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G.R. No.

109491 February 28, 2001 Atrium, jointly and severally, the amount of P2 million corresponding
to the value of the four checks, plus interest and attorney's fees.
vs. The CA modified the trial court and absolved Hi-Cement Corporation
COURT OF APPEALS, E.T. HENRY AND CO., LOURDES from liability and dismissing the complaint as against it.
CORPORATION, respondents. CA: (1) Lourdes M. de Leon was not authorized to issue the subject
checks in favor of E.T. Henry, Inc.; (2) The issuance of the subject
---------------------------------------- checks by Lourdes M. de Leon and the late Antonio de las Alas
constituted ultra vires acts; and (3) The subject checks were not
G.R. No. 121794 February 28, 2001 issued for valuable consideration.

LOURDES M. DE LEON, petitioner, Hence, the recourse to this Court.

COURT OF APPEALS, ATRIUM MANAGEMENT CORPORATION, Whether or not the issuance of the checks was an ultra vires act NO
Lourdes M. de Leon is the treasurer of the corporation and is
Atrium Management Corporation filed with the RTC - Manila an action authorized to sign checks for the corporation. At the time of the
for collection of the proceeds of four RCBC postdated checks in the issuance of the checks, there were sufficient funds in the bank to
total amount of P2 million. cover payment of the amount of P2 million pesos.

Corporate Signatories: Lourdes M. de Leon (treasurer) and late It is, however, our view that there is basis to rule that the act of
Antonio de las Alas (Chairman) issuing the checks was well within the ambit of a valid corporate
act, for it was for securing a loan to finance the activities of the
Hi-Cement Corporation issued checks (signed by treasurer and corporation, hence, not an ultra vires act.
chairman) in favor of E.T. Henry and Co. Inc., as payee.
"An ultra vires act is one committed outside the object for which a
E.T. Henry and Co., Inc. endorsed the four checks to petitioner Atrium corporation is created as defined by the law of its organization
Management Corporation for valuable consideration. and therefore beyond the power conferred upon it by law." The
term "ultra vires" is "distinguished from an illegal act for the former is
Upon presentment for payment, the drawee bank dishonored all four merely voidable which may be enforced by performance, ratification,
checks for the common reason "payment stopped". Atrium, thus, or estoppel, while the latter is void and cannot be validated."
instituted this action after its demand for payment of the value of the
checks was denied. Whether or not Lourdes M. de Leon and Antonio de las Alas were
personally liable for the checks issued as corporate officers and
The RTC ordered Lourdes M. de Leon, her husband Rafael de Leon, authorized signatories of the check YES (Lourdes); NO (Alas)
E.T. Henry and Co., Inc. and Hi-Cement Corporation to pay petitioner
Personal liability of a corporate director, trustee or officer along A holder in due course is a holder who has taken the instrument
(although not necessarily) with the corporation may so validly attach, under the following conditions:
as a rule, only when:
(a) That it is complete and regular upon its face;
1. He assents (a) to a patently unlawful act of the corporation, or (b)
for bad faith or gross negligence in directing its affairs, or (c) for (b) That he became the holder of it before it was overdue, and
conflict of interest, resulting in damages to the corporation, its without notice that it had been previously dishonored, if such
stockholders or other persons; was the fact;

2. He consents to the issuance of watered down stocks or who, having (c) That he took it in good faith and for value;
knowledge thereof, does not forthwith file with the corporate secretary
his written objection thereto; (d) That at the time it was negotiated to him he had no notice of
any infirmity in the instrument or defect in the title of the person
3. He agrees to hold himself personally and solidarily liable with the negotiating it.
corporation; or
In the instant case, the checks were crossed checks and specifically
4. He is made, by a specific provision of law, to personally answer for indorsed for deposit to payee's account only. From the beginning,
his corporate action. Atrium was aware of the fact that the checks were all for deposit only
to payee's account, meaning E.T. Henry. Clearly, then, Atrium could
In the case at bar, Lourdes M. de Leon and Antonio de las Alas as not be considered a holder in due course.
treasurer and Chairman of Hi-Cement were authorized to issue the
checks. However, Ms. de Leon was negligent when she signed the However, it does not follow as a legal proposition that simply because
confirmation letter requested by Mr. Yap of Atrium and Mr. Henry of petitioner Atrium was not a holder in due course for having taken the
E.T. Henry for the rediscounting of the crossed checks issued in instruments in question with notice that the same was for deposit only
favor of E.T. Henry. She was aware that the checks were strictly to the account of payee E.T. Henry that it was altogether precluded
endorsed for deposit only to the payee's account and not to be from recovering on the instrument. The Negotiable Instruments Law
further negotiated. What is more, the confirmation letter contained a does not provide that a holder not in due course can not recover
clause that was not true, that is, "that the checks issued to E.T. Henry on the instrument.
were in payment of Hydro oil bought by Hi-Cement from E.T. Henry".
Her negligence resulted in damage to the corporation. Hence, Ms. de The disadvantage of Atrium in not being a holder in due course is
Leon may be held personally liable therefor. that the negotiable instrument is subject to defenses as if it were
non-negotiable. One such defense is absence or failure of
Whether or not petitioner Atrium was a holder of the checks in due consideration.
course NO

Section 52 (Negotiable Instruments Law) defines a holder in due

G.R. No. 80599 September 15, 1989 reason. Hence, defendant through counsel was constrained to file a
criminal complaint for violation of Batas Pambansa Blg. 22 with the
ERNESTINA CRISOLOGO-JOSE, petitioner, Quezon City Fiscal's Office against Atty. Oscar Z. Benares and
vs. plaintiff Ricardo S. Santos, Jr. The investigating Assistant City Fiscal,
COURT OF APPEALS and RICARDO S. SANTOS, JR. in his own Alfonso Llamas, accordingly filed an amended information with the
behalf and as Vice-President for Sales of Mover Enterprises, court charging both Oscar Benares and Ricardo S. Santos, Jr., for
Inc., respondents. violation of Batas Pambansa Blg. 22 before the CFI of Rizal, Quezon
Mover Enterprises: Plaintiff Ricardo S. Santos, Jr. (VP – marketing
and sales) and Atty. Oscar Z. Benares (President). Meanwhile, during the preliminary investigation of the criminal charge,
plaintiff Ricardo S. Santos, Jr. tendered cashier's check No. CC
Atty. Benares, in accommodation of his clients (spouses Jaime and 160152 for P45,000.00 to the defendant Ernestina Crisologo-Jose, the
Clarita Ong), issued Check No. 093553 drawn against Traders Royal complainant in that criminal case. The defendant refused to receive
Bank (P45,000.00) payable to defendant Ernestina Crisologo-Jose. the cashier's check in payment of the dishonored check in the amount
Since the check was under the account of Mover Enterprises, Inc., the of P45,000.00. Hence, plaintiff encashed the aforesaid cashier's
same was to be signed by its president, Atty. Oscar Z. Benares, and check and subsequently deposited said amount with the Clerk of
the treasurer of the said corporation. However, since at that time, the Court. Incidentally, the cashier's check adverted to above was
treasurer of Mover Enterprises was not available, Atty. Benares purchased by Atty. Oscar Z. Benares and given to the plaintiff herein
prevailed upon the plaintiff, Ricardo S. Santos, Jr., to sign the to be applied in payment of the dishonored check.
aforesaid check as an alternate story. Plaintiff Ricardo S. Santos, Jr.
did sign the check. The trial court dismissed plaintiff’s complaint and defendant's
It appears that the check was issued to defendant Ernestina
Crisologo-Jose in consideration of the waiver or quitclaim by said The CA reversed and set aside said judgment of dismissal and
defendant over a certain property which the GSIS agreed to sell to the revived the complaint for consignation, directing the trial court to give
clients of Atty. Oscar Benares with the understanding that upon due course thereto.
approval by the GSIS of the compromise agreement with the spouses
Ong, the check will be encashed accordingly. However, since the Hence, the instant petition, the assignment of errors wherein are
compromise agreement was not approved within the expected period prefatorily stated and discussed seriatim.
of time, the aforesaid check for P45,000.00 was replaced by Atty.
Benares with another Traders Royal Bank cheek bearing No. 379299 Whether or not Ricardo Santos, one of the signatories of the check
in the same amount of P45,000.00. This replacement check was also issued under the account of Mover Enterprises, Inc., is an
signed by Atty. Oscar Z. Benares and by the plaintiff Ricardo S. accommodation party under the Negotiable Instruments Law and a
Santos, Jr. When defendant deposited this replacement check with debtor of petitioner to the extent of the amount of said check NO
her account at Family Savings Bank, Mayon Branch, it was
dishonored for insufficiency of funds. A subsequent re-depositing of Sec. 29. Liability of accommodation party an accommodation party is
the said check was likewise dishonored by the bank for the same one who has signed the instrument as maker, drawer, acceptor, or
indorser, without receiving value therefor, and for the purpose of only if specifically authorized to do so. Corollarily, corporate
lending his name to some other person. Such a person is liable on the officers, such as the president and vice-president, have no power to
instrument to a holder for value, notwithstanding such holder, at the execute for mere accommodation a negotiable instrument of the
time of taking the instrument, knew him to be only an accommodation corporation for their individual debts or transactions arising from or in
party. relation to matters in which the corporation has no legitimate concern.
Since such accommodation paper cannot thus be enforced against
Consequently, to be considered an accommodation party, a the corporation, especially since it is not involved in any aspect of the
person must (1) be a party to the instrument, signing as maker, corporate business or operations, the inescapable conclusion in law
drawer, acceptor, or indorser, (2) not receive value therefor, and and in logic is that the signatories thereof shall be personally liable
(3) sign for the purpose of lending his name for the credit of therefor, as well as the consequences arising from their acts in
some other person. connection therewith.

Based on the foregoing requisites, it is not a valid defense that The fact that for lack of capacity the corporation is not bound by an
the accommodation party did not receive any valuable accommodation paper does not thereby absolve, but should render
consideration when he executed the instrument. xxx Nevertheless, personally liable, the signatories of said instrument where the
he is liable to a holder for value as if the contract was not for facts show that the accommodation involved was for their
accommodation in whatever capacity such accommodation party personal account, undertaking or purpose and the creditor was
signed the instrument, whether primarily or secondarily. Thus, it has aware thereof.
been held that in lending his name to the accommodated party,
the accommodation party is in effect a surety for the latter. Petitioner, as hereinbefore explained, was evidently charged with the
knowledge that the cheek was issued at the instance and for the
Section 29 of the Negotiable Instruments Law does not include personal account of Atty. Benares who merely prevailed upon
nor apply to corporations which are accommodation respondent Santos to act as co-signatory in accordance with the
parties. This is because the issue or indorsement of negotiable arrangement of the corporation with its depository bank. That it was a
paper by a corporation without consideration and for the personal undertaking of said corporate officers was apparent to
accommodation of another is ultra vires. Hence, one who has petitioner by reason of her personal involvement in the financial
taken the instrument with knowledge of the accommodation nature arrangement and the fact that, while it was the corporation's check
thereof cannot recover against a corporation where it is only an which was issued to her for the amount involved, she actually had no
accommodation party. If the form of the instrument, or the nature of transaction directly with said corporation.
the transaction, is such as to charge the indorsee with knowledge that
the issue or indorsement of the instrument by the corporation is for the Whether or not creditor-debtor relationship exists between the parties,
accommodation of another, he cannot recover against the corporation hence consignation is proper YES
As previously discussed, however, respondent Santos is an
By way of exception, an officer or agent of a corporation shall accommodation party and is, therefore, liable for the value of the
have the power to execute or indorse a negotiable paper in the check. The fact that he was only a co-signatory does not detract from
name of the corporation for the accommodation of a third person his personal liability. A co-maker or co-drawer under the
circumstances in this case is as much an accommodation party On appeal, the CA affirmed the trial court with modification.
as the other co-signatory or, for that matter, as a lone signatory
in an accommodation instrument. Under the doctrine in Philippine Hence, this petition for review on certiorari.
Bank of Commerce vs. Aruego, supra, he is in effect a co-surety for
the accommodated party with whom he and his co-signatory, as Whether or not the promissory note in question is a negotiable
the other co-surety, assume solidary liability ex lege for the debt instrument which will bar completely all the available defenses of the
involved. With the dishonor of the check, there was created a petitioner against Filinvest YES
debtor-creditor relationship, as between Atty. Benares and respondent
Santos, on the one hand, and petitioner, on the other. This Petitioner's liability on the promissory note, the due execution and
circumstance enables respondent Santos to resort to an action of genuineness of which she never denied under oath is, under the
consignation where his tender of payment had been refused by foregoing factual milieu, as inevitable as it is clearly established.
The records reveal that involved herein is not a simple case of
G.R. No. 76788 January 22, 1990 assignment of credit as petitioner would have it appear, where the
assignee merely steps into the shoes of, is open to all defenses
JUANITA SALAS, petitioner, available against and can enforce payment only to the same extent as,
vs. the assignor-vendor.
CORPORATION, respondents. Consolidated Plywood Industries Inc. v. IFC Leasing and Acceptance
Corp.: Court distinguish between a negotiable and a non-negotiable
Juanita Salas bought a motor vehicle from the Violago Motor Sales instrument.
Corporation (VMS) for P58,138.20 as evidenced by a promissory note.
This note was subsequently endorsed to Filinvest Finance & Leasing Among others, the instrument in order to be considered negotiable
Corporation which financed the purchase. must contain the so-called "words of negotiability — i.e., must be
payable to "order" or "bearer"". Under Section 8 of the Negotiable
Salas defaulted in her installments beginning May 21, 1980 allegedly Instruments Law, there are only two ways by which an instrument
due to a discrepancy in the engine and chassis numbers of the vehicle may be made payable to order. There must always be a specified
delivered to her and those indicated in the sales invoice, certificate of person named in the instrument and the bill or note is to be paid
registration and deed of chattel mortgage, which fact she discovered to the person designated in the instrument or to any person to
when the vehicle figured in an accident. whom he has indorsed and delivered the same. Without the
words "or order or "to the order of", the instrument is payable
This failure to pay prompted Filinvest to initiate a collection suit for only to the person designated therein and is therefore
sum of money against Salas before the RTC of San Fernando, non-negotiable. Any subsequent purchaser thereof will not enjoy
Pampanga. the advantages of being a holder of a negotiable instrument, but
will merely "step into the shoes" of the person designated in the
The trial court ruled in favor of plaintiff and the counterclaim of instrument and will thus be open to all defenses available against
defendant is dismissed. the latter.
In the case at bar, the basis of private respondent's claim against G.R. No. L-34539 July 14, 1986
petitioner is a promissory note which bears all the earmarks of
negotiability. EULALIO PRUDENCIO and ELISA T. PRUDENCIO, petitioners,
The pertinent portion of the note reads: THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS, THE PHILIPPINE
A careful study of the questioned promissory note shows that it TAMAYO, partners of the defunct partnership Concepcion &
is a negotiable instrument, having complied with the requisites Tamayo Construction Company, JOSE TORIBIO, Atty-in-Fact of
under the law as follows: [a] it is in writing and signed by the maker Concepcion & Tamayo Construction Company, and THE
Juanita Salas; [b] it contains an unconditional promise to pay the DISTRICT ENGINEER, Puerto Princesa, Palawan, respondents.
amount of P58,138.20; [c] it is payable at a fixed or determinable
future time which is "P1,614.95 monthly for 36 months due and Appellants are the registered owners of a parcel of land located in
payable on the 21 st day of each month starting March 21, 1980 thru Sampaloc, Manila, and covered by T.C.T. 35161 of the Register of
and inclusive of Feb. 21, 1983;" [d] it is payable to Violago Motor Deeds of Manila. This property was mortgaged by the appellants to
Sales Corporation, or order and as such, [e] the drawee is named or the PNB to guarantee a loan of P10,000.00 extended to one Domingo
indicated with certainty. Prudencio.

It was negotiated by indorsement in writing on the instrument itself Sometime in 1955, the Concepcion & Tamayo Construction Company
payable to the Order of Filinvest Finance and Leasing Corporation had a pending contract with the Bureau of Public Works for the
and it is an indorsement of the entire instrument. construction of the municipal building in Puerto Princess, Palawan, in
the amount of P36,800.00 and, as said Company needed funds for
Under the circumstances, there appears to be no question that said construction, Jose Toribio, appellants' relative, and
Filinvest is a holder in due course, having taken the instrument attorney-in-fact of the Company, approached the appellants asking
under the following conditions: [a] it is complete and regular upon its them to mortgage their property to secure the loan of P10,000.00
face; [b] it became the holder thereof before it was overdue, and which the Company was negotiating with the PNB.
without notice that it had previously been dishonored; [c] it took the
same in good faith and for value; and [d] when it was negotiated to The promissory note covering the loan of P10,000.00 maturing on
Filinvest, the latter had no notice of any infirmity in the instrument or April 27, 1956, was signed by Jose Toribio, as attorney-in-fact of the
defect in the title of VMS Corporation. Company, and by the appellants. Appellants also signed the portion of
the promissory note indicating that they are requesting the PNB to
Accordingly, respondent corporation holds the instrument free issue the Check covering the loan to the Company. On the same date
from any defect of title of prior parties, and free from defenses Jose Toribio, in the same capacity as attorney-in- fact of the Company,
available to prior parties among themselves, and may enforce executed also the 'Deed of Assignment' assigning all payments to be
payment of the instrument for the full amount thereof. This being made by the Bureau to the Company on account of the contract for the
so, petitioner cannot set up against respondent the defense of nullity construction of the Puerto Princesa building in favor of the PNB.
of the contract of sale between her and VMS.
Failing in their bid to have the real estate mortgage cancelled, Philippine Bank of Commerce v. Aruego: xxx in lending his name to
appellants filed this action against the PNB, the Company, the latter's the accommodated party, the accommodation party is in effect a
attorney-in-fact Jose Toribio, and the District Engineer of Puerto surety. However, unlike in a contract of suretyship, the liability of
Princesa, Palawan, seeking the cancellation of their real estate the accommodation party remains not only primary but also
mortgage. The complaint was amended to exclude the Company as unconditional to a holder for value such that even if the
defendant, it having been shown that its life as a partnership had accommodated party receives an extension of the period for
already expired and, in lieu thereof, Ramon Concepcion and Manuel payment without the consent of the accommodation party, the
M. Tamayo, partners of the defunct Company, were impleaded in their latter is still liable for the whole obligation and such extension
private capacity as defendants. does not release him because as far as a holder for value is
concerned, he is a solidary co- debtor.
The trial court ruled in favor of respondents.
There is, therefore, no question that as accommodation makers,
The CA affirmed the trial court's decision in toto stating that, as petitioners would be primarily and unconditionally liable on the
accommodation makers, the petitioners' liability is that of solidary promissory note to a holder for value, regardless of whether they
co-makers and that since "the amounts released to the construction stand as sureties or solidary co-debtors since such distinction
company were used therein and, therefore, were spent for the would be entirely immaterial and inconsequential as far as a
successful accomplishment of the work constructed for, the holder for value is concerned. Consequently, the petitioners cannot
authorization made by the PNB of partial payments to the construction claim to have been released from their obligation simply because the
company which was also one of the solidary debtors cannot constitute time of payment of such obligation was temporarily deferred by PNB
a valid defense on the part of the other solidary debtors. without their knowledge and consent. There has to be another basis
for their claim of having been freed from their obligation.
Hence, this petition for review.
Whether or not PNB can be considered a holder for value under
Whether or not the respondents, as accommodation makers, the Section 29 of the Negotiable Instruments Law such that the petitioners
nature of their liability is only that of mere sureties instead of solidary must be necessarily barred from setting up the defense of want of
co-debtors consideration or some other personal defenses which may be set up
against a party who is not a holder in due course NO
Section 29 of the Negotiable Instrument Law provides:
A holder for value under Section 29 of the Negotiable
Liability of accommodation party. —An accommodation party is one Instruments Law is one who must meet all the requirements of a
who has signed the instrument as maker, drawer, acceptor, or holder in due course under Section 52 of the same law except
indorser, without receiving value therefor, and for the purpose of notice of want of consideration. If he does not qualify as a holder
lending his name to some other person. Such a person is liable on the in due course then he holds the instrument subject to the same
instrument to a holder for value, notwithstanding such holder at the defenses as if it were non-negotiable (Section 58, Negotiable
time of taking the instrument knew him to be only an accommodation Instruments Law).
In those cases where a payee was considered a holder in due course, irrevocable and subject to the terms and conditions of the promissory
such payee either acquired the note from another holder or has not note and or any other kind of documents which the Philippine National
directly dealt with the maker thereof. Bank of Commerce and Savings Bank have required or may require the assignor to execute to
v. Randell: a payee who receives a negotiable promissory note, in evidence the above-mentioned obligation."
good faith, for value, before maturity, and without any notice of
any infirmity, from a holder, not the maker to whom it was Under the terms of the above Deed, it is clear that there are no further
negotiated as a completed instrument, is a holder in due course conditions which could possibly alter the agreement without the
within the purview of a Negotiable Instruments law, so as to consent of the petitioners such as the grant of greater priority to
preclude the defense of fraud and failure of consideration obligations other than the payment of the loan due to the PNB and
between the maker and the holder to whom the instrument, was part of which loan was guaranteed by the petitioners in the amount of
delivered. P10,000.00.

