Engleski Sve Za Prvu Godinu

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a go-slow or slowdown [usporiti] - a deliberate reduction in the rate of production, as a protest

a product [proizvod] - is defined by marketers as anything capable of satisfying a need or want
a strike [štrajk] - a stoppage of work, as a protest against working conditions, low pay and so on
accountant [računovođa] - person who keeps and checks an organization s financial records
accounting [računovodstvo] - keeping financial records, recording income and expenditure, valuing
assets and liabilities, and so on
accrued expenses [obračunati, a ne naplaćeni] - expenses incurred at the date of the balance
sheet, but not yet paid
adversary [suparnik] - an opponent or enemy
advertising account [reklamni ugovor]- a contract with a company to produce its advertising
advertising agencies [reklamne agencije] - companies that handle advertising for clients
advertising [oglašavanje] - telling people publicly about a product or service in order to persuade
them to buy it
agency employment [posao u agenciji] - temporary jobs in companies, arranged by employment
agency or headhunt [lovci na glave] - people who attempt to engage senior managers and
executives for job vacancies
agency media planners [organizatori oglašavanja] - the people who choose where to advertise, in
order to reach the right customers
agm (Annual General Meeting) - a yearly meeting to wich companies have to invite all
and loan associations - banking rules and laws
applicant [kandidat]- a candidate
applicants - people who send letters of applications
assets [imovina] - anything owned by a company that can be used to produce goods or pay liabilities
auditing [revizija] - inspection and evaluation of accounts by a second set of accountants
autonomus [neovisno] - independent, able to take decisions without consulting a higher authority
balance sheet [bilanca] - financial statement which shows a company’s amount of debits and credits
on the last day of an accounting period
benefits or perks [prednosti] - advantages that come with a job, apart from wages or salary
bonus [nagrada] - additional money given for better work or increased productivity
bookkeeping [knjigovodstvo] - writing down the details of transactions (debits and credits)
brand [marka] - a name that is given to a product by a company so that the product can easily be
recognized by its name or it’s design
brand awareness [pravila o brandu] - the degree to which people know about particular brand
brand image [izgled brenda] - the collection of ideas and beliefs that people have about a brand
brand leader [najjači brand] - the brand with the most sales in a particular market
brand loyalty [vjernost brandu] - the degree to which people regularly buy a particular brand of
product and refuse to change to other brands
brand manager [brand menager] - someone in a company responsible for developing and selling
one particular brand of product
brand stretching [širenje branda] - when a company starts to use an existing brand name on
another different type of product, hoping that people will buy it because they recognize the name
brand-switchers [kupci koji kupuju različite brandove] - consumers who buy various competing
products rather than being loyal to a particular brand
brief [plan, nacrt] - the statement of objectives of an advertising campaign that a client works out
with an advertising agency
budget [proračun] - the amount of money a company plans to spend in developing its advertising
and buying medio time or space
the cash-flow statement [izvještaj o novčanom toku] - shows the flow of cash in and out of the
business between sheet dates, shows sources of funds and applications of funds
capacity [kapacitet]- the maximum rate of output that can be achieved from a production process
classsic brand [brand s tradicijom] - famous brand with the history
collaboration [suradnja] - working together and sharing ideas
collective bargaining [kolektivno pregovaranje] - negotiations between unions and employers
about their member’s wages and working conditions
command or planed economy [planska ekonomija] – an economy where resources are allocated
by the state through a system of planning
comparative-parity method – choosing to spend the same amount on advertising as one’s
component [komponenta] - any of the pieces or parts that make up a product, machine, etc.
