Hopson 1998 - Quaternary Geology and Neotectonics of The Pinto Mountain Fault, Mojave Desert, Southern California

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Quaternary Geology and Neotectonics of the Pinto

Mountain Fault, Mojave Desert, Southern California


Photo 1.View to the west across Morongo Valley toward Big Morongo Canyon, a linear valley (arrow) along the western part of the Pinto
Mountain Fault. Mt. San Gorgonio and the San Bernardino Mountains in background. Photo by R. F. Hopson.

INTRODUCTION just north of Joshua Tree National Park, and separates parts
of two geomorphic provinces, the eastern Transverse Ranges

A n overview of the Quaternary geology and neotec-

tonics of the Pinto Mountain Fault is presented
in this article. In addition I include a discussion on the
age of this fault, tectonic geomorphic evidence for Quaternary
slip and the seismic activity that has recently occurred near
and the Mojave Desert (Figure 1). It extends from near Mt.
San Gorgonio (Photo 1) eastward along the north side of the

this fault. Potential seismic activity of the Pinto Mountain

Fault is also briefly discussed. Much of this discussion is based
on my own geological mapping and observations (Hopson,
1994; 1996) as well as from other workers cited below.

Previous work
The Pinto Mountain Fault was first recognized and named
by Hill (1928). A number of workers who have either mapped
the geology of the area or investigated the Pinto Mountain
Fault include the following: Bader and Moyle (1960), Rogers
(1961), Dibblee (1967a, 1967b, 1968b, 1975, 1982a,
1982b, 1992), Rasmussen & Associates (1977, 1990),
Bacheller (1978), Bryant (1986), Grimes (1987, 1992), J
Howard and Allen (1988), Earth Systems Consultants (1992), o%
Matti and others (1992), Powell (1993), Richard (1993),
Howard (in press), and Howard and others (in press). 60 Miles -7-
San Diego
Mexico \
The Pinto Mountain Fault is one of the most prominent Figure 1. Generalized map of southern California showing the eastern
east-trending geographic features in the southern California California shear zone and geomorphic provinces (Mojave Desert—purple
desert. The fault passes through the communities of Morongo outline; Transverse Ranges—gold outline). Stars indicate epicenters of the
Valley, Yucca Valley, Joshua Tree, and Twentynine Palms 1992 Landers and Joshua Tree earthquakes. Modified after Richard (1993).


eastern Transverse Ranges, which and possibly younger microdiorite and In the absence of radiocarbon dating
include the Little San Bernardino and rhyolite intrude this basement complex. or fossil evidence, differentiating Qua-
Pinto mountains. ternary deposits into Pleistocene and
The 1 billion-year-old-Precambrian Holocene in the Mojave Desert is based
The Little San Bernardino and Pinto gneiss and Paleozoic marine metasedi- on degree of cementation; soil profile
mountains have low to moderate relief, mentary rocks are roof pendants in development; extent and development
and east-sloping, plateau-like summits Mesozoic batholithic rocks. The Meso- of desert-pavement* surfaces and
that are uplifted erosion surfaces of an zoic batholithic rocks vary from horn- rock varnish color (Christenson and
ancient Tertiary plain (Dibblee, 1982a). blende diorite to monzogranite. The Purcell, 1985; Dohrenwend and others,
Alluvium-filled valleys surround the quartz monzonite of Twentynine Palms, 1991). Pleistocene deposits are com-
Pinto Mountains, which on their north which is a part of this batholithic belt, monly well-cemented and have well-
and south fronts have steep, deeply may represent the eastern edge of a developed B horizons with argillic
scalloped escarpments that rise abruptly belt of magmatism associated with the (Bt) and calcic (Bk) soil horizons.
from the valley floor. Queen Mountain onset of batholithic emplacement above They also have well-developed desert
is the highest peak in the Pinto Moun- a subduction zone in western North pavement surfaces, dark rock varnish,
tains at 1,731 meters (m). America. and red soil matrix. In comparison, use-
ful criteria for distinguishing Holocene
Sweeping northward from the Pinto QUATERNARY DEPOSITS deposits in the Mojave Desert are bar-
Mountains is a broad, triangular allu- and-swale morphology, and unvar-
vium-filled basin referred to as Morongo Quaternary deposits have been map- nished to poorly developed rock varnish
Basin. Located within this basin are the ped in the area along the Pinto Moun- surfaces.
Bartlett Mountains, Copper Mountain, tain Fault and are shown in Figures 2-5.
Donnell Hill, Campbell Hill and several The oldest of these are Pleistocene The Quaternary geology along the
playas or dry lakebeds. Alluvium is up to deposits determined from fossil age Pinto Mountain Fault was mapped on
3,100 m thick in Morongo Basin. correlations and radiometric age dates. a regional scale by Dibblee (1967a, b,
Fault deformation of these older Pleis- 1968b). Mapping on a local scale and
tocene rock units, as well as Holocene descriptions of the Quaternary geology
The Pinto Mountain Fault is the deposits along the Pinto Mountain
northernmost fault of a set of east- for areas near Twentynine Palms and
Fault, is clearly indicated; however,
trending, left-lateral strike-slip faults that late-Holocene sediments conceal a * Terms in boldface type are defined
controls the east-west physiographic significant portion of this fault. on page 11.
grain of the eastern Transverse Ranges
(Powell, 1993). North of the Pinto
Mountain Fault, northwest-trending,
right-lateral strike-slip faults are the EXPLANATION FOR FIGURES 2-5
predominant set of faults. These fault
sets form a broad network of mostly Eolian (wind-blown) Strike-slip fault, dashed where approx-
strike-slip faults, called the eastern sand imately located, ? where queried,
California shear zone (ECSZ), (Dokka dotted where covered. Hatchures
and Travis, 1990; Dokka, 1992) that Alluvium, Basin represent downdropped block of Oasis
Fill deposits