Stone v. Goldberg & Lewis: It is a general principle of the law This, notwithstanding, PNB approved the Bureau's release of three
merchant that, as between the immediate parties to a negotiable payments directly to the Company instead of paying the same to the
instrument-the parties between whom there is a privity-the Bank. This approval was in violation of the Deed of Assignment and
consideration may be inquired into; and as to them the only superiority without any notice to the petitioners who stood to lose their property
of a bill or note over other unsealed evidence of debt is that it prima once the promissory note falls due without the same having been paid
facie imports a consideration. because the PNB, in effect, waived payments of the first three
releases. From the foregoing circumstances, PNB can not be
Although as a general rule, a payee may be considered a holder in regarded as having acted in good faith which is also one of the
due course we think that such a rule cannot apply with respect to the requisites of a holder in due course under Section 52 of the
respondent PNB. Not only was PNB an immediate party or in privy to Negotiable Instruments Law. The PNB knew that the promissory note
the promissory note, that is, it had dealt directly with the petitioners which it took from the accommodation makers was signed by the latter
knowing fully well that the latter only signed as accommodation because of full reliance on the Deed of Assignment, which, PNB had
makers but more important, it was the Deed of Assignment executed no intention to comply with strictly. Worse, the third payment to the
by the Construction Company in favor of PNB which principally moved Company in the amount of P4,293.60 was approved by PNB although
the petitioners to sign the promissory note also in favor of PNB. the promissory note was almost a month overdue, an act which is
Petitioners were made to believe and on that belief entered into the clearly detrimental to the petitioners.
agreement that no other conditions would alter the terms thereof and
yet, PNB altered the same. The Deed of Assignment specifically We, therefore, hold that respondent PNB is not a holder in due course.
provided that Jose F. Toribio, on behalf of the Company, "have Thus, the petitioners can validly set up their personal defense of
assigned, transferred and conveyed and by these presents, do assign, release from the real estate mortgage against PNB. The latter, in
transfer and convey unto the said Philippine National Bank, its authorizing the third payment to the Company after the promissory
successors and assigns all payments to be received from the Bureau note became due, in effect, extended the term of the payment of the
of Public Works on account of contract for the construction of the note without the consent of the accommodation makers who stand as
Puerto Princesa Municipal Building in Palawan, involving the total sureties to the accommodated party and to all other parties who are
amount of P 36,000.00" and that "This assignment shall be
not holders in due course or who do not derive their right from the The Provincial Treasurer requested the manager of the PNB to return
same, including PNB. all of its cleared checks which were issued from 1977 to 1980 in order
to verify the regularity of their encashment. After the checks were
G.R. No. 107382/G.R. No. 107612 January 31, 1996 examined, the Provincial Treasurer learned that 30 checks amounting
to P203,300.00 were encashed by one Fausto Pangilinan, with the
ASSOCIATED BANK, petitioner, Associated Bank acting as collecting bank.
HON. COURT OF APPEALS, PROVINCE OF TARLAC and It turned out that Fausto Pangilinan, who was the administrative officer
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, respondents. and cashier of payee hospital until his retirement on February 28,
1978, collected the questioned checks from the office of the Provincial
G.R. No. 107612 January 31, 1996 Treasurer. He claimed to be assisting or helping the hospital follow up
the release of the checks and had official receipts. Pangilinan sought
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, petitioner, to encash the first check with Associated Bank. However, the manager
vs. of Associated Bank refused and suggested that Pangilinan deposit the
HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS, PROVINCE OF TARLAC, check in his personal savings account with the same bank. Pangilinan
and ASSOCIATED BANK, respondents. was able to withdraw the money when the check was cleared and paid
by the drawee bank, PNB.
After forging the signature of Dr. Adena Canlas who was chief of the
The Province of Tarlac maintains a current account with the PNB payee hospital, Pangilinan followed the same procedure for the
Tarlac Branch where the provincial funds are deposited. Checks twenty-nine other checks of various amounts and on various dates. All
issued by the Province are signed by the Provincial Treasurer and the checks bore the stamp of Associated Bank which reads "All prior
countersigned by the Provincial Auditor or the Secretary of the endorsements guaranteed ASSOCIATED BANK."
Sangguniang Bayan.
Jesus David, the manager of Associated Bank testified that Pangilinan
A portion of the funds of the province is allocated to the Concepcion made it appear that the checks were paid to him for certain projects
Emergency Hospital. The allotment checks for said government with the hospital. He did not find as irregular the fact that the checks
hospital are drawn to the order of "Concepcion Emergency Hospital, were not payable to Pangilinan but to the Concepcion Emergency
Concepcion, Tarlac" or "The Chief, Concepcion Emergency Hospital, Hospital. While he admitted that his wife and Pangilinan's wife are first
Concepcion, Tarlac." The checks are released by the Office of the cousins, the manager denied having given Pangilinan preferential
Provincial Treasurer and received for the hospital by its administrative treatment on this account.
officer and cashier.
The Provincial Treasurer wrote the manager of the PNB seeking the
Upon post-audit, it was discovered that the hospital did not receive restoration of the various amounts debited from the current account of
several allotment checks drawn by the Province. the Province.
In turn, the PNB manager demanded reimbursement from the purports to be, it is wholly inoperative, and no right to retain the
Associated Bank. instrument, or to give a discharge therefor, or to enforce payment
thereof against any party thereto, can be acquired through or under
As both banks resisted payment, the Province of Tarlac brought suit such signature unless the party against whom it is sought to enforce
against PNB which, in turn, impleaded Associated Bank as third-party such right is precluded from setting up the forgery or want of authority.
defendant. The latter then filed a fourth-party complaint against Adena
Canlas and Fausto Pangilinan. A forged signature, whether it be that of the drawer or the payee,
is wholly inoperative and no one can gain title to the instrument
The trial court ruled in favor of plaintiff Province of Tarlac and ordered through it. A person whose signature to an instrument was
defendant PNB to pay to the former, the sum of P203,300.00 with forged was never a party and never consented to the contract
legal interest. It also ordered defendant/fourth-party plaintiff which allegedly gave rise to such instrument. Section 23 does not
Associated Bank to reimburse PNB the said amount. avoid the instrument but only the forged signature. Thus, a forged
indorsement does not operate as the payee's indorsement.
On appeal, the CA affirmed the trial court's decision in toto.
The exception to the general rule in Section 23 is where "a party
Hence these consolidated petitions. against whom it is sought to enforce a right is precluded from
setting up the forgery or want of authority." Parties who warrant
Whether or not the one who bears the loss due for the thirty checks or admit the genuineness of the signature in question and those
bearing forged endorsements is the drawer YES, only if negligent to who, by their acts, silence or negligence are estopped from
the point of substantially contributing to the loss. Drawee is setting up the defense of forgery, are precluded from using this
liable and who can thereafter demand reimbursement from the defense. Indorsers, persons negotiating by delivery and acceptors
presentor bank (who took the check from the forger) or forger are warrantors of the genuineness of the signatures on the
The case at bench concerns checks payable to the order of
Concepcion Emergency Hospital or its Chief. They were properly In bearer instruments, the signature of the payee or holder is
issued and bear the genuine signatures of the drawer, the Province of unnecessary to pass title to the instrument. Hence, when the
Tarlac. The infirmity in the questioned checks lies in the payee's indorsement is a forgery, only the person whose signature is
(Concepcion Emergency Hospital) indorsements which are forgeries. forged can raise the defense of forgery against a holder in due
At the time of their indorsement, the checks were order instruments. course.

Checks having forged indorsements should be differentiated from The checks involved in this case are order instruments, hence, the
forged checks or checks bearing the forged signature of the drawer. following discussion is made with reference to the effects of a forged
indorsement on an instrument payable to order.
Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law (NIL) provides:
Where the instrument is payable to order at the time of the
Sec. 23. FORGED SIGNATURE, EFFECT OF. — When a signature is forgery, such as the checks in this case, the signature of its rightful
forged or made without authority of the person whose signature it holder (here, the payee hospital) is essential to transfer title to the
same instrument. When the holder's indorsement is forged, all If at the same time the drawee bank was also negligent to the
parties prior to the forgery may raise the real defense of forgery point of substantially contributing to the loss, then such loss
against all parties subsequent thereto. from the forgery can be apportioned between the negligent
drawer and the negligent bank.
An indorser of an order instrument warrants "that the instrument is
genuine and in all respects what it purports to be; that he has a good In cases involving a forged check, where the drawer's signature
title to it; that all prior parties had capacity to contract; and that the is forged, the drawer can recover from the drawee bank. No
instrument is at the time of his indorsement valid and subsisting." He drawee bank has a right to pay a forged check. If it does, it shall have
cannot interpose the defense that signatures prior to him are to recredit the amount of the check to the account of the drawer. The
forged. liability chain ends with the drawee bank whose responsibility it is to
know the drawer's signature since the latter is its customer.
A collecting bank where a check is deposited and which indorses
the check upon presentment with the drawee bank, is such an In cases involving checks with forged indorsements, such as the
indorser. So even if the indorsement on the check deposited by the present petition, the chain of liability does not end with the drawee
banks's client is forged, the collecting bank is bound by his warranties bank. The drawee bank may not debit the account of the drawer but
as an indorser and cannot set up the defense of forgery as against the may generally pass liability back through the collection chain to the
drawee bank. party who took from the forger and, of course, to the forger himself, if
available. In other words, the drawee bank can seek
The bank on which a check is drawn, known as the drawee bank, reimbursement or a return of the amount it paid from the
is under strict liability to pay the check to the order of the payee. presentor bank or person. Theoretically, the latter can demand
The drawer's instructions are reflected on the face and by the terms of reimbursement from the person who indorsed the check to it and so
the check. Payment under a forged indorsement is not to the drawer's on. The loss falls on the party who took the check from the forger, or
order. When the drawee bank pays a person other than the payee, it on the forger himself.
does not comply with the terms of the check and violates its duty to
charge its customer's (the drawer) account only for properly payable In this case, the checks were indorsed by the collecting bank
items. Since the drawee bank did not pay a holder or other person (Associated Bank) to the drawee bank (PNB). The former will
entitled to receive payment, it has no right to reimbursement from the necessarily be liable to the latter for the checks bearing forged
drawer. The general rule then is that the drawee bank may not indorsements. If the forgery is that of the payee's or holder's
debit the drawer's account and is not entitled to indemnification indorsement, the collecting bank is held liable, without prejudice to the
from the drawer. The risk of loss must perforce fall on the drawee latter proceeding against the forger.
Since a forged indorsement is inoperative, the collecting bank had no
However, if the drawee bank can prove a failure by the right to be paid by the drawee bank. The former must necessarily
customer/drawer to exercise ordinary care that substantially return the money paid by the latter because it was paid wrongfully.
contributed to the making of the forged signature, the drawer is
precluded from asserting the forgery. More importantly, by reason of the statutory warranty of a general
indorser in section 66 of the Negotiable Instruments Law, a collecting
bank which indorses a check bearing a forged indorsement and Applying these rules to the case at bench, PNB, the drawee bank,
presents it to the drawee bank guarantees all prior indorsements, cannot debit the current account of the Province of Tarlac because it
including the forged indorsement. It warrants that the instrument is paid checks which bore forged indorsements. However, if the
genuine, and that it is valid and subsisting at the time of his Province of Tarlac as drawer was negligent to the point of
indorsement. Because the indorsement is a forgery, the collecting substantially contributing to the loss, then the drawee bank PNB can
bank commits a breach of this warranty and will be accountable charge its account. If both drawee bank-PNB and drawer-Province of
to the drawee bank. This liability scheme operates without regard to Tarlac were negligent, the loss should be properly apportioned
fault on the part of the collecting/presenting bank. Even if the latter between them.
bank was not negligent, it would still be liable to the drawee bank
because of its indorsement. The loss incurred by drawee bank-PNB can be passed on to the
collecting bank-Associated Bank which presented and indorsed the
The Court has consistently ruled that "the collecting bank or last checks to it. Associated Bank can, in turn, hold the forger, Fausto
endorser generally suffers the loss because it has the duty to Pangilinan, liable.
ascertain the genuineness of all prior endorsements considering
that the act of presenting the check for payment to the drawee is If PNB negligently delayed in informing Associated Bank of the forgery,
an assertion that the party making the presentment has done its thus depriving the latter of the opportunity to recover from the forger, it
duty to ascertain the genuineness of the endorsements." forfeits its right to reimbursement and will be made to bear the loss.

The drawee bank is not similarly situated as the collecting bank After careful examination of the records, the Court finds that the
because the former makes no warranty as to the genuineness of any Province of Tarlac was equally negligent and should, therefore, share
indorsement. The drawee bank's duty is but to verify the genuineness the burden of loss from the checks bearing a forged indorsement.
of the drawer's signature and not of the indorsement because the
drawer is its client. The Province of Tarlac permitted Fausto Pangilinan to collect the
checks when the latter, having already retired from government
Moreover, the collecting bank is made liable because it is privy to the service, was no longer connected with the hospital. With the exception
depositor who negotiated the check. The bank knows him, his address of the first check (dated January 17, 1978), all the checks were issued
and history because he is a client. It has taken a risk on his deposit. and released after Pangilinan's retirement on February 28, 1978. After
The bank is also in a better position to detect forgery, fraud or nearly three years, the Treasurer's office was still releasing the checks
irregularity in the indorsement. to the retired cashier. In addition, some of the aid allotment checks
were released to Pangilinan and the others to Elizabeth Juco, the new
Hence, the drawee bank can recover the amount paid on the check cashier. The fact that there were now two persons collecting the
bearing a forged indorsement from the collecting bank. However, a checks for the hospital is an unmistakable sign of an irregularity which
drawee bank has the duty to promptly inform the presentor of the should have alerted employees in the Treasurer's office of the fraud
forgery upon discovery. If the drawee bank delays in informing the being committed. There is also evidence indicating that the provincial
presentor of the forgery, thereby depriving said presentor of the employees were aware of Pangilinan's retirement and consequent
right to recover from the forger, the former is deemed negligent dissociation from the hospital. Jose Meru, the Provincial Treasurer,
and can no longer recover from the presentor. testified:.
The failure of the Province of Tarlac to exercise due care contributed the collecting bank maybe prejudiced and lose the opportunity to go
to a significant degree to the loss tantamount to negligence. Hence, after its depositor.
the Province of Tarlac should be liable for part of the total amount paid
on the questioned checks. The Court finds that even if PNB did not return the questioned checks
to Associated Bank within twenty-four hours, as mandated by the rule,
The drawee bank PNB also breached its duty to pay only according to PNB did not commit negligent delay. Under the circumstances, PNB
the terms of the check. Hence, it cannot escape liability and should gave prompt notice to Associated Bank and the latter bank was not
also bear part of the loss. prejudiced in going after Fausto Pangilinan. After the Province of
Tarlac informed PNB of the forgeries, PNB necessarily had to inspect
As earlier stated, PNB can recover from the collecting bank. the checks and conduct its own investigation. Thereafter, it requested
the Provincial Treasurer's office on March 31, 1981 to return the
Here, the checks were all payable to Concepcion Emergency Hospital checks for verification. The Province of Tarlac returned the checks
but it was Fausto Pangilinan who deposited the checks in his personal only on April 22, 1981. Two days later, Associated Bank received the
savings account. checks from PNB.

Although Associated Bank claims that the guarantee stamped on the Associated Bank was also furnished a copy of the Province's letter of
checks (All prior and/or lack of endorsements guaranteed) is merely a demand to PNB dated March 20, 1981, thus giving it notice of the
requirement forced upon it by clearing house rules, it cannot but forgeries. At this time, however, Pangilinan's account with Associated
remain liable. The stamp guaranteeing prior indorsements is not an had only P24.63 in it. Had Associated Bank decided to debit
empty rubric which a bank must fulfill for the sake of convenience. A Pangilinan's account, it could not have recovered the amounts paid on
bank is not required to accept all the checks negotiated to it. It is within the questioned checks. In addition, while Associated Bank filed a
the bank's discretion to receive a check for no banking institution fourth-party complaint against Fausto Pangilinan, it did not present
would consciously or deliberately accept a check bearing a forged evidence against Pangilinan and even presented him as its rebuttal
indorsement. When a check is deposited with the collecting bank, it witness. Hence, Associated Bank was not prejudiced by PNB's failure
takes a risk on its depositor. It is only logical that this bank be held to comply with the twenty-four-hour return rule.
accountable for checks deposited by its customers.
Next, Associated Bank contends that PNB is estopped from requiring
A delay in informing the collecting bank (Associated Bank) of the reimbursement because the latter paid and cleared the checks. The
forgery, which deprives it of the opportunity to go after the forger, Court finds this contention unmeritorious. Even if PNB cleared and
signifies negligence on the part of the drawee bank (PNB) and will paid the checks, it can still recover from Associated Bank. This is true
preclude it from claiming reimbursement. even if the payee's Chief Officer who was supposed to have indorsed
the checks is also a customer of the drawee bank. PNB's duty was to
Under the CB Circular No. 580, the checks should be returned within verify the genuineness of the drawer's signature and not the
twenty-four hours after discovery of the forgery but in no event beyond genuineness of payee's indorsement. Associated Bank, as the
the period fixed by law for filing a legal action. The rationale of the rule collecting bank, is the entity with the duty to verify the genuineness of
is to give the collecting bank (which indorsed the check) adequate the payee's indorsement.
opportunity to proceed against the forger. If prompt notice is not given,
G.R. No. 92244 February 9, 1993 32-81-9 at its Ongpin branch. The rest of the checks were deposited in
Account No. 0443-4, under the name of Benito Lam at the Elcaño
NATIVIDAD GEMPESAW, petitioner, branch of the respondent drawee Bank.
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS and PHILIPPINE BANK About 30 of the payees whose names were specifically written on the
OF COMMUNICATIONS, respondents. checks testified that they did not receive nor even see the subject
checks and that the indorsements appearing at the back of the checks
Gempesaw maintains a checking account numbered 13-00038-1 with were not theirs.
the Caloocan City Branch of the respondent PBC. To facilitate
payment of debts to her suppliers, petitioner draws checks against her Gempesaw made a written demand on respondent drawee Bank to
checking account with the respondent bank as drawee. In the course credit her account with the money value of the 82 checks totalling
of her business operations covering a period of two years, Gempesaw P1,208.606.89 for having been wrongfully charged against her
issued 82 checks in favor of several suppliers. These checks were all account. Respondent drawee Bank refused to grant petitioner's
presented by the indorsees as holders thereof to, and honored by, the demand. Gempesaw filed the complaint with the RTC.
respondent PBC. Respondent PBC correspondingly debited the
amounts thereof against petitioner's checking account numbered Petitioner Gempesaw filed a Complaint against the private respondent
30-00038-1. Most of the aforementioned checks were for amounts in PBC for recovery of the money value of 82 checks charged against
excess of her actual obligations to the various payees as shown in the Gempesaw's account with the respondent drawee Bank on the
their corresponding invoices. ground that the payees' indorsements were forgeries.

Practically, all the checks issued and honored by the respondent The RTC of Caloocan dismissed the complaint as well as the
drawee bank were crossed checks. Aside from the daily notice given respondent drawee Bank's counterclaim.
to the petitioner by the respondent drawee Bank, the latter also
furnished her with a monthly statement of her transactions, attaching On appeal, the CA affirmed the RTC decision on two grounds, namely
thereto all the cancelled checks she had issued and which were (1) that the Gempesaw’s gross negligence in issuing the checks was
debited against her current account. It was only after the lapse of the proximate cause of the loss and (2) assuming that the bank was
more 2 years that petitioner found out about the fraudulent also negligent, the loss must nevertheless be borne by the party
manipulations of her bookkeeper. whose negligence was the proximate cause of the loss.

All the 82 checks with forged signatures of the payees were brought to Hence, this petition.
Ernest L. Boon, Chief Accountant of respondent drawee Bank at the
Buendia branch, who, without authority therefor, accepted them all for Whether or not the petitioner has the right of the drawer to recover
deposit at the Buendia branch to the credit and/or in the accounts of from the drawee bank who pays a check with a forged indorsement of
Alfredo Y. Romero and Benito Lam. Ernest L. Boon was a very close the payee, debiting the same against the drawer's account YES, half
friend of Alfredo Y. Romero. 63 out of the 82 checks were deposited in
Savings Account No. 00844-5 of Alfredo Y. Romero at the respondent
PBC’s Buendia branch, and 4 checks in his Savings Account No.
Section 23 of the NIL: When a signature is forged or made without the cases: (1) where forgery was accomplished by a person not
authority of the person whose signature it purports to be, it is wholly associated with the drawer — for example a mail robbery; and (2)
inoperative, and no right to retain the instrument, or to give a where the indorsement was forged by an agent of the drawer. This
discharge therefor, or to enforce payment thereof against any party difference in situations would determine the effect of the drawer's
thereto, can be acquired through or under such signature, unless the negligence with respect to forged indorsements. While there is no duty
party against whom it is sought to enforce such right is precluded from resting on the depositor to look for forged indorsements on his
setting up the forgery or want of authority. cancelled checks in contrast to a duty imposed upon him to look for
forgeries of his own name, a depositor is under a duty to set up an
Under the aforecited provision, forgery is a real or absolute accounting system and a business procedure as are reasonably
defense by the party whose signature is forged. A party whose calculated to prevent or render difficult the forgery of indorsements,
signature to an instrument was forged was never a party and never particularly by the depositor's own employees. And if the drawer
gave his consent to the contract which gave rise to the instrument. (depositor) learns that a check drawn by him has been paid under a
Since his signature does not appear in the instrument, he cannot forged indorsement, the drawer is under duty promptly to report such
be held liable thereon by anyone, not even by a holder in due fact to the drawee bank. For his negligence or failure either to discover
course. Thus, if a person's signature is forged as a maker of a or to report promptly the fact of such forgery to the drawee, the drawer
promissory note, he cannot be made to pay because he never made loses his right against the drawee who has debited his account under
the promise to pay. Or where a person's signature as a drawer of a a forged indorsement. In other words, he is precluded from using
check is forged, the drawee bank cannot charge the amount thereof forgery as a basis for his claim for re-crediting of his account.
against the drawer's account because he never gave the bank the
order to pay. And said section does not refer only to the forged In the case at bar, petitioner admitted that the checks were filled up
signature of the maker of a promissory note and of the drawer of a and completed by her trusted employee, Alicia Galang, and were
check. It covers also a forged indorsement, i.e., the forged signature given to her for her signature. Her signing the checks made the
of the payee or indorsee of a note or check. Since under said negotiable instrument complete. Prior to signing the checks, there was
provision a forged signature is "wholly inoperative", no one can no valid contract yet.
gain title to the instrument through such forged indorsement.
Such an indorsement prevents any subsequent party from Every contract on a negotiable instrument is incomplete and
acquiring any right as against any party whose name appears revocable until delivery of the instrument to the payee for the
prior to the forgery. Although rights may exist between and among purpose of giving effect thereto. The first delivery of the instrument,
parties subsequent to the forged indorsement, not one of them can complete in form, to the payee who takes it as a holder, is called
acquire rights against parties prior to the forgery. Such forged issuance of the instrument. Without the initial delivery of the
indorsement cuts off the rights of all subsequent parties as against instrument from the drawer of the check to the payee, there can be no
parties prior to the forgery. However, the law makes an exception to valid and binding contract and no liability on the instrument.
these rules where a party is precluded from setting up forgery as a
defense. Petitioner completed the checks by signing them as drawer and
thereafter authorized her employee Alicia Galang to deliver the 82
As a matter of practical significance, problems arising from forged checks to their respective payees. Instead of issuing the checks to the
indorsements of checks may generally be broken into two types of payees as named in the checks, Alicia Galang delivered them to the
Chief Accountant of the Buendia branch of the respondent drawee It will then be just a question of time until the fraud is discovered. This
Bank, a certain Ernest L. Boon. It was established that the signatures is specially true when the agent perpetrates a series of forgeries as in
of the payees as first indorsers were forged. The record fails to show the case at bar.
the identity of the party who made the forged signatures. The checks
were then indorsed for the second time with the names of Alfredo Y. The negligence of a depositor which will prevent recovery of an
Romero and Benito Lam, and were deposited in the latter's accounts unauthorized payment is based on failure of the depositor to act as a
as earlier noted. The second indorsements were all genuine prudent businessman would under the circumstances. In the case at
signatures of the alleged holders. All the 82 checks bearing the forged bar, the petitioner relied implicitly upon the honesty and loyalty of her
indorsements of the payees and the genuine second indorsements of bookkeeper, and did not even verify the accuracy of amounts of the
Alfredo Y. Romero and Benito Lam were accepted for deposit at the checks she signed against the invoices attached thereto. Furthermore,
Buendia branch of respondent drawee Bank to the credit of their although she regularly received her bank statements, she apparently
respective savings accounts in the Buendia, Ongpin and Elcaño did not carefully examine the same nor the check stubs and the
branches of the same bank. The total amount of P1,208,606.89, returned checks, and did not compare them with the same invoices.
represented by 82 checks, were credited and paid out by respondent Otherwise, she could have easily discovered the discrepancies
drawee Bank to Alfredo Y. Romero and Benito Lam, and debited between the checks and the documents serving as bases for the
against petitioner's checking account No. 13-00038-1, Caloocan checks. With such discovery, the subsequent forgeries would not have
branch. been accomplished. It was not until two years after the bookkeeper
commenced her fraudulent scheme that petitioner discovered that 82
As a rule, a drawee bank who has paid a check on which an checks were wrongfully charged to her account, at which she notified
indorsement has been forged cannot charge the drawer's the respondent drawee bank.
account for the amount of said check. An exception to this rule is
where the drawer is guilty of such negligence which causes the It is highly improbable that in a period of two years, not one of
bank to honor such a check or checks. If a check is stolen from the Petitioner's suppliers complained of non-payment. Assuming that
payee, it is quite obvious that the drawer cannot possibly discover the even one single complaint had been made, petitioner would have
forged indorsement by mere examination of his cancelled check. This been duty-bound, as far as the respondent drawee Bank was
accounts for the rule that although a depositor owes a duty to his concerned, to make an adequate investigation on the matter. Had this
drawee bank to examine his cancelled checks for forgery of his own been done, the discrepancies would have been discovered, sooner or
signature, he has no similar duty as to forged indorsements. A later. Petitioner's failure to make such adequate inquiry constituted
different situation arises where the indorsement was forged by an negligence which resulted in the bank's honoring of the subsequent
employee or agent of the drawer, or done with the active participation checks with forged indorsements. On the other hand, since the record
of the latter. Most of the cases involving forgery by an agent or mentions nothing about such a complaint, the possibility exists that
employee deal with the payee's indorsement. The drawer and the the checks in question covered inexistent sales. But even in such a
payee often time shave business relations of long standing. The case, considering the length of a period of two (2) years, it is hard to
continued occurrence of business transactions of the same nature believe that petitioner did not know or realize that she was paying
provides the opportunity for the agent/employee to commit the fraud more than she should for the supplies she was actually getting. A
after having developed familiarity with the signatures of the parties. depositor may not sit idly by, after knowledge has come to her that her
However, sooner or later, some leak will show on the drawer's books. funds seem to be disappearing or that there may be a leak in her
business, and refrain from taking the steps that a careful and prudent of quasi-delict, she cannot point to the negligence of the respondent
businessman would take in such circumstances and if taken, would drawee Bank in the selection and supervision of its employees as
result in stopping the continuance of the fraudulent scheme. If she being the cause of the loss because negligence is the proximate
fails to take steps, the facts may establish her negligence, and in that cause thereof and under Article 2179 of the Civil Code, she may not
event, she would be estopped from recovering from the bank. be awarded damages. However, under Article 1170 of the same Code
the respondent drawee Bank may be held liable for damages. The
One thing is clear from the records — that the petitioner failed to article provides —
examine her records with reasonable diligence whether before she
signed the checks or after receiving her bank statements. Had the Those who in the performance of their obligations are guilty of fraud,
petitioner examined her records more carefully, particularly the invoice negligence or delay, and those who in any manner contravene the
receipts, cancelled checks, check book stubs, and had she compared tenor thereof, are liable for damages.
the sums written as amounts payable in the 82 checks with the
pertinent sales invoices, she would have easily discovered that in There is no question that there is a contractual relation between
some checks, the amounts did not tally with those appearing in the petitioner as depositor (obligee) and the respondent drawee bank as
sales invoices. Had she noticed these discrepancies, she should not the obligor. In the performance of its obligation, the drawee bank is
have signed those checks, and should have conducted an inquiry as bound by its internal banking rules and regulations which form part of
to the reason for the irregular entries. Likewise had petitioner been any contract it enters into with any of its depositors. When it violated
more vigilant in going over her current account by taking careful note its internal rules that second endorsements are not to be accepted
of the daily reports made by respondent drawee Bank in her issued without the approval of its branch managers and it did accept the
checks, or at least made random scrutiny of cancelled checks same upon the mere approval of Boon, a chief accountant, it
returned by respondent drawee Bank at the close of each month, she contravened the tenor of its obligation at the very least, if it were not
could have easily discovered the fraud being perpetrated by Alicia actually guilty of fraud or negligence.
Galang, and could have reported the matter to the respondent drawee
Bank. The respondent drawee Bank then could have taken immediate Furthermore, the fact that the respondent drawee Bank did not
steps to prevent further commission of such fraud. Thus, petitioner's discover the irregularity with respect to the acceptance of checks with
negligence was the proximate cause of her loss. And since it was her second indorsement for deposit even without the approval of the
negligence which caused the respondent drawee Bank to honor the branch manager despite periodic inspection conducted by a team of
forged checks or prevented it from recovering the amount it had auditors from the main office constitutes negligence on the part of the
already paid on the checks, petitioner cannot now complain should the bank in carrying out its obligations to its depositors. Article 1173
bank refuse to re-credit her account with the amount of such checks. provides —
Under Section 23 of the NIL, she is now precluded from using the
forgery to prevent the bank's debiting of her account. The fault or negligence of the obligor consists in the omission of that
diligence which is required by the nature of the obligation and
Thus, it is clear that under the NIL, petitioner is precluded from raising corresponds with the circumstance of the persons, of the time and of
the defense of forgery by reason of her gross negligence. But under the place. . . .
Section 196 of the NIL, any case not provided for in the Act shall be
governed by the provisions of existing legislation. Under the laws
We hold that banking business is so impressed with public Mauricia T. Ebrada, encashed Back Pay Check No. 508060 for
interest where the trust and confidence of the public in general is P1,246.08 at the main office of the plaintiff Republic Bank at Escolta,
of paramount importance such that the appropriate standard of Manila. The check was issued by the Bureau of Treasury. Plaintiff
diligence must be a high degree of diligence, if not the utmost Bank was later advised by the said bureau that the alleged
diligence. Surely, respondent drawee Bank cannot claim it exercised indorsement on the reverse side of the aforesaid check by the payee,
such a degree of diligence that is required of it. There is no way We "Martin Lorenzo" was a forgery since the latter had allegedly died.
can allow it now to escape liability for such negligence. Its liability as Plaintiff Bank was then requested by the Bureau of Treasury to refund
obligor is not merely vicarious but primary wherein the defense of the amount of P1,246.08. To recover what it had refunded to the
exercise of due diligence in the selection and supervision of its Bureau of Treasury, plaintiff Bank made verbal and formal demands
employees is of no moment. upon defendant Ebrada to account for the sum of P1,246.08, but said
defendant refused to do so. So plaintiff Bank sued defendant Ebrada
Premises considered, respondent drawee Bank is adjudged liable to before the City Court of Manila.
share the loss with the petitioner on a fifty-fifty ratio in accordance with
Article 172 which provides: The City Court of Manila rendered judgment for the plaintiff Bank.

