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Fi ndi ng

by ho
To tog
dd ra
Bu phy

Y oga is peace of mind, body and spirit. Its uni-

versal appeal offers many benefits. You may
ask, “Why would I want to explore yoga?” Initially
it may be to become more flexible—to be healthier, to
take your mind away from worries. Yoga can be those
things, but also something more—or maybe something
less. Practicing yoga is a truly effective way to unwind, re-
lax and yet be super-conscious of everything and nothing at
once. In those sweet moments, obstacles to peace vanish.
Often considered merely an exercise option, yoga itself
Yoga instructor Valerie
is more a state of calm—though the term yoga can refer to
the actual routine, concept of union or both. Originating in
Midgett lends her
India thousands of years ago, Yoga systems may appear foreign,
skilled hands to Lesley
yet parallels exist between its practices and our daily lives. Just
Hudson, gracefully as some people are more physical, mental, devotional, do good
performing the deeds or combinations thereof, the classical systems of yoga re-
“Inclined Plane” yoga flect and focus on one, some or all of our best temperaments and
pose at Neighborhood tendencies.
Yoga in Boone.

120 High Country Magazine August 2009 August 2009 High Country Magazine 121
An Interview
“Now more than with Valerie Midgett of Neighborhood Yoga of Boone

ever there is a need Why did you build Neighborhood

Yoga in Boone?
cause basic does not necessarily mean gentle;
I would suggest that they go to the gentle class.

for inner peace.”

My hope was that if I built it that The gentle class can be for anybody. It can be
they would come. They have come for an octogenarian, it can be for somebody that
and that has been great. I feel that is recovering from an injury, somebody who has
if people want to find us they will just experienced childbirth or maybe just some-
find us. It was less about building one with a very limited range of motion. It is not
a studio and more about building just for the elderly. But there is a difference be-
community. tween basic and gentle. In basic we really take
time to break down very specific alignment for
How did you get into yoga? individuals within the postures. Not that we are
What brought me into yoga— not doing that in gentle but we’re taking a differ-
what brings a lot of people into ent approach and emphasis.
yoga—was the physical part. It I would also like to address our teacher-train-
was a great balance for some of ing program. Some individuals go through the
the other physical things I was doing nine-month training specifically to teach, while
like dance. It wasn’t until years into others are more interested in deepening their
the practice I realized there was so own practice and experiencing some of the oth-
much more to yoga than the physical er aspects of yoga including the philosophical
benefits. And that’s when it opened and spiritual aspects.
up a whole new world to me. That is Those teachers are now going out into the
the road that keeps me coming back to community and taking yoga way beyond the set-
yoga again and again and will keep me ting of the studio. They are teaching at places
in yoga as a lifelong practice. like Watauga Youth Network, Crossnore School,
Of course I still love the physical. I’m a OASIS, the pubic schools, Hospitality House,
very physical person and that part appeals with breast cancer patients, pulmonary patients
to me—all the postures. It was not until later and in the Latino and Hispanic community and
that I found out there was this whole other beyond. They are teaching in all different aspects
world of emotional, spiritual, ethical aspects of the community. That of course really reflects
that are all yoga. What I’ve found over the years the studio in such a positive light and demon-
is that what I learn on my mat during my asana strates where yoga can take people. There is a
(postures) practice, whether it be compassion, yoga class and teacher out there for anyone who
whether it be non-judgment, acceptance, all of keeps an open mind about it. You’re never too
the things that I explore and learn from my yoga old or too young. Our youngest students here are
practice I can apply to the rest of my life. So that newborns or actually not even born yet. We do
it is not just this self-serving practice for me but pre-natal and mama-baby yoga.
one that affects everybody around me as well. We are also part of a nonprofit chapter called
What it allows me to do is take my yoga off Karma Krew. We go out into the community every
the mat. Through my asana practice I can hone month. We take yoga into the community and do
in on those things. I can practice mindfulness, a service project with a particular organization.

