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Pauses to think and remember


My name is amir imam I live in October shikh zayed city I graduated from pharmacy collage
zagazig university 2007 with very good grade

My professional experience

I worked as

.Second pharmacist at Moustafa Awadallh pharmacy, Zagazig May, 2007 to October, 2007

Managing pharmacist of Coral sea resort pharmacy Sharm El-Sheikh (Mainly British and -
.Irish customers) October 2007 to October 2009

Hospital pharmacist at Hehia and alahrar hospitals Sharkia from May, 2008 to January, -
2014 (drug dispenser and clinical pharmacist)

.Pharmacist at Sally pharmacy from November, 2014 to July 2019 -

Medical approvals doctor at Mediconsult medical insurance company (Exceed company -

.smart village) from 15 September 2019 to date

٪ ٩٥ ‫ الى‬٩٠ ‫واعتقد خالل سنوات عملى كلها نلت رضا واستحسان مااليقل عن‬

And I think during all my years of work, I got satisfaction and approval from at least 90 to
95% of
‫‪My superiors, clints and my co workers‬‬

‫والدى يكون ولدى اختان تؤام‬

‫واحة متزوجة وهى دكتورة واالخرى ليست متزوجة وهى مهندسة معمارية‬
‫لقد سافرت الى الواليات المتحد االمريكية فى ‪ 2010‬وجلست هناك لمدة ‪ 6‬شهور‬

‫لكن عدت بسبب وفاة والدتى الن كان الزم اقعد مع اهلى‬

‫)‪Name/professional experience/satisfaction/(personal‬‬


‫‪M name iai ilioszc i gfpczu2007 wvgg‬‬

‫‪My professional experience‬‬

‫‪ I worked as‬دى نكتبها فى ورقة‬

‫‪Aitdamyow i g satisfaction aafal 90 to 95%‬‬

‫‪O m s c a mc w‬‬

‫وحتة ال ‪personal‬‬

‫نكتبها فى ورقة‬

‫‪4‬جمل غير المكتوب فى الورقة‬

‫الخبرة هى نقطة القوة لدى فانا عملت لمدة طويلة وتعاملت مع الكثير من المواقف‬
‫وهذا يقلل من اخطائى ويعطينى ميزة القناع اى عميل وذيادة الربح وتقليل اى خسائر محتملة‬
‫ويمكننى من تفادى المشاكل‬
‫فى المجمل نقطة القوة لدى هى الخبرة وهى تعطينى افضلية فى تقليل الخسائر وذيادة المكسب و تمكننى من حسن التعامل‬
.‫مع الجميع فى كل المواقف‬

Experience is my strength. I have worked for a long time and have dealt with a lot of

This reduces my mistakes and gives me an advantage to persuade any customer, increase
profit and reduce any potential loss

I can avoid the problems

In general, my strength is experience, and it gives me an advantage in reducing loss and

.maximizing gain, and enables me to handle well with everyone in all situations

Experience/persuade/avoid/reducing loss/situations


Experience imsihwfaltahdwaos/trmmagmaat persuade ac/iparapl/ic avoid tp/igmsieaigmaai

reducing loss amg/aemthwweia situations

‫ جمل‬٦

‫كل حاجة بانجح فيها وذات قيمة بتعتبر لية نجاح‬

‫دخول كلية جيدة‬
‫النجاح بتقدير جيد جدا‬
‫العثور على شغل واالجادة بة‬
‫نجاحى فى اى امتحان‬
‫سفرى امريكا ونجاحى‬
‫الحصول على وظيفة فى اكسيد‬
‫عالقاتى مع زمايلى واهلى‬

‫او اكتر تحدى واجهتة‬.‫إنما لو اتسألت اكتر حاجه فخور بها فى المجال العملى‬
‫ وأعطانا مكسب اعلى وسمعة‬.‫ ودة نجح‬.‫انى قدمت مقترح بتقليل الخصومات وذيادة التدريب والدعاية وجودة الخدمة‬
‫ جنية‬١٠٠٠ ‫ودة أعطى المكان اللى كنت بشتغل فية ذيادة ربح يومى التقل عن‬.‫جيدة‬

No major success

,Everything i succeed in and has value is success for me

for example

Entering Good college

Finishing with very good grade at college

Finding a job and proficiency at it

My success in any exam

My travel to America and my success there

Getting a job at exeed

My relationships with my colleagues and my family

But if I am asked about something I am proud of in the practical field. Or a challenge during
my years of work

