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SABH Day-and-Night

Debate Motions

A. PH Politics and Governance

1. THBT vandalism is a valid form of protest art

2. THP two-party system (political party) over multi-party system
3. Assuming it were feasible, THW replace representative democracy with direct democracy

B. Gender and Feminism

1. THBT laws concerning reproductive rights should subject to a women-only referendum

2. THBT LGBT groups should actively seek to include Side B Christians.
Info Slide: Side B Christians are Christians who identify as experiencing same sex attraction
but nevertheless believe that homosexual sex is sinful and therefore attempt to remain
3. THW include homosexuality in children’s stories

C. Media

1. THBT “Raffy Tulfo in Action” has done more harm than good
2. THBT it is legitimate for individuals to punish people they deem to have committed online
harassment by exposing their identity online
3. THO the use of Greta Thunberg image as a representative of the environmental movement

D. International Relations

1. THBT America should stop being the world’s policeman

2. THBT countries should invest political energies and monetary resources into regional
organizations (e.g. African Union, ASEAN) as opposed to global organizations
3. THBT countries should hold referenda before engaging in wars

E. Economics

1. THW suspend welfare and public services in exchange for a universal guaranteed basic
income grant

Info Slide: Universal Basic Income is a model for providing all citizens of a country with a given
sum of money, regardless of their income, resources, or employment status.

2. THBT the world's poor would be justified in pursuing complete Marxist revolution.

3. THW put a cap on the amount of wealth an individual can accumulate.


1. THBT consumer-based activism and green consumption has done more harm than good

2. THW exempt indigenous communities from law relating to environmental protection

3. TH, as a developing country, would prioritize economic concerns even at the expense of the

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