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13.0 RECRUITMENT PROCESS: Only single online application {common to all the notified posts in opted RRB - Junior Engineer (JE), Junior Engineer (Information Technology) {JE(IT)], Depot Material Superintondant (DMS) and Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant (CMA)} has fo be submitted by the candidate through the ink provided on the offal website of RRBs. Tho entre recruitment process shall involve, 1* stage Computer Based Tast (CBT), 2 stage CBT, and Document Verification” Medical Examination as applicable. Selection is made sticly as per merit, on the basis of CBT, The date, ime and venue for all the activities viz CBTs and DV or any other additonal activity as applicable shal be fixed by the RRB and shall be intimated tothe eligible candidates in due course. Request for postponement of any ofthe above activity oF for change of venue, date and shi will not be entertained under any circumstances. 13.1 1 Stage CBT (Common forall notified posts of this CEN): Duration 90 minutes (120 Minutes for eligible PwBD candidates accompanied with Scribe) No of Questions 100 The 1 stage CBT is of screening nature and the standard of questions forthe CBT will be generally in conformity withthe educational standards and/or minimum technical qualifications prescribed for the posts. The normalzed score of 1* stage ‘exam shall be used only for short listing of candidates for 2 stage exam as per their merit. Cancidates who are shortisted fer 2" stage CBT avaling the reservation benefts of a community, PwAD and ExSM shall continue to be considered only against that communty forall subsequent stages of recrutment process. The Questions wil be of objective type with multiple choices and are likely to include questions pertaining t: a. Mathematics Number systems, BODMAS, Decimals, Fractions; LCM and HCF, Ratio and Proportion, Percentages, Mensuration, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Simple and Compound Interest. Profit and Loss, Algebra, Geometry, Tigonomety, Elementary Statistics, Square Root, Age Calculations, Calendar & Clock, Pipes & Cistern b, General intelligence and Reasoning Analogies, Alphabetical and Number Series, Coding and Decoding, Mathematical operations, Relationships, Syllogism, Jum “bling, Venn Diagram, Data Interpretation and Sufficiency, Conclusions and Decision Making, Similarities and Dierences, Analytical reasoning, Classification, Directions, Statement — Arguments and Assumptions etc €. General Awareness : Knowledge of Current affairs, Indian geography. culture and history of India including freedom struggle, indian Polity and constitution, Incian Economy. Envrohmental ‘ssues coneeming India and the Werld, Sports, General scientific and technological developments ee. 4. General Science : Physics, Chemistry and Life Sciences (up to 10" Standard CBSE syllabus), The section w'se Number of questions and marks are as below No. of | Marks foreach Subjects Questions | Section Staged Stage! Mathematics 0 30) General ntaligence & Reasoning 25 2B (General Awareness 15 15 General Science 30 30 Total 100 100 Time in Minutes 90) The section wise distribution given inthe above table is only indicative and there may be some variations inthe actual question papers ‘Minimum percentage of marks for eligbilty in various categories: UR -40%, OBC-30%, $C-30%, ST-25%. These percentage ‘of marks for elgiilty may be relaxed by 2% for PwBD candidates incase of shortage of PwED candidates against vacancies reserved for them, 132 2" Stage CBT: Short listing of Candidates forthe 2° Stage CBT exam shall be based on the normalized marks obtained by them in the 1* ‘Stage CBT Exam. Total number af candidates tobe shorlisted for 2 Stage shallbe 15 times the community wse total vacancy of Posts notified against the RRB as per their merit in 1" Stage CBT. However, Railways reserve the righ 0 increaseldecrease this imtin total or for any specific category(s) as required to ensure availabilty of adequate candidates for all the notified post. Duration 120 minutes (160 Minutes for eligible PaBD candidates accompanied with Scribe) No of Questions 150 Syllabus: The Questions wil be of objective type with multiple choices and are Ikely to include questions pertaining to General Awareness, Physics and Chemistry, Basics of Computers and Applications, Basics of Environment ‘and Pollution Control and Technical abilties for the post. The sylabus. for General Awareness, Physics and Chemistry, Basics of Computers and Applications, Basics of Environment and Pollution Control is common for all Notified posts under this CEN as detailed below.