I made a proposal to reduce discounts and increase training, advertising and quality of
service. This succeeded. It gave us a higher gain and a good reputation. It gave the place I
.worked at, daily profit increase not less than 1000 pounds

No major/for example/challenge/proposal


‫ مثال دخول كلية الصيدلة والنجاح بها والحصول على التقدير اللى كنت عايزة‬-1

‫لما اشتغلت فى مكان وقدمت مقترح لتقليل الخصومات ونجحت الفكرة‬-٢

.‫ انى قدر المستطاع عندى خبرة وبحاول دائما اعمل الصح وأخرج بافضل النتائج‬-٣

Three greatest accomplishment

For example, entering and succeeding in the College of Pharmacy and obtaining the grade
that i wanted

When I worked in a place and made a proposal to reduce discounts and the idea worked -2

I have as much experience as possible and always try to do the right thing and produce -3
the best results



Feeasit college opaotgtiw/wiwiapama proposal trdatiw/iham experience apaattdtrtaptbr


‫النجاح فى اى شىء وكل شىء اقدر انجح فية انى اعمل الشىء الصحيح‬
‫ودايما لو فى حاجة ناقصة او عنصر مفقود عشان انجح فى اى شىء بحاول ادور علية واكملة قدر المستطاع عشان انجح‬

‫النجاح نتيجة استخدام اساليب وعلم وعمل وجهد ومعرفة وتوفيق من اللة عشان تنجح فى حاجة هى الى حد ما مهمة او‬
‫يجب او يفضل ان تنجح فيها الن دة بيعود بالنفع عليك وعلى االخرين‬
‫مثال دخولى كلية الصيدلة والنجاح بها والحصول على التقدير كنت عايزة‬

‫لما اشتغلت فى مكان وقدر اضيف فكر انى اقلل الخصومات واذود المعرفة والتدريب للى حوالية وفى نفس الوقت لم تتاثر‬

‫انى قدر المستطاع عندى معرفة بالدنيا وبحاول دايما اعمل الشىء الصحيح واخرج بافضل النتايج‬

What success/ motivate you-12

Success in anything and everything I can succeed in doing the right thing

And always, if I need an missing item or item to succeed in anything I try to turn on it and
complete it as possible as possible to succeed

Success is the result of using methods, science, work, effort, knowledge, and reconciliation
from God to succeed in a need that is somewhat important or should or prefer to succeed in
.it because it will benefit you and others

For example, I entered the college of pharmacy, succeeded in it, and obtained the grade I

When I worked in a place and appreciated, I add the thought that I reduce the discounts and
expand knowledge and training for me around and at the same time the sales were not

I have knowledge of the world as much as possible and I always try to do the right thing and
come up with the best results


Plans(goals) for future

‫الزم تقول‬

career ‫انى التحق بمكان عمل كويس ومميز واجتهد فى خطواتى لبناء‬

For long term

‫ انى اترقى فى عملى فى السلم الوظيفي‬+

team leader , supervisor and so on ‫مثال ل‬

‫وحجتهد على كدة ودايما حاخد اى كورسات العمل يحتاجها او حذاكر ذاتيا‬
‫وان كان الموضوع غير مهم النى احب عملى كصيدلى‬


‫اخطط للزواج‬

For short term

To join a good and distinguished workplace and to work hard on my steps to build a career

For long term

To be promoted +

For example, a team leader, supervisor and so on

I will do my best for this and i will always take any required courses or i will study by myself

Despite it is not important because I love my job as a pharmacist


I Plan to get married




Describe what you do in your current position

Medical approvals doctor at Mediconsult medical insurance company (Exceed company -

.smart village) from 15 September 2019 to date

I receive customers calls from services providers like pharmacies labs hospitals or persons
who are registered at the company and need to use their insurance to get medications lab
.scan or even to do any surgery inside any of the contracted hospitals

I try to control the whole process, help customers and prevent any kind of abuse of the
.provided services

i receive /‫ التاريخ‬Medical approvals dammic ecsv from

ccfsplplhopwaratcantutitgmlsoetdasiaotch/itt control twphcapakoaotps



Good morning First I want to say I am sorry I couldn’t do interview when you or your
colleague called me because I had just arrived home after double shifts work and also i
. needed to revise some material to get ready for the interview