confrontational [suprotstavljanje] - hostile, almost aggressive, seeking conflict
conglomerate [slijepljena masa] - a large corporation, made up of a group of companies
contracting out [kupnja prije proizvodnje proizvoda] - buying products or processed materials from
other companies rather then manufacturing them
consult [konzultirati se] – to ask someone’s opinion before making a decision
consumer markets [potrošačko tržište] - people buy products for direct consumption
convenience goods [olakšice] - are cheap and simple low involvement products which people use
regularly and buy frequently with littke effort, without comparing alternatives
core [jezgra, srž] – the central part of something
corporate ethos [poslovna etika] - a company’s ways of working and thinking
cost accounting [računovodstvo troškova] - working out the unit costs of products, including
materials, labour and all other expenses
counter-cyclical advertising [oglašavanje van sezone] - advertising during periods or seasons
when sales are normaly relatively poor
counter-productive advertising [kontraproduktivno oglašavanje,loš efekt oglašavanja] - excessive
creative accounting or window dressing [kreativno računovodstvo] - using all available accounting
procedures and tricks to disguise the true financial position of a comp
credit [kredit] – the possibility of paying for a producer over an extended period
credit facilities [krediti za postrojenja] – the possibility of paying for a product over an extended
creditors (GB) or account payable (US) - sums of money owed to suppliers for purchases made on
current assets [kratkotrajna imovina] - assets which will be consumed or turned into cash in the
ordinary course of business
current liabilities [kratkoročne obveze] – debts to be paid within one year of the date of the
financial statement
curriculum vitae CV [životopis] - documents containing education and employment history
debt [dug] – money owed to someone
debtors (GB) or accounts receivable (US) [potraživanja od kupaca] - sums of money owed by
customers for goods and services purchased on credit
decentralization [decentralizacija] - dividing an organization into decision - making units that are
not centrally controlled
depreciation [deprecijacija] – reduction in value of a fixed assets due to use, obsolescence etc.
depreciation or amortization [amortizacija] - the reduction in value of a fixed asset during the
years it is in use
deregulation [prekid regulacije] - ending or relaxing restrictive laws
diminishing returns - an ever-smaller increase in sales in relation to increased advertising spending
distribution channel [distribucijski kanali] - all the companies or individuals involved in moving a
particular good or service from the producer to the consumer
downsizing [smanjenje broja radnika] – decreasing the number of permanent employees
earnings or income [zarada, prihodi] – the revenues received by a company during a given period,
minus the cost of sales, operating expenses, and taxes
employability [mogućnost zapošljavanja] - the extent to which a person has skills that employers
employee [službenik, radnik] - a person employed by someone else, working for money
ethically [etički] - according to accepted moral standards
four PS [4p] – product, place, promotion, price
fragmentation [usitnjavanje] - breaking something up into pieces
franchising [franširanje] – when a big firm sels an individual the rights to run a business using it’s
established format for a specified fee and a provision of sales
free market economy [ekonomija slobodnog tržišta] – an economy where resources are allocated
through the market mechanism
function [funkcija] - a specific activity in a company (production, marketing, finance, …)
gross [bruto] – total, without anything taken off
hierarchy [hijerarhija] – a system of authority with different levels, one above the other
humiliation [poniženje ] - a feeling of shame and loss of dignity or self-esteem
image [imidž] – the set of beliefs that the public at large holds of an organization
industrial action [industrijska akcija] – general term for strikes, go-slows, work-to-rules
industrial belt [industrijski pojas] - an area with lots of industrial companies, around the edge of a
institutional or advertising [institucionalno oglašavanje] - advertising that mentions a company’s
name but not specific products
insulated or isolated [izolirano] - alone, placed in a position away from others
intangible assets [dugotrajna imovina] - assets whose valeu can only be quantified or turned into
cash with difficulty (goodwill, copyright, patents)
interview [intervju] - attend
intuitive [intuitivno] - understanding or knowing without consciously using reason
inventory [popis, inventar] - the stock of any item or resource used in an organization
job description [opis posla] - a short account of what a job consistof
job security [sigurnost od gubitka posla] - knowing that there is little risk of losing one’s job
labour input - manual work
labour relations [odnosi] – relations between employers and employees, managers and workers