of Mara scarp.
extend north from the San Andreas (undifferentiated)
Fault near Indio, across the Mojave
Desert to the Garlock Fault (Figure 1). Lacustrine (lake) Thrust fault, barbs on upthrown block
The ECSZ accounts for an estimated sediments
9-14 percent of right-lateral slip occur-

ring along the Pacific-North American 0

Campbell Hill Anomalous ridge Trench location
plate boundary and has accumulated a Formation
total of about 65 kilometers (km) of
right-lateral slip in the last 10 million Pleistocene
o_ Twentynine Palms
years (Dokka and Travis, 1990). Formation

Pre-Tertiary crystalline basement a Pioneertown Basalt


rocks and Quaternary sediments are 0
0 Arkose sandstone
cut by the Pinto Mountain Fault. The 0 of Grimes (1987)
basement rocks form rigid continental Old Woman

crust beneath the eastern Transverse FAULT STUDY
Ranges and Mojave Desert and consist Predominately Mesozoic R1= Rasmussen & Assoc. (1977)
of Precambrian gneiss, Paleozoic granitic rocks with Pre-
R2= Rasmussen & Assoc. (1990)
cambrian Pinto gneiss
marine metasedimentary rocks, and and Paleozoic (?) E = Earth Systems Consultants (1992)
Mesozoic plutonic and volcanic rocks. metasediment
Dike swarms of presumably late Jurassic


11 nPd koi reA uosuq op

/Morong o f\i-alleYc).`
Sadd le
r Pinto Mountains

Figure 3. General map of Quaternary geology and faults along

IOW Mit the Pinto Mountain Fault between Joshua Tree and Indian Cove.
Modified after Bacheller (1978) and Bortugno and Spittler (1986).
Figure 2. General map of Quaternary geology and faults along the
western part of the Pinto Mountain Fault. Modified after Bortugno
and Spittler (1986) and Grimes (1987).

Figure 4. General
map of Quaternary
geology at the inter-
section of the Pinto
Mountain and Mes-
quite Lake faults.
Modified after
Bacheller (1978),
Bortugno and Spittler
(1986), Howard (in
press), and Howard
and others (in press).

Figure 5. General map of

Quaternary geology along
the eastern extension of
the Pinto Mountain Fault.
Modified from Howard and
Allan (1988) and Howard
(in press).