Gm first i wtsias /icdiwyoyc called m/bihjahad

/Sw/aaint revise smtgrfti



I worked in Sharm El Sheikh with Irish and English customers

I traveled to the United States and lived there for about 6 months

But I returned because of my mother death

As i had to be with my family

I attended a course in amideast general

I attended a course in British council upper intermediate conversation

I attended a course in Cisco general

I love watching foreign movies

Irish/6 months/family/attended/love

Iwisew Irish aec/ itttusaltfa 6 months

/Birbommdaihtswm family

I attended a c i a g/a c i b c uic/ a c i c g

I love w f m



We depend on mental and the intellectual effort not Physical or muscular

The more we get older, the more we get experienced

And so we do less mistakes we can get much profit for the place we work for

There is a saying or a quote about that don't consult young doctor and don't cut hair by old



/Wdomai effort npom/tmwgo tmwg experienced/aswdlmwcgm profit ftpwwf

/Tiasoa quote atdcydadchbob


True story

In the secondary school I had a friend i liked alot

At one time there was elections in the classroom

unintentionally, we were nominated against each other

I mean, there was five groups and only one succeed in every group and we were in the same
. group

The important thing is that I won by a big difference

,But I did not complete the final elections, because he was so upset and disturbed

.And we went to our homes together that day

Secondary/elections/every group/big difference/final/homes


/it secondary sihafila/aottw elections itc

Uwwnaeo/imtwfgaoosi every group awwitsg/ tititiwba big difference/bidnct final

ebhwsuad/awwto homes ttd



Imaginary story

The Wise Man

People have been coming to a wise man, complaining about the same problems every time.
One day he told them a joke and everyone laughed

.After a couple of minutes, he told them the same joke and only a few of them smiled
.When he told the same joke for the third time no one laughed anymore

:The wise man smiled and said

You can’t laugh at the

”?same joke over and over. So why are you always crying about the same problem

:Moral of the story

.Worrying won’t solve problems, it’ll just waste time and energy

/Wise/laughed/smiled/anymore/over and over


/Phbctt wise mcatspet/ odhttajae laughed

/Aacomhtttsjaoafot smiled

/Whttsjftttnol anymore

Twm smiled as/yclatsj over and over swaya crying atsp



I believe

No one is perfect

Maybe I can’t judge myself

But I can be

.A bit lazy about what I am not interested but i try to overcome this by focusing on results

Perfect/judge/not interested/results


Ibnoi perfect/mbic judge m/bicbalawia not interested/ bittotbfo results



I guess I have never had any disappointment in my Practical life

But in my personal life my mother death is a major disappointment for me

‫حتقولك تعازينا وحتقولها شكرا‬



Igihnhadim practical l/bim personal l mmdiamdfm



I have never failed in my life

But it is possible, if i do not sleep well, i cannot play football well

Or if I do something without preparation i may not do it

?the best way



Ih never fiml/biipiidn sleep w icpfw/oiidsw preparation imnditb way

‫ جمل‬٣

Hoppies / free time/ fun-14

I love to see people and to see their thinking

So I love to enter social networking sites

I go out to malls like Mall of Arabia or any mall in October alone or with my friends

I follow fashion and new in the world

Play football or watch Al Ahly and follow his news

love/2follow 2

People/malls/new/al ahly


ILts people atstt/siLtesns igot malls lmoaoamioaowmf/iffa new itw/pfow al ahly afhn




I think not my character

But I may do donations of money or clothes

Or help my colleagues and my friends



Itnm character/bicd donations omoco help mcamf

Book/ movie/character-16

I do not have anything or a special person and I do not have an example or idol

I would love to learn from everyone

and everything


/Idnhaoa special p/aidnhaeoi

Iwlt learn feae





If you want to win the lottery you have to buy the ticket

But I don't have anything to do if I win the lottery

I can do anything. anything is possible even

donating them, really I don’t know

But I will let you know if I won


Iywtwtlyhtbt ticket

Bidh anything tdiiwtl

Icdaaipe donating tridk

Biwlykii won


‫لية ماعندكش مشروع خاص‬


I think it is not my personality and i do not like it's pressure. My current thinking is to work at
.a large organization and have a career progression at it

Personality/large organization


Itiinm personality aidnlip/ mctitwaa large organization ahacpai

Academic courses i like most / least

I used to love most, what was making the difference was the paper is it written good or not



Iutl most wwmtdwt paper ii wgon


‫) شوية عشان ماكنتش باعرف اجيب‬struggle( ‫ماكنش عندى حاجة صعبة ولكن فى اول سنتين فى الكلية كنت باعانى‬
‫مصادر للمذاكرة وكنت عايز دائما اخرج مع اصحابى لكن بعد كدة عملت بجد ونهيت بجيد جدا‬
٢٠ ‫نجاوب سؤال‬-21