management and unions
lead time [potrebno vrijeme] – the time needed to perform an activity
liability [obveza] – all the money that a company will have to pay to someone else in the future,
including taxes, debts, and interest and mortgage payments
life cycle – the standard pattern of sales of a product over the period that it is marketed
limited partnership [ograničeno partnerstvo] – there must be at least one working partner with
unlimited liability and others can invest capital in his firm but are liable only for the amount they have
line authority [linijski autoritet] – the power to give istructions to people at the level below in the
chain of command
line filling – adding further items in that part of a product range which a line already
line stretching [proširivanje linije] – lengthening a product line by moving either up-market or
liquidity [likvidnost] – the ease with which an asset can be spent or sold
location [lokacija] – the geographical situation of a factory or other facility
luxury [luksuz] - that is expensive and not really necessary but is pleasing and enjoyable
luxury brand [luksuzni brand] – brand that is expensive and not really necessary but is pleasing and
management [menadžment] – is a matter of organising people
managerial accounting - preparing budgets and other financial reports necessary for management
manual workers [fizički radnici] - people who work with their hands
market mix [marketinški miks] - all the various elements of marketing programme, their
integration, and the amount of effort that a company can expend on them in order to influence the
target market
market opportunities [tržišne mogućnosti] - possibilities of filling unsatisfied needs in sectors in
which a company can profitably produce goods or services
market research [istraživanje tržišta] – collecting, analysing and reporting data relevant to a
specific marketing situation
market segmentation [podjela tržišta] - dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers who have
different requirements or buying habits
market share [tržišni udio] - the sales of a company expressed as a percentage of total sales in a
given market
marketing [marketing] – is the process of planning, designing, pricing, promoting and distributing
ideas, goods and services, in order to satisfy customers needs
media planning [odabir metoda oglašavanja] - the process of planning the advertising for a product,
using different methods such as tv, newspaper, and magazines
mixed economy – an economy where some resources are allocated via the market mechanism and
some via the state
motivate [motivirati] – to inspire, to induce, to give a reson ot incentive to someone to do sth
municipal enterprise [gradsko poduzeće]- a business owned by the local authority
national campaign [nacionalna kampanja] -the advertising of a particular product or service during
a particular period of time
nationalisation [nazionalizacija] – the purchase of a private company by the public sector.
nationalised industry [državno poduzeće] – an enterprise wholly owned by the state
nationalised industry consumer council – the consumer watchdog of a nationalised industry
natural monopoly [prirodni monopol] – when only one firm has the domination on the market, has
no enemies
net [neto] - an amount after things have been taken away
niche - a small, specialized, but profitable segment of a market
opportunities [prilike] - possibilities of filling unsatisfied needs in sectors in which the company can
produce goods or services effectively
output [proizvodnja] – the amount of goods or services produced by a person, machine, factory,
company, etc.
outsourcing [kupnja prije proizvodnje proizvoda] - buying products or processed materials from
other companies rather then manufacturing them
overdraft [prekoračenje] – an arrangement by wich a customer can withdraw more from an account
than has been deposited in it
overheads [fiksni indirektni troškovi] - various expenses of operating a business that cannot be
charged to any one product, process and department (e.g. utilities)
packaging [pakiranje] - wrappers and containers in which product are sold
partnership [udruženje] - 2 or more people put in capital and share the work and profits, making up
rules as they want, but there are possible quarels among partners, all partners are liable
personal selling [osobna prodaja] - prospects for customers, spreads information about a
company’s products or services, assits with technical problems
pirate [pirati] - a person or oranization that dishonestly copies and sells films, tapes etc.
place [služba] – distribution channels, locations of points of sale, transport, etc.
plant [tvornica, pogon] – the buildings, machines, equipment and other facilities used in the
production process
point of sale [prodajno mjesto] - place where goods are sold to the public - shops, stores, kiosks,
market stalls
primary sector [primarni sektor] – agriculture and extraction of raw material from earth
privatisation [privatizacija] – selling of government-owned firms to the private sector.
