Saltwater Injection Systems Can Tolerate Higher Velocities

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Saltwater iniection- w&terns

can- tolerate i&h& veldciaies

Mamdouh M. Salama Cunoco Inc. Ponca City, Okla.

T he API erosional veloci-

ty limit is overly conser-
vative for saltwater. in-
jection systems constructed
Eauation 1 (see Eauation
&d Nomenclature dxes). * 2
The empirical constant C
in Equation 1 is 100 for con-
reducing these values if so-
lids production (sand) is an-
In the latest API RP 14E2
by corrosion resistant alloys.
Based on the API RP14 E
equation, most seawater in-
jection systems limit the
from corrosion-resistant ma- tinuous service and 125 for higher C-values of 150-200 flow veloaty to S-10 fps. In
terial and containing no so- intermittent service. Consid- may be used when corrosion many cases, this restriction
lids in the water. eration should be given to is controlled by inhibition or has negative cost implica-
Under such conditions tion. New recommendations
and providing that pressure are proposed that show that
drop is not of concern, a‘ much higher velocities can
flow velocity of 50 fps can be be tolerated safely.
safely used .without concern
for erosion.
The original API criterion
is specified for clean service
&!iYc!!ti%m~,~ (noncorrosive and sand
lected flow velocity include: free), and it is noted that the
0 Pressure drop C-factor shouid be reduced
l Noise level if sand or corrosive condi-
l Vibration tions are present. No guide-
l Erosion lines, however, are provided
l Corrosion. for these reductions.
Pressure drop, noise, and It has been argued by sev-
vibration are well under- eral investigators that under
stood and are part of the these conditions the API BP
design of most flow sys- 14E relation is extremely
tems. Not well understood conservative.34 Their work
are erosion and corrosion. led to the changes in the
While erosion is defined 1991 edition. Also, because
3s the removal of material Df its conservatism, the API
born a solid surface by the RP 14E criterion is not fol-
repeated application of me- lowed by most oil compa-
zhanical forces, corrosion in- nies.4s
volves the removal of mate- Mobil does not limit flow
ial by an electrochemical re- velocities, and Arco uses a
action. C-factor of 200 for continu-
To avoid erosion, the oil 3us service.4 When corro-
ndustry’s current practice sion is controlled and if sand
For sizing process piping, zan b e a v o i d e d , Arco
HOW lines, pipelines, and changes the C-factor to 250
ubing is to limit flow veloci- ior intermittent service.4
y to the maximum erosional Data developed by Arco
,relocity as calculated by 3n velocity effect of inhibit-