Responsibility arising from negligence in the performance of every 3. That the back side of aforementioned check bears the following
kind of obligation is also demandable, but such liability may be signatures, in this order:
regulated by the courts according to the circumstances.
With the foregoing provisions of the Civil Code being relied upon, it is
being made clear that the decision to hold the drawee bank liable is 2) RAMON R. LORENZO;
based on law and substantial justice and not on mere equity. And
although the case was brought before the court not on breach of 3) DELIA DOMINGUEZ; and
contractual obligations, the courts are not precluded from applying to
the circumstances of the case the laws pertinent thereto. Thus, the 4) MAURICIA T. EBRADA;.
fact that petitioner's negligence was found to be the proximate cause
of her loss does not preclude her from recovering damages. The From the stipulation of facts it is admitted that the check in question
reason why the decision dealt on a discussion on proximate cause is was delivered to defendant-appellant by Adelaida Dominguez for the
due to the error pointed out by petitioner as allegedly committed by purpose of encashment and that her signature was affixed on said
the respondent court. And in breaches of contract under Article 1173, check when she cashed it with the plaintiff Bank. Likewise it is
due diligence on the part of the defendant is not a defense. admitted that defendant-appellant was the last indorser of the said
check. As such indorser, she was supposed to have warranted that
G.R. No. L-40796 July 31, 1975 she has good title to said check; for under Section 65 of the
Negotiable Instruments Law:
REPUBLIC BANK, plaintiff-appellee,
vs. Every person negotiating an instrument by delivery or by qualified
MAURICIA T. EBRADA, defendant-appellant. indorsement, warrants:
(a) That the instrument is genuine and in all respects what it purports of the aforesaid check from Ramon R. Lorenzo to Adelaida
to be. Dominguez, the third indorser, and from Adelaida Dominguez to the
defendant-appellant who did not know of the forgery, should be
(b) That she has good title to it. x x x considered valid and enforceable, barring any claim of forgery.

and under Section 65 of the same Act: Where after the drawee bank has paid the amount of the check to the
holder thereof, it was discovered that the signature of the payee was
Every indorser who indorses without qualification warrants to all forged, whether or not the drawee bank can recover from the one who
subsequent holders in due course: encashed the check YES

(a) The matters and things mentioned in subdivisions (a), (b), and (c) State v. Broadway Mut. Bank: the drawee of a check can recover
of the next preceding sections; from the holder the money paid to him on a forged instrument. It
is not supposed to be its duty to ascertain whether the
(b) That the instrument is at the time of his indorsement valid and signatures of the payee or indorsers are genuine or not. This is
subsisting. because the indorser is supposed to warrant to the drawee that
the signatures of the payee and previous indorsers are genuine,
It turned out, however, that the signature of the original payee of the warranty not extending only to holders in due course. One who
check, Martin Lorenzo was a forgery because he was already dead purchases a check or draft is bound to satisfy himself that the paper is
almost 11 years before the check in question was issued by the genuine and that by indorsing it or presenting it for payment or putting
Bureau of Treasury. it into circulation before presentation he impliedly asserts that he has
performed his duty and the drawee who has paid the forged check,
It is clear under Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law that without actual negligence on his part, may recover the money paid
where the signature on a negotiable instrument if forged, the from such negligent purchasers. In such cases the recovery is
negotiation of the check is without force or effect. permitted because although the drawee was in a way negligent in
failing to detect the forgery, yet if the encasher of the check had
Whether or not the existence of one forged signature therein will performed his duty, the forgery would in all probability, have been
render void all the other negotiations of the check with respect to the detected and the fraud defeated. The reason for allowing the drawee
other parties whose signature are genuine NO bank to recover from the encasher is: Every one with even the least
experience in business knows that no business man would accept a
Beam vs. Farrel: where a check has several indorsements on it, it check in exchange for money or goods unless he is satisfied that the
is only the negotiation based on the forged or unauthorized check is genuine. He accepts it only because he has proof that it is
signature which is inoperative. Applying this principle to the case genuine, or because he has sufficient confidence in the honesty and
before Us, it can be safely concluded that it is only the negotiation financial responsibility of the person who vouches for it. If he is
predicated on the forged indorsement that should be declared deceived he has suffered a loss of his cash or goods through his own
inoperative. This means that the negotiation of the check in question mistake. His own credulity or recklessness, or misplaced confidence
from Martin Lorenzo, the original payee, to Ramon R. Lorenzo, the was the sole cause of the loss. Why should he be permitted to shift the
second indorser, should be declared of no affect, but the negotiation loss due to his own fault in assuming the risk, upon the drawee, simply
because of the accidental circumstance that the drawee afterwards she is also liable under Section 29 of the Negotiable Instruments Law
failed to detect the forgery when the check was presented? (Act 2031), thus: .An accommodation party is one who has signed the
instrument as maker, drawer, acceptor, or indorser, without receiving
Similarly, in the case before Us, the defendant-appellant, upon value therefor, and for the purpose of lending his name to some other
receiving the check in question from Adelaida Dominguez, was person. Such a person is liable on the instrument to a holder for value,
duty-bound to ascertain whether the check in question was genuine notwithstanding such holder at the time of taking the instrument knew
before presenting it to plaintiff Bank for payment. Her failure to do so him to be only an accommodation party.
makes her liable for the loss and the plaintiff Bank may recover from
her the money she received for the check. As reasoned out above, G.R. No. L-62943 July 14, 1986
had she performed the duty of ascertaining the genuineness of the
check, in all probability the forgery would have been detected and the METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE
fraud defeated. SYSTEM, petitioner,
xxx Where a check is drawn payable to the order of one person and is COURT OF APPEALS (Now INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT)
presented to a bank by another and purports upon its face to have and THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, respondents.
been duly indorsed by the payee of the check, it is the duty of the bank
to know that the check was duly indorsed by the original payee, and Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System is the successor-in-
where the bank pays the amount of the check to a third person, who interest of the defunct NWSA. PNB is the depository bank of MWSS
has forged the signature of the payee, the loss falls upon the bank and its predecessor-in-interest NWSA.
who cashed the check, and its only remedy is against the person to
whom it paid the money. Among the several accounts of NWSA with PNB is NWSA Account No.
6, otherwise known as Account No. 381-777 and which is presently
With the foregoing doctrine We are to concede that the plaintiff Bank allocated No. 010-500281. The authorized signature for said Account
should suffer the loss when it paid the amount of the check in question No. 6 were those of MWSS treasurer Jose Sanchez, its auditor Pedro
to defendant-appellant, but it has the remedy to recover from the latter Aguilar, and its acting General Manager Victor L. Recio. Their
the amount it paid to her. Although the defendant-appellant to whom respective specimen signatures were submitted by the MWSS to and
the plaintiff Bank paid the check was not proven to be the author of the on file with the PNB. By special arrangement with the PNB, the MWSS
supposed forgery, yet as last indorser of the check, she has warranted used personalized checks in drawing from this account. These checks
that she has good title to it even if in fact she did not have it because were printed for MWSS by its printer, F. Mesina Enterprises, located
the payee of the check was already dead 11 years before the check at 1775 Rizal Extension, Caloocan City.
was issued. The fact that immediately after receiving title cash
proceeds of the check in question in the amount of P1,246.08 from the During the months of March, April and May 1969, 23 checks were
plaintiff Bank, defendant-appellant immediately turned over said prepared, processed, issued and released by NWSA, all of which
amount to Adelaida Dominguez (Third-Party defendant and the were paid and cleared by PNB and debited by PNB against NWSA
Fourth-Party plaintiff) who in turn handed the amount to Justina Tinio Account No. 6.
on the same date would not exempt her from liability because by
doing so, she acted as an accommodation party in the check for which
During the same months of March, April and May 1969, 23 checks Since the signatures on the checks were forgeries, whether or not the
bearing the same numbers as the aforementioned NWSA checks drawee bank was liable for the loss NO
were likewise paid and cleared by PNB and debited against NWSA
Account No. 6. Section 24: Every negotiable instrument is deemed prima facie to
have been issued for valuable consideration and every person whose
The foregoing checks were deposited by the payees Raul Dizon, signature appears thereon to have become a party thereto for value.
Arturo Sison and Antonio Mendoza in their respective current
accounts with the Philippine Commercial and Industrial Bank (PCIB) The signatures to the checks being forged, under Section 23 of the
and Philippine Bank of Commerce (PBC) in the months of March, April Negotiable Instruments Law they are not a charge against plaintiff nor
and May 1969. Thru the Central Bank Clearing, these checks were are the checks of any value to the defendant.
presented for payment by PBC and PCIB to the defendant PNB, and
paid, also in the months of March, April and May 1969. At the time of We have carefully reviewed the documents cited by the petitioner.
their presentation to PNB these checks bear the standard There is no express and categorical finding in these documents that
indorsement which reads 'all prior indorsement and/or lack of the questioned checks were indeed signed by persons other than the
endorsement guaranteed.' authorized MWSS signatories. On the contrary, the findings of the NBI
in its Report show that the MWSS fraud was an "inside job" and that
NBI investigation showed that Raul Dizon, Arturo Sison and Antonio the petitioner's delay in the reconciliation of bank statements and the
Mendoza were all fictitious persons. The respective balances in their laxity and loose records control in the printing of its personalized
current account with the PBC and/or PCIB stood as follows: Raul checks facilitated the fraud. Likewise, the questioned Documents
Dizon P3,455.00 as of April 30, 1969; Antonio Mendoza P18,182.00 Report No. 159-1074 of the NBI does not declare or prove that the
as of May 23, 1969; and Arturo Sison Pl,398.92 as of June 30, 1969. signatures appearing on the questioned checks are forgeries. The
report merely mentions the alleged differences in the type face,
NWSA addressed a letter to PNB requesting the immediate checkwriting, and printing characteristics appearing in the standard or
restoration to its Account No. 6, of the total sum of P3,457,903.00 submitted models and the questioned typewritings. The NBI
corresponding to the total amount of these 23 checks claimed by Chemistry Report No. C-74-891 merely describes the inks and pens
NWSA to be forged and/or spurious checks. "In view of the refusal of used in writing the alleged forged signatures.
PNB to credit back to Account No. 6 the said total sum of
P3,457,903.00 MWSS filed the instant complaint before the CFI of It is clear that these 3 NBI Reports relied upon by the petitioner are
Manila. inadequate to sustain its allegations of forgery. These reports did not
touch on the inherent qualities of the signatures which are
The trial court ruled in favor of the MWSS and ordered defendant PNB indispensable in the determination of the existence of forgery. There
to restore the total sum of P3,457,903.00 to plaintiff's Account No. 6, must be conclusive findings that there is a variance in the inherent
otherwise known as Account No. 010-50030-3. characteristics of the signatures and that they were written by two or
more different persons.
On appeal, the CA reversed the CFI decision.

Hence, this petition for review.

Forgery cannot be presumed. It must be established by clear, It is accepted banking procedure for the depository bank to furnish its
positive, and convincing evidence. This was not done in the depositors bank statements and debt and credit memos through the
present case. mail. The records show that the petitioner requested the respondent
drawee bank to discontinue the practice of mailing the bank
Considering the absence of sufficient security in the printing of the statements, but instead to deliver the same to a certain Mr. Emiliano
checks coupled with the very close similarities between the genuine Zaporteza. For reasons known only to Mr. Zaporteza however, he was
signatures and the alleged forgeries, the 23 checks in question could unreasonably delayed in taking prompt deliveries of the said bank
have been presented to the petitioner's signatories without their statements and credit and debit memos. As a consequence, Mr.
knowing that they were bogus checks. Indeed, the cashier of the Zaporteza failed to reconcile the bank statements with the petitioner's
petitioner whose signatures were allegedly forged was unable to tell records. If Mr. Zaporteza had not been remiss in his duty of taking the
the difference between the allegedly forged signature and his own bank statements and reconciling them with the petitioner's records,
genuine signature. On the other hand, the MWSS officials admitted the fraudulent encashments of the first checks should have been
that these checks could easily be passed on as genuine. discovered, and further frauds prevented. This negligence was,
therefore, the proximate cause of the failure to discover the fraud.
Moreover, the petitioner is barred from setting up the defense of
forgery under Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law because This failure of the petitioner to reconcile the bank statements with its
it was guilty of negligence not only before the questioned checks were cancelled checks was noted by the NBI in its report.
negotiated but even after the same had already been negotiated. The
records show that at the time the 23 checks were prepared, The records likewise show that the petitioner failed to provide
negotiated, and encashed, the petitioner was using its own appropriate security measures over its own records thereby laying
personalized checks, instead of the official PNB Commercial blank confidential records open to unauthorized persons. The petitioner's
checks. In the exercise of this special privilege, however, the own Fact Finding Committee, in its report submitted to their General
petitioner failed to provide the needed security measures. That there manager underscored this laxity of records control. It observed that
was gross negligence in the printing of its personalized checks is the "office of Mr. Ongtengco (Cashier No. VI of the Treasury
shown by the uncontroverted facts. Department at the NAWASA) is quite open to any person known to
him or his staff members and that the check writer is merely on top of
This gross negligence of the petitioner is very evident from the sworn his table."
statement dated June 19, 1969 of Faustino Mesina, Jr., the owner of
the printing press which printed the petitioner's personalized checks. Relying on the foregoing statement of Mr. Ongtengco, the National
Bureau of Investigation concluded in its Report dated November 2,
The National Bureau of Investigation Report dated November 2, 1970 1970 that the fraudulent encashment of the 23 checks in question was
is even more explicit. an "inside job".

Another factor which facilitated the fraudulent encashment of the 23 Even if the twenty-three (23) checks in question are considered
checks in question was the failure of the petitioner to reconcile the forgeries, considering the petitioner's gross negligence, it is barred
bank statements with its own records. from setting up the defense of forgery under Section 23 of the
Negotiable Instruments Law.
The records show that the respondent drawee bank, had taken the connection with the corporation’s business. In order not to disrupt
necessary measures in the detection of forged checks and the operations in their absence, they pre-signed several checks relating to
prevention of their fraudulent encashment. In fact, long before the Current Account No. 58891-012. The intention was to insure continuity
encashment of the 23 checks in question, the respondent Bank had of PRCI’s operations by making available cash/money especially to
issued constant reminders to all Current Account Bookkeepers settle obligations that might become due. These checks were
informing them of the activities of forgery syndicates. entrusted to the accountant with instruction to make use of the same
as the need arose. The internal arrangement was, in the event there
We cannot fault the respondent drawee Bank for not having detected was need to make use of the checks, the accountant would prepare
the fraudulent encashment of the checks because the printing of the the corresponding voucher and thereafter complete the entries on the
petitioner's personalized checks was not done under the supervision pre-signed checks.
and control of the Bank. There is no evidence on record indicating that
because of this private printing the petitioner furnished the respondent On December 16, 1988, a John Doe presented to BA for encashment
Bank with samples of checks, pens, and inks or took other a couple of PRCI’s checks (Nos. 401116 and 401117) with the
precautionary measures with the PNB to safeguard its interests. indicated value of P110,000.00 each. It is admitted that these 2
checks were among those pre-signed by plaintiff-appellee
Under the circumstances, therefore, the petitioner was in a better corporation’s authorized signatories.
position to detect and prevent the fraudulent encashment of its
checks. The 2 checks had similar entries with similar infirmities and
irregularities. On the space where the name of the payee should be
G.R. No. 150228 July 30, 2009 indicated (Pay To The Order Of) the following 2-line entries were
instead typewritten: on the upper line was the word "CASH" while the
BANK OF AMERICA NT & SA, Petitioner, lower line had the following typewritten words, viz: "ONE HUNDRED
vs. TEN THOUSAND PESOS ONLY." Despite the highly irregular entries
PHILIPPINE RACING CLUB, Respondent. on the face of the checks, BA, without as much as verifying and/or
confirming the legitimacy of the checks considering the substantial
DECISION amount involved and the obvious infirmity/defect of the checks on their
faces, encashed said checks. A verification process, even by was of a
PRCI is a domestic corporation which maintains several accounts with telephone call to PRCI office, would have taken less than ten (10)
different banks in the Metro Manila area. Among the accounts minutes. But this was not done by BA. Investigation conducted by
maintained was Current Account No. 58891-012 with plaintiff-appellee corporation yielded the fact that there was no
defendant-appellant BA (Paseo de Roxas Branch). The authorized transaction involving PRCI that call for the payment of P220,000.00 to
joint signatories with respect to said Current Account were its anyone. The checks appeared to have come into the hands of an
President (Antonia Reyes) and Vice President for Finance (Gregorio employee of PRCI (one Clarita Mesina who was subsequently
Reyes). criminally charged for qualified theft) who eventually completed
without authority the entries on the pre-signed checks. PRCI’s
On or about the 2nd week of December 1988, the President and Vice demand for defendant-appellant to pay fell on deaf ears. Hence, the
President of PRCI were scheduled to go out of the country in complaint.
The trial court ruled in favor of plaintiff. the fiduciary nature of their relationship. The diligence required
of banks, therefore, is more than that of a good father of a family.
On appeal, the CA affirmed RTC decision in toto.
Although not in the strict sense "material alterations," the
Hence, this petition for review on certiorari (Rule 45). misplacement of the typewritten entries for the payee and the amount
on the same blank and the repetition of the amount using a check
Whether or not the proximate cause of the wrongful encashment of writer were glaringly obvious irregularities on the face of the check.
the checks in question was due to petitioner’s failure to make a Clearly, someone made a mistake in filling up the checks and the
verification regarding the said checks with the respondent in view of repetition of the entries was possibly an attempt to rectify the mistake.
the misplacement of entries on the face of the checks YES Also, if the check had been filled up by the person who customarily
accomplishes the checks of respondent, it should have occurred to
There is no dispute that the signatures appearing on the subject petitioner’s employees that it would be unlikely such mistakes would
checks were genuine signatures of the respondent’s authorized joint be made. All these circumstances should have alerted the bank to the
signatories; namely, Antonia Reyes and Gregorio Reyes who were possibility that the holder or the person who is attempting to encash
respondent’s President and Vice-President for Finance, respectively. the checks did not have proper title to the checks or did not have
Both pre-signed the said checks since they were both scheduled to go authority to fill up and encash the same. As noted by the CA, petitioner
abroad and it was apparently their practice to leave with the company could have made a simple phone call to its client to clarify the
accountant checks signed in black to answer for company obligations irregularities and the loss to respondent due to the encashment of the
that might fall due during the signatories’ absence. It is likewise stolen checks would have been prevented.
admitted that neither of the subject checks contains any material
alteration or erasure. In the case at bar, extraordinary diligence demands that petitioner
should have ascertained from respondent the authenticity of the
However, on the blank space of each check reserved for the payee, subject checks or the accuracy of the entries therein not only because
the following typewritten words appear: "ONE HUNDRED TEN of the presence of highly irregular entries on the face of the checks but
THOUSAND PESOS ONLY." Above the same is the typewritten word, also of the decidedly unusual circumstances surrounding their
"CASH." On the blank reserved for the amount, the same amount of encashment. Respondent’s witness testified that for checks in
One Hundred Ten Thousand Pesos was indicated with the use of a amounts greater than ₱20,000.00 it is the company’s practice to
check writer. The presence of these irregularities in each check ensure that the payee is indicated by name in the check. This was not
should have alerted the petitioner to be cautious before proceeding to rebutted by petitioner. Indeed, it is highly uncommon for a corporation
encash them which it did not do. to make out checks payable to "CASH" for substantial amounts such
as in this case. If each irregular circumstance in this case were taken
It is well-settled that banks are engaged in a business impressed singly or isolated, the bank’s employees might have been justified in
with public interest, and it is their duty to protect in return their ignoring them. However, the confluence of the irregularities on the
many clients and depositors who transact business with them. face of the checks and circumstances that depart from the usual
They have the obligation to treat their client’s account banking practice of respondent should have put petitioner’s
meticulously and with the highest degree of care, considering employees on guard that the checks were possibly not issued by the
respondent in due course of its business. Petitioner’s subtle sophistry
cannot exculpate it from behavior that fell extremely short of the transactions on that particular day is a flimsy and unacceptable
highest degree of care and diligence required of it as a banking excuse, considering that the "banking business is so impressed with
institution. public interest where the trust and confidence of the public in general
is of paramount importance such that the appropriate standard of
In all, we see no reason to depart from the finding in the assailed CA diligence must be a high degree of diligence, if not the utmost
Decision that the subject checks are properly characterized as diligence." Petitioner’s negligence has been undoubtedly established
incomplete and undelivered instruments thus making Section 15 of and, thus, pursuant to Art. 1170 of the NCC, it must suffer the
the NIL applicable in this case. consequence of said negligence.

