1fb - UNICEF-MoEAC - 15th School Day Report 2016 - Final For Sign-Off

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The Fifteenth School Day Report for 2016 was produced by the Education 1. The Fifteenth School Day Survey provides the most crucial
Management Information System (EMIS) division within the Ministry information about the number of schools, learners and
of Education, Arts and Culture. EMIS is the primary national process teachers in Namibia as recorded on the 15th school day at
for timely collection, analysis and reporting of reliable information the beginning of every year.
concerning schools in Namibia. Education regions collect data twice
a year from all state and private schools in Namibia and publish two 2. The Annual Education Census (AEC) is a comprehensive
reports which enable education planners to develop plans responsive survey of education data in state and private schools
to the context-specific needs of children. The reports are key tools the in Namibia. The AEC is usually conducted on the first
Ministry uses to drive improved service delivery in basic education. Tuesday of the last trimester of the school year.

TABLE 1: Number of learners, teachers and schools by region and sex, 2016
Learners Teachers Schools
 REGION as a % of as a % of as a % of
Female Male Total Female Male Total Schools
National National National
Total Total Total
//Karas 11225 10860 22085 652  270 922 52  3%  3%  3%
Erongo 20633 19571 40204 1149  363 1512 66  6%  5%  4%
Hardap 12124 11986 24110 578  339 917 57  3%  3%  3%
Kavango East 29106 29281 58387 933  907 1840 162  8%  7%  9%
Kavango West 22490 16345 38835 625  729 1354 172  5%  5% 10%
Khomas 43084 40035 83119 2557  815 3372 104 12% 12%  6%
Kunene 13899 14264 28163 587  491 1078 68  4%  4%  4%
Ohangwena 49556 49600 99156 2437 1416 3853 256 14% 14% 14%
Omaheke 11130 10981 22111 529  304 833 43  3%  3%  2%
Omusati 45072 46159 91231 2612 1302 3914 276 13% 14% 15%
Oshana 26707 25817 52524 1617  673 2290 135  7%  8%  8%
Oshikoto 33424 34120 67544 1841  975 2816 219 10% 10% 12%
Otjozondjupa 22608 21934 44542 1107  500 1607 77  6%  6%  4%
Zambezi 17785 18082 35867 916  662 1578 109  5%  6%  6%
Total 358843 349035 707878 18140 9746 27886 1796      
Table 1 shows the number of female and male learners and teachers and the number of schools by region in Namibia in 2016. While there is near parity in
the number of school-going girls and boys, it is evident that there are nearly twice as many female teachers than male teachers in the country. The table
also shows that the highest percentages of learners, teachers and schools in 2016 are in Ohangwena and Omusati Regions, as was the case in 2015.

Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture

TABLE 2: Number of learners by region, grade and sex, 2016


Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12

Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8

Grade 9


Male 743 1200 1048 988 977 1137 886 801 1166 709 704 236 261 4  0 10860
//Karas Female 771 1203 1032 1007 953 1024 924 865 1233 761 779 349 320 4 0  11225
Total 1514 2403 2080 1995 1930 2161 1810 1666 2399 1470 1483 585 581 8 0 22085
Male 968 2222 2124 1939 1662 1903 1637 1409 1837 1413 1254 584 529 80 10 19571
Erongo Female 914 2273 2078 2056 1841 1828 1635 1514 1871 1599 1486 808 684 41 5 20633
Total 1882 4495 4202 3995 3503 3731 3272 2923 3708 3012 2740 1392 1213 121 15 40204
Male 740 1320 1192 1131 1137 1200 1057 923 1153 788 676 239 220 159 51 11986
Hardap Female 737 1262 1218 1175 1089 1161 1101 987 1142 851 732 274 289 69 37 12124
Total 1477 2582 2410 2306 2226 2361 2158 1910 2295 1639 1408 513 509 228 88 24110
Male 1253 4007 3416 3048 2789 2734 2200 1985 2731 2047 1226 984 723 122 16 29281
Kavango East Female 1329 3781 3233 2940 2662 2760 2323 1979 2781 2204 1317 980 690 115 12 29106
Total 2582 7788 6649 5988 5451 5494 4523 3964 5512 4251 2543 1964 1413 237 28 58387
Male 882 2825 2039 1797 1525 1593 1201 1015 1390 872 545 345 264 0  52 16345
Kavango West Female 1390 3245 2792 2488 2172 2320 1951 1457 1948 1415 800 268 215 0 29 22490
Total 2272 6070 4831 4285 3697 3913 3152 2472 3338 2287 1345 613 479 0 81 38835
Male 2110 4111 4073 3870 3537 3719 3396 3033 3448 2963 2618 1526 1444 180 7 40035
Khomas Female 2243 4032 4078 3978 3756 3694 3675 3282 3547 3258 3163 2048 1934 387 9 43084
Total 4353 8143 8151 7848 7293 7413 7071 6315 6995 6221 5781 3574 3378 567 16 83119
Male 916 2377 1726 1641 1306 1419 1130 1058 1072 725 511 195 183  0 5 14264
Kunene Female 996 2138 1708 1549 1292 1317 1142 960 1186 796 463 192 158 0  2 13899
Total 1912 4515 3434 3190 2598 2736 2272 2018 2258 1521 974 387 341 0 7 28163
Male 2208 5698 5044 4723 4671 5276 4080 3580 5313 3858 2524 1331 1294 0 0 49600
Ohangwena Female 2329 5213 4696 4456 4285 4686 4179 3692 5434 4441 3031 1591 1523 0 0 49556
Total 4537 10911 9740 9179 8956 9962 8259 7272 10747 8299 5555 2922 2817 0 0 99156
Male 586 1511 1291 1180 1079 1177 897 739 1064 656 454 161 168 18 0  10981
Omaheke Female 576 1348 1241 1150 1118 1157 965 796 1140 716 548 186 181 8 0  11130
Total 1162 2859 2532 2330 2197 2334 1862 1535 2204 1372 1002 347 349 26 0 22111
Male 1878 5442 4598 4271 3977 4913 3769 3572 4707 3688 2399 1646 1299 0 0 46159
Omusati Female 1913 4914 4177 3949 3638 4254 3568 3618 4581 4082 2911 1878 1589 0 0 45072
Total 3791 10356 8775 8220 7615 9167 7337 7190 9288 7770 5310 3524 2888 0 0 91231
Male 1383 2617 2329 2116 2001 2487 2096 1960 2684 2259 1524 1169 1192 0 0 25817
Oshana Female 1397 2472 2315 2154 2022 2241 2062 2014 2697 2413 1807 1623 1490 0 0 26707
Total 2780 5089 4644 4270 4023 4728 4158 3974 5381 4672 3331 2792 2682 0 0 52524
Male 1957 3845 3398 3141 3072 3629 2814 2490 3288 2398 1727 1209 1143 9  0 34120
Oshikoto Female 1987 3411 3171 2815 2698 3027 2642 2602 3390 2788 2087 1475 1324 7 0  33424
Total 3944 7256 6569 5956 5770 6656 5456 5092 6678 5186 3814 2684 2467 16 0 67544
Male 1205 2960 2476 2326 2209 2280 1755 1634 1967 1332 882 428 380 100  0 21934
Otjozondjupa Female 1188 2732 2471 2318 2269 2183 1881 1719 2048 1598 1157 565 408 71 0  22608
Total 2393 5692 4947 4644 4478 4463 3636 3353 4015 2930 2039 993 788 171 0 44542
Male 1311 2003 1771 1584 1426 1572 1334 1251 1680 1625 1161 722 633 9  0 18082
Zambezi Female 1388 1769 1609 1510 1388 1567 1275 1263 1591 1647 1259 831 686 2 0  17785
Total 2699 3772 3380 3094 2814 3139 2609 2514 3271 3272 2420 1553 1319 11 0 35867