- CENTRALIZED EMPLOYMENT NOTICE (CEN) No.03/2018 2) General Awareness. Knowledge of Current affairs, Indian geography, culture and history of India including freedom struggle, Indian Poly and Constitution, Indian Economy, Environmental issues concerning ncia and the World, Sports, General scientific and technological Gevelopments etc ) Physics and Chemistry: Upto 10" standard CBSE syllabus. ©) Basics of Computers and Applications: ‘Architecture of Computers, input and Output devices; Storage devices, Networking, Operating System like Windows, Unix, Linux: MS Offce; Various data representation; Internet and Email; Websites & Web Browsers: Computer Virus. 4) Basics of Environment and Pollution Control: Basics of Environment, Adverse effect of environmental pollution and control strategies; Air water and Noise pollution, their effect and contr, Waste Management, Global warming: Acid rain; Ozone depletion. @) Technical Abilities: The educational qualfications mentoned against each post shown in Annexure-A, have been grouped into diferent exam groups as below Questions on the Technical abilties will be framed in the syllabus defined for various Exam Groups given at Annexure-VILA, B, C, D, E, F &G. The section wise Number of questions and marks are as below No. of Questions _[ Marks for eachSection Subiects ‘Stage: Stage (General Awareness 5 Physics & Chemistry 5 Basics of Computers and Applications 10 10 Basics of Environment and Pollution 10 10 Control Technical Abies 100 100 Total 150 150 Time in Minutes 120 The section wise distribution given in the above table is only indicative and there may be some variations in the actual {question papers. Minimum percentage of marks for eligbilty in various categories: UR -40%, OBC-20%, SC-20%, ST -25%. This Percentage of marks for aligilty may be relaxed by 2% for PWD candidates, in case of shortage of PWBD candidates against vacancies reserved for them, Virtual calculator will be made avaiable on the Computer Moritor during 2° Stage CBT. Discipline Mapping Tables:- » ‘si. | Three years Diploma in Engineering or Bachelor's Degree in No. Engineering/Technology Mechanical Enginesting Exam Group Production Engineering ‘Automobile Engineering Manufacturing Engineering Mechavonies Engineering Industrial Engineering Machining Engineering Mechanical and Alied Engineering “Tools and Machining Engineering "Tools and Die Making Engineering Combination of any sub stream of basic steams of above disciplines Electrical Engineering Electrical and Alied| Combination of any sub sear ofbasi sears of Eleccal Engi Engineering ring Electronics Engineering Instrumentation end Control Engineering ‘Communisation Engineering Computer Science and Engineering Electronics and Aled Computer Engineering Engineering ‘Computer Science Information Technology Combination of sub streams af basic sreams of above disciplines My eral kant Calan aa i Elecironie Measurements 6. | Measuring systems, Basio prnciples of measurement, Range Extension methods, Cathode ray osclloscope, LOD, LED panel, Transducers [Communication Engineering 7, |Itttoduction to communication, Modulation techniques; Muliplexing Technigues, Wave Propagation, Transmission line characteristics, OFC; Fundamentals of Public Address systems, Electronic exchange, Radar, Cellular and Satelite Communication. [Data communication and Network 8. introduction to data communication: Hardware and interface, Introduction to Networks and Networking devices, Local |Area Network and Wide area network; Intemet working [Computer Programming 8. Programming concepts, Fundamentals of ‘© and