M ost styles of yoga taught in the West are derived from

Hatha Yoga, which helps practicioners develop control
over physical and physiological states through specific poses
some, tough times become a personal wake-up call to find calm
within turmoil. We go on diets, exercise kicks, stir our religious
fervor, explore hobbies, hug trees—all good things, yet often
and then from there I can take that into the world.
Rather than react to the world emotionally, in-
So we have been to the community gardens,
we have been up to Beech Mountain to Genesis
Wildlife, up to Elk Knob doing trail maintenance,
stead I can act with mindfulness and integrity.
called asanas, or breathing and relaxation techniques. This transitory. By working at happiness—as if it is somehow outside And that is what my yoga practice has brought we’ve been to OASIS—the list goes on and on.
is the yoga we usually hear about. Hatha is a Sanskrit word, ourselves or distant—we may be placing it on a shelf just out of me. That is what is most dear to me. That is part of our community service project.
translated “sun-moon,” that means balance. Sanskrit is the an- reach. Perhaps things are easier than we think. Along comes yoga To me, everything is yoga. Everything is yoga! In addition to about 15 classes a week in vari-
cient Indian language of yoga and its teachings, but learning and it says, “Hey, we all already are a very beautiful complete It is that idea of union. So I think that in every ous levels and styles of yoga, we also do an an-
aspect of our life we can learn through yoga. nual yoga retreat, this year in Maya Tulum, Mexico
or using the Sanskrit terms is not required or, in many yoga living being, capable of much, and all we have to do is remain
Whether that union is with your own body, your from November 21 to 28.
classes, not even used. calm.” Yoga reveals this quite naturally by simple practice.
Yoga’s compatibility with modern day-to-day life recently Finding out about yoga is easier than ever these days. You may mind, your breath or with your inner self, the di-
vine self. Whatever it is, it is all yoga. I think it Is there anything you would like to share
dawned close to home. I asked my father Nick how he was do- hear about it from friends or family. You can take a class from a
just teaches us a lot of these lessons. about yoga in general?
ing and what he’d been up to. He told me of his yard work, of qualified teacher, find out about it in books, the Internet, from
I would like to leave you with a quote from one
his and Mom’s exercise class at the YMCA and of his new yoga libraries, local or international yoga centers, television or videos. of my teacher’s teachers, Swami Satchidananda:
What about options for seniors?
class. He wants to stay healthy, be relaxed, pain-free and main- The High Country features several local options for exploring “Yoga is not about how flexible or how strong
We had a 95-year-old woman in class re-
tain flexibility. He found a yoga-for-seniors class near his home yoga. In downtown Boone, Valerie Midgett has dedicated her life cently and she was my inspiration as a teach- you are, but instead it’s about having an easeful
and attends when he can. Now that’s inspirational, considering to sharing yoga with the community in a grand way. She and her er. Her daughter brought her here. As far as body, peaceful mind and useful life.”
he began yoga just prior to turning 80. husband Ed have, by design, built the Neighborhood Yoga center someone coming here who is 80 years old, I Namaste.
Throughout human existence, one could nearly always say, on Water Street from the ground up exclusively for yoga. would send them not to the basic class be-
“Now more than ever there is need for inner peace.” And for Yoga in our contemporary Western culture of a new millenni-
122 High Country Magazine August 2009 August 2009 High Country Magazine 123
Many yoga poses are not difficult. of wisdom basically explains: Yoga is a
A Simple
Octogenarians Nick and Dorothy Bush
practice “Mountain Pose” which improves,
calm mind, which reveals peace. Other-
wise, stuff happens. Meditation
The book goes on to elaborate on yoga’s
posture, balance and self-awareness. components: leading a responsible whole-
some life, exercising your mind and body,
relaxing and ultimately being clear or Meditation is also yoga. Meditation and
realizing we already are clear once calm. yoga techniques encourage healthiness of
The eight components of yoga are: ethical mind and body. Here is a simple meditation exercise.
living, moral soundness, healthy posture,
breathing with vitality, worthy focus, 1. In a quiet place, find a comfortable
openness, meditative calm and oneness. upright-seated position.
Meditation is also yoga. Meditation and
yoga techniques encourage healthiness 2. Close your eyes, breathe and relax.
of mind and body. Roy Eugene Davis, a
3. As you breath in, mentally recite,
Western authority on yoga stated, “Medi-
tation and yoga are natural processes of hear or feel “calm.” As you breathe out,
withdrawing attention from external con- mentally recite, hear or feel “peace.”
um is evolving and taking on many forms, Yoga is classically taught from teacher ditions and directing it inward to a cho-
sen focus of concentration. Side-benefits Any word or phrase you relate to
some more authentic than others. to student of any age, interest and back- can be used in the technique above.
Yoga techniques emerged as procedures ground, from many levels of motivation of regular meditation and yoga have been
Synchronize the word or phrase with your
to restore wholeness. Yoga is not a reli- and abilities. Originally it was passed widely reported. These can include stress
natural breathing rhythm for 10 minutes
gion and is practiced by followers of all down through oral tradition, and then reduction, strengthening of the body’s im-
or more. Try it every day for a week, then
traditions as well as by those of no affili- sometime around 2,500 years ago a mune system, improving powers of con- longer if you like. Should you at any point
ations. Anyone can practice yoga. One of scholar from India is credited with writ- centration, memory and slowing of bio- in meditation find yourself residing in
the clearest explanations describes Yoga as ing a revealing, concise but comprehensive logic aging processes. For these reasons, thought-free silence, just abide there in the
a unification of attention and awareness manual on yoga known as Patanjali’s Yoga regular meditation and yoga are now in- stillness and leave off the technique.
with our essence of being. Sutras. This guidebook in its first threads creasingly recommended by many physi-
cians and other health practitioners.”