Male 18140 42138 36525 33755 31368 35039 28252 25450 33500 25333 18205 10775 9733 681 141 349035
National Female 19158 39793 35819 33545 31183 33219 29323 26748 34589 28569 21540 13068 11491 704 94 358843
Total 37298 81931 72344 67300 62551 68258 57575 52198 68089 53902 39745 23843 21224 1385 235 707878
TABLE 3: Number of learners, teachers and schools by region, 2013 to 2016
2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016
//Karas 20645 21501 22085 875 893 922 50 50 52
Erongo 33967 37869 40204 1370 1459 1512 65 65 66
Hardap 22149 23885 24110 886 949 917 55 57 57
Kavango East (from 2015)   55069 58387   1729 1840   156 162
Kavango West (from 2015)   38388 38835 1265 1354 176 172
Kavango (before 2015) 82190     3045     329    
Khomas 75783 81928 83119 3119 3396 3372 103 106 104
Kunene 22097 26892 28163 949 1068 1078 64 67 68
Ohangwena 95231 98028 99156 3564 3703 3853 249 253 256
Omaheke 19866 21457 22111 752 796 833 42 42 43
Omusati 87266 89803 91231 3780 3812 3914 276 276 276
Oshana 51151 52285 52524 2259 2274 2290 138 137 135
Oshikoto 62215 65527 67544 2527 2670 2816 204 212 219
Otjozondjupa 38527 43113 44542 1430 1482 1607 72 75 77
Caprivi (before 2015) and 30954 34873 35867 1473 1546 1578 105 107 109
Zambezi (from 2015)
NATIONAL 642041 690618 707878 26029 27042 27886 1752 1779 1796
From the figures presented in Table 3, we can observe that from 2013 to 2016 there has been a steady increase in the number of learners (by 10%), the
number of teachers (by 7%) and the number of schools (by 3%) in Namibia.

FIGURE 1: Distribution of learners by grade and sex, 2016

Figure 1 indicates that there is a big difference in enrolment between pre-primary, where it stands at 5%, and Grade 1, where it increases to 12%, before
it declines as learners move to higher grades within the schooling system, with only 3% of the learners enrolled in Grade 12. We can also observe a fair
gender parity across the grades, with slightly more boys than girls in the junior phase (up to Grade 5) and slightly more girls than boys in the upper junior
and senior phases. This difference, however, is not considered statistically significant.
FIGURE 2: Percentage distribution of learners in schools, by phase, 2016
Special 0.2% Other 0.03%

6% 5% Pre-Primary
Senior Secondary


40% Lower Primary

Junior Secondary 40%

25% Figure 2 shows that the highest proportion of learners

nationally was located in the Lower Primary phase
(Grades 1-3) with 40%, followed by the Upper Primary
phase (Grades 4-7) with 25%, and the Junior Secondary
Upper Primary phase (Grades 8-9) with 23%. Only 6% of all learners were in
25% the Senior Secondary phase (Grades 10-12).

FIGURE 3: Frequency distribution by school size (as measured by number of learners in schools), 2016


Figure 3 shows that the highest number of schools nationally (507 or 28%) have between 101 and 300 learners. This figure also shows that there are
a number of small schools in Namibia (329 or 18%), with fewer than 100 learners. Finally, there are 18 schools in the country with over 1500 learners.

FIGURE 4: Frequency distribution of learner-teacher ratio (LTR) in schools, 2016


Figure 4 shows that the highest number of schools nationally (511 or 28%) were in the 21-25 LTR interval, which is an improvement compared to 2015
when 27% of the schools nationally had a 26-30 LTR. Furthermore, there were 41 schools (2%) with more than 40 learners per teacher.

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