However, we do agree with petitioner that respondent’s officers’ Lambert v. Heirs of Ray Castillon: xxx a plaintiff who is partly
practice of pre-signing of blank checks should be deemed seriously responsible for his own injury should not be entitled to recover
negligent behavior and a highly risky means of purportedly ensuring damages in full but must bear the consequences of his own
the efficient operation of businesses. It should have occurred to negligence. The defendant must thus be held liable only for the
respondent’s officers and managers that the pre-signed blank checks damages actually caused by his negligence. xxx
could fall into the wrong hands as they did in this case where the said
checks were stolen from the company accountant to whom the checks As we previously stated, respondent’s practice of signing checks in
were entrusted. blank whenever its authorized bank signatories would travel abroad
was a dangerous policy, especially considering the lack of evidence
Nevertheless, even if we assume that both parties were guilty of on record that respondent had appropriate safeguards or internal
negligent acts that led to the loss, petitioner will still emerge as the controls to prevent the pre-signed blank checks from falling into the
party foremost liable in this case. In instances where both parties are hands of unscrupulous individuals and being used to commit a fraud
at fault, this Court has consistently applied the doctrine of last clear against the company. We cannot believe that there was no other
chance in order to assign liability. secure and reasonable way to guarantee the non-disruption of
respondent’s business. As testified to by petitioner’s expert witness,
Westmont Bank v. Ong: the one who had a last clear opportunity to other corporations would ordinarily have another set of authorized
avoid the impending harm but failed to do so is chargeable with the bank signatories who would be able to sign checks in the absence of
consequences thereof. the preferred signatories. Indeed, if not for the fortunate happenstance
that the thief failed to properly fill up the subject checks, respondent
In the case at bar, petitioner cannot evade responsibility for the loss would expectedly take the blame for the entire loss since the defense
by attributing negligence on the part of respondent because, even if of forgery of a drawer’s signature(s) would be unavailable to it.
we concur that the latter was indeed negligent in pre-signing blank Considering that respondent knowingly took the risk that the
checks, the former had the last clear chance to avoid the loss. To pre-signed blank checks might fall into the hands of wrongdoers, it is
reiterate, petitioner’s own operations manager admitted that they but just that respondent shares in the responsibility for the loss.
could have called up the client for verification or confirmation before
honoring the dubious checks. Verily, petitioner had the final G.R. No. 88866 February 18, 1991
opportunity to avert the injury that befell the respondent. Failing to
make the necessary verification due to the volume of banking
METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST COMPANY, petitioner, The first withdrawal was made on July 9, 1979, in the amount of
vs. P508,000.00, the second on July 13, 1979, in the amount of
COURT OF APPEALS, GOLDEN SAVINGS & LOAN P310,000.00, and the third on July 16, 1979, in the amount of
ASSOCIATION, INC., LUCIA CASTILLO, MAGNO CASTILLO and P150,000.00. The total withdrawal was P968.000.00.
GLORIA CASTILLO, respondents.
In turn, Golden Savings subsequently allowed Gomez to make
Metrobank is a commercial bank with branches throughout the withdrawals from his own account, eventually collecting the total
Philippines and even abroad. Golden Savings and Loan Association amount of P1,167,500.00 from the proceeds of the apparently cleared
was, at the time these events happened, operating in Calapan, warrants. The last withdrawal was made on July 16, 1979.
Mindoro, with the other private respondents as its principal officers.
Metrobank informed Golden Savings that 32 of the warrants had been
In January 1979, a certain Eduardo Gomez opened an account with dishonored by the Bureau of Treasury on July 19, 1979, and
Golden Savings and deposited over a period of 2 months 38 treasury demanded the refund by Golden Savings of the amount it had
warrants with a total value of P1,755,228.37. They were all drawn by previously withdrawn, to make up the deficit in its account.
the Philippine Fish Marketing Authority and purportedly signed by its
General Manager and countersigned by its Auditor. Six of these were The demand was rejected. Metrobank then sued Golden Savings in
directly payable to Gomez while the others appeared to have been the RTC of Mindoro. The RTC dismissed the complaint.
indorsed by their respective payees, followed by Gomez as second
indorser. On appeal, the CA affirmed the RTC ruling.

On various dates between June 25 and July 16, 1979, all these Hence, this petition for review.
warrants were subsequently indorsed by Gloria Castillo as Cashier of
Golden Savings and deposited to its Savings Account No. 2498 in the Whether or not Metrobank can demand refund against Golden
Metrobank branch in Calapan, Mindoro. They were then sent for Savings with regard to the amount withdraws to make up with the
clearing by the branch office to the principal office of Metrobank, which deficit as a result of the dishonored treasury warrants NO
forwarded them to the Bureau of Treasury for special clearing.
From the above undisputed facts, it would appear to the Court that
More than 2 weeks after the deposits, Gloria Castillo went to the Metrobank was indeed negligent in giving Golden Savings the
Calapan branch several times to ask whether the warrants had been impression that the treasury warrants had been cleared and that,
cleared. She was told to wait. Accordingly, Gomez was meanwhile not consequently, it was safe to allow Gomez to withdraw the proceeds
allowed to withdraw from his account. Later, however, "exasperated" thereof from his account with it. Without such assurance, Golden
over Gloria's repeated inquiries and also as an accommodation for a Savings would not have allowed the withdrawals; with such assurance,
"valued client," the petitioner says it finally decided to allow Golden there was no reason not to allow the withdrawal. Indeed, Golden
Savings to withdraw from the proceeds of the Savings might even have incurred liability for its refusal to return the
warrants. money that to all appearances belonged to the depositor, who could
therefore withdraw it any time and for any reason he saw fit.
It was, in fact, to secure the clearance of the treasury warrants that valued client. It "presumed" that the warrants had been cleared simply
Golden Savings deposited them to its account with Metrobank. because of "the lapse of one week." For a bank with its long
Golden Savings had no clearing facilities of its own. It relied on experience, this explanation is unbelievably naive.
Metrobank to determine the validity of the warrants through its own
services. The proceeds of the warrants were withheld from Gomez The negligence of Metrobank has been sufficiently established. To
until Metrobank allowed Golden Savings itself to withdraw them from repeat for emphasis, it was the clearance given by it that assured
its own deposit. It was only when Metrobank gave the go-signal that Golden Savings it was already safe to allow Gomez to withdraw the
Gomez was finally allowed by Golden Savings to withdraw them from proceeds of the treasury warrants he had deposited
his own account. Metrobank misled Golden Savings. There may have been no express
clearance, as Metrobank insists (although this is refuted by Golden
The argument of Metrobank that Golden Savings should have Savings) but in any case that clearance could be implied from its
exercised more care in checking the personal circumstances of allowing Golden Savings to withdraw from its account not only once or
Gomez before accepting his deposit does not hold water. It was even twice but three times. The total withdrawal was in excess of its
Gomez who was entrusting the warrants, not Golden Savings that was original balance before the treasury warrants were deposited, which
extending him a loan; and moreover, the treasury warrants were only added to its belief that the treasury warrants had indeed been
subject to clearing, pending which the depositor could not withdraw its cleared.
proceeds. There was no question of Gomez's identity or of the
genuineness of his signature as checked by Golden Savings. In fact, The belated notification aggravated the petitioner's earlier negligence
the treasury warrants were dishonored allegedly because of the in giving express or at least implied clearance to the treasury warrants
forgery of the signatures of the drawers, not of Gomez as payee or and allowing payments therefrom to Golden Savings. But that is not all.
indorser. Under the circumstances, it is clear that Golden Savings On top of this, the supposed reason for the dishonor, to wit, the
acted with due care and diligence and cannot be faulted for the forgery of the signatures of the general manager and the auditor of the
withdrawals it allowed Gomez to make. drawer corporation, has not been established. This was the finding of
the lower courts which we see no reason to disturb.
By contrast, Metrobank exhibited extraordinary carelessness. The
amount involved was not trifling — more than one and a half million MWSS v. Court of Appeals: Forgery cannot be presumed. It must be
pesos (and this was 1979). There was no reason why it should not established by clear, positive and convincing evidence. This was not
have waited until the treasury warrants had been cleared; it would not done in the present case.
have lost a single centavo by waiting. Yet, despite the lack of such
clearance — and notwithstanding that it had not received a single A no less important consideration is the circumstance that the
centavo from the proceeds of the treasury warrants, as it now treasury warrants in question are not negotiable instruments.
repeatedly stresses — it allowed Golden Savings to withdraw — not Clearly stamped on their face is the word "non-negotiable."
once, not twice, but thrice — from the uncleared treasury warrants in Moreover, and this is of equal significance, it is indicated that
the total amount of P968,000.00. they are payable from a particular fund (Fund 501).

Its reason? It was "exasperated" over the persistent inquiries of Gloria The indication of Fund 501 as the source of the payment to be made
Castillo about the clearance and it also wanted to "accommodate" a on the treasury warrants makes the order or promise to pay "not
unconditional" and the warrants themselves non-negotiable. There compared the signature appearing on the check with the specimen
should be no question that the exception on Section 3 of the signature of Jong as contained in the specimen signature card with
Negotiable Instruments Law is applicable in the case at bar. the bank. After comparing the two signatures, Justiani was satisfied as
to the authenticity of the signature appearing on the check. She then
Metrobank cannot contend that by indorsing the warrants in general, asked Gonzaga to submit proof of his identity, and the latter presented
Golden Savings assumed that they were "genuine and in all respects 3 identification cards.
what they purport to be," in accordance with Section 66 of the
Negotiable Instruments Law. The simple reason is that this law is At the same time, Justiani forwarded the check to the branch Senior
not applicable to the non-negotiable treasury warrants. The Assistant Cashier Gemma Velez, as it was bank policy that two bank
indorsement was made by Gloria Castillo not for the purpose of branch officers approve checks exceeding One Hundred Thousand
guaranteeing the genuineness of the warrants but merely to deposit Pesos, for payment or encashment. Velez likewise counterchecked
them with Metrobank for clearing. It was in fact Metrobank that made the signature on the check as against that on the signature card. He
the guarantee when it stamped on the back of the warrants: "All prior too concluded that the check was indeed signed by Jong. Velez then
indorsement and/or lack of endorsements guaranteed, Metropolitan forwarded the check and signature card to Shirley Syfu, another bank
Bank & Trust Co., Calapan Branch." officer, for approval. Syfu then noticed that Jose Sempio III ("Sempio"),
the assistant accountant of Samsung Construction, was also in the
G.R. No. 129015 August 13, 2004 bank. Sempio was well-known to Syfu and the other bank officers, he
being the assistant accountant of Samsung Construction. Syfu
SAMSUNG CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PHILIPPINES, showed the check to Sempio, who vouched for the genuineness of
INC., petitioner, Jong’s signature. Confirming the identity of Gonzaga, Sempio said
vs. that the check was for the purchase of equipment for Samsung
FAR EAST BANK AND TRUST COMPANY AND COURT OF Construction. Satisfied with the genuineness of the signature of Jong,
APPEALS, respondents. Syfu authorized the bank’s encashment of the check to Gonzaga.

Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. based in Biñan, The following day, the accountant of Samsung Construction, Kyu,
Laguna, maintained a current account with defendant Far East Bank examined the balance of the bank account and discovered that a
and Trust Company ("FEBTC") at the latter’s Bel-Air, Makati branch. check in the amount of P999,500.00 had been encashed. Aware that
The sole signatory to Samsung Construction’s account was Jong Kyu he had not prepared such a check for Jong’s signature, Kyu perused
Lee ("Jong"), its Project Manager, while the checks remained in the the checkbook and found that the last blank check was missing. He
custody of the company’s accountant, Kyu Yong Lee ("Kyu"). reported the matter to Jong, who then proceeded to the bank. Jong
learned of the encashment of the check, and realized that his
A certain Roberto Gonzaga presented for payment FEBTC Check No. signature had been forged. The Bank Manager reputedly told Jong
432100 to the bank’s branch in Bel-Air, Makati. The check, payable to that he would be reimbursed for the amount of the check. Jong
cash and drawn against Samsung Construction’s current account, proceeded to the police station and consulted with his lawyers.
was in the amount of P999,500.00. The bank teller, Cleofe Justiani, Subsequently, a criminal case for qualified theft was filed against
first checked the balance of Samsung Construction’s account. After Sempio before the Laguna court.
ascertaining there were enough funds to cover the check, she
In a letter dated 6 May 1992, Samsung Construction, through counsel, comparison of the signatures against those on the signature cards
demanded that FEBTC credit to it the amount of P999,500.00, with they have on file. Moreover, the very opportunity of the drawee to
interest. In response, FEBTC said that it was still conducting an insure and to distribute the cost among its customers who use checks
investigation on the matter. Unsatisfied, Samsung Construction filed makes the drawee an ideal party to spread the risk to insurance.
a Complaint for violation of Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments
Law, and prayed for the payment of the amount debited as a result of The Law of Forged and Altered Checks: When a person deposits
the questioned check plus interest, and attorney’s fees before the money in a general account in a bank, against which he has the
Regional Trial Court ("RTC") of Manila, Branch 9. privilege of drawing checks in the ordinary course of business, the
relationship between the bank and the depositor is that of debtor
The trial court held that Jong’s signature on the check was forged and and creditor. So far as the legal relationship between the two is
accordingly directed the bank to pay or credit back to Samsung concerned, the situation is the same as though the bank had borrowed
Construction’s account the amount of P999,500.00. money from the depositor, agreeing to repay it on demand, or had
bought goods from the depositor, agreeing to pay for them on demand.
On appeal, the CA reversed the RTC Decision and absolving FEBTC The bank owes the depositor money in the same sense that any
from any liability. debtor owes money to his creditor. Added to this, in the case of bank
and depositor, there is, of course, the bank’s obligation to pay checks
Hence, this petition for review. drawn by the depositor in proper form and presented in due course.
When the bank receives the deposit, it impliedly agrees to pay only
Whether or not a bank is liable to reimburse the drawer from whose upon the depositor’s order. When the bank pays a check, on which
account the funds were paid out if it pays out on a forged check NO the depositor’s signature is a forgery, it has failed to comply with
its contract in this respect. Therefore, the bank is held liable.
Section 23: When a signature is forged or made without the authority
of the person whose signature it purports to be, it is wholly This rule of liability can be stated briefly in these words: "A bank is
inoperative, and no right to retain the instrument, or to give a bound to know its depositors’ signature." The rule is variously
discharge therefor, or to enforce payment thereof against any party expressed in the many decisions in which the question has been
thereto, can be acquired through or under such signature, unless considered. But they all sum up to the proposition that a bank must
the party against whom it is sought to enforce such right is precluded know the signatures of those whose general deposits it carries.
from setting up the forgery or want of authority.
Under Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law, forgery is a
The general rule is to the effect that a forged signature is "wholly real or absolute defense by the party whose signature is forged.
inoperative," and payment made "through or under such On the premise that Jong’s signature was indeed forged, FEBTC is
signature" is ineffectual or does not discharge the instrument. If liable for the loss since it authorized the discharge of the forged check.
payment is made, the drawee cannot charge it to the drawer’s account. Such liability attaches even if the bank exerts due diligence and care
The traditional justification for the result is that the drawee is in a in preventing such faulty discharge. Forgeries often deceive the eye of
superior position to detect a forgery because he has the maker’s the most cautious experts; and when a bank has been so deceived, it
signature and is expected to know and compare it. The rule has a is a harsh rule which compels it to suffer although no one has suffered
healthy cautionary effect on banks by encouraging care in the by its being deceived. The forgery may be so near like the genuine as
to defy detection by the depositor himself, and yet the bank is liable to determined that it was the negligence of Samsung Construction that
the depositor if it pays the check. allowed the encashment of the forged check.

Thus, the first matter of inquiry is into whether the check was indeed In the case at bar, the forgery appears to have been made possible
forged. A document formally presented is presumed to be genuine through the acts of one Jose Sempio III, an assistant accountant
until it is proved to be fraudulent. In a forgery trial, this presumption employed by the plaintiff Samsung [Construction] Co. Philippines, Inc.
must be overcome but this can only be done by convincing testimony who supposedly stole the blank check and who presumably is
and effective illustrations. responsible for its encashment through a forged signature of Jong Kyu
Lee. Sempio was assistant to the Korean accountant who was in
Tenio-Obsequio v. Court of Appeals: forgery cannot be presumed; it possession of the blank checks and who through negligence, enabled
must be proved by clear, positive and convincing evidence. Sempio to have access to the same. Had the Korean accountant been
more careful and prudent in keeping the blank checks Sempio would
Again, the PNP examiner downplayed the uniqueness of the final not have had the chance to steal a page thereof and to effect the
stroke in the questioned signature as a mere variation, the same forgery. Besides, Sempio was an employee who appears to have had
excuse she proffered for the other marked differences noted by the dealings with the defendant Bank in behalf of the plaintiff corporation
Court and the counsel for petitioner. and on the date the check was encashed, he was there to certify that it
was a genuine check issued to purchase equipment for the company.
FEBTC lays undue emphasis on the fact that the PNP examiner did
compare the questioned signature against the bank signature We recognize that Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law
cards. The crucial fact in question is whether or not the check bars a party from setting up the defense of forgery if it is guilty of
was forged, not whether the bank could have detected the negligence. Yet, we are unable to conclude that Samsung
forgery. The latter issue becomes relevant only if there is need to Construction was guilty of negligence in this case. The appellate court
weigh the comparative negligence between the bank and the failed to explain precisely how the Korean accountant was negligent
party whose signature was forged. or how more care and prudence on his part would have prevented the
forgery. We cannot sustain this "tar and feathering" resorted to without
Whether or not Samsung Construction was precluded from setting up any basis.
the defense of forgery under Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments
Law The bare fact that the forgery was committed by an employee of the
party whose signature was forged cannot necessarily imply that such
The Court of Appeals concluded that Samsung Construction was party’s negligence was the cause for the forgery. Employers do not
negligent, and invoked the doctrines that "where a loss must be possess the preternatural gift of cognition as to the evil that may lurk
borne by one of two innocent person, can be traced to the within the hearts and minds of their employees.
neglect or fault of either, it is reasonable that it would be borne
by him, even if innocent of any intentional fraud, through whose PCI Bank v. Court of Appeals: The mere fact that the forgery was
means it has succeeded or who put into the power of the third committed by a drawer-payor’s confidential employee or agent,
person to perpetuate the wrong." Applying these rules, the CA who by virtue of his position had unusual facilities for
perpetrating the fraud and imposing the forged paper upon the
bank, does not entitle the bank to shift the loss to the he has been negligent in failing to recognize that the handwriting
drawer-payor, in the absence of some circumstance raising is not that of his customer. But it follows obviously that if the payee,
estoppel against the drawer. holder, or presenter of the forged paper has himself been in default, if
he has himself been guilty of a negligence prior to that of the banker,
Admittedly, the record does not clearly establish what measures or if by any act of his own he has at all contributed to induce the
Samsung Construction employed to safeguard its blank checks. Jong banker's negligence, then he may lose his right to cast the loss upon
did testify that his accountant, Kyu, kept the checks inside a "safety the banker.
box," and no contrary version was presented by FEBTC. However,
such testimony cannot prove that the checks were indeed kept in a Quite palpably, the general rule remains that the drawee who has
safety box, as Jong’s testimony on that point is hearsay, since Kyu, paid upon the forged signature bears the loss. The exception to
and not Jong, would have the personal knowledge as to how the this rule arises only when negligence can be traced on the part of
checks were kept. the drawer whose signature was forged, and the need arises to
weigh the comparative negligence between the drawer and the
Still, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, we can conclude that drawee to determine who should bear the burden of loss. The
there was no negligence on Samsung Construction’s part. The Court finds no basis to conclude that Samsung Construction was
presumption remains that every person takes ordinary care of his negligent in the safekeeping of its checks. For one, the settled rule is
concerns, and that the ordinary course of business has been followed. that the mere fact that the depositor leaves his check book lying
Negligence is not presumed, but must be proven by him who around does not constitute such negligence as will free the bank from
alleges it. While the complaint was lodged at the instance of liability to him, where a clerk of the depositor or other persons, taking
Samsung Construction, the matter it had to prove was the claim it had advantage of the opportunity, abstract some of the check blanks,
alleged - whether the check was forged. It cannot be required as forges the depositor’s signature and collect on the checks from the
well to prove that it was not negligent, because the legal bank. And for another, in point of fact Samsung Construction was not
presumption remains that ordinary care was employed. negligent at all since it reported the forgery almost immediately upon
Thus, it was incumbent upon FEBTC, in defense, to prove the
negative fact that Samsung Construction was negligent. While the The justification for the distinction between forgery of the signature of
payee, as in this case, may not have the personal knowledge as to the the drawer and forgery of an indorsement is that the drawee is in a
standard procedures observed by the drawer, it well has the means of position to verify the drawer’s signature by comparison with one in his
disputing the presumption of regularity. Proving a negative fact may hands, but has ordinarily no opportunity to verify an indorsement.
be "a difficult office," but necessarily so, as it seeks to overcome a
presumption in law. FEBTC was unable to dispute the presumption of Thus, a drawee bank is generally liable to its depositor in paying
ordinary care exercised by Samsung Construction, hence we cannot a check which bears either a forgery of the drawer’s signature or
agree with the Court of Appeals’ finding of negligence. a forged indorsement. But the bank may, as a general rule,
recover back the money which it has paid on a check bearing a
PNB v. National City Bank of New York: The point in issue has forged indorsement, whereas it has not this right to the same
sometimes been said to be that of negligence. The drawee who has extent with reference to a check bearing a forgery of the drawer’s
paid upon the forged signature is held to bear the loss, because signature.
The general rule imputing liability on the drawee who paid out on the Banks are engaged in a business impressed with public interest,
forgery holds in this case. and it is their duty to protect in return their many clients and
depositors who transact business with them. They have the
The fact that the check was made out in the amount of nearly one obligation to treat their client’s account meticulously and with
million pesos is unusual enough to require a higher degree of caution the highest degree of care, considering the fiduciary nature of
on the part of the bank. Indeed, FEBTC confirms this through its own their relationship. The diligence required of banks, therefore, is
internal procedures. Checks below twenty-five thousand pesos more than that of a good father of a family.
require only the approval of the teller; those between twenty-five
thousand to one hundred thousand pesos necessitate the approval of Given the circumstances, extraordinary diligence dictates that FEBTC
one bank officer; and should the amount exceed one hundred should have ascertained from Jong personally that the signature in the
thousand pesos, the concurrence of two bank officers is required. questionable check was his.