Yucca Valley were done by Bacheller entiated Pleistocene in my maps. Two of loose, fine- to medium-grained wind-
(1978) and Grimes (1987) respectively. of these are fanglomerate deposits, blown sand. These deposits form both
Bacheller (1978) characterized two each containing a particular clast com- active and stabilized dune fields that pile
Pleistocene sedimentary deposits near position, one quartzite, the other basalt. up against the eastern Pinto and Sheep
Twentynine Palms and informally The quartzite clasts originate from Hole mountains (Howard and Allen,
named them the Twentynine Palms and Paleozoic rocks in the southern San 1988; Tchakerian, 1992).
Campbell Hill deposits. I have included Bernardino Mountains and are set in a
these deposits in my detail maps of the matrix of reddish-brown arkosic sand- PINTO MOUNTAIN FAULT
area in Figures 2-5. Bacheller (1978) stone. The basalt clasts, set in a reddish-
was also able to distinguish Holocene brown silty sand, silt and clay matrix, The Pinto Mountain Fault is the long-
deposits from Pleistocene deposits. are probably derived from two different est (approximately 110 km) east-trending
sources, the Pioneertown basalt and fault in the southern Mojave Desert. Its
Twentynine Palms Deposit amphibole-bearing basalt flows at Ante- western terminus meets the north branch
lope Creek in the eastern San Bernar- of the San Andreas Fault (also called the
The Twentynine Palms deposit dino Mountains. The third deposit is Mission Creek Fault) (Dibblee, 1967a;
mapped by Bacheller (1978) is largely an older alluvium. It's reddish-brown 1975) and is considered to extend east
alluvial fan and partially lacustrine or silty, massive, poorly indurated sand to meet the northwest-trending Sheep
lake deposits derived from the Pinto that varies from 1.5 to 18 m thick. Hole Fault. Surface fault breakage has
Mountains. Equivalent deposits were been well documented between its inter-
mapped along the front of the Pinto Probable older Pleistocene or latest section with the Mission Creek Fault
Mountains just east of Twentynine Tertiary fanglomerate deposits comprise and the Mesquite Fault; however, east of
Palms by Howard and others (in press). Burnt Mountain, a prominent elongate the Old Dale site its surface trace is not
A layer of airfall volcanic ash that occurs hill a few kilometers south of Yucca exposed (Figure 5). This most eastern
near the base of the Twentynine Palms Valley (Figure 2). This deposit contains extension is considered buried; the only
deposit is correlated with the Bishop granite and gneiss clasts and is tilted evidence of its existence is the linear
Tuff (Bacheller, 1978), an ash that and dissected. The age of these deposits escarpment along the northern Pinto
erupted from the Long Valley caldera is suggested by their degree of deforma- Mountains (Powell, 1993).
in the eastern Sierra Nevada, and radio- tion and erosion.
metrically dated at 730,000 years The Pinto Mountain Fault has accum-
before present (Mankinen and others, Holocene Deposits ulated a maximum of 16 km of left-
1986). This suggests the Twentynine lateral displacement (Dibblee, 1968a
Palms deposit is Pleistocene. At least three kinds of Holocene Hopson, 1996). Of this, 9 km occurred
(less than 11,000 years old) deposits since Pleistocene time based on offset
Campbell Hill Deposit are recognized in Morongo Basin and of the Pleistocene quartzite- and basalt-
along the Pinto Mountain Fault: fluvial bearing fanglomerates (Dibblee, 1968a;
Bacheller's (1978) Campbell Hill (mostly alluvial-fan and streamwash), Grimes, 1987). The accumulated 16 km
sedimentary unit, informally named after lacustrine (playa), and eolian (wind- of displacement is based on fault restor-
exposures at Campbell Hill just east of blown) (Bacheller, 1978; Grimes, 1987; ation of the Proterozoic and Mesozoic
Twentynine Palms, is primarily com- Howard and Allen, 1988; Howard and crystalline basement rocks—specifically,
posed of lacustrine and fluvial deposits. others, in press). The presence of late- the realignment of the quartz monzon-
These deposits are derived largely from Holocene sedimentary deposits along ite of Twentynine Palms, monzogranite
the San Bernardino Mountains and adja- the Pinto Mountain Fault indicates that of Queen Mountain, the zone of Pinto
cent areas (Bacheller, 1978; Howard modern sedimentation is occurring. gneiss intruded by monzogranite of
and others, in press), and exposures are Queen Mountain, White Tank mon-
mainly confined to the Morongo Basin. Holocene fluvial deposits occur as zogranite, and the igneous and meta-
This deposit forms many of the low alluvial fans and stream wash deposits morphic complex of the Little San
hills just north of the Pinto Mountains along the front of the Pinto Mountains. Bernardino Mountains.
between Twentynine Palms and Yucca They are identified by the bar-and-swale
Valley, including Campbell Hill, Donnell geomorphic surfaces and are made of Evidence that points to the age of
Hill, and a linear ridge south of Copper poorly sorted sand, gravel, cobbles and initiation of the Pinto Mountain Fault is
Mountain. The Campbell Hill deposit boulders (Howard and Allen, 1988; not well defined; however earliest move-
is Pleistocene. This is based on its Howard and others, in press). The flu- ment may be no older than 7.3 million
Rancho-labrean mammalian fauna that vial deposits are shown as Basin Fill years (Grimes, 1987). This is indicated
is probably less than 500,000 years old deposits in Figures 2-5. The lacustrine by deformed arkose and conglomerate
(Bacheller, 1978). or playa deposits are recognized in deposits identified by Grimes (1987).
Yucca Valley and Dale Lake (Bacheller, Bedding units in these rocks are vertical-
Undifferentiated Pleistocene Deposits 1978; Grimes, 1987). They are charac- dipping (Photo 2), cut by the Pinto Moun-
terized by grayish brown fine-grained tain Fault between Yucca and Morongo
Grimes (1987) mapped and de- sand, silt and clay, and lack shoreline valleys and have been correlated with
scribed three probable Pleistocene features. Eolian deposits are made the Old Woman Sandstone named by
deposits that are included as undiffer-


