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F 1. Persuation is to propagate or to sow. It also means to disseminate or promote particular Ideas.

F 2. It was Karl Marx who dismisses the claims of Althusser about false consciousness.

F 3. Lifestyle are the expressions of our response to particular ideas, events, circumstances or people.

T 4. The media industry provides goods and services to help other industries achieve their market

T 5. A free and open media is said to be one of the defining features of a healthy democracy.

T 6. In media, to be objective implies the qualities such as accuracy, truthfulness, fairness and balance,
and moral neutrality.

T 7. According to Mcquail, audience segmentation is to treat audiences as sets of consumers

aggregated according to characteristics.

F 8. Harold Lasswell introduces the audience theory in 1927 in the book entitled Propaganda
Techniques in World War I.

F 9. Similarities in understanding media and information texts are not important in the understanding
of the construct of audience category.

F 10. In the advertising industry, audience segmentation is underprivileged because it makes messaging
and content creation more specific.

F 11. In information gratification, audiences are well attracted to media texts that provide simple
pleasures, enjoyment and relaxation.

T 12. Segmenting audiences tailor the content to a specific segment of society that is appropriate to the
needs and desires of the target audience.

T 13. In Ideology, we think that most of what we believe is ingrained in us but they are all socially

F 14. Stereotyping refer to a process by which individuals are constituted as subjects.

T 15. Market model and public sphere model differs on how public interest is perceived and realized.

T 16. What drives the profit-driven directions of media enterprises are the advertisers and media

F 17. A Market model promotes ownership and structure.

T 18. When receiving media and information texts, people usually have homogeneous way of reading
or hearing the same message
T 19. In personal identity gratification, audiences are expected to validate their understanding and
appreciation of their identities.

F 20. The manufacturing industry covers the products and services related to the improvement of the
physical appearance of both women and men.

T 21. Hypodermic needle theory asserts that media and information messages injects their messages
directly to their audiences.

F 22. Gramsci was the first to use the word stereotype which refers to pictures in our head.

F 23. Preferred reading is where the audience partly shares the text’s code and broadly accepts the
readings but sometimes resists and modifies it.

T 24. In the context of local political landscape, balanced implies an attitude that is unfazed with brazen
display and exercise of power through intimidation.

T 25. Hall says that media messages do not reflect the world as it is, rather they represent it.

F 26. Coersion is a form of control and arises when individuals willingly, or voluntarily assimilate the
world-view or hegemony of the dominant group.

F 27. David Gauntlett Said that capitalist production so confines them, body and soul, that they fall
helpless victim to what is offered to them.

F 28. Dominant reading is where the audience takes a directly oppositional stance to the dominant
code of the media and information text and resists it completely

F 29. Stereotyping refer to our ways of living. It denote the interests, hobbies, opinions of an individual,
family, group, or even a community.

T 30. By listening to music using Spotify or watch a video clip in YouTube, we can become part of the
mass audience.

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