In this case, not only did the amount in the check nearly total one Still, even if the bank performed with utmost diligence, the drawer
million pesos, it was also payable to cash. That latter circumstance whose signature was forged may still recover from the bank as
should have aroused the suspicion of the bank, as it is not ordinary long as he or she is not precluded from setting up the defense of
business practice for a check for such large amount to be made forgery. After all, Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law
payable to cash or to bearer, instead of to the order of a specified plainly states that no right to enforce the payment of a check can arise
person. Moreover, the check was presented for payment by one out of a forged signature. Since the drawer, Samsung Construction, is
Roberto Gonzaga, who was not designated as the payee of the check, not precluded by negligence from setting up the forgery, the general
and who did not carry with him any written proof that he was rule should apply. Consequently, if a bank pays a forged check, it
authorized by Samsung Construction to encash the check. Gonzaga, must be considered as paying out of its funds and cannot charge the
a stranger to FEBTC, was not even an employee of Samsung amount so paid to the account of the depositor. A bank is liable,
Construction. These circumstances are already suspicious if taken irrespective of its good faith, in paying a forged check.
independently, much more so if they are evaluated in concurrence.
Given the shadiness attending Gonzaga’s presentment of the check, it G.R. No. L-53194 March 14, 1988
was not sufficient for FEBTC to have merely complied with its internal
procedures, but mandatory that all earnest efforts be undertaken to PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK petitioner,
ensure the validity of the check, and of the authority of Gonzaga to vs.
collect payment therefor. HON. ROMULO S. QUIMPO, Presiding Judge, Court of First
Instance of Rizal, Branch XIV, and FRANCISCO S. GOZON
Even assuming that FEBTC had a standing habit of dealing with II, respondents.
Sempio, acting in behalf of Samsung Construction, the irregular
circumstances attending the presentment of the forged check should Francisco S. Gozon II, who was a depositor of the Caloocan City
have put the bank on the highest degree of alert. The Court recently Branch of the PNB, went to the bank in his car accompanied by his
emphasized that the highest degree of care and diligence is required friend Ernesto Santos whom he left in the car while he transacted
of banks. business in the bank. When Santos saw that Gozon left his check
book he took a check therefrom, filled it up for the amount of
P5,000.00, forged the signature of Gozon, and thereafter he encashed different from the way the same letter is formed in Exhibit "A-l". That
the check in the bank on the same day. The account of Gozon was alone should have alerted a more careful and prudent signature
debited the said amount. Upon receipt of the statement of account verifier.
from the bank, Gozon asked that the said amount of P5,000.00 should
be returned to his account as his signature on the check was forged The prime duty of a bank is to ascertain the genuineness of the
but the bank refused. signature of the drawer or the depositor on the check being
encashed. It is expected to use reasonable business prudence in
Upon complaint, Ernesto Santos was apprehended by the police accepting and cashing a check presented to it.
authorities and upon investigation he admitted that he stole the check
of Gozon, forged his signature and encashed the same with the Bank. In this case the findings of facts of the court a quo are conclusive. The
trial court found that a comparison of the signature on the forged
Hence Gozon filed the complaint for recovery of the amount of check and the sample signatures of private respondent show marked
P5,000.00, plus interest, damages, attorney's fees and costs against differences as the graceful lines in the sample signature which is
the bank in the CFI of Rizal. The trial court ruled in favor of the plaintiff. completely different from those of the signature on the forged check.
Indeed the NBI handwriting expert Estelita Santiago Agnes whom the
Hence, this petition for review on certiorari. trial court considered to be an "unbiased scientific expert" indicated
the marked differences between the signature of private respondent
Whether or not the act of respondent Francisco Gozon, in putting his on the sample signatures and the questioned signature.
check book containing the check in question into the hands of Ernesto Notwithstanding the testimony of Col. Fernandez, witness for
Santos was indeed the proximate cause of the loss, thereby petitioner, advancing the opinion that the questioned signature
precluding him from setting up the defense of forgery or want 0f appears to be genuine, the trial court by merely examining the pictorial
authority under section 23 of the negotiable instruments law, act no. report presented by said witness, found a marked difference in the
3201 second "c" in Francisco as written on the questioned signature as
compared to the sample signatures, and the separation between the
A bank is bound to know the signatures of its customers; and if it "s" and the "c" in the questioned signature while they are connected in
pays a forged check, it must be considered as making the the sample signatures.
payment out of its own funds, and cannot ordinarily change the
amount so paid to the account of the depositor whose name was Obviously, petitioner was negligent in encashing said forged check
forged' (San Carlos Milling Co. vs. Bank of the P.I.) without carefully examining the signature which shows marked
variation from the genuine signature of private respondent.
A comparison of the signature on the forged check with plaintiffs
exemplar signatures found in the PNB Form 35-A would immediately G.R. No. 74917 January 20, 1988
show the negligence of the employees of the defendant bank. Even a
not too careful comparison would immediately arrest one's attention BANCO DE ORO SAVINGS AND MORTGAGE BANK, petitioner,
and direct it to the graceful lines of plaintiffs exemplar signatures vs.
found in Exhibits "5-A" and "5-B". The formation of the first letter "F" in EQUITABLE BANKING CORPORATION, PHILIPPINE CLEARING
the exemplars, which could be regarded as artistic, is completely
HOUSE CORPORATION, AND REGIONAL TRIAL COURT OF After an exhaustive investigation and hearing the Arbiter rendered a
QUEZON CITY, BRANCH XCII (92), respondents. decision in favor of the plaintiff ordering the PCHC to debit the clearing
account of the defendant, and to credit the clearing account of the
It appears that some time in March, April, May and August 1983, plaintiff of the amount of P45,982.23 with interest at the rate of 12%
plaintiff through its Visa Card Department, drew six crossed per annum from date of the complaint and Attorney's fee in the
Manager's check having an aggregate amount of P45,982.23 Pesos amount of P5,000.00. No pronouncement as to cost was made.
and payable to certain member establishments of Visa Card.
Subsequently, the Checks were deposited with the defendant to the The Board of Directors of the PCHC affirmed the decision of the said
credit of its depositor, a certain Aida Trencio. Arbiter.

Following normal procedures, and after stamping at the back of the Thus, a petition for review was filed with the Regional Trial Court of
Checks the usual endorsements. All prior and/or lack of endorsement Quezon City, Branch XCII, wherein in due course a decision was
guaranteed the defendant sent the checks for clearing through the rendered affirming in toto the decision of the PCHC.
Philippine Clearing House Corporation (PCHC). Accordingly, plaintiff
paid the Checks; its clearing account was debited for the value of the Hence, this petition for review on certiorari.
Checks and defendant's clearing account was credited for the same
amount, Whether or not the Negotiable Instrument Law, Act No. 2031
applicable in deciding controversies of this nature by the PCHC YES
Thereafter, plaintiff discovered that the endorsements appearing at
the back of the Checks and purporting to be that of the payees were Reyes vs. Chuanico: the Appellate Court categorically stated that
forged and/or unauthorized or otherwise belong to persons other than there are four kinds of checks in this jurisdiction; the regular check; the
the payees. cashier's check; the traveller's check; and the crossed check. The
Court, further elucidated, that while the Negotiable Instruments
Pursuant to the PCHC Clearing Rules and Regulations, plaintiff Law does not contain any provision on crossed checks, it is
presented the Checks directly to the defendant for the purpose of coon practice in commercial and banking operations to issue
claiming reimbursement from the latter. However, defendant refused checks of this character, obviously in accordance with Article
to accept such direct presentation and to reimburse the plaintiff for the 541 of the Code of Commerce.
value of the Checks; hence, this case.
Section 185 of the Negotiable Instruments Law defines a check as a
In its Complaint, plaintiff prays for judgment to require the defendant to bill of exchange drawn on a bank payable on demand. Section 61
pay the plaintiff the sum of P45,982.23 with interest at the rate of 12% provides that the drawer may insert in the instrument an express
per annum from the date of the complaint plus attorney's fees in the stipulation negating or limiting his own liability to the holder.
amount of P10,000.00 as well as the cost of the suit. Consequently, it appears that the use of the term "check" in the
Articles of Incorporation of PCHC is to be perceived as not limited to
In accordance with Section 38 of the Clearing House Rules and negotiable checks only, but to checks as is generally known in use in
Regulations, the dispute was presented for Arbitration; and Atty. commercial or business transactions.
Ceasar Querubin was designated as the Arbitrator.
Whether or not the petitioner bank negligent and thus responsible for The participation of the two banks, petitioner and private respondent,
any undue payment YES in the clearing operations of PCHC is a manifestation of their
submission to its jurisdiction.
In presenting the Checks for clearing and for payment, the BDO made
an express guarantee on the validity of "all prior endorsements." Thus, Sec. 21 of the PCHC-CHRR clearing rules and regulations: Items
stamped at the back of the checks are the defendant's clear warranty; which have been the subject of material alteration or items bearing
ALL PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS AND/OR LACK OF forged endorsement when such endorsement is necessary for
ENDORSEMENTS GUARANTEED. With. out such warranty, plaintiff negotiation shall be returned by direct presentation or demand to the
would not have paid on the checks. Presenting Bank and not through the regular clearing house facilities
within the period prescribed by law for the filing of a legal action by the
No amount of legal jargon can reverse the clear meaning of returning bank/branch, institution or entity sending the same.
defendant's warranty. As the warranty has proven to be false and
inaccurate, the defendant is liable for any damage arising out of the Viewing these provisions the conclusion is clear that the PCHC Rules
falsity of its representation. and Regulations should not be interpreted to be applicable only to
checks which are negotiable instruments but also to non-negotiable
The principle of estoppel, effectively prevents the defendant from instruments and that the PCHC has jurisdiction over this case even as
denying liability for any damage sustained by the plaintiff which, the checks subject of this litigation are admittedly non-negotiable.
relying upon an action or declaration of the defendant, paid on the
Checks. The same principle of estoppel effectively prevents the Moreover, petitioner is estopped from raising the defense of
defendant from denying the existence of the Checks. non-negotiability of the checks in question. It stamped its guarantee
on the back of the checks and subsequently presented these checks
As provided in the aforecited articles of incorporation of PCHC its for clearing and it was on the basis of these endorsements by the
operation extend to "clearing checks and other clearing items." No petitioner that the proceeds were credited in its clearing account.
doubt transactions on non-negotiable checks are within the ambit of
its jurisdiction. The petitioner by its own acts and representation can not now deny
liability because it assumed the liabilities of an endorser by stamping
The term check as used in the said Articles of Incorporation of PCHC its guarantee at the back of the checks.
can only connote checks in general use in commercial and business
activities. It cannot be conceived to be limited to negotiable checks The petitioner having stamped its guarantee of "all prior
only. endorsements and/or lack of endorsements" is now estopped from
claiming that the checks under consideration are not negotiable
Checks are used between banks and bankers and their customers, instruments. The checks were accepted for deposit by the petitioner
and are designed to facilitate banking operations. It is of the essence stamping thereon its guarantee, in order that it can clear the said
to be payable on demand, because the contract between the banker checks with the respondent bank. By such deliberate and positive
and the customer is that the money is needed on demand. attitude of the petitioner it has for all legal intents and purposes treated
the said cheeks as negotiable instruments and accordingly assumed
the warranty of the endorser when it stamped its guarantee of prior
endorsements at the back of the checks. It led the said respondent to The payment of a check does not include or imply its acceptance
believe that it was acting as endorser of the checks and on the in the sense that this word is used in Section 62 of the Negotiable
strength of this guarantee said respondent cleared the checks in Instruments Act.
question and credited the account of the petitioner. Petitioner is now
barred from taking an opposite posture by claiming that the disputed Section 66: Every indorser who indorses without qualification,
checks are not negotiable instrument. warrants to all subsequent holders in due course' (a) that the
instrument is genuine and in all respects what it purports to be; (b) that
A commercial bank cannot escape the liability of an endorser of a he has good title to it; (c) that all prior parties have capacity to contract;
check and which may turn out to be a forged endorsement. and (d) that the instrument is at the time of his indorsement valid and
Whenever any bank treats the signature at the back of the checks subsisting.
as endorsements and thus logically guarantees the same as
such there can be no doubt said bank has considered the checks American Exchange National Bank vs. Yorkville Bank : the drawer
as negotiable. owes no duty of diligence to the collecting bank (one who had
accepted an altered check and had paid over the proceeds to the
Apropos the matter of forgery in endorsements, this Court has depositor) except of seasonably discovering the alteration by a
succinctly emphasized that the collecting bank or last endorser comparison of its returned checks and check stubs or other equivalent
generally suffers the loss because it has the duty to ascertain the record, and to inform the drawee thereof. In this case it was further
genuineness of all prior endorsements considering that the act held that:
of presenting the check for payment to the drawee is an
assertion that the party making the presentment has done its The real and underlying reasons why negligence of the drawer
duty to ascertain the genuineness of the endorsements. This is constitutes no defense to the collecting bank are that there is no
laid down in the case of PNB vs. National City Bank. In another case, privity between the drawer and the collecting bank and the
this court held that if the drawee-bank discovers that the signature drawer owe to that bank no duty of vigilance and no act of the
of the payee was forged after it has paid the amount of the check collecting bank is induced by any act or representation or
to the holder thereof, it can recover the amount paid from the admission of the drawer and it follows that negligence on the
collecting bank. part of the drawer cannot create any liability from it to the
collecting bank, and the drawer thus is neither a necessary nor a
Philippine National Bank vs. The National City Bank of NY & Motor proper party to an action by the drawee bank against such bank.
Service Co.: Where a check is accepted or certified by the bank It is quite true that depositors in banks are under the obligation of
on which it is drawn, the bank is estopped to deny the examining their passbooks and returned vouchers as a protection
genuineness of the drawers signature and his capacity to issue against the payment by the depository bank against forged checks,
the instrument. and negligence in the performance of that obligation may relieve that
bank of liability for the repayment of amounts paid out on forged
If a drawee bank pays a forged check which was previously accepted checks, which but for such negligence it would be bound to repay.
or certified by the said bank, it can not recover from a holder who did
not participate in the forgery and did not have actual notice thereof. Thus We hold that while the drawer generally owes no duty of
diligence to the collecting bank, the law imposes a duty of
diligence on the collecting bank to scrutinize checks deposited vs.
with it for the purpose of determining their genuineness and EUGENE ONG, respondent.
regularity. The collecting bank being primarily engaged in banking
holds itself out to the public as the expert and the law holds it to a high Hence, this a petition for review.
standard of conduct.
Respondent Eugene Ong maintained a current account with petitioner,
Associated Banking Corporation (now known as Westmont Bank).
And although the subject checks are non-negotiable the responsibility Sometime in May 1976, Ong sold certain shares of stocks through
of petitioner as indorser thereof remains Island Securities Corporation. To pay Ong, Island Securities
purchased 2 Pacific Banking Corporation manager’s checks issued in
Having violated its warranty on validity of all endorsements, the name of Eugene Ong as payee. Before Ong could get hold of the
collecting bank cannot deny liability to those who relied on its checks, his friend Paciano Tanlimco got hold of them, forged Ong’s
warranty signature and deposited these with petitioner, where Tanlimco was
also a depositor. Even though Ong’s specimen signature was on file,
Whether the Checks have been issued for valuable considerations or petitioner accepted and credited both checks to the account of
not is of no serious moment to this case. These Checks have been Tanlimco, without verifying the ‘signature indorsements’ appearing at
made the subject of contracts of endorsement wherein the defendant the back thereof. Tanlimco then immediately withdrew the money and
made expressed warranties to induce payment by the drawer of the absconded.
Checks; and the defendant cannot now refuse liability for breach of
warranty as a consequence of such forged endorsements. The Instead of going straight to the bank to stop or question the payment,
defendant has falsely warranted in favor of plaintiff the validity of all Ong first sought the help of Tanlimco’s family to recover the amount.
endorsements and the genuineness of the cheeks in all respects what Later, he reported the incident to the Central Bank, which like the first
they purport to be. effort, unfortunately proved futile.

The damage that will result if judgment is not rendered for the plaintiff About five (5) months from discovery of the fraud, Ong demanded in
is irreparable. The collecting bank has privity with the depositor who is his complaint that petitioner pay the value of the two checks from the
the principal culprit in this case. The defendant knows the depositor; bank on whose gross negligence he imputed his loss. In his suit, he
her address and her history, Depositor is defendant's client. It has insisted that he did not "deliver, negotiate, endorse or transfer to any
taken a risk on its depositor when it allowed her to collect on the person or entity" the subject checks issued to him and asserted that
crossed-checks. the signatures on the back were spurious.
The bank did not present evidence to the contrary, but simply
Having accepted the crossed checks from persons other than the
contended that since plaintiff Ong claimed to have never received the
payees, the defendant is guilty of negligence; the risk of wrongful
originals of the 2 checks in question from Island Securities, much less
payment has to be assumed by the defendant.
to have authorized Tanlimco to receive the same, he never acquired
ownership of these checks. Thus, he had no legal personality to sue
G.R. No. 132560 January 30, 2002
as he is not a real party in interest. The bank then filed a demurrer to
WESTMONT BANK (formerly ASSOCIATED BANKING evidence which was denied.
CORP.), petitioner,
The RTC of Manila ruled in favour of the plaintiff and ordered the The collecting bank is liable to the payee and must bear the loss
defendant to pay the sum of P1,754,787.50 representing the total face because it is its legal duty to ascertain that the payee’s
value of the 2 checks in question. endorsement was genuine before cashing the check. As a
general rule, a bank or corporation who has obtained possession
On appeal, the CA affirmed in toto the RTC Decision. of a check upon an unauthorized or forged indorsement of the
payee’s signature and who collects the amount of the check from
Whether or not respondent Ong has a cause of action against
the drawee, is liable for the proceeds thereof to the payee or
petitioner Westmont Bank YES
other owner, notwithstanding that the amount has been paid to
Petitioner’s claim that respondent has no cause of action against the the person from whom the check was obtained.
bank is clearly misplaced. As defined, a cause of action is the act or
The theory of the rule is that the possession of the check on the forged
omission by which a party violates a right of another. The essential
or unauthorized indorsement is wrongful, and when the money had
elements of a cause of action are: (a) a legal right or rights of the
been collected on the check, the bank or other person or corporation
plaintiff, (b) a correlative obligation of the defendant, and (c) an act or
can be held as for moneys had and received, and the proceeds are
omission of the defendant in violation of said legal right.
held for the rightful owners who may recover them. The position of the
The complaint filed before the trial court expressly alleged bank taking the check on the forged or unauthorized indorsement is
respondent’s right as payee of the manager’s checks to receive the the same as if it had taken the check and collected the money without
amount involved, petitioner’s correlative duty as collecting bank to indorsement at all and the act of the bank amounts to conversion of
ensure that the amount gets to the rightful payee or his order, and the check.
a breach of that duty because of a blatant act of negligence on the
The payee ought to be allowed to recover directly from the
part of petitioner which violated respondent’s rights.
collecting bank, regardless of whether the check was delivered
Under Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law: When a to the payee or not.
signature is forged or made without the authority of the person whose
Considering the circumstances in this case, in our view, petitioner
signature it purports to be, it is wholly inoperative, and no right to
could not escape liability for its negligent acts. Admittedly, respondent
retain the instrument, or to give a discharge therefor, or to enforce
Eugene Ong at the time the fraudulent transaction took place was a
payment thereof against any party thereto, can be acquired through or
depositor of petitioner bank. Banks are engaged in a business
under such signature, unless the party against whom it is sought to
impressed with public interest, and it is their duty to protect in
enforce such right is precluded from setting up the forgery or want of
return their many clients and depositors who transact business
with them. They have the obligation to treat their client’s account
Since the signature of the payee, in the case at bar, was forged to meticulously and with the highest degree of care, considering the
make it appear that he had made an indorsement in favor of the forger, fiduciary nature of their relationship. The diligence required of
such signature should be deemed as inoperative and ineffectual. banks, therefore, is more than that of a good father of a family. In
Petitioner, as the collecting bank, grossly erred in making payment by the present case, petitioner was held to be grossly negligent in
virtue of said forged signature. The payee, herein respondent, should performing its duties.
therefore be allowed to recover from the collecting bank.
As found by the trial court: xxx Given the substantial face value of the
two checks, totalling P1,754,787.50, and the fact that they were being
deposited by a person not the payee, the very least defendant bank As explained by the appellate court, it is petitioner which had the last
should have done, as any reasonable prudent man would have done, clear chance to stop the fraudulent encashment of the subject checks
was to verify the genuineness of the indorsements thereon. The Court had it exercised due diligence and followed the proper and regular
cannot help but note that had defendant conducted even the most banking procedures in clearing checks. As we had earlier ruled, the
cursory comparison with plaintiff’s specimen signatures in its files it one who had the last clear opportunity to avoid the impending harm
would have at once seen that the alleged indorsements were falsified but failed to do so is chargeable with the consequences thereof.
and were not those of the plaintiff-payee. However, defendant
apparently failed to make such a verification or, what is worse did so G.R. No. 139130 November 27, 2002
but, chose to disregard the obvious dissimilarity of the signatures. The
first omission makes it guilty of gross negligence; the second of bad RAMON K. ILUSORIO, petitioner,
faith. In either case, defendant is liable to plaintiff for the proceeds of vs.
the checks in question. HON. COURT OF APPEALS, and THE MANILA BANKING
CORPORATION, respondents.
Whether or not Ong is barred to recover the money from Westmont
Bank due to laches NO Petitioner is a prominent businessman who, at the time material to this
Laches may be defined as the failure or neglect for an case, was the Managing Director of Multinational Investment
unreasonable and unexplained length of time, to do that which, Bancorporation and the Chairman and/or President of several other
by exercising due diligence, could or should have been done corporations. He was a depositor in good standing of respondent bank,
earlier. It is negligence or omission to assert a right within a the Manila Banking Corporation, under current Checking Account No.
reasonable time, warranting a presumption that the party entitled 06-09037-0. As he was then running about 20 corporations, and was
thereto has either abandoned or declined to assert it. It concerns going out of the country a number of times, petitioner entrusted to his
itself with whether or not by reason of long inaction or inexcusable secretary, Katherine E. Eugenio, his credit cards and his checkbook
neglect, a person claiming a right should be barred from asserting the with blank checks. It was also Eugenio who verified and reconciled the
same, because to allow him to do so would be unjust to the person statements of said checking account.
against whom such right is sought to be enforced.
Between the dates September 5, 1980 and January 23, 1981,
In the case at bar, it cannot be said that respondent sat on his rights. Eugenio was able to encash and deposit to her personal account
He immediately acted after knowing of the forgery by proceeding to about 17 checks (P119,634.34) drawn against the account of the
seek help from the Tanlimco family and later the Central Bank, to petitioner at the respondent bank. Petitioner did not bother to check
remedy the situation and recover his money from the forger, Paciano his statement of account until a business partner apprised him that he
Tanlimco. Only after he had exhausted possibilities of settling the saw Eugenio use his credit cards. Petitioner fired Eugenio
matter amicably with the family of Tanlimco and through the CB, about immediately, and instituted a criminal action against her for estafa thru
five months after the unlawful transaction took place, did he resort to falsification before the Office of the Provincial Fiscal of Rizal. Private
making the demand upon the petitioner and eventually before the respondent, through an affidavit executed by its employee, Mr. Dante
court for recovery of the money value of the two checks. These acts Razon, also lodged a complaint for estafa thru falsification of
cannot be construed as undue delay in or abandonment of the commercial documents against Eugenio on the basis of petitioner’s
assertion of his rights. statement that his signatures in the checks were forged.
Petitioner then requested the respondent bank to credit back and but the same was denied by the appellant. It was also the former
restore to its account the value of the checks which were wrongfully which sought the assistance of the NBI for an expert analysis of the
encashed but respondent bank refused. Hence, petitioner filed the signatures on the questioned checks, but the same was unsuccessful
instant case. for lack of sufficient specimen signatures.

