts

# vxmake -g newdg -d /maker.out

4. Start Volumes

# vxvol -g newdg start volX

### Or
# vxvol -g newdg startall

Chapter 18. OpenSolaris 2009.06
1. Install COMSTAR Server Utilities

# pkg install storage-server

# pkg install SUNWiscsi

2. Disable iscsitgt and physical:nwam Service - itadm gets confused with multiple physical instances; this
assumes not using nwam.

# svcadm disable iscsitgt

# svccfg delete svc:/network/physical:nwam

3. Reboot Server

# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

4. Enable stmf service

# svcadm enable stmf

# svcadm enable -r svc:/network/iscsi/target:default

Simple Setup An iSCSI LUN

1. Create a ZFS Volume

# zfs create -V SIZE pool/volume

2. Configure iSCSI Target and LUN

# sbdadm create-lu /dev/zvol/rdsk/pool/volume

# stmfadm add-view <GUID>

## Create a send-target target ###

# itadm create-tpg nge1
# itadm create-target -t nge1

## OR

## Create a target for static assignment ##

# itadm create-target

Walkthrough of iSCSI LUN Example

# zpool create npool disk1

# zfs create npool/iscsitgt

OpenSolaris 2009.06 COMSTAR

# zfs create -V 10g npool/iscsitgt/vdisk_dom1

# sbdadm create-lu /dev/zvol/rdsk/npool/iscsitgt/vdisk_dom1
Created the following LU:


----------------- ------------------- ----------
600144f0c312030000004a366cee0001 19327287296

# stmfadm add-view 600144f0c312030000004a366cee0001

# itadm create-target
278f5072-6662-e976-cc95-8116fd42c2c2 successfully created

Walkthrough of Simple iSCSI LUN Example

# zpool create npool disk1
# zfs create npool/iscsitgt
# zfs create -V 10g npool/iscsitgt/vdisk_dom1
# sbdadm create-lu /dev/zvol/rdsk/npool/iscsitgt/vdisk_dom1
Created the following LU:


----------------- ------------------- ----------
600144f0c312030000004a366cee0001 19327287296

# stmfadm add-view 600144f0c312030000004a366cee0001

# itadm create-target
278f5072-6662-e976-cc95-8116fd42c2c2 successfully created

Setup iSCSI with ACL's

Overview - target server has two interfaces nge0 and nge1. Each inteface is setup to allow for a unique
mapping of LUNs to host iscsi hba's. Some hosts are allowed to connect to nge0 and some to nge1. Access
is granted by the remote host iqn number.

1. Create targets for each interface using a TPG

# itadm create-tpg nge0

# itadm create-target -t nge0

# itadm create-tpg nge0

# itadm create-target -t nge1

2. Create a list of remote initiators

In this case, the t1000_primary will contain a list of my T1000 primary domain iscsi iqn's generated
by iscsiadm on each remote host.

OpenSolaris 2009.06 COMSTAR

# stmfadm create-hg t1000_primary

# stmfadm add-hg-member -g t1000_primary \

3. Create a access list for each target interface

# svcadm disable stmf

# stmfadm list-target

# itadm list-target -v
alias: -
auth: none (defaults)
targetchapuser: -
targetchapsecret: unset
tpg-tags: nge0 = 2 online
alias: -
auth: none (defaults)
targetchapuser: -
targetchapsecret: unset
tpg-tags: nge1 = 2

# stmfadm create-tg iFA1

# stmfadm create-tg iFA0

# stmfadm add-tg-member -g iFA1 \

# stmfadm add-tg-member -g iFA0 \

4. Mapping each LUN to both the Target TG access list, and the remote host HG Access list

# sbdadm list-lu | awk '{print $1, $3}'

Found LU(s)

-------------------------------- ----------------
600144f0c312030000004a3b8068001c /dev/zvol/rdsk/npool/COMSTAR_LUN5
600144f0c312030000004a3b8068001b /dev/zvol/rdsk/npool/COMSTAR_LUN4
600144f0c312030000004a3b8068001a /dev/zvol/rdsk/npool/COMSTAR_LUN3
600144f0c312030000004a3b80680019 /dev/zvol/rdsk/npool/COMSTAR_LUN2
600144f0c312030000004a3b80680018 /dev/zvol/rdsk/npool/COMSTAR_LUN1
600144f0c312030000004a3b80680017 /dev/zvol/rdsk/npool/COMSTAR_LUN0