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124 High Country Magazine August 2009 August 2009 High Country Magazine 125
Blowing Rock EstatE JEwElRy

Below: Master sitar musician Hasu Patel and her student

Todd Bush reunited for a tour of yoga ashrams of India
this year are shown here in Baligai. Hasu performs
concerts and workshops on yoga’s connection with
music. Photo by Anil Patel

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Top: Meditation retreat attendees in “Cobra Pose”
during morning Hatha Yoga classes. This pose or
posture can be done a number of ways, including BROKER / REALTOR
gently without much stretch. Like many yoga BLUE RIDGE REALTY AND INVESTMENTS , LLC
poses, the “Cobra Pose” is best practiced while
observing physical limitations and under the
guidance of a qualified teacher.

Above: Roy Eugene Davis explains a specific type of

yoga known as Kriya Yoga, which uses intentional

G rowing up as a Catholic boy ques- tation retreat, which also offered daily friends, Caron & Jack Krier, formerly actions to restore the practitioner’s awareness to
tioning the norm in the transitional Hatha Yoga classes by guest teacher of the High Country, now teach yoga to wholeness.
1970s, I reveled in yoga and Eastern phi- Norma Chirolla of the Yoga Institute nearly 400 students a week in Florida.
losophy books furnished by my well-read of Atlanta. After a week of training and During our visits together they graciously
easy and some more challenging. DEVELOPMENTS , EXQUISITE HOMES ,
brother Bruce. The 1970s were an early Norma’s instructional video in hand, I suggest postures and adjustments to my LAND , COMMERCIAL PROPERTY
era for yoga when it gained a more pub- refined a more serious home practice. practice, which have also greatly helped. India is another story in itself, where
licly accessible popularity in Western so- Being a homebody regarding anything My next major boost came while trav- yoga is life. One example reflecting this
TOLL FREE : 877/ 962-1986
was found along a two-mile stretch of
LOCAL : 828/ 263-8711
ciety. Transcendental Meditation, Bible that resembles exercise (other than hik- eling in India this past January, where
and Gita study, yoga classes, metaphysical ing, biking and swimming), home study I learned the time-honored Sivananda beach on the east coast of India’s Bay of
explorations and nightly reads from Auto- works out best for me (though each time 90-minute daily yoga routine. This partic- Bengal in beautiful Pondicherry. Each sun- MOBILE : 828/ 773-9491
rise finds forms of folks silhouetted on the
biography of a Yogi captivated my teenage I get around a real teacher or am in a ular routine includes: relaxation, breath- EMAIL :
attentions. classroom setting, it’s obviously a more ing exercises, sun salutations (a flowing shoreline expressing yoga, meditation and
In 2007, I attended a weeklong medi- effective track for proper form). Two dear warm-up series) plus 12 postures—some breathing exercises side by side.