The RTC, finding no sufficient basis for plaintiff's cause herein against Consistently, the CA and the RTC found that Manila Bank employees
defendant bank, dismissed the complaint. exercised due diligence in cashing the checks. The bank’s employees
in the present case did not have a hint as to Eugenio’s modus
On appeal, the CA affirmed the RTC decision. operandi because she was a regular customer of the bank, having
been designated by petitioner himself to transact in his behalf.
Hence, this petition for review. According to the appellate court, the employees of the bank exercised
due diligence in the performance of their duties.
Whether or not petitioner has a cause of action against private
respondent NO Of course it is possible that the verifiers of TMBC might have made a
mistake in failing to detect any forgery -- if indeed there was. However,
On the first issue, we find that petitioner has no cause of action a mistake is not equivalent to negligence if they were honest mistakes.
against Manila Bank. To be entitled to damages, petitioner has the In the instant case, we believe and so hold that if there were mistakes,
burden of proving negligence on the part of the bank for failure to the same were not deliberate, since the bank took all the precautions.
detect the discrepancy in the signatures on the checks. It is
incumbent upon petitioner to establish the fact of forgery, i.e., by As borne by the records, it was petitioner, not the bank, who was
submitting his specimen signatures and comparing them with those on negligent. Negligence is the omission to do something which a
the questioned checks. Curiously though, petitioner failed to submit reasonable man, guided by those considerations which
additional specimen signatures as requested by the NBI from which to ordinarily regulate the conduct of human affairs, would do, or the
draw a conclusive finding regarding forgery. The CA found that doing of something which a prudent and reasonable man would
petitioner, by his own inaction, was precluded from setting up forgery. do. In the present case, it appears that petitioner accorded his
Said the appellate court: xxx The burden to prove forgery was upon secretary unusual degree of trust and unrestricted access to his credit
the plaintiff, which burden he failed to discharge. Aside from his own cards, passbooks, check books, bank statements, including custody
testimony, the appellant presented no other evidence to prove the fact and possession of cancelled checks and reconciliation of accounts.
of forgery. He did not even submit his own specimen signatures, taken
on or about the date of the questioned checks, for examination and Petitioner’s failure to examine his bank statements appears as the
comparison with those of the subject checks. On the other hand, the proximate cause of his own damage. Proximate cause is that cause,
appellee presented specimen signature cards of the appellant, taken which, in natural and continuous sequence, unbroken by any efficient
at various years, namely, in 1976, 1979 and 1981 showing variances intervening cause, produces the injury, and without which the result
in the appellant’s unquestioned signatures. The evidence further would not have occurred. In the instant case, the bank was not shown
shows that the appellee, as soon as it was informed by the appellant to be remiss in its duty of sending monthly bank statements to
about his questioned signatures, sought to borrow the questioned petitioner so that any error or discrepancy in the entries therein could
checks from the appellant for purposes of analysis and examination be brought to the bank’s attention at the earliest opportunity. But,
petitioner failed to examine these bank statements not because he Section 2, Rule 110 of the Rules of Court the complaint or information
was prevented by some cause in not doing so, but because he did not filed in court is required to be brought in the name of the "People of
pay sufficient attention to the matter. Had he done so, he could have the Philippines."
been alerted to any anomaly committed against him. In other words,
petitioner had sufficient opportunity to prevent or detect any Further, as petitioner himself stated in his petition, respondent bank
misappropriation by his secretary had he only reviewed the status of filed the estafa case against Eugenio on the basis of petitioner’s own
his accounts based on the bank statements sent to him regularly. In affidavit, but without admitting that he had any personal knowledge of
view of Article 2179 of the New Civil Code, when the plaintiff’s own the alleged forgery. It is, therefore, easy to understand that the filing of
negligence was the immediate and proximate cause of his injury, no the estafa case by respondent bank was a last ditch effort to salvage
recovery could be had for damages. its ties with the petitioner as a valuable client, by bolstering the estafa
case which he filed against his secretary.
Petitioner further contends that under Section 23 of the Negotiable
Instruments Law a forged check is inoperative, and that Manila Bank G.R. No. 138510 October 10, 2002
had no authority to pay the forged checks. True, it is a rule that when a
signature is forged or made without the authority of the person whose TRADERS ROYAL BANK, petitioner,
signature it purports to be, the check is wholly inoperative. No right to vs.
retain the instrument, or to give a discharge therefor, or to enforce RADIO PHILIPPINES NETWORK, INC., INTERCONTINENTAL
payment thereof against any party, can be acquired through or under BROADCASTING CORPORATION and BANAHAW
such signature. However, the rule does provide for an exception, BROADCASTING CORPORATION, through the BOARD OF
namely: "unless the party against whom it is sought to enforce ADMINISTRATORS, and SECURITY BANK AND TRUST
such right is precluded from setting up the forgery or want of COMPANY, respondents.
authority." In the instant case, it is the exception that applies. In our
view, petitioner is precluded from setting up the forgery, assuming The BIR assessed plaintiffs Radio Philippines Network (RPN),
there is forgery, due to his own negligence in entrusting to his Intercontinental Broadcasting Corporation (IBC), and Banahaw
secretary his credit cards and checkbook including the verification of Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) of their tax obligations for the taxable
his statements of account. years 1978 to 1983.

Whether or not private respondent, in filing an estafa case against Mrs. Lourdes C. Vera, plaintiffs’ comptroller, sent a letter to the BIR
petitioner’s secretary, is barred from raising the defense that the fact requesting settlement of plaintiffs’ tax obligations.
of forgery was not established YES
The BIR granted the request and accordingly, on June 26, 1986,
On the second issue, the fact that Manila Bank had filed a case for plaintiffs purchased from defendant Traders Royal Bank (TRB) 3
estafa against Eugenio would not estop it from asserting the fact that manager’s checks to be used as payment for their tax liabilities.
forgery has not been clearly established. Petitioner cannot hold
private respondent in estoppel for the latter is not the actual party to Defendant TRB, through Aida Nuñez, TRB Branch Manager at
the criminal action. In a criminal action, the State is the plaintiff, for the Broadcast City Branch, turned over the checks to Mrs. Vera who was
commission of a felony is an offense against the State. Thus, under supposed to deliver the same to the BIR in payment of plaintiffs’ taxes.
The BIR again assessed plaintiffs for their tax liabilities for the years therefor, or to enforce payment thereof against any party thereto,
1979-82. It was then they discovered that the 3 managers checks can be acquired through or under such signature." Consequently,
(Nos. 30652, 30650 and 30796) intended as payment for their taxes if a bank pays a forged check, it must be considered as paying out of
were never delivered nor paid to the BIR by Mrs. Vera. Instead, the its funds and cannot charge the amount so paid to the account of the
checks were presented for payment by unknown persons to defendant depositor.
Security Bank and Trust Company (SBTC), Taytay Branch as shown
by the bank’s routing symbol transit number (BRSTN 01140027) or In the instant case, the 3 checks were payable to the BIR. It was
clearing code stamped on the reverse sides of the checks. established, however, that said checks were never delivered or paid to
the payee BIR but were in fact presented for payment by some
Meanwhile, for failure of the plaintiffs to settle their obligations, the BIR unknown persons who, in order to receive payment therefor, forged
issued warrants of levy, distraint and garnishment against them. Thus, the name of the payee. Despite this fraud, petitioner TRB paid the 3
they were constrained to enter into a compromise and paid BIR checks in the total amount of P9,790,716.87.
P18,962,225.25 in settlement of their unpaid deficiency taxes.
Petitioner ought to have known that, where a check is drawn payable
Thereafter, plaintiffs sent letters to both defendants, demanding that to the order of one person and is presented for payment by another
the amounts covered by the checks be reimbursed or credited to their and purports upon its face to have been duly indorsed by the payee of
account. The defendants refused, hence, the instant suit. the check, it is the primary duty of petitioner to know that the check
was duly indorsed by the original payee and, where it pays the
The trial court ruled in favor of the plaintiffs and ordered defendant amount of the check to a third person who has forged the
Traders Royal Bank to pay actual damages in the sum of signature of the payee, the loss falls upon petitioner who cashed
P9,790,716.87, condemned defendant Security Bank and Trust the check. Its only remedy is against the person to whom it paid
Company, being collecting bank, to reimburse the defendant Traders the money.
Royal Bank.
It should be noted further that one of the subject checks was crossed.
On appeal, the CA absolved defendant SBTC from any liability and The crossing of one of the subject checks should have put petitioner
held TRB solely liable to respondent networks for damages and costs on guard; it was duty-bound to ascertain the indorser’s title to the
of suit. check or the nature of his possession. Petitioner should have
known the effects of a crossed check: (a) the check may not be
Hence, this petition for review. encashed but only deposited in the bank; (b) the check may be
negotiated only once to one who has an account with a bank and
Whether or not TRB should be held solely liable when it paid the (c) the act of crossing the check serves as a warning to the
amount of the checks in question to a person other than the payee holder that the check has been issued for a definite purpose so
indicated on the face of the check (BIR) YES that he must inquire if he has received the check pursuant to that
purpose, otherwise, he is not a holder in due course.
"When a signature is forged or made without the authority of the
person whose signature it purports to be, it is wholly inoperative, By encashing in favor of unknown persons checks which were on their
and no right to retain the instrument, or to give a discharge face payable to the BIR, a government agency which can only act only
through its agents, petitioner did so at its peril and must suffer the "Cleared thru the Philippine Clearing House Corporation. All prior
consequences of the unauthorized or wrongful endorsement. In this endorsements and/or lack of endorsement guaranteed. NAME OF
light, petitioner TRB cannot exculpate itself from liability by claiming BANK/BRANCH BRSTN (Date of clearing)."
that respondent networks were themselves negligent.
Here, not one of the disputed checks bears the requisite endorsement
A bank is engaged in a business impressed with public interest and it of appellant SBTC. What appears to be a guarantee stamped at the
is its duty to protect its many clients and depositors who transact back of the checks is that of the Philippine National Bank, Buendia
business with it. It is under the obligation to treat the accounts of the Branch, thereby indicating that it was the latter Bank which received
depositors and clients with meticulous care, whether such accounts the same.
consist only of a few hundreds or millions of pesos.
It was likewise established during the trial that whenever appellant
Petitioner argues that respondent SBTC, as the collecting bank and SBTC receives a check for deposit, its practice is to stamp on its face
indorser, should be held responsible instead for the amount of the the words, "non-negotiable".
checks NO
Unfortunately, the words "non-negotiable" do not appear on the face
A collecting bank where a check is deposited and which indorses of either of the 3 disputed checks.
the check upon presentment with the drawee bank, is such an
indorser. So even if the indorsement on the check deposited by Moreover, the aggregate amount of the checks is not reflected in the
the bank’s client is forged, the collecting bank is bound by his clearing documents of appellant SBTC. Section 19 of the Rules of the
warranties as an indorser and cannot set up the defense of PCHC: Regular Item Procedure: Each clearing participant, through its
forgery as against the drawee bank. authorized representatives, shall deliver to the PCHC fully qualified
MICR checks grouped in 200 or less items to a batch and supported
To hold appellant SBTC liable, it is necessary to determine whether it by an add-list, a batch control slip, and a delivery statement.
is a party to the disputed transactions.
It bears stressing that through the add-list, the PCHC can
Section 3 of the Negotiable Instruments Law: When person deemed countercheck and determine which checks have been presented on a
indorser. - A person placing his signature upon an instrument particular day by a particular bank for processing and clearing. In this
otherwise than as maker, drawer, or acceptor, is deemed to be an case, however, the add-list submitted by appellant SBTC together with
indorser unless he clearly indicates by appropriate words his intention the checks it presented for clearing on August 3, 1987 does not show
to be bound in some other capacity. that Check No. 306502 in the sum of P3,949,406.12 was among those
that passed for clearing with the PCHC on that date. The same is true
Section 17 of the Philippine Clearing House Corporation (PCHC) rules: with Check No. 30652 with a face amount of P4,155,835.00 presented
BANK GUARANTEE. All checks cleared through the PCHC shall bear for clearing on August 11, 1987 and Check No. 30796 with a face
the guarantee affixed thereto by the Presenting Bank/Branch which amount of P1,685,475.75.
shall read as follows:
The foregoing circumstances taken altogether create a serious doubt day, which was a Friday, and suggested that she call again the
on whether the disputed checks passed through the hands of following week. The promissory note the caller wanted to
appellant SBTC. pre-terminate was a roll-over of an earlier 50-day money market
placement that had matured on September 24, 1981.
A collecting bank which indorses a check bearing a forged
indorsement and presents it to the drawee bank guarantees all
prior indorsements, including the forged indorsement itself, and Later that afternoon, Eustaquio conveyed the request for
ultimately should be held liable therefor. However, it is doubtful if pre-termination to the officer who before had handled Eligia G.
the subject checks were ever presented to and accepted by SBTC so Fernando's account, Penelope Bulan, but Eustaquio was left to attend
as to hold it liable as a collecting bank, as held by the Court of to the pre-termination process.
The next Monday, the caller of the previous Friday followed up with
Since TRB did not pay the rightful holder or other person or entity Eustaquio, merely by phone again, on the pre-termination of the
entitled to receive payment, it has no right to reimbursement.
placement. Although not familiar with the voice of the real Eligia G.
Petitioner TRB was remiss in its duty and obligation, and must
therefore suffer the consequences of its own negligence and Fernando, Eustaquio "made certain" that the caller was the real Eligia
disregard of established banking rules and procedures. G. Fernando by "verifying" that the details the caller gave about the
placement tallied with the details in "the ledger/folder" of the account.
G.R. No. 102383 November 26, 1992 Eustaquio knew the real Eligia G. Fernando to be the Treasurer of
Philippine American Life Insurance Company (Philamlife) since he
BANK OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, petitioner, was handling Philamlife's corporate money market account. But
vs. neither Eustaquio nor Bulan who originally handled Fernando's
THE HON. COURT OF APPEALS (SEVENTH JUDICIAL), HON. account, nor anybody else at BPI, bothered to call up Fernando at her
JUDGE REGIONAL TRIAL COURT OF MAKATI, BRANCH 59, Philamlife office to verify the request for pre-termination.
CORPORATION, respondents. Informed that the placement would yield less than the maturity value
because of its pre-termination, the caller insisted on the
On October 9, 1981, a phone call was made to BPI's Money Market pre-termination just the same and asked that two checks be issued for
Department by a woman who identified herself as Eligia G. Fernando the proceeds, one for P1,800,000.00 and the second for the balance,
who had a money market placement as evidenced by a promissory and that the checks be delivered to her office at Philamlife.
note with a maturity date of November 11, 1981 and a maturity value
of P2,462,243.19. The caller wanted to pre-terminate the placement, Eustaquio, thus, proceeded to prepare the "purchase order slip" for
but Reginaldo Eustaquio, Dealer Trainee in BPI's Money Market the requested pre-termination as required by office procedure, and
Department, who received the call and who happened to be alone in from his desk, the papers, following the processing route, passed
the trading room at the time, told her "trading time" was over for the through the position analyst, securities clerk, verifier clerk and
documentation clerk, before the two cashier's checks, nos. 021759 showing that Eligia G. Fernando's purported signature on the letter
and 021760 for P1,800,000.00 and P613,215.16, respectively, both requesting the pre-termination and the latter authorizing Rosemarie
payable to Eligia G. Fernando, covering the pre-terminated placement, Fernando to pick up the two checks, both of which letters were
were prepared. The two cashier's checks, together with the papers presumably handed to the dispatcher by Rosemarie Fernando, was
consisting of the money market placement was to be pre-terminated compared or verified with Eligia G. Fernando's signature in BPI's file.
and the promissory note (No. 35623) to be pre-terminated, were sent Such purported signature has been established to be forged although
to Gerlanda E. de Castro and Celestino Sampiton, Jr., Manager and it has a "close similarity" to the real signature of Eligia G. Fernando.
Administrative Assistant, respectively, in BPI's Treasury Operations
Department, both authorized signatories for BPI, who signed the two The story's scene now shifted when, in the afternoon of October 13,
checks that very morning. Having been singed, the checks now went 1981, a woman who represented herself to be Eligia G. Fernando
to the dispatcher for delivery. applied at CBC's Head Office for the opening of a current account.

Later in the same morning, however, the same caller changed the She was accompanied and introduced to Emily Sylianco Cuaso, Cash
delivery instructions; instead of the checks being delivered to her Supervisor, by Antonio Concepcion whom Cuaso knew to have
office at Philamlife, she would herself pick up the checks or send her opened, earlier that year, an account upon the introduction of Valentin
niece, Rosemarie Fernando, to pick them up. Eustaquio then told her Co, a long-standing "valued client" of CBC. What Cuaso indicated in
that if it were her niece who was going to get the checks, her niece the application form, however, was that the new client was introduced
would have to being a written authorization from her to pick up the by Valentin Co, and with her initials on the form signifying her approval,
checks. This telephone conversation ended with the caller's statement she referred the application to the New Accounts Section for
that "definitely" it would be her niece, Rosemarie Fernando, who processing. As finally proceeds, the application form shows the
would pick up the checks. Thus, Eustaquio had to hurriedly go to the signature of "Eligia G. Fernando", "her" date of birth, sex, civil status,
dispatcher, Bernardo Laderas, to tell him of the new delivery nationality, occupation ("business woman"), tax account number, and
instructions for the checks; in fact, he changed the delivery instruction initial deposit of P10,000.00. This final approval of the new current
on the purchase order slip, writing thereon "Rosemarie Fernando account is indicated on the application form by the initials of Regina G.
release only with authority to pick up. Dy, Cashier, who did not interview the new client but affixed her initials
on the application form after reviewing it. The new current account
It was, in fact Rosemarie Fernando who got the two checks from the was given the number: 26310-3.
dispatcher, as shown by the delivery receipt. Actually, as it turned out,
the same impersonated both Eligia G. Fernando and Rosemarie The following day, October 14, 1981, the woman holding herself out
Fernando. Although the checks represented the termination proceeds as Eligia G. Fernando deposited the two checks in controversy with
of Eligia G. Fernando's placement, not just a roll-over of the Current Account No. 126310-3. Her endorsement on the two checks
placement, the dispatcher failed to get or to require the surrender of was found to conform with the depositor's specimen signature. CBC's
the promissory note evidencing the placement. There is also no guaranty of prior endorsements and/or lack of endorsement was then
stamped on the two checks, which CBC forthwith sent to clearing and them and that her purported signature on the back of the checks was
which BPI cleared on the same day. not hers but forged. With her surrender of the original of the
promissory note (No. 35623 with maturity value of P2,462,243.19)
Two days after, withdrawals began on Current Account No. 26310-3: evidencing the placement which matured that day, BPI issued her a
On October 16, 1981, by means of Check No. 240005 dated the same new promissory note (No. 40314 with maturity date of December 23,
day for P1,000,000.00, payable to "cash", which the woman holding 1981 and maturity value of P2,500.266.77) to evidence a roll-over of
herself out as Eligia G. Fernando encashed over the counter, and the placement.
Check No. 240003 dated October 15, 1981 for P48,500.00, payable to
"cash" which was received through clearing from PNB Pasay Branch; On November 12, 1981, supported by Eligia G. Fernando's affidavit,
on October 19, 1981, by means of Check No. 240006 dated the same BPI returned the two checks in controversy to CBC for the reason
day for P1,000,000.00, payable to "cash," which the woman "Payee's endorsement forged". A ping-pong started when CBC, in turn,
identifying herself as Eligia G. Fernando encashed over the counter; returned the checks for reason "Beyond Clearing Time", and the
on October 22, 1981, by means of Check No. 240007 dated the same stoppage of this ping-pong, as we mentioned at the outset, prompted
day for P370,000.00, payable to "cash" which the woman herself also the filing of this case.
encashed over the counter; and on November 4, 1981, by means of
Check No. 240001 dated November 3, 1981 for P4,100.00, payable to Investigation of the fraud by the Presidential Security Command led to
"cash," which was received through clearing from Far East Bank. the filing of criminal actions for "Estafa Thru Falsification of
Commercial Documents" against four employees of BPI, namely
All these withdrawals were allowed on the basis of the verification of Quirino Victorio, Virgilio Gayon, Bernardo Laderas and Jorge Atayan,
the drawer's signature with the specimen signature on file and the and the woman who impersonated Eligia G. Fernando, Susan Lopez
sufficiency of the funds in the account. However, the balance shown in San Juan. Victorio and Gayon were both bookkeepers in BPI's Money
the computerized teller terminal when a withdrawal is serviced at the Market Operations Department, Laderas was a dispatcher in the same
counter, unlike the ledger or usual statement prepared at month-end, department. . . .
does not show the account's opening date, the amounts and dates of
deposits and withdrawals. The last withdrawal on November 4, 1981 The Arbitration Committee ruled in favor of petitioner BPI and ordered
left Current Account No. 26310-3 with a balance of only P571.61. China Banking Corporation to pay the former the amount of
The day of reckoning came on November 11, 1981, the maturity date
of Eligia G. Fernado's money market placement with BPI, when the Upon motion for reconsideration filed by respondent CBC, the Board
real Eligia G. Fernando went to BPI for the roll-over of her placement. of Directors of the PCHC reversed the Arbitration Committee's
She disclaimed having pre-terminated her placement on October 12, decision and dismissed BPI’s complaint.
1981. She executed an affidavit stating that while she was the payee
of the two checks in controversy, she never received nor endorsed
BPI then filed a petition for review of the above-stated order with the the forgery is "precluded from setting up the forgery or want of
RTC of Makati. The trial court dismissed the petition but modified the authority. In this jurisdiction we recognize negligence of the
order. party invoking forgery as an exception to the general rule. In
these cases we determined the rights and liabilities of the parties
On appeal, the appellate court affirmed the trial court's decision. under a forged endorsement by looking at the legal effects of the
relative negligence of the parties thereto.
Hence, this petition for review.
In the present petition the payee's names in the two (2) subject checks
When a bank (in this case CBC) presents checks for clearing and were forged. Following the general rule, the checks are "wholly
payment, what is the extent of the bank's warranty of the validity of all inoperative" and of no effect. However, the underlying circumstances
prior endorsements stamped at the back of the check of the case show that the general rule on forgery is not applicable. The
issue as to who between the parties should bear the loss in the
In the event that the payee's signature is forged, whether or not the payment of the forged checks necessities the determination of the
drawer/drawee bank (in this case BPI) may claim reimbursement from rights and liabilities of the parties involved in the controversy in
the collecting bank [CBC] which earlier paid the proceeds of the relation to the forged checks.
checks after the same checks were cleared by petitioner BPI through
the PCHC YES The records show that petitioner BPI as drawee bank and respondent
CBC as representing or collecting bank were both negligent resulting
Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law: When signature is in the encashment of the forged checks.
forged or made without the authority of the person whose signature it
purports to be, it is wholly inoperative and no right to retain the The Arbitration Committee in its decision analyzed the negligence of
instrument, or to give discharge therefore, or to enforce payment the employees of petitioner BPI involved in the processing of the
thereof, against any party thereto, can be acquired through or under pre-termination of Eligia G. Fernando's money market placement and
such forged signature, unless the party against whom it is sought to in the issuance and delivery of the subject checks.
enforce such right is precluded from setting up the forgery or want of
authority. The Arbitration Committee, however, belittled petitioner BPI's
negligence compared to that of respondent CBC which it declared as
There are two (2) parts of the provision. The first part states the graver and the proximate cause of the loss of the subject checks to
general rule while the second part states the exception to the the impostor who impersonated Eligia G. Fernando. Petitioner BPI
general rule. The general rule is to the effect that a forged now insists on the adoption of the Arbitration Committee's evaluation
signature is "wholly inoperative", and payment made "through or of the negligence of both parties.
under such signature" is ineffectual or does not discharge the
instrument. The exception to this rule is when the party relying in
While it is true that the PCHC Board of Directors, and the lower courts G. Fernando, which respondent CBC did, could not have resulted in
did not dispute the findings of facts of the Arbitration Committee, the the discovery of the fraud. Hence, unlike in the Picart case herein the
PCHC Board of Directors evaluated the negligence of the parties. defendant, had he used reasonable care and caution, would have
recognized the risk he was taking and would have foreseen harm to
Banks handle daily transactions involving millions of pesos. By the the horse and the plaintiff but did not, respondent CBC had no way to
very nature of their work the degree of responsibility, care and discover the fraud at all. In fact the records fail to show that
trustworthiness expected of their employees and officials is far greater respondent CBC had knowledge, actual or implied, of the fraud
than those of ordinary clerks and employees. For obvious reasons, perpetrated by the impostor and the employees of BPI.
the banks are expected to exercise the highest degree of
diligence in the selection and supervision of their employees. Again, applying the doctrine of proximate cause, petitioner BPI's
contention that CBC alone should bear the loss must fail. The gap of
In the present case, there is no question that the banks were negligent one (1) day between the issuance and delivery of the checks bearing
in the selection and supervision of their employees. The Arbitration the impostor's name as payee and the impostor's negotiating the said
Committee, the PCHC Board of Directors and the lower court, forged checks by opening an account and depositing the same with
however disagree in the evaluation of the degree of negligence of the respondent CBC is not controlling. It is
banks. While the Arbitration Committee declared the negligence of not unnatural or unexpected that after taking the risk of impersonating
respondent CBC graver, the PCHC Board of Directors and the lower Eligia G. Fernando with the connivance of BPI's employees, the
courts declared that petitioner BPI's negligence was graver. To the impostor would complete her deception by encashing the forged
extent that the degree of negligence is equated to the proximate checks. There is therefore, greater reason to rule that the proximate
cause of the loss, we rule that the issue as to whose negligence is cause of the payment of the forged checks by an impostor was due to
graver is relevant. No matter how many justifications both banks the negligence of petitioner BPI. This finding, notwithstanding, we are
present to avoid responsibility, they cannot erase the fact that they not inclined to rule that petitioner BPI must solely bear the loss of
were both guilty in not exercising extraordinary diligence in the P2,413,215.16, the total amount of the two (2) forged checks. Due
selection and supervision of their employees. The next issue hinges care on the part of CBC could have prevented any loss.
on whose negligence was the proximate cause of the payment of the
forged checks by an impostor. The Court cannot ignore the fact that the CBC employees closed their
eyes to the suspicious circumstances of huge over-the-counter
Applying these principles, petitioner BPI's reliance on the doctrine of withdrawals made immediately after the account was opened. The
last clear chance to clear it from liability is not well-taken. CBC had opening of the account itself was accompanied by inexplicable acts
no prior notice of the fraud perpetrated by BPI's employees on the clearly showing negligence. And while we do not apply the last clear
pre-termination of Eligia G. Fernando's money market placement. chance doctrine as controlling in this case, still the CBC employees
Moreover, Fernando is not a depositor of CBC. Hence, a comparison had ample opportunity to avoid the harm which befell both CBC and
of the signature of Eligia G. Fernando with that of the impostor Eligia
BPI. They let the opportunity slip by when the ordinary prudence Culture (now DECS) payable to F. Abante Marketing. This check was
expected of bank employees would have sufficed to seize it. drawn against petitioner PNB.