Dibblee (1967a) for exposures found a few
kilometers to the north (Grimes, 1987).
The Old Woman Sandstone underlies the
7.3-million-year old Pioneertown Basalt.

The Pinto Mountain Fault appears to cut

the northwest-trending faults in the Mojave
Desert with two possible exceptions: the
Johnson Valley Fault and the Mesquite Lake
Fault. Aftershock epicenters indicate the right-
lateral strike-slip Johnson Valley Fault propa-
gated south across the Pinto Mountain Fault,
identified as the Eureka Peak Fault, during the
June 1992 Landers earthquake near Yucca
Valley. This is suggested by two things: the
Johnson Valley Fault's alignment with the
Eureka Peak Fault and by focal mechanisms
that indicate events from this sequence extend
southward across the Little San Bernardino
Mountains to the San Andreas Fault. The focal
mechanisms exhibit right-lateral strike-slip
faulting along steeply dipping north- to north-
northwest-striking faults (Hauksson and others,
1993). The Mesquite Lake Fault offsets the
Pinto Mountain Fault 1.5 km based on geo-
logic mapping (Bacheller, 1978). Its southern
extension, south of the Pinto Mountain Fault,
Photo 2. Arkose alluvial sandstone and gravel beds adjacent to the Pinto Mountain
is interpreted to be the west-dipping Twenty-
Fault near Yucca Valley. These beds have been tilted to vertical and may repre- nine Palms Mountain Fault (Figure 4), which
sent the first motion on the Pinto Mountain Fault. Professor Perry L. Ehlig for uplifts and thrusts Twentynine Palms Mountain
scale. Photo by R. F. Hopson. eastward (Howard and others, in press).


T ectonic geomorphology involves

the study of the earth's landforms
resulted from tectonic processes such
morphic indicators for identification and
characterization of the activity along
the fault are described below. The
1 km long and occurs in alluvium of
probable Holocene age. Other, less
prominent scarps, occur in Pleistocene
as faulting, folding and uplift. In order block diagram illustrates some of these alluvium near Copper Mountain and in
to unravel an area's tectonic history by landforms (Figure 6). Morongo Valley.
studying its landforms, one must also
understand the weathering process or Fault Scarps
the amount and rate of degradation the linear trough
surface has undergone. The degree Fault scarps are steep slopes or or valley
"v I
to which these landforms or construc- cliffs formed directly by movement
tional features have been obscured <<
along a fault; they represent the linear \.;
can be used to determine their age exposed surface of the fault before scarp -

relative to other landforms that have it is modified by erosion. Generally sag

lesser or greater amount of degrada- the less eroded or more 'fresh' the
tion, provided one takes into account scarp is, the more recently it has
the relative resistance to erosion of the moved. Fault scarps developed
landform's material (Yeats and others, in Quaternary alluvium at several
1997). In this way, tectonic geomor- locations along the Pinto Mountain
phology can yield insights about move- Fault. The best preserved scarp is
ment along faults, which includes the at the Oasis of Mara in Twentynine Figure 6. Block diagram showing some typical
nature, timing, and distribution of fault- Palms, the location of the Joshua landforms suggestive of recent movement along
ing. Landforms identified along the Tree National Park visitor center. active faults. Modified after Clark (1973).
Pinto Mountain Fault and useful geo- The scarp is about 2.5 m high and
continued on page 8...


continued from page 7...

Scarps about 2 m high occur in the

Twentynine Palms deposit along
splays just north of the Pinto Mountain
Fault (Hopson, 1994).