OpenSolaris 2009.06 COMSTAR

## Repeat below for each LUN to be shared over iFA1 (nge1) to remove
## iscsi addressed defined in HG t1000_primary

# stmfadm add-view -h t1000_primary -t iFA1 -n 0 \


Chapter 19. Sun Cluster 3.2
This section covers a walkthrough configuration for Sun Cluster. General requirments include the

1. Internal Hard Drive Configuration

ZFS is not supported for the /globaldevice filesystem, therefore unless you are being creative
avoid installing Solaris 10 with the ZFS Root Option. If you do not allocate a UFS filesystem
and partition for /globaldevices then a LOFI device will be used. This will reduce boot

Partition Layout - set identical between both servers where possible

Part Tag Flag Size Mount Point

0 root wm 8.00GB /
1 swap wu 8.00GB [swap]
2 backup wm 74.50GB [backup]
3 unassigned wm 8.00GB /opt
4 var wm 8.00GB /var
5 unassigned wm 1.00GB /globaldevice
6 unassigned wm 512.19MB [reserved for SVM MDB]
7 unassigned wm 40.99GB /free [remaining]

Table 19.1. Sun Cluster Filesystem Requirements

Filesystem Min Requirement

/var 100MB Free
/opt 50MB Free
/usr 50MB Free
/ 100MB Free
/globaldevices 512MB Free

2. Shared Hard Drive Configuration and Layout

3. Network Configuration

Interface Function Planned Options

bge0 Public IPMP Link Only Detection
bge1 Private Used for HB
bge2 Private Used for HB
bge3 Public IPMP Link Only Detection

Sun Cluster 3.2

This section covers a walkthrough configuration for Sun Cluster. General installation include the

1. Product Installaton Location

Either untar the software on both servers under /tmp or run installer from a shared directory
such as NFS. Sun Cluster must be installed on both systems

2. Run Installer Script

$ ./installer

Unable to access a usable display on the remote system.

Continue in command-line mode?(Y/N) Y

<Press ENTER to Continue>

<Press ENTER to display the Software License Agreement>
<--[40%]--[ENTER To Continue]--[n To Finish]-->n
License Agreement [No] {"<" goes back, "!" exits}? Yes

Installation Type

Do you want to install the full set of Sun Java(TM)

Availability Suite Products and Services? (Yes/No) [Yes]
{"<" goes back, "!" exits} Yes

Install multilingual package(s) for all selected components [Yes]

{"<" goes back, "!" exits}: No

Do you want to add multilanguage support now?

1. Yes
2. No

Enter your choice [1] {"<" goes back, "!" exits} 2

Enter 1 to upgrade these shared components and 2 to cancel [1]

{"<" goes back, "!" exits}: 1

Checking System Status

Available disk space... : Checking .... OK

Memory installed... : Checking .... OK
Swap space installed... : Checking .... OK

Sun Cluster 3.2

Operating system patches... : Checking .... OK

Operating system resources... : Checking .... OK

System ready for installation

Enter 1 to continue [1] {"<" goes back, "!" exits} 1

Screen for selecting Type of Configuration

1. Configure Now - Selectively override defaults or express through

2. Configure Later - Manually configure following installation

Select Type of Configuration [1] {"<" goes back, "!" exits} 2

Ready to Install
The following components will be installed.

Product: Java Availability Suite

Uninstall Location: /var/sadm/prod/SUNWentsyssc32u2
Space Required: 326.34 MB
Java DB
Java DB Server
Java DB Client
Sun Cluster 3.2 1/09
Sun Cluster Core
Sun Cluster Manager
Sun Cluster Agents 3.2 1/09
Sun Cluster HA for Sun Java(TM) System Application Server
Sun Cluster HA for Sun Java(TM) System Message Queue
Sun Cluster HA for Sun Java(TM) System Messaging Server
Sun Cluster HA for Sun Java(TM) System Calendar Server
Sun Cluster HA for Sun Java(TM) System Directory Server
Sun Cluster HA for Sun Java(TM) System Application Server EE (HADB)
Sun Cluster HA for Instant Messaging
Sun Cluster HA/Scalable for Sun Java(TM) System Web Server
Sun Cluster HA for Apache Tomcat
Sun Cluster HA for Apache
Sun Cluster HA for DHCP
Sun Cluster HA for DNS
Sun Cluster HA for MySQL
Sun Cluster HA for Sun N1 Service Provisioning System
Sun Cluster HA for NFS
Sun Cluster HA for Oracle
Sun Cluster HA for Samba
Sun Cluster HA for Sun N1 Grid Engine
Sun Cluster HA for Solaris Containers
Sun Cluster Support for Oracle RAC
Sun Cluster HA for Oracle E-Business Suite
Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache
Sun Cluster HA for WebSphere Message Broker
Sun Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ

