2010 Medano Beach - Kirrmaier Version 1-1 PDF

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Medano Beach

by Heidi Kirrmaier – May 24, 2009

An unstructured shoulder bag, with a knotted strap. The fabric is knit at a slightly loose gauge so
the bag is stretchy. It can be worked at a tighter gauge and/or in sport weight yarn for a smaller

Finished size: approximately 50 cm x 35 cm (20 inches x 13 inches)

250 m (275 yds) of cotton, linen, or hemp dk yarn in each of color A and color B.
Circular needle 60 or 80 cm long, in a diameter that gives you the appropriate gauge (about 4 –
4.5 mm)

Gauge: about 20 st/10 cm (4 inches)

For a smaller bag, replace dk yarn with sport weight yarn, and knit at a gauge of about 23 st/10
cm (4 inches).


Make bottom (worked flat):

With color A, cast on 26 st. Work in st st, back and forth.
Starting on rs, work 2 rows, then switch to color B. Work stripes by changing color every 2 rows.

Continue making rectangle for the bottom, for a total of 74 rows (not including cast on row),
ending with color A. Bind off purlwise from rs. (This will give you a little purl row matching the
cast on edge). Cut yarn.

Make sides (worked in the round):

Starting at the middle of one of the short sides of the bottom, with color B, pick up and knit 1 st
per st on the short side (up to 1 st from edge = 12 st), place marker at corner, pick up and knit 1
st per row along long edge (=74 st), place marker at next corner. Continue this way all the way
around until you have marked all 4 corners and have returned to the middle of the first short side.
(If this awkward to complete with one circular needle, do it with two.) (=196 st)

Medano Beach
Heidi Kirrmaier – May 24, 2009 Page 1 of 2

Please note you may not make or sell copies of this pattern, or sell anything made according to these instructions.
Continue working in the round in st st in 2 row stripe sequence (k all).

Rounds 2 and 6: (k to 1 st before next marker, m1, k1, slip marker, k1, m1) 4 times. (= 212 st)

Work straight to about 28 cm (11 inches) (or less if you are making a smaller bag) from picked up
edge, ending after row one of stripe.

Next round: k to 11 st past first marker, (k2tog, k4) 10 times, k to 11 st past third marker,
(k2tog, k4) 10 times.

Work 3 more rounds.

Next round (should be starting the second row of a stripe): k to 11 st past first marker, bind off
the next 46 st, leaving 11 st before next marker. When you bind off, work k2tog before you pass
the previous stitch over, every second time, as follows: (K2 tog, k1, pass previous st over, k1,
pass previous st over) until you have 11 st left on the needle before next marker. k to 11 st past
third marker, and similarly bind off the next 46 st. Work to end of round. Cut yarn.

Make Straps (worked flat in stripe sequence):

Place one set of 50 st left on the needle on a stitch holder or scrap yarn.
With the appropriate color for stripe sequence, join and knit across the 50 st left on the needle.

Next ws row: p2 tog, p to 2 st before end, p2tog tbl.

Next rs row: k2tog tbl, k to 2 st before end, k2tog.
Continue these 2 decrease rows, until 34 st remain.
Then work decrease rows only on rs rows until 20 st remain.

Work straight until strap measures (from where new yarn was joined) about 40 cm (16 inches)
ending with ws row.

Shape tip by working rs decrease rows as above, until 12 st remain.

Then work both rs and ws decrease rows until you have used up all st. Cut yarn.

Move the second set of 50 st from stitch holder or scrap yarn to needle and work the same as first
strap, but to a length of 64 cm (25 inches) before shaping the tip.

Weave in ends, tie a cute knot in the desired place, and stuff with yarn and food (..or whatever
you take to the beach or wherever you like to go!)

Medano Beach
Heidi Kirrmaier – May 24, 2009 Page 2 of 2

Please note you may not make or sell copies of this pattern, or sell anything made according to these instructions.

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