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He relation between diabetes and blood sugar

the most important thing their blood sugar . sugar consist of protein , carbohydrates , fat , and
also fiber . all of us haven to combine these elements in ratio that is suitable for our bodies .
Everybody has his or her own foot ratio . nex time , if we want it some someting , we can
start making changes in our food intake ratio. one or two hours after eating our foods , we can
measure our blood glocose level . make sure that it is within the allowable range . if it is
always above 200 mg/dl , it means we have suffered from diabetes .

tglocose always exists in our blood . our body nedds it as fuel to function well . glocose is a
simple form of sugar . it is derived from the food which we consume everyday . when the
food has reached the stomach , it will be digested and prosessed . carbohydrates , protein ,
and fat from our food are processed by our digestive system to generate energy . rxcessive
energy is changed into fat . glocose can easily be obtained from carbohydrates .

food the are categorized as the source of carbohydrates are bread , rice , grains ,pasta and
fruit . some foods such as palm sugar are classed as simple carbohydrates whereas other such
as grains and tubers are classed as complex carbohydrates . foods such as honey , white rice ,
french bread release their energy quickly . they have high glycaemic value . if we plan to
work hard during the day , we will need such foods to supply us with sufficient energy so that
we will not become weak during and after work . however , if what we do are typing and
filing , we should choose foods which contain low glycaemic value such as oats , basmati rice
and raw carrots .

when we eat foods of high glycaemic value but we don't work hard , the excessive amount of
sugars that are released will be stored in our body . to do this we need the insulin . this
hormone is produce by pancreas . insulin maintains our blood sugar ti an acceptable level . if
we always eat high glycaemic foods , we will need more insulin . more insulin is also needed
if we frequently drink alcohol . eating fast - releasung energy foods such as cereal , a cup of
coffee or apple juice will cause our sugar rises rapindly . it will trigger the release of insulin .

pancreaas may become exhaused . failure of insulin producing cells in the islets of langerhans
of pancreas leads to diabetes . to avoid this disase , we need to balance our foods so that they
will not always bring pressures to pancreas . our meal should de the the combination of foods
that contain complex carbohydrates , fiber and some protein

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