Sun Cluster 3.2

Sun Cluster HA for Oracle 9iAS

Sun Cluster HA for SAPDB
Sun Cluster HA for SAP Web Application Server
Sun Cluster HA for SAP
Sun Cluster HA for PostgreSQL
Sun Cluster HA for Sybase ASE
Sun Cluster HA for BEA WebLogic Server
Sun Cluster HA for Siebel
Sun Cluster HA for Kerberos
Sun Cluster HA for Swift Alliance Access
Sun Cluster HA for Swift Alliance Gateway
Sun Cluster HA for Informix
Sun Cluster Geographic Edition 3.2 1/09
Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Core Components
Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Manager
Sun StorEdge Availability Suite Data Replication Support
Hitachi Truecopy Data Replication Support
SRDF Data Replication Support
Oracle Data Guard Data Replication Support
Quorum Server
Sun Java(TM) System High Availability Session Store 4.4.3
All Shared Components
Sun Java(TM) System Monitoring Console 1.0 Update 1

1. Install
2. Start Over
3. Exit Installation

What would you like to do [1] {"<" goes back, "!" exits}? 1

Enter 1 to view installation summary and Enter 2 to view installation logs

[1] {"!" exits} !

In order to notify you of potential updates, we need to confirm an internet

connection. Do you want to proceed [Y/N] : N

Basic Configuration
This section covers a walkthrough configuration for Sun Cluster. General configuration include the

Interfaces configured for heart beats must be unplumbed and have no /etc/ file.

During the scinstall configuration process the nodes will be rebooted

1. Product Configuration

# /usr/cluster/bin/scinstall

Sun Cluster 3.2

*** Main Menu ***

Please select from one of the following (*) options:

* 1) Create a new cluster or add a cluster node

2) Configure a cluster to be JumpStarted from this install server
3) Manage a dual-partition upgrade
4) Upgrade this cluster node
5) Print release information for this cluster node

* ?) Help with menu options

* q) Quit

Option: 1

*** New Cluster and Cluster Node Menu ***

Please select from any one of the following options:

1) Create a new cluster

2) Create just the first node of a new cluster on this
3) Add this machine as a node in an existing cluster

?) Help with menu options

q) Return to the Main Menu

Option: 1

*** Create a New Cluster ***

This option creates and configures a new cluster.

You must use the Java Enterprise System (JES) installer to install the
Sun Cluster framework software on each machine in the new cluster
before you select this option.

If the "remote configuration" option is unselected from the JES

installer when you install the Sun Cluster framework on any of the new
nodes, then you must configure either the remote shell (see rsh(1)) or
the secure shell (see ssh(1)) before you select this option. If rsh or
ssh is used, you must enable root access to all of the new member
nodes from this node.

Press Control-d at any time to return to the Main Menu.

Do you want to continue (yes/no) [yes]?

>>> Typical or Custom Mode <<<

Sun Cluster 3.2

This tool supports two modes of operation, Typical mode and Custom.
For most clusters, you can use Typical mode. However, you might need
to select the Custom mode option if not all of the Typical defaults
can be applied to your cluster.

For more information about the differences between Typical and Custom
modes, select the Help option from the menu.

Please select from one of the following options:

1) Typical
2) Custom

?) Help
q) Return to the Main Menu

Option [1]: 1

>>> Cluster Name <<<

Each cluster has a name assigned to it. The name can be made up of any
characters other than whitespace. Each cluster name should be unique
within the namespace of your enterprise.

What is the name of the cluster you want to establish? SC001

>>> Cluster Nodes <<<

This Sun Cluster release supports a total of up to 16 nodes.

Please list the names of the other nodes planned for the initial
cluster configuration. List one node name per line. When finished,
type Control-D:

Node name (Control-D to finish): sysdom1

Node name (Control-D to finish): ^D

This is the complete list of nodes:


Is it correct (yes/no) [yes]? yes

>>> Cluster Transport Adapters and Cables <<<

You must identify the cluster transport adapters which attach this
node to the private cluster interconnect.