G™ Operators in © andG™ Coniral Statements; Fundlions, Aray Sting & Pointers File Structure, Data Structure and DBMS Basic Electrical Engg 10 [DC Circuits; AC fundamentals; Magnetic, Thermal and Chemical effects of Electric curent, Earthing ~ Installation, Maintenance, Testing. ‘Syllabus for Mechanical & Allied Engineering Exam Group = JE Engineering Mechanics Resolution of forces, Equilrium and Equilbrant, parallelogram law of forces, triangle law of forces, polygon law of forces and Lam's theorem, couple and moment of a couple, condition for equilibrium of rigid body subjected to number of coplanar non-concurrent forces, definition of static friction, dyramic fiction, derivation of limiting angle of friction and {angle of repose, resolution of forces considering friction when a body moves on horizontal plane and inclined plane, Calculation of moment of inertia and radius of gyration of (a) Section (b) channel section (c) T-Section (d) L-Section (Equal & unequal lengths) (e) Z-Section () Bul up sections (simple cases only), Newton's laws of mation (without derivation), motion of projectile, D’Alemoerts principle, definition law of conservation of energy, law of conservation of ‘momentum, 2 [Material Scienoe ‘Mechanical properties of engineering materials — tensile srength, compressive strength, duciliy, maleabily, hardness, toughness, bitleness, impact strength, fatigue, creep resistance. Classification of steels, mild steel and alloy steels Importance of heat treatment. Heat treatment processes ~ annealing, normalizing, hardening, tempering, carburizing, nitriding and cyaniding 3._[ Strength of Materials ‘Stress, stain, stress strain dlagram, facior of safety, tienmal stresses, drain energy, proof resilience and modules of resilience, Shear force and bending moment diagram ~ cant leaver beam, simply supported beam, continuous beam, fixed beam. Torsion in shafts and springs, thin cylinder shell 4,_ [Machining Working principle of lathe, Types of lathes — Engine lathe — construction detals and specications, Nomenclature of single point cutting tool, geometry, tool signature, functions of tool angles. General and special operations — (Turning, facing, taper turing thread cutting, knurlng, forming, ailing, boring, reaming, key way cutting), cutting uids, coolants ‘and lubricants. Introduction to shaper, slotter, plainer, broaching, miling and manufacture of gears, heat treatment process applied to gears, 5 [Welding Welding Iniroduction, classification of welding processes, advantages and imitations of welding, principles ofarcwelaing, are welding equipment, choice of electrodes for diferent metals, priniple of gas (oxy-2cetylene) welding, equipment of a8 welding, welding procedures (are & gas), soldering and brazing techniques, types and applications of solders and fluxes, various flame cutting processes, advantages and limitations of fame cutting, detects in welding, testing and Inspection madern welding methods, (submerged, CO2, atomic — hydrogen, ultrasonic welding), brief description of MIG. & TIG welding. 5_ | Ginaing & Finishing Process Principles of metal removal by grinding, abrasives, nalural and arifclal, bonds and binding processes, viviied,slicate, shellac rubber, grinding machines, classification: cylindrical, surface, tool & cutter grinding machine, construction detals,relaive merits, princes of centreless grinding, advantages & limitations of centreless grinding work, holding devices, wheel maintenance, balancing of wheels, coolants used, finishing by grinding, honing, lapping, super firishing, electroplating, basic principles - plating metals, applications, het dipping, galvanizing tn coating, parkerising, anodizing, ‘metal spraying, wire process, powder process and applications, organic coatings, oll base paint, lacquer base enamels, bituminous paints, rubber base coating, 7 [Metrology Linear measurement — Sip gauges and dial indicators, angle measurements, bevel protractor ane bar, angle slp ‘gauges, comparators (8) mechanical (b) electrical (c) optical (d) pneumatic, Measurement of surface roughness ‘methods of measurements by comparison, tracer