producer, industrial or business market - individuals and organizations that acquire goods and
services that are used in the production of other goods, or in the supply of services to others
product [proizvod] – something useful and intended to be sold that comes from nature or is made in
a factory
product concept [koncept proizvoda] – an idea for a new product, which is tested with target
consumers before the actual product is developed
product elimination [povlačenje proizvoda] - is the process of withdrawing products from the
market when they are no longer profitable
product features [osobine proizvoda] - attributes or characteristics of a product: quality, price,
product line [proizvodni asortiman] – is a group of closely related products, which usually have the
same function and are sold to the same customer groups through the same outlets
product mix [proizvodni miks] – together,a company’s items, brands and products conslitule its
product mix
product placement – when a company pays for its products to be seen in films and TV programs
productivity [produktivnost] - the amount of output produced
profit [zarada] – excess of revenues over expenses
profitability [profitabilnost] - the extent to which an activity provides financial gain
promotion [promocija] – to be raised to a higer or better job
public corporation [javna korporacija] – an enterprise wholly owned by the state
public relations [odnosi s javnošću] - maintains, protects and improves the image of a company
public sector [javni sektor] - areas of the economy run by the local or national government (health
care, education)
quarantee/warranty [garacija] - a promise by a manufacturer or seller to repair or replace
defective goods during a certian period of time
racionalization [racionalizacija] - the use of reasoning rather than emotions or belifs
recived wisdom [primljena mudrost] – generally held beliefs
recruitment agency [agencija za zapošljavanje] - search firm
report to [odgovarati] – to be responsible to someone and to take instructions from him or her
responsibility [odgovornost] - having control of something as part of your job
revenue [prihod] - money received from the sale of goods or services
rewards [nagrada] - money or something else given in recognition of good work
rhetoric [retorika, govorništvo] – language used to persuade people to believe in something
salary [plaća] –a fixed regular payment made by employers, usually monthly, for professional or
office work
sales promotions [promocija prodaje] - temporary tactics designed to stimulate earlier or stronger
sales of a product
sales representative [osobni prodavač] - someone who contacts existing and potential customers,
and tries to persuade them to buy goods or services
secondary sector [sekundarni sektor] – manufactoring, raw materials era turned into finished
products (administration, law, finance, selling)
seniority [iskustvo] - having a higher rank because one is older
shareholders or stockholders [dioničari] - a company s owners
shelf [polica] – a surface in a store on which goods are displayed
shopping goods [kupovna dobra] - are high involvement products for which consumers generally
search for information, compare prices, and take time to make a selection
skilled [iskusan, kvalificiran] – having particular abilities, acquired by traininig
sole trader [privatnik, obrtnik]– a business owned by one person, small amount of capital, big
liability but it’s easy to set up and keeps all the profit.
speciality goods - are durable goods with unique characteristics that informed consumers have to
go to a particular store to buy
status [status, društveni položaj] - respect, prestige or importance given to someone
stock or inventory [inventar] – (the value of) raw materials, work in progress, and finished
products stored ready for sale
subcontractor [podpoduzetnik] – any company that provides goods or services for another one
subordinate [podređen] - people working under someone else in a hierarchy
target customers [ciljana mušterija] - a defined set of customers whose needs a company’s plans
to satisfy
tax accounting [računovodstvo poreza] - calculating an individual’s or a company’s liability for tax
tenore – the period of holding a job
tertiary sector [tercijarni sektor] – commercial services that help industry produce and distribute
goods to the final consumers and education, healt care, tourism
the cah flow [novčani tok] – shows the flow of cash in and out of the business between balance
sheet dates
the marketing concept [marketinški koncept] – producer’s task is to find wants and fill them (you
don’t sell what you make, you make what will be bought)
the profit and loss acount [račun dobiti i gubitka] – shows earnings and expenditure, gives figures
for total sales or turnovers or costs, expenses and overheads
the selling concept [prodajni koncept] - resisting consumers have to be persuaded by hard-selling
techinques to buy non-essutial goods or services (products are sold rather than bought)
to be offended [biti uvrijeđen] - to have hurt feelings because someone is being disrespectful
to convert itself – to change from one thing to another
to serve needs - to satisfy people's desires or requirements
to stumble on – to be uncertain, disbelieving
to be dubious – to discover something by accident
to launch a product [lansirat proizvod] - to introduce a new product onto the market
to picket [demonstrirati] - to protest outside a factory or other workplace, and try to persuade
workers and delivery drivers not to enter
to resign [napustiti, ustupiti] - to give up a job or position
to withdraw money [povući novac] - take money out of a bank account
trade union [trgovinska unija] – a union for workers with a particular type of job
traditional or subsistence economy – little specialisation, people grow their own food and make