For node "sysdom0",

What is the name of the first cluster transport adapter? bge1

>>> Cluster Transport Adapters and Cables <<<

Sun Cluster 3.2

You must identify the cluster transport adapters which attach this
node to the private cluster interconnect.

Select the first cluster transport adapter for "sysdom0":

1) bge2
2) bge3
3) Other

Option: 1

Will this be a dedicated cluster transport adapter (yes/no) [yes]? no

What is the cluster transport VLAN ID for this adapter? 1

Searching for any unexpected network traffic on "bge1002" ... done

Verification completed. No traffic was detected over a 10 second
sample period.

Select the second cluster transport adapter for "sysdom0":

1) bge2
2) bge3
3) Other


>>> Quorum Configuration <<<

Every two-node cluster requires at least one quorum device. By

default, scinstall selects and configures a shared disk quorum device
for you.

This screen allows you to disable the automatic selection and

configuration of a quorum device.

You have chosen to turn on the global fencing. If your shared storage
devices do not support SCSI, such as Serial Advanced Technology
Attachment (SATA) disks, or if your shared disks do not support
SCSI-2, you must disable this feature.

If you disable automatic quorum device selection now, or if you intend

to use a quorum device that is not a shared disk, you must instead use
clsetup(1M) to manually configure quorum once both nodes have joined
the cluster for the first time.

Do you want to disable automatic quorum device selection (yes/no) [no]?

Cluster Creation

Log file - /var/cluster/logs/install/scinstall.log.28876

Testing for "/globaldevices" on "sysdom0" ... done

Sun Cluster 3.2

Testing for "/globaldevices" on "sysdom1" ... done

Starting discovery of the cluster transport configuration.

The following connections were discovered:

sysdom0:bge2 switch1 sysdom1:bge2 [VLAN ID 1]

sysdom0:bge3 switch2 sysdom1:bge3 [VLAN ID 1]

Completed discovery of the cluster transport configuration.

Started cluster check on "sysdom0".

Started cluster check on "sysdom1".

cluster check completed with no errors or warnings for "sysdom0".

cluster check completed with no errors or warnings for "sysdom1".

Configuring "sysdom1" ... done

Rebooting "sysdom1" ... done

Configuring "sysdom0" ... done

Rebooting "sysdom0" ...

Log file - /var/cluster/logs/install/scinstall.log.28876

Rebooting ...

General Commands
This section covers a walkthrough configuration for Sun Cluster. General resource configuration:

• List DID Disks for use with failover storage devices

The DID ID's are under /dev/did/dsk and /dev/did/rdsk on each node in the cluster. These paths
are to be used for creating failover filesystems, zpools and storage access.

cldevice list -v
DID Device Full Device Path
---------- ----------------
d1 sysdom1:/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0
d2 sysdom1:/dev/rdsk/c1t600144F0C312030000004A3B80680017d0
d2 sysdom0:/dev/rdsk/c1t600144F0C312030000004A3B80680017d0
d3 sysdom1:/dev/rdsk/c1t600144F0C312030000004A3B80680018d0
d3 sysdom0:/dev/rdsk/c1t600144F0C312030000004A3B80680018d0
d4 sysdom1:/dev/rdsk/c1t600144F0C312030000004A3B80680019d0
d4 sysdom0:/dev/rdsk/c1t600144F0C312030000004A3B80680019d0
d5 sysdom1:/dev/rdsk/c1t600144F0C312030000004A3B8068001Ad0
d5 sysdom0:/dev/rdsk/c1t600144F0C312030000004A3B8068001Ad0
d6 sysdom1:/dev/rdsk/c1t600144F0C312030000004A3B8068001Bd0
d6 sysdom0:/dev/rdsk/c1t600144F0C312030000004A3B8068001Bd0

Sun Cluster 3.2

d7 sysdom1:/dev/rdsk/c1t600144F0C312030000004A3B8068001Cd0
d7 sysdom0:/dev/rdsk/c1t600144F0C312030000004A3B8068001Cd0
d8 sysdom1:/dev/rdsk/c1t600144F0C312030000004A4518A90001d0
d8 sysdom0:/dev/rdsk/c1t600144F0C312030000004A4518A90001d0
d9 sysdom1:/dev/rdsk/c1t600144F0C312030000004A4518BF0002d0
d9 sysdom0:/dev/rdsk/c1t600144F0C312030000004A4518BF0002d0
d10 sysdom0:/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0