Both banks were negligent in the selection and supervision of their F. Abante Marketing, a client of Capitol City Development Bank
(Capitol), deposited the questioned check in its savings account with
employees resulting in the encashment of the forged checks by an
said bank. In turn, Capitol deposited the same in its account with the
impostor. Both banks were not able to overcome the presumption of Philippine Bank of Communications (PBCom) which, in turn, sent the
negligence in the selection and supervision of their employees. It was check to petitioner for clearing.
the gross negligence of the employees of both banks which resulted in
the fraud and the subsequent loss. While it is true that petitioner BPI's Petitioner cleared the check as good and, thereafter, PBCom credited
negligence may have been the proximate cause of the loss, Capitol's account for the amount stated in the check. However, on
respondent CBC's negligence contributed equally to the success of October 19, 1981, petitioner returned the check to PBCom and
debited PBCom's account for the amount covered by the check, the
the impostor in encashing the proceeds of the forged checks. Under
reason being that there was a "material alteration" of the check
these circumstances, we apply Article 2179 of the Civil Code to the number.
effect that while respondent CBC may recover its losses, such losses
are subject to mitigation by the courts. PBCom, as collecting agent of Capitol, then proceeded to debit the
latter's account for the same amount, and subsequently, sent the
Considering the comparative negligence of the two (2) banks, we rule check back to petitioner. Petitioner, however, returned the check to
that the demands of substantial justice are satisfied by allocating the PBCom.
loss of P2,413,215.16 and the costs of the arbitration proceeding in
On the other hand, Capitol could not, in turn, debit F. Abante
the amount of P7,250.00 and the cost of litigation on a 60-40 ratio.
Marketing's account since the latter had already withdrawn the
Conformably with this ruling, no interests and attorney's fees can be amount of the check. Capitol sought clarification from PBCom and
awarded to either of the parties. demanded the re-crediting of the amount. PBCom followed suit by
requesting an explanation and re-crediting from petitioner.
G.R. No. 107508 April 25, 1996
Since the demands of Capitol were not heeded, it filed a civil suit with
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, petitioner, the RTC of Manila against PBCom which, in turn, filed a third-party
vs. complaint against petitioner for reimbursement/indemnity with respect
COURT OF APPEALS, CAPITOL CITY DEVELOPMENT BANK, to the claims of Capitol. Petitioner, on its part, filed a fourth-party
PHILIPPINE BANK OF COMMUNICATIONS, and F. ABANTE complaint against F. Abante Marketing.
MARKETING, respondents.
The RTC ruled in favor of plaintiff Capitol and ordered defendant
A check with serial number 7-3666-223-3, dated August 7, 1981 in the PBCom to re-credit or reimburse the amount of P97,650.00,
amount of P97,650.00 was issued by the Ministry of Education and defendant PNB to reimburse whatever amount PBCom pays to
plaintiff and F. Abante Marketing to reimburse whatever amount PNB rendering the referral to the serial number redundant and
pays to PBCom. inconsequential.

On appeal, the CA ordered PNB to honor the check for P97,650.00. If the purpose of the serial number is merely to identify the issuing
government office or agency, its alteration in this case had no material
Hence, this petition for review on certiorari (Rule 45). effect whatsoever on the integrity of the check. The identity of the
issuing government office or agency was not changed thereby and the
Whether or not an alteration of the serial number of a check is a amount of the check was not charged against the account of another
material alteration under the negotiable instruments law NO government office or agency which had no liability under the
check. The owner and issuer of the check is boldly and clearly printed
An alteration is said to be material if it alters the effect of the on its face, second line from the top: "MINISTRY OF EDUCATION
instrument. It means an unauthorized change in an instrument AND CULTURE," and below the name of the payee are the
that purports to modify in any respect the obligation of a party or rubber-stamped words: "Ministry of Educ. & Culture." These words
an unauthorized addition of words or numbers or other change are not alleged to have been falsely or fraudulently intercalated into
to an incomplete instrument relating to the obligation of a party. the check. The ownership of the check is established without the
In other words, a material alteration is one which changes the items necessity of recourse to the serial number. Neither there any proof
which are required to be stated under Section 1 of the Negotiable that the amount of the check was erroneously charged against the
Instruments Law. account of a government office or agency other than the Ministry of
Education and Culture. Hence, the alteration in the number of the
Pandect of Commercial Law and Jurisprudence, Justice Jose C. Vitug: check did not affect or change the liability of the Ministry of Education
an innocent alteration (generally, changes on items other than those and Culture under the check and, therefore, is immaterial. xxx
required to be stated under Sec. 1, N.I.L.) and spoliation (alterations Petitioner, thus cannot refuse to accept the check in question on the
done by a stranger) will not avoid the instrument, but the holder may ground that the serial number was altered, the same being an
enforce it only according to its original tenor. immaterial or innocent one.

The case at bench is unique in the sense that what was altered is the Whether or not a drawee bank who failed to return a. check within the
serial number of the check in question, an item which, it can readily be twenty four (24) hour clearing period may recover the value of the
observed, is not an essential requisite for negotiability under Section 1 check from the collecting bank NO
of the Negotiable Instruments Law. The aforementioned alteration did
not change the relations between the parties. The name of the drawer Since there is no material alteration in the check, petitioner has no
and the drawee were not altered. The intended payee was the same. right to dishonor it and return it to PBCom, the same being in all
The sum of money due to the payee remained the same. respects negotiable.

The check's serial number is not the sole indication of its origin. As G.R. No. L-2861 February 26, 1951
succinctly found by the Court of Appeals, the name of the government
agency which issued the subject check was prominently printed
therein. The check's issuer was therefore sufficiently identified,
ENRIQUE P. MONTINOLA, plaintiff-appellant, PNB. According to Laya he had previously deposited P500,000
vs. emergency notes in the PNB branch in Cebu and he expected to have
THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, ET AL., defendants-appellees. the check issued by him cashed in Cebu against said deposit.

In August, 1947, Enrique P. Montinola filed a complaint in the CFI of Ramos had no opportunity to cash the check because in the evening
Manila against the PNB and the Provincial Treasurer of Misamis of the same day the check was issued to him, the Japanese forces
Oriental to collect the sum of P100,000, the amount of Check No. entered the capital of Misamis Oriental, and on June 10, 1942, the
1382 issued by the Provincial Treasurer of Misamis Oriental to USAFFE forces to which he was attached surrendered. Ramos was
Mariano V. Ramos and supposedly indorsed to Montinola. The trial made a prisoner of war until February 12, 1943, after which, he was
court dismissed the complaint. Montinola has appealed from that released and he resumed his status as a civilian.
decision directly to this Court inasmuch as the amount in controversy
exceeds P50,000. About the last days of December, 1944 or the first days of January,
1945, M. V. Ramos allegedly indorsed this check No. 1382 to Enrique
As Provincial Treasurer of Misamis Oriental, Ubaldo D. Laya, was ex P. Montinola.
officio agent of the PNB branch in the province. Mariano V. Ramos
worked under him as assistant agent in the bank branch We then have the following facts. Exhibit A was issued by Laya in his
aforementioned. In April of that year 1942, the currency being used in capacity as Provincial Treasurer of Misamis Oriental as drawer on the
Mindanao, particularly Misamis Oriental and Lanao which had not yet Philippine National Bank as drawee. Ramos sold P30,000 of the
been occupied by the Japanese invading forces, was the emergency check to Enrique P. Montinola for P90,000 Japanese military notes, of
currency which had been issued since January, 1942 by the which only P45,000 was paid by Montinola. The writing made by
Mindanao Emergency Currency Board by authority of the late Ramos at the back of the check was an instruction to the bank to pay
President Quezon. P30,000 to Montinola and to deposit the balance to his (Ramos) credit.
This writing was obliterated and in its place we now have the
About April 26, 1942, thru the recommendation of Provincial Treasurer supposed indorsement appearing on the back of the check.
Laya, his assistant agent M. V. Ramos was inducted into the United
States Armed Forces in the Far East (USAFFE) as disbursing officer At the time of the transfer of this check to Montinola about the last
of an army division. As such disbursing officer, M. V. Ramos on April days of December, 1944, or the first days of January, 1945, the check
30, 1942, went to the neighboring Province Lanao to procure a cash which, being a negotiable instrument, was payable on demand, was
advance in the amount of P800,000 for the use of the USAFFE in long overdue by about 2 ½ years. It may therefore be considered,
Cagayan de Misamis. Pedro Encarnacion, Provincial Treasurer of even then, a stable check. Of course, Montinola claims that about
Lanao did not have that amount in cash. So, he gave Ramos June, 1944 when Ramos supposedly approached him for the purpose
P300,000 in emergency notes and a check for P500,000. On May 2, of negotiating the check, he (Montinola) consulted President Carmona
1942 Ramos went to the office of Provincial Treasurer Laya at of the Philippine National Bank who assured him that the check was
Misamis Oriental to encash the check for P500,000 which he had good and negotiable. However, President Carmona on the witness
received from the Provincial Treasurer of Lanao. Laya did not have stand flatly denied Montinola's claim and assured the court that the
enough cash to cover the check so he gave Ramos P400,000 in first time that he saw Montinola was after the PNB, of which he was
emergency notes and a check No. 1382 for P100,000 drawn on the President, reopened, after liberation, around August or September,
1945, and that when shown the check he told Montinola that it was paid the full amount of P90,000 for which Ramos sold him P30,000 of
stale. M. V. Ramos also told the court that it is not true that he ever the value of the check. In the second place, as was stated by the trial
went with Montinola to see President Carmona about the check in court in its decision, Montinola speculated on the check and took a
1944. chance on its being paid after the war. Montinola must have known
that at the time the check was issued in May, 1942, the money
Whether or not the insertion of the words "Agent, Phil. National Bank" circulating in Mindanao and the Visayas was only the emergency
which converts the bank from a mere drawee to a drawer and notes and that the check was intended to be payable in that currency.
therefore changes its liability, constitutes a material alteration of the Also, he should have known that a check for such a large amount of
instrument without the consent of the parties liable thereon, and so P100,000 could not have been issued to Ramos in his private capacity
discharges the instrument YES but rather in his capacity as disbursing officer of the USAFFE, and that
at the time that Ramos sold a part of the check to him, Ramos was no
On the basis of the facts above related there are several reasons why longer connected with the USAFFE but already a civilian who needed
the complaint of Montinola cannot prosper. The insertion of the words the money only for himself and his family.
"Agent, Phil. National Bank" which converts the bank from a mere
drawee to a drawer and therefore changes its liability, constitutes a As already stated, as a mere assignee Montinola is subject to all the
material alteration of the instrument without the consent of the parties defenses available against assignor Ramos. And, Ramos had he
liable thereon, and so discharges the instrument. (Section 124 of the retained the check may not now collect its value because it had been
Negotiable Instruments Law). The check was not legally negotiated issued to him as disbursing officer. As observed by the trial court, the
within the meaning of the Negotiable Instruments Law. Section 32 check was issued to M. V. Ramos not as a person but M. V. Ramos as
of the same law provides that "the indorsement must be an the disbursing officer of the USAFFE. Therefore, he had no right to
indorsement of the entire instrument. An indorsement which purports indorse it personally to plaintiff. It was negotiated in breach of trust,
to transfer to the indorsee a part only of the amount payable, . . . (as in hence he transferred nothing to the plaintiff.
this case) does not operate as a negotiation of the instrument."
Montinola may therefore not be regarded as an indorsee. At most he G.R. No. 121413 January 29, 2001
may be regarded as a mere assignee of the P30,000 sold to him by
Ramos, in which case, as such assignee, he is subject to all defenses PHILIPPINE COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK (formerly
available to the drawer Provincial Treasurer of Misamis Oriental and INSULAR BANK OF ASIA AND AMERICA), petitioner,
against Ramos. Neither can Montinola be considered as a holder in vs.
due course because section 52 of said law defines a holder in due COURT OF APPEALS and FORD PHILIPPINES, INC. and
course as a holder who has taken the instrument under certain CITIBANK, N.A., respondents.
conditions, one of which is that he became the holder before it was
overdue. When Montinola received the check, it was long overdue. G.R. No. 121479 January 29, 2001
And, Montinola is not even a holder because section 191 of the same
law defines holder as the payee or indorsee of a bill or note and FORD PHILIPPINES, INC., petitioner-plaintiff,
Montinola is not a payee. Neither is he an indorsee for as already vs.
stated, at most he can be considered only as assignee. Neither could COURT OF APPEALS and CITIBANK, N.A. and PHILIPPINE
it be said that he took it in good faith. As already stated, he has not COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK, respondents.
G.R. No. 128604 January 29, 2001 It is further admitted by defendant Citibank that during the time of the
transactions in question, plaintiff had been maintaining a checking
FORD PHILIPPINES, INC., petitioner, account with defendant Citibank; that Citibank Check No. SN-04867
vs. which was drawn and issued by the plaintiff in favor of the CIR was a
CITIBANK, N.A., PHILIPPINE COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL crossed check in that, on its face were two parallel lines and written in
BANK and COURT OF APPEALS, respondents. between said lines was the phrase "Payee's Account Only"; and that
defendant Citibank paid the full face value of the check in the amount
These consolidated petitions involve several fraudulently negotiated of P4,746,114.41 to the defendant IBAA.
It has been duly established that for the payment of plaintiff's
The original actions a quo were instituted by Ford Philippines to percentage tax for the last quarter of 1977, the Bureau of Internal
recover from the drawee bank, CITIBANK, N.A. (Citibank) and Revenue issued Revenue Tax Receipt No. 18747002, dated October
collecting bank, PCIBank [formerly Insular Bank of Asia and America], 20, 1977, designating therein in Muntinlupa, Metro Manila, as the
the value of several checks payable to the Commissioner of Internal authorized agent bank of Metrobank, Alabang branch to receive the
Revenue, which were embezzled allegedly by an organized syndicate. tax payment of the plaintiff.

I. G.R. Nos. 121413 and 121479 Plaintiff's Citibank Check No. SN-04867, together with the Revenue
Tax Receipt No. 18747002, was deposited with defendant IBAA,
The plaintiff Ford drew and issued its Citibank Check No. SN-04867 in through its Ermita Branch. The latter accepted the check and sent it to
the amount of P4,746,114.41, in favor of the CIR as payment of the Central Clearing House for clearing on the samd day, with the
plaintiff’s percentage or manufacturer's sales taxes for the third indorsement at the back "all prior indorsements and/or lack of
quarter of 1977. indorsements guaranteed." Thereafter, defendant IBAA presented the
check for payment to defendant Citibank on same date, December 19,
The aforesaid check was deposited with the defendant IBAA (now 1977, and the latter paid the face value of the check in the amount of
PCIBank) and was subsequently cleared at the Central Bank. Upon P4,746,114.41. Consequently, the amount of P4,746,114.41 was
presentment with the defendant Citibank, the proceeds of the check debited in plaintiff's account with the defendant Citibank and the check
was paid to IBAA as collecting or depository bank. was returned to the plaintiff.

The proceeds of the same Citibank check of the plaintiff was never Upon verification, plaintiff discovered that its Citibank Check No.
paid to or received by the payee thereof, the CIR. SN-04867 in the amount of P4,746,114.41 was not paid to the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Hence, in separate letters dated
As a consequence, upon demand of the Bureau and/or CIR, the October 26, 1979, addressed to the defendants, the plaintiff notified
plaintiff was compelled to make a second payment to the BIR of its the latter that in case it will be re-assessed by the BIR for the payment
percentage/manufacturers' sales taxes for the third quarter of 1977 of the taxes covered by the said checks, then plaintiff shall hold the
and that said second payment of plaintiff in the amount of defendants liable for reimbursement of the face value of the same.
P4,746,114.41 was duly received by the BIR. Both defendants denied liability and refused to pay.
In a letter dated February 28, 1980 by the Acting Commissioner of error in the computation of the tax due to the BIR. With Rivera's
Internal Revenue addressed to the plaintiff, the latter was officially instruction, PCIBank replaced the check with two of its own Manager's
informed, among others, that its check in the amount of P4, Checks (MCs). Alleged members of a syndicate later deposited the
746,114.41 was not paid to the government or its authorized agent two MCs with the Pacific Banking Corporation.
and instead encashed by unauthorized persons, hence, plaintiff has to
pay the said amount within fifteen days from receipt of the letter. Upon Ford, with leave of court, filed a third-party complaint before the trial
advice of the plaintiff's lawyers, plaintiff on March 11, 1982, paid to the court impleading Pacific Banking Corporation (PBC) and Godofredo
Bureau of Internal Revenue, the amount of P4,746,114.41, Rivera, as third party defendants. But the court dismissed the
representing payment of plaintiff's percentage tax for the third quarter complaint against PBC for lack of cause of action. The course likewise
of 1977. dismissed the third-party complaint against Godofredo Rivera
because he could not be served with summons as the NBI declared
As a consequence of defendant's refusal to reimburse plaintiff of the him as a "fugitive from justice".
payment it had made for the second time to the BIR of its percentage
taxes, plaintiff filed on January 20, 1983 its original complaint before The trial court ruled in favor of Ford and ordered defendants Citibank
this Court. and IBAA (now PCI Bank), jointly and severally, to pay the plaintiff the
amount of P4,746,114.41 representing the face value of plaintiff's
On December 24, 1985, defendant IBAA was merged with the Citibank Check No. SN-04867 and the cross-defendant IBAA (now
Philippine Commercial International Bank (PCI Bank) with the latter as PCI Bank) to reimburse defendant Citibank whatever amount it has
the surviving entity. paid or may pay to the plaintiff.

Defendant Citibank maintains that; the payment it made of plaintiff's On appeal, the CA affirmed the RTC decision but dismissed the
Citibank Check No. SN-04867 in the amount of P4,746,114.41 "was in complaint insofar as defendant Citibank N.A. is concerned and
due course"; it merely relied on the clearing stamp of the ordered the defendant IBAA now PCI Bank to pay the plaintiff the
depository/collecting bank, the defendant IBAA that "all prior amount of P4,746,114.41.
indorsements and/or lack of indorsements guaranteed"; and the
proximate cause of plaintiff's injury is the gross negligence of Separately, PCIBank and Ford filed before this Court, petitions for
defendant IBAA in indorsing the plaintiff's Citibank check in question. review by certiorari under Rule 45.

It is admitted that on December 19, 1977 when the proceeds of In G.R. No. 121413, PCIBank seeks the reversal of the decision and
plaintiff's Citibank Check No. SN-048867 was paid to defendant IBAA resolution of the Twelfth Division of the Court of Appeals contending
as collecting bank, plaintiff was maintaining a checking account with that it merely acted on the instruction of Ford and such casue of action
defendant Citibank." had already prescribed.

