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model new

zone create radial-cylinder size 4 40 8 5 ...

point 0 (0,0,0) point 1 ( 0,1.5,0) point 2 (0,0,-20) point 3 ( -1.5,0,0) point 4 (0,1.5,-20) point 5 (-1.5,0,-

point 6 ( -1.5,1.5,0) point 7 (-1.5,1.5,-20) point 8 (0,0.5,0) point 9 (-0.5,0,0) point 10 ( 0,0.5,-20) point 11
(-0.5 , 0,-20) ...

group "soil" ; fill group "piles"

zone create radial-cylinder size 4 40 8 5 ...

point 0 (0,0,0) point 1 (1.5,0,0) point 2 (0,0,-20) point 3 (0,1.5,0) point 4 (1.5,0,-20) point 5 (0,1.5,-20)
point 6 (1.5,1.5,0)...

point 7 (1.5,1.5,-20) point 8 ( 0.5,0,0) point 9 (0,0.5,0) point 10 (0.5,0,-20) point 11 (0,0.5,-20)...

group "soil"; fill group "piles"

zone create cylindrical-shell size 2 40 8 4 ...

point 0 (0,0,0) point 1 (0,0.5,0) point 2 (0,0,-20) point 3 (-0.5,0,0 ) point 4 (0,0.5,-20) point 5 (-0.5,0,-20)
point 8 (0,0.45,0)...

point 9 (-0.45,0,0) point 10 (0,0.45,,-20) point 11 (-0.45 , 0 , -20) ...

group "piles" fill group "soil_int"

zone create cylindrical-shell size 2 40 8 4 ...

point 0 (0,0,0) point 1 ( 0.5,0,0) point 2(0,0,-20) point 3 (0,0.5,0) point 4 (0.5,0,-20) point 5 (0,0.5,-20)
point 8 (0.45,0,0)...

point 9 ( 0,0.45,0) point 10 ( 0.45, 0,-20) point 11 ( 0,0.45,-20) ...

group "piles" fill group "soil_int"

;c copy (3,0,0) range position (-1.5,0,-20)(1.5,1.5,0)

;c copy (3,0,0) range position (-1.5,0,-20)(1.5,1.5,0)

;c czone reflect normal (0,1,0) origin ( 0,1.5,0)range position (-4.5,0,-20)(4.5,1.5,0)

;c czone reflect normal (0,1,0) origin ( 0,3,0)range position (-4.5,1.5,-20)(4.5,3,0)

zone copy (0,0,2) range group "piles" position (-4.5, 0,-2) (4.5,4.5,0)

zone group "stem" range position (-4.5,0,0) (4.5,4.5,99)

zone densify local segment 1,4,1 range group "stem"

zone create radial-tunnel size 4 40 4 10 ...

point 0 (0,0,0) point 1 ( 0,25,0) point 2 (0,0,-20) point 3 (-25,0,0) point 4 (0,25,-20) point 5 (-25,0,-20) ...

point 6 (-25,25,0) point 7 (-25,25,-20) point 8 (0,1.5,0) point 9 (-1.5,0,0) point 10 (0,1.5,-20) point 11 ( -

point 12 ( -1.5,1.5,0) point 13 (-1.5,1.5,-20) ...

group "soil" ratio 1 1 1 1.5

zone create radial-tunnel size 4 40 4 10 ...

point 0 (0,0,0) point 1 ( 25,0,0) point 2 (0,0,-20) point 3 (0,25,0) point 4 (25,0,-20) point 5 (0,25,-20) ...

point 6 (25,25,0) point 7 (25,25,-20) point 8 (1.5,0,0) point 9 (0,1.5,0) point 10 (1.5,0,-20) point 11 (

point 12 ( 1.5,1.5,0) point 13 (1.5,1.5,-20) ...

group "soil" ratio 1 1 1 1.5

zone gridpoint fix velocity-y range position-y 0

zone gridpoint fix velocity-y range position-y 25

zone gridpoint fix velocity-x range position-x -25

zone gridpoint fix velocity-x range position-x 25

zone gridpoint fix velocity-z range position-z 0 -30

model gravity 9.81

zone initialize density 1.8

zone initialize density 0.001 range group 'stem'

zone cmodel assign mohr-coulomb

zone property bulk 8.33e4 shear 3.846e4 cohesion 0 fric 36

zone cmodel assign elastic range group 'pile' or 'stem'

zone property bulk 8.333e4 shear 3.846e4 range group 'pile' or 'stem'

zone initialize-stress ratio 0.5

zone ratio local

model solve ratio 1e-4

model save 'initial'

model new

model restore "initial"

zone property cohesion 0 fric 30 range group 'soil'

zone gridpoint initialize displacement 0,0,0

zone gridpoint initialize velocity 0,0,0

fish define tot_reac

local total = 0

loop foreach local bb gp.list

local level = gp.pos.z (bb)

if level > =0 then

total =total + gp.force.unbal.x(bb)



tot_reac = total


model history name "unbalnced" mechanical unbalanced-maximum

fish history @tot_reac

zone history name "top" displacement-x position (-0.5,0,2)

