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Chapter I



Mathematics is one of the most demanding and difficult subjects for a student to

master (Devlin, 1996). Mathematics is taught every year from the beginning of

Elementary-education through post-secondary education and in graduate education. Basic

mathematic skills are essential to everyday life. From shopping to traveling, “math

problems” exist in every aspect of daily living. However, the emphasis placed on

mathematics in education and the pervasive nature of mathematics in everyday life are not

enough to motivate some students to learn, master, and retain its concepts. Manipulatives

are concrete or virtual objects (e.g., blocks and chips) often used in elementary grades to

illustrate abstract mathematical concepts. We conducted a systematic review to examine

the effects of interventions delivered with manipulatives on the learning of children with

mathematics learning disabilities (MLD).

Manipulatives are concrete or virtual objects (e.g., blocks and chips) often used in

elementary grades to illustrate abstract mathematical concepts. We conducted a systematic

review to examine the effects of interventions delivered with manipulatives on the learning

of children with mathematics learning disabilities (MLD).

Students often find fractions a difficult topic to understand – and one that can

trigger negative emotional responses in students. Learning about operations on fractions

presents a further challenge. In this research, the researchers assess the Effectiveness of

Manipulative Technique in teaching among Grade 5 students. To begin, I don’t think it

would be surprising if I told you that a majority of intermediate grade teachers declare
Chapter III


This chapter describes briefly the methodology employed in the conduct of the

study. It present the research design, research producer, research instrument and statistical

treatment of data.

Research Design

This research utilized the mixed methods research design. This procedure is for

collecting, analyzing, and “mixing” both quantitative and qualitative research and methods

in a single study to understand a research problem.

The main focus of this study was to know the effect of manipulative teaching

technique in grade five students of San Jose Elementary School using the different

approaches in teaching fractions.

This study used the experimental design specifically the The Pre-test-Post-test

Control Group. The design involves two groups, where both have tutorials in fraction. In

this study, two groups are matched in age, gender, and grade level. One group, called the

experimental group, was exposed to manipulatives teaching technique. The other group

called control group where experienced the traditional teaching technique.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of study was Grade five students of San Jose Elementary School.

Out of 47 students from Grade-5 Camia and out of 42 students from Grade 5 Tulips ,

researchers chose 30 respondents per group with the total of 60 respondents.

Research Procedure

A letter of request was first send to the Inquiries Investigation and Immersion (3I’s)

teacher to consult our research if we were able to conduct the study; after the approval, we

asked permission to the principal and advisers of said respondents to gather data.

Before the implementation of the different innovations in teaching- the use of

manipulative, a 25 item pre-test was given t the two groups of students. The result was used

to determine the baseline knowledge of the students. The results were recorded, tabulated

and interpreted.

Statistical Treatment & Data Analysis

All data gathered on the study where treated and analyze by the researchers. In

order to have an ordered analysis of the data and information gathered from the chosen


The test of difference between the control and experimental group was analyzed

using the t value computed in the t test. The t-test assessed whether the means of the two

groups were statistically different from each other. This analysis was appropriate so as to

compare the means of the two groups: Control and Experimental.

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