Although it was not among the stipulated facts, an investigation by the II. G.R. No. 128604
NBI revealed that Citibank Check No. SN-04867 was recalled by
Godofredo Rivera, the General Ledger Accountant of Ford. He
purportedly needed to hold back the check because there was an
The same sysndicate apparently embezzled the proceeds of checks On appeal, the CA affirmed in toto the RTC decision.
intended, this time, to settle Ford's percentage taxes appertaining to
the second quarter of 1978 and the first quarter of 1979. Hence, these consolidated petitions.

The facts as narrated by the Court of Appeals are as follows: Whether or not petitioner Ford's cause of action has prescribed and
thus, Ford has no right to recover from the collecting bank (PCIBank)
Ford drew Citibank Check No. SN-10597 on July 19, 1978 in the and the drawee bank (Citibank) the value of the checks intended as
amount of P5,851,706.37 representing the percentage tax due for the payment to the CIR NO
second quarter of 1978 payable to the Commissioner of Internal
Revenue. A BIR Revenue Tax Receipt No. 28645385 was issued for On the issue of prescription, PCIBank claims that the action of Ford
the said purpose. had prescribed because of its inability to seek judicial relief
seasonably, considering that the alleged negligent act took place prior
On April 20, 1979, Ford drew another Citibank Check No. SN-16508 in to December 19, 1977 but the relief was sought only in 1983, or seven
the amount of P6,311,591.73, representing the payment of years thereafter.
percentage tax for the first quarter of 1979 and payable to the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Again a BIR Revenue Tax The statute of limitations begins to run when the bank gives the
Receipt No. A-1697160 was issued for the said purpose. depositor notice of the payment, which is ordinarily when the
check is returned to the alleged drawer as a voucher with a
Both checks were "crossed checks" and contain two diagonal lines on statement of his account, and an action upon a check is
its upper corner between, which were written the words "payable to ordinarily governed by the statutory period applicable to
the payee's account only." instruments in writing.

The checks never reached the payee, CIR. Thus, in a letter dated Our laws on the matter provide that the action upon a written
February 28, 1980, the BIR, Region 4-B, demanded for the said tax contract must be brought within ten year from the time the right
payments the corresponding periods above-mentioned. of action accrues. Hence, the reckoning time for the prescriptive
period begins when the instrument was issued and the
As far as the BIR is concernced, the said two BIR Revenue Tax corresponding check was returned by the bank to its depositor
Receipts were considered "fake and spurious". This anomaly was (normally a month thereafter). Applying the same rule, the cause of
confirmed by the NBI upon the initiative of the BIR. The findings forced action for the recovery of the proceeds of Citibank Check No. SN
Ford to pay the BIR a new, while an action was filed against Citibank 04867 would normally be a month after December 19, 1977, when
and PCIBank for the recovery of the amount of Citibank Check Citibank paid the face value of the check in the amount of
Numbers SN-10597 and 16508. P4,746,114.41. Since the original complaint for the cause of action
was filed on January 20, 1984, barely six years had lapsed. Thus, we
The Regional Trial Court of Makati, Branch 57 held drawee-bank, conclude that Ford's cause of action to recover the amount of Citibank
Citibank, liable for the value of the two checks while absolving Check No. SN 04867 was seasonably filed within the period provided
PCIBank from any liability. by law.
G.R. No. 105188 January 23, 1998 administrator of the Estate of Ramon Papa, Jr., on 12 April 1977.
Since then, herein petitioner had been collecting monthly rentals in the
MYRON C. PAPA, Administrator of the Testate Estate of Angela amount of P800.00 from the tenants of the property, knowing that said
M. Butte, petitioner, property had already been sold to private respondents on 15 June
vs. 1973. Despite repeated demands from said respondents, petitioner
A.U. VALENCIA and CO. INC., FELIX PEÑARROYO, SPS. refused and failed to deliver the title to the property. Thereupon,
ARSENIO B. REYES & AMANDA SANTOS, and DELFIN respondents Valencia and Peñarroyo filed a complaint for specific
JAO, respondents. performance, praying that petitioner be ordered to deliver to
respondent Peñarroyo the title to the subject property (TCT 28993); to
Private respondents A.U. Valencia and Co., Inc. and Felix Peñarroyo turn over to the latter the sum of P72,000.00 as accrued rentals as of
filed with the RTC of Pasig, Branch 151, a complaint for specific April 1982, and the monthly rental of P800.00 until the property is
performance against herein petitioner Myron C. Papa, in his capacity delivered to respondent Peñarroyo; to pay respondents the sum of
as administrator of the Testate Estate of one Angela M. Butte. P20,000.00 as attorney's fees.

Petitioner Myron C. Papa, acting as attorney-in-fact of Angela M. The RTC allowed defendant to redeem from third-party defendants
Butte, sold to respondent Peñarroyo, through respondent Valencia, a and ordering the latter to allow the former to redeem the property in
parcel of land, consisting of 286.60 square meters, located at corner question, by paying the sum of P14,000 and ordered defendant to
Retiro and Cadiz Streets, La Loma, Quezon City, and covered by execute a Deed of Absolute Sale in favor of plaintiff Felix Peñarroyo
Transfer Certificate of Title No. 28993 of the Register of Deeds of covering the property in question and to deliver peaceful possession
Quezon City. Prior to the alleged sale, the said property, together with and enjoyment of the said property to the said plaintiff, free from any
several other parcels of land likewise owned by Angela M. Butte, had liens and encumbrances;
been mortgaged by her to the Associated Banking Corporation (now
Associated Citizens Bank). After the alleged sale, but before the title On appeal, the CA ordered the defendant-appellant to deliver to
to the subject property had been released, Angela M. Butte passed plaintiff-appellees the owner's duplicate of TCT No. 28993 of Angela
away. Despite representations made by herein respondents to the M. Butte and the peaceful possession and enjoyment of the lot in
bank to release the title to the property sold to respondent Peñarroyo, question or, if the owner's duplicate certificate cannot be produced, to
the bank refused to release it unless and until all the mortgaged authorize the Register of Deeds to cancel it and issue a certificate of
properties of the late Angela M. Butte were also redeemed. In order to title in the name of Felix Peñarroyo.
protect his rights and interests over the property, respondent
Peñarroyo caused the annotation on the title of an adverse claim as In affirming the trial court's decision, respondent court held that
evidenced by Entry No. P.E.-6118/T-28993, inscribed on 18 January contrary to petitioner's claim that he did not encash the aforesaid
1997. check, and therefore, the sale was not consummated, there was no
evidence at all that petitioner did not, in fact, encash said check. On
The complaint further alleged that it was only upon the release of the the other hand, respondent Peñarroyo testified in court that petitioner
title to the property, sometime in April 1977, that respondents Valencia Papa had received the amount of P45,000.00 and issued receipts
and Peñarroyo discovered that the mortgage rights of the bank had therefor. According to respondent court, the presumption is that the
been assigned to one Tomas L. Parpana (now deceased), as special check was encashed, especially since the payment by check was not
denied by defendant-appellant (herein petitioner) who, in his Answer, likewise, been held that if no presentment is made at all, the
merely alleged that he "can no longer recall the transaction which is drawer cannot be held liable irrespective of loss or injury unless
supposed to have happened 10 years ago." presentment is otherwise excused. This is in harmony with Article
1249 of the Civil Code under which payment by way of check or
Hence, this petition for review on certiorari (Rule 45). other negotiable instrument is conditioned on its being cashed,
except when through the fault of the creditor, the instrument is
Whether or not petitioner’s failure to encash the check for more than impaired. The payee of a check would be a creditor under this
10 years undoubtedly resulted in the impairment of the check through provision and if its no-payment is caused by his negligence, payment
his unreasonable and unexplained delay and thus, respondents can will be deemed effected and the obligation for which the check was
not be held liable YES given as conditional payment will be discharged.

It is an undisputed fact that respondents Valencia and Peñarroyo had Considering that respondents Valencia and Peñarroyo had fulfilled
given petitioner Myron C. Papa the amounts of P5,000.00 in cash on their part of the contract of sale by delivering the payment of the
24 May 1973, and P40,000.00 in check on 15 June 1973, in payment purchase price, said respondents, therefore, had the right to compel
of the purchase price of the subject lot. Petitioner himself admits petitioner to deliver to them the owner's duplicate of TCT No. 28993 of
having received said amounts, and having issued receipts therefor. Angela M. Butte and the peaceful possession and enjoyment of the lot
Petitioner's assertion that he never encashed the aforesaid check is in question.
not substantiated and is at odds with his statement in his answer that
"he can no longer recall the transaction which is supposed to have G.R. No. 101163 January 11, 1993
happened 10 years ago." After more than ten (10) years from the
payment in party by cash and in part by check, the presumption is that STATE INVESTMENT HOUSE, INC., petitioner,
the check had been encashed. As already stated, he even waived the vs.
presentation of oral evidence. COURT OF APPEALS and NORA B. MOULIC, respondents.

Granting that petitioner had never encashed the check, his failure to Private respondent Nora B. Moulic issued to Corazon Victoriano, as
do so for more than ten (10) years undoubtedly resulted in the security for pieces of jewelry to be sold on commission, 2 post-dated
impairment of the check through his unreasonable and unexplained Equitable Banking Corporation checks in the amount of P50,000.00
delay. each, one dated 30 August 1979 and the other, 30 September 1979.
Thereafter, the payee negotiated the checks to petitioner State
While it is true that the delivery of a check produces the effect of Investment House. Inc.
payment only when it is cashed, pursuant to Art. 1249 of the Civil
Code, the rule is otherwise if the debtor is prejudiced by the MOULIC failed to sell the pieces of jewelry, so she returned them to
creditor's unreasonable delay in presentment. The acceptance of the payee before maturity of the checks. The checks, however, could
a check implies an undertaking of due diligence in presenting it no longer be retrieved as they had already been negotiated.
for payment, and if he from whom it is received sustains loss by Consequently, before their maturity dates, MOULIC withdrew her
want of such diligence, it will be held to operate as actual funds from the drawee bank.
payment of the debt or obligation for which it was given. It has,
Upon presentment for payment, the checks were dishonored for Consequently, the burden of proving that STATE is not a holder in due
insufficiency of funds. STATE allegedly notified MOULIC of the course lies in the person who disputes the presumption. In this regard,
dishonor of the checks and requested that it be paid in cash instead, MOULIC failed.
although MOULIC avers that no such notice was given her.
The evidence clearly shows that: (a) on their faces the post-dated
STATE sued to recover the value of the checks plus attorney's fees checks were complete and regular: (b) petitioner bought these checks
and expenses of litigation. from the payee, Corazon Victoriano, before their due dates; (c)
petitioner took these checks in good faith and for value, albeit at a
The trial court dismissed the complaint. discounted price; and, (d) petitioner was never informed nor made
aware that these checks were merely issued to payee as security and
On appeal, the CA affirmed the trial court on the ground that the not for value.
Notice of Dishonor to MOULIC was made beyond the period
prescribed by the Negotiable Instruments Law and that even if STATE Consequently, STATE is indeed a holder in due course. As such, it
did serve such notice on MOULIC within the reglementary period it holds the instruments free from any defect of title of prior parties, and
would be of no consequence as the checks should never have been from defenses available to prior parties among themselves; STATE
presented for payment. The sale of the jewelry was never effected; the may, therefore, enforce full payment of the checks.
checks, therefore, ceased to serve their purpose as security for the
jewelry. Whether or not there was failure or absence of consideration NO

Hence, this Petition for Review. MOULIC cannot set up against STATE the defense that there was
failure or absence of consideration. MOULIC can only invoke this
Whether or not STATE was a holder of the checks in due course YES defense against STATE if it was privy to the purpose for which they
were issued and therefore is not a holder in due course.
The negotiability of the checks is not in dispute. Indubitably, they were
negotiable. That the post-dated checks were merely issued as security is not a
ground for the discharge of the instrument as against a holder in due
Sec. 52 of the Negotiable Instruments Law: What constitutes a holder course. For the only grounds are those outlined in Sec. 119 of the
in due course. — A holder in due course is a holder who has taken the Negotiable Instruments Law: (a) By payment in due course by or on
instrument under the following conditions: (a) That it is complete and behalf of the principal debtor; (b) By payment in due course by
regular upon its face; (b) That he became the holder of it before it was the party accommodated, where the instrument is made or
overdue, and without notice that it was previously dishonored, if such accepted for his accommodation; (c) By the intentional
was the fact; (c) That he took it in good faith and for value; (d) That at cancellation thereof by the holder; (d) By any other act which will
the time it was negotiated to him he had no notice of any infirmity in discharge a simple contract for the payment of money; (e) When
the instrument or defect in the title of the person negotiating it. the principal debtor becomes the holder of the instrument at or
after maturity in his own right.
Culled from the foregoing, a prima facie presumption exists that
the holder of a negotiable instrument is a holder in due course.
Obviously, MOULIC may only invoke paragraphs (c) and (d) as Indeed, MOULIC'S actuations leave much to be desired. She did not
possible grounds for the discharge of the instrument. But, the retrieve the checks when she returned the jewelry. She simply
intentional cancellation contemplated under paragraph (c) is that withdrew her funds from her drawee bank and transferred them to
cancellation effected by destroying the instrument either by tearing it another to protect herself. After withdrawing her funds, she could not
up, burning it, or writing the word "cancelled" on the instrument. The have expected her checks to be honored. In other words, she was
act of destroying the instrument must also be made by the holder of responsible for the dishonor of her checks, hence, there was no need
the instrument intentionally. Since MOULIC failed to get back to serve her Notice of Dishonor, which is simply bringing to the
possession of the post-dated checks, the intentional cancellation of knowledge of the drawer or indorser of the instrument, either verbally
the said checks is altogether impossible. or by writing, the fact that a specified instrument, upon proper
proceedings taken, has not been accepted or has not been paid, and
On the other hand, the acts which will discharge a simple contract for that the party notified is expected to pay it.
the payment of money under paragraph (d) are determined by other
existing legislations since Sec. 119 does not specify what these acts The drawing and negotiation of a check have certain effects aside
are, e.g., Art. 1231 of the Civil Code which enumerates the modes of from the transfer of title or the incurring of liability in regard to the
extinguishing obligations. Again, none of the modes outlined therein is instrument by the transferor. The holder who takes the negotiated
applicable in the instant case as Sec. 119 contemplates of a situation paper makes a contract with the parties on the face of the instrument.
where the holder of the instrument is the creditor while its drawer is There is an implied representation that funds or credit are available for
the debtor. In the present action, the payee, Corazon Victoriano, was the payment of the instrument in the bank upon which it is drawn.
no longer MOULIC's creditor at the time the jewelry was returned. Consequently, the withdrawal of the money from the drawee bank to
avoid liability on the checks cannot prejudice the rights of holders in
Correspondingly, MOULIC may not unilaterally discharge herself from due course. In the instant case, such withdrawal renders the drawer,
her liability by the mere expediency of withdrawing her funds from the Nora B. Moulic, liable to STATE, a holder in due course of the checks.
drawee bank. She is thus liable as she has no legal basis to excuse
herself from liability on her checks to a holder in due course. Under the facts of this case, STATE could not expect payment as
MOULIC left no funds with the drawee bank to meet her obligation on
Moreover, the fact that STATE failed to give Notice of Dishonor to the checks, so that Notice of Dishonor would be futile.
MOULIC is of no moment. The need for such notice is not absolute;
there are exceptions under Sec. 114 of the Negotiable Instruments In fine, MOULIC, as drawer, is liable for the value of the checks she
Law: When notice need not be given to drawer. — Notice of dishonor issued to the holder in due course, STATE, without prejudice to any
is not required to be given to the drawer in the following cases: (a) action for recompense she may pursue against the VICTORIANOs as
Where the drawer and the drawee are the same person; (b) When Third-Party Defendants who had already been declared as in default.
the drawee is a fictitious person or a person not having capacity
to contract; (c) When the drawer is the person to whom the G.R. No. L-18657 August 23, 1922
instrument is presented for payment: (d) Where the drawer has
no right to expect or require that the drawee or acceptor will THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE INSURANCE CO., plaintiff-appellant,
honor the instrument; (e) Where the drawer had countermanded vs.
HONGKONG & SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION and Here, the forgery was that of Melicor, who was the payee of the check,
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, defendants-appellees. and the legal presumption is that the bank would not honor the check
without the genuine endorsement of Melicor. In other words, when the
May 3, 1920, the plaintiff drew its check for P2,000 on the Hongkong plaintiff received it banks statement, it had a right to assume that
and Shanghai Banking Corporation with whom it had an account, Melicor had personally endorsed the check, and that, otherwise, the
payable to the order of Lazaro Melicor. E. M. Maasim fraudulently bank would not have paid it.
obtained possession of the check, forged Melicor's signature, as an
endorser, and then personally endorsed and presented it to the Section 23 of Act No. 2031: When a signature is forged or made
Philippine National Bank where the amount of the check was placed to without the authority of the person whose signature it purports
his credit. After having paid the check, and on the next day, the to be, it is wholly inoperative, and no right to retain the
Philippine national Bank endorsed the check to the Hongkong and instrument, or to give a discharge therefor, or to enforce
Shanghai Banking Corporation which paid it and charged the amount payment thereof against any party thereto, can be acquired
of the check to the account of the plaintiff. In the ordinary course of through or under such signature, unless the party against whom
business, the Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation rendered a it is sought to enforce such right is precluded from setting up the
bank statement to the plaintiff showing that the amount of the check forgery or want of authority.
was charged to its account, and no objection was then made to the
statement. About four months after the check was charged to the The money was on deposit in the Shanghai Bank, and it had no legal
account of the plaintiff, it developed that Lazaro Melicor, to whom the right to pay it out to anyone except the plaintiff or its order. Here, the
check was made payable, had never received it, and that his signature, plaintiff ordered the Shanghai Bank to pay the P2,000 to Melicor, and
as an endorser, was forged by Maasim, who presented and deposited the money was actually paid to Maasim and was never paid to Melicor,
it to his private account in the Philippine National Bank. With this and he never paid to Melicor, and he never personally endorsed the
knowledge , the plaintiff promptly made a demand upon the Hongkong check, or authorized any one to endorse it for him, and the alleged
and Shanghai Banking Corporation that it should be given credit for endorsement was a forgery. Hence, upon the undisputed facts, it must
the amount of the forged check, which the bank refused to do, and the follow that the Shanghai Bank has no defense to this action.
plaintiff commenced this action to recover the P2,000 which was paid
on the forged check. On the petition of the Shanghai Bank, the It is admitted that the Philippine National Bank cashed the check upon
Philippine National Bank was made defendant. The Shanghai Bank a forged signature, and placed the money to the credit of Maasim,
denies any liability, but prays that, if a judgment should be rendered who was a forger. That the Philippine National Bank then endorsed
against it, in turn, it should have like judgment against the Philippine the check and forwarded it to the Shanghai Bank by whom it was paid.
National Bank which denies all liability to either party. The Philippine National Bank had no license or authority to pay the
money to Maasim or anyone else upon a forge signature. It was its
The court ruled in favor of the defendants. Hence, this appeal. legal duty to know that Melicor's endorsment was genuine before
cashing the check. Its remedy is against Maasim to whom it paid the
Whether or not petitioner has the right to recover the amount of the money.
forged check from Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation and
the latter to recover from PNB YES
G.R. No. 126568 April 30, 2003 properties was later consolidated in the Bank on account of which new
titles thereto were issued to it.
GONZALES and EUFEMIA GONZALES, petitioners, On January 27, 1977, alleging non-payment of the balance of QGLC's
vs. obligation after the proceeds of the foreclosure sale were applied
THE COURT OF APPEALS (CA) and REPUBLIC PLANTERS thereto, and non-payment of the promissory notes despite repeated
BANK, respondents. demands, the Bank filed a complaint for "sum of money" before the
RTC of Manila.
In the expansion of its logging business, petitioner Quirino Gonzales
Logging Concessionaire (QGLC), through its proprietor, general The RTC of Manila dismissed the complaint.
manager — co-petitioner Quirino Gonzales, applied on October 15,
1962 for credit accommodations with respondent Republic Bank (the On appeal, the CA reversed the RTC decision.
Hence, this petition for review on certiorari.
The Bank granted QGLC's application for credit line of
P900,000.00 broken into an overdraft line of P500,000.00 which was Whether or not Republic Planters Bank’s first, second, third, fourth,
later reduced to P450,000.00 and a Letter of Credit (LC) line of fifth and sixth causes of action have not prescribed NO
The Civil Code provides that an action upon written contract, an
Pursuant to the grant, the Bank and petitioners QGLC and the obligation created by law, and a judgment must be brought
spouses Quirino and Eufemia Gonzales executed ten documents: two within ten years from the time the right of action accrues.
denominated "Agreement for Credit in Current Account," 4 four
denominated "Application and Agreement for Commercial Letter of Prescription of actions is interrupted when they are filed before
Credit," and four denominated "Trust Receipt." the court, when there is a written extrajudicial demand by the
creditors, and when there is any written acknowledgment of the
Petitioners' obligations under the credit line were secured by a real debt by the debtor.
estate mortgage on four parcels of land.
The law specifically requires a written extrajudicial demand by the
In separate transactions, petitioners, to secure certain advances from creditors which is absent in the case at bar. The contention that the
the Bank in connection with QGLC's exportation of logs, executed a notices of foreclosure are "tantamount" to a written extrajudicial
promissory note in 1964 in favor of the Bank. They were to execute 3 demand cannot be appreciated, the contents of said notices not
more promissory notes in 1967. having been brought to light.

In 1965, petitioners having long defaulted in the payment of their But even assuming arguendo that the notices interrupted the running
obligations under the credit line, the Bank foreclosed the mortgage of the prescriptive period, the argument would still not lie.
and bought the properties covered thereby, it being the highest bidder
in the auction sale held in the same year. Ownership over the
In the present case, the Bank, as mortgagee, had the right to claim Negotiable Instruments Law. Such being the case, the notes
payment of the deficiency after it had foreclosed the mortgage in 1965. are prima facie deemed to have been issued for consideration. It
In other words, the prescriptive period started to run against the Bank bears noting that no sufficient evidence was adduced by petitioners to
in 1965. As it filed the complaint only on January 27, 1977, more than show otherwise.
ten years had already elapsed, hence, the action on its first to fifth
causes had by then prescribed. No other conclusion can be reached In any case, it is no defense that the promissory notes were signed in
even if the suit is considered as one upon a written contract or upon blank as Section 14 of the Negotiable Instruments Law concedes
an obligation to pay the deficiency which is created by law, the the prima facie authority of the person in possession of negotiable
prescriptive period of both being also ten years. instruments, such as the notes herein, to fill in the blanks.

As regards the promissory note subject of the sixth cause of action, its As for petitioners' reliance on Exhibits "B", "P" and "T," they have
period of prescription could not have been interrupted by the notices failed to show the relevance thereof to the seventh up to the ninth
of foreclosure sale not only because, as earlier discussed, petitioners' causes of action of the Bank.
contention that the notices of foreclosure are tantamount to written
extra-judicial demand cannot be considered absent any showing of
the contents thereof, but also because it does not appear from the
records that the said note is covered by the mortgage contract.

Whether or not Republic Planters Bank’s seventh, eight and ninth

causes of action appears to be impressed with merit NO

Coming now to the second issue, petitioners seek to evade liability

under the Bank's seventh to ninth causes of action by claiming that
petitioners Quirino and Eufemia Gonzales signed the promissory
notes in blank; that they had not received the value of said notes, and
that the credit line thereon was unnecessary in view of their money
deposits, and unremitted proceeds on log exports.

The genuineness and due execution of the notes had, however, been
deemed admitted by petitioners, they having failed to deny the same
under oath.Their claim that they signed the notes in blank does not
thus lie.

Petitioners' admission of the genuineness and due execution of the

promissory notes notwithstanding, they raise want of
consideration thereof. The promissory notes, however, appear to
be negotiable as they meet the requirements of Section 1 of the

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