products to fulfill their own needs
treshold effect - the point at which advertising becomes effective
trial balance [pokusna bilanca] - a test to see if all the debits and credits in a set of account books
turnover [godišnji promet] - total sales revenue of a company through the year
tyranny [tiran] – unlimited and unfairly used power
uneconomic [neekonomično] - too expensive, wasteful, loss-making
utilities [energenti] – electricity gas and water
volume [količina, volumen] – the amount of space that a substance or object contains or fills (the
total amount of something)
wages [plaća] – money paid (per hour or day or week) to manual workers
wealth [bogatstvo] - the products of economic activity
word of mouth advertising [oglašavanje, od usta do usta] - free advertising, when satisfied
customers recommend products to their frends
working to rule [raditi po pravilima] - deliberately obeying every regulation in an organization,
which severely disrupts normal operations

British – American:
a go slow – slowdown
annual General Meeting - annual stockholders meeting
bank holiday - public holiday
chairman - president
company - corporation
creditors - accounts payable
current account - checking account
curriculum vitae or CV - resume
debtors - accounts receivable
depreciation – amortization
flexitime - flextime
go-slow - slowdown
hoarding - billboard
labour - labor
managing director – chief executive officer
market research - marketing research
overheads - overhead
profit and loss account - income statement
programme - program
property - real estate
salespeople - salespersons
shareholder - stockholder
shareholders equity - stockholders equity
shop - store
stock – inventory

Prijevodi (translation):
accrued expenses - obračunati , a neplaćeni rashodi
achieve – postići, ispuniti, ostvariti
acquire (steći) a stake (uložiti novac) - kupiti
adequate wage or salary - plaća
advertising – reklamni, oglašenje
aimed – namjeren
applicant – kandidat, molitelj
application – molba
application form – molbeni obrazac
apply – primijeniti, zatražiti
apply for – prijaviti se za
apply to – primijeniti na
awareness – svjesnost
bad debt charges - rashod nastao ispravkom za sumnjiva i sporna potraživanja
bank loan - bankovni zajam
board of director – upravni odbor
candidate – kandidat
cash - novčana sredstva
caving - urušava
channel – kanal, voditi
communicate – komunicirati
consist of – sadržati
contacts with people – kontaktirati ljude
contains – sadržati, obuhvaćati
cost of sales - troškovi prodaje
creditors - obveze prema vjerovnicima
current assets - kratkotrajna imovina
current liabilities - kratkoročne obveze
debtor - dužnik
delivery - isporuka
delivery curry - dostavljač robe
depreciation - amortizacija dugotrajne imovine
design – dizajn
develop – izgraditi
developed corporate culture – kultura poslovanja
dividends - dividenda
dividends payable - dividenda
down-market - proizvodi koji su obično jeftiniji
durable - trajan
dynamic – dinamičan
effort – napor, nastojanje
employee – službenik
employer – poslodavac, gazda
employment agencies – agencije za zapošljavanje
evaluate - procijeniti, vrednovati
exceptional costs - izvanredni troškovi
fag breaks - čik pauza
feeling up -
fixed assets - dugotrajna imovina
flag - padati
frequently - učestalo
fringe benefits/perks -
gain seats - dobitak
get-together - okupljaju
good labour relations - radna snaga
good working conditions - dobri radni uvijeti
gross profit - bruto dobit
hold 59%- jointly with - biti vlasnikom nečega
hub - centar, žarište
identify – prepoznati
includes – uključiti, uračunati
influence – utjecaj
innovation – inovacija
intangible - nematerijalna imovina
interest payable - obveze za obračunate kamate
investments - financijska ulaganja
is composed of – sastavljen od
is divided into – podijeljen na
is made up of – sastavljen
item - artikl
job description – opis posla
job safety -
job vacancies – slobodna radna mjesta
jobs security -
lead other - zavarati
lengthen - produljivati, otezati
long holidays -
long-term liabilities - dugoročne obveze
loyalty – odanost, vjernost, poštenje
manageable –
maturity – zrelost, dospijeće
medium – medij, sredstvo, sredina
modify – promijeniti
mortgage - hipoteka
mounting - gomila
niche - niša
office supplies - uredske zalihe potrošnog materijala
on a supervisory bord - nadzorna komisija
open a public tender (natječaj) - otvoriti natječaj
operating expenses - rashodi redovitog poslivanja
operating profit - dobit od redovitog poslovanja
opportunities to travel – prilika za putovanje
ordering stock - naručiti zalihe
other reserves - ostale rezerve
outlet - izvor, otvor
overdraft - prekoračenje salda
peace – mir
performance – izvedba, rad
persuade – uvjeriti, nagovoriti
produce – proizvoditi, proizvod
producer – proizvođač
product – proizvod
production – proizvodnja
productive – proizvodan
productivity – produktivnost
profit after tax - dobit nakon oporezivanja
profit before tax - dobit prije oporezivanja
references – redni brojevi
rent - najamnina
represented – zastupan
resources – sredstva
responsibility - odgovornost
retain a 30% stake - zadržati udio…
retained profit - zadržana dobit
role – funkcija, uloga
salaries and wages - plaće i nadnice
sales - prihodi od prodaje
selling and marketing - prodaja i marketing
sensible – osjetljiv
setting – okolica, pozadina, postavljanje
share capital - temeljni kapital
shareholder - dioničar
shareholders funds - vlastiti kapital
short-listed – kratka lista
stend in - zamijeniti
stock - zalihe
stroppy - bad temper (loše volje)
submit (predložiti) a bid (ponuda) - dati ponudu
supervise – nadgledati, nadzirati
tactics – taktika, postupanje po planu
tangible - materijalna imovina
target – cilj
taxation - porez
to a bid for a stake in one company – natjecati se za….