Pressure Ridges
Pressure ridges are hills formed
along a strike-slip fault because of
transverse pressure and shortening
that occurs at restraining bends along Photo 3. View is to the northeast. Donnell Hill, a pressure ridge along the Pinto Mountain
the fault or between different strands Fault near Twentynine Palms. The Pinto Mountain Fault forms the change in slope of
of the fault. Several pressure ridges Donnell Hill. Another pressure ridge, Campbell Hill, uplifted by the Mesquite Lake Fault, is
are recognized along the Pinto Moun- the low, highly dissected hill in the distance on right. Photo by R.F. Hopson.
tain Fault. One pressure ridge, Donnell
Hill made of the Campbell Hill deposit
(Photo 3), is between the Pinto Moun-
tain Fault and a northwest-striking of the Pinto Mountain and Mesquite Linear Ridges
fault, suggesting that uplift may be Lake faults. These pressure ridges are
related to interaction between the two made of Pleistocene deposits includ- Linear ridges and linear valleys
faults. Other pressure ridges occur at ing those of the Campbell Hill and refer to long narrow features that can
Copper Mountain and at the intersection Twentynine Palms (Figure 4). be used to identify potential fault activ-
ity. Linear ridges may be the result of
either compression or lateral offset
along a strike-slip fault. Linear valleys
occur along strike-slip faults where
bedrock weakened by fault action
is more easily eroded, and are not
necessarily indicators of recent move-
ment. Two linear ridges occur along
the Pinto Mountain Fault. The linear
ridge at the east end of Morongo
Valley is especially well preserved
(Photo 4). It is about 1 km long and
made of Cretaceous igneous and
metamorphic rocks overlain by Terti-

Photo 4. Linear ridge adjacent to the highway at the east end of Morongo Valley. The Pinto
Mountain Fault trends along the base of the ridge. Photo by R.F. Hopson.

NEOTECTONICS since the deposition of lower Quater- clasts are two types, indicating they
nary or Pleistocene age fanglomerates were derived from different sources.
Neotectonics is the study of the (Dibblee, 1968a; Grimes, 1987). This is Olivine basalt clasts come from the
faults and the deformational history of indicated by matching the quartzite and Pioneertown basalt (Figure 2) that forms
the earth's crust that has occurred in basalt clasts found in these fanglom- prominent mesas near Pioneertown.
Post-Miocene time. Neotectonic defor- erates with their nearest source expo- The other type is an amphibole-bearing
mation is unmistakable along the Pinto sures farther west. The quartzite was basalt clast and was derived from basalt
Mountain Fault from its intersection eroded from probable Paleozoic age flows near Antelope Creek in the San
with the San Andreas Fault to Twenty- rocks near the headwaters of Big Bernardino Mountains (Grimes, 1987).
nine Palms where Bryant (1986) identi- Morongo and Mission creeks on the This fanglomerate also demonstrates a
fies the fault as forming a broad, dis- southeast slopes of the San Bernardino minimum of 9 km of left slip. Other
tributive zone of strike-dip normal faults. Mountains (Grimes, 1987; Dibblee, basalt clasts, though rare, occur in the
personal communication, 1992). Pleistocene sediments of Campbell Hill
Pleistocene Displacements Quartzite clasts were washed down Big near Twentynine Palms (Bacheller,
Morongo Creek and deposited across 1978).
Nine km of displacement has oc- the Pinto Mountain Fault where they
curred along the Pinto Mountain Fault were offset 9 km to the east. The basalt


Fault-line Saddle

Fault-line saddles occur where a

fault crosses a drainage divide or ridge.
The soft rock along the fault is more
readily eroded creating a saddle in the
slope's profile. These features are use-
ful for identifying the surface trace of a
fault. One fault-line saddle occurs on
the Pinto Mountain Fault at the west
end of Big Morongo Canyon (Figure 2).

Other Geomorphic Features

Photo 5. View is to the east. Shutter ridge along the Pinto Mountain Fault near its inter-
Low anomalous ridges 1 km long
section with the Mesquite Lake Fault. The Pinto Mountain Fault strikes along the base
of the shutter ridge. The Sheep Hole Mountains are in the distance. Photo by R.F. are formed from antiformal structures
Hopson. that are parallel or subparallel to the
Pinto Mountain Fault (Photo 6). These
structures may be pressure ridges or
elevated areas of bedrock concealed
ary sandstone and stream gravels Canyon (Hopson, 1994). Shutter by surface deposits.
(Grimes, 1987). The only linear valley ridges along the Pinto Mountain Fault
along the Pinto Mountain Fault is Big are made of Mesozoic and Precam-
Morongo Canyon (Photo 1) and is brian basement rocks capped by
approximately 6 km long. Pleistocene alluvium.