; Axially loaded pile example application

model new

model title "Axially Loaded Pile"

; Create the grid

zone create brick size 15 15 15 edge=11

zone face skin ; Label model boundaries

; Assign constitutive model and propertie

zone cmodel assign elastic

zone property bulk=5e9 shear=1e9 density=2000

; Boundary conditions

zone face apply velocity-normal 0 range group 'East' or 'West'

zone face apply velocity-normal 0 range group 'North' or 'South'

zone face apply velocity-normal 0 range group 'Bottom'

; Initial conditions

model gravity 10

zone initialize-stresses

model solve ratio-local 1e-4 ; Should be instant

; =======================================================

; =======================================================

; Specify and apply velocity to pile tip.

struct node fix velocity-x range position-z 12

struct node initialize velocity-x 0.5e-8 local range position-z 12

; =======================================================

; Set up histories for monitoring model behavior

struct node history name='disp' displacement-z position (5.5,5.5,12)

struct pile history name='force' force-x position (5.5,5.5,12)

; =======================================================

struct damping combined-local

model save 'Initial'

; =======================================================

; Apply velocity to achieve total displacement of 10e-5 m

model cycle 20000

model save 'AxiallyLoaded-1'

; =======================================================

; Include end-bearing effect

model restore 'Initial'

struct link delete range position-z 4.0

struct link create target zone group 'End' range position-z 4.0

struct link attach x=normal-yield y=free z=free range group 'End'

struct link attach rotation-x=free rotation-y=free rotation-z=free range group 'End'

struct link property x area=1.0 stiffness=5.4e11 yield-compression=2.22e5 range group 'End'

model cycle 20000

model save 'AxiallyLoaded-2'

xtrude set select "geometry"

extrude point create (0,0)

extrude point create (8,0)

extrude edge create by-points 1 2 type simple

extrude point create (8,8)

extrude edge create by-points 2 3 type simple

extrude point create (0,8)

extrude edge create by-points 3 4 type simple

extrude edge create by-points 4 1 type simple

extrude edge id 4 split (0,0.3)

extrude edge id 1 split (0.3,0)

extrude edge create by-points 5 6 type simple

extrude edge id 1 control-point add (0.15,0.15)

extrude edge id 1 control-point move 1 ([0.15*math.sqrt(2.0)],[0.15*math.sqrt(2.0)])

extrude edge id 1 type arc

extrude edge id 1 split ([0.15*math.sqrt(2.0)],[0.15*math.sqrt(2.0)]) tolerance-merge 0.01

extrude edge create by-points 3 7 type simple

extrude point create (0.13,0.13)

extrude edge create by-points 7 8 type simple

extrude edge id 6 split (0,0.15)

extrude edge create by-points 8 9 type simple

extrude edge id 4 split (0.15,0)

extrude edge create by-points 8 10 type simple

extrude block create automatic range position-x -1,9 position-y -1,9

extrude edge size 1 range id-list 7

extrude edge size 15 range id-list 7

extrude edge id 7 ratio 1.2

extrude segment index 1 length 8.1

extrude segment add position 5.1

extrude segment add position 0.1

extrude segment index 1 size 1

extrude segment index 2 size 10

extrude segment index 3 size 6

extrude block group "pile-c" slot "Construction" range id-list 3 4 5

extrude block group "clay-c" slot "Construction" range id-list 1 2

extrude segment index 1 group "remove-s" slot "Extrusion"

extrude segment index 2 group "pile-s" slot "Extrusion"

extrude segment index 3 group "clay-s" slot "Extrusion"

extrude segment index 2 node-group "base-s" slot "Extrusion"

extrude edge group "wall-c" slot "Construction" range id-list 8 9

extrude segment add position 5.628071

extrude segment index 3 position 5.6

extrude segment index 3 node-group "water" slot "Extrusion"

extrude segment index 4 group "wetclay-s" slot "Extrusion"

extrude set system u-axis (1,0,0) v-axis (0,1,0)

extrude set system origin 0 0 0.1

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