instruments and by interferometry, collmators, measuring microscope, interferometer, inspection of machine parts using the concepts of shadow projection and profile projection CENTRALIZED EMPLOYMENT NOTICE (CEN) No.03/2018 8__ [Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machinery Properties of flu, density, specific weight, specific gravity, viscosity, surface tension, compressibiltycapilarity, Pascal's law, measurement of pressures, concept of buoyancy. Concept of Reynolds number, pressure, potential and kinetic energy of liquids, total energy, laws of conservation, mass, tenergy and momentum, velocity of iguids and discharge, Bernoull’s equation and assumptions, venturimeters, pitot- ‘ube, current meters. Working principle & constructional detals of centrifugal pump, efficiencies - manometric efficiency, volumetvic efficiency, ‘mechanical efficiency and overall efficiency, cavitation and its effect, working principle of jt & suomersiole pumps with ling diagrams, 9 [Industrial Management {Job analysis, motivation, different theories, stisfacton, performance reward systems, production, planning and contro relation wth other departments, routing, scheduling, dispatching, PERT and CPM, simple problems. Materials in industry, inventory control model, ABC Analysis, Safety stock, re-order, level, economic ordering quantity, break even analysis, sores layout, stores equioment, stores records, purchasing procedures, purchase records, Bin card, Cardex, Material handling, Manual iting, hoist, cranes, conveyors, tucks, fork trucks 70.__ | Thermal Engineering Laws of thermo dynamics, conversion of heat into work viee versa, laws of perfect gases, thermo dynamic processes = isochorc, isobaric, isothermal hyperbolic, isentropic, polytrophic and throtiing, modes of heat transfer, thermal Conductivity, convective heat transfer coeficent, Stefan Boltzman law by radiation and overall heat transfer coefficient, Air standards cycles — Camot cycle, Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, construction and working of internal combustion engines, comparison of diesel engine and petrol engine. Systems of internal combustion engine, performance of internal ‘combustion engines. Air compressors their cycles refrigeration cycles, principle of a rarigeration plant ‘Annexure-ViIE SNe, | Subject PC Software MS-Windows, MS-Word, MS-Eveel & MS-Power Point ‘Computer fundamentals 2 Evolution of Computers, Hardware & Software, Intemet. 3 [etenauase Structure, Loop, Coniol Statements, rays Paine, Funclons Situ and Union, Fes | 7, [eameuter Organisation | Number Systems, Logic Gates, FipTlops, Boolean Algebra, DA nsrudon Sets. | Infrmation Systems | 5 [information concepts, Hardware & Sefiwaré) Overview of Communication Systems E-Commerce Data Structure using C7 6 ‘Object oriented Programming, Data Structures, Stack, Queue, Pointers, Linked List Searching & Soring Algorithms DBMS fundamentals 7. | BASIC, Data Models, RDBMS, Relational Algebra, SQL, DDL, DML and DCL Statements, Creating Tables, Equ=Joins, Self Joins, PUSQL, Functions, Cursor and Triggers. ‘System Programming Back ground, Assembler, Leaders ard Unker, Meco Processors, COnpIeTs | ‘Operating System using LINUX | a. | Operating System, Types, Features & BasicAroiedture of UnidLnuxSystom, Uni Fle Sytem & Srucure, Unux Commands {orfles and rectors, ies and Pipes, Process, Creating end Ealing Fles wih Vi Eto, System Adminstration, Role of System Adrintator Managing User Accor, Web Technologies and Programming Internet & Iniranet, Hardware & Software tke Bus, Etherel, LAN, Roulers, Gateways, Bridge, Switches, Subnet etc 10, |lnernet Service Provider, Backbones, NAPS, URL, Domain Names, Email, Vieb Server and Proxy Server, Web Caches, Web Browser Ike Intemet Explorer, Intemet Viruses, Intemet Security Issues, Firewall, Data Encryption, Digital Signatures and Certfcstes, Creating the Website and Home Page, HTML Programming Basics, Syntax and Rules, Search and Search Engine for Internet, Outlook Express and Front Page. CENTRALIZED EMPLOYMENT NOTICE (CEN) No.03/2018

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