Shutter Ridges
Shutter ridges are formed from
ridges that have been displaced along
a strike-slip fault that is traversing a
ridge-and-valley topography, with the
displaced part of the ridge "shutting in"
the adjacent valley or drainage (Figure
6). Shutter ridges are most prominent
where the Pinto Mountain and Mes-
quite Lake faults intersect (Photo 5).
One less prominent shutter ridge oc-
curs near the mouth of Big Morongo Photo 6. View is to the northeast from the Pinto Mountains. Anomalous ridges along the
Pinto Mountain Fault in Twentynine Palms (arrows).The Pinto Mountain Fault cuts left to
right in the foreground. Photo by R.F. Hopson.

Holocene Displacement Holocene alluvium exposed in several Mountain Fault (Rasmussen & Associ-
trenches between Yucca Valley and ates, 1990) (Figure 4). Earth Systems
The geomorphic features found along Twentynine Palms. For example, Consultants (1992) reported that uncon-
the Pinto Mountain Fault show evidence Rasmussen & Associates (1977) report solidated to slightly consolidated sand,
that suggests Holocene movement. trench exposures in Joshua Tree that silt, and gravel cut by the Pinto Moun-
However, late Holocene movement is show late Pleistocene alluvium juxta- tain Fault were exposed in a trench in
not indicated because the fault is cov- posed against unconsolidated deposits Twentynine Palms (Figure 4). Exposed
ered in many places by late Holocene thought to be Holocene (Figure 3). In in a second trench, Earth Systems Con-
deposits. In addition, no direct dating of this trench, the Holocene sand is faulted sultants recovered an Indian arrowhead
the Holocene deposits displaced by the against tilted brown fine-grained sand a few feet below the surface in sag
Pinto Mountain Fault has been done. and gravel and coarse-grained white pond deposits cut by the fault. This is
Therefore incremental displacement sand with caliche-filled cracks that a very significant find. If the arrowhead
of the Pinto Mountain Fault is poorly appear to be Pleistocene. Exposed in was in situ (recovered from sediments
constrained and Holocene or recent trenches in Twentynine Palms are prob- undisturbed by human activities), it
activity of the fault has been investigated able Holocene sediments that consisted proves the sediment was deposited in
only to a limited degree. However, a of warped fine sand and silt layers with Holocene times. Holocene fault activity
number of consulting reports cite offset minor gravel truncated by the Pinto is also evident owing to the lack of


well-developed soil profiles in the basin 1993; Hauksson, and others, 1993). It may be propagating across the Pinto
fill (Rasmussen & Associates, 1977, is possible that the Pinto Mountain Fault Mountain Fault and will eventually con-
1990; Bryant, 1986; Earth Systems influenced the character of the Landers nect with the Eureka Peak Fault.
Consultants, 1992), lack of desert earthquake sequence (Johnson and others,
pavement and rock varnish on geomor- 1994). The earthquake sequence began Possible slip triggered on the Pinto
phic surfaces, and the presence of well- with the Joshua Tree foreshock in April Mountain Fault during the Landers
developed scarps (Bacheller, 1978; that had a moment magnitude (Mw) of earthquake occurred in two areas.
Hopson, 1994). There is little surfi- 6.1; the main shock and aftershocks The eastern area, north of the Yucca
cial evidence, however, that the Pinto were centered just south of the Pinto Valley airport, was characterized by a
Mountain Fault has been active during Mountain Fault. The Landers June 28 45 m-wide zone of generally right-step-
late Holocene time. earthquake was centered north of the ping cracks, but some left-stepping
fault and ruptured northward (Figure 1). cracks were observed (Bryant, 1992).
Slip Rate Fault plane solutions indicate a right The deformation was generally tensional
sense of slip for the Joshua Tree event with up to 2 centimeters (cm) of exten-
The slip rate is poorly constrained, (Hauksson and others, 1993) although sion, but both left-lateral and right-
but is estimated to be 0.3-5 mm/yr total slip displacement is unknown lateral minor displacement occurred
based on the offset Pleistocene fanglom- because no evidence for ground rup- (Bryant, 1992; Hart and others, 1993).
erate (Peterson and Wesnousky, 1994). ture was observed after the earthquake The second site north of the golf course
However, it is difficult to be certain of (Rymer, 1992). The Landers main in Yucca Valley had one crack with up
the slip rate because the age of the shock was centered about 10 km north to 6 cm of vertical offset, but may have
Pleistocene fanglomerate is not well of the Pinto Mountain Fault on the been enhanced by downslope move-
determined. Knowing the age of the Johnson Valley Fault near Landers. ment (Bryant, 1992).
fanglomerate is crucial for determining The aftershock pattern to this event
the slip rate. extended north from the main shock HISTORICAL SEISMICITY
epicenter, and south, crossing the Pinto
RELATIONSHIP TO THE Mountain Fault to the San Andreas Seismic activity in the southern
LANDERS—BIG BEAR Fault (Hauksson and others, 1993). Mojave Desert and eastern Trans-
EARTHQUAKE SEQUENCE South of the Pinto Mountain Fault, the verse Ranges is high, but none of the
Johnson Valley Fault aligns with the recorded seismicity is suggestive of left-
The Pinto Mountain Fault transects Burnt Peak and Eureka Peak faults lateral displacement along the Pinto
faults that ruptured during the 1992 where they were exposed by ground Mountain Fault (Hutton and others,
Joshua Tree and Landers earthquakes rupturing after the Landers earthquake 1991). Moreover, the Pinto Mountain
(collectively called the Landers earth- (Treiman, 1992). Hopson (1994, 1996) Fault was not seismically active in his-
quake sequence) (Hart and others, speculated that the Johnson Valley Fault toric time, that is, in the last 200 years


