Story Telling

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Once upon a time, not far from a jungle, lived a husband and a wife. They were diligent farmers and
always worked hard in the paddy fields. They had been married for many years and were childless. Every
day they prayed for a child.

One night, while they were praying, a giant passed by their home. The giant heard them pray and said:

“Don’t worry. I can help you. But you must return the child to me on her 17th birthday.”

They were so happy that they did not think about the risk of losing their child later and agreed to every
condition set by the giant. The giant gave them a few of cucumber seeds. The farmers took utmost care
in planting and tenting the seeds.

Soon enough, the cucumber plants grew and a big golden cucumber grew in the plants. The farmers
plucked the ripened cucumber and cut it open. They were astonished to see a beautiful child inside the
cucumber. They adopted the child as their own daughter and named her Timun Mas (Golden Cucumber).
Timun Mas grew into a beautiful girl under her parents’ loving care.

On her 17th birthday, Timun’s parents remembered their promise and became very sad. They knew they
had to keep their promise to the giant but they also did not want to lose their beloved daughter. They
called Timun Mas aside and said:

“My daughter, take this bag. It can save you from the giant,” said the father.

“What giant? What do you mean, Father? I don’t understand,” said Timun Mas. The farmers narrated the
story of her birth to Timun Mas.

Right then, the giant entered their house.

“Run Timun Mas. Save your life!” said the mother.

The giant grew angry when he heard this. Timun Mas had started running. He ran after her. Timun Mas
looked behind and saw that the giant was getting closer and closer.

She opened the bag and threw a handful of salt at him. It became a sea. The giant had to swim to cross
the sea. When she saw that the giant was nearing her again, she opened the bag and threw some chilly
in his path. The chillies grew and formed a jungle blocking his way. The sharp thorns on the trees hurt the

He cut away the trees and continued chasing Timun Mas. Timun Mas took her third magic stuff. It was
cucumber seeds. She threw them and they turned into a cucumber field. The giant’s legs were tangled in
the cucumber creepers and he kept falling down.
Still the giant managed to escape and continued running after Timun Mas. Timun searched her bag
again. She had one last magic stuff in the bag. It was a shrimp paste, terasi. She threw it at him and the
terasi turned into a big swamp.

The giant tried to swim across the swamp. But he was very tired by now and drowned in the swamp and
died. Seeing that the giant had met his end, Timun Mas was happy and went back home. Timun’s parents
were happy to see their daughter return and the family was finally together again.

Tujuan Storytelling
 Menciptakan suasana senang.
 Memberi kesenangaan, kegembiraan, kenikmatan mengembangakan
imajinasi pendengar.
 Memberi pengalaman baru dan mengembangakan wawasan pendengar.
 Dapat memberikan pemahaman yang baik tentang diri mereka sendiri dan
orang lain di sekitar merek
 Dapat memberi pengalaman baru termasuk di dalamnya masalah
kehidupan yang ada di lingkungan.
 Pendengar belajar berbicara dalam gaya yang menyenangakan serta
menambah pembendaharaan kata dan bahasanya
 Melatih daya tangkap dan daya konsentrasi pendengar.
 Melatih daya pikir dan fantasi pendengar.
 Menanamkan nilai-nilai budi pekerti.

1. Menumbuhkan jiwa patriotisme

2. Melatih daya tangkap dan daya konsentrasi anak didik.
3. Melatih daya pikir dan fantasi anak.
4. Menciptakan suasana senang di sekolah.
5. Menanamkan nilai-nilai budi pekerti

langkah langkah

1. Guru mengelompokkan siswa dalam beberapa kelompok kecil yang terdiri dari lima orang.
2. Guru menugaskan masing-masing kelompok mengambil gambar yang sudah disiapkan guru.
3. Masing-masing kelompok menugaskan salah seorang temannya utnuk mencatat.
4. Guru menugaskan setiap kelompok untuk menciptakan cerita pendek berdasarkan gambar yang diambil
5. Siswa yang bertugas sebagai pencatat, menuliskan cerita kelompok mereka.
6. Guru meminta kepada siswa untuk mengumpulkan hasil tulisannya.
7. Setiap kelompok diminta untuk melakukan pengecekan terhadap apa yang ditulis oleh kelompok lain.
8. Guru menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dan memberitahukan hasil tulisan siswa.
Unsur instrinsik cerita rakyat "Timun Mas"

1) Tema : keberanian dalam menghadapi kejahatan

2) Tokoh:

- tokoh utama = Timun Mas

- tokoh pendamping = sepasang suami istri petani (Bu Simin, Pak Simin), Raksasa

3) Penokohan

- Protagonis = Timun Mas

- Antagonis = Raksasa

- Tritagonis : Bu Simin dan Pak Simin

4) Alur = maju, diceritakan secara runtut dari awal hingga akhir

5) Latar

- Latar tempat : daerah pedesaan yang sunyi, di kebun timun, di hutan

- Latar waktu = pada jaman dahulu

- Latar suasana = mengharukan, menegangkan

6) sudut pandang : Orang ketiga tunggal

7) Amanat :

- Bila berjanji harus ditepati. Bila tidak sanggup, sebaiknya tidak berjanji.

- Selalu berusaha melalui masalah seberat apa pun.

- Jangan mudah menyerah.

- Selalu patuh kepada kedua orang tua.

Simak lebih lanjut di -


The Hungry Mouse

There was a little mouse named Mogey. He was very hungry. Mogey looked for food near his hole.
He saw a house with the door open. He entered the house and ran to the store room. There was a big
sack of rice. Mogey ran around the rice sack. He found a small hole in the sack. He got in to the rice
sack through the small hole.

Mogey started eating the rice grains and his stomach became full. Mogey thought "So much rice is
here, I will eat as much I want!"
He did not stop eating rice. His stomach started becoming big. After sometime, Mogey's stomach
became big and round like a ball.Now he could not come out the hole in the rice sack. He started
fearing for his life. If someone sees him in the sack, he will be beaten.

In fear, Mogey shouted "Help! Help!". Another mouse heard his voice.
He came and asked " Who is this shouting for help?"
Mogey replied, " I am Mogey, stuck inside the sack! Please pull me out of the hole, I am unable to
come out of it!"
The other mouse made a big hole in the sack with his teeth and pulled Mogey out.

Mogey thanked the other mouse. With surprise, it asked Mogey, "How did you go inside the sack?"
Mogey told, "When I went in, my stomach was empty. I easily went inside the sack through the small
hole. I became greedy and ate too much and I could not come out!'
The other mouse advised him not to be greedy and left the place. Mogey returned to his

Jangan bersikap serakah, syukurilah segala sesuatu yang sudah kita miliki. Keserakahannya
akan membawa bencana seperti yang dialami

Jauhilah keserakahan, karena keserakahan merupakan sifat buruk yang akan

merugikan diri kita sendiri"

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