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Assault and Violence

ollege Campuses
Women Men
Among graduate
and professional
student s, 8.8%of
females experience
rape or sexual
assault through
Among graduate
and professional
st udents, 2.2%of
males experience
rape or sexual
assault through

physical fo rce, physical fo rce,

violence, or violence, or
incapacit ation . incapacitation .

student s, 23.1%of
females experience
rape or sexual
st udents, 5.4% of
males experience
rape or sexual
assault through assault through
physical fo rce, physical fo rce,
violence, or violence, or
incapacitation. incapacitation.

All Students

4.2% of students have experienced stalking since entering college.
11.2%of all students experience rape or sexual assault through
physical fo rce, violence, or incapacit ation .
Student or not, college-age adults are at high risk for sexual
Among rape survivors who stayed on campus, nearly one in three
had academic problems and more than one in five considered
leaving school.

On Campus Help
The ARISE program provides support for any UC
student who has survived rape, sexu al assau lt ,
h arassm ent, in t im at e partner violen ce, stalking, sexual
orientation or gender disc rim in at io n, and is seeking
therapy to focus on the impact of sexu al vio lence. A
student in the ARISE program will receive mental
health services at no cost. You do not need to report
your experie nces to t he Title IX o ff ic e or anyo n e else
on campus to participate in the ARISE program.

24/7 free confidential crisis phone line services : (573)


Walk-in crisis counseling M-F 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

National and State Help

National Sexual Assault telephone hotline Rape Abuse and
Incest National Network (RAINN Call 800.656.HOPE (4673)

Ohio Health Sexual assault response network 24-Hour Rape

Helpline is (674) 267.7020

Women helping women 24-Hour Hotline 573 -381-5610

National Domestic Violence Hot line; 7 -800 -79 9 -SA FE (7233)

National Teen Dating Violence Hot lin e: l -8 66 -331-9474

Protect Yourself and Others

Be skept ic al, of even those you know, and their intentions.
Trust your gut feeling.

Be courag eo u s, speak up and speak out, if you see a friend

or even a stranger in a possibly dangerous situation. Don't
be a byst an d er.

Be sm art , critically consider the issue and fact s at hand to

stay informed and a le rt . Don't be insensitive.

Sources: g o11s-sex11al-viole nce

b.ttny/ 1wwwwomenshealthmmt e.J.a.ti.Qas.hi ytsex:11al-assa1,1t -and-raneLmlJeg

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