indicators for fault activity are springs.
1 Active springs occur along the Pinto Mountain
Fault as the result of rainfall runoff in the Little San
Bernardino and Pinto mountains. This runoff infil-
trates and flows northward through alluvium until it is
blocked by an impervious barrier or fault gouge cre-
ated by the Pinto Mountain Fault. Dammed ground
water creates an elevated water table on one side
of the fault and a small pool or spring at the surface.

Sherman Shady Spring and Oasis of Mara are

two large springs along the Pinto Mountain Fault.
Sherman Shady Spring is in Big Morongo Canyon
and is marked by a thick stand of alders. The Oasis
of Mara, also called the Twentynine Palms Oasis, is
in Twentynine Palms at the Joshua Tree National
Photo 7. Grove of Washington fan palms at the spring, Oasis of
Park visitor center. It's marked by a grove of Wash- Mara. Donnell Hill, a pressure ridge, in the background to the
ington fan palms (Washingtonia filifera) (Photo 7). right. Photo by R.F. Hopson.


(Williams and others, 1990). In general, dates, from Holocene sediment exposed that improved this paper. Keith Howard
the historic earthquakes were centered along the Pinto Mountain Fault are lack- is thanked for providing his geologic
in the southern part of the Mojave ing, therefore the first hypothesis is report and map of the Valley Mountain
Desert (with the exception of the 1927 unproven. In support of the second 15-minute quadrangle and Sheep Hole
Manix earthquake) with the most recent hypothesis, epicenter locations of Mountains 30 x 60 minute quadrangle
centered on right-lateral faults. They the Landers earthquake indicate the maps prior to publication. I am grateful
are the June 1992 Landers earthquake Johnson Valley Fault may be propagat- to Gary Rasmussen of Rasmussen &
(Mw 7.3), March 1979 Homestead Val- ing across the Pinto Mountain Fault. Associates and to Mr. and Mrs. Paul
ley earthquake (Mw 5.3), the June 1975 If this is in fact happening, the Pinto F. Smith for allowing me to use their
Galway Lake earthquake (Mw 5.1), and Mountain Fault may ultimately become consulting reports on the Pinto Moun-
the November and December 1975 inactive. tain Fault.
Goat Mountain earthquakes (Mw 2.6
and 2.3 respectively) (Hutton and Recent fault activity in the eastern BIOGRAPHY
others, 1991; Hart and others, 1993). part of the Pinto Mountain Fault is not
Recorded earthquakes in the eastern reflected in surface geomorphic land- R. Forrest Hopson received his
Transverse Ranges were generally forms. If the steep front of the Pinto M.S. in geology from California State
small, Mw < 1.0, and were centered on Mountains in this area is fault-controlled University, Los Angeles in 1996. His
strike-slip and thrust faults (Hutton and by the Pinto Mountain Fault, then tec- thesis project involved mapping the
others, 1991). Farther west, seismic tonic activity along this stretch of the pre-Tertiary crystalline basement
events occurred along the San Andreas fault has apparently ceased and erosion rocks along a 30 mile section of the
and Banning faults at San Gorgonio has become the dominant process by western Pinto Mountain Fault to doc-
Pass, including the July 1986 North which the mountain front is being modi- ument the offsets. His research on the
Palm Springs earthquake (Mw 5.6), fied (Keller and Pinter, 1996). Pinto Mountain Fault and other sub-
centered on the Banning Fault (Hutton jects have been presented at meet-
and others, 1991). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ings of the Geological Society of
America and American Geophysical
POTENTIAL SEISMIC ACTIVITY I appreciate Edward Keller, Perry Union, and published in scientific
Ehlig, Robert Norris, Steve Lipshie and journals and field trip volumes.
Given that the Pinto Mountain Fault Jonathon Matti for helpful comments
is one of the largest faults in the eastern
Transverse Ranges, the thought of its