• List Quorum Devices

clquorum list

• Add a Quorum Disk

vsrv2# clquorum list


vsrv2# cldevice list -v

DID Device Full Device Path
---------- ----------------
d1 vsrv2:/dev/rdsk/c0d0
d2 vsrv2:/dev/rdsk/c1t600144F04A4D00400000144F3B8D6000d0
d2 vsrv1:/dev/rdsk/c1t600144F04A4D00400000144F3B8D6000d0
d3 vsrv2:/dev/rdsk/c1t600144F04A53950C0000144F3B8D6000d0
d3 vsrv1:/dev/rdsk/c1t600144F04A53950C0000144F3B8D6000d0
d4 vsrv1:/dev/rdsk/c0d0

vsrv2# clquorum add -v /dev/did/rdsk/d2

Quorum device "/dev/did/rdsk/d2" is added.

vsrv2# clquorum list -v

Quorum Type
------ ----
d2 shared_disk
vsrv2 node
vsrv1 node

Create a Failover Apache Resource Group

This section covers a walkthrough configuration for Sun Cluster. General resource configuration:

1. Create a Zpool using the DID device

# zpool create apache /dev/did/dsk/d3

2. Create a Resource Group for the Apache Failover Services

# clrg create apache-rg

3. Register the HAStoragePlus agent and add it to the apache-rg resource group

Sun Cluster 3.2

# clrt register HAStoragePlus

# clrs create -g apache-rg -t HAStoragePlus -p Zpools=apache apache-zpool-rs

4. Bring the Apache Resource Group online and status

# clrg online -M apache-rg

# clrg status

=== Cluster Resource Groups ===

Group Name Node Name Suspended Status

---------- --------- --------- ------
apache-rg sysdom1 No Online
sysdom0 No Offline

5. Switch Apache Resource Group to alternate server

# clrg switch -n sysdom0 apache-rg

# clrg status

=== Cluster Resource Groups ===

Group Name Node Name Suspended Status

---------- --------- --------- ------
apache-rg sysdom1 No Offline
sysdom0 No Online

6. Configure Apache to use Failover Storage

Update the httpd.conf file to point to storage under /apache on both servers.

# zfs create apache/htdocs

# vi /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
Update <Directory> amoung others.

7. Add floating IP address

Make sure IP/Hostname is in both servers /etc/hosts file. In this case the server vsrvmon has an IP of

# clreslogicalhostname create -g apache-rg -h vsrvmon host-vsrvmon-rs

# ifconfig -a

,IPv4,FIXEDMTU> mtu 1500 index 2
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast

# scstat -i

-- IPMP Groups --

Sun Cluster 3.2

Node Name Group Status Adapter Status

--------- ----- ------ ------- ------
IPMP Group: sysdom1 isan Online bge1 Online
IPMP Group: sysdom1 pub Online bge0 Online

IPMP Group: sysdom0 isan Online bge1 Online

IPMP Group: sysdom0 pub Online bge0 Online

-- IPMP Groups in Zones --

Zone Name Group Status Adapter Status

--------- ----- ------ ------- ------

8. Update the httpd.conf on both systems to ues the floating IP as the ServerName

9. Register the Apache Agent and configure the Apache Resouruce

# clrt register apache

# clrs create -g apache-rg -t apache -p Bin_dir=/usr/apache2/bin \
-p Port_list=80/tcp -p Resource_dependencies=apache-zpool-rs,\
host-vsrvmon-rs apache-rs

10.Status the Apache Resource group, and switch resource through all systems

Create a Failover NGZ Resource Group

This section covers a walkthrough configuration for Sun Cluster. General resource configuration:

1. Create a Zpool using the DID device

# zpool create zone /dev/did/dsk/d3

2. Create a Resource Group for the Zone Failover Services

# clrg create zone-webzone-rg

Create a Parallel NGZ Configuration

This section covers a walkthrough configuration for Sun Cluster. General resource configuration:

1. Create a NGZ for each server using the following commad from one server

#vsrv1# clzonecluster configure sczone

sczone: No such zone cluster configured
Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone cluster.
clzc:sczone> create
clzc:sczone> set zonepath=/localzone/sczone