toilorig - modife
total assets less liabilities - ukupna imovina umanjena za obveze
total current assets - ukupna kratkotrajna imovina
total current liabilities - ukupne kratkoročne obveze
total fixed assets - ukupna dugotrajna imovina
total operating expenses - ukupni troškovi redovitog poslovanja
total shareholders funds - ukupni vlastiti kapital
trial - pokus, iskušenje
up-market - proizvodi koji su u pravilu skuplji
valuation - procjena
withdraw - povući
workload - puno radno vrijeme
Sinonimi (istoznačnice):
a host of - a large number off
a mortician - someone who arranges funerals
a physician - a medical doctor
a plumber - someone who fixes water pipes
ailments - (non-serious) illnesses
assue – to take responsibility
bad health – illness
career - permanent job
company - corporation
convert – change
costly - expensive
current account - checking account
cut drastically - to slash pri
decline - reduction, elimination
dismantle - take a part
dispose - uses or spend
disposed off - spent, used or consumed
economize - be economical
extra income - additional revenue
fiercely competitive - a cut-throat
flexitime - clocking in
global or worldwide - planetary
go bust - go broke
grapples with - deal with
has now reached a ridiculous level - has now reached fever pitch
having a baby - maternity leave
inexpensive – low-cost
institutional - prestige
inventory - stock
major companies - corporate heavyweights
manual labour - blue-collar worker
margin – mark-up
motivation - job satisfaction
obvious – evident
office work - white collar worker
official value of an asset - the book value
on our behalf - done for us
outsourcing - contracting out
pay a lot of money for - spent a fortune
poor or unemployed people – the underclass
profit margin - mark-up
property - real estate
redicoulous level - fever pitch
remembered (or not forgotten) – born in mind
rich or wealthy people - affluent
severe measures against law-breakers - crackdown
shareholder - stockholder
shop - store
spend a fortune - cost the ea
successes – achievements
to coerce - to compel people to do sth against their will
to cut drastically - to slash their prices
to resort to force - to use violence
took 40c off - knocked 40c off
total sales before costs are deducted - turnover
unnwillingly (not eagerly) - reluctant
went banrupt - went to the wall
Suprotnosti (oposites):
a fail - increase
a superior - subordinated
account payble - account receivable
appoint a manager - dissmised
assertive - timid
assets - liability
assume responsibility - delegeted
business failure - success achivment
cautions and careful - happy to take risks
compulsory - course
current assets (kratk. imov.) - fixed assets (dug. imov.)
debit - credit
debtor - creditor
decisive - liking consensus and conciliation
demand - supply
depozite money - to withdraw money
employer - unemployer
free market economy - planned economy
group oriented - individualistic
income/revenue (prihodi) - expenditure (izdaci)
intuitive - logical, rational and analytic
lay off a person - haire
liberal - conservative
long term liabilities - current liabilities
long term loan - short term loan
loss - profit
make a payment - received a payment
nationalize - privatize
net - gross
own - your
part time student - full time student
payable (plativo) - receivable (prihvatljivo)
postgraduate student - ungraduate student
private sector - public sector
profit - loss
purchase - sell
retail - wholesale trade
self-conscious - self confident
shortage - surplus
spend - earn
strengths - wicknesess
tangible assets (materijalna imovina) - intangible assets (nematerijalna imovina)

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