126 High Country Magazine August 2009 August 2009 High Country Magazine 127
Finding your peace can be anywhere. These

B ack in the states on the grounds of

a meditation retreat my wife Lo-
rie and I recently attended, an idyllic,
centers (or ashrams) in India, manages
to run on a donation basis without even
suggesting amounts.
exquisitely spun tales of his turn of the
century childhood discoveries of the
seemingly plentiful and amazing yoga
Pondicherry, India residents and visitors greet
the day at water’s edge. May your happiness,
pre-dawn spring morning complete Morning talks introducing and in- masters of India he encountered. The however you know it, be with you always.
with birdcalls and a gentle sky glow structing various meditation practices book explains the teachings of yoga
awakened us from peaceful slumber. were given by Roy Eugene Davis, the while releasing the imagination and
Venus was piercing the eastern sky director of the yoga center. A teacher inspiring inner exploration.
through tall pines and our window’s of yoga meditation for more than 50
wispy sheers. We spent a fun, relax-
ing, even enlightening week learning
of yoga, meditation and Ayurveda—
years, Davis was born on a farm in Ohio
and began his interest in yoga by read-
ing books from his local public library.
T hrough study, classes, meditation
and practice, the highlight of it all
for me was to share in yoga with my
an ancient Indian science promoting One book in particular, Autobiography Dad one fine day and look over at him
complete health. of a Yogi, attracted him at age 18 to head as we concluded. With both of our
Each day’s events began with half west to California to meet its author. hands joined prayerfully, we sat con-
an hour of meditation and an option- There he found and later became initi- nected to what connects us all. “Na-
al hour of Hatha Yoga, followed by a ated into Kriya Yoga and how to teach maste” we whisper. This wonderful
wholesome breakfast. The meals, all it by Paramahansa Yogananda, whose blessing or greeting that means I bow
delicious, organic and vegetarian were landmark book, originally published in to that in you, which is the same as that
all served with much love by staff and 1946, introduced millions worldwide w
in all of us.
volunteers. This retreat, like many yoga to yoga—myself included. Yogananda

For More
(on the resources mentioned in this article)

Neighborhood Yoga: Roy Eugene Davis, Hasu Patel, Meditation Retreats and CSA Sitarist and classical
212 Water Street, Boone, N.C. 28607 Indian music/yoga
828-265-0377 P.O. Box 7, Lakemont, Ga. 30552-0001 workshop facilitator.
Like many yoga studios, the windowsill and
cutline cutline cutline cutline cutline cutline cutline cutline
surroundings of Neighborhood Yoga reflect a
Monthly Classes on Foundations cutline cutline cutline cutline cutline cutline cutline cutline
unique mixture of east meets west. After all, yoga
of Yoga by Todd Bush Sivananda Yoga Centers Worldwide
cutline cutline cutline cutline cutline cutline

represents a union.

There are additional yoga instruction options in the High Country.

For listings - please check local newspapers and the internet.
128 High Country Magazine August 2009 August 2009 High Country Magazine 129

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