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1. Yes, I agree that people, who can speak a foreign language usually have a broader
mind. Because of the reason, people learn foreign languages is to communicate.
Communicate with other people in this world. Communicating with foreign people in
certain countries or regions makes the culture in one country to other country
exchanges, automatically people who know several languages will have extensive
knowledge from a different culture. That's why people who can speak a foreign
language have a broader mind.

2.Not really, I'm not comfortable to use English in a specific condition. For example,
when I meet my friend or my family, I speak in Bahasa, because they don't
understand English well. But in the right condition, I always try to speak English well
even though I'm still nervous, for example in English class or English learning

3. I want to improve my English language because the English language is very

important in this era. For example, some college books already use English and English
has become one of the requirements when people want to enter an agency or office.
The English language also used when we want to understand strangers who want to
connect with us. Technology and the internet also use an English global language. So I
think very importantly to improve the English language.

4. Yes, I can get some positive values. I have some cultures that have positive values
that do not belong to my traditional culture. For example in Japan, time is money is their
principle for them, time is everything because we can’t turn it back on. Japanese
financial management is also well known, as can be seen by the number of tools
invented to save our lives and make life more productive. Another example is America,
the American declaration of independence states that “all men are created equal”. This
principle is embedded in their culture America believes that everybody is equal. There
you might say it’s weird to bow down when you walk past a seated old man

5. I like their creativity, technology, and their seriousness to make a film or song.
They are very creative when making films and songs, they can make viewers and
listeners interested in seeing their work so that their films and music are trending
topics in the world and win various awards. For example "The Avenger" film and "Ed
Sheeran" music. The technology that helps them is also very good and modern, so
their work is better and faster.

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