2. Add sysid Information

Sun Cluster 3.2

# clzc:sczone> add sysid

clzc:sczone:sysid> set root_password=fubar
clzc:sczone:sysid> end

3. Add the physical host information and network information for the zone on each host

clzc:sczone> add node

clzc:sczone:node> set physical-host=vsrv1
clzc:sczone:node> set hostname=vsrv3
clzc:sczone:node> add net
clzc:sczone:node:net> set address=vsrv3
clzc:sczone:node:net> set physical=bge0
clzc:sczone:node:net> end
clzc:sczone:node> end

clzc:sczone> add node

clzc:sczone:node> set physical-host=vsrv2
clzc:sczone:node> set hostname=vsrv4
clzc:sczone:node> add net
clzc:sczone:node:net> set address=vsrv4
clzc:sczone:node:net> set physical=bge0
clzc:sczone:node:net> end
clzc:sczone:node> end

4. From documents - still working on what this means - in this case, the IPs are those of vsrv3 and vssrv4
in that order

clzc:sczone> add net

clzc:sczone:net> set address=
clzc:sczone:net> end
clzc:sczone> add net
clzc:sczone:net> set address=
clzc:sczone:net> end

5. Commit zone configuration - saves info on both servers

clzc:sczone> verify
clzc:sczone> commit
clzc:sczone> exit

6. Build the Non-Global Zones

vsrv1# clzonecluster install sczone

Waiting for zone install commands to complete on
all the nodes of the zone cluster "sczone"...

vsrv1# clzonecluster install sczone

Waiting for zone install commands to complete on
all the nodes of the zone cluster "sczone"...

vsrv1# clzonecluster boot sczone

Waiting for zone boot commands to complete on
all the nodes of the zone cluster "sczone"...

7. Use zlogin on both global zones to finish configuring sczone

Sun Cluster 3.2

Oracle 10g RAC for Containers

This section covers a walkthrough configuration for Sun Cluster and Oracle 10g RAC

This set of examples are configured within two LDOM's on one server, therefore the network devices are
in vnet# form. Replace the vnet# with your appropriate network devices and all commands should function
properly on non-virtualized hardware.

Zone and QFS Creation and Configuration

Note that /opt can not be an inherited directory, and will not be by default

1. Update /etc/systems for some shared memory parameters

This is needed because the CRS processes are started as root and therefore will not be impacted by the
oracle project definition later on in this writeup. It is possible to make these part of a unique project
and prefix the CRS start scripts with a newtask command, or to define a system or root project. The
choice is up to you.


set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=SGA_size_in_bytes

2. Download and install SC 3.2 or greater

3. Download and install the SUN QFS Packages on all nodes in the cluster

# pkgadd -d . SUNWqfsr SUNWqfsu

4. Create Meta Devices for QFS Oracle Home / CRS Home

Make sure that /var/run/nodelist exists on both servers. I've noticed that it might not. If not the
-M metaset command will fail. Content of the file is: Node# NodeName PrivIP

cat /var/run/nodelist
1 vsrv2
2 vsrv1

# metadb -a -f -c3 /dev/did/dsk/d3s7

# metaset -s zora -M -a -h vsrv2 vsrv1

# metaset

Multi-owner Set name = zora, Set number = 1, Master =

Host Owner Member

Sun Cluster 3.2

vsrv2 Yes
vsrv1 Yes

# metaset -s zora -a /dev/did/dsk/d3

# metainit -s zora d30 1 1 /dev/did/dsk/d3s0
# metainit -s zora d300 -m d30

5. Add QFS Information for Oracle Home on both systems


RAC 5 ms RAC on shared

/dev/md/zora/dsk/d300 50 md RAC on




vsrv1 1 0 server

vsrv2 1 0

6. Create QFS Directory on both nodes and make filesystem just from one node

# mkdir -p /localzone/sczone/root/db_qfe/oracle

# /opt/SUNWsamfs/sbin/sammkfs -S RAC
sammkfs: Configuring file system
sammkfs: Enabling the sam-fsd service.
sammkfs: Adding service tags.
Warning: Creating a new file system prevents use with 4.6 or earlier

Use the -P option on sammkfs to create a 4.6 compatible file system.