Difficult academic courses

Nothing particularly, but in the first two years in college I was suffering a little struggle/
because I did not know how to get sources to study from and I always wanted to go out with
my friends, but after that I worked hard and i finished with very good grade

Dacn Particularly bitftyiciwsas/bidnkhtg sources tsfaiawtgowmf/bati worked hard aifwvgg


‫ لكنى بافضل التعليم الذاتى الن لدى من الخبرة اللى يخلينى اقدر اوصل للمصادر الى حاجة عايز‬.‫لو الشغل محتاجها‬
.‫اتعلمها واقدر افهمها كويس‬

Plans for further courses

If the job needs it. But I prefer self-education I have experience to get the suitable
material for anything I want to learn and I can understand it well by myself

Pffcitj Needs i/bipsih experience tgtefaiwtlaicutw



Why you chose your major/pharmacy

It was my mother's wish. Although I was very involved in the math

.But I find it a fine and classy career and I love it very much

Wycympiwmm Wish/aiwviitmbifia fine accailivm


‫ وانا املك‬.‫ شركة رائدة فى مجال خدمة العمالء وكذلك النهدى فى الصيدلة‬teleperformance ‫انا اعلم ان شركة‬
‫المهارات والخبرة التى تؤهلنى للحصول على فرصة عظيمة للعمل معكم والذى بدورة سيساعدنى فى حياتى العملية‬
career ‫ويضعها على المسار الصحيح لبناء‬


Why you want this job

I know that teleperformance is a leader in customer service as well as Al Nahdi in pharmacy.

And I have the skills and experience that qualify me to have a great opportunity to work with
you and that will help me in my career and put me on the right track to build a career

Ikttia Leader ifsawaaip/aihtsaet qualify mthaotwwyatwhmimc/apmotrtt build a career



Why should we hire you(how would you assest the company)

I believe with( reference) to my work experience I (satisfy )all the requirements for this job. I
am sincere with my work and would never( let you down) in anyway. I promise you will
never( regret )for the decision to appoint me in your (organisation)

Ibwrtmweisat believe ftj/ia sincere wmwawnlydia/ i promise ywnfftdtamiyo


‫ جمل‬٣

‫ وباعمل بأمانة وضمير‬ethical person ‫انا‬

‫ويهمنى مصلحة الشغل وكذلك مصلحة العمالء‬

‫ويهمنى أن الشغل يكسب‬

.‫وكذلك العميل يكون راضى وسعيد بالخدمة المقدمة‬


Why did you leave your previous job

I am thankful to my current and any previous organisation i worked for, because i learned a
lot there but according to me changes are necessary for everyone to enhance skills,
knowledge, personal and financial growth and i believe teleperformance is a good platform
.where i can learn more

ia thankful tmcaapoiwfbilat/batm changes anfeteskpafg/aibtiag platform wiclm




Describe your work ethic

I am ethical person

I work honestly and conscientiously

I care about the job as well as the clients

And i want the business to earn , flourish and be in progress

.Likewise, customers to be satisfied and happy with the provided service

?Our call center is involved in activities that bend many laws. Would you work with us

Personal ethics and integrity are indispensable to me while selecting my place to work. I will
have to

.regretfully decline

/Ia Ethical piwhac/i care atjawatcaiwtbtefabip/lctbsahwtps


‫التانية لو بتقول رفض‬

Peaea Indispensable tmwsmptw/iwhtr decline




?What interests you about this position

‫ االنجليزي‬/‫ تلببيرفورمنس‬/‫النهدى‬


Describe what you do in your current position

Medical approvals doctor at Mediconsult medical insurance company (Exceed company -

.smart village) from 15 September 2019 to date

I receive customers calls from services providers like pharmacies labs hospitals or persons
who are registered at the company and need to use their insurance to get medications lab
.scan or even to do any surgery inside any of the contracted hospitals

I try to control the whole process, help customers and prevent any kind of abuse of the
.provided services

i receive /‫ التاريخ‬Medical approvals dammic ecsv from

ccfsplplhopwaratcantutitgmlsoetdasiaotch/itt control twphcapakoaotps





I have about 10 years experience in pharmacy field salary has never been a big issue for me
/i am expecting salary as company's norms as per my qualification and experience /which
can help me to maintain the standard of level of my personal and economical needs

iha 10 years eipfshnbabifm/iaesac norms apmqae/wchmt maintain tsolompaen


nm 10


Questions to ask the interviewer

Thank you for giving me this opportunity i would like to know when i could expect to hear
.from you and i want to know about the further steps of the interview process

Thank you fgmto/iwltkwicet hear fy/aiwtkatfsoti process



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