Oil 8 Gas Journal l July 12.1993


Table 1
For the design conditions
of 25-year life, 20 ppb oxy-
gen concentration, no chlo-
rine, and 30” C., the allowa-
ble flow velocity depends on
the corrosion allowance of
the carbon steel component
corrosion allowance as given
in Equation 8 and Table 1.
Assuming that the corro-
sion allowance for the pipe
is the normal 0.16 in. (4
ed systems (with and with- that, providing corrosion mm), the allowable flow ve-
out solids) on carbon steel can be suppressed, a C-fac- locity is 18 fps.
and 316 stainless steel for tor of 450 can be used with-
pipes, elbows, and chokes, out any concern for erosion. Sdll?ltU
showed that for a straight Based on these experi- 1. “API RP 14E Recommended Prac-
tice for Design and Instalkion of
pipe section no erosion/cor- ences, it is clear that for non- Mamdouh M. Salama is a
Offshore Production Platform
rosion was observed for C- corrosive water injection senior research jellow for Piping Systems,” Third Edition,
Conoco Inc.‘s exploration
factors up to 500.* For other systems where solids are not and production technology
1981, p. 22.
components, no erosionlcor- present, providing that pres- division in Pona City,
2. “API RP 14E Recommended Prac-
tice for Design and Installation of
rosion was reported for C- sure drop is not of a con- Okla. Prior to his current Offshore Production Platform
factors up to 300, even with cern, a C-factor of over 400 position, he held seueml Piping Systems,” Fiih Edition,
management positibns wifh-
sand.* and a flow velocity of 50 fps in conow’s producfion re- 1991, p. 23.
Phillips does not use RP is safe. search in&ding dire&r of
3.Salam.x M . M . , a n d Venkatesh,
E.S., “Evaluation of API RP 14E
14E to determine production themarinerind materials Erosional Velocity Liitations for
rates.5 section and director of the Offshore Gas Wells,” Paper No.
material and corrosion set-
One North Sea operator In c&bon steel water-in- fion. He also was chairman
OTC 4485, 15th Offshore Tech-
produced from a conden?ate jection systems, the velocity of Conow’s marine fech-
nology Conference, Houston,
well at a velocity of 286 fps limit appears to be con- nology stming wmmitfee 4. Deffenbaugh, D.M., and Bucking-
(C-factor of 726) for 1,050 trolled more by corrosion and mat.&& and corm- ham, J.C.,“A Study of the Era-
sion fechnology steering
days without failure.6 An- than erosion. This is because committee.
sional/Cormsional Velocity Gite-
other North Sea operator the oxygen corrosion rate, SaLma h&is BS and MS
rion for Siig Multi-Phase Flow
Lines,” Southwest Research In-
has used a C-factor of 300 as even at very low levels of degrees from universities in
stitute Final Report, Project No.
the upper limit for several oxygen (about 20 ppb), is Egypt, and MS and doctor-
04-2433, prepared for the Miner-
ate degrees in mechanical en-
subsea water injectors with finite and not zero. gineering from MIT. He is
als and Management Service,
U.S. Department of the Interior,
L&l-13 Cr tubing.6 The oxygen corrosion rate active in ASME, SPE, ASTM, 1989.
One should not, however, is influenced by oxygen lev- and the American Wding
5. Heidersbach, R.,“Veltity Limits
be slrrprised if corrosion fail- el, mass flow rate of oxygen SOCiety. for Erosion-Corrosion,” Paper
ure occurs in this system at to the surface, and tempera- No. OTC 4974, 17th Offshore
the joints because of the sus- ture. Using the estimate for to scale formation and Technology Conference, 1985.
6. !Zrich.sen, H.,“Nipple, Lock and
ceptibility of 13 Cr to crevice diffusional flux to surface therefore, the predicted C Flow Coupling Recommenda-
corrosion and pitting. and both field and laborato- factors will be conservative tions and Subassembly De&p-
For N-80 steel, tests have ry oxygen corrosion rate Equations 2 and 3 were tion for North Sea Wells,” Pri-
shown no erosion damage measurements, Equations 2 derived by assuming tha vate communications, Conoco
Norway, Sept. 1, 1988.
after repeated impact by liq- and 3 establish allowable C- the tolerable corrosion rat1 7. Camach, R.A.,‘“The Design, Con-
uid slugs at a velocity of 100 factors for carbon steel injec- corresponds to a reduction struction, and Testing of a Liquid
fps, which corresponds to a tion water systems.” of 20% of the wall thicknes Impingement Apparatus and a
C-factor of 800.’ When ero- These two equations are of the pipe (t, in.) within it Study of Metal Surfaces Eroded
by Liquid Impingement,” Master
sion damage was observed, derived based on corrosion life time (Y, years). This as of Science Thesis, University of
it was attributed to the pres- rates due to oxygen diffu- sumption is justified basec Tulsa, 1988.
ence of microscopic solid sion and, therefore, will pre- on ANSYASME B31G-19s 8. Saetre, O.,‘Testing of Composite
particles in the liquid. dict very high allowable C- failure prediction criterion Pipes in High Velocity Seawa-
ter,” 10th International Confer-
In a seawater flow loop values for very low oxygen for corroded pipes. ence on Offshore Mechanics and
containing fiber glass pipe concentrations. Because most design en@ Arctic Engineering, 1991. pp.
and pipe bends of CuNi and At very low oxygen levels, neers prefer to base the se 577333.
stainless steel, 3-month tests an activation rather then dif- lection of the allowable ve 9. Salama, M.M.,“Emsional Velocity
in Noncorrosive Two-Phase Flow
were conducted at a velocity fusion controlled corrosion locity on the corrosion al Systems,” Unpublished Report,
corresponding to C-factors mechanism may take effect lowance (6, in.) criterioi 1992.
between 220 and 260 in.6 and corrosion will occur. TO rather then the 20% wa 10. Salama, M.M.,“Eroiional Veloc-
The tests showed no erosion incorporate this effect, Equa- thickness criterion, th ity Limits for Water Injection
Systems,” Paper No. 62, NACE
damage in the fiber glass, tions 1 and 7 should be used above equations can be wril Annual Conference, New Or-
CuNi, or stainless steel. for predicting allowable C- ten as Equations 4 and 5 b leans, 1993.
Also, recent single (dis- factors up to 250. replacing t by 5 6.
tilled water) and two-phase These equations do not in- In terms of flow velocit
(water and nitrogen) flow- corporate the reduction in (V, fps), Equations 4 and
loop test results on simulat- corrosion rate at high Ievels can be rewritten as Equa
ed tubular joints’ showed of oxygen and chlorine due tions 6 and 7.
July 12.1993 0 oil 4 Gas Journal

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