Building 'RAC' will destroy the contents of devices:

Do you wish to continue? [y/N]y
total data kilobytes = 10228928
total data kilobytes free = 10225216

7. Mount, test, and remove mount point, otherwise clzonecluster install will fail.

# mount RAC
# umount RAC

# rm -rf /localzone/sczone

8. Create the Zones using clzonecluster

Sun Cluster 3.2

# clzonecluster create sczone

clzc:sczone> set zonepath=/localzone/sczone
clzc:sczone> set autoboot=true

9. Add sysid Information - there are more options than listed here

# clzc:sczone> add sysid

clzc:sczone:sysid> set root_password=ENC_PW
clzc:sczone:sysid> set nfs4_domain=whatever
clzc:sczone:sysid> set terminal=vt100
clzc:sczone:sysid> set security_policy=NONE
clzc:sczone:sysid> set system_locale=C
clzc:sczone:sysid> end

10.Add the physical host information and network information for the zone on each host

clzc:sczone> add node

clzc:sczone:node> set physical-host=vsrv1
clzc:sczone:node> set hostname=vsrv3
clzc:sczone:node> add net
clzc:sczone:node:net> set address=vsrv3
clzc:sczone:node:net> set physical=bge0
clzc:sczone:node:net> end
clzc:sczone:node> end

clzc:sczone> add node

clzc:sczone:node> set physical-host=vsrv2
clzc:sczone:node> set hostname=vsrv4
clzc:sczone:node> add net
clzc:sczone:node:net> set address=vsrv4
clzc:sczone:node:net> set physical=bge0
clzc:sczone:node:net> end
clzc:sczone:node> end

11.Add floating IP addresses for RAC VIP

clzc:sczone> add net

clzc:sczone:net> set address=rac01
clzc:sczone:net> end
clzc:sczone> add net
clzc:sczone:net> set address=rac02
clzc:sczone:net> end

12.Add QFS Oracle Mount

clzc:sczone> add fs
clzc:sczone:fs> set dir=/db_qfs/oracle
clzc:sczone:fs> set special=RAC
clzc:sczone:fs> set type=samfs
clzc:sczone:fs> end

13.Add Disks for use with ASM

Sun Cluster 3.2

Initially add the storage to the storage group with metaset -s zora, then add into the zone configuration
- short example provided, repeat for each device

# metastat -c -s zora
zora/d500 m 980MB zora/d50
zora/d50 s 980MB d5s0

clzc:sczone> add device

clzc:sczone:device> set match="/dev/md/zora/rdsk/d50"
clzc:sczone:device> end
clzc:sczone> add device
clzc:sczone:device> set match="/dev/md/zora/rdsk/d500"
clzc:sczone:device> end
clzc:sczone> add device
clzc:sczone:device> set match="/dev/md/shared/1/rdsk/d50"
clzc:sczone:device> end
clzc:sczone> add device
clzc:sczone:device> set match="/dev/md/shared/1/rdsk/d500"
clzc:sczone:device> end

14.Add Resource Settings to Zone

Limited example, CPU and Memory can be capped in addition to limitpriv

clzc:sczone> set limitpriv="default,proc_priocntl,proc_clock_highres"

15.Commit zone configuration - saves info on both servers

clzc:sczone> verify
clzc:sczone> commit
clzc:sczone> exit

16.Build the Non-Global Zones

vsrv1# clzonecluster install sczone

Waiting for zone install commands to complete on
all the nodes of the zone cluster "sczone"...

vsrv1# clzonecluster install sczone

Waiting for zone install commands to complete on
all the nodes of the zone cluster "sczone"...

### On both servers:

# mkdir -p /localzone/sczone/root/db_qfs/oracle

vsrv1# clzonecluster boot sczone

Waiting for zone boot commands to complete on
all the nodes of the zone cluster "sczone"...

17.Use zlogin on both global zones to finish configuring sczone

Sun Cluster 3.2

# clzonecluster boot sczone

## On both systems finish sysidcfg:

# zlogin -C sczone

Sun Cluster RAC Framework

Setting up the Sun Cluster RAC Framework using CLI

1. Create a scalable resource group.

# clresourcegroup create -Z zcname -n nodelist \

-p maximum_primaries=num-in-list \
-p desired_primaries=num-in-list \
[-p rg_description="description" \]
-p rg_mode=Scalable rac-fmwk-rg