potential for a large earthquake is sober-
ing. Numerous geomorphic features
indicate the Pinto Mountain Fault is a GLOSSARY
young strike-slip fault, and the presence
Argillic horizon: Soil horizon enriched in clay minerals that were moved
of offset Holocene alluvium indicates
downward by soil-forming processes. Designated as Bt horizon.
the fault is active. Moreover, this fault is
included in the state's Fault Evaluation Arkose: Sandstones that contain more than 25 percent feldspar grains.
and Zoning Program (Hart and Bryant, B horizon: A zone of soil accumulation that consists of a variety of material
1997), and is considered 'sufficiently moved downward from above.
active' (shows evidence of Holocene
Bar-and-swale morphology: Surface morphology of young alluvial fans
movement) in an unpublished report
where ephemeral streams have deposited their bedload. The swales are
that evaluates the surface fault rupture
stream channels between bars where sediment was deposited.
hazard of the Pinto Mountain and other
nearby faults (Bryant, 1986). So the Calcic horizon: Soil horizon characterized by the accumulation of calcium
question remains—if this fault has carbonate that may coat soil grains or fill pores. Designated as Bk horizon.
moved within the last 10,000 years, Desert pavement: A surface of tightly-fitted pebbles formed as a result of
why is there a lack of historical seismic the removal of sand grains by wind action.
events and what is the potential for
Fanglomerate: Heterogeneous sedimentary material originally deposited as
future activity? Two reasonable hypoth-
an alluvial fan that consolidated to form solid rock.
eses can explain the lack of earthquakes
on the Pinto Mountain Fault: 1) earth- Focal mechanism: Determination of fault plane orientation and slip direction
quakes on the Pinto Mountain Fault based on analysis of recorded first motions and/or amplitude of earthquake
may have a long recurrence interval, waves. Also called fault-plane solution.
on the order of hundreds of years; Lacustrine: Refers to lakes or playas (desert lake basins).
2) the Pinto Mountain Fault is becom-
Rock varnish: Brownish to purple coating of manganese oxide on rocks in
ing locked by north-west striking right-
desert environments.
lateral faults in the Mojave Desert that
are propagating south into the eastern Sag pond: A small body of water occupying an enclosed depression or sag
Transverse Ranges. Definitive paleo- formed where active or recent fault movement has impounded drainage.
seismic data, such as radiocarbon age



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Nominations Sought for

The California Earthquake Safety Foundation is accepting nominations for the 1999 Alfred E. Alquist Award for
Achievements in Earthquake Safety. This award recognizes individuals and/or organizations who have made outstanding
contributions to seismic safety in California. Awards are given in many areas, including basic and applied research,
education, volunteer services and program implementation.
Past award recipients have included elected officials, educators, engineers, architects, disaster specialists, governmen-
tal advisors and businesses. One to three awards are given each year. Posthumous awards are not made.
A candidate may be nominated by an individual, a firm or an agency. Letters describing a nominee's background and
accomplishments should be sent to:
California Earthquake Safety Foundation
c/o George Mader
Spangle Associates
3240 Alpine Road
Portola Valley, CA 94028

Nominations must be postmarked no later than November 20, 1998.

The California Earthquake Safety Foundation was founded in 1985. It relies on tax deductible donations to support
activities. It's governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. For more information, contact George Mader, Chairman, at
(650) 854-6001; fax (650) 854-6070; or e-mail: mader.spanglegbatnet.com


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