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Primer on Case Interviews

August 12, 2013

Introduction to case frameworks
Interview Structure
Types of Case Interviews
Live Case Demonstration
Approaching the Case Interviews
Typical Fit Questions
Prep Resources
Mentorship Program
Types of Case Interviews

•Comfort with Ambiguity

Brain Teasers / •Market Size Estimation • Ability to structure
Estimation cases •Guess Estimates • Ease with numbers
• Ability to think out of box

•Market Entry • Analytical Skills
Business Cases •Growth Strategy • Ability to structure
•New Product • The big picture perspective
•Competition • Details
•In House Vs. Outsourcing
Types of cases

1. Profitability
2. Market attractiveness/market entry
3. New product/service introduction
4. Marketing a new product/service
5. Pricing a product
6. Investment decision

and many more….

Sample Case Demonstration
Approaching the Case Interviews
Approaching the Case Interviews
Approaching the Case Interviews
Approaching the Case Interviews
Approaching the Case Interviews
Approaching the Case Interviews
General Approach to a Case

1 Business Situation / Client Objectives

Issue Issue Issue

3 Hypothesis Hypothesis Hypothesis Hypothesis Hypothesis Hypothesis

4 Key Key Key Key Key Key

Question Question Question Question Question Question

5 Recommendation
General Approach Example

U.S Subsidiary of a French spring water bottler is

experiencing a drop in profits despite overall
market growth. Why?

Revenue is flat after Distribution costs

years of growth are rising

Hypothesis Hypothesis Hypothesis Hypothesis

Key Question Key Question Key Question Key Question

Not just a test of Academic skills
Skills KeyQuestions
•Is the candidate thinking creatively?
•Is the candidate demonstrating analytical horsepower?
AnalyticalSkills •Is the candidate logical, intuitive, detail oriented, big picture?

•Is the candidate comfortable discussing the multi-functional aspects of the case?
•Is the candidate examining the organizational and cultural issues as well as functional and strategic
StrategicThinking issues?
•Is the candidate approaching the problem at the right level of detail?

•Is the candidate good at organizing the information provided?

•Is the candidate good at developing a framework for analyzing the information?
StructuringSkills •Is the candidate stating assumptions clearly?

InterpersonalSkills •Is the candidate relaxed and confident?

Communication •Is the candidate engaging?

•Is the candidate a good listener?
Skills •Is the candidate asking insightful, clarifying questions?

•Attitude for team-work?

WorkingStyle •Is the candidate participatory, verbal, aggressive?
Typical “Fit ” Questions
 Walk me through your resume
 Tell me what you are most proud of on your resume
 Why are you interested in Consulting?
 Why have to chosen to interview at our firm?
 Why should we hire you?
 Are you comfortable working in teams? Any experiences to share?
 Have you demonstrated leadership in the past?
 Tell me about this high/low point on your CV
 Do you have any questions for me?
 Tell me your major strengths and weaknesses.
Prep Resources
• Casebooks
Practice Cases • Company websites
• Online content

Case Frameworks • Casebooks

• News, Blogs, Websites, etc.

Sector Info • Sector reports
• Sector summaries & rems

Personals • Placecom Questions

• Feedback NBs
Thank You

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