2. Register the SUNW.rac_framework resource type

# clresourcetype register -Z zcname SUNW.rac_framework

3. Add an instance of the SUNW.rac_framework resource type to the resource group that you created in
Step 2.

# clresource create -Z zcname -g rac-fmwk-rg \

-t SUNW.rac_framework rac-fmwk-rs

4. Register the SUNW.rac_udlm resource type.

# clresourcetype register -Z zcname SUNW.rac_udlm

5. Add an instance of the SUNW.rac_udlm resource type to the resource group that you created in Step 2.

# clresource create -Z zcname -g resource-group \

-t SUNW.rac_udlm \
-p resource_dependencies=rac-fmwk-rs rac-udlm-rs

6. Bring online and in a managed state the RAC framework resource group and its resources.

# clresourcegroup online -Z zcname -emM rac-fmwk-rg

Chapter 20. Hardware Notes
SunFire X2200 eLOM Management
SP General Commands
• To power on the host, enter the following command:

set /SP/SystemInfo/CtrlInfo PowerCtrl=on

• To power off the host gracefully, enter the following command:

set /SP/SystemInfo/CtrlInfo PowerCtrl=gracefuloff

• To power off the host forcefully, enter the following command:

set /SP/SystemInfo/CtrlInfo PowerCtrl=forceoff

• To reset the host, enter the following command:

set /SP/SystemInfo/CtrlInfo PowerCtrl=reset

• To reboot and enter the BIOS automatically, enter the following command:

set /SP/SystemInfo/CtrlInfo BootCtrl=BIOSSetup

• To start start a session on the server console, enter this command:

start /SP/AgentInfo/console

• To revert to CLI once the console has been started:

Press Esc-Shift-9 keys

• To terminate a server console session started by another user, enter this command:

stop /SP/AgentInfo/console

Connection via Serial Port

• On Windows, use hypertrm.

The settings should be 9600, 8, N, 1

• On Solaris, issue the command tip

# tip -9600 /dev/term/a

System console
• Use the Esc-Shift-9 key sequence to toggle back to the local console flow. Enter Ctrl-b to terminate the
connection to the serial console

• Connect to system console

Hardware Notes

SP–> start /SP/AgentInfo/console

To Set Up Serial Over LAN With the Solaris OS

1. Log in to the Solaris system as root (superuser).

2. Edit the /boot/solaris/bootenv.rc file to point to ttyb speed to 115200 as follows:

setprop ttyb-mode 115200,8,n,1,-

setprop console ‘ttyb’

3. In the /boot/grub/menu.1st file, edit the splashimage and kernel lines to read as follows:

# splashimage /boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz
kernel /platform/i86pc/multiboot -B console=ttyb

4. Change the login service to listen at 115200 by making the following edits to /var/svc/manifest/system/

a. Change console to 115200 in the propval line to read as follows:

<propval name=’label’ type=’astring’ value=’115200’>

b. Add the following text to the file /kernel/drv/asy.conf:

bash-3.00# more /kernel/drv/asy.conf

# Copyright (c) 1999 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# pragma ident "@(#)asy.conf 1.12 99/03/18 SMI" interrupt
priorities=12;name="asy" parent="isa" reg=1,0x2f8,8 interrupts=3;

c. Enter the following to reboot the operating system:

# reboot -- -r

Configure ELOM/SP
Change IP Address from DHCP to Static

SP> set /SP/AgentInfo DhcpConfigured=disable

SP> set /SP/AgentInfo IpAddress=ipaddress
SP> set /SP/AgentInfo NetMask=netmask
SP> set /SP/AgentInfo Gateway=gateway

SP> show /SP/AgentInfo

HWVersion = 0
FWVersion = 3.20
MacAddress = 00:16:36:5B:97:E4
IpAddress =

Hardware Notes

NetMask =
Gateway =
DhcpConfigured = disable

5120 iLOM Management

• Power on via the ilom

start /SYS then switch to the console start /SP/console

• Default ilom password

root , changeme

• Changing the ilom default password

set /SP/users/root password Enter new Password: *******

• Enable/ Disable SSH

set /SP/services/ssh state=[enable|disable]

• Display information about commands

show /SP/cli/commands

• Add a local user

create /SP/users/bob password=password role=administrator|operator

• Delete a local user

delete /SP/users/fred

• change the ip address to static

cd /SP/network set pendingipdiscovery=static set set

pendingipnetmask=yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy set pendingipgatwat=zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz show to verify setings set


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